James Norrington's Selection: Bedtime Tales Told by Potions Professor Severus Snape. A worthy rival to Jack Sparrow

Fictional character, one of the characters series of films "Pirates" Caribbean Sea"(Pirates of the Caribbean), admiral of the East India Trading Company. Norrington played English actor Jack Davenport.

According to the writers, Norrington was initially conceived as one of the villains who was supposed to join forces with the pirate Barbossa. This idea was later used in the second film in the series, Dead Man's Chest, where he betrays his comrades and sides with Lord Cutler Beckett, although he later regrets it. The authors assumed that Norrington will only appear in the first film, The Curse of the Black Pearl), but the audience liked him so much that he became a character in the sequel. In the third part, At World's End, Norrington dies at the hands of Bootstrap Bill Turner while saving Elizabeth Swann and other members of the Black Pearl crew.

So, what does the attentive viewer know about James Norrington? In the first film, he appears before us as an admiral of the East India Trading Company, leading

and an excellent swordsman and a man of honor, whom even pirates respect and fear. He is a very experienced naval officer, having previously served in the Royal Navy. Norrington's childhood and youth are described in the book "Jack Sparrow: 10 - Sins of the Father". There, James, a boy of five or six, accompanies his father, Admiral Lawrence Norrington, the commander of the warship. When the boy falls overboard, he is rescued by a pirate, Jack Sparrow's father, but Admiral Norrington is not happy with this turn of events - he would clearly prefer his son to drown rather than feel obligated to a pirate.

Later we see James, the king's lieutenant navy, aboard the ship carrying new Governor Weatherby Swann and his daughter Elizabeth Swann to Port Royal. James expresses his views on pirates to Elizabeth, saying,

that they all deserve nothing more than the gallows. Norrington then becomes a captain in the Royal Navy. He always puts duty first, often sacrificing personal interests for the common good. He particularly dislikes pirates and sees himself as the dispenser of justice in the Caribbean. Although sometimes he seems too pretentious and even arrogant, in reality he is kind and noble man, who has great respect for his friends and comrades, and in particular for Elizabeth Swann.

In The Curse of the Black Pearl, Norrington is about to be promoted to Commodore, and Elizabeth, now grown into a beautiful young woman, will be among the guests at the appointment ceremony. Norrington is in love with Elizabeth and is going to propose to her, and the governor, the girl’s father, fully approves of this marriage. Alas, here fate intervenes in the plans of the brave captain - the legendary pirate Jack Sparrow appears in the harbor, and a relationship begins.

The conflict between Elizabeth and Will Turner, Port Royal is attacked by pirates, and, ultimately, a whirlwind of adventure will forever put an end to the calm and measured life of the film's heroes.

Throughout the film, Norrington is forced to either chase pirates or save the main characters from death. At the end of the film, Elizabeth accepts Norrington's proposal, but she does this not at the behest of her heart, but to save her lover Will and Captain Jack Sparrow. Norrington nobly gives them a day's head start before giving chase.

In "Dead Man's Chest" it becomes clear that Norrington, having lost his ship during a hurricane, fell into disgrace and disappeared. Moreover, the ruthless Lord Cutler Beckett, head of the English East India Trading Company, arrives in Port Royal with an arrest warrant for Norrington, Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner for complicity in the escape of Jack Sparrow.

When the viewer sees James following

Once again, he has completely sunk - dressed in rags, he drinks in a Tortuga tavern and plans to hire himself on Jack Sparrow's ship, driven by the desire to take revenge on those whom he considers responsible for his downfall. After many adventures, he manages to obtain what Lord Beckett is looking for - the heart of Davy Jones - and thanks to this, he receives complete forgiveness, regains his rank and takes command of the ship. Moreover, he becomes an admiral of the East India Trading Company. Meanwhile, Norrington realizes that by doing this, he failed his comrades and went against his own honor, and this haunts him.

In the third film, James Norrington is killed by a pirate, but not before he restores his honor by saving Elizabeth and her comrades. Elizabeth kisses Norrington goodbye, and we all know that everyone whom Elizabeth Swann kissed in the films then said goodbye to life.

Cannon shots were heard, and I ran out of the cabin where I had literally just died pirate baron. On my way out, someone suddenly stopped me. At first I didn’t understand what had happened, but then I felt the familiar coldness of steel on my skin, and the questions disappeared by themselves. I jerked forward in an attempt to free myself from the steel grip of strong male hands, but I only felt the blade dig deeper into my neck, causing a drop of blood to run down it. Some kind of unaccountable panic took possession of me, and it began to seem to me that I was suffocating, but then I heard a painfully familiar voice:


I looked down and met the eyes of Commander Norrington. Suddenly, for some unknown reason, at that second a wave of relief washed over me. I was so glad to see him here, in the midst of all this confusion and despair, that, without realizing it, I rushed to him.

James! James!

And I was embarrassed: for a moment doubt took possession of me, and I began to slowly descend the wet steps, tirelessly peering into the commander’s face. He, undoubtedly, was also glad to see me, since his eyes shone with happiness and admiration when he met me. At least that's what I thought. When I went down to him, he hugged me. An unfamiliar trembling ran through my entire body and resonated painfully in my heart. The hug was short-lived, to my obvious regret, and, moving away from me, James said with undisguised joy in his voice:

How glad your father will be that you were saved!

All the joy and peace in my soul collapsed at once, giving way to the bitterness of the recent loss mixed with growing anger at the commander. Why does he pretend that he knows nothing?

My father is dead.

Norrington's face showed genuine incomprehension. So either he is very good actor, or really knows nothing.

This can't be true. He... he returned to England.

But even after these words, I still couldn’t believe that he didn’t know anything. I, of course, knew that James couldn’t lie, but I was no longer sure of anything after his betrayal for the sake of the title.

Lord Beckett said so?

After my words, he was clearly embarrassed and wanted to answer something, to convince me of his ignorance, but then he was interrupted by a loud gurgling voice. Undoubtedly, it could only belong to the captain of the Flying Dutchman. Davy Jones.

Which one of you is the captain of the ship?

For a second I felt scared and, apparently, for good reason. One of the sailors on my team immediately turned me in, fearing for his own skin.

“She’s the captain,” the sailor said, hiding the trembling in his voice and pointing at me; stormy confirmations were heard from the rest of the crew.

The sea devil turned his gaze to me and surprise appeared on his terrifying face. He took a step in my direction, and without realizing it, I looked at James, instinctively seeking his protection, but the commander seemed to be no less surprised than Jones. But I had to give him his due: when the captain of the Flying Dutchman took another step towards me, James finally came to his senses and gave the order in a truly commanding voice:

The ship is in tow. Prisoners in the punishment cell,” then, after a little hesitation, he continued more quietly, “I will give my cabin to the captain.”

He said this with such tenderness in his eyes and voice that my heart skipped a beat, but I immediately came to my senses, remembering that the team would despise me if I accepted this favor from the enemy. Therefore, I had to step over myself and say as defiantly as possible:

Thank you, sir. But I'd rather stay with the team.

I turned away from him and was about to walk away, when suddenly he took my hand just below the elbow, and I turned around sharply, suppressing the emerging anger and contempt. There was so much sadness in his eyes and bitterness in his voice:

Elizabeth! I swear... I didn't know anything.

The subsided anger again began to burn from within and was tempting to say something nasty to the commander.

About what? Whose side are you on?.. Well, now you know.

I saw the pain flashing in his eyes, and I was angry with myself for it. But it was necessary. I abruptly pulled my hand out of his strong grip and walked away to my new team. James, meanwhile, looked at me as if he had been flayed alive. I felt unbearably sorry for him, but there was no other way.

Me and the rest of the team were put in a wet, rotten cell. It became so sad that I began to regret my decision a little. True, not for long: there was a task on the “Dutchman” that had to be completed at all costs. Find Will's father...

When Elizabeth was taken to the punishment cell, James Norrington went up to his cabin and thought for a long time. And everything turned out in favor of the girl’s words: she was definitely right, and he... He had to decide whose side to take. Is he on the side of his country or his beloved?

A disgusting creak of the punishment cell door was heard, and everyone in it turned their heads to the source of the sound. The commander appeared behind the door and said in a loud whisper:

Come with me.

I wanted it so much, but my pride did not allow me to budge. So I remained standing at the post with an arrogant expression on my face, which in the past would have caused me deep hatred. Arrogance was disgusting to me, but now only in it I saw a way out. Meanwhile, the commander repeated, but to the whole team:


I realized that it would be stupid to be stubborn and nodded everything - come out, and only then I went to the exit and coldly asked Norrington:

What does it mean?

James answered me without a moment's hesitation:

I made a choice.

To escape unnoticed, we had to walk along the edge of the ship, and then along the rope connecting our ships. When the whole team had already climbed onto the rope, I stopped and looked at James. He looked very worried. Then he turned to me and, looking into my eyes, said:

Don't go to the Bay of Lost Ships. Beckett knows about the gathering of pirates. I think there is a traitor among them.

Don’t try to earn my forgiveness - your own words hurt and disgust, but there’s no other way.

Then he frowned and looked the way he looked at me as a child. Like a little naughty child. It was not offensive at all; on the contrary, it was even very pleasant.

I am not involved in the death of your father... But I am guilty of other sins.

Now it sounded so sincere that I immediately left all doubts and believed in his words, to him. Now I felt ashamed that I didn’t trust him.

“Run with us,” I told him, my voice trembling with excitement, “James, run with me.”

His eyes widened like a child, and his beautifully curved mouth opened slightly. His whole face expressed either disbelief or surprise. But now he was so beautiful that I couldn’t stand it and bit my lip - not to kiss him, not to kiss him, Elizabeth. James wanted to say something but was interrupted rough voice one of the sailors of the Dutchman.

Who's that there?

James reflexively moved his hand behind him, as if blocking me from all the evil in this world.

Leave. I'll catch up.

I saw and felt that he was not telling the truth. I always noticed this and knew: James Norrington does not know how to lie.

You are lying.

Then he looked into my eyes with such tender love that I suffocated.

Our destinies are closely intertwined, Elizabeth, but not united.

With these words, he carefully leaned down and gently pressed his warm lips to mine. At that moment, wings seemed to grow behind my back, and I suddenly clearly understood that I loved him and could not lose him. Soon he with difficulty pulled away from my lips and again took a fighting stance.

Run quickly.

But I knew that my place was now next to him.

No! “I won’t leave without you,” I said in a tone that brooked no objections.

He looked at me pleadingly and was about to say something, but then a sailor came out from around the corner and walked straight towards us. James and I drew our swords.

Get back to your place, sailor.

To this he responded only with a barely intelligible mutter:

No one will leave the board.

I said - stand! That's an order!

This is an order... Part of the crew... Part of the ship! Anxiety! The prisoner has escaped!

I felt so scared, and my soul suddenly grew cold in anticipation of trouble. The sailor began to come closer, and James pulled out a pistol and pointed it at him.

Leave it alone!

The number of sailors kept increasing. It was necessary to run away immediately.

James! James, let's run!

But he didn’t seem to hear me, and only when I grabbed his hand, he looked at me and, taking aim, shot at the cable. The sailor who raised the alarm took advantage of the fact that James was distracted and raised a stick over him. Noticing this out of the corner of my eye, I immediately understood what he intended to do.

Everything happened literally in a matter of seconds. I pushed James away and he fell overboard in surprise. Then I tried to jump out myself and succeeded, but one of these creatures still managed to plunge a knife into my shoulder. I fell into the water screaming. It was incredibly painful, and for a moment I passed out and sank. I was drowning and thought: “This is what it turns out to be my end. In the water, between two ships." But here's someone's Strong arms dragged me from the water column to the surface...

I woke up already in the cabin on board the Pearl. The shoulder hurt badly, but the knife was no longer visible in it. Bandage. I turned my head to the window and saw a man next to him, standing with his back to me. I immediately recognized him by his stately figure and military bearing. She called him in a weak voice and tried to get up.


He turned around sharply and quickly approached me. There was relief on his face, and genuine concern in his eyes.

Elizabeth. You woke up. Don't get up. Lie down. You need peace. How are you

I obediently lay back and without looking away looked into the gray-green eyes that I loved so much. He took my hand and began to stroke it gently. I wanted to turn around, but the wound made itself felt. I hissed in pain, which greatly alarmed the commander.

Oh, I completely forgot, you need to change the bandage.

He carefully unwound the old bandage, which was almost completely soaked in my blood, and then just as carefully applied a new one. At that time I looked at him very carefully. I watched his graceful, but at the same time confident movements. Sometimes he would accidentally touch my skin with his fingers, and at such moments I would flinch. It was so unusual. And it's so nice. When he finished, he looked at me and caught my studying gaze. James was confused, and then smiled and asked:

I didn’t know what to answer and so I simply extended my good hand to him. He carefully took it in his and looked into my eyes.

Elizabeth. I ask you to listen to me.

My breathing stopped, but I still answered.


I love you, Elizabeth. For a very long time already. And I want you to become my woman, my wife,” here the commander faltered, but soon continued: “But I know that I am not nice to you and that you love someone else.” Before, I would have let you go, but Last year taught me that nothing lasts forever and that any moment can be your last. And that's why I want to ask you again. Elizabeth, will you marry me?

At that moment, I seemed to have forgotten how to breathe, and my heart sank. I couldn’t say a word for a long time, but James waited patiently for an answer. When I finally sighed and tried to pull myself together, the voice was quiet and weak:

James, I...

I didn't have the heart to admit that I loved him, and apparently he misinterpreted my hesitation. He smiled sadly and lowered his eyes.

Don't continue, I understand everything.

No, James, listen to me..., - but he again did not let me finish.

James let go of my hand, stood up and walked towards the door. I understood that if he left now, he would never appear in my life again. This thought instantly made me bolder. I stood up, fighting the pain, and caught up with him only at the very door. He turned around and looked at me sadly, without a shadow of hope. I gathered my strength and, standing on tiptoes, touched his lips with mine in a light, gentle kiss. But she soon pulled away to finally finish speaking.

James, I love you. And I agree to become your wife.

It is impossible to describe the fountain of emotions that appeared on the commander’s face. From surprise to the purest, genuine happiness. He exhaled noisily and, pulling me towards him, began to passionately kiss my cheeks, gradually moving to my lips. I felt his lips cover mine and gently part them. His arms wrap around my waist and press me tightly against him. I feel the warmth of his body through the thin fabric of his shirt, and it makes me press closer to him even more. I want this kiss to last forever, but soon we both run out of air and pull away from each other a little. We look into each other's eyes, without letting go of the embrace, and we understand that many words are not needed now, except perhaps:

I love you.

Fictional character, one of the characters in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series, admiral of the East India Trading Company. Norrington was played by English actor Jack Davenport.

According to the writers, Norrington was initially conceived as one of the villains who was supposed to join forces with the pirate Barbossa. This idea was later used in the second film in the series, Dead Man's Chest, where he betrays his comrades and sides with Lord Cutler Beckett, although he later regrets it. The authors assumed that Norrington will appear only in the first film, "The Curse of the Black Pearl", but the audience liked him so much that he became a character in the sequel. In the third part, "At World's End", Norrington dies at the hands of Bootstrap Bill Turner while saving Elizabeth Swann and other members of the Black Pearl crew.

So, what does the attentive viewer know about James Norrington? In the first film, he appears before us as an admiral of the East India Trading Company, an excellent swordsman and a man of honor, whom even pirates respect and fear. He is a very experienced naval officer, having previously served in the Royal Navy. Norrington's childhood and youth are described in the book "Jack Sparrow: 10 - Sins of the Father". There, James, a boy of five or six, accompanies his father, Admiral Lawrence Norrington, the commander of the warship. When the boy falls overboard, he is rescued by a pirate, Jack Sparrow's father, but Admiral Norrington is not happy with this turn of events - he would clearly prefer his son to drown rather than feel obligated to a pirate.

Later we see James, a lieutenant in the Royal Navy, aboard a ship carrying new governor Weatherby Swann and his daughter Elizabeth Swann to Port Royal. James expresses his views on pirates to Elizabeth, saying that all they deserve is to be hanged. Norrington then becomes a captain in the Royal Navy. He always puts duty first, often sacrificing personal interests for the common good. He particularly dislikes pirates and sees himself as the dispenser of justice in the Caribbean. Although at times he seems overly pretentious and even arrogant, in reality he is a kind and noble man who has great respect for his friends and comrades, and in particular Elizabeth Swann.

In The Curse of the Black Pearl, Norrington is about to be promoted to Commodore, and Elizabeth, now grown into a beautiful young woman, will be among the guests at the appointment ceremony. Norrington is in love with Elizabeth and is going to propose to her, and the governor, the girl’s father, fully approves of this marriage. Alas, here fate intervenes in the plans of the brave captain - the legendary pirate Jack Sparrow appears in the harbor, a relationship begins between Elizabeth and Will Turner, pirates attack Port Royal, and, ultimately, a whirlwind of adventures will forever put an end to the calm and the measured life of the film's characters.

Throughout the film, Norrington is forced to either chase pirates or save the main characters from death. At the end of the film, Elizabeth accepts Norrington's proposal, but she does this not at the behest of her heart, but to save her lover Will and Captain Jack Sparrow. Norrington nobly gives them a day's head start before giving chase.

In "Dead Man's Chest" it becomes clear that Norrington, having lost his ship during a hurricane, fell into disgrace and disappeared. Moreover, the ruthless Lord Cutler Beckett, head of the English East India Trading Company, arrives in Port Royal with an arrest warrant for Norrington, Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner for their complicity in the escape of Jack Sparrow.

The next time the viewer sees James, he is a completely downtrodden man, dressed in rags, drinking in a Tortuga tavern and about to sign on to Jack Sparrow's ship, driven by a desire for revenge on those he holds responsible for his downfall. After many adventures, he manages to obtain what Lord Beckett is looking for - the heart of Davy Jones - and thanks to this, he receives complete forgiveness, regains his rank and takes command of the ship. Moreover, he becomes an admiral of the East India Trading Company. Meanwhile, Norrington realizes that by doing this, he failed his comrades and went against his own honor, and this haunts him.

In the third film, James Norrington is killed by a pirate, but not before he restores his honor by saving Elizabeth and her comrades. Elizabeth kisses Norrington goodbye, and we all know that everyone whom Elizabeth Swann kissed in the films then said goodbye to life.

Norrington stood on the deck of the Flying Dutchman and leaned his elbows on the railing, looking out at the gray sea water. His life in Lately was as gray and bitter as this water. In general, his whole life was worthless and dull, with the exception of those bright moments when he saw Elizabeth... and the time when he was a sailor on a pirate ship. The rest of his life was filled with boredom and routine. Daily reports to his superiors since he became a lieutenant and later an admiral... James sighed heavily. It was as if he was trapped in a cage and could not escape from it. He had forgotten the taste of freedom, although, to be honest, he had not felt it for a very long time. Even then, on the day when he was appointed lieutenant, he seemed to have crossed some kind of line
between a free officer and a relatively free lieutenant. And now he is locked on a pirate ship, surrounded by ugly sailors with polyps on their faces, and who knows when this horror will end?
Is this what he dreamed about when he so passionately wanted to get the heart of Davy Jones? Did he have any idea what the order to appoint him to the post of admiral would entail? He told himself that this was a great honor, but deep down he doubted the correctness of his choice. Maybe he should have stayed there on the island and given his heart to his sworn enemy Jack? But giving power into the hands of the pirates then seemed to him an unthinkable act that he could not even think about. Maybe I should have given my heart to this upstart blacksmith? What was he talking about there, about his father? Freeing his father... That's probably what Jones would have done to get his heart back, but James was willing to bet that Turner would still have kept the heart to rule the sea.
Norrington sighed heavily again. Then he had a choice, but now - what? Only admiral's stripes and limited power on this damn vessel. The sails groaned as if they heard James's thoughts. He glanced at them. The rags are full of holes, how did they not completely tear apart? Now Norrington regretted not smoking. It would be something to occupy the dreary long hours on this damned ship.
It was getting dark. Leaden clouds gradually covered the sky, promising, if not a storm, then light bad weather. James heard distant thunder. Or maybe it was a cannon salvo. Through the veil of obscure thoughts, Becket's recent order suddenly clearly appeared - to follow the "Empress", the ship of some Chinese pirate. I think his name is Xiao Fen. Beckett did not go into detail about the reason why he gave such an order, but Norrington was not stupid and understood that it had to do with Jack Sparrow and, therefore, with Elizabeth. He had a faint hope that this Chinese pirate knew something about her.
James loved Elizabeth deeply. The governor's daughter, the most enviable bride in the city, she always remained something special and magical for him. He first saw her when she was eleven years old and he was twenty. She was so thin then, covered in freckles, very curious. She especially liked hearing about pirates. Mr. Gibbs had in stock a large number of pirate stories and sometimes told her legends about Captain Morgan and other “celebrities.” If Norrington succeeded, he suppressed these conversations, since he believed that such things could greatly affect Elizabeth. James laughed bitterly: it was as if a dry branch had been broken. Who could have predicted that a few years later the beautiful Swann would become a pirate with a bounty on her head? “You can’t guess fate,” the admiral thought and, casting a gloomy glance at the gloomy sky, he went into the cabin. It was quiet and dark there; several paintings, darkened by time, hung on the walls. Almost all the furniture was covered with growths: polyps, shells, pale orange starfish, some of which were moving. Norrington sat down at the table, on which several old maps lay in disarray.
Footsteps were heard on the threshold, and a moment later James heard the voice of one young officer who was “lucky” to get on board the Dutchman. Norrington turned to him wearily.
- What did you say? - he asked and was surprised at how tired his voice sounded.
- Admiral, we are catching up with the Empress. Her stern lights appeared. What do you want me to do?
- Let's get as close to her as possible, and then go on board. This is all. Go ahead.
“Yes, sir,” saluting and turning around, the officer left. Norrington leaned back in the hard chair and waited. Did he think that Elizabeth would be on the Empress? Plus, as a captain? Of course not. To suggest such a thing would be complete nonsense.

Some time has passed. Finally, Norrington heard a loud cannon salvo and knew: it was time. He ran out of the cabin just in time: Jones' rapid-fire cannon was just about to fire.
- Leave it alone! - James shouted. - We need the prisoners alive!
The creature with the shell on its face glared at the admiral, but obeyed.
- Aboard! - Norrington commanded. - Seize the ship, prisoners - in the Dutchman's punishment cell. Captain - come to me. Fulfill!
“Yes, Admiral,” the creature grumbled and repeated James’ command to the Dutchman’s sailors.
“Bring the boat in,” Norrington ordered, still harshly. - I will personally oversee the work.
“Yes, Admiral,” the creature with the shell on its face repeated again. Norrington boarded the boat and soon stood on the splinter-covered deck of the Empress. A crowd of Chinese were brought out of the cabin, huddled together, trembling. “Where is Xiao Fen?” - James thought in surprise.
- Who is the captain here? - Norrington heard the voice of Davy Jones. Xiao Fen's sailors literally pushed the slightly frightened, confused, but still terribly beautiful Elizabeth Swann out of the crowd. The admiral was speechless with surprise. He didn't expect her to be the captain of a hunted pirate ship, he didn't think fate would bring them together tonight. Norrington stepped forward and said:
- Elizabeth... How did you end up here? - perhaps this phrase was ridiculous and stupid, but all his thoughts were confused in his head.
“I am the captain of the Empress,” she answered coldly.
“Prisoners in the punishment cell,” James said briefly. - The captain will take my cabin.
He saw the contempt appear in Elizabeth's eyes, and then heard her say:
- I will be with the prisoners.
“Okay,” Norrington did not insist, realizing that this might anger Elizabeth. Watching her and the Chinese descend into the cold and damp hold, where woodlice and slimy snails crawled, he felt a strong desire to keep her on deck for one minute, just to see her eyes, her face... Obeying some on a fleeting impulse, James exclaimed:
- Elizabeth!
She turned around, while one of the pins holding her complex hairstyle fell down, but she did not notice it.
“I’m not guilty of your father’s death,” James said. - I'm not lying to you.
“I know, James,” she answered quietly; her voice was tired and tense. - But it’s too late to make excuses. You've already chosen a side.
“I regret this every damn minute of my life, Elizabeth.” And believe me, if the opportunity presents itself, I will not miss it.
Elizabeth wanted to say something, but didn't have time. A tall sailor with seaweed instead of hair pushed her lightly in the back, ordering her to move. Norrington grabbed his sword, but Elizabeth's gaze stopped him. She disappeared into the hold. Standing motionless on the wet deck, Norrington made a decision.

It was easy to distract the crew, you just had to tell them about several barrels of rum that were lying in one of the cabins. The ugly captain of the ship disappeared into his dark hole, and soon the trembling sounds of the old organ were heard. James went downstairs and found the Empress crew in one of the cages. The Chinese huddled in a frightened heap as soon as they heard James's footsteps and saw him. And Elizabeth stepped forward, clearly guessing what was happening. Norrington looked into her greenish-brown eyes and said:
“I made my choice, Elizabeth,” and pushed the rusty door of the cage. - Come out.
But she stepped back and let the team go ahead, who hastily left the cramped room, poorly lit by a few lanterns. And then she herself slowly, as if leaving the room before a walk, went outside. She looked at him gratefully, but he knew that if he had not released her and she had fallen into Beckett's clutches, then she would have accepted her fate without a single groan or cry. Norrington guessed that Beckett wanted Elizabeth not only because she was a pirate. The gallows did not await her, but a much more pitiful fate was prepared for her. Lord Cutler would lock her in his estate, in one of the luxurious rooms, where he would enter from time to time with cold gray eyes burning with lust... Elizabeth’s alarmed voice pulled him out of his thoughts:
- James! James! What happened to you?
“Nothing,” Norrington ran his hand over his face. - We have to go, we don't have much time.
There was almost no one on deck now, except for a few sailors from the Empress, who were preparing to escape from the Dutchman, using the ropes with which the Chinese ship was attached to Jones's ship.
“Goodbye, Elizabeth,” Norrington said quietly. She looked at him hesitantly, then turned her gaze to the hanging sea ​​abyss the ropes along which the sailors from her crew climbed. Then she turned her gaze back to Norrigton and said in a strange voice:
- James, let's run. You have a choice, James.
“I can’t,” Norrington wanted to answer, but he looked into Elizabeth’s pleading eyes and saw how much she wanted him to leave this damned ship with her. And he wanted it too. And then - come what may. And even the hated faces of Turner and Sparrow will no longer be so disgusting to him. The main thing will be that he will leave his old hateful life, leave this damn ship and this damn Beckett, leave them all and leave with Elizabeth. And the admiral, who had been subordinate to someone all his life, made his choice.
Elizabeth saw the answer in his eyes and smiled happily. Then she did something James never expected from her: she kissed him. The first drops of rain fell on the deck, on the admiral’s epaulettes, on the girl’s disheveled hair, and they stood and kissed. Elizabeth's lips were soft and salty: from tears and sea ​​water. James ran his hand over her cheek, wiping away the salty moisture, and kissed her again. They forgot about time, about danger. Now they only cared about them and nothing else.
“It’s time, Elizabeth,” Norrington finally said, and at that time a sailor from Jones’ team appeared on deck. He looked at the couple for a moment, and then shouted in a hoarse voice:
- The prisoners have escaped! Anxiety! Prisoners... - he didn’t have time to finish: Norrington’s shiny sword pierced his heart. Elizabeth sighed quietly in horror: she recognized Will's father in the dead sailor.
“Elizabeth, hurry up,” she heard James’s firm voice. Turning to the admiral, she said:
- Only with you, James.
He heard the tramp of a crew of freaks running onto the deck and, grabbing Elizabeth around the waist, grabbed the rope with his other hand, and Jones’s sailors who ran up managed to see only his face hiding in the night. A couple of shots - and the rope broke, dragging down a couple of bodies.
But Elizabeth and James were not harmed. They reached the Empress. There Norrington changed his admiral's uniform to the simple clothes of a sailor. Sitting in the cabin and sipping rum, which was in abundance in the hold, James thought about what would have happened if he had not left, and about what would happen. He also thought about Elizabeth, about her beauty, about the taste of her lips. Will this kiss change anything in their relationship or will everything remain the same? Who knows. The main thing is that his life has changed. He found the strength to make a choice and knew for sure that now everything would be different. James grinned at the image of Beckett's furious face and took another sip of the honey-colored old rum.

A few days later he was sitting on sandy beach desert island and watched the sunset. Elizabeth sat next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. Norrignton still couldn't believe that she had chosen him after all. He didn't fully understand all the reasons that forced her to do this, and he didn't want to understand. He knew one thing: Elizabeth could not wait ten years for Will to spend just a day with him. She wanted to live, she needed someone who would be there, and that person turned out to be him, James. He even felt sorry for the blacksmith: he would live forever, and this was not the most enviable fate. Norrington hugged Elizabeth and kissed her temple. She smiled and hugged him even tighter. They were happy.

Jack Sparrow

Will Turner

Elizabeth Swann

Hector Barbossa

Davy Jones

Minor characters

John Brown

In Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Gibbs first appears as a sailor aboard the Royal Ship carrying his young daughter Elizabeth from England to Port Royal. Gibbs is very superstitious and afraid of the mere mention of pirates. When they come across a wrecked ship, Gibbs is the first to suggest that the wrecked ship was attacked by pirates. He, probably, like Elizabeth, witnessed how the Black Pearl sailed away from the wrecked ship.

Under unknown circumstances, Gibbs left the Royal Navy.

Gibbs is an excellent sailor and a smart leader. Knows many legends and fables. Don't miss a drink. He stays on Jack's team for three films and then stays in Tortuga to go on a spree. Later, fate brings him together again (in London) with Jack in search of the fountain of youth. Sentenced to death penalty, but burns the map of the Source under Barbossa (who became an English privateer). This forces Barbossa to take Gibbs with her in search of the Source, since Gibbs remembered the contents of the map in every detail.

As a result, Jack and Gibbs obtained the bottle in which the Black Pearl was magically enclosed, as well as the rest of Blackbeard's "collection".

Anna Maria


Edward Teach, nicknamed "Blackbeard", appears in the fourth Pirates film as captain of the ship Queen Anne's Revenge. He struck fear into all pirates with his ability to wield magic: with the help of a Voodoo doll he could control a person and cause him pain and suffering, with the help of a saber - any ship, and zombies also obeyed him. Jack Sparrow points out that Captain Blackbeard was beheaded, his body floated around the ship three times, and he re-boarded. Edward Teach and his daughter Angelica (possibly not his daughter) collect new team to search for the source of eternal youth, since the quartermaster (one of the zombies on the ship "Queen Anne's Revenge" who can foresee events) predicted the death of Blackbeard from a one-legged man (Hector Barbossa). The crew also included Jack Sparrow as a pirate, knower of the way to source. Although several times Jack Sparrow believes that he cannot cause any pain to Angelica, he is convinced that if something happens, he will dare to raise his hand even against his own daughter.

Xiao Fen


Short pirate. He walks around with a huge pistol, which he flies half a meter when he shoots.


Cotton - fictional character film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. A mute pirate, it is unknown how he taught a parrot to speak instead of himself. Walks with a parrot. He first appeared in the film when Jack Sparrow was introduced to the team by Gibbs.

Ian Mercer

Right hand of Lord Cutler Beckett. Armed with a pistol. Participated in all the battles of the East India Trading Company. In the film Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, he was killed by Davy Jones.


Pirates of the Caribbean
Curse of the Black Pearl
Soundtrack Remix EP Game
Dead Man's Chest
Soundtrack Game
On the edge of the world
Soundtrack Remix EP Game
On Stranger Tides
Characters Jack Sparrow · Will Turner · Elizabeth Swann · Hector Barbossa · Davy Jones · Tia Dalma (Calypso) · Joshamee Gibbs · Pintel and Ragetti · Marty · Captain Teague · Bootstrap Bill Turner · Xiao Fen · Blackbeard · Cutler Beckett
Universe "The Black Pearl" · "The Flying Dutchman" · "Queen Anne's Revenge" · Geography · East India Company · Royal Navy
Attractions Pirates of the Caribbean · Tom Sawyer's Island Pirate's Lair · Mickey's Party for Pirates and Princesses
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