Egyptian sphinx statue. The Great Sphinx in Egypt - the silent guardian of the pyramids

When people talk about places where advanced ancient civilizations existed, Ancient Egypt comes to mind first. This country, like a magician's top hat, keeps many mysteries and secrets. The pyramid complex, located in a valley near Cairo, is one of them. But it’s not just the burial places of Egypt’s ancient rulers that attract millions of tourists to this valley every year. Most Interest causes among them and among scientists mysterious figure The Great Sphinx, which is a symbol of Egypt and a world cultural and historical heritage.

On west bank great river Nile, in the city of Giza, located in the southwestern suburbs of Cairo, not far from the Pyramid of Pharaoh Khafre, there is a sculpture of the Sphinx, the oldest of all surviving monumental sculptures. Carved by the hands of ancient craftsmen from a huge limestone rock, it represents a figure with the body of a lion and the head of a man. The eyes of this mythical entity are directed to the place on the horizon above which, on the days of the seasonal equinoxes, the sun appears, revered by the ancient Egyptians as the highest deity. The dimensions of the Great Sphinx are amazing: the height exceeds 20 meters, and the length of the mighty body is more than 72 meters.

The mystery of the origin of the Sphinx.

For many centuries, the mystery of the origin of the Sphinx statue in Egypt haunts adventurers, scientists, tourists, poets and writers. Despite the fact that historians have been trying for centuries to figure out when and by whom, and most importantly, why this grandiose structure was erected, they have not yet been able to come closer to the answer. Ancient papyri contain detailed evidence of the construction of many pyramids, and the names of those who participated in their creation are mentioned. However, no such data was found about the Sphinx, which gave rise to disagreements in the interpretation of the age and purpose of the construction of this monument.

The first recorded historical mention of him is considered to be the writings of Pliny the Elder, dating back to the beginning of the first century AD. In them, the ancient Roman writer and historian noted that regular work was carried out to clear the sand from the Sphinx statue in Egypt. It is noteworthy that even the real name of the monument has not been preserved. And the name by which it is now known is of Greek origin and means “strangler.” Although many Egyptologists are inclined to believe that his name means “image of Being” or “image of God.”

Much controversy arises in the scientific world about the age of the Sphinx. Some researchers believe that the similarity of the materials from which the monument was carved and the stone blocks used in the construction of the Pyramid of Khafre is indisputable evidence of their same age, i.e. they date back to 2500 BC. However, in the early 90s of the 20th century, a group of Japanese archaeologists, while studying the Sphinx, came to a stunning conclusion: traces of processing left on the stone indicate more early origin monument. This fact is confirmed by geological studies based on the influence of erosion on the surface of the Sphinx, which allowed the 70th century BC to be considered the moment when the monument appeared. And the research of hydrologists who studied the influence of rain flows on the limestone from which the monument was created pushed back its age by another 3-4 millennia.

There is still no consensus on whose head is on the body of the Egyptian Sphinx. According to some assumptions, earlier it was a statue of a lion, and the human face was carved much later. Some researchers attribute it to Pharaoh Khafre, citing the similarity of the statue with sculptural images of the pharaohs of the VI dynasty. Others suggest that this is the image of Cheops, and still others - the great Cleopatra. There is also a fantastic assumption that this is one of the rulers of the mythical Atlantis.

For millennia, time ruled over the appearance of the Great Sphinx. Behind long years The cobra, a symbol of divine power, placed on the forehead of the statue, collapsed and disappeared, and the festive headdress covering the head was partially destroyed. Unfortunately, man also had a hand in this. Wanting to fulfill the behests left to Muslims by the Prophet Muhammad, one of the rulers in the 14th century ordered the nose of the sculpture to be broken off. Shots from cannons in XVIII century severely damaged their face, and soldiers of the Napoleonic army in early XIX centuries, the Sphinx was used as a target during shooting training. Later, when research was carried out in the Valley of the Pyramids, a false beard was cut off from the face of the Sphinx statue in Egypt, fragments of which are kept in Cairo and British Museums. Today on the state ancient monument influenced by car exhaust fumes and nearby lime factories. According to studies carried out over the past 20th century, the condition of the monument suffered more damage than in all the past millennia.

Restoration work.

Over the many centuries of the existence of the Sphinx, sands have repeatedly covered it. The first clearings, during which only the front paws were freed, were undertaken under Pharaoh Thutmose IV. To commemorate this, a memorial sign was placed between them. In addition to excavations, primitive restoration work was carried out to strengthen the lower part of the statue.

In 1817, Italian scientists managed to clear the sand from the chest of the Sphinx, but more than a hundred years passed before its complete liberation. This happened in 1925. At the end of the 80s of the 20th century, part of the right shoulder of the statue collapsed. During the restoration work About 12,000 limestone blocks were replaced.

Geolocation work carried out by Japanese scientists in 1988 made it possible to discover a narrow tunnel starting under the left paw. It stretches in the direction of the pyramid of Khafre and goes deeper. A year later, during seismic exploration, a rectangular chamber was discovered located under the forelimbs of the Sphinx. All this indicates that the Great Sphinx is in no hurry to reveal all its secrets.

After restoration work completed at the end of 2014 ancient statue became accessible to tourists again. IN evening hours The Sphinx greets visitors in several languages, which, together with the lighting, creates an incredible effect.

To preserve this magnificent structure for future descendants, the Egyptian government plans to build a glass sarcophagus over it to protect the historical and cultural monument from adverse conditions.

It can be seen from afar, its power attracts the eye and many questions arise. Still Great Sphinx remains one of the most ancient and mysterious statues. Its height is more than 20 meters. The width of the sculpture reaches 57 meters. It is surprising that the desert sands in the 17th century BC. swallowed up the Sphinx. The sculpture disappeared for several centuries. And only in the 5th century BC. Thutmose ordered it to be excavated. In 1925 there were last time excavations by the Egyptian Antiquities Service.

The Great Sphinx as a collective image

The creators of the Sphinx attached great importance astrology. Using her knowledge, and in particular, the stations of the Sun in the Zodiac: Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius. In addition, when depicting the Sphinx, sculptors embodied in sculpture collective image pharaoh, Imhotep, gods Baboon and Horus. Therefore, the Sphinx was given the name “Living Image”.

Age of the Great Sphinx

There are different versions about when the Great Sphinx was created. Some believe the statue is 200,000 years old. According to scientist N.N. Sochevanov, the Great Sphinx began to be built 44 thousand years BC. and finished after 1200 years. Many who study the age of the giant sculpture focus on the processes occurring in the limestone as a result of erosion. Dr. R. Schoch, professor of geology at Boston University, takes into account the degree of erosion of the rock and believes that the Sphinx was created around 5000-6000 BC, since it rained during this period.

Unfortunately, time has not been kind to the figure, and people treated her barbarously. The Sphinx's face is disfigured. In the 14th century, one of the sheikhs, in order to fulfill the covenant of Muhammad, who forbade depicting human face, damaged the sculpture. The head of the Sphinx was used for target practice by the Mamelukes.

Now the place in Egypt where the monumental structure is located is a place for excursions. The majestic Great Sphinx evokes fear and wonder at the same time.

You can learn more about the history of Egypt and beyond at the Abdin Palace, which is now a museum complex.

Great Sphinx on the map of Cairo

It can be seen from afar, its power attracts the eye and many questions arise. To this day, the Great Sphinx remains one of the most ancient and mysterious statues. Its height is more than 20 meters. The width of the sculpture reaches 57 meters. It is surprising that the desert sands in the 17th century BC. swallowed up the Sphinx. The sculpture disappeared for several centuries. And only in the 5th century BC. Thutmose ordered it to be excavated. ..." />

Egypt is a country that is still shrouded in a lot of mysteries that attract tourists from all over the planet. Perhaps one of the most important secrets of this state is the great Sphinx, the statue of which is located in the Giza Valley. This is one of the most grandiose sculptures ever created by human hands. Its dimensions are truly impressive - the length is 72 meters, the height is approximately 20 meters, the face of the Sphinx itself is 5 meters long, and the nose that fell off, according to calculations, was the size of an average human height. Not a single photo can convey the full grandeur of this stunning ancient monument.

Today, the Great Sphinx in Giza no longer inspires sacred horror in a person - after excavations it was discovered that the statue was just “sitting” in a hole. However, for many centuries, her head, sticking out of the desert sand, inspired superstitious fear among desert Bedouins and local residents.

general information

The Egyptian Sphinx is located on the west coast of the Nile River, and its head faces the sunrise. For many thousands of years the look of this silent witness history of the country of the Pharaohs is aimed at that point on the horizon where, on the days of the autumn and spring equinoxes, the sun begins its leisurely course.

The Sphinx itself is made of monolithic limestone, which is a fragment of the base of the Giza plateau. The statue represents a huge mysterious creature with the body of a lion and the head of a man. Many have probably seen this grandiose building in photographs in books and textbooks on the history of the Ancient World.

Cultural and historical significance of the structure

According to historians, in almost all ancient civilizations the lion was the personification of the sun and solar deity. In the drawings of the ancient Egyptians, the pharaoh was often depicted as a lion, attacking the enemies of the state and exterminating them. It was on the basis of these beliefs that the version was built that the great Sphinx is a kind of mystical guard protecting the peace of the rulers buried in the tombs of the Giza Valley.

It is still not known what the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt called the Sphinx. It is believed that the word "sphinx" itself has Greek origin and literally translates as “strangler.” In some Arabic texts, in particular in the famous collection “A Thousand and One Nights,” the Sphinx is called nothing less than “Father of Terror.” There is another opinion, according to which the ancient Egyptians called the statue “the image of being.” This once again confirms that the Sphinx was for them the earthly incarnation of one of the deities.


Probably the most important mystery that the Egyptian Sphinx conceals is who, when and why erected such a grandiose monument. In the ancient papyri found by historians, one can find a lot of information about the construction and creators of the Great Pyramids and numerous temple complexes, but there is no mention of the Sphinx, its creator and the cost of its construction (and the ancient Egyptians were always very careful about the costs of this or that business). not in any source. The historian Pliny the Elder mentioned it for the first time in his writings, but this was already at the beginning of our era. He notes that the Sphinx, located in Egypt, has been reconstructed and cleaned of sand several times. It is precisely the fact that not a single source has yet been found that explains the origin of this monument, which has given rise to countless versions, opinions and guesses as to who built it and why.

The Great Sphinx fits perfectly into the complex of structures located on the Giza plateau. The creation of this complex dates back to the reign of the IV dynasty of kings. Actually, it itself includes the Great Pyramids and the statue of the Sphinx.

It is still impossible to say exactly how old this monument is. According to the official version, the Great Sphinx in Giza was erected during the reign of Pharaoh Khafre - approximately 2500 BC. In support of this hypothesis, historians point to the similarity of the limestone blocks used in the construction of the pyramid of Khafre and the Sphinx, as well as the image of the ruler himself, which was discovered not far from the building.

There is one more alternative version origin of the Sphinx, according to which its construction dates back to even more ancient times. A team of Egyptologists from Germany, who analyzed the erosion of the limestone, concluded that the monument was built around 7000 BC. There are also astronomical theories about the creation of the Sphinx, according to which its construction is associated with the constellation Orion and corresponds to 10,500 BC.

Restorations and the current state of the monument

The Great Sphinx, although it has survived to this day, is now badly damaged - neither time nor people have spared it. The face was especially damaged - in numerous photographs you can see that it is almost completely erased, and its features cannot be distinguished. Uraeus - symbol royal power, which represents a cobra that wraps itself around its head, is irretrievably lost. The plat - the ceremonial headdress that descends from the head to the shoulders of the statue - is also partially destroyed. The beard, which is now not fully represented, has also suffered. But where and under what circumstances the Sphinx’s nose disappeared, scientists are still arguing.

Damage to the face of the Great Sphinx, located in Egypt, is very reminiscent of chisel marks. According to Egyptologists, in the 14th century it was mutilated by a pious sheikh who carried out the covenants of the Prophet Muhammad, which prohibited depicting a human face in works of art. And the Mamelukes used the head of the structure as a cannon target.

Today, in photos, videos and live, you can see how much the Great Sphinx has suffered from time and the cruelty of people. A small piece weighing 350 kg even broke off from it - this gives another reason to be truly amazed gigantic size this building.

Although only 700 years ago the face of the mysterious statue was described by a certain Arab traveler. His travel notes said that this face was truly beautiful, and his lips bore the majestic seal of the pharaohs.

Over the years of its existence, the Great Sphinx has more than once plunged up to its shoulders into the sands of the Sahara Desert. The first attempts to excavate the monument were made back in ancient times pharaohs Thutmose IV and Ramses II. Under Thutmose, the Great Sphinx was not only completely dug out of the sand, but also a huge granite arrow was installed in its paws. An inscription was carved on it, saying that the ruler was giving his body under the protection of the Sphinx so that it would rest under the sands of the Giza Valley and at some point be resurrected in the guise of a new pharaoh.

During the time of Ramses II, the Great Sphinx of Giza was not only dug out of the sand, but also underwent a thorough restoration. In particular, the massive back part of the statue was replaced with blocks, although all before the monument was monolithic. At the beginning of the 19th century, archaeologists completely cleared the chest of the statue of sand, but it was completely freed from sand only in 1925. It was then that the true dimensions of this grandiose structure became known.

The Great Sphinx as a tourism object

The Great Sphinx, like the Great Pyramids, is located on the Giza plateau, 20 km from the capital of Egypt. This is a single complex of historical monuments of Ancient Egypt, which has survived to this day since the reign of the pharaohs from the IV dynasty. It consists of three large pyramids - Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin, and small pyramids of queens are also included here. Here tourists can visit various temple buildings. The Sphinx statue is located in the eastern part of this ancient complex.

The Great Sphinx, standing on the plateau at Giza, is a subject of debate among scientists, the object of numerous legends, assumptions and speculation. Who built it, when, why? There is no definite answer to any question. Blown by the sands of time, the Sphinx has kept its secret for many millennia.

It is carved from solid limestone rock. It is believed that she stood nearby and with her shape already resembled a sleeping lion. The length of the Sphinx is 72 meters, height - 20. The nose, which has been missing for a long time, was one and a half meters long.

Today the statue represents a lion lying in the sand, but some historians suggest that initially the sculpture was entirely of a lion, and one of the pharaohs decided to depict his face on the statue. Hence some disproportions between the huge body and the relatively small head. But this version is just a guess.

There are no papers at all preserved about the Sphinx. Ancient Egyptian papyri telling about the construction of the pyramids have survived. But there is not a single word about the lion statue. The first mentions in papyri can be found only at the beginning of our era. Where it is said that the Sphinx was once cleared of sand.


Most scientists agree that the Sphinx guards the eternal peace of the pharaohs. IN Ancient Egypt The lion was considered a symbol of power and guardian of sacred places. Some believe that the Sphinx was also religious site, the entrance to the temple allegedly began at his paws.

Other answers are sought based on the location of the statue. It is turned towards the Nile and looks strictly east. Therefore, there is an option that the Sphinx is associated with the Sun God. The ancient inhabitants could worship him, bring gifts here, and ask for a good harvest.

It is unknown what the ancient Egyptians themselves called the statue. There is an assumption that “Seshep-ankh” is “an image of the Existing or Living.” That is, he was the embodiment of the divine on earth. In the Middle Ages, the Arabs called the sculpture “Father or King of Terror and Fear.” The word “sphinx” itself is Greek and literally translates as “strangler.” Some historians make assumptions based on the name. In their opinion, there is emptiness inside the sphinx, people were tortured, tortured, killed there, hence the “father of horror” and the “strangler”. But this is just a guess, one of many.

Sphinx face

Who is immortalized in stone? The most official version is Pharaoh Khafre. During the construction of his pyramid, stone blocks of the same dimensions were used as in the construction of the Sphinx. Plus, not far from the statue they found an image of Khafre.

But even here, not everything is so obvious. An American expert compared the face from the image and the face of the Sphinx; finding no similarities, he came to the conclusion that these were portraits of completely different people.

Whose face does the Sphinx have? There are many versions. For example, Queen Cleopatra, god rising sun– Horus, or one of the rulers of Atlantis. Proponents of this theory believe that the entire ancient Egyptian civilization was the work of the Atlanteans.

When was it built?

There is no answer to this question either. Official version- in 2500 BC. This exactly coincides with the reign of Pharaoh Khafre and the unprecedented dawn of ancient Egyptian civilization.

Japanese scientists used echolocators to study internal state sculptures. Their discovery was a real sensation. The stones of the Sphinx were processed much earlier than the stones of the pyramids. Hydrologists joined the work. On the body of the Sphinx they found significant traces of water erosion; on the head they were not so large.

Therefore, experts came to the conclusion that the Sphinx was built when the climate in these places was different: it rained and there were floods. And this is 10, according to other sources, 15 thousand years before our era.

The sands of time do not spare

Time and people have not been kind to the Great Sphinx. In the Middle Ages, it was a training target for the Mamluks, Egypt's military caste. Either they broke off the nose, or it was an order from a certain ruler, or it was done by one religious fanatic, who was then torn apart by the crowd. It’s not clear how one can destroy a one and a half meter nose alone.

Once upon a time the sphinx was blue or purple. A little paint remains in the ear area. He had a beard - now it is an exhibit of the British and Cairo Museums. The royal headdress - the uraeus, which was decorated with a cobra on the forehead, did not survive at all.

The sands sometimes completely covered the statue. In 1400 BC, the Sphinx, by order of Pharaoh Thutmose IV, was cleaned for a year. We managed to free the front legs and part of the body. A plaque was then installed at the foot of the sculpture about this event; it can still be seen today.

The statue was freed from sand by the Romans, Greeks, and Arabs. But she was swallowed up again and again by the sands of time. The Sphinx was completely cleaned only in 1925.

A few more mysteries and speculations

It is believed that under the Sphinx there are certain passages, tunnels and even a huge library with ancient books. In the late 80s and early 90s, American and Japanese scientists, using special equipment, discovered several corridors and a certain cavity under the Sphinx. But Egyptian authorities stopped the research. Since 1993, any geological or radar work has been prohibited here.

Experts hope to find not only secret rooms. The ancient Egyptians built everything on the principle of symmetry, and one lion looks somehow unusual. There is a theory that somewhere nearby, under a thick layer of sand, another Sphinx is hidden, only female.

Egypt has long been a favorite holiday destination for thousands of tourists from all over the world. Some are attracted by the warm and gentle waves of the Red Sea, others by the oriental atmosphere of traditional markets and shops, and still others come here for the mysterious artifacts of Ancient Egypt. We can say that if a tourist came to Egypt and did not see the majestic pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx, then he did not see anything. The ancient secrets kept by the temples and pyramids of Egypt still attract not only professional archaeologists, but also those who are ready to discover new knowledge and a lot of impressions.

Great Sphinx in Egypt

The Giza Sand Plateau is one of the most popular destinations in Egypt. Here are famous pyramids, of which there are more than a thousand in total, and the largest of them are the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin. In addition, one cannot help but notice the guardian of the necropolis - the Great Sphinx. It is the Sphinx that still carries with it the dark mysteries of the past. As is known, The Great Sphinx is a huge statue, the length of which is as much as 72 meters, and its height reaches 20 meters. The statue itself looks like a creature with the head of a man (presumably it was the face of Pharaoh Khafre) and the body of a lion. The statue has changed significantly under the influence of time, in addition to huge distortions in the facial features, the plaster that covered the facing of the Sphinx and was brightly painted in blue, red and yellow colors. Scientists have established that initially the Great Sphinx was painted entirely in purple (blue) color, and also served as a place for execution and hanging.

The name "sphinx" originates from the ancient Greek - "sphing", where this creature was feminine, and this word also means the verb "to strangle". Also, there is another etymological connection with the ancient Egyptian name of the sphinx - “shepses ankh”, which means “Image of the Living”. According to one version, The Sphinx is an image of the "Living God", which explains his ancient Egyptian name. Also, another version of scientists explains that, The sphinx served as a place for sacrifices. Practical confirmation of this were five other sphinxes found in Egypt, inside of which there was a thick layer of bone remains human bodies. In addition, local residents have an ingrained fear of sphinx monsters. For example, in 1845, a sphinx was found in the ruins of Kalah; during excavations archaeological find, local residents were gripped by an incomprehensible panic fear in front of the ancient sphinx. It is also known that in the Middle Ages the Arabs called the Sphinx the “father of horror.” The authentic name of the statue, which came from Ancient Egypt, remained unknown.

Where are the Pyramids and Sphinx located in Egypt?

Pyramids and Sphinx on the map of Egypt:

The Great Sphinx and pyramids are located in the western region of Cairo - Giza. Along the Pyramids Road, any tourist, passing dozens of cafes and nightclubs, will be able to get to famous attractions. You can get to this area either by regular bus, by metro or by taxi. In addition to the mysterious Sphinx, whose gaze is always fixed on the East, there is another wonder of the world in the complex - the Pyramid of Cheops. The base of the pyramid is a square, the side of which is 227.5 m; and its height is 134.6 m. Inside is the most great pyramid in the world, oddly enough, but absolutely empty. When it was discovered, no mummies or sarcophagi were found; the walls of the pyramid had no inscriptions or bas-reliefs. Presumably, the Cheops pyramid was plundered even earlier, before it was discovered by archaeologists. Next to the Cheops pyramid there are two more famous pyramids: the second largest is Khafre, the third is Mikerin.

In addition, a special light and sound show was organized for tourists, which illuminates each of the attractions of Giza in turn and during which there's a story going on about Ancient Egypt. Visitors will be able to hear the story on different languages, including in Russian. After all, Giza is a place where every tourist can meet Eternity, forever frozen in the mysterious gaze of the Sphinx, which is illuminated by the first rays of the sun.

The mystical origins of the Sphinx in Egypt

The origin of the statue remains as mysterious as its name and purpose. The main version held by many Egyptologists is that The Sphinx was erected by Pharaoh Khafre (aka Khafru). This also explains the face of the statue, supposedly having the features of that same pharaoh. Later, another version was put forward that the Sphinx depicts Pharaoh Cheops, the father of Khafre. Also, according to this version, the colossus was built by Cheops. But these two versions, as it turned out, were only one of the deepest misconceptions of scientists.

And this is why it all happened: Mark Lehner, working at the University of Chicago, using computer technology, recreated the appearance of the Sphinx with the face of Pharaoh Khafre, based on existing images of the pharaoh on the walls of temples. In fact, after the attack of the Mamelukes, the shelling of the Sphinx by Napoleon's artillerymen and banal sandstorms, the face of the statue was disfigured beyond recognition. In the 90s of the last century, the head of the statue had to be reconstructed, since there was a threat of it falling away from the body. But the version that the statues were built by the Fourth Dynasty pharaoh Khafre turned out to be erroneous. In addition, after another lengthy study, it turned out that the Negroid facial features of the Sphinx could not possibly belong to either Pharaoh Khafre or his relatives.

According to one of the other versions, the already built statue was dug up by Pharaoh Thutmose IV. According to legend, the pharaoh fell asleep near the statue and saw the god Horemakhet in a dream, who asked him to cleanse his earthly body of sand. After Thutmose IV was able to cleanse the front of the Sphinx, the famous “Sleep Stele” was installed, which described the meeting of the pharaoh with the god.

Further, another restoration in ancient times was carried out by Pharaoh Ramses II. But considering that the statue was created in 2650 BC, still during the reign of King Khafre, then how was it buried under the sand until 1450 BC, when it was first dug up by Thutmose VI? Adding to the complexity of this issue is the fact that since 1450 BC the Sphinx has never been covered with sand so heavily, which is approximately 3.5 millennia. The mysterious guardian in Giza poses more and more riddles to humanity, which is probably why the Sphinx has become one of the most popular attractions in Egypt.