How to paint falling snow with watercolor or ink. How to Draw Snow in a Winter Landscape

Snowfall– an inexhaustible source of inspiration. However, trying to capture this beauty in watercolor may not be as easy as it seems.

Masking fluid can help you paint a natural, 3D sky with falling snow in watercolor painting format. Masking fluid is viscous, transparent, and can be used as a "mask" for some areas that you don't want to paint over. At first it is liquid, but then hardens to a rubber-like state. The areas of paper where you apply liquid will remain white even if you apply watercolor directly to them. Once the paint is dry, you can remove the masking fluid from the paper without damaging it.

Using masking fluid, you can determine the snowflake patterns in your future drawing in advance, this saves a lot of time. You just need to wipe away the drops of liquid and the snow will appear on the paper as if by magic!

To give a visual example, imagine that you have a pen and an outline ink drawing that you need to fill in. You want to create the effect of falling snow. How will you distribute the masking fluid?

Let's look at some of the ways to apply masking fluid when painting snowfall.

Hand drawing method

Just arrange the dots with a brush dipped in masking fluid so that they look like snowflakes.

Pros: it's simple and you can control the movements of the brush.

Minuses: resembles a polka dot pattern.

Spray method

Dip the brush into the concealer and hold it with one hand. With one or two fingers, gently tap the part of the brush closest to the bristles. Drops of masking fluid will fall in a certain area, but are still difficult to control.

Pros: looks more natural.

Minuses: it is difficult to predict where the drops will fall.

Brush Spray Method

Take a clean scrap brush and dip it in the liquid. Gently tap the liquid from the bristles onto the paper.

Pros: unique and chaotic pattern.

Minuses: you have virtually no control over the direction of the drops; there may be too many of them in one place.

This isn't about whether one method is right or wrong, but even before you wipe off the masking fluid, it's clear that the brush splatter method produces the most realistic and accurate pattern. The dots placed manually are too literal, and there can be too many drops from the brush, and then the snowfall will turn into a real snowstorm.

From here it becomes clear: you need to choose a technique and distribute drops of masking fluid immediately before painting with watercolors. When the drawing is dry, scrape off any drops of masking fluid and enjoy your work aesthetically. If you feel that there are too few snowflakes, you can paint additional acrylic paints on the dried watercolor layer.

Translation of an article from the site

A small house with a snow-covered roof, fir trees and bushes standing in the snowdrifts - here you have a winter drawing, depicted with colored pencils. Of course, you can add other details - a snowman, a sled with children, falling snow, animals or birds behind the fir trees, branches of a snow-covered rowan tree or a coniferous tree in the foreground. This list can be enumerated endlessly, because everyone associates winter differently.

If you don’t know how to draw winter step by step with colored pencils, then this lesson is just for you.

Necessary materials:

  • - colored pencils in green, blue, brown and black tones;
  • - a blank sheet of paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - eraser.

Drawing steps:

  1. When depicting any landscape, at the first stage a special role should be assigned to the horizon in the drawing. We find the center of the future winter picture and draw three tubercles one after another.

  1. Now let’s place three Christmas trees on the first hill on the left side, but on the right side in the foreground there will be only one coniferous tree. Since this is a sketch, we depict the Christmas trees in the form of simple lines.

  1. In the background we will place a large house. Let's draw the lower part in the form of a cube, and the upper part in the form of a volumetric triangle.

  1. Around the house and on the third hillock we will draw bushes and trees in the form of lines.

  1. Let's add details to the winter drawing. On each tree we will draw snow and tree branches. Draw a window and a door on the front of the house. There will also be snow on its roof and other areas. Let's draw a small path on the first and second hillocks, which leads to the entrance to the house. Trees and bushes can also be detailed and snow placed on their branches.

  1. Using green pencils of different tones, we begin to decorate the branches of the Christmas tree, which are visible under a thick layer of snow.

  1. Use a light blue pencil to color the snow on each branch of the tree, as well as on the roof of the house and its small parts. The hills of the landscape should be completely decorated with this pencil.

  1. Using darker tones of blue we add depth and volume to the snow cover in all areas of the winter pattern.

  1. Let's move to the background. Use brown and black pencil to decorate the branches of bushes and trees. There will also be snow on each branch. Therefore, we use blue pencils.

  1. Finally, we work on the house: roof, walls, window and door. We use brown and black pencil.

The winter drawing with colored pencils is now complete. You can place it in a frame under glass and admire the painting every day.

Painting snow, and even in watercolors, is often a difficult task for beginners. But we will help! Let's reveal a few secrets.

Masking fluid.

This liquid will help you recreate a natural, voluminous winter sky. Masking fluid is a viscous, translucent substance that can be used to cover certain parts of the drawing - those that you do not want to paint over at the moment. When applied it is wet, and when dried it acquires a slightly sticky consistency. The "masked" areas will not be affected by the paint, even if you paint over a layer of masking agent.

Using this substance not only helps to get rid of dirt in your work, but also magically eliminates the need to write snow: just peel off what is pasted, and - voila! - snow will appear in your picture.

Let's illustrate this with an example. Let's say you have some ink and want to draw a picture of falling snow. How to do it?

First method: You can simply put dots on the sheet that imitate falling snowflakes. The advantages of this method are simplicity and control over the brush. The disadvantage is that the look will be quite decorative, and this will not suit every job.

Second method, “tapping”: dip the brush in the masking liquid, move it over the sheet and, moving your hand, shake off droplets of liquid onto the canvas with careful taps. There is a little less control here, but the appearance of “snowflakes” will be more natural.

Third method, with a toothbrush: Take an old toothbrush and dip it in the masking fluid. Now use your finger to gently pull and release the fibers above the sheet, causing liquid to splash onto it. This method of control has the least risk of going overboard and messing up, but the result is completely unique and natural.


Having chosen the appropriate method, apply masking liquid using it, and then get to work. It doesn’t matter what you work with: watercolor or ink. When finished, dry it and then simply remove the masking pieces. Here comes the snow!

Did you succeed? Write in the comments!

Winter is a truly magical time of the year. White snow crackling underfoot, patterns on windows, warm hats with pom-poms, snowball fights, New Year's holidays - this is not a complete list of all the wonders of the winter season. And if you want to keep a little of this magic for yourself, then learning how to draw a winter landscape is what you need.

Landscape with mountains and river

Dusk in the forest

Simple drawing

Drawing a rural winter landscape

Although winter can fill even large cities with the atmosphere of a fairy tale, it is the rural views that acquire a special charm and comfort at this time of year. We will demonstrate all the beauty of snow-covered village houses when we learn how to draw a winter landscape step by step.

First, with a pencil, we outline the outlines of one Christmas tree and one house. The Christmas tree will be wide and spreading.

And then - two more houses and another Christmas tree. The houses will have triangular roofs, characteristic of many villages.

Let's add more Christmas trees and a picket fence. This fence, of course, is quite conventional - in the villages people know each other and do not build high fences.

Now, based on the sketch, we will draw with paints. The Christmas trees will be a lush green hue, the houses will have the warm shade of unpainted wood, and the snow will have a slightly blue tint. To make the picture look alive, we will place three birds on the fence.

That's it, the drawing is finished.

Hills and snowfall - drawing a winter landscape

Let's continue the theme of rural beauties. This time we will depict the very outskirts of the village - the forest will be visible in the background. And the snowfall will be in full swing. Don't worry, it's not difficult at all - this example is a great way to practice and draw a winter landscape for beginners.

First, let's outline the largest forms - in our case, these are hills.

Then we will draw three spruce trees in the foreground, and in the background we will make a house, a snowman and the sharp tops of smaller fir trees. Don't forget about the path leading to the house.

Let's draw all the contours well. We’ll also “give” the snowman a top hat and depict snowflakes falling from the sky.

Let's color the drawing. Our landscape will be at night, so we will make the sky dark, grayish (it will be overcast with clouds). And, of course, you can’t do without a gorgeous full moon. The house will be made in warm colors: the walls will be yellow, the roof will be red, the doors will be brown.

Let's wrap this up - we did a great job.

Magical winter night

Despite the fact that untouched snow, smoke from the chimneys of rural houses and the pointed tops of Christmas trees look fabulous even during the day, the true magic lies in the winter nights. This is exactly what we will show when we figure out how to draw a winter landscape in gouache.

We will not immediately take up gouache - first we need to complete a pencil sketch. Let's start with the general outline of a hilly area, a house and three trees near it.

Then we will draw another smaller house, a path leading to it and add more trees, coniferous and deciduous. In the very foreground there will be a birch tree with thin branches hanging down.

After that we will start working with paints. First of all, use dark tones to depict the sky and forest in the background. You can also grab three spruce trees near the big house. Don’t forget to make a month in the sky - it will still be very thin and young.

Now the foreground. Let's make the snow a little bluish, the Christmas trees green, and the walls of the houses light brown.

Small details remain - the light in the windows, the smoke pouring out of the chimneys, the snow on the legs of the fir trees, the trunk and branches of the birch tree. And many stars in the night sky.

Now we can safely say that the drawing is finished.

Winter landscape with mountains and river

Winter in the mountains is amazing. The forest, which has become harsh and dark, clear rivers, thick snow - all this looks so pristine, clean, untouched that you can admire this beauty for hours. But you also need to add a touch of coziness - a small, but solid and neat village house is perfect for this purpose. So we will learn how to draw a beautiful winter landscape.

First, let's take a look at the first plan - there will be two trees with thin branches there.

On the right side of the picture we will depict a house of a peculiar shape and the tops of Christmas trees in the background.

Now you can take up pencils or paints. Let's make mountains in the background - they will be completely covered with snow. The house will be made of wood, and the bridge will be made of brick. You also need to draw transverse stripes on the nearby trees - these are birch trees. Pay special attention to the windows - they should glow, because this is a sure sign that someone lives there.

That's it, we've finished the picture.

Twilight in the winter forest

Besides night, the most interesting time of day in a winter forest is twilight. The stunning shade of the sky and the falling nature merge into a marvelous ensemble. Using the example of such a miracle, we will learn how to paint a winter landscape.

First, let's work on the sky and the overall tone of the snow. For this we will use watercolor or gouache to create beautiful stains. You need to wet the paper, and then apply paint with plenty of water and tilt the sheet. The paint will flow down, forming these beautiful patterns:

Then we will draw a tree in the foreground. try to make the branches thin enough. Moreover, the brush must be guided from the base of the branch to its tip.

Using the same principle, we will draw three small bushes.

Then - two Christmas trees. They should be painted with thick, rich strokes of a dark green hue.

Let's cover the trees and bushes with snow. We’ll also decorate the front bush with juicy red berries.

Now the picture is complete.

A colorful house, a bunny and snowflakes - a fun winter

Winter is a time for fairy tales, which is why it is often depicted in cartoons. In this section we will also work in a cartoon style - at the same time we will learn how to draw a winter landscape with a pencil.

First, let's outline the house and the bunny looking through the window. All outlines will be very smooth, rounded, without sharp edges.

Then we’ll draw the Christmas trees (they will be just as smooth and round) and the snow falling from the sky.

Now let’s paint everything in the brightest colors. But the snow, of course, needs to be made blue. And the Christmas trees are green.

That's it, the fun house is ready.

Snow outside the window is a great reason to pick up a brush and depict all the beauty of winter. Show your kids several ways to draw snowdrifts, “crystal” trees, “horned” snowflakes, fluffy animals, and let winter “drawing games” bring the joy of creativity and decorate your home.

Music to which masterpieces are created

So, let's turn on some pleasant background music and... draw winter with the children!

Drawing with “snow”

You can imitate snow in a drawing in different ways.

Option No. 1. Draw with PVA glue and semolina. Squeeze out the required amount of glue directly from the tube; if necessary, you can spread it with a brush (if you plan to cover large surfaces). Sprinkle the image with semolina. After drying, shake off excess cereal.

Option No. 2. Paint with salt and flour. Mix 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 cup of salt and the same amount of flour. Mix the “snow” well and draw winter!

Option number 3. Draw with toothpaste. Toothpaste perfectly serves as “snow” in the drawings. It can be tinted with watercolor or gouache if you need to get a color image.

Drawings with white paste on dark paper look beautiful. And they SMELL delicious!

Toothpaste has perhaps gained the most popularity due to the fact that it is easily washed off, so you can draw with the paste on glass. Feel free to pick up the tubes and go decorate mirrors, windows and other glass surfaces in your home!

Option number 4. Draw with shaving foam. If you mix PVA glue with shaving foam (in equal proportions), you will get an excellent “snowy” paint.

Option #5. Painting with salt. If you pour salt onto a pattern outlined with PVA glue, you will get a sparkling snowball.

Drawing on crumpled paper

An unusual effect can be achieved if you draw on previously crumpled paper. The paint will remain in the creases and form something like crackle.

Drawing with stencils

Stencils make the drawing process easier for those who “don’t know how” (as it seems to them). If you use several stencils at the same time, you can get an unexpected effect.

By leaving the part of the image covered with the stencil unpainted, you can pay more attention to the background: sprinkle salt on the still wet surface, apply strokes in different directions with a hard brush, etc. Experiment!

Several sequentially applied stencils and sprays. It is convenient to use an old toothbrush or a stiff bristle brush for these purposes.

A knitted snowflake will help you create real lace on paper. Any thick paint will do: gouache, acrylic. You can use a spray can (spray from a short distance strictly vertically).

Drawing with wax

Drawings drawn with wax look unusual. Using a regular (not colored) candle, we draw a winter landscape, and then cover the sheet with dark paint. The image “appears” right before your eyes!

Who are you? Seal?

The effect of fluffy wool can be created by a simple technique: dip a flat brush in thick paint (gouache) and apply strokes with a “poke”. Drawings with white paint always look better against a dark, contrasting background. All shades of blue are great for winter motifs.

How to draw winter trees

The crowns of these trees are made using a plastic bag. Dip it in paint and blot it in the right places - that’s the whole secret of “snow caps” for trees.

Finger painting is suitable for kids. Dip your index finger into thick gouache and generously sprinkle snow on the branches!

Unusually beautiful snow-covered trees are obtained using cabbage leaves. Cover a leaf of Chinese cabbage with white gouache - and voila! This painting looks especially impressive against a colored background.

No cabbage - no problem. Any leaves with pronounced veins will do. You can even sacrifice your favorite ficus. The only BUT, remember that the juice of many plants is poisonous! Make sure your child doesn’t taste his new “brush.”

The trunk is a handprint. And everything else is a matter of minutes.

A favorite technique for many is blowing paint through a tube. We create “snowiness” using the little artist’s fingerprints.

Not everyone will guess how this charming birch grove is drawn. The resourceful artist used masking tape! Cut strips of the required width and glue them onto a white sheet. Paint over the background and remove the paint. Draw the characteristic “dashes” so that the birch trees become recognizable. The moon is made in the same way. Thick paper is suitable for these purposes; the tape should not be too sticky so as not to damage the top layer of the design.

Drawing with bubble wrap

Apply white paint to the bubble wrap and apply it to the finished drawing. It's snowing!

The same technique can be used in applications.

The snowman has melted. It's a pity…

This idea is suitable for both the youngest artists and those who want to give a gift “with humor.” Cut out “spare parts” for the snowman from colored paper in advance: nose, eyes, hat, twig arms, etc. Draw a melted puddle, wait for the paint to dry and glue what’s left of the poor fellow snowman. Such a drawing can be an excellent gift to loved ones on behalf of the baby. Even more ideas in our article.

Drawing with palms

An easy way to create a surprisingly touching New Year's card is to tell a story about funny snowmen. You can create a whole family if, based on a palm print, you add carrot noses, coal eyes, bright scarves, buttons, twig hands, and hats to your fingers.

What's there outside the window?

What does a window look like from the street side? Unusual! Invite your child to look at the window through the eyes of Santa Claus or another character who may find himself outside in the most severe cold.

Dear readers! Surely you have your own “winter” drawing techniques. Tell us about them in the comments.