White and red dunes: the majesty of Lotus Lake in the desert. White Dunes in Mui Ne – my review

White dunes and lotus lake are among the main attractions of Mui Ne. These two attractions are located next to each other, but quite far from the village of Mui Ne itself. I would still say the main attraction is the White Dunes. And since Lake Lotus is located in the same place, it is definitely worth a visit. Red Canyon is on the way to the White Dunes. And if you are still planning on this trip, then the canyon is also worthy of no less attention.

White Dunes are located approximately 30 kilometers from Mui Ne.

You can get to them by road, the asphalt road along its entire length is of very good quality. And what’s interesting is that the road is almost always empty. Most often, along the way you can meet tourists just like you. Locals pass by much less often.

Road to the White Dunes

Directly before the White Dunes themselves, you will have to drive through a small unpaved section of the road. But it is so well-rolled that it won’t cause any problems.

Unpaved section of the road to the White Dunes

There are very beautiful landscapes. To be honest, I liked some of the views much more than the White Dunes themselves. The road also goes along the sea, past beautiful and deserted beaches. It seemed to me that the quality of these beaches is much higher than in Mui Ne itself. The water is blue and there are much fewer waves than in the village.

You can also purchase a tour to the White Dunes. This will, of course, be more expensive than an independent trip, but for those who are afraid of 60 kilometers on a motorbike, this is an excellent alternative.

What is the best time to go to the White Dunes?

Of course, the White Dunes will be magnificent at sunset. But, if you came by motorbike, it is worth considering that you will have to drive 30 kilometers back in pitch darkness. It is best to hit the road early in the morning. You can avoid the scorching sun on the way there. Be sure to lubricate all exposed areas with sunscreen with the maximum degree of protection. Why? When you ride a motorbike, you hardly feel the heat; a pleasant wind blows over you. And only when you stop can you understand how badly you were burned. Moreover, the skin burns in the most unexpected places. For example, shins, forearms, neck.

Red Canyon, Mui Ne

Red Canyon

About two-thirds of the way through is the Red Canyon. If you get carried away with the trip, you can easily miss it. We discovered the Red Canyon only on our second attempt to get to the White Dunes. The Red Canyon seems completely unattractive at first glance, but it’s worth stopping and walking towards it. As you approach the sea, it becomes higher and beautiful views open up.

White Dunes, Mui Ne

There is a gate at the entrance to the White Dunes. There is a fee to enter the territory, but the fee is rather symbolic, about 15,000 VND per person. You can safely leave your motorbike, they will definitely look after it. So here they are, the White Dunes. The view is simply mesmerizing, these are dunes of snow-white sand. White sand, blue sky, you really feel like you are in the desert. It’s very cool to climb to the very top; impressive views open up from above. During the day, the sand is very, very hot, so it’s better not to try to walk on the sand barefoot, although shoes get in the way. Despite the heat and hot sand, it’s worth climbing to the very top. Also, the Vietnamese offer to ride along the dunes on ATVs. But since we had just traveled 30 kilometers on a motorbike and the same amount still had to go back, this idea did not seem attractive to us.

There is also a small cafe where you can take a break from the road and drink cool drinks. The word cafe is probably too much for this place. More precisely, it is a canopy with tables under it. And a refrigerator with water and beer. The place is filled almost exclusively with Vietnamese. A friend like this sits near the establishment, entertaining himself as best he can.

Little libertine

Lotus Lake, Mui Ne

Lotus Lake

But Lake Lotus, unfortunately, did not impress us at all. There were no lotuses on the big lake. Although the lake itself is of course very beautiful. There were two swamps nearby with lotuses. But either it’s not the season, or the lotuses look like this... But they were just dry leaves and sprouts above the water.

Dry lotuses on the lake

We managed to capture only one blossoming lotus flower. Perhaps at the right time the lake would look fresher and more beautiful.

Our review of the White Dunes

I think the White Dunes are a must-see. Firstly, this is a good motorcycle adventure, with lots of great views along the way. The opportunity to drive through non-tourist places and see how ordinary people live.

Cowshed on the way to white dunes and lotuses
Something strange is growing in the fields
Great view, not much worse than the White Dunes

The White Dunes themselves are beautiful and truly worth visiting. Perhaps you will be able to catch Lotus Lake at the right time, then it will also be an attractive sight. Along the way you should definitely stop at the Red Canyon. By itself, it is far enough away to make a special trip to it, but on the way to the White Dunes, you should not miss the opportunity to stop at the Red Canyon.

Hi all! Winter is getting closer, many are planning a vacation or winter stay. I bought the tickets myself yesterday. Tired of freezing. Due to the approaching cold weather, the days of warm Vietnam are starting on the blog.

Articles about the sights of Vietnam will be published so that the next time the next ticket sale appears, you will already know what kind of country Vietnam is and whether you want to go there.

There was a separate post about them, but today I’ll tell you about what to see in the vicinity of Phan Thiet and Mui Ne.

Not far from Mui Ne there are Red Dunes, Red Stream, . All these attractions can be visited in 4-5 hours if you have a bike.

The closest to Mui Ne are the Red Dunes, which begin immediately behind the fishing village. You can type Red Sand Dunes Mui ne into Google and it will come up right away. These are sandy hills, the height of which reaches 50 meters.

I love the desert very much, so I was pleased with my visit to the dunes. And I advise you, it’s not all about lying on the beach or kitesurfing. Red dunes are not actually that red, but at certain times of the day they can take on a pink tint. During the day the dunes are quite yellow.

You can see the ocean from the top
Sometimes the dunes are red

The red dunes are not as spectacular as those located 35 km from Mui Ne, but from the red ones you can ride on a special sled (and in fact, ordinary oilcloths).

Local kids will be happy to offer you their device for only 30,000 ($1.5) dong for one descent or 50,000 dong ($2.5) for an unlimited number of descents. If you want to ride, be sure to bargain, because the starting price is charged at 100,000 dong.

Vietnamese children offering surfing at the entrance to the dunes

To get a pleasant surfing experience on the dunes, you need to go down not sitting, but lying on your stomach on an oilcloth, as shown in the video:

Good to know:

1. You can often read advice on the Internet that it is better to go to the Red Dunes early in the morning before dawn or in the evening at sunset, then the lighting is softest and the dunes acquire an unusual pink hue. This may be true, but there are a lot of people there at these hours.

At lunchtime there are fewer people, but very hot. If you want to be alone with the desert, then it is better to go to the White Dunes. Most tourists don't go there.

2. Wear closed shoes or sandals that will not slip off your feet. It’s not very comfortable to walk on sand in flip-flops, and it’s impossible to walk barefoot, since the sand in the desert is hot.

3. Be sure to take a hat and sunglasses. There is no shade on the dunes, the sun is merciless, especially at lunchtime.

4. Take water with you. There is a small shop near the dunes, but the prices there are higher than in Mui Ne.

5. Entrance to the dunes is free at any time of the day.

6. People may ask for money to park their bike under a shelter across the road from the dunes. We parked the bike for free a little to the side of the shed.

Red Dunes of Mui Ne, how to get there

We rode a bike, the journey from the center of Mui Ne took about 20 minutes. Buses No. 1 and No. 9 also go to the Red Dunes from Mui Ne. You can get to the dunes by bike in about 40 minutes to an hour.

Mui Ne is not only a very popular Vietnamese resort where you can lie on the beach and get hit in the head by a parachute from a kite surfer while trying to swim. There is also something to see: stunning dunes (white and red) and a magical (enchanting!) stream.

In general, you can visit all this in one day, but it’s worth staying in Mui Ne for a couple of days to take a break from moving around the country and swim in the cold sea. You can even try to learn how to surf. The climate here is very pleasant - sea air, but there is no humid suffocating heat, there is always a breeze. Plus inexpensive, pleasant hotels, supermarkets in nearby Phan Thiet, fruits, seafood, and only 6 hours from Saigon... this is probably why this place is so popular with longsteers.

There are a lot of Russians here. There are signs in Russian everywhere, menus in Russian. If you don’t want to see your compatriots during your vacation, then Mui Ne is not for you, you can try going, for example, to. This is a paradise for European/American backpackers, and there are minimal CIS citizens basking in the sun.

White Dunes of Mui Ne

There are three entrances to these dunes: two are free, one is paid (10,000 dong). First there is an arch on the left, there is free, after 100 meters there is a sign for the dunes, there is a fee, after another 100 meters there is no sign, entry is free and they ride ATVs.

There are a lot of people here, especially at sunset, but if you wander to the more distant dunes, there is no one there.

Dragging... It’s difficult to go up on the loose sand... And the wind keeps throwing sand, so you have a buff on your head, a motorcycle muzzle on your face, and glasses on your eyes. And still there is sand everywhere :)

It seems that Seryoga is about to fly away from us :)

No, it landed.

The dunes are constantly moving due to the wind

By the way, this wind can very quickly spoil photographic equipment, so we photographed all these dunes on a small, cheap point-and-shoot camera.

Red Dunes of Mui Ne

The entrance is free. On the maps they are drawn a little to the west of the circle, in reality the entrance is 100 meters to the east (that is, if you come from the sea, then to the right).

In fact, they are not as red as the sand in Hawaii or in some US national parks, but there is a red tint.

Traditionally, I protect myself from sand

And Seryoga decided not to even take off his helmet (but he still had to wash his head of sand HAHAHA!)

Fairy Stream

The motorcycle can be left on the side of the road that is closer to the sea. Behind the bridge there is a sign to the stream, we walk along it for literally 5-10 meters, to the left there are steps to the stream, take off our shoes and walk through for free. If not along the stream, then we pay 10,000 dong. The bottom is good, there are no crocodiles or leeches.

We went to the stream together with Lviv residents Dasha and Zhenya - very sincere people :) they were also in Mui Ne at that time, and Anya Fomenko introduced us to them.

Where to rent a motorcycle in Mui Ne

Motorcycle travel insurance

If you are going to Mui Ne on a two-wheeler, then keep in mind that regular policies do not cover riding motorcycles and mopeds, neither in Vietnam nor in any other country! Separate sports insurance is required. The best option is to buy an insurance policy from for active days - this is international insurance, issued online, even if you are already traveling, and covers motorcycle riding.

How to get to Mui Ne by bus

Nearest airports: Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Da Lat, Nha Trang.

To find cheap flights, I usually compare prices using several aggregators. They all have the same principle - they search for tickets in the databases of hundreds of airlines, but their databases may differ, so the price will be better in one or the other.

Mui Ne has plenty of housing options, but they are of varying quality.

Vietnam is an amazing, mysterious, sunny country. It would take a very long time to describe it. She survived the most terrible wars, restored her cities and created countless world resorts. One of the famous places is the village of Mui Ne, which is most popular among Russian tourists. It is located near the town of Phan Thiet.

More than 15 years ago this place was a virgin beach. And now there is a huge resort area stretching for 7 kilometers. Here you will see numerous bars, restaurants, shops, banks, hotels and much more.

But if you are bored and tired of constantly lying on the beach, then immediately rent a vehicle and go to the White Dunes.

It is best to take a scooter, which will cost from 5 to 10 dollars for a full day rental. It’s best to take a new, unworn bike for a couple of days, don’t spare any money. There are a lot of interesting places outside of Mui Ne.

be careful, the traffic in Vietnam is terrible. All transport moves according to its own special laws. Try not to speed and take care of yourself.

The dunes can be seen north of Mui Ne. But you shouldn’t rush into the wind along the coast, otherwise you won’t be able to avoid meeting with the police, who really like to catch tourists immediately when leaving the village. They want, as you already understood, to earn a little money. Don't have a helmet or permission to drive a scooter? Then get ready for a long explanation with government officials. But don’t be upset, because not even all local residents have the necessary documents.

Sadly, the International Driving Permit is not valid here, so be careful.

If you do get caught, then know that the law is not on your side. You will have to pay a fine of approximately $10 to $25. In the worst case, you will lose your scooter, and then you will have to explain yourself to the person who rented it for you and pay a large sum to return the vehicle.

Having reached the upper road, we turn right. Then we drive a few kilometers and turn under a bridge that you are unlikely to miss. And eventually you come to a sandy road.

The main guide will be local children, who will help you get to the dunes for a fee. Do not neglect their services, because they only cost one dollar. So for this price they will show you everything, tell you everything and even park the bike.

The first attraction will be the red stream. There is a cafeteria next to it that serves delicious mango shake. Here you can relax and admire the surrounding sights. It’s worth coming here just for the beautiful landscapes and gorgeous photographs.

In addition to the cafe, along the road there is a coastline, where you can admire the ocean, listen to the sound of the surf, and even swim if you wish. Almost every day in the morning a lot of surfers gather here, waiting for their wave.

There is also a cafe on the shore where you can drink delicious Vietnamese coffee and try local seafood.

On average, a hearty meal costs about $3.

Next along the course are the Red Dunes. They are distinguished by their bright brick color and a huge variety of boys offering large sheets for rolling down the dune. But it’s better to refuse, as they are completely useless. It is best to bypass the children and just take a quiet walk along the dunes. The most important thing on the trip is not to miss the turn to the White Dunes. Since it is completely invisible, the landmark is the wide entrance to the dirt road and numerous jeeps standing in a long row.

And here is the finish line, you just have to walk a few kilometers. The main thing is not to miss the turn again. Finally you are there.

If you arrive on a scooter, it is better to leave it in the parking lot and pay 7-8 rubles. Vehicles are always well looked after here, so you don’t have to worry about theft.

Having made your way across the lake, you can get into a small cozy park with a cafe and an ostrich farm. If it works, then stop. and ride on ostriches. A good mood is guaranteed.

ATVs will be offered on the road to the dunes. If you have extra money, feel free to rent and travel for your pleasure. The rental cost will be about $20 for twenty minutes. It’s a bit expensive for Vietnam, but the service is very popular among tourists.

After driving just a few hundred meters, you find yourself in the kingdom of the White Dunes. They can be compared to the vast Sahara Desert, if not for the cultivated fields located in the immediate vicinity. And so the dunes will plunge you into a world of fantasy and otherworldly reality.

Be sure to walk barefoot on the soft, velvety sand. You will definitely like it.

Climb to the top of the dune, and a magnificent view of the surrounding landscape will open before your eyes, and the photographs will delight you. It is highly recommended to come here in the morning or evening, to watch sunsets and sunrises. An extraordinary spectacle that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Finally, sit on the warm sand, close your eyes and hear the music of the dunes. This is exactly what a tired traveler needs after a long journey. This is truly an amazing place with an amazing atmosphere.

In fact, the white dunes are located about 50 km from Mui Ne. There are red dunes near the village. I wrote about them in. The white dunes are much further away and, in my opinion, more interesting. We rode there by bike, about 50 minutes. You can go there by taxi or buy a tour to visit the white dunes at any travel agency in Mui Ne. The road itself from Mui Ne to the white dunes is interesting, in some places it goes along the sea line. You can stop and swim on wild deserted beaches.

On the way, we stopped at a fishing village where there were many local fishermen!

As it turns out, we missed one turn!

If you're confident with a bike, go ride it. The only problem is the scorching sun. I envied those who traveled in a car with air conditioning. We found our way using a map on the iPad. There are few signs; without a map you can get lost along the roads. At the end of the article I will attach a mark on the map where the white dunes are located.

Entrance to the dunes, or rather to the base located right in front of the dunes, is paid. Perhaps you can bypass them and enter for free from the other side, but we stopped the bike in the parking lot in front of the entrance to an impromptu park, or recreation center, next to the lotus lake and paid for the entrance. Entrance to the base costs 10,000 dong, parking 5,000 dong. Even by Vietnamese standards it is very cheap. At the base itself you can rent an ATV, ride ostriches, ride a boat on a beautiful lake and relax in a cafe.

The first thing that opened up to our eyes was a beautiful lake. We saw local Vietnamese swimming in the lake. This is very helpful in this heat. There were very few people. Apparently tourists rarely get here on their own, and excursion buses arrive at a certain time. We were lucky that there was no one there except two couples of foreigners. This is such a beautiful lake:

And of course lotuses. It was not lotus season when we visited, but some flowers were still blooming.

Afterwards we went to conquer the dunes. You can take a golf car with a driver to get closer to the top. But it won’t take you to the top itself; you’ll still have to walk. The cost of such a car is 150,000 VND for 5 people. He will take you to the parking lot in front of the dunes, and then he will wait for you until you have had your fill. This is what the dunes themselves look like.

Locals say that it is best to come here at dawn. Then, as the morning sun rises, the dunes change their color from pink to snow-white. But given the distance, you need to get up very early on the road. This time there was no one on the dunes except us. A real desert.

This is what the lake looks like from the dunes:

I really wanted to ride something down into the cool water!
Later we saw many Vietnamese music videos where stars were filmed in this place. This is the real Vietnamese desert!

Mark on the map where the white dunes are located:
Yandex, Google coordinates 11.070974, 108.427585