The name is the day of Slavic writing and culture. At the origins of the word

Cities and villages dressed in greenery, as if they were preparing for an important holiday for all of us - the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, celebrated annually on May 24 in all Slavic countries as a sign of gratitude and honor to the two brothers - Cyril and Methodius, the creators of Slavic writing.

Initially, the holiday, which existed in Bulgaria back in the 10th-11th centuries, was celebrated only by the church. In Russia it was also a church holiday. The Church canonized Cyril and Methodius as saints, and on May 18, 1863, the Holy Synod adopted a decree proclaiming May 24 in the new style as the Church holiday of the Salun brothers.

For the first time officially at the state level Day of Slavic Literature and Culture was solemnly celebrated in the Russian Empire in 1863, in honor of the 1000th anniversary of the creation of the Slavic alphabet by Saints Cyril and Methodius.

Unfortunately, during the Soviet regime, the Day of Slavic Literature was canceled as a holiday uniting all Slavs, and was not celebrated for many decades. And only in 1986 the holiday was revived.
And in the Union, for the first time, the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture was celebrated in 1986 in the city of Murmansk, and then in Vologda, Novgorod, Kyiv and Minsk. Since 1987, the holiday has already become widespread in society, and the name “Day of Slavic Literature and Culture” has been assigned to it. On January 30, 1991, by resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, May 24 was declared the Holiday of Slavic Literature and Culture. And in 1992, a monument to Saints Cyril and Methodius was solemnly unveiled on Slavyanskaya Square in Moscow. The creator of the monument is sculptor V.M. Klykov.

In our time, the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is the only state-church holiday in Russia. The church on May 24 honors the memory of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius.

Slavic writing was created in the 9th century, around 862. First, two alphabets were created - Glagolitic and Cyrillic.

Now about the great teachers themselves. It is known that the brothers were Orthodox monks and created the Slavic alphabet in a Greek monastery. Among the most ancient monuments of Slavic writing that have survived to this day, the biographies of the creators of Slavic literacy have also been preserved - Saints Cyril and Methodius. Of greatest interest are “The Life of Constantine the Philosopher,” “The Life of Methodius,” and “Eulogy to Cyril and Methodius.”

From the biographies of Saints Cyril and Methodius, we know that Cyril and Methodius are Greeks, brothers, born into the family of a Byzantine military leader in the Macedonian city of Thessaloniki. Now this city belongs to modern Greece and is located on the coast. In addition to Cyril and Methodius, there were five more brothers in the family. Methodius was the eldest of seven brothers, and Constantine the youngest. Methodius was supposedly born around 815. His secular name, alas, is unknown. According to the assumption of many researchers, the brothers’ mother was Slavic, and it was for this reason that the brothers spoke the Slavic language as well as Greek from childhood. Most likely it was one of the dialects of the ancient Bulgarian language. Kirill was born around 827. And before he was tonsured a monk, he bore the secular name Constantine. He became Kirill almost before his death.

Both brothers received an excellent education and good upbringing. Methodius first followed in his father’s footsteps and decided to make a military career, but then around 852 he took monastic vows, and later became abbot of the Polychron monastery on Olympus in Bithynia (Asia Minor). Kirill, gifted with philological abilities from birth, gravitated toward the sciences from a young age. Already in the Thessaloniki school at the age of 14, he read the books of one of the Church Fathers of the 4th century, Gregory the Theologian. Constantine was then educated in Constantinople by the greatest scholars of his time, such as Leo the Grammar and Photius (the future patriarch), studying ancient literature, philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, rhetoric and music. After completing his studies, Kirill was ordained a priest and began working as a librarian at the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople.

Neither wealth nor marriage with a beauty attracted the young man, who then still bore the name Konstantin. His favorite pastimes were reflection and prayer. But Constantine turned out to be a very popular person; in 851-52 he had to go to the court of the Arab caliph Muttawakil as part of the embassy of the asikret George, where the future enlightener conducted theological disputes with Muslim scholars. Returning to Constantinople, Constantine went to visit his brother in the monastery. But soon after their return, both brothers - Cyril and Methodius - at the request of the Moravian prince Rostislav (Rastitsa), were sent by the Byzantine emperor to Great Moravia (863-866).

From "Tales of Bygone Years" we learn that one day the Slavic princes Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kocel sent ambassadors to the Byzantine Tsar Michael with a request to send a teacher “who would instruct and teach, and explain the holy books.” It is further reported: “...he sent them Constantine the Philosopher, named Cyril, a righteous and true man. And he created 38 letters for them - some according to the model of Greek letters, others according to Slavic speech. He started with the first one in Greek: they are from “alpha”, he is from “az”…”.

The brothers translated the Apostle, Gospel, Psalter, Octoechos and other church books. But in those days, Great Moravia was subordinated to the Bishopric of Passau in Bavaria, and the activities of the enlightenment brothers encountered fierce resistance from the German clergy, who were categorically against Slavic writing and Slavic liturgy, insisting that the liturgy be celebrated only in Latin. Despite the fact that Cyril and Methodius prepared disciples, none of them succeeded in becoming priests under such conditions, and the brothers left Moravia along with 867 disciples, going to Venice, hoping to ordain their disciples in Byzantium in Constantinople.

Having received an invitation from the Pope from Venice in 868, Constantine and Methodius went to Rome. In Rome, Pope Adrian II consecrated the Slavic books, and the disciples of Constantine and Methodius became priests and deacons. And then a misfortune happened: the not-so-old Constantine, who was only 42 years old, fell seriously ill and died in Rome on February 14, 869. Before his death, Kirill told his brother: “You and I, like two oxen, drove the same furrow. I am exhausted, but don’t think about leaving the work of teaching and retiring to your mountain again.”

The great Slavic teacher was buried in the Basilica of St. Clement. Methodius survived his brother by 16 years and fulfilled his order. At the end of the same 869, Methodius was installed as archbishop of Pannonia (Great Moravia). However, in 870, Great Moravia was occupied by the troops of the East Frankish kingdom, and Methodius was arrested and exiled to a monastery in Swabia. Only the uprising of the people of Moravia and the intervention of Pope John VIII helped the new Moravian prince Svyatopolk in 873 to achieve the release of Methodius. But Pope John VIII forbade Methodius to perform the liturgy in the Slavic language. Then Methodius went to Rome in 880, where he managed to achieve the abolition of the discriminatory ban.

Methodius died on April 8, 885, the location of his grave is unknown. He left as his successor the best of his students, Archbishop Gorazd, and about two hundred Slavs trained by him. But the disciples of Methodius, who defended the Slavic liturgy after his death, were expelled from Moravia and settled in Bulgaria. It was in this country that a new Slavic alphabet based on Greek was created; in order to convey the phonetic features of the Slavic language, the alphabet was supplemented with letters borrowed from the Glagolitic alphabet. This alphabet, having spread among the eastern and southern Slavs, subsequently received the name “Cyrillic” - in honor of Cyril (Constantine).

Although some scientists express doubts about the correctness of assigning a name to the alphabet, citing the fact that in the “Life of Methodius” there is the following phrase: “Cyril persuaded his brother to go with him, because he knew the Slavic language.” In addition, there is evidence that Methodius translated the works of Constantine from Greek into Slavic, so it is possible that it was the eldest of the brothers who became the creator of the new alphabet. However, there is no hard evidence of this yet.

With the adoption of Christianity, Ancient Rus' switched to the Slavic alphabet, inviting teachers who continued the work of Cyril and Methodius. And in Kyiv, and in Novgorod, and in other cities, schools were created to teach Slavic literacy.

Today there are approximately 60 peoples in the world whose writing was based on the Cyrillic alphabet. And many thanks to two great brothers for leaving us a legacy that will continue to unite the Slavic world.

F. I. Tyutchev

The great day of Kirill's death -
What a warm and simple greeting
Millennium Anniversary
Shall we honor the holy memory?
What words should I use to capture this day?
If not with the words spoken by him,
When I said goodbye to my brother and friends,
He reluctantly left his ashes to you, Rome...
Those involved in his work,
After a number of centuries, after so many generations,
And we, and we pulled the furrow
Among temptations and doubts.
And in turn, like him, without completing the work;
And we will get off it and, holy words
Remembering him, we will then exclaim:
“Do not betray yourself, great Russia!”
Don't trust, don't trust strangers, my native land,
Their false wisdom or their arrogant deceptions,
And, like Saint Cyril, don’t leave
Great service to the Slavs.

In states where the majority religion is Orthodoxy, May 24 (May 11 - according to the Julian calendar) is the day of remembrance of Saints Methodius and Cyril. In the Russian Federation, it was given a different name - the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture.

The origins of this holiday are inextricably linked with the honoring of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius - educators of the Slavs, Orthodox monks, creators of the Slavic alphabet.

Cyril and Methodius compiled the Slavic alphabet and translated several liturgical books from Greek into the Slavic language (including selected readings from the Gospel, the Apostolic Epistles and the Psalter). What contributed to the introduction and spread of Slavic worship. And also, relying on deep knowledge of Greek and Eastern cultures and summarizing the existing experience of Slavic writing, they offered the Slavs their own alphabet.

Saints Cyril and Methodius Day: interesting facts, history of the holiday

  1. During the Renaissance in Bulgaria, the united holiday of the brothers turned into a glorification of the Slavic alphabet;
  2. Bulgarians celebrate the Day of Bulgarian Education, Culture and Slavic Literature on a larger scale than in other Slavic countries;
  3. By special decision of the Russian Holy Synod Since 1863, May 24 has become the day of remembrance of Constantine and Methodius;
  4. In 1985, Soviet authorities declared May 24 a holiday of Slavic culture and writing;
  5. Murmansk in 1986 was the first to assume the responsibility of the cultural center for the Festival of Writing;
  6. For 24 years until 2010, the “capital” was elected every year;
  7. Since 2010, one city has been chosen to host ceremonies - Moscow.

Celebrating the Day of Slavic Culture and Literature in Russia

For more than 1000 years, services have been held in Orthodox cathedrals and churches in honor of the brothers. But since the 19th century the event has become secular. By this time, scientific progress did not stand still and veneration of the Enlightenment intensified.

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Video: May 24 - Memorial Day of Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril

During the Soviet era, the holiday was not popular. It was revived only in 1985 after the 1100th anniversary of the repose of Methodius was celebrated.

Currently, the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture begins with church events. A solemn liturgy is held in the Assumption Cathedral. Then the procession of the Cross moves from the cathedral to Slavyanskaya Square. According to tradition, flowers are laid at the monument in honor of Methodius and Cyril.

Then the relay of solemn celebration passes to cultural institutions. Literary readings are held in libraries. Folk groups perform on stages. Museums open various exhibitions.

Concerts in different genres are also held: from folk art to classical music. People hold festivities in the squares. Schools have open classes. In some cities, pilgrimages are held for children to monasteries.

In 2009, the Holy Synod established a literary prize. As part of the holiday, laureates are awarded - writers who have made a significant contribution to the development of moral values, the spirituality of society in general and the family in particular. There is no such award in the history of the Orthodox Church.

Celebration of Cyril and Methodius Day in other countries

This event takes place most solemnly in Bulgaria. Since the 19th century, the holiday has grown from a church holiday into a secular one. This day symbolizes respect for culture, science and education in general.

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At the present time, processions of representatives of the scientific community and teachers, students, schoolchildren and others are accepted. In addition, book fairs, concerts, literary readings and exhibitions are organized.

For the Czechs, the holiday appeared relatively recently. In Prague, on the Charles Bridge there are statues of various saints. And only 100 years ago, instead of another sculpture, a sculptural composition of Cyril (secular name Constantine) and Methodius was installed.

Attitudes towards the Byzantine missionary brothers in Great Moravia varied depending on political preferences. Disputes about the importance or insignificance of the brothers’ activities do not subside to this day.

Nevertheless, Catholics in the Czech Republic insisted on holding a holiday dedicated to Cyril and Methodius on July 5. There were no special traditions.

In Macedonia, the memory of Orthodox teachers is honored on May 24. Celebrations began in the 19th century. The main celebration takes place in Ohrid, because it is this place in Macedonia that is associated with Slavic writing.

There were many disciples of the holy missionary brothers in Ohrid. Officially, the holiday was called the Day of All-Slavic Educators and Teachers.

The Day of Slavic Literature and Culture has been officially celebrated in Transnistria since 1994. Five years later, a stamp dedicated to Slavic writing was issued. And in 2011, scientific symposiums, exhibitions, concerts and liturgies in churches were held for two weeks.

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The legacy of Cyril and Methodius also touched Croatia. They are especially proud of the fact that they were able to preserve the Glagolitic alphabet as a separate type of writing. Glagolitic worship is a heritage of Croatian culture.

Despite the large number of discussions about who developed the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabet, and what the alphabet was before. The brothers' missionary work had a significant impact on Croatian culture.

On May 24, Moldova celebrates the Day of Remembrance of Saints Cyril and Methodius. The main events take place in Chisinau. Poetry evenings, conferences, festivals and expositions are organized in other Moldovan cities.

The Serbs hold the event in several stages throughout May. In addition to various competitions and exhibitions, according to tradition, a ceremonial meeting of the Slavic Society is held in Belgrade.

In other Slavic countries, the veneration of holy brothers occurs more modestly, and there are no uniform traditions.

The history of the origin of the Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius, their contribution to the creation of the Slavic alphabet

Brothers Methodius and Cyril (known as Constantine) are from Thessaloniki. The family was wealthy and was able to provide a good education for their children.

The Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is inextricably linked with the honoring of Saints Equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius - educators of the Slavs, Orthodox monks, creators of the Slavic alphabet

Methodius initially built a military career, was a governor in Bulgaria, and there he learned the Slavic language. Later he took monastic vows and eventually became abbot. Konstantin studied languages ​​and literature since childhood. After training, he held the position of librarian and took the priesthood.

Day of Slavic Literature and Culture

The purpose of the lesson:

Reveal the meaning of the holiday: Day of Slavic Literature and Culture

Lesson objectives:

1. Instill in children a love of their native word, native language, and national history.

2.Introduce students to the origins of the creation of the Slavic alphabet.

3. To foster respect for the creators of the Cyrillic alphabet and national pride in the language.


Computer, presentation.

During the classes

Teacher's word:

Today we will talk about our history, about the emergence of Slavic writing. Every year on May 24, Russia celebrates the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. A nation, people, and state cannot live without culture, literacy, and writing.

On May 24, the Slavic peoples - Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles - celebrate a special holiday - “Day of Slavic Writing”.

Across broad Rus' - our mother -

The bells ring out.

Now the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius

They are glorified for their labors

Remember Cyril and Methodius -

Glorious brothers, equal to the apostles

In Belarus, Macedonia,

In Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

They praise the wise brothers in Bulgaria,

In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.

All the peoples who write in Cyrillic,

What have been called Slavic since ancient times,

They glorify the feat of the first teachers,

Christian enlighteners.

Fair-haired and gray-eyed,

Everyone is bright in face and glorious in heart,

Drevlyans, Rusichi, glades,

Tell me, who are you?


Your article is all nice,

Everyone is different and everyone is alike,

Now you are called Russians,

Since ancient times, who are you?


Writing is a real treasure that man has mastered.

So in ancient times, people exchanged information by sending each other various objects. It turned out cumbersome and not particularly clear. When people realized that exchanging message objects was a troublesome task, they began to draw these objects.

(3, 4, 5, 6 slide. Rock paintings)

Such images were found on the walls of caves where ancient people once lived. These are the first steps of man towards the creation of writing. Gradually, people began to replace drawings with symbols.

(Slide 7. Rock symbols-letters)

Inscriptions were made on stones, rocks, and on boards. Of course, it was inconvenient to carry such “letters” over distances and these signs could be understood in different ways.

Time passed. Gradually, people moved from drawings to signs, which they began to call letters. This is how writing was born.

(slide 8. The emergence of writing)

(9, 10, 11, 12, 13 slide. Cyril and Methodius)

On the screen you see an image of two brothers in monastic robes. These are Cyril (in the world Constantine) and Methodius (in the world Michael). Who are Cyril and Methodius? (Report)

They were originally from the Macedonian city of Thessaloniki. Kirill studied theology and taught philosophy. He was called a philosopher, or in Russian a sage. Since childhood, he dreamed of writing books that were understandable to the Slavs, and for this he had to come up with Slavic letters. This turned out to be a very difficult task and Kirill alone could not cope with it. His elder brother Methodius began to help him. They worked hard and the result was the alphabet. It had 38 letters. Some of them were taken from the Greek alphabet, and some were specially invented to convey the sounds of Slavic speech. This is how the Slavic peoples received their written language - the alphabet, which was called the Cyrillic alphabet in memory of its creator. This was in the 9th century.

More than 1110 years ago, the brothers Cyril and Methodius brought the light of writing and knowledge to the lands of the Slavs. This happened in 863.

The brothers were born into a large family of a military commander who served in Thessaloniki, a town on the border of Bulgaria and Greece. Methodius was 6 years older than his brother. Since childhood, the boys knew two languages: their native Greek and Slavic, since the population of the town consisted of half Greeks and half Slavs.

Constantine, thanks to his lively and quick mind, passion for learning and diligence, received an excellent education at the imperial court. Both brothers lived a spiritual life and did not attach much importance to wealth, fame, or career. The younger brother translated and wrote, creating the alphabet, in Slavic. The eldest published books, ran a school, wrote hymns and poetic sermons.

First, Constantine depicted sounds common to the Slavs and Greeks. He tried to record each unknown sound in a different way. If the signs seemed awkward to him, he replaced them. Each letter should be simple and clear—easy to write. After all, the Slavs will need a lot of books. And the simpler the letters are, the sooner you can rewrite the book. After all, people who will write will be inept, with hands unaccustomed to writing. The letters must also be beautiful, so that a person, as soon as he sees them, immediately wants to master writing.

In connection with the advent of Slavic writing, the churches where German priests preached began to empty, and the churches where Slavic speech was heard were full. The Germans could not put up with this and outlawed the brothers and their books. That’s when the brothers and their disciples had to go to Rome. In Rome, the pope himself came out to the brothers, accepted the Slavic books, and consecrated them.

Konstantin was not destined to return to his homeland. Having become seriously ill, he took monastic vows, received the name Kirill, and died a few hours later. He remained to live with this name in the blessed memory of his descendants. Dying, Kirill said to his brother: “Here, brother, you and I were a couple in the same harness and plowed the same furrow. And I fall on the field, finishing my day. Don’t you dare leave your teaching…”

Methodius, having buried his brother, returned to the Slavs, but due to a false denunciation he was imprisoned. For two and a half years the light dimmed for the one who himself brought light to people. With great difficulty, the disciples managed to achieve the release of Methodius. His educational and teaching activities continued until his very last days.

(14, 15, 16 slides. ABC. Glagolitic and Cyrillic)

Glagolitic and Cyrillic are the first Slavic alphabet. The name of the alphabet “Glagolitic” comes from the word VERB, which means “speech”. And “Cyrillic” is named after its creator. In Ancient Rus', the Glagolitic alphabet was used to transmit church texts and existed for 3 centuries, and the Cyrillic alphabet was used in everyday writing. There are 43 letters in the Cyrillic alphabet, which later became the basis of the Russian alphabet.

(17, 18, 19, 20, 21 slides. First books)

In 988, a palace school of “book learning” was opened in Kyiv. A new center of book culture arose; the school connected Kievan Rus with European civilization.

Books in Rus' were very expensive. They were made on parchment: the skin of the sheep was soaked in lime, dried, then honey was rubbed in.

From the well, such blue depths
My Kitezh is growing, four walls,
Gilded ridge, lace shutters - apart...
The east is turning pink. Ros is illuminated.
Wooden fairy tale, lake peace,
Why do I need your shore, so lacy?
In the whimsical curves of patterned roofs?
Yes, a shepherd's horn? Yes, pipe reed?
Apparently, the archival memory began to hurt,
If there is nothing to regret in the concrete wilds -
So at least lure you from the depths,
From Cyrillic woven epic songs.
Wooden fairy tale, forgotten Ros,
You pierce my soul right through with an arrow.
And I don’t know why this is necessary,
Like water from a well, your old man...

(22, 23, 24 slide. Birch bark letters)

In Rus', another material for writing was used for a long time - birch bark. Signs were applied to birch bark using a bone rod.

Since the 10th century, literature based on the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabet has been spreading in the Old Russian language. Most often these were church books, teachings, and scientific works.

(25, 26, 27, 28, 29 slide. First books and chroniclers)

(Slide 30. The first printing presses in Rus')

Over time, more convenient machines appeared, and with them the modern alphabet.

A good book, my companion, my friend,
Leisure time with you can be interesting.
You teach to be truthful and valiant,
To understand and love nature, people.
I cherish you, I take care of you.
I can't live without a good book.

(31, 32, 33 slide. ABC)

The appearance of the letters of the Slavic alphabet helps us see the world through the eyes of our ancestors. Each letter is individual, unique and has its own name: lead, people, beeches, az, earth.

The names of the letters were supposed to remind people of words that should not be forgotten: “good”, “live”, “earth”, “people”, “peace”.

"Az" and "Buki". The result is the word "ALC."

(Slide 34. Proverbs)

This is what people say: “First “az” and “buki”, then science.” It is with the basics that the path of each of us into the world of knowledge begins.

Guys, listen to proverbs about the benefits of learning.

    He who wants to know a lot needs little sleep.

    Going into science means suffering.

    The light stands by God's will, people live by science.

    Without flour there is no science.

    To think nothing means to become sour.

(Slide 35. Continue the proverb)

A total of 43 sister letters look at us from an ancient scroll. These names became the basis of the modern Russian language.

Russian language.
I love my native language!
It is clear to everyone
He is melodious
He, like the Russian people, has many faces,
As our power, mighty.
He is the language of the moon and planets,
Our satellites and rockets,
At the round table meeting
Speak it:
Unambiguous and direct
He is like the truth itself.

(36, 37 slide. Monuments to Cyril and Methodius)

In honor of the enlighteners Cyril and Methodius, a holiday was established - the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. This holiday came to us from Bulgaria, where this tradition is already more than 100 years old. To this day, on the eve of the holiday, Bulgarians lay flowers at the monuments to Cyril and Methodius.

In our country, the holiday began to be celebrated in 1986. In 1992, sculptor V. Klykov created a monument to the Slavic enlighteners, Cyril and Methodius, which was installed in Moscow.

On May 24, all our people will celebrate the Holiday of Slavic Literature and Culture. On this day, a monument to Cyril and Methodius was unveiled on Slavyanskaya Square in Moscow. At the foot of this monument there is an Unquenchable Lamp - a sign of eternal memory. Since then, every year on May 24 we honor Cyril and Methodius.

It is a pity that we began to celebrate the Holiday of Slavic Literature very late, because in other Slavic countries this day has been celebrated a long time ago, publicly, very colorfully and truly festive.

(38, 39 slides. Saints Cyril and Methodius)

The Solun brothers Cyril and Methodius are the pride of the entire Slavic world. They said: doesn’t the sun shine for everyone, doesn’t it rain for everyone, doesn’t the earth feed everyone? All people are equal, all people are brothers, everyone is equal before the Lord, and everyone needs literacy. The Orthodox Church canonized the brothers Cyril and Methodius as saints.

In a narrow monastery cell,

In four blank walls,

About the land about ancient Russian

The story was written down by a monk.

He wrote in winter and summer,

Illuminated by dim light.

He wrote year after year

About our great people.

(N. Konchalovskaya)

And the Slavic alphabet, which was invented about two thousand years ago by the brothers Cyril and Methodius from the distant Greek town of Thessaloniki, helped to record and convey to us “the affairs of bygone days.”

(40 slide)

Two brothers, Cyril and Methodius,
We want to say thank you!
For the letters that we really need,
To teach us to read.

There are many interesting facts in the history of writing. Here are some of them.

The largest book in the world– “Super Book”, measures 2.74 x 3.07 m, weighs 252.6 kg and contains 300 pages. It was published in Denver, Colorado, USA in 1976.

Smallest book ever sold, was printed on 1x1 meter paper. This is a children's fairy tale "Old King Cole", published in 1985 in Scotland. Its pages can be carefully turned with a needle.

The smallest book in the world– until recently it was “Kobzar” by T.G. Shevchenko is a miracle of the hands of a Ukrainian engineer, created using microtechnology. It is made in a single copy and consists of twelve pages of text and two illustrations. The pages are sewn together with dyed web, and you can turn them over with the pointed end of a hair. The cover is made of immortelle petal and decorated on both sides with gold stripes. Seven such publications easily fit on the end of a match, and the book can only be read with the help of a magnifying glass. It can easily be threaded through the eye of a needle or hidden in eyelashes. Later it turned out that this little book was not the limit for miniaturists. The Zhmerinsky craftsman created a volume of poems by A.S. Pushkin with a volume of only 0.0064 cubic meters. mm! A portrait of the poet is engraved on the cover of the book. If you look at the book with the naked eye, it looks like a speck of dust, because it is 15 times smaller than a poppy seed. If you look into the microscope, you can see a rather plump volume.

The most original autograph The writer belongs to Maxim Gorky. In the spring of 1937 Italian fishermen near Palermo caught a huge turtle weighing 100 kg. Their attention was attracted by the inscription written on the shell: “Released the turtle Torto on April 1, 1922. The turtle weighs 52 kg and is 90 cm long. Toto loves sardines very much. Maksim Gorky. Capri."

The first handwritten book in Rus'- “Chimes”. Started publishing in 1621. by order of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. The contents of the newspaper were considered a state secret, since it contained excerpts from foreign newspapers about various events in Europe. The Chimes were read only by the Tsar and his immediate circle. The newspaper was published in a single copy.

The first printed newspaper in Rus'– “Vedomosti” began to be published by decree of Peter 1 and was intended for the mass reader.

The oldest library in the world is a collection of clay books from King Ashurbanipal of Nineveh (7th century BC).

The very first library in Rus' was created by Yaroslav the Wise in Kyiv in the St. Sophia Cathedral in 1037.

The largest library in the world– Library of Congress in Washington.

The largest library in Russia– Russian State Library in Moscow.

Every year in Russia they celebrate the most historical and national holiday - the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, May 24. How did he appear? Who is it dedicated to? How is it usually celebrated? The answers to these and many other important questions can be found in this article.

History of origin

May 24 is the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. The date of its origin is unknown. People only know for sure that the creators of the holiday are the famous two brothers - Methodius and Cyril. They - preachers of Christianity - tried to translate Greek letters into an understandable Slavic language. The first alphabet appeared approximately 1150 years ago.

The holiday was established by church workers: they considered this literary feat worthy of special attention!

First, in 1980, Bulgarians began to celebrate this holiday. Gradually, Russian people, Ukrainians and Belarusians began to adhere to this tradition.

Interesting facts about the origin of the alphabet

Two brothers lived around the middle of the 9th century. All their lives they preached in the Greek city of Thessaloniki, devoting their existence to the study of Slavic writing. The real name of the younger brother is Konstantin. As a young man, he decided to become a monk, renaming himself Kirill. It was he who first thought about how to make the Greek language more understandable. Konstantin began to translate each letter into the Slavic language. In honor of his new name, he called the created alphabet “Cyrillic”. Konstantin's interest was fully supported by his older brother. Together they managed to create the very alphabet that every Russian learns in elementary school.

The morning begins with a discussion

The history of the day of Slavic writing and culture is known to almost every person. In Russia, this day begins with all the news from the central channels congratulating you on a wonderful event and revealing the most interesting facts about the holiday.

Early in the morning, poets and writers unite in order to resolve pressing problems and take any measures to solve them. Every city hosts important forums with discussions.

Who is the holiday dedicated to?

Many people are concerned about the question of who is the holiday of Slavic literature and culture dedicated to? Absolutely all people living in the Russian Federation and other regions have the right to celebrate it. All inhabitants of planet Earth are related to the alphabet to one degree or another. They write letters, read, learn letters during their school years. Their distant ancestors did the same.

You should definitely thank the creators of the main national event on this day by visiting the church.

Activities for children

In each region, on May 24, before the last bell, an event is held dedicated to the day of Slavic literature and culture for children. Of course, it is difficult for children in kindergarten to perceive such information, but schoolchildren master it in full. The ceremonial event is usually divided into several main parts:

  • First of all, class hours are organized. Teachers or guests from the local library come to schoolchildren to tell all listeners a brief history of the emergence of this memorable event. For clarity, they use pictures, videos or presentations. In some cases, the children themselves prepare for this holiday. They first prepare a report on this topic and take turns telling each other interesting facts.
  • Next, teachers tell their students about the best works in the field of world literature and recommend a list of books that should be read during the summer holidays.
  • The third part of the program is a formal event, which is usually held in the assembly hall. Children prepare for it for a long time. They read poetry from the stage, act out scenes from famous works of art and sing songs.

If the holiday May 24, Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, falls on a weekend, then it is held on the last weekday before it.

Activities for adults

The celebration of the day of Slavic literature and culture in each region is also held for adults. It is also divided into several main components.

  • First of all, the award ceremony takes place in palaces, city squares or parks. The most outstanding teachers, philologists, librarians, poets, writers, poets and other literary workers receive gratitude for their services in this difficult work.
  • The second part of the ceremony is the concert. Local amateur groups perform there, modern poets read their own poems, and you can also see several interesting skits.
  • In some cities, quizzes are held for those who are well acquainted with the history of this holiday. By participating in the competition, you can win a valuable souvenir.

In every corner of the country on May 24, the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, there is some special peaceful atmosphere.

Cultural and entertainment events

A free exhibition is organized in every city on the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. It will be interesting to absolutely every person, even those who are distant from the literary field. On it you can see what the paintings of Cyril and Methodius, the first Slavic letters and ancient books looked like.

Almost all historical museums are open on this day. For everyone, educational lessons are held here that allow you to become better acquainted with this national holiday. In the evening, poetry concerts are held in many halls, where the most outstanding poets perform their best works. Basically, all events on this day are free of charge.

Services are held in churches. All believers can come to the temple and thank the two holy brothers for their great contribution to literary work.


What to give to the hero of the occasion on this day? There are several options. You can make your choice depending on your financial capabilities:

  • A souvenir or figurine to decorate the desk of a creative person.
  • Elite pen in gift packaging.
  • Printer ink or a pack of white paper.
  • Exclusive book.
  • Notebook.
  • Computer, laptop or any component for it (mouse, pad, keyboard, etc.).
  • Lamp for lighting.

It is not at all necessary that the gift be related to literary activity. You can also please a person with a bouquet of flowers, fragrant perfume or jewelry. It will be nice to receive any sweet souvenir that will have a positive effect on a person’s intellectual activity.

In verse

It is important to think in advance about holding the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, but it is also necessary to take care in advance of preparing a congratulatory speech for the hero of the occasion. For example, you can use the following option for this purpose:

“Before your eyes there is always an empty piece of paper,

So today I want to write a small congratulations on it.

Let all your letters easily form words.

And colorful sentences are formed from them.”

Any person related to literature will be happy to hear a capacious, bright and small congratulation.

In prose

It is very difficult to surprise a talented person whose work is related to literature with a beautiful verse. It is best to prepare a congratulation in prose, which will be filled with maximum sincerity, touching and tenderness. For example, the following message would be suitable for this purpose:

“Today is the day of glory of Slavic writing. I would like to congratulate you on your professional holiday. May your talent never leave you, may there always be a muse and a good mood that will allow you to create new legendary projects. We really want to thank you for your invaluable work. Thanks to you, we were able to learn to love, think correctly and enjoy life. We wish you good health, new ideas and the achievement of all your goals.”

This text is perfect for congratulating a poet, writer, librarian, or any person whose work is directly related to literature.

Every year on May 24, a legendary holiday dedicated to Slavic writing and culture takes place. No one can simply remain indifferent to him. In every city, pleasant words are heard addressed to outstanding specialists, thematic exhibitions and events are held. Unfortunately, this day has not yet been declared a holiday, so people are forced to go to work. In the evening they can also join this pleasant event. The main purpose of it is to learn to appreciate the importance of literature for every person.

In the history of every nation there are epochal milestones that separate times with a red line, personifying change and renewal. First of all, this is due to the nationality, which for many centuries was above politics and prosperity. Of course, for a long time, spirituality and science went hand in hand, engaging in education, preserving values ​​and historical information. That is why many prominent figures in the Middle Ages turned out to be clergy. They had a broad outlook, were familiar with all sciences, knew languages ​​and geography, and saw the highest moral and educational goals before them. Such individuals, who changed the course of history and made an unprecedented contribution, are worth their weight in gold. That is why celebrations are still organized in their honor, and a clear example of this is the “Day of Slavic Literature and Culture” holiday.


This holiday arose in memory of two brothers who are called Thessalonica. Cyril and Methodius were Byzantines, the full name of the city - the place of their birth - Thessalonica. They came from a noble family and were fluent in Greek. Some chronicles indicate that a local dialect was also widespread in this area, which was classified as Slavic, however, no documentary evidence was found about the presence of a second native language among the brothers. Many historians attribute them to Bulgarian origin, citing a number of sources, but it is quite possible that they were Greek by birth. Before his tonsure, Cyril bore the name Konstantin. Methodius was the eldest among the brothers in the family and the first to retire to the monastery. Konstantin received an excellent education and earned honor and respect in the scientific community. After a series of events, he retired to his brother’s monastery along with his students and associates. It was there that the extensive work that made them famous began.

Brothers' legacy

The history of the holiday dates back to the events of the 9th century AD. e. Starting from Kirill's tonsure, work began within the walls of the monastery on the development of the Cyrillic alphabet. This is now the name of one of the first alphabets of the Old Church Slavonic language. Its primary name is "Glagolic". It is believed that the idea of ​​its creation arose back in 856. The impetus for their invention was missionary activity and the preaching of Christianity. Many rulers and clergy turned to Constantinople in those days, asking for prayers and chants in their native language. The Glagolitic system allowed Cyril and Methodius to translate a number of church books into the Slavic language and thereby open the way for Christianity to the east.

Religious canons

But within the framework of history, the holiday of Slavic writing and culture is associated not only with the alphabet, but also with the life of the brothers, Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius. They are canonized as saints and revered in the East and West. It is noteworthy that in church usage the order of their names is Methodius, and then Cyril. This probably indicates the higher rank of the older brother, who is noted separately, despite his brother's more important research contributions. They are always depicted together on icons; they were recognized as saints at the end of the 9th century.

The origin of the holiday

Having appreciated the work of the brothers, the Bulgarians, who were the closest Slavs, decided to mark this event. Already in the 11th century, as some sources report, an official church date for the celebration appeared. The date was set as May 11. For many centuries it was a day of remembrance of saints; later, in the era of the heyday of science and enlightenment, the event turned into a holiday of Slavic writing. It was the Bulgarian people who initiated the celebrations and kept this tradition. The people were proud of Cyril and Methodius as educators who gave the Slavic world the opportunity for self-determination and national independence, including through the church. This date became central in the cultural and spiritual life of the Balkan peoples.

19th century

Much changed at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries: a revision of values, views, the beginning of progress. It was during this period that the holiday of Slavic writing received a new life. The beginning was again made in Bulgaria, where mass celebrations took place in 1857. Not wanting to lag behind the Slavic brothers and remembering the impetus for the development of linguistics, literature and science given by the development of the alphabet, the Russian state also organized celebrations, but in 1863. Alexander || was on the throne at that time, and the Polish uprising was on the agenda. Nevertheless, it was this year that a decree was issued to celebrate the day of memory of Cyril and Methodius on May 11 (old style), the date was chosen by the Holy Synod. In 1863, celebrations took place to mark the thousandth anniversary of the supposed date of creation of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet.

Period of oblivion

Despite respect for the saints equal to the apostles and appreciation of their contribution in the form of translations of church books, the memorable date included in the state calendar seemed to be forgotten for a long time. Perhaps this was due to the development of the revolutionary movement, the coup d'état denying church canons, and the wars that thundered across Eurasia. Once again, the holiday of Slavic writing was revived in Russia in 1985. This event took place in Murmansk, thanks to the writer who was repeatedly awarded State Prizes - Vitaly Semenovich Maslov. It was he who became an activist in reviving interest in this holiday; it was also on his initiative that a monument to Cyril and Methodius was erected in Murmansk. Interest, fueled by the public, grew into a tradition that was soon legalized.

Public Holiday

The official approval of Cyril and Methodius falls on January 30, 1991. The decision was made by the President of the Russian Federation. This is the first and only one of its kind. The date chosen was May 24, analogous to May 11 in the new style. From then on, celebrations were held in one of the cities, so, for the period from 1991 to 2000, the epicenter of events were Moscow, Vladimir, Belgorod, Kostroma, Orel, Yaroslavl, Pskov, Ryazan. Later, cities more distant from the capital were also involved - Novosibirsk, Khanty-Mansiysk. Since 2010, by decree of President D. A. Medvedev, Moscow has been designated as the center of cultural and church events.

Church celebrations

The history of the holiday of Slavic literature and culture involves church events dedicated to the memory of Equal-to-the-Apostles Saints Methodius and Cyril. As a rule, the most important place at moments of important spiritual events is the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, where the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' conducts services. Traditional celebrations include the morning Divine Liturgy. Later, the patriarch makes a speech addressing parishioners, clergy and government officials. Within the walls of the temple the brothers are called “Slovenian teachers.” First of all, the educational orientation of the saints is noted, the fact that they brought the word, culture, language to the people, guided by divine laws and moral norms. The concept of enlightenment is interpreted in the church as the emission of light, showing a person the path to light, and therefore to God. At the moment, the church is actively involved in the life of the country, responding to political problems and the hardships of life of parishioners. This allows you not only to renounce the earthly by attending the liturgy, but also to find out the position of the church on the main issues of existence and statehood. After the official part, a procession to the monument to Cyril and Methodius takes place within the walls of the cathedral. It is located in the center of Moscow, a prayer service is held there, and then wreaths are laid.

Mass celebrations

Along with the church, the scenario of the holiday “Day of Slavic Literature and Culture” in mass manifestation is no less important. Since this is a state date, public organizations hold concerts, exhibitions, presentations, readings, competitions and other events. Red Square becomes the center of events; it is there that a large-scale concert is held, which opens in the afternoon with official speeches and continues for quite a long time. Soloists and groups alternate on stage, creating a festive atmosphere on the city streets. The scope of the event is emphasized by the composition of the performers - these are the largest choral groups, a symphony orchestra, and folk instrument orchestras. Actors and TV presenters consider it an honor to have the opportunity to perform on such a stage. The concert is broadcast on state channels. Celebrations also take place outside the capital, concentrated in central squares, at monuments, in parks, and in libraries. A unified scenario for the holiday of Slavic writing is provided, which regulates the main parameters of the celebrations.

Development of culture

Cyril and Methodius Day plays a big role in the cultural life of the country. It fuels the interest of the younger generation in linguistics, literature, history, and introduces the older generation to historical milestones. The very history of the holiday “Day of Slavic Literature” speaks of its important mission - education. Open lectures, seminars, readings - those events that introduce visitors to new discoveries, main versions of historical truth, and new literary and journalistic works.

Geography of the holiday

The Day of Literature and Culture is not only the prerogative of Russia. This holiday is famous for its vast geography, which includes the countries of the Slavic world. Of course, it is celebrated in Bulgaria, which is interesting, it is also a state holiday in the Czech Republic and Macedonia. In the post-Soviet space, it remains one of the favorites. Celebrations in city squares, churches, libraries, and schools are held in the cities of Moldova, Transnistria, Ukraine, and Belarus. Traditionally, forums, meetings, open readings, publications of monographs or historical essays are prepared for this date. In order to diversify the content of the events, anniversaries of writers, anniversaries of the death of clergy or historical markers are included in the celebration dates.

How to spend a writing day?

Many preschool educational institutions and public organizations celebrate the holiday of Slavic literature and culture in their own way. The scenario may vary. Some choose to hold charity events, others focus on literary and linguistic heritage, others choose to hold concerts and exhibitions. Of course, the theme of national unity, spiritual growth, wealth and value of the native language occupies a leading place. When a holiday of Slavic literature and culture is being prepared, the script takes a leading place, since it requires a clear schedule with an hourly schedule.

There are monuments to Cyril and Methodius in many cities in Russia and abroad. The contribution of the saints, who gave the Slavic people the key to the development of science and linguistics, is difficult to overestimate. The holiday of Slavic writing is one of the most important events in the life of the country and the Slavic people.