Social inequality arguments. Arguments from literature on the topic: Man outside society

“Every event is subjective: it is not what it means; it's what it means to you,” says philosopher Richard Bach. What if this is the subjective opinion of an expert checking your essay on the Unified State Exam? How to avoid losing points?

Controversial Essay Topics

In the section of preparation for writing an essay on the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2015, we discuss various aspects and difficulties of this task (36 according to). One of them is the subjectivity and controversy of some topics. And here it is important for the applicant not to lose points during the subjective check of the essay. Let us remind you that the essay is checked by at least two, and if there are discrepancies of several points in their assessment, a third expert is involved.

One of our recommendations for proper preparation for writing an essay is the need to show your essays to several teachers, essay specialists. This is what our group members do, for example.
, where they have the opportunity to regularly access our expert recommendations in the relevant topic.

Indeed, as Arthur Schopenhauer said: “When two people act in the same way, the result is still not the same thing.” It is always useful to look at both your essay and the controversial quotes offered by essay topics on the Unified State Exam. It is not for nothing that when testing the theoretical criterion K2, the ability to show different aspects of the problem being raised is valued. This is always a plus in the eyes of an expert!

So, I propose to look from different points of view at one of these controversial quotes on a complex problem. Tested by the teacher of preparation courses for the Unified State Exam in social studies, this will help us National Research University Higher School of Economics(NRU HSE). Its author is the editor of our public Nadira. Out of 5 possible essays, the essay was scored 4 points. K1-1, K2-1, K3-2. Let's remember at the same time the criteria for checking essays on the Unified State Exam.

Consequently, a point was lost for theoretical argumentation:

Essay on nationalism.

The topic of the essay was as follows: Here is Nadira's essay:

I see the meaning of Shevelev’s statement in the fact that patriotism can also manifest itself in a negative form. The problem of ethnosocial conflicts and interethnic relations has always existed, and still exists today.
As we know, an ethnos is a large social group, distinguished by nationality and united by a common historical path, traditions and cultural characteristics. A nation is the highest type of ethnic group, a people with developed statehood and a single economic space. Nationalism is the ideology, politics, psychology and social practice of isolation and opposition of one nation to others, propaganda of the national exclusivity of a separate nation. As a rule, such an ideology does not lead to anything good.

Indeed, nationalism at the state level leads to what we see now in the example of the United States. Considering itself a superpower, the United States does not take into account the opinions of other states at all, always imposing only its own opinion. We can see what this leads to from the examples of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. All cultured Europeans behave in exactly the same way. All of them have a strong consciousness not of their universal mission in world history, but of national pride and national predation.
Nationalism always leads to bloody clashes and wars when the interests of two ethnic groups collide over the possession, for example, of some disputed territory. This can be seen in the example of the conflict between Azerbaijanis and Armenians over the possession of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Everywhere in everyday life we ​​see manifestations of nationalism. Intolerance towards people of other nationalities, unwillingness to see them in one’s country for whatever reason, leads to cruelty. For example, a friend of my family, a native of Karakalpakia, now a citizen of Russia, was attacked by skinheads and miraculously survived.

Thus, we see that nationalism, as a manifestation of complete disrespect for other ethnic groups, brings only misfortune and, as Shevelev says, is an expression of hatred towards other nations.

The teacher's comment was: “ Patriotism can also manifest itself in a negative form,” she wrote that this is a dubious statement and there is no argument.

As an expert, I certainly agree with the essay's high praise. At a minimum, it clearly and consistently fulfills all three criteria, and this is the main thing. But I would note that the topic itself is extremely controversial. About nationalism This is a “slippery” topic, everyone understands it differently. Therefore, I would advise here to reveal 2 aspects of the problem (healthy nationalism and nationalism turning into hatred), in this case.

Also, the example about the USA seemed controversial. Rather, Americans do not put themselves above others, they simply have the feeling that everyone needs them. For example, the writer Nikolai Zlobin in his book “How People Live in America” writes that Americans are surprised how it is not possible to establish power in a country where such educated people live. This system works well for us, the Constitution has not changed since its founding, so take our system, it works! My opinion Nationalism in the USA is stupid (as in Russia itself), they are all people of different nationalities.

And most importantly, I am a supporter of the concept of NATIONALISM. Healthy respect for the history and traditions of one’s people without demonstrating blatant disdain for others. Without extremes, in the form of Nazism,

Now let’s try to give our own example of an essay on this topic, only from the opposite position respect for healthy nationalism. Accordingly, we will disagree with the author of this quote “Nationalism is not love for one’s own nation, but hatred of another’s.” Let's write it this way!

We argue with the author of the quote!

So, let's start fulfilling the criteria:

“Nationalism is not love for one’s own nation, but hatred of another’s.” (I.N. Shevelev).

We have completed criterion 1, Now let's move on to the theory on the topic.

So we are at the theoretical level (criterion 2), using the terms ( , showed their vision of the problem. Let's move on to argumentation and facts.

Unfortunately, even today there are people who consider such views to be true and attack emigrants and people of a different skin color. A number of trials against them are constantly taking place in Russia and Germany. In our country's schools, tolerance lessons are constantly held; children are explained that Nazism is one of the threats to the integrity of our country.

Now we will show another aspect of the problem, in conclusion substantiating our point of view, which is different from the author’s.

Emperor of Russia Alexander the Third. 1881-1894


Here is our essay in full:

“Nationalism is not love for one’s own nation, but hatred of another’s.” (I.N. Shevelev).

A person’s belonging to a particular nation is his ethnic characteristic. It largely determines his worldview, understanding of history, choice of traditions and principles of raising children. Peoples and nations that formed in ancient times also differ in mentality - special qualities inherent in their representatives. For example, Russians are generous, Japanese are hardworking, Americans are businesslike.

It seems to me, therefore, that nationalism cannot be a purely negative phenomenon. Love for the history of one’s country, knowledge of traditions, the desire to defend the interests of one’s people are the most important qualities in the modern world of “Westernization”, the dominance of alien values ​​imposed from the outside.

Of course, nationalism is terrible, turning into Nazism - the ideology of hatred towards people of other nations, a feeling of unfounded superiority. History has given terrible examples of how states and peoples who practiced Nazism in politics destroyed other peoples. The extermination of Armenians by the Turks in 1915 and the extermination of Jews by Nazi Germany in 1939-1945 is recognized as genocide.

Unfortunately, today there are people who consider such views to be true and attack emigrants and people of a different skin color. A number of trials against them are constantly taking place in Russia and Germany. In the schools of our country, lessons on tolerance are constantly held; children are explained that Nazism is one of the threats to the integrity of our country.

For me, “healthy nationalism” is a phenomenon that consolidates the country. It should be manifested in promoting among young people the values ​​of patriotism and the country’s historical traditions. For example, during the year, a historical-Orthodox exhibition dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the House of Romanov was organized in many cities of the country, and historical series about the Romanovs were shown on central television. These events aroused great interest and became modern phenomena that united the country.

In conclusion, I will cite two statements by the Russian Tsar Alexander III, the man who, during his 13 years of reign, united the country in difficult conditions of internal and external threats, nicknamed by the PEOPLE the Peacemaker. He said that “... Russia has no allies, they are afraid of our enormity” and that “... Russia has only two allies - its army and navy.” For me, he and his leadership are an example of the fact that nationalism can be a factor of cohesion and unity of the country, and not just a source of division and hatred!

So, we have written another essay for our collection of essays to prepare for the Unified State Exam 2015 in social studies! What did we do about it?

1. Wrote another polemical essay.

2. Learned to express their point of view, different from the author’s.

3. We selected arguments both from the history course and from personal social experience (tolerance lessons in schools, an exhibition and TV series about the Romanovs).

Also, we realized that there are topics that are really difficult for the Unified State Exam essay format and are very subjective in essence. Verification here will often depend on the ideological and worldview preferences of the expert. Therefore, in conclusion: choose quotes in an easier way!

And for your homework, here’s another controversial quote from the field of sociology. Try writing an essay on it in the comments to this analysis or in our group topic
, dedicated essay.

“Inequality is as good a law of nature as any other” (I. Scherr).

  1. Nadira

    “Inequality is as good a law of nature as any other” (I. Sherr)

    This statement should be considered by us from the point of view of sociology, a science that studies society as an integral system. In this case, the problem of social inequality arises.

    I see the meaning of the statement in the fact that if we observe inequality in the environment, then it is necessary, both for nature itself and for society.

    It must be said that equality is initially impossible, since people are born with different characters, therefore, one achieves more than the other due to their character traits or due to circumstances. That is, social status inevitably becomes different. History does not know a society without social inequality . There has always been a struggle between parties, people, groups, classes, a struggle for the possession of greater social opportunities, advantages and privileges. That is, inequality, in other words, social stratification is different access of people and social groups to social benefits, such as power, wealth, education. For example, until the mid-19th century, women in Russia did not have access to education, and inequality reigned in society.

    Inequality forces you to change your position and fight for your rights. An example is Nelson Mandela's struggle against apartheid in South Africa, for which he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Currently, the rights of the white and black population in South Africa are equal.

    Unequal conditions push people to achieve and develop themselves. For example, one of the AIF articles talked about a blind husband and wife who, despite their illness, managed to build their own business. Thus, they changed their social status.

    Thus, inequality is a blessing, as it is a very strong incentive for society to move forward and for its development.

  2. Post author

    Nadira, thank you for the well-measured and informative essay! It is clear that you clearly understand what the expert wants to see in the essay and follow the verification criteria!
    But, unfortunately, the polemical essay didn’t work out... we couldn’t argue with the quote ((
    But it was possible to completely agree with the author’s thought; the problem was correctly identified, the meaning of the statement was revealed, and three arguments were given (from history and social reality).
    The only serious mistake from the point of view of scientific social science is the idea that inequality depends on the character of a person. For example, an emotional person and his non-emotional competitor in the struggle for a career could achieve equal results. Success would depend on other factors (level of education, marriage and clan ties, origin, for example).
    Although the idea is generally correct (people are not equal by nature - a physically strong person can become an Olympic champion, a weak one cannot). But.. You didn’t argue it.
    This is a reason to reduce the score for theoretical argumentation. “The presence of provisions that are erroneous from the point of view of scientific social science leads to a decrease in the score for this criterion by 1 point (from 2 points to 1 point or from 1 point to 0 points)” (from the 2015 demo version).
    Thus, K1-1, K2-1, K3-2.
    I hope we can still argue in the essay, Nadira)
    Who can come up with a truly polemical essay on this topic?

  3. Alina

    A country deprived of laws and freedoms is not a kingdom, but a prison, with captive peoples

    The author touches on the problem of undemocratic regimes, in which the rights and freedoms of citizens are absent or severely limited. Under such regimes, the people must submit to an ideological regime or be under the influence of a rigid authoritarian leader.

    I agree with Glinka’s opinion, because in the absence of rights and freedoms, a state cannot be democratic, but turns into either an authoritarian or totalitarian state.

    Totalitarianism presupposes an apparatus of repression that punishes citizens if they deviate from the ideology accepted in the country. This is how a totalitarian regime developed in the USSR, under which a person could be shot or exiled for expressing an opinion that differed from the Stalinist ideology. This is how people’s freedom of speech was limited.

    An authoritarian regime presupposes the presence of a leader who suppresses the opposition. Under such a regime, the people do not have the right to interfere with power. So in imperial Russia, when the famous poet and writer Pushkin wrote his novel Eugene Onegin, it was subject to strict censorship and aspects related to power were removed from it.

    Thus, we can conclude that a country in which the people do not have rights and freedoms is subordinate to the authorities and cannot freely express their opinions and exercise their will.

  4. Post author

    Alina, I don’t understand your decision to post this essay here. The request was to try to write a polemical essay on the given quote “Inequality is as good a law of nature as any other” (I. Scherr).
    It is also advisable to write the author of the quote immediately after the quote itself. Also, the names of states are written with a capital letter - USSR. Please observe the ethics of writing answers on the pages of the site, otherwise you will be denied access to the possibility of comments.

    Briefly about your essay - write specifically what the author wants to say, your understanding of the quote. This is not stated directly in the text; there may be problems with K1.

    According to K2, you do not provide an understanding of key terms (ideology, if this is the meaning of the quote in your opinion, authoritarian leader). In general, of course, there should be an understanding of rights and freedoms, and a brief listing of them. Another aspect of the problem is not indicated (for example, the ability of the population to overthrow such a regime by fighting for their rights and freedoms).

    In K3 you give two one-dimensional examples from history. For them you will receive 1 point.

    In total, given an acceptable expert position for you, you would receive K1-1 (could have been 0), K2-0, K3-1.
    The essay should be rated weak. Good luck and practice your essay with us.

  5. Ildar

    “You rule, but you are also ruled” (Plutarch)
    Despite the seemingly absolutely independent power, any ruler can be subject to some influence, which can translate into actions that are contrary to the will of the ruler himself - this is how I understand the statement of the ancient Greek philosopher Plutarch.
    As we know, power is the influence of some people or social groups on others; it can be based on traditions, strength, and authority. What distinguishes state power from others is legitimacy. Ideally, power should be the sovereign will of the state as a political institution.
    However, this only happens in theory. In practice, exceptions to the general rule are frequent. For example, Russian Tsar Alexander I was already ready at one time for a radical solution to the peasant question. However, the transformations were not destined to come true, because Alexander feared discontent from the nobility.
    A whole century has passed, and now the decisions of the Tsar in Russia began to be influenced by the unprivileged class. The workers who started the First Russian Revolution managed to force the Tsar, Nicholas II, to make concessions and grant some democratic freedoms, the main one of which was the creation of the State Duma.
    To sum it up, I would like to say that just because a ruler is in power, this does not mean that he has the right to actions dictated solely by his own ideas.

  6. Post author

    Ildar, actually, there was a request here to write an essay on a different topic, be careful. You can post your essays for expert review in our VK group
    In this essay, K1 is briefly revealed.
    According to K2 This sentence confuses: “Ideally, power should be the sovereign will of the state as a political institution.” You write about the state. power, but here it contradicts the theory.
    Plutarch is an ancient Greek who writes about democracy. The problem was not understood. for K2-0.
    And two one-dimensional examples from history that confirm your idea. K3-1.
    Good luck to you, we recommend using our MASTER ESSAY COURSE from an Unified State Exam expert

  7. Post author

    And here is the answer to my essay from a subscriber of our group
    Gulnaz Ishmaeva
    Finally there was a discussion)

    “To be proud of your nation is patriotism, to boast about your nationality is nationalism” (I.N. Shevelev).

    In my opinion, the famous Russian scientist I.N. Shevelev discusses a very important topic - the line between patriotism and nationalism. This problem is especially relevant in modern society, when the process of globalization is taking place. I see the meaning of the statement in the fact that both patriotism and nationalism are, on the one hand, related concepts, since they are both based on love and respect for one’s state, for one’s nation, but, on the other hand, they are very contradictory. Both concepts are ideological in nature.

    In order to understand this topic, I consider it necessary to compare these two concepts and identify similarities and differences. Firstly, patriotism is a spiritual and moral feeling, part of public consciousness, which is expressed in love for the Motherland and the ability to put state interests above one’s own. And nationalism is a political ideology, the main goal of which is to protect the interests of a particular nation (people), its language, traditions and customs. At first glance, harmless and even highly moral values ​​are proclaimed, but it is important to pay attention to the fact that under nationalism, national minorities in the state are practically powerless, the rights and freedoms of citizens of other nationalities are violated and infringed upon, that is, the laws of democracy are violated in society, democratic pluralism cannot exist . Thus, nationalism is a very controversial social phenomenon that can take on even more radical forms and ultimately lead to a national tragedy: genocide and ethnic cleansing. For example, during the existence of Nazi Germany, intensified genocide of Gypsies and Jews took place on the territory of its allies and occupied states, and the Aryan ideology was proclaimed.

    As for patriotism, this phenomenon does not bring about fundamental, radical changes in society; on the contrary, it unites society, makes it more stable and strong. But at the same time, there are also disadvantages to this phenomenon: people, because of their “blind” love for the Motherland, may not see any shortcomings in their state. This slows down the development of society. But, in my opinion, patriotism should develop in any state, because it was thanks to this phenomenon that our people, a state like the USSR, were able to withstand all the horrors of the Second World War and resist the power of the enemy.

    Thus, I share the author’s point of view; patriotism and nationalism are relative concepts. In my opinion, no matter what disadvantages these or those qualities of these phenomena may have, in society, especially in the state, both patriotism, in greater quantities, and nationalism, in moderate quantities, must coexist. This makes society more heterogeneous.

    And our commentary on it.
    A good, but controversial essay on a controversial topic, my advice is simply not to choose such essays for the Unified State Exam. There is always a simpler and more objective choice. I'd put it 1-1-1. Argumentation only from history. But this opinion “... under nationalism, national minorities in the state are practically powerless, the rights and freedoms of citizens of other nationalities are violated and infringed, that is, the laws of democracy are violated in society, democratic pluralism cannot exist” is generally easy to challenge, you are substituting yourself with the subjective opinion of an expert. Let us remember, for example, what the exemplary democratic authorities of the United States did with the Americans of Japanese descent as soon as the country entered the Second World War?

  8. Alyona

    Everyone writes essays at least somehow, but I can’t do it at all.

  9. Natalia

    Is there a word limit for an essay?

  10. Post author
  11. Vika

    “Knowledge and ideas about oneself accumulate in early childhood... Another thing is self-awareness, awareness of one’s “I.” It is the result, the product of the formation of a person as a person” (A.N. Leontyev)
    Personality formation... What contributes to this process? More than one generation will ponder this question...
    A.N. Leontiev in his statement raises the current problem of self-awareness as a product of personality formation. I see the meaning of this quote in the fact that a person, accumulating knowledge about himself from early childhood, becomes aware of his “I” and thus becomes an individual. I cannot but agree with the author's point of view.
    I suggest you consider this idea and make it more specific.
    Firstly, what is meant by the concept of personality? This is a set of socially significant traits that characterize an individual as a member of a particular society.
    A person can be called a person who is responsible for his actions, has an active life position, constantly works on himself both physically and spiritually, has moral standards, and, in the end, knows his “I”.
    Secondly, what is self-awareness? This is the subject’s consciousness of himself as opposed to something else - other subjects and the world in general. Through this process, a person gets to know himself, his strengths and weaknesses, and can carefully analyze his actions. Self-awareness is the result of personality development.
    A good example is the main character of the novel “Fathers and Sons” by I. Turgenev-Evgeniy Bazarov. He considered science to be the main value, but he categorically rejected culture. Before his death, Bazarov asks himself whether Russia needs him, whether he is useful to her... I can confidently call this hero a personality, he really managed to know himself.
    Another example is Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, an outstanding personality. He is distinguished by high intelligence, competence, and good manners. It was society that socialized him and allowed him to reveal his spiritual and moral potential. It provided him with its “intellectual and moral” gifts - all the best values ​​that it had accumulated. He received an excellent education (MGIMO) and began to take part in the political life of Russia. This man has fully realized himself in his profession. And I think I realized my “I.”
    Thus, the result of the formation of personality is self-awareness...

  12. Lyuba

    Marginality is the result of conflict with social norms.
    Marginality is a sociological concept that denotes the intermediateness between a person and any social groups.
    This problem is relevant in the modern world. In my opinion, marginal groups include goths, punks, hippies and many others. The meaning of this statement is that marginalized people are people who do not know what they really want from their lives. and “rush” from one social group to another, but in the end, due to the fact that they do not find what they are looking for, they remain in an intermediate stage between one social group and another.
    I agree with the opinion of the author of the statement that this is a sociological conflict between people and society as a whole. In my opinion, the marginalized are people who have either received everything from life, or people who have not received anything in addition. To argue our opinion, let's take punk groups. Punk is about resisting tyranny in any form and acting on your own decisions and your own path, regardless of what others say. This is associated with a rebellion against the establishment. The establishment is those in power, the ruling circles, the political elite. A set of people who occupy key positions in the socio-political system, who are the support of the existing social order and shape public opinion, as well as the set of institutions with the help of which these people support the existing social order.
    Thus, I can conclude that marginality is indeed generated by conflicts in the social environment.

  13. Angela

    If we stop offering new solutions to keep up with consumer demands and technological advances, we could be forced out of business at any time. (D. Raikes)

    In his statement, Jeff Raikes raises the problem of the functioning of the market. The market is the totality of all relationships and forms of cooperation between people with each other regarding the purchase and sale of goods and services. As you know, the main elements of a market system are supply and demand. Demand refers to the total quantity of goods that consumers at any given time are willing and willing to purchase at a certain price. An increase in prices usually leads to a decrease in the quantity demanded, and a decrease in prices usually leads to an increase. This pattern plays such a role in the life of the market that economists have introduced it to the honorable rank of the law of demand and is often called the first law of economics. In turn, supply is the quantity of goods that the seller can offer for sale. The law of supply is exactly the opposite of the law of demand: the quantity supplied increases as the price of a good rises. Adam Smith also identified the action of the “invisible hand of the market” in the market economic system. So, any change in demand is reflected in supply and vice versa.
    Indeed, in order to keep pace with demand, it is necessary to offer more and more new proposal ideas. Otherwise, the company will go bankrupt. It is also necessary to comply with new technologies and even try to create your own. Jeff Raikes knows this better than anyone. In 2000, he was appointed vice president of the large Microsoft Productivity and Business Services division. To increase sales of Microsoft's Office suite and business services, Raikes challenged his team to "turn this product into something that makes business customers want to buy new versions." By the way, it was thanks to Jeff Rakes that a whole class of products appeared, the demand for which did not weaken. It is known that Jeff’s motto and even a kind of mantra were the words: “They will come as soon as we do This.”
    I also remember the success story of American manager Lee Iacocca. When he took over the bankrupt Chrysler Corporation in 1978, Iacocca saved it through his understanding of the market. Having developed a new car, he set a task: the new product should cost no more than $2,500, then it would be possible to attract the attention of a wide mass of buyers. And he achieved this - the car went on sale and caused enormous demand. Then the company began offering additional equipment, and customers agreed to spend another $1,000, delighted to have such a cheap machine. As a result, by providing a huge amount of demand with the help of a low price, the company earned more money than it could have with the high cost of the car. and thanks to new technologies, the company created more and more additions (offers), generating more and more demand.
    However, everyone knows the expression: “Demand creates supply.” Indeed, producing something that is actively bought is the basics of the market. For example, on the eve of the March 8 holiday, flower shops will have more supplies and prices will likely increase, since, no matter what, people will still buy flowers. The situation is the same with the sale of eggs, Easter cakes and decorations for them on Easter or Christmas trees on New Year's Eve.
    Thus, today, when a mixed market economy is the most widespread in the world, it is difficult to overestimate the role of the relationship between supply and demand. The ideal outcome for the adaptation of these two components is market equilibrium, that is, when the quantities of supply and demand are equal. It is the market equilibrium that determines the stability and reliability of the economy in the country and, consequently, the well-being of its citizens.

  14. Dmitriy

    Essay from the section “legislation”: “Law is everything that is true and fair” (Victor Hugo)
    The statement I chose to write this essay by Victor Hugo, a French scientist, poet and prose writer of the 19th century, relates to jurisprudence. Jurisprudence is a social science that studies the essence and properties of the state and law. Victor Hugo in his statement raises the problem of the essence of law, the main criterion of which is truth, truth and justice.
    Law always guides people towards the truth and establishes a certain measure of justice. Law is a system of special social norms that are established by the state, formally defined and generally binding. A norm is a pattern, a rule. Social norms are rules of behavior of people in society that are binding. With the help of social norms, the behavior of members of society is regulated, without which its existence is impossible. The main types of social norms are legal norms, moral norms, norms of customs, traditions, economic, political and other social norms. Rules of law are the only type of social norms that come from the state and are regulated by state coercion. Law is always an authoritative order of the state, is an official expression of its will, and performs the corresponding functions: cultural-historical, educational, protective, regulatory and others. In order for law to become a legal norm, it is given a certain legal form - a source of law. This occurs as a result of the law-making activity of the state, with the help of which the will of the legislator is expressed in one or another legal act: the Constitution, law, decree, resolution...
    One cannot but agree with the opinion of Victor Hugo, since only subject to the observance of laws by citizens and the state, taking into account the principle of equality of all before the law, subject to the moral choice of all members of society, can we talk about the truth and justice of the law. If in society this balance is violated in legal relations, then such a state cannot be called legal, democratic, free. A striking example of such an imbalance can be the humiliation of the aborigines of Australia and South Africa during the period of colonization, the enslavement of peasants in Rus' and many other inhumane forms of treatment of the lower strata of society. An example from social experience is the problem of bribery. For example, a judge is offered a bribe to release and acquit a criminal, but he refuses the money in favor of justice. Thus, we can conclude that the law is ensured and preserved by the power of the state, regulates the behavior of people and social relations, that is, in its essence, it must already be true and fair. help me write an essay

Text from the Unified State Examination

(1) The most deadly boredom was written on the well-fed, shiny face of the gracious sovereign. (2) He had just emerged from the arms of Morpheus after dinner and did not know what to do. (3) I didn’t want to think or yawn... (4) I’ve been tired of reading since time immemorial, it’s too early to go to the theater, I’m too lazy to go for a ride... (5) What to do? (6) How to have fun?

- (7) Some young lady has come! - Yegor reported.

- (8) He’s asking you!

- (9) Young lady? Hm... (10) Who is this?

(11) A pretty brunette quietly entered the office, dressed simply... even very simply. (12) She entered and bowed.
“(13) Sorry,” she began in a trembling treble.
- (14) I, you know... (15) I was told that you... you can only be found at six o’clock...

(16) I... I... the daughter of court councilor Paltsev...

- (17) Very nice! (18) How can I help? (19) Sit down, don’t be shy!

“(20) I came to you with a request...” the young lady continued, awkwardly sitting down and fiddling with her buttons with trembling hands. - (21) I came... to ask you for a ticket for free travel to my homeland. (22) I heard you give... (23) I want to go, but I... I’m not rich... (24) I need to go from St. Petersburg to Kursk...

- Hm... (25) So... (26) Why do you need to go to Kursk? (27) Is there anything you don’t like here?

- (28) No, I like it here. (29) I'm visiting my parents. (30) I haven’t been to them for a long time... (31) Mom, they write, is sick...
- Hm... (32) Do you serve or study here?

(33) And the young lady told where and with whom she served, how much salary she received, how much work there was...

- (34) You served... (35) Yes, sir, it’s impossible to say that your salary was great...

(36) It would be inhumane not to give you a free ticket... Hm... (37) Well, I suppose there’s a little cupid in Kursk, huh? (38) Cupid... (39) Groom? (40) Are you blushing? (41) Well, well! (42) It's a good thing. (43) Go for yourself. (44) It’s time for you to get married... (45) Who is he?

- (46) In officials.

- (47) It’s a good thing. (48) Go to Kursk... (49) They say that already a hundred miles from Kursk there is a smell of cabbage soup and cockroaches are crawling... (50) Perhaps there is boredom in this Kursk? (51) Take off your hat! (52) Egor, give us some tea!

(53) The young lady, who did not expect such an affectionate welcome, beamed and described to the gracious sovereign all the entertainment in Kursk... (54) She said that she had a brother who was an official, cousins ​​who were high school students... (55) Yegor served tea.

(56) The young lady timidly reached for the glass and, afraid to smack, began to silently swallow...

(57) The gracious sir looked at her and grinned... (58) He no longer felt bored... - (59) Is your fiancé good-looking? - he asked. - (60) How did you get along with him?

(61) The young lady answered both questions with embarrassment. (62) She trustingly moved towards the gracious sovereign and, smiling, told how suitors had wooed her here in St. Petersburg and how she refused them... (63) She ended up taking a letter from her parents from her pocket and reading it to the gracious sovereign. (64) Eight o’clock struck.
- (65) And your father has good handwriting... (66) What squiggles he writes with! (67) Hehe...
(68) But, however, I have to go... (69) It has already begun in the theater... (70) Goodbye, Marya Efimovna!
- (71) So can I hope? - asked the young lady, getting up.
- (72) For what?
- (73) If you give me a free ticket...

- (74) Ticket?.. (75) Hm... (76) I don’t have tickets! (77) You must have made a mistake, madam...

(78) He-he-he... (79) You got to the wrong place, at the wrong entrance... there really is some kind of railway worker who lives next to me, and I work in a bank, sir! (80) Egor, tell me to lay it down! (81) Goodbye, Marya Semyonovna! (82) Very glad... very glad...

(83) The young lady got dressed and went out... (84) At another entrance she was told that he left at half past seven for Moscow.

(According to A.P. Chekhov)


In life, we often encounter injustice, the disdainful attitude of people who have some kind of power over others. People who are financially secure do not understand the poor, do not consider it necessary to take their opinion into account, and simply do not perceive them as equals. Simple, “little” people become the subject of ridicule and insults from those in power.

A comment

The presented text raises the topic of relationships between people of different classes - a young poor girl asking for money, and a bored “gracious sovereign” who does not know what to do with himself in the coming day.

The girl urgently needs to go home, and she, having heard somewhere that the master was giving out free tickets to everyone in need, came to him for help. He asks for all the details of her personal life, the reasons why she is in such a hurry to Kursk. The “young lady,” in her naivety, shares her hopes and dreams, rejoicing at such a warm welcome. However, in the end it turns out that she was at the wrong entrance, and the “dear sir” was just talking to her out of boredom.

Instead of somehow helping his interlocutor, he leaves. She acted as a kind of toy for the bank employee, and he is not at all worried about her future fate.

Soon the girl learns that the railway worker from the next door is no longer at home. So she is left with nothing.

Topic, problem, idea

In Russian literature, the theme of the little man has become classic. Satirist writers have thought a lot about this, exposing the imperfections of the social structure of our Motherland. A.P. was no exception. Chekhov, who thought a lot about social order, looked closely at many images typical of his time - officials of various ranks, landowners, peasants, the poor, beggars.

The text raises the problem of social inequality, in other words, the problem of the little man.

Author's position

Chekhov clearly has a negative attitude towards the “gracious sir.” This can be seen already from the first phrase of the text, which talks about “a well-fed, shiny face.” The girl, on the contrary, evokes sympathy from the author. Her descriptions are pleasant, without caricature: “pretty brunette”, “fiddle with her buttons with trembling hands.” We can say that Chekhov stands on the side of the “little people” who are afraid of everything in life, and condemns the inhumanity of the highest circles.

Your position

I really want to agree with the author, because, knowing all the life difficulties of the young brunette, the bank employee could at least give her money, if it didn’t work out with the ticket. The trouble is that rich people seek benefit in everything only for themselves, and do not care about their surroundings. They seem to be dead internally. Chekhov, in my opinion, by raising this problem, wants to shake up society, force people of high rank to look at themselves from the outside.

Arguments and examples

The topic of social inequality, the relationship of the poor with the rich, and people without rights with people of high status has been repeatedly raised in literature.

F.M. Dostoevsky in his novel “Crime and Punishment” presents a gallery of people who are beyond the poverty line. The main plot action begins precisely in the clash between a poor student and an old money-lender who profits from the misfortunes of other poor people.

Poverty drives Raskolnikov to thoughts of murder. By this action, he seems to be trying to prove to himself that he is not a simple “little man” who is not able to influence anything, but “has the right” - deciding the destinies of people.

I think that such a terrible act by Raskolnikov was initially caused by his desire to save the people around him from social injustice in the person of his grandmother-pawnbroker.

There are many examples in real life. According to statistics, more than half of the Russian population lives in very difficult living conditions, often without work, without money and, in fact, without rights. Remember how many homeless people froze to death on the street last winter, how many sick grandparents live in landfills. The worst thing is that it is very difficult for them to get out of poverty, because others do not respect them and consider them people without a future.


Unfortunately, as long as people in society are divided into rich and poor, as long as social inequality flourishes, there will be a place for callousness, immorality, and indifference in our society. However, I would like to believe that people will become kinder and more tolerant of each other, because we are all equal before God!

We all live in a society and differ from each other: in mental abilities, physical capabilities, and level of entrepreneurship. There are differences in material wealth among people. There are always differences between the rich and the poor. If this difference is not too noticeable, then society lives by humane rules. But if suddenly the number of rich people increases sharply, then the number of poor people also grows and a stratification of society occurs.

Inequality in society leads to people living below the poverty line, their inner world breaks down, but the worst thing is that a person begins to perish morally and can even commit a crime for the sake of money.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in his novel “Crime and Punishment” showed how a person who is below the poverty line morally degrades. The writer showed the cold and hunger of St. Petersburg, he drew the reader's attention to the terrible conditions of vegetation. Rodion Raskolnikov commits murder under the influence of despair and hopelessness. He reached the brink because he decided to commit a crime for the sake of money. It was inequality in society that pushed Rodion Raskolnikov to a terrible act.

Maxim Gorky in his play “At the Bottom” showed the consciousness of people thrown to the bottom of life as a result of social processes.

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The motley gallery of characters in the play are victims of the stratification of society. Even here, at the very bottom of life, aimless and destitute, they serve as objects of exploitation, even here the owners, the bourgeois owners, do not stop at any crimes and try to survive every penny from them. The fate of these people and the existence of the “bottom” proves the illegality of social processes and serves as an exposure and a formidable indictment of social inequality.

Unfortunately, the problem of inequality in society has existed for more than a hundred years. It allows you to make some masters of life and eternal performers of others. Inequality is accompanied by poverty, which creates fertile ground for the emergence of criminal, extremist and terrorist organizations. It is because of poverty that people often fall under the bad influence of others and commit base acts.

In this statement, I. Scherr raises the problem of the naturalness of social inequality. In other words, the author considers the state of society to be absolutely organic, in which some individuals have greater access to benefits than the rest of society.

I completely agree with this thesis. Indeed, society consists of many social strata, distinguished through the process of social stratification.

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There are many criteria for dividing society into layers, but it is necessary to remember, first of all, about the four main ones - income, power, education and prestige.

In addition, there are historical types of stratification, many of which perpetuated social inequality for centuries. Mainly there are four of them. The first type - the slave system - is characterized by the fact that a certain part of society (slaves) were the “thing” of other people. The second type - the caste system - was based on religious principles and traditions and secured hereditary membership in a caste without any opportunity to take advantage of the social elevator (to gain service in war, to marry a representative of a higher caste). The next type - the class system - had the coercive apparatus of state power as its support, securing the legal status of a particular class in official documents. This type allowed, in exceptional cases, to “increase” the privilege of one’s status.

Fortunately, social progress has led us to an open system of stratification - class. In this system, individuals were able to freely move to another social stratum. The basis of the division between classes is the form and amount of a person's income. Therefore, they distinguish the class of proletarians (hired workers receiving wages) and the bourgeoisie (class of entrepreneurs who receive profit, including from the exploitation of hired labor). As we see, even in open stratification systems there is social inequality: individuals who put a lot of effort into working with social elevators (education, career, service) are higher on the social ladder than less active members of society. It should be mentioned that the intensity and speed of social mobility in modern societies is much higher than in the historical types described above.

Examples of social inequality can easily be found in classical literature. For example, in Jack London's novel Martin Eden, the main character makes an extensive journey up the social ladder from a poor sailor to a rich writer, simultaneously helping his poor friends increase their income. Having received “a ticket to high society,” the hero understands that rich people are not always complacent and people with poor incomes were much kinder to him. This is also a kind of “stratification by morality,” but it is already outside the scope of the social studies course.

Sometimes social inequality reaches society-threatening proportions. The Russian Reporter newspaper recently published an analytical article about the country of Zimbabwe, showing dismal economic indicators. It is worth noting that this country has withdrawn its national currency from circulation. The high level of corruption and crime allows officials and some businessmen to receive fabulous incomes, while more than half of the people are officially listed as unemployed. This example shows us that even the natural state of society, manifested in inequality, needs to be controlled so that society does not turn into chaos.

Thus, the problem of the naturalness of social inequality is relevant to this day, having a scientific and factual basis. And I hope that society will be “unequal” where it needs to be!

Updated: 2017-07-10

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All arguments for the final essay in the direction of "Man and Society".

Man in a totalitarian society.

A person in a totalitarian society, as a rule, is deprived of even those freedoms that are given to everyone from birth. For example, the heroes of E. Zamyatin’s novel “We” are people devoid of individuality. In the world described by the author, there is no place for freedom, love, true art, or family. The reasons for this arrangement lie in the fact that a totalitarian state implies unquestioning submission, and for this it is necessary to deprive people of everything. Such people are easier to manage; they will not protest and question what the state tells them.

In a totalitarian world, a person is trampled by the machine of the state, grinds all his dreams and desires, and subordinates him to its plans. A person's life is worth nothing. But one of the important levers of control is ideology. All residents of the United State serve one main mission - to send the Integral spaceship to tell about their ideal structure. Mechanically verified art and free love deprive a person of genuine connections with others like him. Such a person can completely calmly betray anyone who is next to him.

The main character of the novel D-503 is horrified to discover a terrible illness: he has developed a soul. It was as if he had woken up from a long sleep, fell in love with a woman, and wanted to change something in the unjust system. After that, he became dangerous for the totalitarian state, because he undermined the usual order and disrupted the plans of the head of state, the Benefactor.

This work shows the tragic fate of an individual in a totalitarian society and warns that a person’s individuality, his soul, his family are the most important things in everyone’s life. If a person is deprived of all this, then he will turn into a soulless machine, submissive, not knowing happiness, ready to die for the sake of the unsightly goals of the state.

Social norms. Why are social norms and orders needed? What does violating social norms lead to?

Norms are rules that exist to maintain order in society. What are they for? The answer is simple: in order to regulate relations between people. There is one very famous saying, it says: the freedom of one person begins where the freedom of another begins. So social norms serve precisely to ensure that no one can encroach on the freedom of another person. If people begin to violate generally accepted rules, then a person will begin to destroy his own kind and the world around him.

Thus, the novel “Lord of the Flies” by W. Golding tells the story of a group of boys who find themselves on a desert island. Since there was not a single adult among them, they had to arrange their own lives. There were two candidates for the leadership position: Jack and Ralph. Ralph was chosen by vote and immediately proposed establishing a set of rules. For example, he wanted to divide responsibilities: half of the guys should look after the fire, half should hunt. However, not everyone was happy about the order: over time, society splits into two camps - those who personify reason, law and order (Piggy, Ralph, Simon), and those who represent the blind force of destruction (Jack, Roger and other hunters).

After some time, most of the guys find themselves in Jack's camp, where there are no norms. A pack of crazy boys shouting “cut your throat” mistake Simon for an animal in the dark and kill him. Piggy becomes the next victim of the atrocities. Children are becoming less and less like people. Even the rescue at the end of the novel looks tragic: the guys were unable to create a full-fledged society and lost two comrades. It's all due to the lack of standards of behavior. The anarchy of Jack and his “tribesmen” led to a terrible result, although everything could have turned out differently.

Is society responsible for every person? Why should society help the disadvantaged? What is equality in society?

Equality in society should concern all people. Unfortunately, in real life this is unattainable. Thus, in M. Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths” the focus is on people who find themselves “on the sidelines” of life. The company consists of a hereditary thief, a card sharper, a prostitute, a drunken actor and many others. These people are forced to live in a shelter for various reasons. Many of them have already lost hope for a bright future. But are these people pitiable? It seems that they themselves are to blame for their troubles. However, a new hero appears in the shelter - old man Luka, who shows sympathy for them, his speeches have a strong effect on the inhabitants of the shelter. Luke gives people hope that they can choose their own path in life, that all is not lost. Life in the shelter changes: the actor stops drinking and seriously thinks about returning to the stage, Vaska Pepel discovers a desire for honest work, Nastya and Anna dream of a better life. Soon Luka leaves, leaving the unfortunate inhabitants of the shelter with their dreams. His departure is associated with the collapse of their hopes, the fire in their soul goes out again, they cease to believe in their strength. The climax of the moment is the suicide of the Actor, who has lost all faith in a life different from this one. Of course, Luke lied to people out of pity. A lie, even for salvation, cannot solve all problems, but his arrival showed us that these people dream of changing, they did not choose this path. Society should help those who need help. We are responsible for every person. Among those who find themselves on the “day of life” there are many people who want to change their lives, they just need a little help and understanding.



What is tolerance?

Tolerance is a multifaceted concept. Many people do not understand the true meaning of this word, narrowing it down. The basis of tolerance is the right to expression of thoughts and personal freedom of every person: both children and adults. To be tolerant means to be caring, but not to show aggression, but to be tolerant of people with different worldviews, customs and traditions. Conflict in an intolerant society is the basis of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The story is told on behalf of a nine-year-old girl, the daughter of a lawyer defending a black guy. Tom is accused of a brutal crime that he did not commit. Not only the court, but also local residents are against the young man and want to carry out reprisals against him. Fortunately, lawyer Atticus is able to look at the situation sensibly. He defends the accused to the last, tries to prove his innocence in court, and rejoices at every step that brings him closer to victory. Despite substantial evidence of Tom's innocence, the jury convicts him. This means only one thing: the intolerant attitude of society cannot be changed even by weighty arguments. Faith in justice is completely undermined when Tom is killed while trying to escape. The writer shows us how much the opinion of an individual is influenced by public consciousness.

By his actions, Atticus puts himself and his children in a dangerous position, but still does not give up the truth.

Harper Lee described a small town at the beginning of the 20th century, but, unfortunately, this problem does not depend on geography and time, it is deep inside a person. There will always be people who are different from others, so tolerance must be learned, only then will people be able to live in peace with each other.

What kind of person can be called dangerous to society?

A person is part of society, so he can succumb to its influence or influence it. A person dangerous to society can be called one who, by his actions or words, violates laws, including moral ones. So, in the novel by D.M. Dostoevsky has such heroes. Of course, first of all, everyone remembers Raskolnikov, whose theory led to the death of several people and made his loved ones unhappy. But Rodion Raskolnikov paid for his actions, he was sent to Siberia, while Svidrigailov was not accused of crimes. This vicious, dishonest man knew how to pretend and appear decent. Under the mask of decency was a murderer, on whose conscience were the lives of several people. Another character dangerous for people is Luzhin, a fan of the theory of individualism. This theory says: everyone should take care only of themselves, then society will be happy. However, his theory is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. In essence, he justifies any crime in the name of personal benefit. Despite the fact that Luzhin did not kill anyone, he unfairly accused Sonya Marmeladova of theft, thereby putting himself on a par with Rakolnikov and Svidrigailov. His actions can be called dangerous for society. The described characters are a little similar in their theories, because they believe that for the sake of “good” one can commit a bad act. However, crimes cannot be justified by good intentions; evil only gives rise to evil.



Do you agree with the statement of G.K. Lichtenberg: “In every person there is something of all people.”

Of course, everyone is different. Everyone has their own temperament, character, destiny. However, in my opinion, there is something that unites us - the ability to dream. M. Gorky’s play “At the Bottom” shows the life of people who have forgotten how to dream; they simply live their lives day after day, not understanding the meaning of their existence. These unfortunate inhabitants of the shelter are at the “bottom” of life, where no ray of hope breaks through. At first glance, it may seem that they have nothing in common with other people; they are all thieves and drunkards, dishonest people who are only capable of meanness. But reading page after page, you can see that everyone’s life was once different, but circumstances drove them to the Kostylevs’ shelter, who themselves were not far from the guests. With the arrival of a new tenant, Luka, everything changes. He feels sorry for them, and this warmth awakens a glimmer of hope. The residents of the shelter remember their dreams and goals: Vaska Pepel wants to move to Siberia and live an honest life, the Actor wants to return to the stage, even stops drinking, the dying Anna, tired of suffering on earth, is encouraged by the thought that after death she will find peace. Unfortunately, the heroes' dreams are crushed when Luka leaves. In reality, they did nothing to change their situation. However, the very fact that they wanted to change cannot but rejoice. The night shelters have not ceased to be people, despite the trials that befell them in life, and somewhere in the depths of their souls live ordinary people who simply want to enjoy life. Thus, the ability to throw unites such different people who, by the will of fate, find themselves in one place.



Onegin's personality was formed in the St. Petersburg secular environment. In the prehistory, Pushkin noted the social factors that influenced the character of Eugene: belonging to the highest stratum of the nobility, the usual upbringing, training for this circle, the first steps in the world, the experience of a “monotonous and motley” life, the life of a “free nobleman” not burdened with service - vain, carefree, full of entertainment and romance novels.

Conflict between man and society. How does society influence a person? What is the conflict between man and society? Is it difficult to maintain individuality in a team? Why is it important to maintain individuality?

Onegin's character and life are shown in motion. Already in the first chapter you can see how a bright, extraordinary personality suddenly emerged from a faceless crowd that demanded unconditional obedience.

Onegin's seclusion - his undeclared conflict with the world and with the society of noble landowners - only at first glance seems to be a quirk caused by “boredom”, disappointment in the “science of tender passion”. Pushkin emphasizes that Onegin’s “inimitable strangeness” is a kind of protest against social and spiritual dogmas that suppress a person’s personality, depriving him of the right to be himself.

The emptiness of the hero's soul was a consequence of the emptiness and emptiness of secular life. Onegin is looking for new spiritual values, a new path: in St. Petersburg and in the village he diligently reads books, communicates with a few like-minded people (the author and Lensky). In the village, he even tries to change the order, replacing corvee with light rent.


Dependence on public opinion. Is it possible to become free from public opinion? Is it possible to live in society and be free from it? Confirm or refute Stahl’s statement: “We cannot be sure of our behavior or our well-being when we make it dependent on people’s opinions.” Why is it important to maintain individuality?

Often a person finds himself deeply dependent on public opinion. Sometimes you have to go a long way to free yourself from the shackles of society.

Onegin's search for new life truths lasted for many years and remained unfinished. Onegin frees himself from old ideas about life, but the past does not let him go. It seems that Onegin is the master of his life, but this is only an illusion. All his life he is haunted by mental laziness and cold skepticism, as well as dependence on public opinion. However, it is difficult to call Onegin a victim of society. By changing his lifestyle, he accepted responsibility for his destiny. His further failures in life can no longer be justified by dependence on society.


What is the conflict between man and society? What happens to a person cut off from society?

Do you agree that society shapes a person?

A conflict between a person and society appears when a strong, bright personality cannot obey the rules of society. So, Grigory Pechorin, the main hero of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” is an extraordinary personality who challenges moral laws. He is the “hero” of his generation, having absorbed its worst vices. The young officer, endowed with a sharp mind and attractive appearance, treats the people around him with disdain and boredom; they seem pitiful and funny to him. He feels useless. In vain attempts to find himself, he brings only suffering to people who care about him. At first glance, it may seem that Pechorin is an extremely negative character, but, consistently plunging into the thoughts and feelings of the hero, we see that it is not only he himself who is to blame, but also the society that gave birth to him. In his own way, he is drawn to people, unfortunately, society rejects his best impulses. In the chapter “Princess Mary” you can see several such episodes. The friendly relationship between Pechorin and Grushnitsky turns into rivalry and enmity. Grushnitsky, suffering from wounded pride, acts vilely: he shoots at an unarmed man and wounds him in the leg. However, even after the shot, Pechorin gives Grushnitsky a chance to act with dignity, he is ready to forgive him, he wants an apology, but the latter’s pride turns out to be stronger. Dr. Werner, who plays the role of his second, is almost the only person who understands Pechorin. But even he, having learned about the publicity of the duel, does not support the main character, only advises him to leave the city. Human pettiness and hypocrisy harden Gregory, making him incapable of love and friendship. Thus, Pechorin’s conflict with society was that the main character refused to pretend and hide his vices, like a mirror showing a portrait of the entire generation, for which society rejected him.

Can a person exist outside of society? There is safety in numbers?

A person cannot exist outside of society. Being a social creature, man needs people. Thus, the hero of the novel M.Yu. Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time" Grigory Pechorin comes into conflict with society. He does not accept the laws by which society lives, feeling falsehood and pretense. However, he cannot live without people, and, without noticing it, he instinctively reaches out to those around him. Not believing in friendship, he becomes close to Dr. Werner, and while playing with Mary’s feelings, he begins to realize with horror that he is falling in love with the girl. The main character deliberately pushes away people who care about him, justifying his behavior with his love of freedom. Pechorin does not understand that he needs people even more than they need him. Its ending is sad: a young officer dies alone on the road from Persia, having never found the meaning of his existence. In pursuit of satisfying his needs, he lost his vitality.


Man and society (how does society influence a person?) How does fashion influence a person? How do social factors influence the formation of personality?

Society has always dictated its own rules and laws of behavior. Sometimes these laws are simply wild, as we can see in O. Henry’s story “Tinsel Shine.” “A savage of our day, born and raised in the wigwams of the Manhattan tribe,” Mr. Chandler tried to live according to the laws of a society where the main criterion for assessing a person was “meeting by clothes.” In such a society, everyone tried to show others that he was worthy of being in high society, poverty was considered a vice, and wealth was considered an achievement. It didn’t matter how this wealth was achieved, the main thing was to “show off.” Pretense, vanity and hypocrisy reigned around. The ridiculousness of such laws of society is shown by O. Henry, showing the “failure” of the main character. He missed out on the opportunity to be loved by a beautiful girl just because he tried to prove himself to be something he was not.

What is the role of personality in history?Can a personality change history? Does society need leaders?

The higher a person stands on the rungs of the social ladder, the more obvious is the predetermination and inevitability of his fate.

Tolstoy comes to the conclusion that “the tsar is a slave of history.” Tolstoy's contemporary historian Bogdanovich primarily pointed to the decisive role of Alexander the First in the victory over Napoleon, and completely discounted the role of the people and Kutuzov. Tolstoy’s goal was to debunk the role of the kings and show the role of the masses and the people’s commander Kutuzov. The writer reflects in the novel moments of Kutuzov’s inaction. This is explained by the fact that Kutuzov cannot dispose of historical events at his own will. But he is given the opportunity to understand the actual course of events in which he participates. Kutuzov cannot understand the world-historical meaning of the war of 12, but he is aware of the significance of this event for his people, that is, he can be a conscious guide to the course of history. Kutuzov himself is close to the people, he feels the spirit of the army and can control this great force (Kutuzov’s main task during the Battle of Borodino was to raise the spirit of the army). Napoleon lacks understanding of the events taking place; he is a pawn in the hands of history. The image of Napoleon represents extreme individualism and selfishness. The selfish Napoleon acts like a blind man. He is not a great man; he cannot determine the moral meaning of an event due to his own limitations.


How does society influence the formation of goals?

From the very beginning of the story, all the thoughts of Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya and her son are directed towards one thing - organizing their material well-being. For this sake, Anna Mikhailovna does not disdain either humiliating begging, or the use of brute force (the scene with the mosaic briefcase), or intrigue, etc. At first, Boris tries to resist his mother's will, but over time he realizes that the laws of the society in which they live are subject to only one rule - the one with power and money is right. Boris begins to “make a career.” He is not interested in serving the Fatherland; he prefers serving in those places where he can quickly move up the career ladder with minimal impact. For him there are neither sincere feelings (rejection of Natasha) nor sincere friendship (coldness towards the Rostovs, who did a lot for him). He even subordinates his marriage to this goal (description of his “melancholy service” with Julie Karagina, declaration of love to her through disgust, etc.). In the war of 12, Boris sees only court and staff intrigues and is only concerned with how to turn this to his advantage. Julie and Boris are quite happy with each other: Julie is flattered by the presence of a handsome husband who has made a brilliant career; Boris needs her money.



Can a person influence society?

A person can undoubtedly influence society, especially if he is a strong, strong-willed person. The main character of the novel I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" Evgeny Bazarov is an excellent example that confirms my position. He denies social foundations, strives to “clear a place” for a future, properly organized life, and believes that the old rules are not needed in the new world. Bazarov comes into conflict with representatives of the “old” society - the Kirsanov brothers, whose main difference is that they both live in the world of feelings. Evgeny denies these feelings and ridicules them in others. Accustomed to struggling with everyday difficulties, he is unable to understand either Pavel Petrovich or Nikolai Petrovich. Bazarov does not obey social laws, he simply denies them. For Evgeniy, the possibility of unlimited personal freedom is indisputable: the “nihilist” is convinced that in his decisions aimed at remaking his life, a person is not morally bound by anything. However, he does not even try to change society, he does not have any plan of action. Despite this, his exceptional energy, strength of character and courage are infectious. His ideas become attractive to many representatives of the younger generation, both the noble class and the class of commoners. At the end of the work, we see how the ideals of the main character are crumbling, but even Bazarov’s death is not able to stop the power that he and others like him awakened.


What does inequality in society lead to? Do you agree with the statement: “Inequality humiliates people and creates disagreement and hatred among them”? What kind of person can be called dangerous to society?

Inequality in society leads to a split in that very society. A striking example confirming my position is the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The main character of the work, Bazarov, is a representative of the commoner class. Unlike all nobles, he has the nature of an activist and fighter. Through tireless work he acquired fundamental knowledge in the natural sciences. Accustomed to relying only on his own mind and energy, he despises people who received everything only by birthright. The main character stands for a decisive break in the entire state and economic system of Russia. Bazarov is not alone in his thoughts; these ideas are beginning to dominate the minds of many people, even representatives of the nobility, who are beginning to realize the problems that are brewing in society. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, Evgeniy’s opponent in the dispute between the warring parties, calls people like Bazarov ignorant “morons” who do not have popular support; he believes that their number is “four and a half people.” However, at the end of the work, Pavel Petrovich leaves Russia, thereby retreating from public life, admitting his defeat. He is unable to fight the spirit of revolutionary populism, with its hatred of the existing order. Representatives of the “traditional way” of life can no longer deny the existence of a problem, the split has already occurred, and the only question is how the warring parties will coexist in the new world.



In what situations does a person feel lonely in society? Can an individual win a fight against society? Is it difficult to defend your interests before society?

A person may feel lonelier when surrounded by people than when alone. This happens if the feelings, actions and way of thinking of such a person differ from the generally accepted norm. Some people adapt, and their loneliness is not noticeable, while others cannot come to terms with this state of affairs. Such a person is the main character of the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". Chatsky is smart, but he is characterized by excessive ardor and self-confidence. He excitedly defends his position, which turns everyone present against him, they even declare him crazy. It cannot be said that he is surrounded by stupid people. However, Famusov and the characters in his circle represent the ability to adapt to existing living conditions and extract maximum material benefit from them. Chatsky feels lonely in a society of people who live by such laws and are capable of making a deal with their conscience. The caustic remarks of the main character cannot make people think that they may be wrong; on the contrary, they turn everyone against Chatsky. Thus, what makes a person lonely is his difference from others, his refusal to live according to the established rules of society.


How does society treat people who are very different from it? Can an individual win a fight against society?

Society rejects people who are different from it in one way or another. This happens to the main character of the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" by Chatsky. Unable to put up with the norms of public life, he pours out his indignation at the “rotten society of insignificant people”, boldly expresses his position in relation to serfdom, government, service, education and upbringing. But those around him do not understand or do not want to understand him. It is easiest to ignore people like Chatsky, which is what Famus society does, accusing him of madness. His thoughts are dangerous for their usual way of life. Having agreed with Chatsky’s position in life, those around him will either have to admit that they are scoundrels or change. Neither one nor the other is acceptable for them, so the easiest way is to recognize such a person as insane and continue to enjoy their usual way of life.



How do you understand the phrase “little man”? Do you agree that society shapes a person? Do you agree with the statement: “Inequality degrades people”? Can any person be called a person? Do you agree that “there is nothing more dangerous in society than a person without character?

The main character of the story A.P. Chekhov's "Death of an Official" Chervyakov exposes himself to humiliation and demonstrates a complete rejection of human dignity. Evil is presented in the story not in the form of a general who brought a person to such a state. The general is depicted in the work quite neutrally: he only reacts to the actions of another character. The problem of the little man is not with evil people, it is much deeper. Reverence and servility have become such a habit that people themselves are ready to defend their right to demonstrate respect and their insignificance at the cost of their lives. Chervyakov suffers not from humiliation, but from the fact that he fears an incorrect interpretation of his actions, from the fact that he may be suspected of disrespect for those who are higher in rank. “Do I dare laugh? If we laugh, then there will be no respect for people... there will be..."

How does society influence a person's opinion? Can any person be called a person? Do you agree that “there is nothing more dangerous in society than a person without character?

Society, or rather the structure of society, plays a decisive role in the behavior of many people. A striking example of a person who thinks and acts according to the standard is the hero of the story by A.P. Chekhov's "Chameleon".

We usually call a chameleon a person who is ready to constantly and instantly, to please circumstances, change his views to the exact opposite. For the main character in life, there is the most important rule: the interests of those in power are above all. The main character, who adheres to this rule, finds himself in a comical situation. Having witnessed a violation, he must take action and fine the owner of the dog that bit the person. During the proceedings, it turns out that the dog may belong to the general. Throughout the story, the answer to the question (“whose dog?”) changes five or six times, and the reaction of the police officer changes the same number of times. We don’t even see the general in the work, but his presence is felt physically, his mention plays the role of a decisive argument. The effect of power and force is more clearly revealed in the behavior of subordinate figures. They are the guardians of this system. The Chameleon has a conviction that determines all his actions, his understanding of “order”, which must be protected with all his might. Thus, we can conclude that society has a huge influence on a person’s opinion; moreover, a person who blindly believes in the rules of such a society is a building block of the system, preventing the vicious circle from breaking.

The problem of confrontation between personality and power. What kind of person can be called dangerous to society?
M.Yu. Lermontov. "A song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov."

Conflict in “Song...” M.Yu. Lermontov takes place between Kalashnikov, whose image reflected the best features of a representative of the people, and the autocratic government in the person of Ivan the Terrible and Kiribeevich. Ivan the Terrible himself violates the rules of fist fighting that he himself announced: “Whoever beats someone will be rewarded by the Tsar, and whoever is beaten will be forgiven by God,” and he himself executes Kalashnikov. In the work we see the struggle of a sensible individual for his rights, impossible for the era of Ivan the Terrible, defending his interests in the name of justice. This struggle is not only between Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich. Kiribeevich violates the general human law, and Kalashnikov speaks on behalf of the entire “Christian people” “for the holy mother truth.”

Why is an individual dangerous for the state? Do the interests of society always correspond to the interests of the state? Can a person devote his life to the interests of society?

M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita".

The Master's novel, which is a story about the duel between the beggar philosopher Yeshua Ha-Nozri and the powerful procurator of Judea Pontius Pilate. Ha-Notsri is the ideologist of goodness, justice, conscience, and the procurator is the idea of ​​statehood.

Ha-Nozri, with his preaching of universal human values, love for one’s neighbor, and personal freedom, in the opinion of Pontius Pilate, undermines the sole power of Caesar and thereby turns out to be more dangerous than the murderer of Barrabas. Pontius Pilate sympathizes with Yeshua, he even makes weak attempts to save him from execution, but nothing more. Pontius Pilate turns out to be pitiful and weak, afraid of the informer Caiaphas, afraid of losing the power of the governor of Judea and for this he paid with “twelve thousand moons of repentance and remorse.”


How does the social environment influence a person? How do you understand the saying: “In the soul of every person there is a miniature portrait of his people”? How does upbringing influence the formation of personality?
From the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov".

Life for Oblomovites is “silence and imperturbable calm,” which, unfortunately, are sometimes disturbed by troubles. It is especially important to emphasize that among the troubles, on a par with “illnesses, losses, quarrels,” labor is for them: “They endured labor as a punishment imposed on our forefathers, but they could not love. Thus, Oblomov’s inertia, lazy vegetation in a dressing gown on the sofa of his St. Petersburg apartment in Goncharov’s novel are fully generated and motivated by the social and everyday way of life of the patriarchal landowner.