The name Valeria origin and meaning. The meaning of the name Valeria

Synonyms for the name Lera. Valeria, Valery, Valerian, Glyceria, Cleopatra, Kaleria, Eleanor, Alera, Alara, Elara.
Origin of the name Lera. The name Lera is Russian.

The name Lera is a derivative of the name Valeria, which is translated from Latin as “born healthy and strong.” Also, the name Lera is a short form for the names Valery, Valerian, Glyceria, Cleopatra, Kaleria, Eleonora and Alera (Alara, Elara).

Lera is a bright, brave and rather authoritarian girl who often shows her discontent. But it cannot be said that it is characterized by a lack of discipline and flexibility. Lera strives to achieve success in life, so she can often be proud and a little withdrawn. The owner of the name Lera is confident in herself, the ideas in her head are so huge and large-scale that she is sure that the whole world will be at her feet. But she is not power-hungry, although she would like to be rich.

Lera is determined to achieve results, although it is difficult to say about her that she is active and dynamic. Often Lera achieves results not due to the efforts expended, but due to her confidence in success, due to her strong and unbending spirit. Those with the name Lera do not like adventure, travel, or change. Often in Lera you can find such qualities as wisdom and accuracy. She may not be aware of her strengths, but she uses them successfully.

Lera is quite curious, but more in practical terms. She is more interested in how best to go on vacation, where exactly, and not which book is more interesting. Lera loves to take risks, and would prefer risk to an ordinary and monotonous life, which will be boring to her. She loves her freedom and often manifests herself as an ardent feminist: for her, women's emancipation is not just a word!

Lera is full of temptations, she has a huge appetite and zest for life. She is convinced that life is wonderful and should not be wasted on boredom and routine. Lera is independent and, as a rule, does not need the support of others. She makes decisions easily and always knows what to do.

It is best to raise little Lera in strictness, since this little girl can quite skillfully impose her views and desires, using all methods for this - whims, jealousy, affection. You should also teach her to find a common language with other children so that she does not grow up too self-centered. Little Lera does not try to be very neat, but this is more than compensated by her intelligence and good memory.

Lera really wants to be the center of attention, to impress, so she carefully looks after herself, the latest fashion trends, and is always up to date with the latest events. She has a good taste. She imagines her life partner as a partner. Family is very important to her. Lera quite often gets married late. Lera’s house is very cozy; she prefers comfort and space. Lera is quite economical; her house, as a rule, is in exemplary order. She is very hospitable. Lera loves children very much, and children often love her in return.

Leroux is attracted to professions related to precision, where she could climb the career ladder. She often becomes a financier, accountant, manager, and finds work in banking, trade, and medicine. Lera is not devoid of creativity and strives to realize herself in the field of actress, singer, sculptor, architect, hairdresser, and designer. Often these areas become her hobby rather than her main profession.

Lera's name day

Lera does not celebrate her name day.

Famous people named Lera

  • Lera Kondra ((born 1985) Russian singer, actress and TV presenter)
  • Lera Masskva ((born 1988), real name – Valeria Masskva, until the age of 16 she bore the last name Gureeva; Russian singer, songwriter)
  • Lera Gekhner ((born 1971) jazz performer, singer, as well as actress, director, promoter and screenwriter; creator and leader of the funk show group “Lera Gekhner Band” and “NO BUDDS”)
  • Lera Kudryavtseva, Valeria Kudryavtseva ((born 1971) Russian TV presenter, actress, dancer)
  • Valeria Kozlova, also known as Lera Lera, LeRa, Lera Romantika, LeRanetka ((born 1988) Russian singer, former member of the Russian girl pop group "Ranetki" (2005 - 2008))
  • Valeria (Lera) Averbakh (Auerbach) ((born 1973) composer and concert pianist, poetess and writer)

A name is given to a person once and for life. Together with the patronymic and surname, it allows you to feel like a spiritually rich person, distinctive from others. The meaning of the name Lera will allow you to fully recognize the girl’s character and determine what fate awaits her.

Origin of the name

Lera is a name derived from Valery. It is of Latin origin and is translated as “healthy”, “strong”, “strong”. The fate of the name is quite interesting, because its roots stretch into the deep past. The name comes from the ancient family Valerius, which, in turn, was formed from valeo. According to some versions, the meaning of the name Lera must be considered taking as a basis the masculine name Valerian, which in translation means “to be healthy,” and the feminine Larisa – “pleasant,” “sweet.”

Valeria's childhood

Little Lera is a real imp who needs close attention. She is cheerful, sociable, active. Parents should pay attention to the girl’s hyperactivity and raise her strictly. Otherwise, the baby, despite her young age, will begin to push them around, imposing her own desires and views. Moreover, to achieve her goal, little Lera, whose full name is Valeria, uses all methods: admonitions, whims, tears, affection and even jealousy.

The nature of the name Lera can make a girl self-centered, so parents should definitely teach her to communicate with other children so that the baby understands that the world does not revolve only around her. The girl is not very neat, but she has ingenuity and a good memory, which covers up her other shortcomings.

Valeria's health

The meaning of the name Lera left its mark here too. Lera’s health is generally good, but she has problems with her weight. This usually happens during puberty due to hormonal changes in the body. To avoid this, a girl should be taught proper nutrition and exercise from childhood. Most often, since childhood, Valeria has a craving for dancing and aerobics, but other sports will also be useful.

Lera's school years

The girl is a mediocre student, but if she wants, she can achieve good results in all disciplines. The secret of the name Lera is that she always tries to prove her superiority, so if parents can find a teacher who will introduce a competitive and speedy element into her classes, then the girl will gladly accept the rules and learn everything perfectly. Valeria doesn’t want to study just like that, but if it allows her to become the best in the class, she will be active and win the championship.

Characteristics and fate of the name Lera

Valeria’s complex character will not become simpler even after years. The meaning of the name Lera is always present in her life. The girl is overly emotional, so most of her character traits are clearly visible. She is sensitive, vulnerable. To protect herself from insults, a girl will rarely let a stranger get close to her. At the first meeting, Lera, whose full name is Valeria, fully justifies her “masculine” meaning - she is very careful and will study the new personality for a long time and only when she is convinced of her decency will she allow herself to relax. Despite this, Valeria cannot be called a “scared sheep” or too touchy. This character trait should most likely be defined as willfulness. Sometimes dissatisfaction with an unfamiliar person so overwhelms a girl that she becomes overly sarcastic, even rude. In some cases, the reason for her behavior remains a mystery to those around her, which only she understands.

By and large, the matured Valeria is not much different from the previous eccentric little girl. She is also energetic, impulsive, inquisitive and fickle in her intentions. A girl can zealously take on several things at once, but in the end she will not complete any of them. This is quite typical for her, however, after some time Lera is ashamed of her behavior and still finishes what she started, but without fanaticism.

Valeria loves risk, preferring it to a measured and monotonous life. The girl likes to feel free, so she often manifests herself as an ardent feminist. Valeria is convinced that life is wonderful, and it is simply unacceptable to waste it on boredom, so she always finds something new to do.

The inconsistency of character over time tires Leroux herself. The girl begins to gravitate towards more balanced people who could rein her in a little.


In any team, thanks to her non-trivial approach to business, Valeria is considered a valuable employee. The ideas a girl gives out are almost always stunning in their simplicity and brevity. In addition, Lera has very developed intuition, which allows her to make decisions quickly and accurately. Therefore, even some character flaws do not prevent her from rapidly climbing the career ladder. Most often, Valeria chooses work related to children or in sales. This allows her to be around people and at the same time slightly distance herself from them due to her position.


Valeria loves to be the center of attention and please men. Therefore, she carefully takes care of her appearance, follows the latest fashion trends, dresses beautifully and can present herself. Relationships with the opposite sex are quite complex and unpredictable, and Valeria herself is always the culprit. Her attitude towards her partner can change in a matter of minutes, but the guy himself can rarely understand the reason for the change. Valeria's behavior with a man can be very different. She can have an intimate relationship with one within a couple of hours after meeting, but she won’t let another near her for several months.

Valeria is always looking for new sensations, and this also manifests itself in relationships with men. Therefore, if a partner becomes monotonous, she begins to look for variety on the side, which often leads to a break in an established relationship. Having cheated on her boyfriend, Valeria rarely feels guilty; she also does not pay attention to the gossip of others, believing that life is short enough and she should have time to take everything from it. Despite her own inconstancy, Valeria is quite jealous and can make a scene for her partner even because of a fleeting glance at another woman.


Family comes first in Valeria’s life. She is caring, economical, and will always help her husband with practical advice. She pays special attention to the comfort and relaxed atmosphere in the home. She loves to receive guests, is hospitable and cheerful. Valeria loves her children very much, and they love her back.

Compatibility of the name Lera

Valeria will have a good alliance with Andrey, Oleg, Anatoly, Matvey, Sergey.

Less successful relationships will be with Mark, Albert, Vladislav, Peter, Kirill.

What does the name Valeria mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Responsive Friendly Cheerful

Valeria Lanskaya, theater and film actress, singer

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

Origin of the name: Ancient Roman

When you're lucky: Sunday

When there are problems: environment

Important years of life: 18, 35

Zodiac sign: Cancer

Lucky number: 86

What does the name Valeria mean?

What a beautiful, euphonious name Valeria! It is widespread in Russia. The meaning of the name Valeria creates the image of a healthy, feminine and confident girl.

Valeria's character is influenced by the fact that there is a male variant that is more common than the female name. This adds both charm and femininity to the owner, as well as some boyishness in her behavior.

The energy of the name brings cheerfulness, activity and self-confidence in its bearer.

Her behavior and attitude towards people mainly depend on her mood swings and flurry of emotions. Often she herself cannot explain the reasons for sudden anger or violent joy.

Analyzing what the name Valeria means, you can feel some uncertainty, which provokes unpredictability and surprise in a woman’s behavior. Valeria appears to others as a mystery that is difficult to solve.

For bearers of a name, patronymics are suitable: Gennadievna, Semyonovna, Fedorovna, Maksimovna, Borisovna, Glebovna, Ivanovna, Denisovna, Danilovna or Matveevna.

Valeria Evgenievna loves to be the center of attention. She differs from others in her hard work and activity.

Alekseevna is balanced, distinguished by her practical mindset, and also strives for leadership. The owner of the patronymic Andreevna is overly reasonable, sometimes to the point of being boring, organized and cheerful. Dmitrievna is persistent, firm, quick-tempered, a lover of disputes and gossip.

Would you name your child this name?
Not really

Valeria comes from the male name Valery. Arguing about what the name Valeria means, one can understand that in translation the word “valeo” from Latin is interpreted as “to be healthy, strong.”

The name Valerius first appeared in the legends of Ancient Rome, telling about the reign of various emperors. It is of ancient Roman origin and was used by families of noble and wealthy residents of the city.

History introduces us to an interesting fact. In those ancient times, Roman women did not have their personal names, but were called first by the name of their father, and later by the name of their spouse. Therefore, we can assume that Lera was the daughter or wife of some Valery.

The origin of the name Valeria says a lot. For example, in Orthodoxy this is the Great Martyr Valeria of Caesarea, who was one of the first to accept Christianity and served her faith with faith and truth.

It is a known fact that they tried to force her back into paganism, but even under cruel torture she did not renounce Christ.

History names the names of famous bearers: actress Zaklunnaya, TV presenter Kudryavtseva, singer Kozlova, actress Golino, famous model Sokolova, politician Novodvorskaya, gymnast Maksyuta, actress Lanskaya, tennis player Savinykh, film director Guy Germanika.

Forms of the name Full: Valeria Short: Lera Affectionate: Lerochka Ancient: Valeria

In her early years, Valeria manifests a wayward character. She is characterized by unpredictable behavior, which is determined by her changeable mood. And no one can find the reason for such sharp changes.

Lera is a cautious girl and keeps strangers at a distance. She prefers a quiet home environment and rarely visits or attends public events.

The characterization of the name Valeria is a description of a complex and unpredictable nature.

She is characterized by inconstancy. He changes his goals, preferences, and attitude towards people quickly and often. She can praise and hate the same person. It is difficult to create strong friendships with Valeria.

She has oratory skills and loves speaking in front of the public. All professions that involve public speaking are suitable for her. The bearer of the name will create a successful career as a politician, actress, journalist, translator, TV presenter. The professions of a psychologist, teacher, fashion designer, and designer are also suitable for her. Lera can become a demanding and strict boss.

In Valeria’s description you can find out that this woman is an adventurer who loves adventures and travel.

Her financial side of life is going well due to a profitable marriage, bold financial projects or successful sales.

Valeria prefers to communicate in a small company with calm, serious people who support topics that are interesting to her and at the same time act as listeners. When the interlocutor is actively involved in the topic, the representative of the name quickly loses interest in the conversation.

Valeria has a strong character. This is a purposeful and strong-willed woman who steadfastly endures all the troubles and difficulties of life. Her firmness and determination are best demonstrated in critical situations, when a quick reaction to existing circumstances is necessary.

The secret of the name Valeria endows its bearer with activity, which goes well with her cheerful disposition and subtle sense of humor.

The character is complex and contradictory. Close people are amazed at how such a dynamic character perfectly combines such rarely compatible feelings as sentimentality and wit.

Valeria is easily excitable, quick-tempered and very restless. She dissolves so much in the raging world of feelings and emotions, which she expresses very violently, that then she may even find herself in a depressed state.

The girl has sensitivity and vulnerability: these character qualities explain her changeable behavior. She is ambitious, hardworking, but not a careerist.

Her subtle intuition is associated with rare impressionability. This woman is attractive and charming, and often uses these qualities to her advantage.

Valeria is characterized by a synthetic mindset. She is characterized by developed fantasy, rich imagination and excellent imaginative memory. This woman remembers for a long time what surprised or alarmed her.

Character Traits Responsiveness Friendliness Cheerfulness Punctuality Ability to keep promises Intemperance Touchiness Excessive ambition Unpredictability Impulsiveness

Valeria has a romantic and amorous nature.

To become her friend or husband, a guy needs to patiently and unobtrusively win the beauty’s heart. If a girl notices and appreciates a man, then in this man she will see only his best qualities and will become a faithful friend and a wonderful wife for him.

Good and bad couples Anatoly Andrey Matvey Oleg Sergey Albert Vladislav Kirill Mark Petr

In family relationships, Valeria proves herself to be an excellent housewife and loving wife. It should be noted that she is very jealous. If her husband only glances at another woman, and she notices it, then anger and resentment will completely overwhelm her. Sometimes jealousy can become the main destroyer of family happiness.

The meaning of the name Valeria for a girl

The name Lera came to us from Ancient Rome. This was the name given to girls from noble Roman families. It means "strong, strong." The meaning of the name suggests a strong-willed personality with a decisive character.

This name is a derived form of the name Valery. This only focuses the attention of others on her femininity and charm. Sometimes you can notice some boyish notes in a girl’s character.

In the 21st century, this name has become popular. Now parents widely use it to name their beautiful babies.

Valeria's character is capricious, her behavior is very unpredictable and fickle. In most cases, this is an energetic, cheerful, determined girl who can quickly change her views, mood and plans.

Valeria creates the image of a restless child who cannot sit quietly in one place. She wants to try everything, explore. She dances, runs, jumps, wants to know everything, talks incessantly.

The child is vulnerable, sensitive, impressionable. She experiences sudden mood swings. You can expect anything from this girl. It is almost impossible to predict her behavior.

What will Valeria achieve success in? During his school years, he always tries to be on time everywhere. What her performance at school will be depends only on her desire and desire to learn. She will demonstrate amazing effort in studying her favorite school subjects. Conversely, you will not force her to study a subject that she does not like. Lera can make excellent lawyers, managers, and economists. She can achieve success in professions that involve public speaking. Work in show business and in the political sphere is ideal. Lera likes work that involves constant communication. She can find her calling in the profession of a teacher, waiter, tour guide, hairdresser, psychologist, massage therapist.

When raising a girl, the demands of parents should not diverge from the case. Try to reduce the number of prohibitions. Try to react calmly to your daughter’s tricks. Include your child in all household chores. Let Valeria help her parents clean, cook, and buy groceries. Try to reinforce any positive action of the girl with praise. Don't punish physically.

What games will Valeria like? Valeria is an enthusiastic person. He enjoys visiting various circles, often changing them or visiting several sections at the same time, opposite in direction. She loves outdoor games, goes in for sports, loves to jump and run. Reads adventure and fantasy literature. Doesn't always pay attention to parents' demands.

When is the name day?

May 6 June 20 © Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo:

Characteristics of the name Valery | The secret of the name Valery

Valeria - “strong, healthy” (lat.).

Characteristics of the name Valery

If little Valeria pouts, it will last for a long time. It seems that no one gave a reason for this, but she is not in the mood. Also, for no apparent reason, after some time she will become cheerful and affectionate, and again, you should not rack your brains over why this happened - you still won’t guess.

Having matured, the mystery of the name Valery continues to remain complex and unpredictable. She is contradictory in her assessment of events and people, fickle in her intentions, which naturally irritates those around her. However, Valeria seems like this only to those who don’t know her well. Those close to her understand that the basis of her some eccentricity lies in vulnerability and increased sensitivity. No one will notice the fleeting glance cast by the husband at a woman passing by, but the secret of Valery’s name will definitely be noticed. And as a consequence of this - her abrupt and incomprehensible act to many, a decidedly deteriorated mood.

She most often treats strangers with wary distrust. In the harmless remarks of the mother-in-law, she will see a biased attitude towards herself, although another daughter-in-law in the same situation would react quite calmly.

Character of the name Valeria

Valeria is a caring, thrifty wife, everything is in order at home. He does not like to go to parties or visitors, prefers the silence of home and communication with his family. Jealous, every new woman surrounded by her husband causes her many fears and suspicions, humiliating interrogations for her husband. Jealousy characteristic of the name Valery often destroys a marriage that is successfully developing at first.

Characteristics of the name Valeria is predisposed to allergies, bronchitis; unstable nervous system.

“Winter” Valeria is harsh, excitable, and has frequent nervous breakdowns.

“Autumn” is more balanced, but still unpredictable. Can work as a fashion designer, musicologist, or guide. Suitable for middle names: Gennadievna, Fedorovna, Maksimovna, Semyonovna, Glebovna, Borisovna.

“Summer” is eccentric, conflict-ridden.

“Spring” is capricious, eccentric, always dissatisfied with something. Her calling is to be an actress, artist, singer, fashion model.

What middle name suits the name Valeria

The name goes well with patronymics: Ivanovna, Emilievna, Aronovna, Denisovna, Danilovna, Matveevna.

Valeria has an unstable nervous system because her name comes from the male Valery. I do not recommend giving girls such names.

What does the name Lera mean??? and what character???


Meaning: Translation from Latin – “strong”

Origin: This is the feminine form of the name Valery. Roman family name.

Growing up, Valeria remains just as complex and unpredictable. Constantly changes his plans, evaluates the same people and situations differently after some time. It is difficult to adapt to such a character. The basis of Valeria’s changeable behavior is slight vulnerability and increased sensitivity. Valeria’s husband only needs to take a fleeting glance at a woman passing by, and Valeria’s mood may already deteriorate and she will begin to do obscure things. He is wary and mistrustful of strangers. But the person who will patiently win her affection or unexpectedly like her will become her most devoted friend, in whom Valeria will see only good things, even if he does not deserve it.

Valeria is a good housewife, everything is in order at home. Prefers a quiet home environment, communication with family and friends. Doesn't like visiting or going to parties. Jealous, the most harmless communication between her husband and another woman arouses a lot of suspicion in her.
Suitable for allergies and bronchitis. Unstable nervous system. You should monitor the condition of your throat. Often - tonsillitis. Scoliosis and flat feet may develop.
In adulthood, she is prone to cholelithiasis. May ones are prone to gastritis.

Valeria has a complex, unpredictable character. She is driven by emotions and her behavior and reactions often depend on whether she got off the wrong foot or what happened in the last 10 minutes. She can be offended by people for no apparent reason, and her mood changes suddenly and as if out of nowhere. She can be gloomy and gloomy and after a very short time she is already cheerful and carefree, and you have no idea how and at what moment such changes occurred. She is not constant and unpredictable, she constantly changes her plans and can suddenly take off or, on the contrary, easily abandon her plans. She can change her opinion about a certain place, phenomenon or person many times, depending on the mood in which she encountered him or what new things she learned about him. She is cheerful with a good sense of humor, but has a quick temper. Any little thing can make her angry or make her jealous, but for her it will be a very good reason, so she tends to make mountains out of molehills.
It is difficult to be with her, she is easily hurt and offended, she is jealous and sensitive, which is why she often has disputes and scandals with loved ones. But what’s worse is not the scandals with fairly obvious accusations and arguments, but her incomprehensible sudden actions that she can commit under the influence of her mood. It is completely normal for her to go to an unfamiliar city alone or, for example, to shave her head. It is completely unclear what to expect from her, so it is better not to throw her off balance. She is contradictory in her desires and can simultaneously want opposite things, while she is quite purposeful and can move towards what she wants, but her own unpredictability can make her go astray at the last moment. At the same time, she is capricious and can demand more from others than they can give her. She is distrustful and is in no hurry to open up to new people, and if someone has won her trust, she will consider him a positive person from all sides, even if this is not the case. It is not difficult for her to carry out household duties, she copes with them well, and she even likes to create comfort and a warm atmosphere in the house.

Valeria is a mysterious girl, no one knows what is on her mind, what she wants or what she will do in the next minute.

Gennady gabchak

Origin of the name Lera. The name Lera is Russian.
Synonyms for the name Lera. Valeria, Valery, Valerian, Glyceria, Cleopatra, Kaleria, Eleanor, Alera, Alara, Elara.

The name Lera is a derivative of the name Valeria, which is translated from Latin as “born healthy and strong.” Also, the name Lera is a short form for the names Valery, Valerian, Glyceria, Cleopatra, Kaleria, Eleonora, Alera (Alara, Elara).

Lera is a bright, brave and rather authoritarian girl who often shows her discontent. But it cannot be said that it is characterized by a lack of discipline and flexibility. Lera strives to achieve success in life, so she can often be proud and a little withdrawn. The owner of the name Lera is confident in herself, the ideas in her head are so huge and large-scale that she is sure that the whole world will be at her feet. But she is not power-hungry, although she would like to be rich.

Lera is determined to achieve results, although it is difficult to say about her that she is active and dynamic. Often Lera achieves results not due to the efforts expended, but due to her confidence in success, due to her strong and unbending spirit. Those with the name Lera do not like adventure, travel, or change. Often in Lera you can find such qualities as wisdom and accuracy. She may not be aware of her strengths, but she uses them successfully.

Lera is quite curious, but more in practical terms. She is more interested in how best to go on vacation, where exactly, and not which book is more interesting. Lera loves to take risks, and would prefer risk to an ordinary and monotonous life, which will be boring to her. She loves her freedom and often manifests herself as an ardent feminist: for her, women's emancipation is not just a word!

Lera is full of temptations, she has a huge appetite and zest for life. She is convinced that life is wonderful and should not be wasted on boredom and routine. Lera is independent and, as a rule, does not need the support of others. She makes decisions easily and always knows what to do.

It is best to raise little Lera in strictness, since this little girl will quite skillfully be able to impose her views and desires, using all methods for this - whims, jealousy, affection. You should also teach her to find a common language with other children so that she does not grow up too self-centered. Lera is not very neat, but this is more than compensated by her intelligence and good memory.

Lera really wants to be the center of attention, to impress, so she carefully looks after herself, the latest fashion trends, and is always up to date with the latest events. She has a good taste. She imagines her life partner as a partner. Family is very important to her. Lera quite often gets married late. Lera’s house is very cozy; she prefers comfort and space. Lera is quite economical; her house, as a rule, is in exemplary order. She is very hospitable. Lera loves children very much, and children often love her in return.

Leroux is attracted to professions related to precision, where she could climb the career ladder. She often becomes a financier, accountant, manager, and finds work in banking, trade, and medicine. Lera is not devoid of creativity and strives to realize herself in the field of actress, singer, sculptor, architect, hairdresser, and designer. Often these areas become her hobby rather than her main profession.

Svetlana berdnikova

The meaning of the name is not immediately clear to Russians (unlike Svetlana, Naidyona, Lyudmila) - which means it is not Russian. since it is a derivative of the masculine Valery - expect manifestations of masculine firmness, directness in expressing your opinion.

Valeria Shakhraeva

What does the name Lera mean???

The name Lera is a derivative of the name Valeria, which is translated from Latin as “born healthy and strong”
Character: Little Valeria has an unpredictable character. Her behavior depends on which foot she got up from. For no apparent reason, he can become offended by something and be in a bad mood for a long time. After some time, she will become cheerful and carefree, and it is difficult to understand why such a change occurred.
Details here


The meaning of the name Valeria
From Latin - strong, healthy.
Valeria is unpredictable. Sometimes her behavior literally depends on
of which foot she got up from. If little Valeria pouts, then this
for a long time. It seems that no one gave a reason for this, and Valeria is not in
spirit. Also, for no apparent reason, after some time it will become
cheerful and affectionate, and again there is no need to rack your brains over why this
happened - you still won’t guess.

Zaycheg is sunny

Meaning: Translation from Latin - “strong” Origin: This is the feminine form of the name Valery. Roman family name. Character: Little Valeria has an unpredictable character. Her behavior depends on which foot she got up from. For no apparent reason, he can become offended by something and be in a bad mood for a long time. After some time, she will become cheerful and carefree, and it is difficult to understand why such a change occurred. Growing up, Valeria remains just as complex and unpredictable. Constantly changes his plans, evaluates the same people and situations differently after some time. It is difficult to adapt to such a character. The basis of Valeria’s changeable behavior is slight vulnerability and increased sensitivity. Valeria’s husband only needs to take a fleeting glance at a woman passing by, and Valeria’s mood may already deteriorate and she will begin to do obscure things. He is wary and mistrustful of strangers. But the person who will patiently win her affection or unexpectedly like her will become her most devoted friend, in whom Valeria will see only good things, even if he does not deserve it. Valeria is a good housewife, everything is in order at home. Prefers a quiet home environment, communication with family and friends. Doesn't like visiting or going to parties. Jealous, the most harmless communication between her husband and another woman arouses a lot of suspicion in her. Suitable for allergies and bronchitis. Unstable nervous system. You should monitor the condition of your throat. Often - tonsillitis. Scoliosis and flat feet may develop. In adulthood, she is prone to cholelithiasis. May ones are prone to gastritis. Valeria has a complex, unpredictable character. She is driven by emotions and her behavior and reactions often depend on whether she got off the wrong foot or what happened in the last 10 minutes. She can be offended by people for no apparent reason, and her mood changes suddenly and as if out of nowhere. She can be gloomy and gloomy and after a very short time she is already cheerful and carefree, and you have no idea how and at what moment such changes occurred. She is not constant and unpredictable, she constantly changes her plans and can suddenly take off or, on the contrary, easily abandon her plans. She can change her opinion about a certain place, phenomenon or person many times, depending on the mood in which she encountered him or what new things she learned about him. She is cheerful with a good sense of humor, but has a quick temper. Any little thing can make her angry or make her jealous, but for her it will be a very good reason, so she tends to make mountains out of molehills. It is difficult to be with her, she is easily hurt and offended, she is jealous and sensitive, which is why she often has disputes and scandals with loved ones. But what’s worse is not the scandals with fairly obvious accusations and arguments, but her incomprehensible sudden actions that she can commit under the influence of her mood. It is completely normal for her to go to an unfamiliar city alone or, for example, to shave her head. It is completely unclear what to expect from her, so it is better not to throw her off balance. She is contradictory in her desires and can simultaneously want opposite things, while she is quite purposeful and can move towards what she wants, but her own unpredictability can make her go astray at the last moment. At the same time, she is capricious and can demand more from others than they can give her. She is distrustful and is in no hurry to open up to new people, and if someone has won her trust, she will consider him a positive person from all sides, even if this is not the case. It is not difficult for her to carry out household duties, she copes with them well, and she even likes to create comfort and a warm atmosphere in the house.

Greetings, my dear readers! As I promised earlier, let's continue talking about names. Today we’ll talk about what the name Valeria means. Among you, I think, there will be readers with such a wonderful name.

Let's take a closer look at where the name came from, what it means, what it gives to its owner, and much more.

Ancient Roman names are very beautiful. One of them is Valeria. Where did it come from? The history of its origin is very interesting. This ancient name has been known for more than 2500 years. It originates from the ancient Roman family of Valeriev.

The name Valeria originates from the male name Valery, which has Latin roots. It comes from “Valeo,” which is Latin for “strong, healthy.”

Popularity of the name Valeria

The name began to spread in the fifties of the last century. Before this period, it was considered ecclesiastical. Now it is widespread in the CIS countries. Lera is the short name for this name. Foreign language synonyms are Valere and Valerie.

Characteristics of a name by season

Valeria "winter"

She is very excitable and prone to nervous breakdowns. Small problems for her develop into a big tragedy, and therefore she often cannot find a common language with the people around her. But, since she is a woman of principle, this can give her inner strength.

Valeria "spring"

This capricious woman is most often lonely. Her great popularity among men makes her a self-confident person.

Valeria "summer"

She is quite cunning, mercantile, and careful. Will achieve his goals, especially when they promise benefits. Summer Lera with her principles and concepts does not always meet the standards of ethics and morality.

Valeria "autumn"

Restrained, calm and balanced. It is not easy to get her out of patience, since she answers any question with a reasonable answer. She, hiding her feelings and emotions, creates problems in relationships with representatives of the stronger sex.

What does the name Valeria mean in childhood?

The funny, sunny child Lerochka quickly makes friends and can play outdoor games with them all day long. Even as a child, she loves to help her mother, and also to repeat after her mother everything that she does.

The unpredictability of Lerochka’s character has been felt since childhood. The girl is capable of unexpectedly getting upset. But before mom and dad understand what’s going on, the baby becomes cheerful again.

Valeria has been impulsive and purposeful since childhood. Even at school, she tries to prove herself as best as possible and compete with others. For a girl, this is an incredibly strong incentive to study well.

The artistic and talented Lera takes part in school celebrations and attends various clubs. The girl has a generous, kind, sympathetic nature. Lerushka loves close people, relatives very much and is always devoted to her friends.

Characteristics for girls and women

Do you know that girls with this name have a great desire for self-affirmation, which is the main driving element in her career?

Adult Valeria is an exemplary, honest worker. The girl finds true friends at work. Thanks to her, the team becomes more friendly and united.

The character of the bearer of the name is peculiar . Lerushka is a woman with many positive, funny qualities. The strongest character traits include:

  1. Love of life;
  2. Focus;
  3. Communication skills;
  4. Impetuousness;
  5. Inspiration, sensitivity;
  6. Wit.

As an adult, her mood changes quickly again. She goes to the most extremes and does not control mood swings, which affect the significance of the name, fate and character. One second Lera can be cheerful and sweet, and the next - gloomy. She is unpredictable, extraordinary.

Do you know how its stability is manifested? In her sincerity. She hates lies and hypocrisy. The next interesting fact is that, being a great friend, Lerusya can also become an implacable enemy if betrayed.

Bearers of the name are vulnerable, sensitive. It is very easy to offend them both with words and actions. Sometimes this is precisely the reason for her unexpected outbursts.

Another, no less important characteristic is determination, self-confidence, and determination. But it happens that in life she is caught by laziness. Fortunately, this time does not last long.

What does Valeria mean in church terms?

In Orthodoxy this name is not changeable. It is ecclesiastical and allowed for baptism. Valeria's name day falls on March 31, April 28, May 6, June 6, 7, 20, December 9. According to the calendar, you can determine who will become the patron saint of the girl.

Family in Lera's life

This name can really make a difference. You ask: what path in life does it suggest? Correct question. I'll try to answer it.

Valera devotes a big place in her life to family. She will become a devoted companion to her husband, as well as a strong support in difficult times. Lerushka adores children and raises them with great pleasure.

She is a rather jealous person, perfectly notices the indifferent glances of her envious women.

Valeria in different languages

The translations of this name in different languages ​​are interesting. So, in Belarusian it is Valeriya, in Ukrainian it is Valeria. Valeria sounds very unusual in Japanese - Ba-re-ri-a. Isn't that interesting?

Valeria's name spelled out

This original and beautiful name is often heard in poems and congratulations.

Let's see what this name means in letters:

B - love of life, optimism, moderately sociable, attractive.

A - loves to lead, do something new, strives to provide external and internal comfort.

L is the letter of creation and creativity, which speaks of good taste.

E - independence of views and thoughts, self-expression through communication.

P - some flexibility of character, patience with work.

And - inspiration, the desire to live and exist in harmony with the world around us.

I am self-esteem, a rich inner world.

Look video “The meaning of the name Valeria - The secret of the name” :

Origin of the name Valeria: translated from Latin valeos means “healthy”; the name of the science of valeology comes from the same root. Therefore, Valeria means “healthy woman.” The male name Valery has the same meaning. The name Valeriev was borne by a dynasty of Roman patricians.

Short form of the name Valery: Lera, Lerusha, Lerik, Lerka, Valerka, Kaleria (obsolete).

Foreign form of the name Valery alone and sounds like Valerie. This name is common in the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany and other countries. The short form of the name Valerie in the US and UK is Val.

Name day Valeria is celebrated on May 6 (April 23, old style) and June 20 (June 7, old style).

Characteristics of the name Valery

Positive traits of the name: responsiveness, friendliness, cheerfulness, punctuality, ability to keep promises. In communication, Valeria is a fireworks person; she is able to ignite others with her vital energy. He is often a leader in a team. Valeria is witty, she knows how to maintain a conversation and interest her interlocutor. The owner of this name is empathic, she tends to pass through the problems of others, which is why she is often exposed to stress. Valeria is a naturally unselfish person; she enjoys helping people just like that. However, if the one to whom her kindness is directed does not appreciate it, he will no longer receive help from Valeria.
Negative traits of the name: lack of restraint, touchiness, excessive ambition. In the heat of emotions, Valeria can commit rash acts, which she later greatly regrets. Lera's unpredictability of character often creates problems for her in her personal life. Valeria is the person whose mood changes every minute. Because of this, it is difficult to please her, because Valeria often does not know what she needs at the moment.
Choosing a profession by name. In everything related to her career, Valeria is very active. She enthusiastically takes on the most difficult tasks, stimulating others to productive work by her example. He treats overtime work calmly if he understands that it is impossible to do without it. Finance is the specialization where Valeria can express herself most fully. Those with the name Lera make responsible cashiers, sales consultants, credit experts, and marketers.
The influence of a name on business. In everything related to business, Valeria adheres to the rule: “he who does not take risks, does not drink champagne.” However, Valeria’s ability to make risky decisions should not be confused with recklessness: businesswoman Lera tries not to invest money in obviously failed businesses and always weighs the pros and cons before concluding a deal.
The influence of the name on health. Since Valeria is a very active person in life, and her day is usually scheduled minute by minute, there is often no time left for her health. Lera does not care about the prevention of seasonal diseases and often pays for it by falling ill during the rampant epidemics of influenza and other viral infections.
Psychology named after Valery. For the owner of this name, it is important that her close people live on the same wavelength with her. Therefore, the man who plans to connect his life with Valeria will need to get used to the active rhythm of her life. He should also be prepared for the fact that Lera can sometimes stubbornly impose her point of view.
Name compatibility. Most people named Valeria are bright, showy women who are popular with the opposite sex. They like the attention of men and see nothing wrong with coquetry and light flirting. However, if there is a man nearby whom Lera loves and respects, she will never go too far. The stars predict a successful union for Valeria with Evgeny, Leo, Valentin, Maxim, Andrey; marriages without mutual understanding are likely with Ilya, Rodion, Zakhar and Gregory.

Famous people named Valery

  • Valeria Zaklunnaya (Soviet theater and film actress);
  • Valeria Kudryavtseva (TV presenter, actress);
  • Valeria Kozlova (singer, ex-member of the Ranetki group);
  • Valeria Golino (actress);
  • Valeria Sokolova (model);
  • Valeria Novodvorskaya (politician);

Patron planet of Valeria: Venus.

Favorable color for the owner of the name Valery: Sky blue color, emphasizing her spirituality, green.

Valeria's favorite colors: blue, red, sometimes steel.

Valeria's talisman stones: emerald, jasper.

History of the name Valery

Valeria is the female version of the name Valery (Latin “valeo” - to be healthy). In the Orthodox calendar, the name Valeria corresponds to Kaleria. The day of remembrance of the martyr Kaleria, who prays for all her namesakes, is June 20. There is a secret and inexplicable harmony between a person’s name and the events of his life. The name itself, its historical and spiritual content influence a person who, wittingly or unwittingly, in some way imitates the saint of the same name. On the other hand, the saint also patronizes those who bear a common name with him.

The meaning of the name Valeria

Valeria is proud of herself, full of self-esteem. Usually Valeria has lush, unruly hair, lazy grace, and cat-like softness in her movements. Valeria loves to be the center of attention, and her desire to dominate is noticeable. It seems that she has perfectly learned to understand the complexities and vicissitudes of other people’s lives, but she just can’t figure out her own.

Valeria is extremely sensitive to what others think about her. Valeria's generous, regal nature is best demonstrated when she receives guests in her own home. Valeria is a caring, thrifty wife, everything is in order at home. He does not like to go to parties or visitors, prefers the silence of home and communication with his family.

Valeria is unpredictable. Sometimes her behavior literally depends on which foot she got up from. If little Valeria pouts, it will last for a long time. It seems that no one gave a reason for this, and Valeria is not in the mood. Also, for no apparent reason, after some time she will become cheerful and affectionate. And again, don’t rack your brains about why this happened: you still won’t guess. Since childhood, she needs to control herself. Having matured, Valeria continues to remain complex and unpredictable. She is contradictory in her assessment of events and people, and inconsistent in her intentions. Often, for greater courage, he demonstrates his anger in order to impress others. Overly self-confident. Valeria has a predominantly wary and distrustful attitude towards strangers.

At times Valeria is overly straightforward, sometimes too dogmatic in her judgments. Expresses his feelings extremely violently, after which long-term depression sets in. However, if you have the patience to win her affection or are simply lucky enough to like her, you will get the most devoted friend who will stubbornly see only the good in you, even if you don’t deserve it.

Anyone who wants to penetrate deeper into Valeria’s character will see that the basis of Valeria’s somewhat eccentric behavior lies in her vulnerability and increased sensitivity. Valeria has a well-developed imagination, excellent figurative memory, and remembers for a long time what amazed or alarmed her. She is charming and charming and knows how to use these qualities perfectly.

She handles money too freely; she can spend a fortune on pleasures and entertainment and rarely refuses those who ask her for a loan. Valeria never has a golden mean: if she works, then hardly anyone can keep up with her, if she loves, then selflessly. Valeria is very sexy, she cannot imagine her existence without love. She is sentimental and, depending on the state of her love affairs, is either happy or heartbroken. But usually everything ends well: Valeria either makes peace with her lover, or finds a new one and shines again. Valeria needs a strong, reliable friend who can shelter her from life's storms. She is jealous: she will definitely notice a fleeting glance thrown by Valeria’s husband at another woman. And the consequence of this can be a decidedly worse mood. Valeria's jealousy often destroys an initially successful marriage. As for fidelity, she will maintain it, but for deception she will repay the unfaithful with the same coin. Often Valeria is unlucky in life because she does not know what she wants.

Valeria tends to help people, but sometimes she fails. Nevertheless, she should choose a profession related specifically to communicating with people. Valeria is talented and can also realize herself in a creative profession.

Symbols of Valeria in the natural world are cherry blossoms, the tree of wisdom and happiness, and the cicada.

In numerology the name Valeria corresponds to the number 3, symbolizing talent, versatility, cheerfulness, indicating artistic talent, subtle perception of beauty, interest in sports.

Famous in the history of Valeria

In Ivan Bunin’s story “Zoyka and Valeria,” one of the main characters is beautiful and charming: “She was very pretty: strong, well-spoken, with thick, dark hair, with velvet eyebrows, almost fused, with menacing eyes the color of black blood, with a hot a dark blush on a tanned face, with a bright shine of teeth and full cherry lips. Her hands were small, but also strong, evenly tanned, as if slightly smoked. And what shoulders!” Of course, everyone is in love with her. And the main character, who is also in love with her, watches her in surprise and cannot predict what she will do next. She either talks a lot or withdraws. Sometimes he brings you closer to you, sometimes he pushes you away. The name of this heroine is, of course, Valeria.

Valeria Barsova is a singer, coloratura soprano, who graced the stage of the Bolshoi Theater for many years.

Valeria Novodvorskaya is a politician and passionate advocate of democracy.

Valeria Alekseeva-Prokop is an actress of the Omsk Drama Theater.

Valeria is the stage name of singer Alla Perfilova.