I exchanged my wife for a young girl and now I live like in prison. On the one hand, you can’t help but confess, on the other hand, you can’t help but confess. Don’t burden someone else’s soul with a sincere confession.

Option 2.

1. Name a simple sentence.

2. Indicate the number of missing punctuation marks in the sentence: ^ And here I am again in that city where when I was young my first love came to me.

A) 2; AT 3; C) A.

3. Find the IBS with the clause of reason.

A) I may be weak, but the sword is strong.

C) He is happy that he sees you.

C) This blind man is not as blind as he seems.

4. Find SPP with subordinate tense.

A) As soon as he entered the hallway, he was overwhelmed by the freshness of the night.

C) He was not at home, which is why I left a note.

C) I began to remember when we could have met.

5. Specify the type of subordinate clause by meaning: ^ He looked at me in such a way that I flinched.

A) mode of action; B) degrees; C) determinative.

6. Find SPP with subordinate clause.

A) From behind the rocky hill where the stream flowed, another hill rose.

C) In front, where the grove remained, birches rose.

C) He woke up when the sun was already high.

7. Specify the type of subordinate clause by meaning: ^ The village where Evgeniy was bored was a charming place.

A) places; B) reasons; C) determinative.

8. Specify the type of offer: Only occasionally will a timid deer run through the desert or a herd of playful horses will disturb the silence of the valley.

A) simple; B) SSP; C) SPP.

9. Which sentence matches the diagram? : [ × ], (When…).

C) Mother asked when we would finally arrive.

10. Which sentence matches the diagram? : [ × , (Where…), ].

11. Find the BSC.

A) All the birds became silent, but the leaves rustled.

C) It was already quite warm, although there was still snow.

C) Before the sun had time to warm the earth, the whole sky began to hum.

12. Specify the type of subordinate clause by meaning: ^ Children feel who loves them.

A) degrees; B) explanatory; C) reasons.

13. Provide a sentence with a coordinating conjunction.

A) The ice had already broken, so it was impossible to cross to the other side.

B) All the birds became silent, but the leaves began to rustle.

C) On the fifth or sixth of May I will come to St. Petersburg, about which I already wrote to the artist.

14. Find the IPP with a subordinate clause.

15. In which sentence is there no comma in place of the gap?

C) Thousands of years touched my eyes while I breathed air heated by the stones that strewn Armenia in abundance.
C) I noticed long ago that when a breeze penetrating the forest shakes the branches of the trees, there is a special charm in this.

16. Find the IPP with the subordinate clause of the goal.

A) He gained weight and was reluctant to walk because he suffered from shortness of breath.

B) I already told the coachman to cover the sleigh with a carpet.

C) I invited you, gentlemen, in order to tell you some unpleasant news.

17. Find SPP with subordinate degree.

C) Where it’s thin, that’s where it breaks.

18. Determine the type of subordinate clause by meaning: ^ The flowers, because they had just been watered, emitted a damp, irritating smell.

A) reasons, B) explanatory, C) goals.

19. Find the BSC:

C) It was quiet in the forest because the main singers had flown away.

C) Time passed slower than the clouds crawling across the sky.

20. Find the HBS:

A) Since we started talking, it’s better to finish everything to the end.

C) The red coals turned to ash and began to go out.

Option 3.

1. Which sentence matches the diagram? : (When…) , .

A) When the director called me, I froze with fear.

Q) I remember the time when you were still a child.

C) Mother asked when we would finally arrive.

2. Which sentence matches the diagram? : [ × ,(Where…), ].

A) We made a halt where there was a spring.

C) We went out into the clearing where the oak tree grew in the evening.

C) I know where the mushrooms grow, and in the summer I will go there.

3. Find the BSC.

A) Oh, summer is red! I would love you if it weren’t for the heat, the dust, the mosquitoes, and the flies.

B) The moon was shining, the July night was quiet.

C) Summer stores, and winter eats.

4. Find an IPP with a subordinate clause.

A) When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go well.

B) Even if the rose is plucked, it still blooms.

C) I was treated by the regimental barber, because there was no other doctor in the fortress.

5. Indicate coordinating conjunctions:

A) either; not only but…; Also,

B) so; If; to,

C) what; but; because…

6. Determine the type of subordinate clause by meaning: Despite the fact that the doctors treated him, bled him and gave him medicine to drink, he still recovered.

A) concessions, B) consequences, C) goals.

7. Determine the type of subordinate clause by meaning: ^ Oh, summer is red! I would love you if it weren’t for the heat, the dust, the mosquitoes, and the flies.

A) reasons, B) mode of action, C) conditions.

8. Find the IPP with the subordinate clause of the purpose.

A) It was so cold for several days that classes were cancelled.

C) The forest is cut down so that centuries-old oaks and spruce trees fall with their tops to the south.

C) Where it’s thin, that’s where it breaks.

9. Find SPP with a subordinate clause.

A) The higher a person is in mental and moral development, the freer he is.

C) The ice had already broken, so it was impossible to cross to the other side.

C) In order not to give himself away by carelessly knocking the oar, the fisherman carefully raised it.

10. Find SPP with subordinate clause.

A) The shady garden, from where it felt cool, attracted townspeople tired of the heat.

C) You should never go back to where you were happy.

C) My heart ached when we found ourselves in a long-familiar room.

11. Indicate subordinating conjunctions:

A) not that...not that, either, but

C) as if, in order, since

C) then... then, however,

12. Find the HBS:

A) When leaving, turn off the lights!

C) Schoolchildren read little, and as a result, literacy has decreased.

C) Having found out what was the matter, they returned back.

13. Name a simple sentence.

A) The owner is cheerful and the guests are joyful.

C) The hallway smelled of fresh apples and there were skins hanging.

C) The white birch tree under my window was covered with snow like silver.

14. Find a sentence in which the coordinating conjunction does not connect parts of a complex sentence (no punctuation marks are placed).

A) Letters regularly arrived from home and we felt calm.

C) The boy looked very smart and straightforward, and there was strength in his voice.

C) My brother refused my help and wanted to do everything himself.

15. Choose a complex sentence.

A) Lightning flashed and illuminated the surroundings.

C) There is no sun yet, but it is already light.

C) In the distance the fog stands like a solid wall, but nearby it moves, breathes, and moves in streams.

16. In which sentence is there no comma in place of the gap?

A) At night, when the train climbed onto the plateau, it became cold.

C) I noticed long ago that when a breeze penetrating the forest shakes the branches of the trees, there is a special charm in this.
C) Thousands of years touched my eyes while I breathed air heated by the stones that strewn Armenia in abundance.

17. Determine the type of subordinate clause by meaning:

^ I could not help but admit in my heart that my behavior in the Simbirsk tavern was stupid, and I felt guilty before Savelich.
A) explanatory, B) defining, C) conditions.

18. Find SPP with a subordinate clause.

A) I had to work on days off, which didn’t suit me at all.

B) The room where they took me looked more like a barn.

C) Go where your heart leads you.

19. Indicate the BSC with an adversative conjunction.

A) It was already ten o’clock, and the full moon was shining over the garden.

Q) My older brother didn’t take me with him for a long time, but I wanted to take a peek at his training.

C) Either there was a fire in the distance, or it was the sunset that was burning.

20. Find the HBS:

A) The hurricane passed, but there was no communication with the city yet.

C) Chelkash, always cheerful and caustic, was obviously out of sorts today and answered questions abruptly and sharply.

C) Never talk about what you don’t know.

Option 4.

1. A complex sentence is

A) Two or more words, combined in meaning and grammatically.

C) The basic grammatical unit, containing a message about something or a question, or an incentive, has a grammatical basis.

C) Sentences consisting of two or more simple sentences connected using intonation, conjunctions or allied words.

2. Specify a complex sentence:

A) On the stump where we were sitting, I noticed several figures carved with an ax.

C) I, an experienced person, am still joyfully excited and attracted by the vastness of my native Russian nature.

C) In the semi-darkness of the northern night, which reminded us of the morning dawn, the village seemed especially gloomy.

A) Lake Azov is very shallow: a good swimmer will dive to the bottom.

C) I was happy at the thought that I would see her again.

C) Alekhine said goodbye and went downstairs, but the guests remained below.

4. Indicate the BSC with a dividing conjunction:

C) The days of late autumn are usually scolded, but they are dear to me...

5. Indicate the BSC with an adversative conjunction:

A) Nina shifted her eyes first to Lyuba, then to Olya.

C) The wolf cubs didn’t understand anything, but waved their tails.

C) The girls went to pick bird cherry trees, but the thunder did not allow them to pick the bird cherry tree.

A) Not a single exclamation was heard from the ship, not a single hand raised in a farewell gesture.

C) The chaise was driving straight, but for some reason the mill began to move to the left.

C) Either I don’t understand, or you don’t want to understand me.

7. In which sentence is there no comma in the indicated place:

A) Letters regularly arrived from home _ and we felt calm.

C) The boy looked very smart and direct - and there was strength in his voice.

C) My brother refused my help and wanted to do everything himself.

The paramedic looked at the doctor from under his brows, and the most outright contempt flared up in his dark, dull eyes.

A) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction. And a comma is not needed.

C) Complex sentence, before the conjunction And there is no need for a comma.

C) A complex sentence, a comma is needed before the conjunction AND.

A) The boat went on a special mission and, due to the stormy weather, they were worried about it.

B) He read and the lines merged into gray stripes.

C) In the city garden next door, an orchestra was playing and a choir of singers was singing.

10. Find the WBS:

A) Neither the arrows flew nor the cannons thundered.

C) The birches blossomed, but the oaks stood naked.

C) It was quiet in the forest because the main singers had flown away.

A) Often in the Hall of Columns I remember how I first found myself in it.

C) And only in the evening, when the ocean of air calms down, other sounds become heard in the steppe.

C) He asked for help, since he had no one to rely on in this deserted area.

A) I love the novel because I wrote it out of inner necessity.

C) I came to you with greetings to tell you that the sun has risen...

13. Indicate a complex sentence with a subordinate clause.

A) I know where you have been.

C) We love a home where they love us.

C) Where the forest ended, lively, perky thorn and buckthorn bushes stood like a bright green fence.

A) Knowledge that is not replenished daily decreases every day.

C) To feel the charm of Moscow, you need to wander through its old alleys.

C) The frosts became weaker, and light snow began to fall.

^ When the first warmth came, there was not a day since my early childhood that I did not go to play in the nearby garden of the medical academy.

A) Homogeneous. B) Heterogeneous (parallel). C) Consistent.

16. In which complex sentence does the attributive clause refer to a noun preceded by a demonstrative word?

A) At night it rained so hard that we all got wet through.

C) He looked like a man who, after a long and serious illness, had just gotten back on his feet.

C) Exactly at eight o’clock I, in a frock coat and with the cook raised on my head, entered the front wing where the princess lived.

A) Of those articles that later made up the book of his memoirs, the first one he wrote was about Kramskoy.

B) I don’t remember ever having such a quiet, such a clear morning.

C) I didn’t know where to go.

When Ivan returned home in the evening, all the impressions of the day washed over him, and since he was overcome by the most contradictory feelings, he began to look for the reasons for his emotional agitation.

A) 3; AT 4; C) 5.

Now she felt unbearably sorry for him, but she restrained her feelings, knowing that if Nikolai showed him, he would be confused and confused.

A) 6; AT 5; C) 7.

A) 8; AT 9; C) 10.

Option 5.

1. A complex sentence is

A) The basic grammatical unit, containing a message about something or a question, or an incentive, has a grammatical basis.

C) Sentences consisting of two or more simple sentences connected using intonation, conjunctions or allied words.

C) Two or more words, combined in meaning and grammatically.

2. Provide a simple sentence:

A) The most important thing for me is family, and I always want to be with my family.

B) Wherever I turn my gaze, the gloomy forest turns blue all around

C) As an experienced person, I am still joyfully excited and attracted by the vastness of my native Russian nature.

3. Indicate a complex sentence:

A) The birches blossomed, but the oaks stood still naked.

C) The winds did not blow in vain, the thunderstorm did not come in vain.

C) He threw back his head and exposed his chest to the blows of the rain and lightning.

4. Indicate the BSC with an adversative conjunction:

A) Either the mountains were looming, or it just seemed like it.

C) The life of birds began to freeze, but forest animals woke up.

C) Neither the arrows flew nor the guns thundered.

5. Indicate the BSC with a dividing conjunction:

A) We lived on one street or another in different houses.

B) Either it was early morning, or it was already evening.

C) The mind distinguishes the useful from the harmful, but the mind must be courageous.

6. Indicate the BSC with a connecting conjunction:

A) Thunder passed across the sky, and the clouds, like birds, flew screaming against the wind.

B) I should say something, but there are no words.

C) Natasha spoke in a whisper, the grandfather and the forester also spoke in a low voice.

7. In which sentence does the conjunction AND connect the parts of a complex sentence (no punctuation marks):

A) White foam sparkles and boils in mounds and, raising shaggy waves, hits a huge black cliff with a roar.

C) The wind dispersed the clouds and by morning the puddles were covered with thin ice.

C) From morning to evening the snow fell and flew quietly and fell slantingly.

8. Provide the correct explanation for the punctuation in the sentence:

^ Eighteen years ago, my fellow ophthalmologist died and left behind his seven-year-old daughter Katya and sixty thousand money.

A) Complex sentence, before the conjunction And there is no need for a comma.

C) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, a comma is needed before the conjunction AND.

C) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction And a comma is not needed.

9. Indicate a complex sentence that does not need a comma between its parts:

A) I turn off the lamp and the night slowly begins to brighten.

C) To the right was a white sand spit and in the distance a dark pile of distant mountains.

C) In the mirrored glass, pine trees swayed and gray clouds floated.

10. Find the WBS:

A) Today the weather was clear, tomorrow there will be no rain either.

C) Since we started talking, it’s better to finish everything to the end.

C) The poplar leaves began to shine like wet poplar leaves in the sun.

11. Find the explanatory clause:

A) To love music, you must first listen to it.

B) I told you where to go.

C) But in the world where I lived it was unbearably quiet.

12. Specify the subordinate clause:

A) Lukashin shook himself so that the burden could rest more comfortably on his shoulder.

C) There are days when life seems clear and harmonious.

C) The police chief called me and said that I would have to leave the city.

13. Indicate a complex sentence with a subordinate clause.

A) I will return when our white garden spreads its branches in spring.

Q) We found out when the novel by A.S. was created. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

C) I was afraid of nights when the sky was streaked with lightning.

14. Find the extra sentence.

A) And with force the horse gallops to where the fire glows.

C) My home is wherever there is a vault of heaven, wherever the sounds of songs are heard.

C) The admissions committee asked me where I work now.

15. Determine the type of subordination of subordinate clauses.

From the very beginning, you must arrange things in such a way that the children themselves tell you about their affairs, so that they want to tell you, so that they are interested in your knowledge.

A) Homogeneous. B) Parallel (non-uniform). C) Consistent.

16. Find a complex sentence in which the subordinate clause is inside the main one.

A) In the morning Repin hurried to the workshop and there he literally tortured himself with creativity, because he was an unparalleled worker.

C) In the summer in Antarctica, when the snow on the coastal cliffs melts, the eye takes a break from the greenery of mosses and lichens.

C) The sun rises in the foggy darkness of the horizon as a crimson ball without rays, as if it were separated from you by a huge frosted glass.

17. Name a complex sentence that corresponds to the pattern [..., (...), ...]:

A) We made a halt where there was a spring.

B) Mother asked when we would finally arrive.

C) Go where your free mind takes you

18. Indicate the number of punctuation marks in the sentence:

Several doors opened into the corridor, and while we were knocking snow off our felt boots, I heard someone speaking in a low voice.

A) 3; AT 4; C) 5.

19. Indicate the number of punctuation marks in the sentence:

When the artist lived in Crimea, he devoted all his time to contemplating pictures of nature and if the weather was favorable for walks, he spent hours studying on the seashore the pattern of waves endlessly running one after another.

A) 3; AT 4; C) 5.

20. Indicate the number of missing punctuation marks in the sentence:

A maid ran out from the depths, and since the corridor was quite narrow, a slight, hasty collision occurred: Luzhin stepped back slightly, then stepped forward; his wife also moved back and forth, unconsciously smoothing her hair, and the maid, muttering something and bending her head, tried to find a loophole where she could slip through. .

Test "Types of subordinate clauses"

Exercise: place punctuation marks, make diagrams, determine the type of subordinate clauses. Fourteen examples correspond to fourteen types of subordinate clauses.

1. The ice had already broken so it was impossible to cross to the other side.

2. The higher a person is in mental and moral development, the freer he is.

3. Despite the fact that the doctors treated him, bled him and gave him medicine to drink, he still recovered.

4. Oh, red summer! I would love you if it weren’t for the heat, dust, mosquitoes and flies.

5. The flowers emitted a damp, irritating smell because they had just been watered.

6. The forest was cut down so that centuries-old oaks and spruces would fall with their tops to the south.

7. In order not to give himself away by carelessly knocking the oar, the fisherman carefully raised it.

8. I had to work on a day off, which didn’t suit me at all.

9. I could not help but admit in my heart that my behavior in the Simbirsk tavern was stupid and I felt guilty before Savelich.

10. Where it is thin, it breaks.

11. He who dared ate it.

12. For several days it was so cold that classes were cancelled.

13. There are people without whom it is difficult to imagine the existence of society and literature.

14. My heart ached when we found ourselves in a long-familiar room.


Integrated lesson of Russian language and literature.

Subject: Complex sentence in A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”.

Grade: ninth

Goals: Summarize theoretical information and consolidate practical skills on the topic “Syntax and punctuation.”

Tasks: 1) Develop attention, memory, logical thinking. 2)

Equipment: Explanatory dictionaries, cards with words, appendix No. 1 (presentation), appendix No. 2 (independent work).

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

2. The teacher's word.

Announcing the topic of the lesson and its goals.

3. Vocabulary and spelling work.

On the desks there are cards with words that appear in the text of the novel “Eugene Onegin”. The children are given the task of forming phrases with these words. If you have any difficulties, you can use explanatory dictionaries. After 2-3 minutes, those interested read out the resulting phrases.

Suggested words:moral teachings, madrigals, brilliant, creation, dandy, confidante.

4. Work based on the text of the novel.

The children are invited to remember the characters of the novel using quotes from the work:

“He has his hair cut in the latest fashion, dressed like a London dandy” ( Onegin)

“Always modest, always obedient, always cheerful, like the morning” ( Olga )

“Wild, sad, silent, like a forest deer, timid” ( Tatiana )

“I saw no harm in books; He, having never read, considered them an empty toy" ( Larin)

“She wore a very narrow corset, and she knew how to pronounce the Russian “n” like N in French through her nose” ( landowner Larina)

“A handsome man in full bloom, an admirer of Kant and a poet” ( Lensky)

“He plants cabbage like Horace, raises ducks and geese and teaches the alphabet to children” ( Zaretsky)

“For about forty years he was quarreling with the housekeeper, looking out the window and squashing flies” ( Uncle Onegin)

5. Homework.

Students, reviewing the text of the novel “Eugene Onegin” before the lesson, had to pay attention to the periphrases that filled the work. The teacher names paraphrases, and students explain their meaning.

It's time for hope and tender sadness... (It's time for love)

At the very morning of our days (At the very beginning of our lives)

In full bloom (Young)

Singer of Feasts and languid sadness (Poet E.A. Baratynsky)

On the one hand, one cannot help but admit, on the other hand, one cannot help but admit
It first appears in the satire “The Diary of a Liberal in St. Petersburg” (1872) by Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin (1826-1889), who so figuratively described the dual, cowardly position of Russian liberals - his contemporaries. Probably, this expression was already in oral speech then, but it became widely known and popular thanks to this writer.
The phrase is a symbol of unprincipledness, eternal reservations, reluctance to firmly state one’s position (ironically). M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (“Diary of a Liberal in St. Petersburg,” chapter 9):
“- Are there really no measures against these scoundrels?..
“Unfortunately, it must be admitted that such measures do not exist, although, on the other hand, one cannot help but admit that if the zemstvo councils had taken up the matter energetically, the gophers would have been destroyed long ago.”

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “On the one hand, one cannot help but admit, on the other hand, one cannot help but confess” means in other dictionaries:

    From one side to the other. Wed. There is no immortality of the soul, so there is no virtue, “that means everything is permitted”... A tempting theory for scoundrels... A braggart, but that’s the whole point: on the one hand one cannot help but confess, but on the other one cannot help but... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Wed. There is no immortality of the soul, so there is no virtue, which means everything is allowed... A seductive theory for scoundrels... A braggart, but that’s the whole point: on the one hand, one cannot help but confess, and on the other, one cannot help but confess. Dostoevsky. Brothers Karamazov. 12,… … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Sides, vin. side (side region), pl. sides, sides, sides, women. 1. Direction; space or locality located in what n. direction from what n. Towards the forest. Let's go towards the forest. Go in different directions. Wind from the east... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    side- Leave anyone aside, stop paying attention to anyone, don’t touch anyone. in reasoning. Let's leave mommy aside: for a minute, become the same Nadenka... and answer directly. Oncharov. Towards what 1)… … Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    - - born on May 26, 1799 in Moscow, on Nemetskaya Street in Skvortsov’s house; died January 29, 1837 in St. Petersburg. On his father’s side, Pushkin belonged to an old noble family, descended, according to genealogies, from a descendant “from ... ...

    PART TWO. Emperor Alexander II (1855-1881). I. War (1855). The highest manifesto announced to Russia the death of Emperor Nicholas and the accession of his successor. In this first act of his reign, the young Sovereign took before the face... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Writer, born October 30, 1821 in Moscow, died January 29, 1881, in St. Petersburg. His father, Mikhail Andreevich, married to the daughter of a merchant, Marya Fedorovna Nechaeva, occupied the position of doctor at the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor. Busy at the hospital and... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Senator, chamberlain of His Majesty's Court, writer, encyclopedist, musician, the last representative of the princely Odoevsky family, which died out with his death. Born in Moscow on July 30, 1803, d. February 27, 1869, ibid. He was the only one... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    - - born on March 25, 1812 in Moscow. He was the illegitimate son of a well-born Moscow landowner Ivan Alekseevich Yakovlev. The latter belonged to the generation that G. later called “foreigners at home, foreigners in ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    - (Johann Karl Friedrich Anton) General Field Marshal (1785 1831), son of Baron Ivan Ivanovich Dibich. Ivan Ivanovich Dibich was born on May 2 (13), 1785, on the Gross Leipe estate, in Silesia, from his father’s second marriage to Marie Antoineta Erkert. Already on... Large biographical encyclopedia

The beating of the heart was filled with happiness,
And my thoughts are confused and there is a lump in my throat...
I want in a fit of unbridled passion
Say I love you, delicate flower!

I know that feelings are a hot flame
Valentin once gave it to lovers,
And I believe that this love is between us
Will reach sky-high peaks.

Bad weather and adversity
I'm not afraid of you!
To me at any time of the year
Have colorful dreams!

I'll hug you, my love,
And I'll tell you about it
What's wrong with you - I'm protected,
Under the umbrella and under the shield.

I was smitten by you on the first evening -
My heart was pounding in my chest,
I waited in confusion for a glance at the meeting,
Tried to find the phone.
I imagined kisses, dates,
Heart-to-heart conversation one-on-one,
After all, more beautiful, more tender than creation
For me, my sunshine, no!

Like a tender flower reaching for the light,
I'm drawn to you all the time.
I love. And you know it.
I send thanks to fate for you.

For me, you are my paradise and joy.
I'll give everything in the world for you.
I love. And I don't need others.
After all, love is not subject to years.

You are my sun in the sky,
You are my endless happiness.
I love you so much! We are together,
And hearts beat in unison.

We take off so easily with you,
Above the city bustle.
We just melt in the waves of love,
In bliss, having lost peace.

I shout “I love you!” and I'm not ashamed
Let everyone hear that I love you!
I bow before you -
And I give you the whole world!

This moonlit night
I'm writing a letter.
The strings of happiness ring,
And my soul is warm.

After all, I want to tell you
Honestly, not secretly,
What's in the whole universe
There is no better you.

You are like a ray of sunshine
Among the gray clouds,
Next to you
I always laugh.

Filled with happiness
Thoughts and dreams
Everything around is changing
When you're near.

I catch your breath
And I catch every breath;
And, you know, I understand
That I love you!

Declaration of love in poetry to tears

I love you very much, do you hear?
I can’t live without you, you know?
You’re barely audible in your sleep,
When you hug me tightly.

I'm with you forever, do you believe me?
My dear and beloved, you know?
You will quickly dispel my fears,
You console me like no one else.

Will you tell me that you love me, will you?
Will you kiss me and hug me?
Will you tell me what you dream about?
Will you never leave me?

You laugh like the sun in the morning,
So the whole world is warm.
That's why I succeed in everything
That a smile makes you bright all day!

Like snow, I will melt from affection...
And from the warm spring rays
I suddenly transform, like in a fairy tale,
Into the cheerful ringing stream!

My love for you is almost an art
The desire to create and create,
Deep and fiery feelings
To give birth in your trembling heart.
I'm happy, but sometimes I don't understand
I'm waking with you or sleeping,
Charming, kind, dear,
I love you like crazy!

Love sometimes comes to us suddenly,
She is unpredictable and windy,
But this feeling is certainly so pleasant,
And romantic, like young spring.

I don’t hide my feelings from you at all,
After all, I have loved you so long and passionately,
I always want to be together with you,
To make your life bright and magical!

I want to say that I love
Maybe it's naive
But I can't live without you
It’s not normal to breathe and think.

I want to love, suffer, dream,
Take off, fly and even fall.
Hug, hold, don't let go
And kiss, caress, breathe!

With you the sun shines brighter,
After all, there is warmth in your heart,
And only you in the whole world
Paint life in bright colors!

It's so cozy when you're near,
I fall in love with you more and more!
It's not difficult to love you,
After all, there is love in my soul!

Oh, how I love you!
You have taken possession of me completely.
I don't eat well and I don't sleep well
You hold your heart at gunpoint.

I want to hug you soon
Stroke with a gentle palm.
And don't let go anywhere
And surround with your love!

Tender declarations of love in verse

The most vivid feeling
I dedicate to you.
My heart is not empty
You are in it now...

And hoping for reciprocity,
I confess this to you,
That I believe in continuation
And I love you endlessly...

I love... As a reward or as a punishment
Fate gave me such a gift.
Sorry for the frank confession:
Life has lost its colors without you.

I breathe you! This is very important to me
And feelings burst from my chest like a bird.
Live with you! Come into my house one day
And don't go anywhere anymore.

Whatever happens to us in the future,
The two of us will not be sad.
We've only been together for years
Let's keep our love.

Eternity of feelings is our reward,
We have many years ahead of us.
And no gossip, no intrigues, no glances
They won't cause any trouble.

And let everyone envy us -
Our eternal great love.
Let there be no lies and betrayal,
But only a gentle trembling in the chest.

Maybe it will be strange
And I will surprise you.
But I won’t remain silent.
Know this: I love you!

There are different countries in the world,
Roads, seas, cities.
The sun is there and the bananas are ripening,
I'm not drawn to it.

There are clouds over our city,
And rain instead of snow again...
But you know... what could be better
How to walk through puddles together!

Beautiful poems declaration of love

I live as if floating -
In one breath,
And in the soul there is inspiration,
And in the eyes - oh, radiance!

I live in adoration
And in silent admiration,
My life is all confession:
You're my inspiration…

I'm not afraid to confess to you,
That you are my earthly happiness,
My incomparable ideal
Which I have been looking for for a long time.

I cherish your image in my soul,
I'm just rooting for you
And I can’t sleep at night anymore...
That's how I love you!

Love, there is so much in this word
Suffering, pain, joy and happiness.
And I can’t find an exact answer,
What more? Sun or bad weather?

I love you, I’m not the least bit scared
Confess the feelings that are in my soul.
The road of love is sometimes dangerous,
But I will risk walking along it.

Since you and I met,
Then my whole life began from scratch.
I don't want to live alone now,
From now on I want to divide everything into two!

I want to meet sunrises and sunsets with you,
And enjoy the sunny day.
It's probably not that hard to guess,
How much I love only you from my heart!

It's easy for me to talk about love,
Everything is as clear as two and two:
Your eyes are my eyes
In my hand is your hand.

Living you, breathing you,
I'm telling you about feelings.
You are my heart and soul.
It's simple - I love you!

An invisible thread connected us,
I can't help but think about you.
I want to love desperately.
You are a gift in my destiny.

I like being with you
And there's a good reason for this.
I will never forget you,
After all, you are my beloved man!

SMS poems declaration of love

I see dreams about you - you are so beautiful,
That my heart bursts with tenderness.
I look at you and it becomes clear:
It's just dangerous for me to be near you -
It has long been known that beauty kills...

I just melt from smiling
And I'm drowning in your eyes.
I love you, darling,
You are with me even in my dreams.

You are better than a hundred, you are better than a million,
And billions fade before you,
I want to be one, the most important,
I want to be yours forever!

You are a cunning tempter
He took me captive forever,
I love you, handsome
I'm crazy about you.

You are a fighter and a winner
I'm very proud of you.
I love you my darling,
The best, only mine.

I love! You are one for me, like the sun,
Always with me, like heaven on high.
And my heart laughs joyfully
After all, you helped me believe in miracles!

You are attentive and passionate,
I love you very much.
I feel welcome
I'm only next to you.

Declaration of love is touching in verse

Love you! My wish is
May you always love me.
And this is a bold confession
You will never reject.

I want to meet you
Every day I do it all again,
And never part,
And feel your love!

Crazy, passionate love
My brain is now obsessed.
She runs through the veins with blood,
To the heart that yearns to be loved.

Accept these confessions,
What are destined for.
Can't be found in the whole world
My kind of love...

I want to open my soul to you,
I can, I can, I won’t be afraid,
Dreams are connected with you,
I dedicate my thoughts and dreams to you.

You are my joy, constancy,
I want to wake up with you,
I love you with all my soul,
All life is filled with you!

To you, without a trace,
Everything will be sweet and smooth with you,
I confess to you today,
I always strive to be with you!

I'll give you my soul
In return I’ll just ask yours,
I promise I won't disturb your peace
I just live for you.

I just see the meaning in you
You are revelations for you,
I definitely won't offend you,
Don't offend me either.

And only you, without a drop of doubt,
Forever you are my love,
I won't give you empty promises,
Your support is like I need air.

You are the most beautiful girl
And better than anyone in the world.
A ray of sunshine in the sky is clear -
Reminds me of summer.

I want to confess to you
I, without hiding my words,
I feel huge
Hot love!

My soul yearns for you,
Like a flower reaching for the sun,
And you just have to say goodbye for a moment,
A chill creeps into my heart,

Melancholy squeezes in tenacious paws,
It's so hard to breathe without you,
You are the taste and smell of my life.
No one can interfere

You and I love each other,
Give mutual affection and tenderness.
Let's keep it
The fire of love and our fidelity.

I could not help but admit in my heart that my behavior in the Simbirsk tavern was stupid, and I felt guilty before Savelich. all this tormented me. The old man sat gloomily on the bench, turned away from me, and was silent, only quacking occasionally. I definitely wanted to make peace with him, and didn’t know where to start. Finally I told him: “Well, well, Savelich! that's enough, let's make peace, it's my fault; I see for myself that I am guilty. Yesterday I misbehaved, and I wronged you in vain. I promise to behave smarter and obey you in the future. Well, don't be angry; let's make peace."

Eh, Father Pyotr Andreich! - he answered with a deep sigh. - I’m angry with myself; It's all my fault. How could I have left you alone in the tavern! What to do? I was confused by sin: I decided to wander into the sacristan’s house and see my godfather. That's it: I went to see my godfather and ended up in prison. Trouble and nothing more! How will I show myself to the gentlemen? what will they say when they find out that the child is drinking and playing?

To console poor Savelich, I gave him my word that in future I would not dispose of a single penny without his consent. He gradually calmed down, although he still occasionally grumbled to himself, shaking his head: “A hundred rubles! Isn’t it easy!”

I was approaching my destination. Around me stretched sad deserts, intersected by hills and ravines. everything was covered with snow. The sun was setting. The carriage was traveling along a narrow road, or more precisely along a trail made by peasant sleighs. Suddenly the driver began to look to the side, and finally, taking off his hat, turned to me and said: “Master, would you order me to turn back?”

What is this for?

“Time is uncertain: the wind rises slightly; “Look how he sweeps away the powder.”

What a disaster!

“What do you see there?” (The coachman pointed his whip to the east.)

I see nothing but the white steppe and the clear sky.

“And there - there: this is a cloud.”

I actually saw a white cloud at the edge of the sky, which at first I took for a distant hill. The driver explained to me that the cloud foreshadowed a snowstorm.

I heard about the riots there, and knew that entire convoys were carried away by them. Savelich, in agreement with the driver’s opinion, advised him to turn back. But the wind did not seem strong to me; I hoped to get to the next station in time, and ordered to go quickly.

The coachman galloped off; but kept looking to the east. The horses ran together. Meanwhile, the wind became stronger hour by hour. The cloud turned into a white cloud, which rose heavily, grew, and gradually covered the sky. It began to snow lightly and suddenly began to fall in flakes. The wind howled; there was a storm. In an instant, the dark sky mixed with the snowy sea. everything disappeared. “Well, master,” the coachman shouted, “trouble: a snowstorm!”...

I looked out of the wagon: everything was darkness and whirlwind. The wind howled with such ferocious expressiveness that it seemed animated; the snow covered me and Savelich; the horses walked at a pace - and soon stopped.

- “Why aren’t you going?” - I asked the driver impatiently. - “Why go? - he answered, getting off the bench; God knows where we ended up: there is no road, and there is darkness all around. - I started to scold him. Savelich stood up for him: “And I didn’t want to listen,” he said angrily, “I would have returned to the inn, had some tea, rested until the morning, the storm would have subsided, and we would have moved on.” And where are we rushing? You’d be welcome to the wedding!“ - Savelich was right. There was nothing to do. The snow was still falling. A snowdrift was rising near the wagon. The horses stood with their heads down and occasionally shuddering. The coachman walked around, having nothing better to do, adjusting the harness. Savelich grumbled; I looked in all directions, hoping to see at least a sign of a vein or a road, but I could not discern anything except the muddy whirling of the snowblood... Suddenly I saw something black. “Hey, coachman!” I shouted, “look: what’s black there?” The coachman began to peer closely. “God knows, master,” he said, sitting down in his place: “a cart is not a cart, a tree is not a tree, but it seems that it is moving.” It must be either a wolf or a man.