GZhF social mortgage. Social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan personal page

Welcome! Today we will find out what a social mortgage is and who can get it. How to apply for a social mortgage. How banks and social mortgages interact. Read the post to the end and you will find out all the news of 2019 on this topic.

You can acquire your own housing using your own funds, if you have any, or you can resort to the help of banks and use mortgage lending. But what if your income does not allow you to use any of these methods? Social mortgage comes to the rescue. It is precisely this that exists in our country to solve the housing problem of citizens with average and low incomes.

What is the difference between a regular loan and a preferential loan? The first is issued by a commercial bank to the client, who repays the loan and interest on it with his own funds. It follows that the consumer can only rely on his own strength. At the same time, the annual rate for using borrowed funds and the down payment will be quite large. The social mortgage agreement will include a third party to the agreement - the state. Here his role is to support the interests of both parties: reimbursing the bank for its commercial benefits and providing citizens of the Russian Federation with affordable housing.

Social mortgage lending is a government program, which is implemented at the subject level. Therefore, in each region it has its own characteristics, which can be found out in the local authorities at the place of residence, or in the AHML.

What is the point of social media? The point is that the housing and social mortgage will be issued with some kind of support from the state budget. And how much depends on which category of beneficiaries you qualify for. In essence, social mortgage is a complex concept that includes a number of government support programs for the population as part of solving the housing issue. They are very often confused and mixed into one concept.

The concept of “social mortgage” should be divided into a number of derivatives:

  • Social mortgage in banks and partners of AHML (mortgage that provides a number of benefits on the rate, mortgage term, size of the monthly allowance, etc. to employees of socially significant and budgetary institutions, as well as large families).
  • Subprogram “Housing for the Russian Family” (allows you to get a discount on an apartment from development companies that participate in the program, those in need of improved housing, low-income people and, again, state employees of various levels, as well as young families with children. The mortgage rate remains within the framework of the bank’s standard programs ).
  • The “Young Family” subprogram is federal and local (you must obtain a certificate of participation in the program in order to be recognized as needing improved housing conditions, then the state will provide a subsidy for the purchase of housing up to 35% of the cost of the apartment).
  • Regional subsidies (for example, the Republic of Tatarstan, where there is a reduced interest rate on mortgages and a discount on housing).
  • State support programs for military personnel, maternity capital.

In certain cases, state assistance will amount to 10-50% of the cost of the apartment. There are regional subsidies that reimburse 100 percent of the price of housing, and the citizen only has to pay interest to the bank. For young people, such support can amount to 30%, and for young families with children – 35% of the market value of the home.

The following conditions of social mortgage exist:

  • Lowest interest rate possible. Today, it is 7.55%;
  • Minimum down payment 10%;
  • Longer loan term;
  • Subsidies from budgets of different levels to reimburse part of the cost of housing. One example is compensation of monthly social mortgage contributions for some state employees during the entire loan term;
  • Deferment of payment or restructuring. In different cases from 1.5 to 3 years;
  • Reducing the monthly payment by refinancing;
  • Construction of economy-class real estate with state support and its sale at preferential prices to certain categories of citizens;
  • One-time subsidies for improving housing conditions. One such example is maternity capital.

Who can get it

Who is eligible? Many citizens are unaware of the opportunity that exists for them to acquire housing on preferential terms. To do this, you need to know who can get a social mortgage.

You can expect to receive in 2019:

  • large families;
  • single-parent families whose income fell by 30%;
  • disabled people and families raising disabled children;
  • young families under 35 years of age with and without children;
  • some categories of doctors, teachers and scientists;
  • employees of scientific municipal and government institutions;
  • workers of science cities;
  • military participants in the accumulation system;
  • combat veterans;
  • Young professionals;
  • workers of culture, social protection and employment institutions;
  • specialists from sports organizations;
  • workers of the military-industrial complexes;
  • the poor.

Program participants are solvent working citizens of the Russian Federation who have stable incomes and are able to obtain a loan, i.e. meet the conditions for its provision; having accumulated funds for a down payment. Their credit history must be positive. They must be a recognized need for housing improvement or emergency fund residents (for a number of subprograms). For public sector employees, it is required to have a professional work experience of three years or more in government agencies. The Housing Social Mortgage Fund covers citizens from 18 to 54 years of age with a continuous work experience in one place of at least six months. Military personnel who have served at least ten years. More detailed conditions should be considered for specific programs.

How to apply

First of all, you need to make sure that you are included in any category of beneficiaries. Depending on the type of program, contact the authorities and/or the bank first. If so, then the next step is to collect the necessary documents.

The basic list of these includes:

  • application for a social mortgage;
  • a copy of the applicant's passport;
  • certificate from the place of work about income in form 2NDFL;
  • a certified copy of all sheets of the work book;
  • a document confirming the applicant’s need for housing or improved living conditions;
  • a document stating that you are in line to resolve the housing issue with local authorities;
  • an extract from the house register or a certificate of family composition;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • children's birth certificates.

This list is basic and basic for all categories of beneficiaries and is supplemented depending on which social program suits you. You can find out more about what other documents are needed from other articles on our website.

You will need a special certificate in order to become a participant in the Young Family program in 2019. You must notify local authorities and the bank of your intention to receive a preferential loan to purchase an apartment and be included in the final list.

When the lists of such participants are formed, the municipal government receives money from the budget for subsidies and distributes them. By that time, you will need to provide a loan agreement already drawn up with the bank.

Banks and social mortgages

The most advantageous offers under this program in 2019 are offered by NOAIK, a partner of AHML in Novosibirsk, for example, the rate is 10.95 for finished housing and 11.2 for the construction period.

A mortgage for military personnel involves opening a personal savings account. The state transfers certain amounts to it monthly, which are regularly indexed. The money can subsequently be used to purchase housing. Can be used both during service and after leaving the reserve. In 2019, such a product is available to all young officers, even those who already own real estate. Several banks are engaged in lending to military personnel under the NIS.

And other points were discussed in our last post. You can also use our loan calculator to calculate.

The advantage is that a decision is made within three days with a minimum package of documents. The only requirement for the borrower is a period of service of at least three years.

To find out the monthly loan payment, use our website.

The social mortgage “Building the Future” operates in the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, etc.). The essence of the program is that a family joins the “Building the Future” cooperative and then participates in an auction of apartments, offering their own reasonable price for them. The family that offers the highest price will win the competition and receive ownership of the apartment at a reduced price. Social mortgage Building the future is available in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, for example, 90% of the population.

The social mortgage “Building the Future” is issued under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on the following conditions: Rate from 7% per annum; Down payment from 10% of the loan amount; Duration from 20 to 28.5 years. To draw up an agreement, you should contact AK Bars Bank, Kara Altyn Bank, Sberbank of Russia.

In Naberezhnye Chelny, the most favorable conditions for rates are offered by VTB24 Bank (this is 9.4% per annum for using a loan and the down payment is only 10% for any convenient loan term), Rosbank, and the Mortgage Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan. To choose a credit institution and more favorable conditions for yourself, use our mortgage calculator.

Rosselkhozbank has developed a special loan product - rural mortgages in Russia. It was created to provide assistance to young professionals living in rural areas. It implies that part of the debt is repaid from the federal budget, another part is allocated by the region, part by the local agricultural producer, and the remaining small share is paid by the employee himself. This is one of the few banks that does not refuse to give loans to clients from the province due to the low value of collateral.

Lending terms:

  • rate from 11.5% to 13.5% per year;
  • no down payment;
  • the amount is within 3 million rubles;
  • period from 1 year to 25 years;
  • no guarantors required;
  • the borrower's age is over 18 years;
  • confirmation of the amount of income using a 2NDFL certificate or a bank form.

Knowing the terms of the loan and the cost of the desired apartment, you can calculate the size of the monthly payment using our mortgage calculator.

How to get a social mortgage in 2019 You can find out from AHML. This is the main organization entrusted by the government with the implementation of state social programs to provide the population of the Russian Federation with their own housing and improve living conditions. AHML implements programs such as “Housing for the Russian Family”, issues products such as “Military Mortgage”, “Social Mortgage for Doctors, Teachers and Scientists”, and also implements a program to assist borrowers.

Advantages of AHML:

  • Annual rates here start at 10.95%.
  • Down payment of 10% of the loan amount.
  • The maximum possible term is up to 30 years.
  • The loan amount is not limited.
  • There are no additional insurances, that is, only the purchased property and the borrower’s liability under the contract are insured.
  • Maternity capital funds are used.
  • If the payer encounters financial difficulties, a reduction in the monthly contribution is provided.
  • Opportunity to buy an apartment thirty percent cheaper than a similar segment in an accredited project.

You can find out even more useful information by subscribing to updates on our website.

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Welcome! Today we have a social mortgage in Kazan . In the Republic of Tatarstan, a program for issuing social mortgages on preferential terms for certain categories of citizens has been adopted and has been successfully implemented since 2005. This program is a striking example of the effective work of the state in providing housing to socially vulnerable segments of the population. Let’s take a closer look at who can count on receiving it and what features exist.

The social mortgage program under the President of Tatarstan replaced the previously implemented program for relocating citizens from dilapidated housing, which ended in 2004. It is being implemented especially actively in Kazan.

Social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan has the main goal of providing assistance to citizens in obtaining housing. A special feature of the program is that mortgages are provided not only to those who have been queuing for housing for many years, but also to persons with acceptable living conditions.

The following categories of people can apply for a loan:

  • workers employed in the fields of education, healthcare, law enforcement agencies (in budgetary organizations);
  • people and families with living space that does not meet accepted standards for comfortable living (less than 18 sq. m. per person);
  • disabled people and families with disabled children;
  • employees of military-industrial complex enterprises;
  • employees of commercial enterprises that invested in housing construction to implement the social mortgage program (for example, Tatenergo, Tatneft companies).

In general, the essence of a social mortgage is the conclusion of an agreement between a potential borrower and the State Housing Fund of Tatarstan, under which the former undertakes to make monthly contributions to the fund, thereby simply saving for a future apartment.

The contribution amount is set by the fund in proportion to the income received by the client (usually no more than 40-50% of the monthly salary). Then, with these savings it will be possible to pay part of the cost of the purchased housing, and the remaining part will be received in the form of a mortgage loan with a preferential interest rate.

The standard terms of a social mortgage are as follows:

  • down payment – ​​10 – 30% of the cost of housing;
  • repayment period – up to 30 years;
  • interest rate – 7% per year (fixed).

The offered lending conditions are clearly more favorable than those available on the regular mortgage market. It is unlikely that you will be able to find a rate below 7% per annum.

Where do they give apartments?

You can purchase an apartment with the help of a social mortgage not in any building, but only in housing specially built for this purpose. Modern and attractive housing complexes are now being built. The largest is the Salavat Kupere residential complex, which is still under construction today.

All program participants are on a waiting list for apartments under construction. As soon as the apartment building is completed, citizens are given the opportunity to obtain a mortgage. In this case, each participant is assigned a rating, which depends on the waiting period and the amount of payments made by him. The higher these indicators, the higher the rating.

The distribution of apartments occurs subject to the following steps:

  • information on the availability of vacant properties is posted on the official website of the housing stock;
  • the participant submits a purchase application;
  • priority is given to the person whose rating is higher than that of the others.

In any case, all information on potential housing must be requested from the State Housing Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan.


Participants in the social mortgage program in Kazan who are eligible to receive housing on preferential terms will be required to provide the following set of documents:

  1. Identity documents for each family member.
  2. TIN certificate.
  3. SNILS.
  4. Military ID for men liable for military service.
  5. Copies of children's birth certificates (if available).
  6. Certificate of marriage/divorce.
  7. A copy of a diploma or other educational document.
  8. Documents confirming income and employment.
  9. Application form.
  10. Documents confirming certain living conditions (certificate of ownership, extract from the house register, technical passport of the BTI, certificate of recognition of housing as unsafe, etc.).

This kit is standard, but the applicant may be asked to provide some additional documents.

How and where to apply

The initial authority that a person who decides to apply for a social mortgage should contact is the local administration. It is there that you can get complete information about the conditions for issuing a loan, obtaining an apartment and make preliminary calculations. After receiving preliminary clarifications and consultation on what documents need to be collected.

After this, the client submits an application to the State Housing Fund, which is reviewed by the City Commission on Public Housing. The decision she makes will determine whether a particular person will be able to participate in the preferential lending program.


Socipotec in Kazan has some nuances. Among them:

  1. The need to pay for the rental of that part of the property for which the accumulated savings were not enough.

This refers to a situation where, for example, a family was able to save 40% of the cost of an apartment, then in addition to monthly payments on the mortgage loan, it will have to pay rent for the remaining 60% of the price. Usually such a fee is relatively small.

  1. Prohibition on dismissal from the employer for 10 years.

The state social policy of the Russian Federation in the housing field is aimed at helping categories of the population who, for one reason or another, do not have the opportunity to independently resolve the issue of purchasing personal housing. The country has developed comprehensive programs to help young, low-income and large families, military personnel, and public sector employees, including at the regional level. Among such programs is a social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, which has been available to applicants since 2005.

Basic Concepts

Social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan is a special housing lending program on special conditions, implemented under the control of the State Housing Fund (hereinafter referred to as the State Housing Fund) within the Republic of Tatarstan.

Not all apartments are available for preferential lending within the project. Contracts are concluded for housing specially built under the state program and for individual real estate selected by a commission. The largest selection of “social meters” is provided in two cities: Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny. In smaller towns, supply is very limited.

Conditions for granting a preferential loan:

  • rate 7% per annum;
  • loan term up to 28.5 years;
  • a one-time gratuitous provision of funds to repay part of the mortgage in the amount of 200 thousand rubles upon the birth of a child;
  • making a down payment by the borrower, forming savings.

Under what conditions is a preferential loan provided?

7% per annum

Free issuance of funds to repay part of the mortgage

200 thousand rubles at the birth of a child

Credit term

up to 28.5 years

* - the borrower makes a down payment

When implementing the state program, a targeted approach is used, which implies an assessment of the applicant based on his or her current life situation. In severe or emergency cases, options for obtaining a mortgage without a down payment in an accelerated manner are possible.

Requirements for program participants

To receive a mortgage loan on preferential terms, the applicant must be a resident of the Republic of Tatarstan and meet one or more requirements:

  • be an employee of the public sector or an enterprise that finances a state housing program;
  • are in dire need of such support;
  • be a parent raising a disabled child;
  • have a housing supply of less than 18 square meters. meters per family member.

A related requirement for a potential participant is the presence of an official income not lower than the subsistence level established on the date of application, as well as initial savings.

Important! The applicant has the right to take advantage of the preferential mortgage lending program once in his life, regardless of subsequent circumstances (bankruptcy, divorce).

How to register a personal page and receive a social mortgage

State aid is provided on an application basis. Initially, a citizen submits an application of the established form to the regional administration. The period for reviewing the document is three days, after which a decision is made on assigning the status of a person in need and on the citizen’s participation in preferential social services. program.

  • participant questionnaire;
  • ID cards of all family members;
  • certificates of marital status (marriage, divorce);
  • data on length of service and current employment (work book, certificates, etc.);
  • information about income (work certificates, account statements);
  • originals SNILS, TIN;
  • data on the occupied housing (area, type of ownership, etc.).

The period for reviewing the package of documents is up to one month. Next, a social mortgage lending agreement is concluded. A citizen registers a participant’s personal account on the GZhF portal (kooperativrt.ru). The opening process is simplified to a minimum. After clicking on the link “Receiving a login and password” in the first window, you must enter your TIN and full name, date of birth and ID number, then a password will be automatically created.

The functionality of the page will become available after entering the generated password and account number in the “Personal Page” item. This section allows you to track the fate of applications, the process of drawing up contracts, dates of registration and re-registration, etc. Mortgage borrowers will find the “Contractors”, “Competitions” and “Ratings” tabs useful. You can make mortgage payments or register as a needy person on the portal uslugi.tatarstan.ru.

Registration of the obligation implies the beginning of the accumulation of funds and rating points. The minimum required loan payment amount is 11% of the cost per square meter of subsidized housing. In 2019, the price of a preferential meter is 4034.47 rubles.

The applicant tracks the rating, formed from existing financial savings, on his personal page. The longer a participant stays in the project, the more points he has and the higher the opportunity to conclude a preferential loan agreement.

As points accumulate, the participant can go in two ways - wait for a direct offer from the State Housing Fund for specific housing, or independently select the desired apartments and take part in the competition. The commission reviews the documents of the participants in the mortgage auction and selects the one who optimally meets all the requirements for the future owner. In case of winning, the participant receives a preliminary protocol on the choice of apartment.

Important! The state housing fund in each case sets the end date by which the contract must be signed and all other documents must be completed. If this does not happen, the citizen is excluded from the civil society register.

Features of the program and its advantages

The process of providing social mortgages is regulated by a number of legislative acts, including Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 847 of October 12, 2011, No. 321 of May 14, 2013.

The advantages of social mortgages under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan are obvious - residents of the republic have the opportunity to purchase inexpensive housing in an affordable time, while paying feasible contributions. The offer is especially relevant for young childless couples, because in case of replenishment they receive financial support.

An interesting nuance - you can pay fees not only with money, but also with products of your own production.
However, there are also limitations. A person who has received a social mortgage does not have the right to stop working for any reason other than:

  • by agreement with the employer;
  • due to inability to perform work due to health reasons;
  • upon reaching the retirement age established by law.

That is, he cannot resign from the public sector of his own free will. At the same time, you need to work for at least 10 years after signing the contract.

To obtain a mortgage, you must have your own funds and replenish your mortgage savings account every month. The starting payment amount is very small; the minimum payment in 2019 is less than 500 rubles. However, the principle of accumulating points is simple - more money, more points, therefore, the faster savings are formed and the rating grows, the sooner the family will receive the desired apartment. The order in which applications are submitted is of secondary importance.

After determining the parties and the subject of the contract, the applicant receives a preliminary protocol on the choice of housing, which indicates the location and characteristics of a specific apartment. But it’s too early to rejoice - after delivering the document, it is important to comply with all the requirements for the borrower. Lack of monthly transfers to a savings account, replenishment of less than the recommended amount, leaving the public sector - all this can become a reason for inclusion in the list of fines, lead to the revocation of the protocol and deprivation of the right to purchase the apartment. If the benefit continues, the participant will have to start all over again.

Federal state programs operating in 2019: and.

SI FAQ (list of frequently asked Questions and Answers on the forum)

Question: What is Social Mortgage (SI)?
Answer: Social mortgage in Tatarstan - republican the program, which involves providing housing to those in need of improved housing conditions and helps to obtain a loan on preferential terms, has been in effect since 2005. A significant part of the housing built with a social mortgage goes to employees of organizations that finance the program, contributing funds to the State Housing Fund of the Republic of Tajikistan (SHF).
Program funding:
- voluntary contributions from commercial organizations of all forms of ownership;
- funds of individuals;
- funds from the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan and local budgets (by decision of the relevant local government bodies), as well as extra-budgetary funds;
- federal budget funds;
- funds of institutional investors (pension funds, insurance, credit and other organizations) and other investors;
- funds received from the capitalization of land plots from the state land reserve of the Republic of Tatarstan;
- other means.
Features of the Social Mortgage program:
- The down payment on a social mortgage for citizens is 10-30% of the cost of housing
- Loan term - up to 28.5 years
- Interest rate for the loan - 7% per annum
- Under certain conditions, there may be no down payment
- Possibility of paying the cost of housing with one’s own labor and (or) production of personal subsidiary plots
- Providing the unpurchased part of the housing for rent (including in the event that it is impossible to make timely current payments with the possibility of subsequent resumption of the purchase of housing)
Conditions of the Social Mortgage program for public sector employees:
Families are accepted for registration if:
- the total level of provision with a total area for each family member is less than 18 sq.m. The total level of provision with the total area in objects of residential rights is the total size of the total area of ​​​​all residential premises (the share of residential premises) occupied by family members under a rental agreement and (or) owned by them;
- there is registration at a permanent place of residence in the Republic of Tatarstan;
- labor activity is carried out by the applicant and able-bodied family members;
- it is possible to make a down payment of 10% of the cost of the premises;
- monthly total income per family member provides the total cost of living for each family member and guarantees timely repayment of monthly current payments for the purchase of residential premises into ownership.
Public sector employees have the right to choose apartments only at the place where they are registered as those in need of improved housing conditions in the social mortgage system.
Question: Who can register with the SI?
Answer: You can register if the following basic conditions are met:
- work in a budget organization or in an enterprise that finances SI.
- the average supply of housing per person in a family is less than 18 sq.m. (for the category “state employees”)
- registration criteria for enterprise employees are determined by the enterprise itself.
More details in
Question: Where can I see the list of required documents and samples for filling out the SI?
Answer: Here
Question: Where to submit documents for registration?
Answer: For state employees - to the district administration at the place of registration, for employees of enterprises - to the housing commission at the enterprise.
Question: What is the procedure for registering with the District Administration to receive housing according to the SI?
Answer: This procedure is described in.
Question: What's happened preliminary list (queue)?
Answer: You are on the preliminary list when your documents have been verified and you are recognized as needing to improve your living conditions, but you have not yet been entered into an SI agreement.
Question: When will I be transferred to the main list? When will the SI agreement be concluded with me?
Answer: Full link to article


- Many questions have been received regarding the terms of concluding contracts, when they are first placed in the preliminary queue, then transferred to the main queue. People are worried whether they will have time to get housing at all...

This is a very difficult question, so I will answer it in detail. Firstly, we have decided that social mortgages are not the work of one housing fund or one president, but the combined efforts of everyone, including municipalities.

We immediately agreed that the municipal authorities would register citizens, while simultaneously solving the problem of providing land plots for the construction of social housing houses. It shouldn’t be like this - I register citizens, but I can’t give them land... If a municipality promises something to a citizen by putting him on the preliminary list, then he must allocate the land as well. And when housing becomes available, the citizen is transferred from the preliminary list to the main list, formalizing legal relations.

That is, the compilation of lists does not depend on the fund?

Of course, this does not depend on us. The municipality compiles lists, recognizing that these people need housing, but is not yet providing land. Preliminary lists are a commitment from the municipal government that it will provide land for that number of houses. If we manage to take the federal land of RHD in Kazan, then some of the people from the preliminary list will move to the main list, and the problem will become easier. The housing fund is trying to alleviate the problem, but I believe the municipality should make the same attempts. And when compiling lists, the municipality must be aware that they must be provided with land.

Question: I can’t log into my personal account, it says: “Invalid username or password” What should I do?
Answer: First you need to make sure that you are entering the password on the site: (and not on some other)
As login (field: Account number (####-######-######)) - an account number of the form is used: 16ХХ-ХХХХХ-ХХХХ (dashes are required!)
As a password (field: Password (English capital letters)) - password from the SI agreement. Password length: 8 characters. The password uses only these combinations of characters: 0123456789ABCDEF, all letters English and CAPITAL .
If it doesn't help, try logging in from another computer. If it doesn’t work out again, go to Building the Future (where you signed the contract).
Question: How are points awarded?
Answer: Scoring is determined by
The amount in thousands of rubles is multiplied by the number of days that this amount is in the GZhF account.
For example, 100,000 rubles lie for two months:
100 * 61 = 6100 points

Question: What is a standard?
Answer: Depending on the number of family members in the accounting case, the number of meters that can be purchased at a reduced price is determined - this is the standard area.
For one person the standard is 33 sq. meters,
for a family of 2 people – 42 sq. meters,
of 3 or more – 18 sq. meters per person"
Question: What is a coefficient? (Excessive)
Answer: Exceeding the standard for the established preferential price in the year. Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Almetyevsk, Nizhnekamsk, Zelenodolsk, Yelabuga should not be more than 20 percent;
If the excess of the standard is more than 20%, then the total area of ​​the residential premises exceeding the standard (including 20%) is paid using an increasing factor to the price of 1 sq. m. meter of housing approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan.
1. A family of 3 won an apartment of 64 sq. m. m.
Since the area falls within the allowable area (standard + 20%), all of it will be purchased at a discounted price: 64 * 27,000 rubles.
2. A family of 3 won an apartment of 68 sq. m. m.
The area is higher than permissible, therefore 54 sq. m. will be provided at a discounted price. m, and the remaining 14 sq. m. will be purchased with an increasing factor of 1.5
That is, the cost of the apartment:
54*27 000 + 14*27 000*1,5

Question: What is the rating - overall, by category?
Answer: Both public sector employees and enterprise employees compete based on points during the first stage of the competition, so they are arranged into an “overall rating.”
The rating “by category” shows the position occupied in its category - only public sector employees or only enterprises.
Question: What's happened " Mandatory monthly payment", (in 2016 = RUB 3,628 13 kopecks ) Is it enough to deposit a large amount once and not have to pay every month?
Answer: In accordance with the Mandatory monthly payment is 11% of the average market value of 1 sq. m. meters of total housing area, approved by the Ministry of Construction of Russia for the fourth quarter of the year preceding the year in which the program “Providing housing for citizens in the Republic of Tatarstan” for the next year is being implemented.” According to , the average market value of 1 square meter of total housing area in the fourth quarter of 2015 in the Republic of Tatarstan is 32,983 rubles. The funds contributed by the Applicant in excess of the established payment amount are distributed over the number of months covered by this amount excluding "children's money". It is important not to allow a break in payment days. At the same time, in order to participate in the selection of an apartment based on the results of a competition, public sector employees must make an initial payment of at least 10% of the cost of the selected apartment. We also remind you: Receiving payment at birth, as well as upon adoption of a child in family does not release citizens registered as needing improved housing conditions in the social mortgage system, from the obligation to make monthly payments from the moment of concluding a social mortgage agreement until the signing of documents certifying the right to move in and use the selected apartment.
Question: What's happened " Amount of money in the account " And " Required minimum amount of money in the account "?
Answer:“Amount of money in the account” is how much you have invested in the GLF. Your contribution.
"The required minimum amount of money in the account" is how much minimum You should have it in your account. If the amount there is less than in the line: “Amount of money in the account,” then don’t worry.
Question: What is a “main”, “additional”, “preliminary” competition?
Answer: In competition with type "basic"- objects completed and commissioned this year will be exhibited.
In competition with type "additional"- objects to be commissioned in subsequent years will be exhibited.
In competition with type "preliminary"– objects subject to selection for construction will be exhibited, i.e. when 70% or more apartments are distributed in the building, the object will be included in the construction plan.
Question: What do the numbers mean? Total", "Selected", "Remainder"?
Answer: There is one competition for the whole year, assignment No. ... around the city... . Summing up interim results every 15th of the month .
Total- this is how many quotas (apartments) were allocated to this category for this year , but this is not always the final figure; GJF sometimes adjusts them both up and down.
Selected- this is how many apartments were won in previous months for this category.
Remainder- this is how much is left for which you you can apply .
Question: How to participate in competitions?
Answer: The application for participation is submitted via the Internet.
In the agreement of each SI participant there is a password to enter his personal page on the site.
Having selected a suitable order on the “Competitions” page, you can fill out an “Application”, adding the necessary apartments to it.
To submit an application, it is necessary that the amount in the account is at least 10% of the cost of the apartment or not less than the cost of meters exceeding the standard (if any). The amount must be at least the greater of these two values.
Question: Is it possible to participate in competitions in Kazan if the applicant was registered in another region of the republic?
Answer: Employees of enterprises making payments for the development of housing construction in the presence of an unused quota and upon the provision of their managers when forming the Fund’s investment program for the current year can select apartments in any city or region of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Applicants - Public sector employees have the right to choose an apartment only in the area where they are registered those in need of improved housing conditions under the social mortgage program.
Question: How to prioritize the choice of apartments? How to increase your chance of winning?
Answer: First we read (in your personal account). After adding all suitable apartments to the application, priority No. 1 is given to the most desirable apartment, then the numbering goes in descending order of preferences 2,3,4,5 and so on... Recipe from the user: Selected apartments, set priorities, say from 1 to 100, Let’s say some of the apartments were raffled off, but don’t delete the raffled ones! Just press " show played "and then add further numbering in the entire interval from 1 to 9999! Check the apartments every day, apartments that are lying around are constantly thrown away. To do this, make gaps in the numbering, say put from 1 to 50, then put 70 and so on. Then you can put delicious options in reserve period. Always when editing numbering, do not forget to check the box " show played ". At any moment, the raffled apartment may, for some reason, be returned back to the competition and you can win it.
Question: Why are social mortgage participants with an initial payment unable to participate in the current competition based on points, but must wait a three-year period, because... Is there any unclaimed space available?
Answer: In accordance with paragraph 5, if in the municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan there is insufficient land plots provided with utility networks for the construction of residential buildings, the ratio of the total number of apartments according to the budget quota for choosing apartments by competition and in order of priority is redistributed in favor of citizens who have a or the three-year waiting period has expired.
Question: How are the winners of the competition determined?
Answer: The following sequence of selection for applications within the framework of the general budget quota has been established, with a preliminary division of quotas into categories: First of all , according to the rating, the winners are participants in category 4.1.6, secondarily – category 5.8 (public sector employees who have lost their priority right to choose in the order of priority), thirdly – categories 4.1.7, fourthly – categories 4.1.8, last of all – categories 4.1.9.
Question: Where can I see statistics on competition results?
Answer: Here and Thanks to the user
Question: How to find out if an apartment has been won?
Answer: Lucky signs:
- the "Add apartments" button disappears
- points stop accruing
- accounting disappears from the ratings
The line about the won apartment with its coordinates appears a little later (if it’s difficult to wait, you can find out about the preliminary result at the cooperative).
Question: What to do after winning an apartment?
Answer: Wait for the line Won apartment on your personal page, then go to the Security Service with passports, an agreement (with a copy), payment slips (with copies) to sign the preliminary protocol.
Question: Is it necessary to continue paying after receiving the preliminary protocol before handing over the house?
Answer: According to clause 18, the right to be in the Civil Housing Housing Register remains with the Applicant until the family chooses a separate apartment, subject to the mandatory fulfillment of the terms of the contract for making monthly payments.
Question: Where can I see apartment plans?
Answer: Thanks to the user , as well as Thank you
Question: What benefits are available in the program when a child is born?
Answer: If a child is born while in the SI program, 200 thousand rubles are transferred to the account. (post. No. 233 KM RT)
- The transferred amount cannot be more than the cost of the unredeemed part of the apartment.
- Points are awarded from this amount in the same way as from funds contributed by participants themselves.
- In case of termination of the contract, “children’s money” is withheld.
- Documents for making changes to a personal file, recalculating the standard for a family and transferring children's money are submitted to the administration of the district where registration with the SI took place.
Question: What is the list of documents for receiving "Children's money" (200 thousand rubles)?
Answer: LIST OF DOCUMENTS AT THE BIRTH OF A CHILD (provided to the administration):
1. A copy of the child’s birth certificate, certified by a notary;
2. Copy of the child’s TIN;
3. Certificate from the place of residence and an extract from the home book where the child is registered;
4. Applications (to be filled out on site at the administration, the form will be given to you);
5. If the apartment is won, they may ask for a certificate from your place of work. If you haven’t won yet, they may ask for a certificate from your place of work and 2-NDFL.
Question: Is it possible to use maternal (family) capital?
Answer: This can be done only after winning the apartment, renting out the house and signing the final protocol.
In this case, the SI agreement is reissued into a loan agreement on the same repayment terms.
Question: For how long can I get a loan from SI?
Answer: The installment period is determined and depends on the length of service in the public sector, the down payment and family income.
Question: How are rent payments calculated?
Answer: Monthly payments are calculated based on the cost of 1 sq. m. m., multiplied by the unpurchased area of ​​the residential premises at the time of payment and divided by the installment payment period in months. The cost of the unpaid portion of the residential premises increases at the rate of 7% per annum monthly (7/12 percent per month) from the date of approval of the house acceptance certificate. You also need to make monthly payments for rent (for the unpurchased part of the apartment).
Question: What are the differences between a loan agreement and a social mortgage agreement?
Answer: Read 4 Target Budget:
4.1 Target budget: by decision of the executive director
4.10 Target budget: by decision of the Fund’s Board of Trustees
4.10.1 Target budget: by decision of the Board of Trustees (Waiting)
4.1.1 Target budget: for selecting apartments in order of priority (waiting period 3 years)
4.11 Target budget: by decision of the Municipal Council
4.11.1 Target budget: according to letters from administrations (Waiting list)
4.12 Social mortgage - loans for rural residents
4.1.4 Target budgets with a three-year waiting period that will begin in 2014
4.1.5 Target budgets with a three-year waiting period that will begin in 2015
4.1.6 Target budgets with a three-year waiting period that will begin in 2016
4.1.7 Targeted budgetary ones, whose three-year waiting period will begin in 2017
4.2 Employees of enterprises according to the list provided by the manager
4.2.1 Employees of OAO Tatneft with an enterprise loan
4.2.2 Employees of enterprises with an enterprise loan (without OAO Tatneft)
4.3 Emergency assistance to citizens allowed to choose apartments under a quota
4.4 Program "Providing housing for young families"
4.5 AIC - young families and young professionals in rural areas in individual residential buildings
4.5.1 Agroindustrial complex - young families and young professionals in rural areas in apartment buildings
4.6 Target: certificate holders
4.7 Registration of previously occupied residential premises (until 01/01/2010)
4.8 Resettlement from a dilapidated building under agreements (in exchange for property before 01/01/2010)
4.9 Target: large families
5 Prohibition on participation in the competition:
5.1 Ban on participation in the competition: according to letters from enterprise managers
5.2 Ban on participation in the competition: by decision of Pop. Council - employees of defaulting enterprises
5.3 Prohibition from participation in the competition: exclusion from the lists
5.4 Prohibition on participation in the competition: young families who have not received confirmation of compulsory medical insurance to participate in choosing an apartment
5.5 Ban on participation in the competition: by decision of Pop. Council of families who have not concluded a social mortgage agreement
5.6 Ban on participation in the competition: by decision of Pop. Council - families defaulting on payments
5.7 Preliminary list
5.8 Target budget funds that have lost the priority right to choose an apartment in the order of priority
6 Owners of state housing certificates
6.1 - citizens discharged from military service (service) and persons equivalent to them
6.10 WWII participants registered before 03/01/2005 (36 sq.m.)
6.11 Citizens equated to participants of the Second World War (18 sq.m.)
6.12 Removal from dormitories
6.13 Development of industrial complexes - enterprise workers
6.14 Execution of contracts with citizens for previously occupied residential premises
6.15 Disabled people of groups I and II; families with disabled children
6.16 Sale of apartments under a purchase and sale agreement
6.17 Provision of apartments under rental agreements
6.18 Provision of apartments under use agreements
6.19 Provision of apartments under exchange agreements
6.2 - citizens recognized as forced migrants
6.20 Provision of apartments under agreements for the assignment of rights of claim
6.21 Military personnel of the civil defense forces
6.22 Fire service employees. traffic police
6.23 Relocation from the museum-reserve - the ancient city of Bolgar
6.24 Resettlement of citizens from the museum-reserve - island-city "Sviyazhsk"
6.25 WWII veterans registered after 03/01/2005 who received notifications of subsidies
6.26 WWII veterans registered after 03/01/2005 who did not receive notification of the subsidy
6.27 Relocation from dilapidated houses under the Housing and Communal Services Reform Fund
6.28 WWII veterans who registered after 03/01/11, pos. subsidy in 2011
6.29 WWII veterans 2012 with subsidy
6.3 - citizens - participants in the liquidation of the consequences of radiation accidents and disasters and equivalent to them
6.30 Emergency housing 2012
6.31 Young teachers - recipients of compensation payments
6.32 Young medical workers in rural areas are recipients of compensation payments
6.33 Emergency housing 2013
6.33.3 Emergency housing 2013 owned by citizens
6.33.4 Emergency housing 2014 owned by citizens
6.33.5 Emergency housing 2015
6.34 Preliminary list of emergency housing
6.4 - citizens who left the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas
6.5 Resettlement from houses that are not subject to major repairs (without subsidies)
6.5.1 Relocation from houses not subject to cap. repair - BKK zone
6.5.2 Resettlement on behalf of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan
6.6 Large families
6.7 Young scientists
6.8 Providing housing for orphans and children left without parental care
6.9 Participants in shared construction by unscrupulous developers
6.9.1 Defrauded shareholders who did not cede rights
9 Citizens in the village
9.1 AIC - citizens living in rural areas

Having your own “family nest” is the dream of every unit of society. But, unfortunately, for most, purchasing a house or apartment is an unbearable burden.

In recent years, citizens have resorted to lending services to purchase square meters. Getting a mortgage from a bank is not difficult. However, in many regions of Russia there is a social mortgage. It can be used to purchase housing on more favorable terms. Moreover, support is provided precisely from the state.

Getting a social mortgage

Social mortgage is a procedure for improving the living conditions of citizens. It uses mortgage lending and government financial assistance. In our country, not everyone can enjoy this privilege. As a rule, these are newly created families and military personnel.

For a newly created family in Russia there is a state program that provides:

  • support up to 35% of the regional average housing price if the couple does not have children;
  • up to 40% if there are children.

All money comes from the federal budget. The size of future housing is calculated based on the size of the family. The amount of subsidies varies in each region. It all depends on the cost of apartments in a given region.

  • The age of husband and wife is up to 35 years;
  • The family was recognized as in need of purchasing housing or improving living conditions;
  • The family must have savings that are needed to pay part of the amount. It must exceed the amount of the subsidy.
  1. Citizens who graduated from a military school or institute and received the rank of “officer” since January 2005.
  2. Military personnel who entered into a contract or were called up for service from the reserve from the same moment as in the first case.
  3. Military personnel with the rank of warrant officer and midshipman, who served under a contract for more than three years, also since January 2005.
  4. Military personnel with the rank of “sergeant” and “sergeant major,” as well as soldiers and sailors who entered into a second service contract no earlier than January 2005.

Conditions for obtaining a social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan

In this region of Russia, social mortgage is very popular. Many people who do not have sufficient funds, but really want to improve their living conditions. They have been waiting in line to get an apartment for years. And social mortgages have helped to significantly shorten this list.

The population support system of the Republic of Tatarstan is aimed at providing benefits to employees of enterprises who can actively participate in the financing of social mortgages.

The transfer of housing under the program occurs according to the queue. A competition is being held in the region to select apartments that can be transferred to residents of the republic as part of a social mortgage.

Social mortgage in the Republic of Tatarstan is a mortgage that is provided on special (preferential) terms.

Main features of a mortgage:

  1. The citizen's need to improve living conditions. The decree stipulates that at least 18 square meters must be allocated per family member.
  2. The maximum term of a social mortgage is just over 28 years.
  3. The affordable interest rate is only 7%.
  4. Down payment required. However, if the borrower has compelling reasons, it is possible to obtain permission not to make the down payment.
  5. You can pay off your mortgage with more than just money. The program involves paying in goods of one’s own production in a personal household or repaying the debt with one’s labor.
  6. Part of the housing that has not yet been purchased can be rented out.
  7. If a childless family took out a social mortgage, and after some time they had a child, then the state provides financial assistance (200,000 thousand rubles) to pay for housing.

Who can get a mortgage?

  • Public sector employees;
  • Employees of enterprises participating in the financing of social services. mortgages;
  • People who need urgent support.

Almost every resident of the Republic of Tatarstan can get a mortgage. To do this, you need to write an application to the local administration. The letter must be reviewed within three days. If the answer is positive, then the citizen can participate in the competition for housing under a social mortgage.

  1. A citizen must enter into a social mortgage agreement.
  2. Participates in a competition for housing.
  3. On the housing stock website you need to fill out an application containing a list of apartments.
  4. It is necessary to accumulate a large rating. It is determined by the amount of a person’s savings. These funds must be in the housing fund account.
  5. The winner of the competition will be the one whose application meets all the requirements and the citizen has the highest rating.

It is important to remember that those citizens who received square meters under the social program. mortgages under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan can no longer qualify for preferential housing distribution procedures.

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