Male voice. How to make your voice rougher? How to make your voice deeper

The voice is the most striking indicator of a person’s personality, capable of telling a lot about the interlocutor. Therefore, it is no secret that those people who do not like the sound of their voice have somewhat complex communication. Scientists have proven that a lower timbre of a voice is perceived better than a squeaky falsetto. This problem especially worries men and teenagers whose voices have broken and broken, but have not broken. The roughness of a man's voice directly depends on the amount of male hormone - testosterone, which is produced in the body from the beginning of puberty (which causes the process of voice breaking in adolescence). A rough male voice is a signal of the opposite gender. Women subconsciously feel an alpha male, whose rough bass voice indicates an excess of hormones, and therefore perceive men with a rough voice as an ideal partner for procreation. Yes, this implies a direct relationship between a man’s voice and his sexuality. It is clear that men who are not naturally gifted with the main erotic factor are striving to improve this matter. And in response to such an understandable desire, today there are several solution options.
First of all, the high sound of the voice is characterized by the condition of the cords. Like the strings of a guitar being stretched, the voice sounds higher; if the strings are loosely stretched, the sound is booming and low. Therefore, strong tension in the ligaments should be relieved in this way: you need to do special exercises every day. One such exercise is to sing (or simply hum) a consonant sound, such as “o” or “a,” throughout the day, while trying to lower your voice as much as possible. This exercise is often used by choir singers and others as a chant. It makes the tissue of the ligaments more elastic, and allows experienced soloists to play a wide variety of notes. By performing such exercises, you can learn to control your voice and significantly lower it when you want.
Also, in addition to this option, you can attend choir classes. Surely there is a music school nearby, where adults can also study if they wish. Singing teachers will be able to fully develop your voice within a year, which will now be under your control.
In addition, those who like to relieve tension in an unusual way will tell you what to do. It is very useful to shout often and a lot, the louder the better, but you should try to lower your voice as much as possible. That is, shout in a bass voice! But not at home, of course. You can yell near the railroad tracks while the train is moving, or visit places where everyone is yelling: hockey and football matches, noisy parties.
If you feel embarrassed when communicating because of your small voice, try to simply speak more quietly and evenly. This will present you as a self-confident person and absolutely not worried about the fact of the illness. Other, more drastic ways to solve the problem include options such as bad habits and surgical intervention.
If you start drinking alcohol heavily and smoking unfiltered cigarettes, you can be sure that after a year or two you will acquire a rough voice with a strong hint of hoarseness. And in addition to this, there is a characteristic smell and a corresponding appearance. And now your voice will not be attractive, you will not be able to completely conquer, despite the courageous hoarse bass. So you shouldn’t acquire bad habits, and if you’ve already gotten involved, try to eradicate these infections. Smoking and alcohol affect the ligaments, gradually destroying their elasticity and making them flabby. Many ligament fibers are torn, creating hoarseness.
The last method is surgery. Of course, any surgical intervention is dangerous, but in this case the risk to general health is small, provided there are no contraindications. The operation is performed almost on an outpatient basis. The surgeon simply cuts part of the ligaments that are very stretched, creating high pitches. Your voice is your weapon, protect it from bad habits and restore it if necessary.

Attracts people. With its help, you can easily convince your opponents that your decision is right; it helps you easily convey your message to your life and business partners. You can do a lot with a beautiful tone! For example, organize for a common cause or simply charm your interlocutor.

If we turn to history, it is enough to remember how the leaders of revolutionary movements read their speeches. These were courageous voices with a rather low timbre. Of course, in addition to this, they had a lot of leadership qualities, peculiarities of upbringing and education, but, nevertheless, it cannot be denied that their voice played an important role in shaping their destiny.

There are often situations in life when a person, especially a public one, is dissatisfied with the timbre of his natural voice. For example, he is too tall. In these cases, the problem often arises of how to make the voice rougher, how to give it more solidity. It is possible that this will not solve the problem, because the internal one will not change. However, there is a possibility that a person will get rid of the existing complex and gain self-confidence, and this is important.

So how can you deepen your voice? This, first of all, requires a lot of patience and a willingness to overcome some of your habits and beliefs. You can change your voice radically. There is a quick but unsafe way to do this - surgery. Agree that this method will not suit everyone. There are more gentle and no less effective techniques for making your voice rougher.

The most effective exercises are for the vocal cords. They also include special exercises aimed at training diction. Their essence is as follows: we begin to draw out the letter “a” in our normal voice, and we do this for about 10 minutes. The exercises don't end there. Every day, while doing these exercises for the vocal cords, we lower the tone of our voice and draw out the letter evenly and for a long time.

There are also a number of recommendations on how to change your voice. Moreover, all of them can be easily done at home. For example, the following exercise should be done for the first time carefully, without tension, so as not to damage it, tilt your head down, press your chin to your chest and begin to buzz. Just pronounce the letter “zh”, stretching it out for a long time: zhzhzhzhzhzhzh. In this case, the head does not rise, but is in its original position (as before, the chin is pressed to the chest). Do these exercises every day for 20 minutes.

You can try this method - take lessons. They will definitely lower your voice to the desired timbre. Another advantage is that you will masterfully learn to control your voice, and the range will surprise you with its diversity.

The easiest way? Reading aloud will help you with this. For example, read a few minutes a day of speeches that you have written yourself. At the same time, try to do it in the voice that you would like to have. Or record your performance on a tape recorder and play the recording every day. Re-record, adding an improved version of diction, trying to bring your speech and voice timbre to the desired level.

Do not forget that the articulation of consonants is important in speech. Practice a lot and persistently. As a result, the problem of how to change your voice will disappear. Perhaps they will soon imitate your voice.

If you have the opportunity to speak in front of an audience, even a very small one, speak. It gives you confidence. If these conditions and exercises are met, victory over yourself is guaranteed.

Famous actor, Benedict Cumberbatch became famous not only for his role as Sherlock Holmes. It was he who voiced the dragon Smaug, who amazes with his low, expressive voice that penetrates the very soul. How can you make your voice rougher in accessible ways, since a low voice allows you to make a brighter and more charismatic impression?
There are several radical methods and a whole host of exercises that can make your voice rougher. Let's look at them all in turn. But first you need to understand why the voice is too high and does not suit its owner. Causes:

  • 1. A man’s natural voice is quite high and remains so even after withdrawal. This is actually rare. A man with such a voice should appreciate his natural gift, and perhaps think about a singing career. By the way, vocal lessons will help you discover your hidden capabilities and expand your range; perhaps it is wide enough and the owner of a high voice simply does not know how to use it to speak lower.
  • 2. Withdrawal took longer. On average, boys' voice changes at the age of 13-14, but this is too individual and the voice can remain childish for quite a long time. The cause of late withdrawal may be problems with hormones or with the throat: frequent colds, pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc.

Thus, you must first check your health, and only then begin exercises to “deepen” your voice.

So, who to contact:

  1. To an endocrinologist. Perhaps the delay in voice loss is due to hormonal imbalances and treatment will be required.
  2. To the ENT specialist. You should not do exercises against the background of any throat disease. Overstrain of the ligaments can cause the voice to become hoarse or disappear altogether.
  3. To a phonopedist. This is a voice production specialist. Sometimes it's not that the voice itself is too high. The reason may be that its owner simply does not know how to use his capabilities. Sometimes a couple of sessions with a phonopedist is enough for your voice to change. This is an option for those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to make their voice rougher quickly. There are no other quick and easy ways.
  4. To the phoniatrist. Such a doctor is not easy to find, but his consultation can be very useful. He specializes in ligament diseases; singers, announcers, politicians, and teachers turn to him.

Folk recipes for the voice

How to make your voice rougher at home? There are recipes for herbal rinses online. Let’s clarify right away that no amount of rinsing on its own will change your voice! But they can be useful for general strengthening and improving the condition of ligaments.

For example, mint has a calming, softening, relaxing effect. Many men are confused by its possible effect on male potency. It can really reduce desire when used systematically. However, in Georgia, mint tea is very popular and is drunk every day. Who can blame Georgian men for lack of temperament?

Recipe: Brew mint infusion as directed on the package, drink a glass of infusion daily. Drinking must be alternated with exercise: before each sip, you need to pull out a low and loud “a” for 15-20 seconds.

There is no evidence that this method helped make the voice rougher. But there will be no harm from it.
You can improve the condition of the ligaments and the sound of your voice with the help of rinses and cocktails. There are various recipes based on herbs (chamomile, for example) or eggs; they will not change the pitch of your voice, but they are useful if you still decide to take up exercises that can only be done with a healthy throat.

Medical methods

Taking hormones

You can contact an endocrinologist, he will prescribe an examination and, possibly, prescribe male hormones. You should prepare for the fact that not only your voice will change (more body hair, thicker and oilier skin, denser and wider bones, increased muscle mass). But, of course, no one would prescribe testosterone to a completely healthy, well-developed guy just for the sake of changing his natural high voice.

Surgical intervention

Is it possible to quickly resolve the issue of changing the voice? Alas. Surgeries on ligaments for this purpose are not performed in Russia. You can, of course, contact clinics that are members of the Union of Phoniators and Speech Phonopedists, for example, in Moscow. But without medical indications, a referral for surgery is unlikely. There are foreign clinics, for example, Yesong Voice Center in South Korea. Of course, both the trip itself and the operation itself, even if they undertake it without medical indications, will cost a pretty penny.


How to make your voice rougher with exercises? The first thing to consider is that the exercises will require persistence and hard work. The best thing is to contact a vocal teacher and take several lessons to perform the exercises correctly.

The first step is to learn to lower the larynx. The pitch of the voice depends on its position. The easier it is for you to keep it low, the easier it is to speak in a rougher voice. First, try to parody different voices and observe how the position of the larynx, pharynx, and tongue changes.

Be sure to record your voice before class! Otherwise, you won't be able to evaluate your progress. As a rule, people rarely hear their true voice; they perceive it “from within.” Passing through the soft tissues of the face and the bones of the skull, the sound seems lower than it actually is.

Then start the exercises:
Yawn. Place your hand on your throat and yawn widely. You will feel the muscles lowering. Try doing the exercise with your mouth closed.

Correct head position for bass. Watch the bass singers on video. The back is straight, the neck is extended, the head is raised, but the chin is not raised up! On the contrary, it is pressed against the neck.

We fix the low sound. Sit on a chair or do the exercise standing. Take a position for comfortable bass playing (chin pressed to chest), stretch out a low “eeee”. Continue to pull it and gradually lift your chin up. Your goal is to keep the low sound at the same level as you change your head position. It will be difficult at first. The voice will break and rise. This indicates that the ligaments are clamped in spasm and are too tense. The exercise should be done several times a day until you achieve results. Instead of the “eeee” sound, you can make a “zhzh” sound.

Pronouncing any words with the sound “r” helps improve articulation, clarity and expressiveness of speech. Therefore, this sound is very often used in vocal exercises. To lower the pitch of your voice, do the following exercise: say a continuous “rrr”, starting from the lowest possible note to the highest, then go back down. You need to walk up and down these “steps” several times a day. Even one approach is enough to feel lightness in the throat area.

Several times a day, try to sing any vowel sounds: “a”, “o”, “u”, “s” for 15-20 seconds. Do several approaches with breaks. It is necessary to achieve a gradual decrease in tone. On the first day, sing as you feel comfortable. It is important to stick to one key throughout the entire exercise, without jumping from one to another. The next day, try lowering the tone and holding it again for 15-20 seconds. Gradually lower the tone and increase the number of approaches, remembering to make sure not to overstrain the ligaments. As a result, you should ensure that your voice sounds even in bass for all 15 seconds.

Proper breathing is one of the most important points. The basic principle is to breathe through your nose! Breathing exercises for low voices should be looked at separately; many guys don’t even understand that they are breathing incorrectly, like a woman. It is necessary to train the chest type of breathing (namely, this is what is needed for a lower voice).

Get a good night's sleep! Observe yourself: you have had enough sleep, and, oddly enough, you speak more deeply. Even girls' voices can be quite low immediately after sleep. The fact is that in a well-rested person, the ligaments are more relaxed, and the voice sounds fuller and richer.

Speak more slowly. It has been proven that speaking quickly requires a higher voice; announcers know this, especially those who are forced to pack a maximum of information into a minimum of time.

Watch your posture. As a rule, people with plasticity and good body control have more expressive and lower voices. Ligaments are a muscle like any other. The ability to feel your body in general helps in particulars.

Video on the topic:

How to make your voice very rough

Of course, a pleasant timbre of the voice attracts people. With its help, you can easily convince your opponents that your decision is right; it helps you easily convey your message to your life and business partners. You can do a lot with a beautiful tone! For example, organize for a common cause or simply charm your interlocutor.

There are special exercises that can lower the timbre of your voice. They are effective only with a systematic approach.

And finally, this topic will be very useful for those who have a tendency to stutter - constantly or in stressful situations. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor I.A. Sikorsky, in his monograph “On Stuttering,” states that slow speech in a low tone “has great protective power against stuttering... and gives the speaker an outward imprint of importance, authority and self-control.”

Exercises to lower your voice

So, according to folk remedies, put mint leaves in a small enamel pan and pour boiling water over it. The mint should steep for at least twenty minutes (at the same time, the boiling water will turn into acceptable hot water). After this, the broth is carefully drunk in small sips, “singing” the sound “aaa” between each sips.

Taking hormones

You can contact an endocrinologist, he will prescribe an examination and, possibly, prescribe male hormones. You should prepare for the fact that not only your voice will change (more body hair, thicker and oilier skin, denser and wider bones, increased muscle mass). But, of course, no one would prescribe testosterone to a completely healthy, well-developed guy just for the sake of changing his natural high voice.

Surgical intervention

Causes of late voice failure

  1. The absence of a man in the boy’s immediate circle. In this case, the child has no role model, since only women are nearby.
  2. Health problems. The child often catches colds, suffers from throat diseases, and suffers from laryngitis.
  1. Contact a phonopedist, a specialist who specializes in voice training. Quite often, after one or two lessons, changes in the voice occur and it sounds more courageous.
  2. Consult an ENT doctor who will help determine the condition of the child’s throat, because redness can be not only a sign of illness, but also a sign of a mutation in the vocal cords.
  3. Visiting a phaniatrist - a specialist who treats diseases of the vocal cords.

It is still not known who this method helped, since it seems very dubious. But one thing is for sure: if you drink mint tea, your nervous system will be fine. Mint is a pretty good sedative. It may very well be that brewing mint tea solves absolutely all problems. I drank some tea, and all complaints about my own voice went away.

5. Do exercises to expand the range down...

When we see a person holding his back straight, then at the subconscious level he is perceived as a confident and authoritative person. A low voice and correct posture are interdependent. Therefore, if you want to lower your voice, you should pay attention to the spine.

Do you have correct posture? I suggest you take the test:

Lean your entire back against the wall. Posture is correct if the walls touch the back of your head, shoulder blades and buttocks.

Exercise to correct posture:

  • Stand against the wall as in the test (see above).
  • Next, take a step forward and maintain this pose for 2-3 seconds.
  • Return to the starting position against the wall and check your posture.
  • Repeat this exercise 8 to 10 times.

A more complex exercise “posture of a Russian officer”:

█ Do breathing exercises. “Which one is not so important. You can use the method of A.N. Strelnikova,” advises Natalya Olenchik. Here we give a couple of exercises as an example - start with them.

1. Stretch your closed lips forward, and then break into a wide smile.2. Alternately raise and lower your upper and lower lips, showing your teeth to everyone. 3. Move your lower jaw back and forth, and then open your mouth wide, as if you decided to use it to measure the distance from the refrigerator to the gas stove. 4. Stick out your tongue and make figure eights in the air. You can also draw other numbers with your tongue.5. Pronounce the sounds [b], [m], [v] and [r] loudly and clearly, alternately.

There is also special articulation gymnastics for this. And don’t rush to pay for the Internet to find some exercises there. All of them are simpler than the Zhiguli and are aimed at developing the facial muscles, tongue and jaw. Rubbing your face in a circular motion with your fingertips, savory yawns while simultaneously trying to say something intelligible, wagging your tongue and spanking your lips in different ways will be enough. For greater clarity, we give you several exercises.

Well, did you remember everything? No? Then it’s better to re-read the article again and be careful. Of course, you can always take it easy and quickly solve your voice problem surgically. To do this, it is enough to submit a corresponding request to the ENT department of any medical university. But since operations on the vocal folds are extremely complex, they can only help you with little things - removing vocal nodules, fibroids and tumor-like formations. This will get rid of hoarseness in your voice, but, unfortunately, will not make it more courageous (that is, lower in sound). Oh yes, with the help of surgery you can make your voice much thinner and higher. But it seems to us that this will hardly interest you.

Lowering the tone is quite difficult, but with a patient and systematic approach, as well as a lot of desire, everything is possible.

There are special exercises that lower the timbre of the voice with constant, systematic repetition.

2. This exercise is similar to the previous one. Bring your chin as close to your chest as possible, pronounce “zhzhzhzhzh” (buzz). When you raise your head, the timbre of your voice will increase, and when you lower it, it will decrease again. This happens because the ligaments become tight and you need to exercise until they relax.

3. Try singing low notes 2-3 times a day. For example, stretch out the sound “a” for 10-15 seconds in your usual key.

Then do the same thing, but a semitone lower. Then even lower. The main thing is to play the note straight. After you reach the limit, start again in your key, gradually lowering the note again. At first, it will be better if each session lasts no more than 15-20 minutes, so as not to overstrain the ligaments. Then you can slightly increase the training time. The most important thing is to be consistent and consistent during your training. And then this method will give amazing results.

4. Breathing only through the nose leads to hardening of the vocal cords more quickly than through the mouth. In this regard, you need to do breathing exercises as often as possible, specifically through your nose, or breathe less through your mouth.

In addition to the above exercises, there are many more popular methods that, to a greater or lesser extent, help make the voice rougher.

1. You can take an enamel pan, pour boiling water to the middle, add a little mint. Let it brew. After 20 minutes, start drinking a little, holding out the “a” sound for 15 seconds between sips.

2. Another method requires the help of a surgeon. Under local anesthesia, the surgeon manipulates the laryngeal cartilage, thereby lowering the timbre of the voice.

3. Male hormones will very quickly lower the voice, even in women. Many, wanting to achieve quick and real results, begin to use hormonal drugs without consulting a doctor. But the use of hormones can lead to very unpredictable hormonal imbalances. Before using this method, consult a doctor.

It must be remembered that smoking and alcohol contribute to a decrease in timbre, but at the same time they greatly reduce the capabilities of the voice, and also cause damage to health. Making your voice rougher in this way is strictly not recommended.