What the little prince learned about the earth. We need you, Little Prince! “But if it is some kind of bad herb, you need to pull it out by the roots as soon as you recognize it.”

Nowadays, economical water consumption at home is becoming especially important. And the point is not even that water reserves may soon appear on the list of rare resources of the planet, but in banal financial savings today. Many people are concerned about rising housing and communal services tariffs. Paying for water is no exception. Often we don't think about such things while bathing, doing laundry or washing dishes. But think about how economically you do this?

Some statistics about water

Let's look at the statistics. In developed countries, where water is abundantly available, the average person uses 150 to 400 liters daily. At the same time, in some African countries, people can hardly afford to drink only one glass of fresh liquid. Let us remind you that the norm for a person is from 2 to 3 liters for drinking purposes. Where do we spend the rest of the water?

Yes, we use water when cleaning and for personal hygiene, but there is no denying that impressive amounts of this resource are not used at all. Such situations include leaks various kinds and a careless attitude in everyday affairs. For example, an open tap unnecessarily is a typical case of negligence in the use of water. The situation changes somewhat when installing a meter, which saves up to 30% of your budget in the field of utility payments for water utility services. But even if it is available, it is useful to know what methods can be used to reduce water consumption in an apartment to reasonable limits.

  • Soaking dishes before washing;
  • Use of “recycled” water;
  • Savings in water procedures;
  • Installation of economical plumbing;

This simple cleaning approach can save significant amounts of water. After soaking the dishes, you can easily remove any leftover food. Simply put, during the washing process, water consumption will be reduced significantly, but the result will be identical. This method will not be a problem if you have two sinks.

In one you can soak dishes, and in the other you can clean them. Problematic pots or pans can be difficult to clean immediately - soak them for a longer time. If you don't have a second sink, you can use a large saucepan or basin. Do not forget to use special detergents, because with them it is much easier to remove grease and other food residues from the surface of the dishes, which means saving water during washing. It will be even easier for vegetarians and those who do not eat fried foods, because dishes after vegetables and fruits are washed much easier.

Not everyone realizes, but “recycled” water, which you have already used before, can be useful in everyday life. For example, you can water it houseplants. To do this, when washing fruits or vegetables, you can place the necessary container in the sink to collect water. If there is more liquid than required for watering the plants, you can leave it for soaking the dishes. Also, “recycled” water will be useful for cleaning floors or scale on kitchen products. By the way, in Australia they save so much even on car washing.

It is known that a five-minute shower in our country consumes as much liquid as the average person spends developing country per day. Every minute we flush about 20 liters of drinking water down the pipe. If we talk about a full bath, the numbers will be even higher. But there are ways to save water in this matter as well. You can install an economical shower screen that will reduce water consumption by up to 50%. When using liquid soap, you can first lather your hands and then turn on the tap. Also, do not leave the tap open while brushing your teeth. By adhering to such measures, you will save up to 600 liters per month.

Modern plumbing is amazing in its capabilities. A faucet with a motion detector has a good property from the point of view of economy. This technology automatically stops the water supply if you remove your hands from the tap. Purchasing such a product will be convenient and effective way in economical water consumption, because liquid is supplied only when necessary. There are also low-flow techniques. For example, old models of toilet cisterns spent about 25 liters of water during flushing, while new ones are more economical in this matter - only 4 liters are enough for a full flush. You can do without an expensive purchase. To do this, you need to place a 2-liter plastic bottle in the tank. This design will save up to 20 liters daily.

To save money, you should also carefully check your plumbing for leaks. Look at all pipes and pipe taps, because even minor leaks can send very large volumes of water into the sewer. This is not so noticeable in one day, but affects each month during operation. Quite often the tank leaks in such a way that the user is not always able to notice. A dripping faucet slowly but surely passes through about 10 liters per day. Every month, such leaks will hit your wallet, so you should be more careful.

I recently found information about how a South Korean company developed a cabinet for growing greens in an apartment. This glass cabinet is the size of a double-door refrigerator and looks very stylish. Plants are grown using the hydroponics method, that is, without soil (due to nutrients and moisture). The system uses LED lighting and takes used water from the sink for irrigation, so there are savings in energy and water. For a long time now I have been looking with interest for materials about how “saving systems for the lazy” are designed. And today I will gladly share my findings. It’s not a fact that you should immediately try to implement these solutions in your own apartment - water is not that expensive in our country yet. But perhaps those who live in cottages with cesspools and regularly have to pay for pumping them out will find these thoughts quite interesting.

Idea 1. From the sink and shower to the flush tank

Used in some American homes The system for using partially contaminated water takes water from the sink and shower to flush the toilet. One housewife shared that her system of use was partially dirty water from two 95 liter tanks, you can save at least 416 liters per day (four people live in a house). This water goes down the drain from the sink, shower and bathtub into special vertical tanks, and from there into the four toilets in the house. The system is “scalable”: when new family members appear and water consumption increases, you can simply install additional tanks. By reusing water, owners also save on the wear and tear of the autonomous water disinfection system.

Water from the bathtub and shower passes through a chlorine filter and ends up in a tank, where it can be pumped into the toilet. You can connect a kitchen sink and a washing machine to the system, but the water from them requires additional filtration, and according to experience, water from one bathroom is sufficient for toilets. The biggest headache is monitoring and controlling the chlorine level in the water storage tank. If there is not enough bleach, bacteria will start in the tank; if there is too much, it will kill bacteria that are vital for our immunity. The problem is solved by a carbon filter with control of the chlorine level: by passing water through itself, it prevents chlorine from getting into the tank and toilet, so that there is no pool smell in the bathroom. By the way, similar systems with storage tanks are actively used in office skyscrapers: flushing with the water that has already been used in sinks provides significant savings in operating costs for transporting water inside the building.

Idea 2. Eco-urinal

Exist different schemes water reuse

Designer Yeongwoo Kim combined a toilet with a sink, creating an original and probably quite cheap to manufacture design made of even rectangles and squares of thick glass. More precisely, he combined a urinal with a sink: a man can urinate on an inclined glass surface, and then, after washing his hands, wash away traces of his life from this surface. It is unlikely that such a design will take root in ordinary homes, but it can be used in offices and shopping complexes, saving both space and water.

Idea 3. Sink - toilet lid

The company Sinkpositive produces a plastic attachment for the toilet tank lid, which is a sink with a tap. What is interesting is not so much the fact that used water flows into the tank, but the very principle of operation of the sink, which does not require a separate water supply. They washed it off - and while water is being filled into the tank, it flows from the tap. There is no need to turn off anything, the water will stop itself when the tank is full. Most big problem To promote the new product on the American market, the development company considers the ignorance of ordinary Americans about the operating principle of the toilet and, therefore, the inability to connect this nozzle without the help of professionals. Particularly economical Russians suggest not creating a new plastic nozzle, but using an existing tank lid (for example, turning it over and making an additional hole in it).

Idea 4. Bath water into the washing machine

Standard Japanese new buildings differ from our houses no less radically than modern Japanese cars differ from AvtoVAZ products. According to eyewitnesses, the desired water temperature in the mixers there can be adjusted to the nearest degree. Baths are usually “sitz” and are taken after a shower. The bath timer will call you in a pleasant female voice. Possible

heating the water in the bath while maintaining the ordered temperature for several hours (this is convenient when several family members take turns “warming the bones”), there are even special “bath covers” so that the water does not cool down. Like Americans, the Japanese often install sinks on toilet tank lids and reuse the water that flows from the sinks. But something else is more interesting: the standard connection of the washing machine allows you to fill it both from the water supply and with the water that flows from the bathtub.

Idea 5. From the washing machine to the toilet

The innovative WashUP washing machine works on the same principle as standard appliances. The machine reveals its “water-saving essence” at the final stage of washing. The used water is drained into a special tank and later used to flush the toilet. The design feature allows you to hang the machine directly above the toilet, which, in addition to water, also significantly saves bathroom space.

Recycled raw materials. This refers to the use of sewage sludge from many industrial enterprises as raw materials for our own production or for other enterprises. So, for example, in pulp and paper industry(pulp and paper industry) good results were obtained using activated sludge in the production of cardboard, sack paper, and cellulose.[...]

Recycling and disposal of industrial wastewater sludge in each specific case represents its own task, which must be solved with the involvement of materials scientists, technologists and, of course, hygienists. If sludge is used for a new technological purpose, testing of products for toxicity (and other sanitary indicators depending on the composition of the sludge) is mandatory.[...]

Wastewater purified at biological stations contains activated sludge (after aeration tanks) or spent biological film together with destroyed loading material (after biofilters or aerofilters). Secondary settling tanks are used to separate these insoluble impurities from wastewater. They, just like primary settling tanks, are horizontal, vertical and radial. The activated sludge settling in the secondary settling tank must be pumped back to the aeration tank. The amount of this circulating sludge is 30-50% of the liquid purified in the aeration tank. It should be borne in mind that more activated sludge settles in the secondary settling tank than is necessary for circulation. This excess should be separated from the total mass of circulating sludge. The amount of excess activated sludge is very large, and with a humidity of 99.2/o it amounts to 4 si¡ka per person. Before it is sent for processing for further use, this excess sludge should be compacted in special structures called sludge compactors. [...]

Recycling and neutralization of waste at the stages of molding and producing complex glass fiber includes the capture of lubricant vapors, wastewater treatment using membrane filtration and electroflotation methods (concentration reduction reaches 84-99.5%), and recycling of waste glass fiber. The latter occupies a special place, since in the production of fiberglass waste is in the form of individual threads, coils, bundles, often with inclusions of drops of glass and a complex binder chemical composition make up 15 - 30%. The tasks of industrial ecology, requirements for low-waste production and glass melting technology predetermined the main options for the rational use of the resulting waste as secondary material resources (SMR). The heterogeneous composition of the waste and its specific properties (hardness, abrasiveness, etc.) create the main difficulties of reuse as a charge component in glass melting processes. For example, adding 2 - 45% VMP in the form of granules and powder to a traditional or compacted mixture allows saving raw materials, fuel and reducing pollution environment.[ ...]

Wastewater from the oil and petrochemical industry contains oil, petroleum products and various chemical substances(tetraethyl lead, phenols, etc.). These wastewaters can be classified in three ways: depending on the technological processes in which they are obtained, the method of recycling water and extracting useful substances, as well as the dispersed composition of the pollutant.[...]

Waste water from washing the butadiene from ammonia is also reused in this process. Ammonia is removed from the water in a stripping column, and only excess wastewater is discharged into the sewer system. In the case of using acetone, wastewater contains hydrocarbons, acetone (up to 20 g/l). After distillation, the concentration of acetone in water decreases to 100-150 mg/l. When using acetonitrile, its content after distillation is reduced from 1500 to 500 mg/l.[...]

Recycling of wastewater occurs where water is used for cooling, transportation and washing and when it can be used in the same operations without great expense.[...]

The use of mechanically treated industrial wastewater (for example, from oil refineries) contaminated with even a small amount of organic substances leads to intensive biological fouling of heat exchange surfaces. Experience in the use of biologically treated refinery wastewater shows that due to the removal of activated sludge from secondary settling tanks, additional wastewater treatment is necessary. For this purpose, the use of filtering is recommended.[...]

Wastewater contains suspended and floating particles that prevent the use of closed water metering devices. In addition, wastewater is usually passed through open channels rather than through pressure pipes. Therefore, the most common device for measuring wastewater flow is the Parshal flume. A typical flume (Figure 4.10) consists of a tapering, narrow and flaring open channel section. To determine the flow of water flowing through the Parshal flume, it is necessary to measure the water level in the channel in front of this device. The float (or other device) of the primary device for measuring water depth is placed in the stilling well. The primary device is connected to a secondary recording device and a flow recorder similar to that shown in Fig. 4.9. Currently, Parshal trays are commercially available in the United States. Advantages of trays installed in open channels, are that they determine low losses pressure and provide self-cleaning ability.[...]

Domestic wastewater flows into a stabilizer and then into a settling tank. After clarification, the water is sent to a mixer, where it is mixed with the production waste water coming from the settling tank. Next, the mixture of domestic and industrial waters enters the aeration tank. After separating the activated sludge in a secondary settling tank, the wastewater is neutralized with chlorine, then discharged into a reservoir or sent for use in production.[...]

Wastewater treatment can be organized in such a way as to ensure the return of water and valuable products to production. For example, for the reuse of regenerating solutions in a conventional reagent purification unit, the ion exchange method can be used as a means of post-purification.[...]

Treated wastewater is reused for industrial water supply, for agricultural purposes, for the needs of forestry, etc. Their use for agricultural purposes and for the needs of forestry must also provide for natural purification and neutralization.[...]

To purify wastewater generated during semi-coking and coking of coal, a scheme has been proposed that involves preliminary alkalization of water followed by evaporation. Fatty acid salts, phenolates and other compounds remain in. residue, and the condensate after distilling off ammonia and post-treatment with active carbon can be reused in production. The residue after evaporation is sent for processing or combustion.[...]

Usually, a water sample is taken at three points along the river (near both banks and in the fairway). On small bodies of water, depending on the nature of water use or distribution of wastewater, a sample can be taken at one or two points. In the case of centralized water supply, the sample is taken at the point of water intake along the depth and width of the river, and in case of non-centralized water supply - 5-10 m from the river bank at a depth of 0.5 m. When using the river for a recreational area, sampling is carried out at a distance of 1 km upstream flow, and on reservoirs and lakes - 0.1-1 km in both directions; on reservoirs within the city - based on the specific situation. Bottom samples at a distance of 0.3-0.5 m from the bottom are taken to assess secondary water pollution with harmful substances accumulated in bottom silt. For greater reliability in assessing the pollution of water bodies with superecotoxicants, sampling is primarily carried out in the worst hydrogeological conditions - during low-water and sub-ice periods (with minimal water flow), as well as during floods, when there is an intense washout of pollutants from the adjacent territory. In general, when determining the places and timing of water sampling from reservoirs, it is always necessary to take into account the specific situation and control tasks.[...]

To heat the water supplied to the preparation of brine, secondary thermal resources are used - at the hydrogen cooling stage. When cooling hydrogen with purified wastewater in a mixing refrigerator, the wastewater is heated to 85-88°C (when using a surface heat exchanger - up to 6-70°C). The condensate formed during cooling of hydrogen is sent to wastewater.[...]

Industrial wastewater is water used in various technological processes (for example, for washing raw materials and finished products, cooling of thermal units, etc.), as well as water pumped to the surface of the earth during mining. Industrial wastewater from a number of industries is contaminated mainly with industrial waste, which may contain toxic substances (for example, hydrocyanic acid, phenol, arsenic compounds, aniline, copper salts, lead, mercury, etc.), as well as substances containing radioactive1 elements; some waste has a certain value (as secondary raw materials). Depending on the amount of impurities, wastewater is divided into contaminated water, which is subjected to pre-treatment before release into the reservoir (or before reuse), and conditionally clean (lightly contaminated), released into the reservoir (or reused in production) without treatment.[... ]

Industrial wastewater includes water used in the production process and unsuitable for recycling. [...]

This fine dust must be separated when reusing water in the recycling cycle, as well as before discharging it into a reservoir. To treat such wastewater, settling tanks can be used, the description of which is given in Section III, § 11. To separate individual dust particles from the wash water, according to their specific gravity (heavy, high iron content and lighter, very fine particles) , larger lighting installations with preliminary and subsequent settling are required. To accelerate the sedimentation of smaller particles, chemicals are often introduced, of which the most effective is lime, taken in an amount of 0.1-0.2 g!

And purification of natural waters for drinking purposes, water conditioning for technical use(water treatment) and, finally, wastewater treatment before its release into water bodies annually cover tens of cubic kilometers of water and represent relevant branches of the water recycling industry. Like others, these industries are accompanied by industrial waste, which are secondary pollutants and, to a greater or lesser extent, devalue efforts to protect the aquatic environment. Secondary or associated pollutants are reagents used to remove and neutralize waste, without which industrial cleaning methods are impossible.[...]

The experience of using wastewater at the Nikolaev hydrolysis-yeast plant is interesting. In winter, the treated wastewater of the enterprise is used in the recycling water supply of the plant, and in the summer, part of it, after biological treatment, is sent to fields for irrigation. Sewage sludge from primary settling tanks is transferred to a cement plant, and activated sludge from secondary settling tanks is used in the production of protein-vitamin feed product. This technology allows the use of waste and saves fresh water.[...]

In paper mills, wastewater treatment is not carried out for sanitary purposes, but for the recovery and reuse of fibrous substances. To ensure their reuse in a clean, undamaged state, treatment plants must be small in size with negligible capacity, rapid water exchange and immediate sludge removal. Treatment technology usually uses large settling tanks, in which wastewater is kept for a long period, and sludge removal is carried out on an ad hoc basis. In paper mills they can only be used as a final cleaning step; The resulting sediments are in most cases unsuitable for use.[...]

The advantages of the secondary condensation wastewater treatment method are: simplicity of the equipment, the possibility of reusing purified water and using the resulting resin in various sectors of the national economy (as a foundry fastener, in the production of particle boards, mineral wool products).[...]

Technological schemes for wastewater treatment using the aeration tank - secondary settling tank system may be different, but many of their elements are mandatory. The choice of a specific scheme is determined by a number of factors: wastewater flow, composition and concentration of contaminants, requirements for the quality of purified water, etc. [...]

When producing caustic water using the diaphragm method, special attention is paid to the reuse of all mineralized wastewater from production. In the USSR, the State Research Institute "Chlorproekt" developed a scheme for treating wastewater from the production of caustic soda and chlorine, which makes it possible to stop the discharge of wastewater outside the chlorine production, reduce the consumption of fresh water, raw materials and energy resources. This is achieved by implementing a set of measures. One of them is the organization of rational consumption and reuse of fresh and recycled water, including the creation of closed recirculating cycles for condensation of secondary steam from vacuum buildings for silk evaporation and cooling of gaseous chlorine and hydrogen.[...]

A very interesting direction in the use of secondary resources, contributing to the implementation of the Food Program and savings fresh water, development of land reclamation and environmental protection, is the use of wastewater for irrigation of land. An example of such use is the sugar industry, which consumes up to 5-8 tons of water per 1 ton of beets processed into sugar. Until recently, this wastewater, containing nitrogen and phosphorus, was discharged into water bodies after biological treatment. Now, according to a proposal developed by the All-Union Scientific and Production Association for the Agricultural Use of Wastewater (VSNPO) “Progress” (the village of Staraya Kupavna, Moscow region), wastewater from sugar factories after simple processing can be used for growing annual and perennial grasses, technical, forage, grain and silage crops, as well as tree and shrub tree species on agricultural irrigated fields (AIF). In this case, the yield increases not only due to irrigation, but also due to the fact that irrigation water has the ability to fertilize the soil.[...]

S. is also possible in populations of species with a secondary behavioral strategy, but it is expressed to a lesser extent and is combined with miniaturization (at a high population density, some individuals drop out, and the remaining ones are smaller in size). SELF-PURIFICATION OF NATURAL WATERS (S.P.V.) is a variant of biotic transformation of the environment, the process of purifying water from pollutants through their decomposition and sedimentation. S.p.v. occurs both in an anaerobic environment (rotting) and in an aerobic environment. In the latter case, S.p.v. occurs more actively, the higher the oxygen content in water. In S.p.v. In addition to bacteria, fungi, algae, and animals also take part. In running water S.p.v. occurs more actively than in a standing position. When large amounts of wastewater enter water bodies (this occurs in major cities RF) ability to S.p.v. reservoirs are insufficient. Special treatment facilities and reduction of discharges through the use of low-waste technologies are needed. SANITARY PROTECTION ZONE - an area planted with forest and separating enterprises that pollute the atmosphere from the residential part settlement.[ ...]

Ш From the standpoint of the concept of primary and secondary pollutants of the aquatic environment, we can also consider the processes of reuse or recycling of water. It is believed that the use of closed water consumption systems guarantees water bodies from pollution by stopping the discharge of wastewater into them. Let us recall that from an environmental point of view, the main and decisive factor is the reduction of pollution of water bodies. Reuse and recycling of water can in no way reduce the mass of primary pollutants, since their formation does not depend on the method of water flow - direct flow or recycling. The environmental effect of these methods of water use is mainly due to the reduction of secondary pollution, since water purification processes are carried out much less frequently, and the purification itself is simplified for two reasons: firstly, in recirculating systems, significantly less stringent (technical) requirements are imposed on water; secondly, the purification of concentrated solutions causes fewer environmental costs, related, of course, to the mass of pollutants, and not to the volume of water being purified. In addition, pollutants in circulating systems circulate outside water bodies for some time and are discharged with the so-called blowdown waters.[...]

The main source of phosphorus in industrial wastewater is synthetic surfactants. Among the various methods of treating wastewater from phosphorus compounds, the most effective is biological treatment in aeration tanks. The residual amount of phosphorus after treatment in aeration tanks and secondary settling tanks can be removed by treating wastewater with chemical reagents - ammonium, iron or calcium salts. When using aluminum sulfate for the chemical and biological extraction of phosphorus, the required dose of the reagent must correspond to the ratio A1:? = 1.5:1 with a pH value in the range of 5.5-6.6. In this case, the phosphorus content is reduced to 0.3-0.7 mg/l. Thanks to the action of: - zasiov as a coagulant, a very high efficiency of deep cleaning is achieved, and the treatment can be carried out before the secondary settling tank after biotreatment.[...]

The use of oxygen instead of air for aeration of wastewater has a number of advantages: 1) the efficiency of oxygen use increases from 8-9 to 90-95%; 2) oxidative power increases by 5-6 times compared to aeration tanks; 3) to ensure the same concentration of oxygen in wastewater, a lower mixing speed is required. In this case, the sedimentation characteristics of activated sludge are improved; it consists of large and dense flakes that are easily sedimented and filtered, which makes it possible to increase its concentration to 10 g/l without increasing the overall dimensions of secondary settling tanks; 4) the bacterial composition of activated sludge improves. At high concentrations of 02, filamentous bacteria do not develop; 5) more soluble oxygen remains in the purified water, which contributes to its further purification; 6) there is no problem of odor control, since the process is carried out in hermetically sealed units; 7) drip costs are lower.[...]

The currently existing water recovery station (Fig. 14.4) with a design capacity of 28,000 m3/day consists of traditional biological treatment facilities and equipment for tertiary physical and chemical treatment. Primary and secondary treatment is carried out using activated sludge, with excess activated sludge being dewatered and incinerated. Effluents are freed from phosphorus and nitrogen through lime treatment and ammonia air stripping. For maximum phosphate precipitation, a lime dosage of 400 mg/l (in terms of CaO) is required. Waste water with the resulting high value The pH is pumped through counterflow cooling towers to remove nitrogen. The water is then recarbonated to lower the pH to 7.5 before being filtered through mixed media pressure filters. Activated carbon adsorbers absorb persistent soluble organic substances not removed by lime coagulation, and the final stage of purification involves final chlorination. The limescale is recalcified for reuse in the process.[...]

The efficiency of mineralized water treatment plants increases significantly when they are combined with thermal power units that generate electricity, utilize heat from secondary energy resources for the purpose of wastewater treatment and use the resulting dry products and concentrates in industry.[...]

The proposed book is devoted to solving the problem of recycling large-scale waste - sewage sludge, the amount of which in our country is more than 2 billion tons per year with a humidity of 95%. It should be recognized that this important problem has not received due attention until recently. As a result, billions of rubles spent on protecting water bodies from pollution by treating wastewater do not provide adequate efficiency, since the treatment plants themselves, without a sediment disposal system, are sources of secondary pollution of the biosphere. Only by recycling sediments and using treated wastewater is it possible to create waste-free and, in many cases, self-sustaining treatment complexes that would provide a radical solution to the problem of environmental protection.[...]

The All-Union Research and Design Institute for the Purification of Process Gases, Wastewater and the Use of Secondary Energy Resources (VNIPICHERMETENERGOOCHISTKA) has developed the “Vikhr-600” dust collecting apparatus and is recommended for widespread use in refractory, sintering industries, as well as in other types of industry.[ .. .]

The purification was carried out at optimal current and hydrodynamic operating parameters, and the purified water, after settling for 2 hours, was used to obtain secondary contaminated wastewater, and so on until the drilling wastewater prepared in this way was cleared of the main pollutants. The composition and properties of the original, purified and sequentially reused waste fuel are given in Table. 44.[...]

The most important property of sludge is its ability to form flocs, which can be separated from water by sedimentation. The sludge is separated from the water in secondary settling tanks, after which it is returned to the aeration tank, and the purified water is sent for subsequent processing. Excess sludge, i.e. the increase in sludge that is formed during the use of organic substances in wastewater, is removed from the structures. There are several theories of flocculation, of which the McKinney theory is considered the most successful. According to this theory, flocculation occurs at a stage of metabolism when the ratio of nutrients to bacterial mass becomes low. A low ratio also causes a low energy level of the activated sludge system, which, in turn, leads to an insufficient reserve of movement energy. The energy of movement counteracts the forces of attraction, and if it is small, then the counteraction is also small, and the bacteria are mutually attracted. It is believed that important factors in flocculation are the electrical charge on the cell surface, the formation of a capsule by the bacterium, and the secretion of mucus on the cell surface. Chemical analysis of the mucus and capsule (cell membrane) showed that they largely consist of acetyl groups and amino groups.[...]

Some chemical fiber enterprises use a two-stage scheme for chemical wastewater treatment using large-volume horizontal settling tanks. This method, with precise dosing of reagents and the presence of biochemical after-treatment, provides very high quality cleaning, as evidenced by the presence of normal pond fauna already in the buffer ponds. A high-capacity treatment plant (20 thousand m3/day) occupies an area of ​​several tens of hectares. The reagent unit, pumping station and control panel are usually located between the primary and secondary settling tanks. Gases and iron are removed in primary settling tanks, so a certain pH value must be maintained at their inlet. Consequently, the reagent must be transported over a distance of 300 - 400 m, and this creates an unacceptable delay in the ATS. In such cases, continuous regulators cannot provide a stable value of the control parameter.[...]

The high reactivity of ozone attracts the attention of specialists working in the field of wastewater treatment. Currently, the feasibility of using ozone in water purification technology is no longer in doubt. A number of countries currently operate industrial wastewater ozonation plants. Thus, at one of the US plants (Kansas), ozone is used daily for secondary purification of water from cyanides, phenols, sulfides and sulfites. In Japan, ozonation is used in installations with a capacity of 100 m8/h. The first production plant for the neutralization of household wastewater with ozone in the UK was launched in the early 60s. In France, there are ozone wastewater treatment plants at the Michelin factories in Clermanferrane and Saint-Dulmar. In Canada, ozone is used for post-treatment of industrial wastewater containing phenols.[...]

The efficiency of retention of the solid phase of sludge and the moisture content of the cake depend on the nature of the sludge being dewatered (when treating municipal wastewater, more than half of the solid phase is removed with centrate). The low quality of the centrate and the need for its further processing are the main disadvantages of the centrifugation method. Highest content suspended solids remain in the centrate during centrifugation of activated sludge. The Academy of Public Utilities has proposed a scheme for processing activated sludge, according to which sludge from secondary settling tanks is subjected to centrifugation, and the resulting centrate is sent to aeration tanks instead of circulating activated sludge or in a mixture with it. The use of centrate as return activated sludge does not degrade the quality of wastewater treatment compared to the conventional option and makes it possible to exclude compaction of activated sludge from the scheme. This scheme is included in the designs of treatment plants in a number of cities in the Moscow region.[...]

The licensing system provides for the possibility of both regulating environmental management and carrying out environmental activities. As already noted, environmental management refers to the extraction, production and use of various natural resources, the use of natural landscapes, natural objects and natural areas mainly for collective forms of management, as well as the organized release into the atmosphere and the discharge of environmental pollutants together with wastewater and the placement household and industrial waste. Environmental activities should be understood as work on the processing of various wastes, the use of secondary resources, and the organization of various types of environmental services. [...]

Previous technical environmental protection measures were usually planned to reduce the environmental impact of an already developed process. Isolation of toxic components from exhaust gases and wastewater was carried out mainly to convert these components into a harmless form and was rarely combined with their reuse. In many cases, attempts have been made to reduce the concentration of toxic waste when releasing it into the biosphere. Measures to reduce waste and waste heat in the production of products, as well as to reuse these wastes, were implemented primarily for the purpose of saving materials and energy and were not considered as measures to protect the environment. The constant increase in the use of natural resources and increased environmental pollution require the implementation of a waste-free technology strategy. The fundamentals of this technology are that unused production waste is at the same time an underutilized natural resource and a source of environmental pollution. Reducing the amount of waste used in relation to the amount of manufactured products will make it possible to produce more products from the same amount of raw materials and will at the same time be an effective measure for environmental protection.[...]

Such systems are very attractive, but experience with their application on large scales, including transport, recycling (biogas or liquid composting), and agriculture very limited. One is that there are several small systems with local composting of toilet wastewater, for example, the school in Kviksund (Sweden and the suburban village of Aas (Norway). To implement local systems for the treatment and recycling of toilet wastewater, cooperation with neighboring households and farmers is important .Separate household it is difficult to organize and finance a system for processing such wastewater. If farm owners cannot use the final product of processing, then local authorities and farmer associations play a key role in resolving this issue.[...]

Approbation of work. The results of the work were discussed at the II and III Republican competition of scientific works of university students of the Republic of Bashkortostan “Life Safety” (Ufa, 1998, 2000); All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference “New Materials and Technologies - 98” (Moscow, 1998); Republican scientific-practical conference“Ecology and health of women and children in the Republic of Bashkortostan” (Ufa, 1998); International scientific and technical conference “Science-education-production in solving environmental problems” (Ufa, 1999); XXXVII International Scientific Student Conference “Student and Scientific and Technical Progress” (Novosibirsk, 1999); All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Ecology, Labor, Health. A Look into the 21st Century" (Ufa, 1999); All-Russian scientific and technical conference "Advanced technology and environmental issues in electroplating and production printed circuit boards"(Penza, 1999, 2000); International scientific and practical conference "Recycled resources: socio-economic, environmental and technological aspects" (Penza, 1999); International scientific and practical conference "Soil, production and consumption waste: problems of protection and control "(Penza, 1999); International scientific and technical conference "Prospects for the development of forestry and construction complexes, training of engineering and scientific personnel on the threshold of the 21st century" (Bryansk, 2000); International practical conference "Household drinking and waste water: problems of treatment and use" (Penza, 2000); interregional permanent scientific and technical seminar "Ecological safety of Russian regions" (Penza, 2000); specialized conference and seminar "Industrial ecology. International quality standards 1BO series 9001 and 14000" (Ufa, 2002); All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Protective coatings in instrument making and mechanical engineering" (Penza, 2002).

To begin with, he decided to visit the six nearest asteroids. The reader sees the inhabitants of asteroids through the eyes of the Little Prince. His look is simple-minded, naive and unbiased. To understand new people, he acts purely childishly - he asks them questions, although the answers to them clarify little for him about adults. And yet, traveling around the planets turned out to be discoveries for him.

Traveling the planets

The first discovery happened on the planet where he lived king. The most notable thing about him is his ermine robe. It was so large that it “covered the entire planet.” The mantle is a symbol of the megalomania that possessed the king, for whom nothing is more important than power. That’s why people are only “subjects” for him.

The second discovery was given to him by a meeting with ambitious. This one was overcome by a thirst for glory and everything was subordinated to it. The ambitious man, like the king, is focused on himself. For him, only one thing is important - that everyone admires him.

Third opening A little prince made on the planet drunkards. To understand the meaning of his life, he asks him questions: “What are you doing?..” “I’m drinking,” the drunkard answered gloomily. - "For what?" - “To forget.” - “Forget about what?” - “I want to forget that I’m ashamed” - “Why are you ashamed?” - “I’m ashamed to drink...” This dialogue with short, one-word sentences, says precisely that there is nothing to talk about. The life of a drunkard is empty, like a pile of empty bottles with which he is littered. And the Little Prince thought for the umpteenth time: “Yes, without a doubt, adults are very, very strange people.”

With each new meeting he became more and more convinced of this. They, adults, are from another planet, and not only in the literal sense of the word, but also figuratively, that is, they live in a world of ideas different from those of children.

Opening four - the meeting of the Little Prince with business person. He is businesslike because he is busy all the time. And he came up with a rare activity for himself - counting the stars. The pointlessness of this activity lies in the fact that he counts what cannot be counted. And this senselessness is aggravated by the fact that the business man does not even look at the stars he is counting, since he does not raise his head from the table. He can’t even immediately name what he’s counting. “Five hundred million of these little things,” he says. Leaving the businessman, the Little Prince will repeat the same: “No, adults are truly amazing people.” The clear and concrete mind of a child is unable to understand or accept this whim of an adult.

The fifth opening is the meeting of the Little Prince with lamplighter. This one was also one of the “strange” breed. Every minute he either extinguished or lit his lantern. For what? This was once the agreement. The lamplighter’s actions lost their meaning, but he still worked, although now in vain. And yet, looking at him, the Little Prince will say for the first time: “This is who I could make friends with...” Why? Because the sense of duty to which the lamplighter remained faithful is worthy of respect.

Discovery sixth - meeting with geographer, immersed in a description of the seas, oceans, mountains... But he did not know whether there were mountains or seas on his own planet. “The geographer is too important a person; he has no time to walk around,” this is how he explained to the Little Prince his ignorance of his own planet.

All the discoveries of the Little Prince boiled down to one thing - adults are the same everywhere. They are both direct and figuratively- people are from other planets and are not understood by the Little Prince.

On none of the planets main character could not find friends for himself, because he did not have common interests or ideas with any of their inhabitants... He appreciated beauty, so he rejoiced at the rose and admired the sunsets. He saw meaning in his work, so every morning he swept the planet, pulled out baobab sprouts and cleaned volcanoes... There was meaning in every action of the Little Prince, which is why it was so difficult for him to understand the nonsense in the deeds and desires of those whom he met on his travels.

To be fair, it must be said that in the heap of oddities and nonsense, the Little Prince also heard something reasonable. For example, from a king who adores power, he heard that “power, first of all, must be reasonable.” And also that “it’s much more difficult to judge yourself than others.” And this is true for both adults and children. The geographer also gave good advice: “Visit planet Earth!”

Secrets of planet Earth

Here on Earth, too, there were some discoveries. It turned out that there is not one king on Earth, but 111; not one geographer, but 7 thousand; not one businessman, but 900 thousand; not just one drunkard, but 7.5 million; not just one ambitious person, but 311 million. In total, about two billion adults. This gallery of persons is not described. For what? Adults are the same everywhere. There are simply more of them on Earth. True, the already familiar gallery is supplemented by two new persons - the switchman and the merchant. They are comparable to their brothers from other planets.

The Earth gave the Little Prince more discoveries than all the planets together. For example, he almost immediately realized that it was also “lonely” on Earth. The fact that this feeling was not accidental was confirmed by the snake: “It’s also lonely among people.”

It is noteworthy that it was the snake that the Little Prince first met on earth. The snake is an ancient animal, which means that it knows people better than anyone. The snake's speech is allegorical - it must be deciphered. And the Little Prince’s speech is specific, like all children. Therefore, it is natural that he asked the snake: “But why do you always speak in riddles?”

Traveling around the Earth, the Little Prince became more and more convinced of its desolation. “There are only six or seven of them, it seems,” the flower will say, meaning people. But if there are so few people, then why are they so divided and therefore lonely? And let us also note that with everyone - the snake, the Fox, and the flower - the Little Prince finds a common language. Probably because children are natural, like nature itself.

Secrets of the Fox

The meeting with the Fox became the most significant for the Little Prince. The fox revealed secrets to him that he did not even suspect. And above all, the secret of “taming”. “This is a long-forgotten concept,” explained Lis. It means: to create bonds.” If “long forgotten” means that people once knew how to “create bonds,” then why have they now lost this ability? The fox explains: “If you tame me, we will need each other.”

After meeting the Fox, the Little Prince immediately understood why, out of five thousand roses, the only one that was dear to him was the one that remained on his planet.

Talking with the Fox, the main character was saturated with his wisdom. Moreover, he did not regret giving him his secrets. As a parting gift, he gave the Little Prince the most important of them. “Only the heart is vigilant.” And also: “You are forever responsible for those you have tamed.”

The little prince became convinced that everything in nature is reasonable and full of meaning, and in people’s lives there are more incomprehensible than understandable.

The only person he met with whom the chief was able to make friends was the Pilot. Why? The Little Prince probably thought that the Pilot was “just like him.”

The only friend

The pilot, in fact, despite his age, was the same. He was not shy to ask, he knew how to listen incredible stories The little prince and with him experience his loneliness, his love for the rose and his thirst for a friend. And they spoke the same language. “I took my last sip of water,” said the Pilot. The little prince immediately responded: “I’m thirsty too... let’s go find a well...” And they found it, this well.

IN in this case“a well” is not only a source of real, real water, but also a source that nourishes a person’s spiritual strength, because “the heart also needs water.” The Pilot became such a source for the Little Prince, and the Little Prince became such a source for the Pilot. It is no coincidence that their last and most important conversation takes place at the well.

The little prince leaves Earth and returns to his planet. He saw, understood, learned a lot during the year he spent on earth.

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In 1943, the work of interest to us was first published. Let's talk briefly about the background of its creation, and then carry out an analysis. “The Little Prince” is a work whose writing was inspired by one incident that happened to its author.

In 1935, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was involved in a plane crash during a flight from Paris to Saigon. He ended up in a territory located in the Sahara, in its northeastern part. Memories of this accident and the Nazi invasion prompted the author to think about the responsibility of people for the Earth, about the fate of the world. In 1942, he wrote in his diary that he was worried about his generation, devoid of spiritual content. People lead a herd existence. To return spiritual concerns to a person is the task that the writer set for himself.

Who is the work dedicated to?

The story we are interested in is dedicated to Leon Vert, a friend of Antoine. This is important to note when conducting analysis. "The Little Prince" is a story in which everything is filled deep meaning, including dedication. After all, Leon Werth is a Jewish writer, journalist, critic who suffered persecution during the war. Such a dedication was not just a tribute to friendship, but also a bold challenge from the writer to anti-Semitism and Nazism. IN hard times created his own fairy tale Exupery. He fought against violence with words and illustrations, which he hand-created for his work.

Two worlds in the story

Two worlds are presented in this story - adults and children, as our analysis shows. “The Little Prince” is a work in which the division is not made according to age. For example, the pilot is an adult, but he managed to preserve his childish soul. The author divides people according to ideals and ideas. For adults, the most important things are their own affairs, ambition, wealth, power. But a child’s soul yearns for something else - friendship, mutual understanding, beauty, joy. Antithesis (children and adults) helps to reveal the main conflict of the work - the confrontation between two different systems of values: real and false, spiritual and material. It goes deeper further. Having left the planet, the little prince meets “strange adults” on his way, whom he is unable to understand.

Travel and dialogue

The composition is based on travel and dialogue. The big picture The existence of humanity losing moral values ​​is recreated by the meeting with the “adults” of the little prince.

The main character travels in the story from asteroid to asteroid. He visits, first of all, the nearest ones, where people live alone. Each asteroid has a number, like apartments in a modern multi-story building. These numbers hint at the separation of people who live in neighboring apartments, but seem to live on different planets. For the little prince, meeting the inhabitants of these asteroids becomes a lesson in loneliness.

Meeting with the King

On one of the asteroids lived a king who, like other kings, looked at the whole world in a very simplified way. For him, his subjects are all people. However, this king was tormented by the following question: “Who is to blame for the fact that his orders are impossible to fulfill?” The king taught the prince that it is more difficult to judge himself than others. Having mastered this, you can become truly wise. The power-hungry loves power, not subjects, and therefore is deprived of the latter.

The Prince Visits the Ambitious Planet

An ambitious man lived on another planet. But vain people are deaf to everything except praise. The ambitious man loves only fame, not the public, and therefore remains without the latter.

Drunkard's Planet

Let's continue the analysis. The little prince ends up on the third planet. His next meeting is with a drunkard, who thinks intently about himself and ends up completely confused. This man is ashamed of his drinking. However, he drinks in order to forget about his conscience.

Business man

The business man owned the fourth planet. As an analysis of the fairy tale “The Little Prince” shows, the meaning of his life was that one should find something that does not have an owner and appropriate it. Business man counts wealth that is not his: he who saves only for himself might as well count the stars. The little prince cannot understand the logic by which adults live. He concludes that it is good for his flower and the volcanoes that he owns them. But the stars have no benefit from such possession.


And only on the fifth planet the main character finds a person with whom he wants to make friends. This is a lamplighter who would be despised by everyone, because he thinks not only about himself. However, his planet is tiny. There's no room for two here. The lamplighter works in vain because he does not know for whom.

Meeting with a geographer

The geographer, who writes thick books, lived on the sixth planet, which was created in his story by Exupery (“The Little Prince”). The analysis of the work would be incomplete if we did not say a few words about it. This is a scientist, and beauty is ephemeral for him. Nobody needs scientific works. Without love for a person, it turns out, everything is meaningless - honor, power, labor, science, conscience, and capital. The little prince also leaves this planet. The analysis of the work continues with a description of our planet.

The Little Prince on Earth

The last place the prince visited was strange earth. When he arrives here, the title character of Exupery's story "The Little Prince" feels even more lonely. The analysis of a work when describing it should be more detailed than when describing other planets. After all, the author pays special attention to the Earth in the story. He notices that this planet is not home at all, it is “salty”, “all in needles” and “completely dry”. It's uncomfortable to live there. Its definition is given through images that seemed strange to the little prince. The boy notes that this planet is not simple. It is ruled by 111 kings, there are 7 thousand geographers, 900 thousand businessmen, 7.5 million drunkards, 311 million ambitious people.

The protagonist's journey continues in the following sections. He meets, in particular, with the switchman directing the train, but people do not know where they are going. The boy then sees a merchant selling thirst pills.

Among the people living here, the little prince feels lonely. Analyzing life on Earth, he notes that there are so many people on it that they cannot feel like one whole. Millions remain strangers to each other. What do they live for? There are a lot of people rushing on fast trains - why? People are not connected by pills or fast trains. And the planet will not become a home without this.

Friendship with Fox

After analyzing Exupery's "The Little Prince", we found out that the boy is bored on Earth. And Fox, another hero of the work, has a boring life. Both of them are looking for a friend. The fox knows how to find him: you need to tame someone, that is, create bonds. And the main character understands that there are no stores where you can buy a friend.

The author describes the life before meeting the boy, which was led by the Fox from the story “The Little Prince”. allows us to note that before this meeting he was only fighting for his existence: he hunted chickens, and hunters hunted him. The fox, having tamed, broke out of the circle of defense and attack, fear and hunger. It is to this hero that the formula “only the heart is vigilant” belongs. Love can be transferred to many other things. Having made friends with the main character, the Fox will fall in love with everything else in the world. The close in his mind is connected with the distant.

Pilot in the desert

It is easy to imagine a planet in habitable places as a home. However, in order to understand what home is, you need to be in the desert. This is precisely what the analysis of Exupery’s “The Little Prince” suggests. In the desert, the main character met a pilot, with whom he later became friends. The pilot ended up here not only because of a malfunction of the plane. He has been enchanted by the desert all his life. The name of this desert is loneliness. The pilot understands important secret: there is meaning in life when there is someone to die for. The desert is a place in which a person feels a thirst for communication and thinks about the meaning of existence. It reminds us that man’s home is the Earth.

What did the author want to tell us?

The author wants to say that people have forgotten one simple truth: They are responsible for their planet, as well as for those they have tamed. If we all understood this, there would probably be no wars and economic problems. But people are very often blind, do not listen to their own hearts, leave their home, seeking happiness far from their family and friends. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry did not write his fairy tale “The Little Prince” for fun. The analysis of the work carried out in this article, we hope, has convinced you of this. The writer appeals to all of us, urging us to take a close look at those who surround us. After all, these are our friends. They must be protected, according to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (“The Little Prince”). Let's finish the analysis of the work here. We invite readers to reflect on this story for themselves and continue the analysis with their own observations.