Social development of an organization: approaches to management. Managing the social development of entrepreneurial firms in modern conditions

The word "principle" comes from the Latin principium - beginning, basis.

Principles are the initial, fundamental provisions of any theory, teaching or science. Management principles can be represented as fundamental ideas and rules of conduct for managers in the implementation of management functions; the most important requirements, compliance with which ensures effective management.

Let's consider the most important principles of management in relation to the social development of an organization.

The principle of social orientation of management. Under the influence of the establishment of market relations in society, social differentiation occurs, and the social orientation of management activities currently consists of the desire to prevent social inequality, which can cause social tension. Bogdan N.N. Management of social development of an organization: textbook. Manual / N. N. Bogdan, T. V. Klimova; SibAGS. - Novosibirsk: SibAGS Publishing House, 2007. - 204 p.

The principle of scientific validity lies in the requirement that all management actions be carried out on the basis of scientific methods and approaches, based on the laws of management and development of society; corresponded to management goals and reflected the basic properties, connections and relationships of management. The principle involves a targeted impact on the system as a whole or on its individual links based on the use of objective laws.

The principle of legality is that the activities of the management bodies and employees of the organization are regulated by the rules of law. The principle of legality affirms the subordinate nature of management activities, the obligation of each management subject to act within the limits of the rights and powers granted to him. Legality in management is ensured by a system of organizational and legal measures.

The principle of objectivity consists in the requirement of knowledge and taking into account the objective patterns of interaction between the subject and the object of management, taking into account available opportunities, the real state of social processes and relationships. The principle of objectivity allows the control system to use knowledge of objective laws to achieve practical control tasks. Bogdan N.N. Management of social development of an organization: textbook. Manual / N. N. Bogdan, T. V. Klimova; SibAGS. - Novosibirsk: SibAGS Publishing House, 2007. - 204 p.

The principle of systematicity is to take into account all changes that are carried out in the external environment by the subject of management, and management itself must be systemic in nature. In its most general form, this principle can be defined as the ordering of the system. Management is designed to ensure and improve the structural and functional unity of the system. In business practice, the principle of consistency means a comprehensive study of decisions made, analysis of all possible options for their implementation, and coordination of efforts in various areas.

The principle of complexity lies in the need to take into account all aspects of management: technological, economic, social, ideological, psychological, organizational.

The principle of transparency is to ensure accessibility of discussion and competent participation of all representatives of management relations in decision-making based on broad awareness and consideration of public opinion. The application of this principle in management activities is associated with the involvement of employees in making management decisions and the formation of the social image of the organization.

The principle of efficiency (optimality) is to achieve the goal in the shortest possible time and with less expenditure of material resources and human energy. Management efficiency is ensured by various methods and means. The most effective method in a particular situation is the one that best suits the situation. Bogdan N.N. Management of social development of an organization: textbook. Manual / N. N. Bogdan, T. V. Klimova; SibAGS. - Novosibirsk: SibAGS Publishing House, 2007. - 204 p.

The principle of democracy means the ability to involve various groups and public associations of workers in active life, compare their interests, and find possible common approaches to solving problems. This is ensured by the presence in the system of a wide range of direct and feedback connections, permeating it not only vertically, in accordance with the hierarchy of subordination, but also horizontally - on the basis of common interests. All this makes democracy a very effective governing system.

The principle of stimulation is that in managing social relations and processes it is necessary to control the motives of human actions. The most general expression of this principle is the combination of material and moral incentives to increase labor activity.

The principle of self-regulation means abandoning the simplified idea of ​​management as administrative work and the need to take into account the mechanisms of self-regulation and self-development inherent in social systems. Maintaining a balance of regulation and self-regulation is the main point in an integral system of social management.

Management methods are a set of methods and techniques for influencing a managed object to achieve the goals set by the organization.

From the standpoint of a systematic analysis of management activities, four groups of methods can be distinguished in accordance with the stages of the management process: methods of preparing and making management decisions, organizing activities, and monitoring the implementation of decisions made.

Based on the type of influence on performers, three groups of management methods are distinguished: economic, administrative and socio-psychological. Bogdan N.N. Management of social development of an organization: textbook. Manual / N. N. Bogdan, T. V. Klimova; SibAGS. - Novosibirsk: SibAGS Publishing House, 2007. - 204 p.

Based on the nature of the impact, methods of direct (direct) and indirect (mediated) influence are distinguished: organizational and administrative, legal, material and moral stimulation of work.

Based on the scale of application, management methods are divided into general (for example, management interviews, performance analysis, etc.) and special (organization of performance activities, etc.).

The method of orders is used to impart stability to organizational connections in the management system in the process of performing management tasks. It manifests itself in the form of orders, assignments, plans, instructions, and other documents, which are called administrative acts of management.

Administrative methods include coercive methods. They are mandatory and based on obedience to the rules established in legislative or regulatory acts, as well as to higher officials. With their help, mechanisms for protecting the interests of the community and the individual operate, the rights and responsibilities of managers are realized, official discipline is maintained, and conditions are provided for employees to fulfill their duties.

For the high-quality implementation of management decisions by executors, economic methods of collective and individual material incentives (in monetary and non-monetary form) are widely used. Ways of such motivation include increasing the official salary for high-quality performance of work, bonuses for above-standard activity, rewarding with a valuable gift, providing additional social benefits and services, etc. Bogdan N.N. Management of social development of an organization: textbook. Manual / N. N. Bogdan, T. V. Klimova; SibAGS. - Novosibirsk: SibAGS Publishing House, 2007. - 204 p.

Socio-psychological methods are distinguished by their motivational characteristics, which determine the direction of influence. To carry out the management process, it is necessary, on the one hand, for the subject of management to have a certain motivation and capabilities (knowledge, abilities) to manage the object, and, on the other hand, for the management object to have its own motivation and ability to carry out orders, and it is also necessary that in interaction there was a two-way interest and interdependence. The appropriate level of awareness by the subject and object of management of the principle of interest is manifested in their more or less identical understanding of the goals of management.

The performer is a managed, subordinate link in the management system. But at the same time, he does not remain a passive executor of the management’s orders, but acts as an active subject of activity, since he has a certain personal motivation, his own understanding and assessment of the tasks assigned to him, and shows a selective attitude towards the personality of the leaders. This significantly affects the result of its activities and the overall effectiveness of achieving the goal in the management system. Bogdan N.N. Management of social development of an organization: textbook. Manual / N. N. Bogdan, T. V. Klimova; SibAGS. - Novosibirsk: SibAGS Publishing House, 2007. - 204 p.

The use of socio-psychological methods, such as inspiring leadership, psychological influence aimed at activating the vital forces of the individual, setting socially significant goals, encouragement, etc., help create positive motivation in people to work, expedient behavior and the unity of social groups. This group also includes methods of personal self-improvement, including methods of self-education, self-management, self-control, etc.

Principles as fundamental rules of activity and methods for managing the social development of an organization are not immutable. The formation of a market economy leads to the development of a system of principles and the emergence of modern methods that best meet the goals and objectives of the work.

Many researchers interpret social development as a process during which significant quantitative and qualitative changes occur in the social sphere of public life or its individual components - social relations, social institutions, etc.

Currently, the concept of “social development,” according to S. E. Maykova and D. V. Okunev, fully includes:

1) social processes related to the functioning of social relations;

2) social processes determined by the development of social relations;

3) processes of overcoming negative social phenomena;

4) processes for improving the living conditions of workers.

Many researchers reduce social development to improving the well-being of workers and social groups. Such. Vorozheikin believes that the social development of an organization is a change for the better in its social environment, achieving the desired changes in the working conditions, life and leisure of employees, which is carried out in the following areas:

1. Creation of a single status for all employees, equality in relations.

2. Social partnership, creating identity of interests between the manager and employees.

3. Equality in opportunities for career advancement.

4. Taking care of the employee's needs.

5. Improving the professionalism of managers.

According to A.Ya. Kibanova, the social development of an organization means all changes in its social environment - in those material, social and spiritual-moral conditions in which the organization’s employees work and in which the distribution and consumption of goods take place, objective connections between individuals are formed, their moral and ethical values ​​are expressed values. Agreeing with the point of view of A. Ya. Kibanov, we note that the social development of an organization is the development of the social environment and the sphere of social relations, based on the laws of practical activity of people, manifested in a comprehensive improvement in the quality of life of the workforce. Managing the social development of an organization is a set of techniques, procedures and rules for the purposeful influence of the subject of management on the object based on scientific approaches, knowledge of the patterns of social processes and real management practice.

Identifying the essence and specifics of social development management has important practical significance and requires theoretical understanding. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the object of managing the social development of an enterprise - the social environment of the organization.

According to Devyatkin E.A., Korsakova A.A., The main factors of the immediate social environment of the organization include:

potential and social infrastructure of the organization;

working conditions and labor protection;

social protection of workers;

socio-psychological climate of the team;

material remuneration of labor and family budgets;

non-working time and use of leisure time.

Mikhaleva E. A. understands the social environment as the personnel themselves with their differences in demographic and professional qualifications, the social infrastructure of the organization, and everything that, one way or another, determines the quality of the working life of employees, that is, the degree to which their personal needs are met through labor in this organization.

In our opinion, the main components of the social environment of an organization include: the potential of the organization, social infrastructure, working conditions and labor protection, social protection of workers, socio-psychological climate in the team, stimulation of labor behavior, non-working hours and the use of leisure.

The basis of the social environment of an organization is its personnel. It has a number of characteristics, by assessing which it is possible to determine the compliance of the qualitative characteristics of personnel with the requirements of the position or workplace. In addition to the differences between people in age, gender and nationality, they differ in their needs, interests, capabilities, behavior, and tastes. Each of them has their own physical and intellectual abilities, their own worldview, image and lifestyle. In working life, the inherent properties of an employee are realized - his qualifications, experience, knowledge, efficiency, attitude to work and a number of others, the totality of which should ensure a labor process that will comply with certain legal norms characterizing the standard of labor activity.

The social environment of an organization is closely interconnected with the technical and economic aspects of the organization’s functioning and, together with them, forms a single whole. The successful activity of any organization depends on the effectiveness of the joint work of the workers employed in it, on their labor potential, on the extent to which working and living conditions are conducive to satisfying the material and spiritual needs of people.

According to A.A. Oslopov, the main subjects of managing the social development of an organization are organizationally formed communities of people and the governing bodies formed by them; management personnel vested with management functions and carrying out management activities.

L.N. Konovalova believes that informal groups led by informal leaders can also be subjects of management, and the effectiveness of the influence of such groups can sometimes be higher than that of formal entities.

The main goal of managing the social development of an enterprise is to improve the quality of working life. This can be achieved by creating favorable working and rest conditions for workers; improving their educational level; increasing the labor activity of workers; ensuring their safety at work, at home, and in places of recreation; meeting and developing the needs of employees; strengthening health and increasing their life expectancy, as well as stabilizing relations in work collectives and improving socio-psychological relations.

Achieving the entire set of goals ensures an improvement in the quality of working life of the organization’s employees. It can be achieved in the process of solving a whole complex of interrelated tasks, such as increasing the well-being of members of the work team, improving working conditions, and creating a favorable and stable socio-psychological climate in the team.

The main objectives of the social development of the enterprise are: stimulation by means of both material reward and moral encouragement of effective work, proactive and creative attitude to business; optimization of personnel structure; improvement of ergonomic, sanitary, hygienic and other working conditions, labor protection; compliance with social guarantees and civil rights of workers, social insurance; improvement of social infrastructure; increase in living standards of workers and members of their families; creating and maintaining a healthy socio-psychological atmosphere in the team, optimal interpersonal and intergroup connections that contribute to the development of the intellectual and moral potential of each individual, and satisfaction with joint work.

In accordance with these goals and objectives, a comprehensive system for managing the social development of the organization is being formed.

Managing the social development of an organization is a complex and multifaceted process. The most characteristic features of this process are, first of all, that it is carried out only where there is joint activity of people. No less important is planning the social development of teams of entrepreneurial firms, which gives cohesion and organization to the interaction of people.

Management of social development, acting as a regulator of people's behavior, achieves this goal within the framework of social relations, which are, in fact, management relations. They arise, first of all, between the subject and the object in connection with the practical implementation of management functions. A.N. Averin identified three groups of functions for managing the social development of entrepreneurial firms. The first group includes functions aimed at the formation and optimization of the social organization of the team, and at improving its social structure, that is, at the progressive development of the socio-professional and other groups existing in it and the relationships between them (the function of enriching the content of labor, which involves the alternation of production functions , increasing the information saturation of the labor process, non-standard work schedules, ensuring the professional growth of workers).

The second group consists of functions aimed at satisfying the material and spiritual needs of employees of the work collective and creating favorable opportunities for employees to exercise their social rights. The third group of functions for managing the social development of an enterprise includes solving problems of developing socially significant qualities of people, these include the formation of a system of material and spiritual needs of employees, the development of labor, creative and other types of social activity of team members.

In the process of managing the social development of an organization, F. A. Mustafaeva identified a number of sequentially related stages, each of which has independent significance. These stages are:

1) formation of an information base about the state of the object of management of the organization’s social development;

2) assessment of the condition (level of social development) of the object, its social potential and identification of existing problems;

3) conducting special research (sociological, socio-economic, socio-psychological) in order to determine effective ways to use the organization’s social resources and solve social problems;

4) development of management decisions aimed at increasing the level of social development of the facility, development of a social development plan;

5) implementation of management decisions and control.

Managing the social development of an organization is a set of methods, techniques, and procedures that allow solving social problems on the basis of a scientific approach, knowledge of the patterns of social processes, accurate analytical calculations and verified social standards, which are impossible without the implementation of such a management function as planning.

Lecture notes

Velikiy Novgorod

1.1. Basic elements and purpose of the social environment

1.2. Social development management

1.3. Landmark - humanization of labor


3.1 The impact of scientific and technological achievements on the social sphere of society

3.2 Priorities of social development in modern conditions


4.1 The state of the country’s social sphere at the beginning of the new millennium

4.2 The most important goals of the state’s social policy

4.3 Features of social partnership in Russia


5.1. Conditions, labor protection and safety.

5.2. Material reward for labor contribution

5.3. Social protection of workers

5.4. Social and psychological climate of the team

5.5. Social infrastructure of the organization

5.6. Family income and expenses of workers


6.1 Objectives and structure of management of social development of the organization

6.2 Main functions of social service

6.3 Planning the social development of the organization

6.4 Social passport of the organization

6.5 Social efficiency of organization management


1.1 Basic elements and purpose of the social environment

1.2 Management of social development

1.3 Landmark - humanization of labor

Social development management

The development of the social environment is an indispensable object of management of an organization and, at the same time, an integral part of its personnel management system.

Management of this area is focused in the social policy of the state and civil society institutions.

Social development of an individual organization means a change for the better in its social environment, achieving the desired changes in the working, living and leisure conditions of workers. Accordingly, the main goals of the development of the social environment are:

Improving the social structure of personnel, its demographic and professional qualification composition, regulating the number of employees, increasing their educational, cultural and technical level;

Improving ergonomic, psychophysiological, sanitary, hygienic, aesthetic and other working conditions, labor protection and safety of workers;

Ensuring social insurance of employees/respecting their rights and social guarantees;

Stimulation by means of both material reward and moral encouragement of effective work, proactive and creative attitude to work, group
and individual responsibility for the results of joint activities;

Creating and maintaining a healthy moral and psychological atmosphere in the team, optimal interpersonal and intergroup connections that promote coordinated and friendly work, the disclosure of the intellectual capabilities and moral potential of each individual, and satisfaction with joint work;

Increasing the living standards of workers and their families, meeting the needs for housing and household appliances, food, non-food products and necessary
services, full use of leisure time.

The development of the social environment of an organization, therefore, is expressed both in the form of objective processes - in connections between people regarding their living conditions, work, everyday life and leisure, and in a subjective, conscious form - in the phenomena of the psychological atmosphere, interpersonal relationships and moral assessments.

Managing the social development of an organization has its own object: the creation of favorable working conditions, life and rest of workers, their material and moral remuneration, social protection, the formation and maintenance of a healthy moral and psychological atmosphere, ensuring business cooperation and social partnership. It has its own methods, techniques and procedures that allow solving social problems and ensuring the development of the social environment of the organization.

According to its purpose, social development management is focused on people, creating appropriate working, living and leisure conditions for the organization’s employees, and constantly improving these conditions. The content and forms of management decisions, practical actions for their implementation appear in the following form and order:

first: the basis for people’s well-being and increasing their standard of living is an effective economy, which is equally true in relation to the national economy of the country as a whole, and in relation to the results of commercial activities of a single organization (enterprise);

second: the determining condition for commercial success is not so much the resource potential of the organization and the form of ownership, but the demand by society and the consumer of products (goods and services) produced by a private company, joint-stock company, state or municipal enterprise; its demand in the market, bringing good profits;

third: the effective functioning and competitiveness of an organization is to a decisive extent ensured by its personnel, the coordinated efforts of people united by common interests and causes;

fourth, high impact of joint work is achieved by skillful management of all aspects of the organization’s development, including constant training of personnel, encouraging their independence, responsibility, and the emergence of well-deserved pride in their company;

fifth: What is important, of course, is the attitude of employees, a favorable moral and psychological atmosphere, everyone’s confidence in their protection from social and professional risks, the belief that their contribution to achieving the goals of the enterprise, initiative and hard work will receive recognition, fair assessment, and decent reward.


2.1. Domestic experience in managing social development

2.2. Foreign experience in solving social and labor problems

Foreign experience in solving social and labor problems

Experience of US enterprises

Methods of social management in the USA are based on the fact that an enterprise is considered as a complex socio-technical system, the main element of which is people and personnel. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that enterprise employees are strongly influenced by the socio-economic environment, and that their value systems are highly dependent on their life practices, personal qualities, including character and temperament, level of education and professional training, as well as religious ideas: preference is given to the instructions of the Protestant church, to which the majority of American believers gravitate and which cultivates diligence in work, thrifty prudence, and rationality in everyday affairs.

Since the 30s A passion for so-called managerial humanism arose in the country in connection with the spread of the ideas of the school of “human relations”. The United States was ahead of other countries in the field of introducing new means of mechanization and automation of production, and improving technology. Labor productivity in the country has steadily increased by an average of 3% annually. But in the early 70s. The productivity growth curve in the industrial sectors of the economy went down, and a lag emerged.

Among the causes, social factors occupied the last place: the weakening of previous motives for work, the spread of alcoholism and drug addiction, the growth of the strike movement and other forms of social protest, people’s dissatisfaction with the content and conditions of work. Thus, in the course of sociological research at the enterprises of the famous General Motors corporation, 76% of workers and 57% of employees expressed their dissatisfaction.

The “Japanese challenge” spurred on American business circles and provoked the Third Wave of “managerial humanism” in the country. Various measures were taken, including to restore the authority of the Protestant work ethic. But the greatest influence was spread from the mid-70s. quality of working life concepts (KTZ), the essence of which is a direct connection between the level of labor productivity and the degree of satisfaction of a person’s important personal needs through his work at a given enterprise.

The meaning of KTZ is to improve labor motivation, ensure diversity and enrich the content of work, and make fuller use of the intellectual, creative and moral potential of workers. Each new production program, original project of the company, along with technical, financial and economic activities, includes work on staffing, creating social conditions to achieve growth in labor productivity and economic efficiency.

Attention to the “human factor” brings economic and social results. It is known that the United States retains its position as a leading world power. Their share in the world's GDP is about 20%. In 2000, the country's GDP per capita reached 31.5 thousand dollars. The US spends a total of approximately 1/5 of its GDP on health care, education, science and social security. In terms of the level and quality of life, the United States invariably ranks first among other developed countries in UN rankings. Thus, according to the 2000 rating, the United States was third, behind only Canada and Norway.

Personal consumer expenditures of Americans are the main element of the gross national product (GNP), consistently accounting for 64-65% of it, i.e. almost 2/3. As the primary needs of the population for food, clothing, housing (on average about 50 sq. m of usable space per person), and comfortable living are fully satisfied, services, or more precisely, the consumption of services, receive priority.

Japanese corporate experience

The Japanese experience is very specific. Social problems in Japan are solved differently than in the USA, Germany, Russia and other countries. This country does not use other people's models, but applies its own methods in the economy, housekeeping, the way of life of the people, and carefully protected culture.

The peculiarities of Japan are to a certain extent due to:

1. its unique geographical location. This state, whose population exceeds 126 million people, occupies a chain of islands with a total area of ​​372 thousand square meters in the eastern part of Asia, stretching from north to south. km, which is 1.5 times less than the territory of France, 25 times less than the territory of the United States, and 46 times less than the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. the country is not rich in mineral resources. Its economy is highly dependent on the import of energy, ore and other raw materials.

3. high degree of national homogeneity. Over 98% of the country's population is Japanese. Religious beliefs are dominated by Buddhism and Shintoism, which are characterized by an appeal to the inner state of man, the deification of ancestors and nature.

The life values ​​of most Japanese also go back to the ethical standards of Confucianism - ancient teaching, which is characterized by increased attention to both the innate and acquired moral qualities of a person, the development of his abilities for knowledge and action, and manifestations of true humanity. According to Confucius, humanity expresses wisdom, purity of thoughts and honesty towards other people; preferring difficulty to easy success, frugality to extravagance, and justice to greed; generosity, truthfulness and impartiality in judgment, rejection of idleness and vanity. The core of the Japanese character has long been loyalty to a common cause and a sense of duty to the team. The country's cultural identity is due to its long isolation from the rest of the world.

After the war, Japan underwent socio-economic and democratic transformations. Their results were demilitarization, agrarian reform with the transfer of a large part of the landowners' lands to peasants for redemption, a revision of the position of monopoly capital towards weakening its dictates in the national economy, increased activity of trade unions, as well as supporters of peace and the prohibition of nuclear weapons.

Among the leading industrialized countries of the world, Japan, according to UN statistics, has demonstrated the most impressive economic growth: production per capita on average has increased almost 17 times over the past century.

In the 50-80s. Japan rapidly increased its economic potential, eventually becoming the second (after the United States) economic superpower. At that time, the Japanese did not skimp on purchasing foreign licenses and patents, increased investments, expanded the export of their goods, and were frugal in their own consumption. In such conditions, collective communication, lifelong employment of workers, a constant circle of reliable suppliers and stable sources of financing were appropriate.

In the post-war development of the Japanese economy and social relations in Japan, the state played a large role. Since the 50s it practiced predictive planning. The government ensured the development of an economic strategy and the determination of prospects for the social sphere; its policies were aimed at achieving long-term goals.

National planning in Japan does not have the force of law, is not binding, but is indicative in nature, establishing benchmark indicators; it is characterized by the development of targeted programs for socio-economic development, the selection of main directions that meet national interests. Forecast planning, like all government regulation, “fit” into the Japanese model, in which the main subject of economic activity is not private owners (individuals) and not society (the state), but corporations. State power, without allowing unnecessary interference in the operational management of the economy, sought to promote natural competition between corporations and partnerships between associations of business people, and take care of creating incentives for economic growth and prosperity.

Following deep national traditions is a fundamentally important distinctive feature of Japanese management.

Great importance was attached not only to the size, but also to the procedure for remuneration. There was a relatively small gap in pay for different categories of enterprise employees. The salary and reward system certainly take into account both the results of work and the age of the employee, the duration of his work in a given company, professional training and marital status. In addition to the basic salary and incentive bonuses, special payments are made for housing, medical care, transportation costs, etc. Typically, such payments are 1 / 5 part of the total wages.

The primary importance in working with personnel is given to the concern for more effectively using the Japanese’s inherent commitment, hard work, and creative potential in the interests of the company. Managers are required to show respect for the worker, the ability to harmonize relationships between employees and give joint work a creative character. In the workshops of Japanese enterprises, honor boards are often displayed with portraits of local innovators and descriptions of their achievements, and various forms of competition are organized among employees for solving complex production and technical problems.

In the 90s The last century in Japan was marked by a sharp slowdown and even decline in production. With the globalization of the world economy, in which Japan takes an active part, as well as the massive introduction of information technology, the foundations of Japanese identity and class loyalty for the sake of a common cause are being shaken. Competition within corporations is intensifying, patriarchal ties are being broken, discipline and adherence to government regulation are weakening. Even the consensus characteristic of the Japanese - an indispensable general agreement, which until recently served as a solid basis for social harmony; encouragement of diligence in work and stability in business relationships is perceived as nothing other than a limiter of personal initiative and individual responsibility, a brake on the implementation of new ideas and projects.

The importance of some features of solving social and labor problems at enterprises in the USA, a number of Western European countries and Japan.

Firstly, the assimilation of foreign experience is useful as a comprehension of the practice, science and art of social management in a market economy. In particular, it convinces us that the market is not only an equal relationship regarding the purchase and sale of goods and services, but also a culture of relationships, which should be oriented towards the values, social norms and moral requirements recognized in a given society. In addition, market relations are not an obstacle to manifestations of national character, but, on the contrary, can be organically combined with them.

Secondly, The experience of many countries is convincing confirmation that in modern conditions a person strives for productive work not only due to material necessity, but also under the influence of a whole range of social conditions that ensure the stability of society and civil peace, individual freedom and human rights, and compliance with democratic principles in economic and social life. Therefore, the orderliness of the market and market relations is always important, so that, in particular, commercialization does not overwhelm the social sphere - healthcare, education, science and culture, and does not lead to purity in interpersonal communication and social connections, so that everything useful and profitable is at the same time highly moral. One should not place excessive hopes on the market, which is supposedly capable of settling and correcting everything, but only on material interest dictated by supply and demand, purchase and sale.

Third, The stronghold of the social orientation of a market economy is the state, which is called upon to effectively carry out a regulatory role. Only it, using its inherent means (legislation, taxation, social policy, etc.), is able to withstand the market elements and be a guarantor of a decent life for citizens and their social security.

Fourthly, world practice warns against blindly copying foreign experience, strengthens the understanding that the artificial “transplantation” of any foreign model onto Russian soil is contraindicated, since we have different conditions, specifics, traditions and value systems that have developed over centuries. Successful advancement of Russia along the path of social progress is possible only with the organic combination of the universal principles of a socially oriented market economy with the real situation in the country.

Fifthly, an understanding of the peculiarities of solving social and labor problems in other countries allows us to critically evaluate domestic experience in managing social processes, including at the micro level - directly at enterprises. And this makes it possible to determine the positive and negative aspects of the social development of Russian organizations, to assess what deserves support and what should be eliminated.

Test questions and assignments

1. Describe the main features of the new economic policy (NEP) at the initial stage of the Soviet period in the history of Russia. What distinguished the state of social and labor relations in Soviet society during the first five-year plans?

2. When and for what purpose were attempts made to reform the Soviet economy?

3. Name the sections of plans for the social development of labor collectives in the former USSR.

4. Indicate the positive and negative aspects of social reforms in the Russian Federation at the stage of its transition from a planned to a market economy.

5. What activities constitute the content of competition and specific programs to improve the quality of working life that have become widespread in enterprises in the United States and other foreign countries? What is the role of the state in a social market economy? List the specific aspects of the social development of Japanese corporations.

6. What does knowledge of experience in solving social and labor problems at foreign enterprises give to domestic managers?

7. . Why is it impossible to directly apply interesting models of social development of enterprises and management in Russian conditions?

Planning for social development of an organization

Social processes in an enterprise must be managed; these goals are served by social planning or planning for the social development of work collectives. However, it should be noted that the socio-economic instability in society, characteristic of Russia in the 90s, and the struggle of enterprises for survival in a new market environment pushed the issues of planning social development at enterprises into the background. However, this does not mean that the need for such work has lost its relevance. Strengthening stabilization processes in the country will inevitably put the problems of managing social development among the priorities. This is evidenced by the experience of economically developed countries of the world. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the issues of organizing the management of social development at enterprises.

Social planning- this is a system of methods and means of systematic management of the development of the work collective as a social community, the targeted regulation of social processes and the development of social relations at the level of collectives.

Social planning at an enterprise should be preceded by a comprehensive sociological study of the workforce, the purpose of which may be to study the social structure of workers, identify its weak links and areas for improvement. The issues to be studied are the attitude of people to work, the factors of attractiveness and unattractiveness of work in the enterprise as a whole and in each of its divisions. Particular attention must be paid to studying the degree of content of work, its conditions and level of payment, staff turnover, labor discipline, and value orientations in the team.

The sociological study ends with the development of scientifically based recommendations for changing the social parameters of the workforce, as well as specific proposals for various areas of work in the enterprise team. Such recommendations and proposals become the basis for social planning for the current period (year) and the future (3-5 years or more).

Social Development Plan- a set of scientifically based measures, tasks, indicators for the entire range of social problems, the implementation of which contributes to the most effective functioning of the team. At the center of them is not manufactured products, but man as a producer and consumer, as a socially active person. In planning the social development of work collectives, the definition of the goals and objectives of the plans being developed is of particular theoretical and practical importance. The direction of theoretical developments and the effectiveness of social planning in practice depend on how clearly the goal and objectives of achieving the goal are formulated. For their correct formation, it is important to take into account the relationship between the social and economic development of the team.

The relationship between social and economic development is manifested in the fact that the achievement of social goals is based on economic growth: the team can set only those social tasks for the solution of which the material base has been created.

Economic development depends on the effective use of social factors, the reorientation of production towards the consumer, the success of overcoming chronic immunity to scientific and technical progress - on the full and comprehensive use of human capabilities. Work collectives are called upon to produce material goods, but this is not an end in itself, but a means of creating favorable conditions for workers to work, study, rest, develop and make the best use of their abilities. Hence, purpose of social development planning work collectives consists in maximizing the use of opportunities and conditions for the comprehensive development of the social activity of the individual. Achieving this goal will be facilitated by solving the following two groups of tasks:

· maximum satisfaction of the reasonable needs of team members,

· increasing the content of work,

· creation of favorable conditions for work, study and rest, which is the result of the implementation of technological, technical and organizational measures;

· nurturing the personality of a team member, developing his proactive attitude towards work,

· Improving relationships in the team.

When developing a plan for the social development of a production team, it is important not only to determine clear parameters: indicators and timing of each event, pace and proportions, but also to provide restrictions on undesirable trends and stimulate socially progressive ones. For this purpose, a whole system of levers and incentives is used (prestige of the profession and place of work, traditions of the enterprise, etc.).

The most important principles of social development are complexity(planning of diverse social phenomena and processes in their unity) and democratic centralism(a combination of centralized management with local solutions to problems of social development of the team on a broad democratic basis).

Indicators of social development of labor collectives are determined mainly by the teams themselves, based on the availability of opportunities in the interests of development and increasing the efficiency of its activities. At present, such principles as the principle of scientific validity and objectivity, the principle of specificity have not lost their relevance.

The social development plan for the workforce is of a directive nature, and after approval it becomes mandatory for execution. On the basis of it, the activities of the team are organized to solve planned social problems.

The development of a team social development plan includes four stages.

On the first- at the preparatory stage, a decision is made to develop a plan for social development, working groups are formed, contracts are concluded with organizations involved in the development of the plan, the structure of the plan is clarified, work schedules are drawn up, a program and research methods are determined based on specific production conditions; forms of working documentation are developed, the content of the work is determined and functions are distributed between performers (creative teams), instructions and information are provided to the team.

On the second- at the analytical stage, the degree of implementation of the previous social development plan is determined, the social structure, working, living and leisure conditions, wage levels, etc. are studied. The collected materials are compared with regulatory data, achievements of advanced experience in science and technology, which contributes to the scientific substantiation of the plan. Primary social information is collected and specific sociological research is conducted. The results of this stage (identified general trends, patterns) are documented in an analytical note.

On the third- at the development stage, activities, proposals and recommendations are designed, indicators of the social development of the team are determined, which must be specific and realistically feasible. An initial version (draft) of the plan is drawn up in sections, and the economic and social effectiveness of the proposed activities is determined. These activities are coordinated with functional services and transferred to the working group, which forms a consolidated draft plan. The latter is agreed upon with the main specialists of the enterprise and the head of the enterprise.

On the fourth- at the control stage, a system for monitoring the implementation of the social development plan is developed, which includes the accounting, control and reporting system that has developed at the enterprise. In terms of social development, it is advisable to highlight the following sections and areas of work:

Improving the social structure of the team. This section pays special attention to reducing the share or completely eliminating heavy and unhealthy work, reducing the share of low-skilled labor, increasing the educational and qualification levels of workers, and changing (if necessary) the gender and age structure of the team. The work of women, adolescents, and the elderly is examined separately, indicating those structural changes that are advisable to carry out among these categories of workers.

Social factors of production development and increasing its economic efficiency. Activities related to the technical re-equipment of production and the introduction of new equipment and technology are planned here. Among such measures one can name the design of progressive forms of organization and remuneration of labor, reducing its monotony. The saturation of production with high-performance equipment aggravates the problem of releasing workers and ensuring employment of enterprise personnel. It is advisable to use various forms of employment: part-time work, flexible working hours, home work for women and pensioners, etc. It is important that the plan reflects the issues of overcoming inflation and increasing real wages for workers. In conditions of growing technical equipment of an enterprise, on-the-job training should be supported in every possible way. Measures must also be taken to encourage rationalization and invention.

Improving working and living conditions for workers. The plan must specifically highlight areas and departments with unfavorable working conditions, for which it is necessary to provide measures to improve the working environment, to replace equipment that is a source of increased harmfulness and danger, or to reliably isolate such equipment. Measures are also provided for compliance with sanitary and technical standards, labor safety standards, for the organization at the enterprise of well-equipped change houses, food intake points, washing of work clothes, shoe repair, for the delivery of food and industrial goods orders to workers through desks, etc. The issues of providing workers are especially highlighted housing, preschool institutions, recreational facilities, etc.

Instilling labor discipline, developing labor activity and creative initiative. The measures in this section of the plan are developed on the basis of an analysis of the value orientations of workers and should be aimed at stimulating high labor and production discipline, at developing various forms of involving workers in improving production.

In parallel with the plan for the social development of the team, many enterprises developed so-called social passports of enterprises. It is advisable to use this experience today. Social passport of an enterprise is a set of indicators reflecting the state and prospects of social development. It characterizes the social structure of the enterprise’s staff, its functions, working conditions, provision of housing for workers, preschool institutions, and social infrastructure units at the enterprise itself. The passport reflects intra-collective relations, social activity of employees and other issues. Data from the social passport is used to develop a social development plan. In addition to social development plans, specialized social programs can be developed, such as “Health”, “Women’s Labor”, “Youth”, “Housing”, etc. Planning the social development of work collectives ensures an increase in social efficiency, which, along with economic efficiency is the most important prerequisite and condition for the well-being of the enterprise and its employees.


Lecture notes

Velikiy Novgorod

Socio-economic environment of the organization

Organizations in the social environment

Social environment of the organization- a set of factors that determine the quality of working life of employees:

Social infrastructure of the organization;

Working conditions and labor protection;

Social protection of workers;

Social and psychological climate of the team;

Material remuneration of labor and family budgets;

Non-working time and use of leisure time.

Social development subsystem- in the personnel management system - a subsystem that carries out:

Organization of public catering;

Housing services management;

Development of culture and physical education,

Ensuring health protection and recreation;

Providing childcare facilities;

Managing social conflicts and stress;

Organization of sales of food and consumer goods;

Social insurance organization.

Social development service of the organization- a functional unit of the organization responsible for the social organization of the enterprise.

Changes in the material, social and spiritual and moral conditions in which the organization’s employees work and live.

Managing the social development of an organization- a set of methods, techniques, procedures that allow solving social problems. Management of the social development of an organization is focused on creating appropriate working and living conditions for the organization’s employees.

Social environment of the organization- the environment created by the personnel themselves with their differences in demographic and professional qualifications; the social infrastructure of the organization and everything that in one way or another determines the quality of working life of employees, i.e. the degree to which their personal needs are satisfied through work in a given organization. S.s.o. is organically interconnected with the technical and economic aspects of the organization’s functioning, and together with them forms a single whole. Always, and especially at the present stage of development of society, the successful activity of any organization depends on the high effectiveness of the joint work of the workers employed in it, on their qualifications, professional training and level of education, on the extent to which working and living conditions are conducive to satisfying the material and spiritual needs of people .

Social development of the organization- changes for the better in its social environment - in those material, social and spiritual and moral conditions in which the organization’s employees work, live with their families and in which the distribution and consumption of goods take place, objective connections between individuals are formed, their moral and ethical values ​​are expressed values. Accordingly, social development, first of all, should be aimed at: improving the social structure of personnel, its demographic and professional qualification composition, incl. regulation of the number of employees, increasing their general educational and cultural-technical level; improving ergonomic, sanitary, hygienic and other working conditions, labor protection and ensuring the safety of workers; stimulation by means of both material reward and moral encouragement of effective work, proactive and creative attitude to work, group and individual responsibility for the results of joint activities; creating and maintaining a healthy socio-psychological atmosphere in the team, optimal interpersonal and intergroup connections that promote coordinated and friendly work, the disclosure of the intellectual and moral potential of each individual, and satisfaction with joint work; ensuring social insurance of workers, compliance with their social guarantees and civil rights; growth in the living standards of workers and members of their families, satisfaction of needs for housing and household appliances, food, industrial goods and various services, full use of leisure time

Creating a system for managing the social development of an organization is a step-by-step process. At the same time, at each stage the goal, content and methods of activity, required resources and expected results are determined (Table.

The purpose and content of the first stage is to monitor the social situation in the organization, during which the social situation, social needs and expectations of various categories of personnel are studied using different types of surveys, which will create an information base for determining priority areas of social policy. Sociological specialists and a sociological research laboratory can be involved in this work, which will ensure the scientific validity and effectiveness of the activity.

The second stage is fundamental, since here the principles and norms of socially oriented activities must be developed on a collegial basis. It is most advisable to organize this work through the widespread involvement of personnel and group discussion, possibly involving external experts, organizing business games, and brainstorming sessions. As a result, a concept for the organization's social policy should be created.

Simultaneously with this activity, work should be carried out to create an organizational mechanism for managing social development - structural divisions, services and public organizations, their organizational design and provision of personnel, training of specialists, development of job descriptions and regulations, and the budget of the service.

The development and adoption of a collective agreement (social code) and other regulatory documents during negotiations with employees and with the participation of initiative groups will become the foundation of the management system and the creation of a regulatory framework regulating the activities.

The implementation of specific social programs involves the planning and implementation of activities by employees of specialized departments and services, the organization of their interaction with public organizations, as well as financial support.

To activate the social position of the workers themselves, it is necessary to involve them in the creation of a management system at almost all stages of activity in various forms. Thus, at the first stage they can participate in a survey, at the second - the development and discussion of regulatory documents, at subsequent stages - in monitoring the distribution of social benefits, etc.

We have identified the assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of socially oriented activities as an independent stage. As shown above, assessment methods can be social audit, self-assessment and expert assessment. The result should be the receipt of objective information to adjust the goals, content and forms of activity.

Thus, the activity to create a management system is stage-by-stage and cyclical in nature, at each stage it has its own specifics and, when entering a new cycle, provides a qualitatively new level of management of the social development of the organization

1. Currently, a current trend in the field of management is the active development and application of social technologies that ensure the development of social relations and the improvement of social processes.

2. Social technologies are a method of management, algorithmized actions for the implementation of social programs and projects.

3. The technology for developing a social program is a step-by-step process that at each stage has a goal, methods, and methods of systematically organized activities.

Stages of creating a system for managing the social development of an organization

Purpose of activity Content


Ways and methods of activity Required Resources Expected


1 2 3 4 5
Monitoring the social situation Studying the social status, social needs and expectations of personnel Statistical data, questionnaires, interviews, observation Organizational, labor - work of the laboratory of applied sociological research, financial - research budget Creation of an information base for determining priority areas of social policy
Rationing Development of principles, norms, rules of socially oriented activities Organizing the work of experts, initiative group, public council (focus groups, brainstorming) Work of organizers and moderators Developed concept of social policy
Creation of organizational structures Organizational design of the relevant departments, public organizations, selection and training of personnel Development of regulatory documents - regulations, job descriptions Financial - service budget, labor - activities of specialists Ensuring the implementation of social policy by organizational and human resources
1 2 3 4 5
Regulatory support Development of a collective agreement (agreement), social code, provisions on social protection (assistance, support) Negotiations with representatives of workers and public organizations Availability of a legal framework for social policy
Development of social programs Determination of specific forms and activities, resource planning Software-targeted Organizational - work planning, temporary - determining the deadline for completing planned activities Availability of social programs
Implementation of priority social programs Conducting program events Activities of department specialists and members of public organizations Program budget Improving the social status of workers, increasing staff satisfaction and quality of work
Assessing the effectiveness of social



Development of evaluation criteria and carrying out evaluation procedures Self-assessment, expert assessment, social audit Organizational, labor - the work of experts, financial - the project budget Obtaining objective information to adjust the goals, content and forms of activity

Information, organizational, regulatory and financial support are mandatory conditions for the successful implementation of a social program.

5. The creation of a system for managing the social development of an organization in an organization is a social technology and includes a number of successive stages and targeted actions.

Test questions and assignments

1. Describe the main provisions of social technology based on definitions.

2. Name the participants in the interaction when implementing social technologies.

3. Conduct an analysis of socio-technological and innovative approaches to the study of social processes of an organization, highlight the specifics of each.

4. What is the main form of implementation of the organization’s social policy?

5. What social projects and programs of organizations are you familiar with?

6. What principles underlie the development and implementation of social programs?

7. Analyze the components of program-targeted management.

8. Name methods for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of social programs.

1. Ivanov, V.N. Social technologies in the modern world / V.N. Ivanov. - M., 1996.

2. Kravchenko, A.I. Applied sociology and management: textbook. allowance / A.I. Kravchenko. - M., 1999.

3. Social technologies: explanatory dictionary / resp. ed. IN AND. Ivanov. - M., 1995.