Dukan bread in the microwave. Dukan diet: bread for weight loss Bran bread in the microwave

The sensational Dukan diet haunts many. Women who have lost those hated pounds using it recommend that everyone follow this particular nutritional principle. Despite the fact that the diet has been severely criticized by the scientific community, it does not lose popularity. Dukan's books have been translated into 14 languages ​​and are successfully sold all over the world.

Combine oat bran, salt, soda and citric acid, eggs, natural yogurt in a bowl.

Mix all ingredients well and let the mixture sit for about 10 minutes.

Wrap a microwave-safe pan with parchment paper. Pour the mixture into the mold. Distribute evenly.

Bake in the microwave at 800 watts for 6 minutes. When the bread is ready, it springs back well when pressed with your finger.

Eat this bread with pleasure, but do not forget about the nutritional standards, according to which you can consume no more than 1-2 tablespoons of bran per day. That is, you bake bread for several days.

By the way, it not only looks appetizing, but also stores well.

If desired, natural yogurt can be replaced with low-fat kefir.

People who want to lose weight or maintain a slim figure are almost certainly familiar with the Dukan diet. It is divided into several stages, the first and most severe being “Attack”. The bottom line is to eliminate sugar, excess carbohydrates, and fatty foods from your diet. The emphasis is on foods rich in protein and fiber. Regular chain bread does not comply with the nutritional principles established by Dr. Dukan. But there are people who find it difficult to follow a diet if baked goods are banned. These people will find baking recipes without sugar and flour useful. Dukan bread can be prepared in the oven, bread maker, microwave or slow cooker, so the diet he developed becomes accessible to almost everyone.

Cooking features

Baking is quite complex and has many subtleties, but even an inexperienced cook can bake bread according to Dukan. It is only important to know a few points.

  • When using bran to make bread, pay attention to its quality. If the product turns out to be counterfeit, the result obtained is unlikely to satisfy you.
  • To prepare Dukan bread, dry yeast is most often added to the dough. You can replace them with soda, quenched with vinegar or lemon juice.
  • Sugar is most often added to bread dough during industrial production. For people following the Dukan diet, this product is prohibited. Sweeteners are added instead. The liquid sweetener is introduced directly into the dough; the sweetener produced in tablets is first diluted in a small amount of water or milk.
  • Turmeric will help give bread an appetizing color. You shouldn’t add a lot of it, so as not to spoil the taste of the finished dish or make its color too rich. A pinch of turmeric will be enough to make the baked goods look tempting and rosy.
  • At the first stage of the Dukan diet, bread cannot be flavored with garlic or herbs, and the taste cannot be improved with flax seeds. They can be used starting from the “Alternation” stage. At the “Attack” stage, you can only add spices such as cumin and coriander.
  • Don't rush to put the dough in the oven, let it rise. Then the bread will be more fluffy, tasty and appetizing.
  • It is best to bake Dukan bread in silicone molds. It can be easily removed from them, even if they are not pre-lubricated with oil.

Some Dukan bread recipes may contain corn flour or starch. At the first stages of the diet, these ingredients cannot be used. Choose a recipe based on how far you've come with your Dukan weight loss journey.

Protein bread according to Dukan for “Attack”

  • oat bran – 40 g;
  • wheat bran – 30 g;
  • protein isolate – 60 g;
  • soft cottage cheese – 20 g;
  • chicken egg – 3 pcs.;
  • low-fat kefir – 100 ml;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sweetener – 1 tablet (or to taste);
  • dry yeast – 10 g;
  • baking powder for dough – 15 g.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the bran using a blender or coffee grinder.
  • Remove kefir from the refrigerator in advance. It doesn’t hurt to warm it up slightly by placing it next to the battery or placing it in a container filled with warm water.
  • Pour yeast into kefir, stir, add sweetener, bran and stir again.
  • In a separate container, combine protein isolate, baking powder, and salt.
  • Combine both mixtures and stir. The end result will be a crumb-like mass.
  • Add whisked eggs and cottage cheese. Stir until you get a homogeneous and fairly elastic dough. Leave it for 30-40 minutes to rise.
  • Transfer the dough into the mold.
  • Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, place the mold with the dough in it.
  • Bake the bread for about 40 minutes. Its readiness should be checked with a toothpick. It will be ready only when the toothpick remains dry and there are no stuck crumbs on it.

If you are making bread while on the Alternation Diet or a subsequent stage of the Dukan Diet, you can sprinkle flax seeds before placing the dough in the oven to make the bread even more delicious.

A simple recipe for Dukan bread in a bread machine

  • oat bran – 20 g;
  • dry yeast – 5 g;
  • baking powder for dough – 5 g;
  • skim milk – 150 ml;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • salt, sweetener - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Pour chopped bran, yeast, sugar substitute, baking powder and salt into the bread machine container.
  • Break the eggs and add to the dry ingredients.
  • Pour in the milk.
  • Turn on the unit in kneading mode for the time required to transform the ingredients placed in the bread machine into a homogeneous mass.
  • Activate the “Bake” program for 2 hours.

Lush, tender and healthy bread will be prepared with virtually no effort on your part.

Dukan bread in a slow cooker

  • oat bran – 40 g;
  • baking powder – 10 g;
  • salt – 5 g;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • low-fat kefir – 150 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Break an egg into a bowl, add salt, beat with a whisk.
  • Add kefir, beat again to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  • Grind the bran to flour, mix it with baking powder, and add it to the prepared mixture. Stir thoroughly.
  • Divide the dough into silicone muffin tins and place them in the multicooker bowl.
  • Start the device by selecting the “Baking” or “Multi-cook” program. Set the timer for 25 minutes.

This option is easy to prepare. The recipe will appeal to those who prefer to cook dishes without using yeast.

Dukan bread in the microwave

  • oat bran – 45 g;
  • wheat bran – 15 g;
  • unsweetened low-fat yogurt – 40 ml;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • soda – 3 g;
  • lemon juice – 5 ml;
  • sweetener, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the bran with a blender or coffee grinder until it becomes flour.
  • Break the eggs into a bowl. Add sweetener and salt, whisk.
  • Add yogurt to the egg and whisk them together.
  • Combine with bran and mix thoroughly.
  • Quench the soda with lemon juice, add to the dough, stir. Leave for 15 minutes.
  • Pour the dough into a silicone mold or other microwave-safe container. It is important that there is room to the edges as the dough will rise.
  • Place the mold in the microwave. Turn it on at maximum power for 8 minutes.

This bread recipe can be made in a hurry. This option will suit people who do not have a lot of time to cook. If your office is equipped with a microwave, you can prepare bread using this recipe even during your lunch break.

Dukan bread without bran

  • powdered milk – 60 g;
  • corn starch – 60 g;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • baking powder for dough – 10 g;
  • soft cottage cheese – 100 g;
  • salt, sweetener - to taste;
  • vegetable oil – 5 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Pour milk powder, starch, salt and baking powder into a bowl and mix.
  • Place the cottage cheese in a separate container.
  • Break the eggs into the bowl with the cottage cheese and mix until smooth.
  • Add sweetener to the curd-egg mixture and mix again.
  • Combine with a mixture of dry ingredients and knead the dough. Leave the dough for 15-20 minutes.
  • Grease a baking sheet with as thin a layer of vegetable oil as possible.
  • Form the dough into cakes about 15 cm in diameter and place them on a baking sheet.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place a baking sheet with dough in it.
  • Bake for 20 minutes.

This bread turns out tasty, it is convenient to use for making sandwiches and pizza, but at the first stage of the Dukan diet it cannot be included in the diet.

Dukan bread is prepared without fat, flour and sugar. They can replace the usual bread from the store for people who cannot refuse such a product, but want to lose weight.

With the help of microwaves you can quickly get delicious, healthy and aromatic baked goods. How to bake Dukan bread in the microwave, what products are included in the recipe?

Recipe for Attack

The Dukan microwave bread recipe presented below can be used starting from the Attack stage. Salt the egg, beat, add cottage cheese (20 g) to the resulting mass, mix. Mix baking powder (0.5 tsp) with ground fiber (take 25-30 g of oat bran, and half as much of wheat bran). Combine both masses. Place in a silicone, ceramic or glass mold. Leave for a quarter of an hour. Bake in a microwave oven at full power for about 4 minutes.

No eggs

Prepare baked goods from oat and wheat bran (6 tbsp and 3 tbsp respectively). You will also need COM, starch and isolate (60 g/15 g/30 g). The amount of salt is 0.5 tsp, and the baking powder is 10 g. The amount of water is 175 ml. Additionally, use “zero” milk – 40 ml.

Dissolve baking powder in a mixture of water and milk and salt the liquid. Mix the dry substances, add liquid and knead well. Bake in a microwave-safe pan for 5 minutes (maximum level). Divide the resulting product over 3 days (store in the refrigerator).

On kefir

Take 2 tbsp. “zero” kefir, a chicken egg and 20 g of soft curd (low-fat product). The recommended amount of oat bran is 25-30 g, and wheat bran is half as much. Add soda moderately - 0.5 tsp is enough, but you can increase the rate to 1 tsp. (quench it with lemon juice).

Place all dry ingredients in a bowl, dilute with egg-kefir mixture. Leave it for a while. Bake for 5 minutes at full power.

From oat bran

Take 50 g of oat bran, a couple of eggs and 50 ml of “zero” yoghurt. Also use 5 ml lemon juice and 0.5 tsp. soda Combine everything, add slaked soda, mix. Leave for a quarter of an hour. Cook for 4 minutes (microwaves on high).

With milk

Mix oat fiber, COM and cornstarch (50 g/60 g/30 g). You also need eggs and “zero” milk (2 pcs./100 ml). The amount of baking powder is 2 tsp. Determine the amount of salt to taste.

Add milk and egg yolks to the dry mixture and let the dough sit. Beat the egg whites until foamy and add to the dough. Cook for 5 minutes in a silicone or glass form (microwave - maximum level).

With coriander

Take eggs and low-fat soft cottage cheese (4 pcs./120 g). You will also need fiber from oats (10 tbsp) and wheat (half as much). Additional ingredients – baking powder (3/4 sachet), coriander powder (to taste). You can put 1 tsp. sugar substitute. Combine everything (salt the eggs, beat with cottage cheese). Bake on full power for 6 minutes.

With homemade cheese

For this recipe, homemade low-fat cheese (40 g) is useful. You also need fiber from oats (25-30 g) and wheat (half the norm). The remaining components of the dough are an egg, a couple of tablespoons of low-fat sour cream and 0.5 tsp. soda (quench it). To improve the taste, you can add chopped herbs and seasonings. Salt the egg, beat, add cheese, sour cream and other ingredients. Let the dough sit. Cook for 3 minutes (full power).

Dukan bread in the microwave is not only a healthy product, but also very tasty. By eating it, you take care of your figure.

The Dukan diet is one of the most popular and effective in the world. Her practice spans over 30 years and is confirmed by millions of positive results. The main feature of the diet is not to starve. Moreover, the list of products used is quite extensive. 75 species in the most strict period - “Attacks”, 100 each - in the other two, during the diet and a full diet without restrictions on the types of food in the future.

The most interesting thing is the fact that there are a lot of photo and video recipes for the Dukan diet. Let's try to describe the recipe for Dukan bread in the microwave. Moreover, there are several options, these are Dukan bread in the microwave on “Attack” with eggs and cottage cheese, and Dukan bread in the microwave with kefir.

Benefits of bran

Bran is the outer part of various grains. Depending on the type of plant, bran can be:

  • wheat;
  • rye;
  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal, etc.

Bran is useful not only as a product for weight loss. They are substances containing a large number of microelements necessary for the stable functioning of internal organs and systems. So, taking bran has a positive effect on:

  1. Digestion process. The functions and interaction of the gastrointestinal tract are improved, metabolism is improved, and toxins are removed from the body.
  2. Circulatory system. The walls of blood vessels are strengthened, cholesterol levels are reduced, blood circulation is improved, and as a result, cell regeneration.
  3. Immune system. The use of bran, which is easily digestible, does not prevent the body from strengthening itself. As a result, immunity increases, and the body better resists colds and infectious diseases, especially during the off-season, when the risks are quite high.

Bran is an organic, easy-to-digest product. Consequently, the body’s costs for digesting it will be minimal, which means energy will increase. This is very important, especially for those who live in large cities and spend most of their time at work, facing stressful situations.


Dukan bran bread in the microwave is prepared using an oat product. The recipe is quite simple.

  1. For baking you will need a silicone mold, although you can use the most ordinary dishes, even a mug (it all depends on the portion).
  2. According to one of the recipes you will need: egg - 1, bran - 2 tablespoons, baking powder - 1 teaspoon, liquid cottage cheese or kefir - 1 tablespoon, as well as wheat or other bran in addition - 1 tablespoon.
  3. Preparation will take no more than 5 minutes. To do this, you need to beat all the ingredients with a blender until you obtain a homogeneous mass. Pour everything into the prepared form and place it in the microwave oven.
  4. Bread is prepared in no more than 5 minutes, with an average power of 740 watts.

You can take bread during any period of the diet, and, as already mentioned, there are three of them:

  1. “Attack” is the initial and most difficult stage, which is aimed at restructuring the power system.
  2. “Cruise” - alternating various products of protein origin.
  3. “Consolidation” – so to speak, consolidating what has been accomplished. An important stage that becomes a point on the way to good shape. After this stage, familiar foods are gradually introduced into the diet, which are then used for a specific purpose.

There are practically no contraindications to the Dukan diet. However, before starting any diet, you should consult your doctor. For example, endocrine diseases require special attention to the diet, since the body periodically needs carbohydrates, which are prohibited on a protein diet. Also, during the period of using the diet, you should take an additional vitamin and mineral complex to maintain the body.

In conclusion, it remains to add that Dukan bread can be prepared in the microwave without two types of bran, using one. It all depends on the availability of products in the house, as well as on personal tastes and preferences. You can also use bran from other grains.