Good Friday: Do's and Don'ts. Customs, signs and conspiracies of Good Friday

Good Friday, which is included in the most strict and mournful week of Lent, is also called Good Friday. This day received this name due to the fact that it was on Friday, somewhere around lunchtime, that Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. On Good Friday, Orthodox Christians around the world remember the events of this day.

Since this day is the saddest during Lent, many are wondering: Good Friday in 2017, what not to do. There are actually many prohibitions and they affect different areas of human life.

First of all, it is necessary to emphasize once again that on this day we need to pray and think about our own life, remember not only the suffering of Christ, but also why he went through this suffering.

In 2017, this Friday falls on April 14th. Good Friday in 2017 is the most mournful day in the Christian year and it always falls two days before the Bright Resurrection of the Lord or Easter. On this day, Jesus Christ accepted martyrdom on the cross for human sins. This is a day of mourning and even the vestments of priests should not be light.

Good Friday 2017, what not to do

On this mourning day can't work. Of course, this does not mean that all believers should take time off from work. But the work that can be limited or not done is better postponed to another time. Also on this day sewing, cleaning and washing are prohibited. There is even a popular belief that if you wash clothes on Good Friday, when they dry, bloody stains will appear on them.

On this day also you can’t garden, plant plants, or swim. A special ban applies to sticking iron equipment, such as rakes or shovels, into the ground. If a person violates the ban, then great misfortune awaits him. All these prohibitions exist not for relaxation, but so that a believer has time that he should spend with his family reading the Bible on the eve of the holiday.

Good Friday, what not to do 2017 is still sing and laugh, lead an active lifestyle and just have fun. Also You can’t quarrel, shout at each other and swear. The day should be spent reflecting on the suffering of Jesus Christ.

The people believed that from the moment when the body of Christ was placed in the tomb until the moment of his resurrection, evil spirits had especially strong power and felt impunity. She comes into the world and scares righteous people. If a person sees something passionate on this day, he must say three times: “May God rise again and be wasted against him.” This will protect you from evil forces. You cannot fall asleep while reading the holy scriptures, because an unclean spirit can take you to hell.

Good Friday is considered the saddest day of Holy Week. According to history, it was on Friday that Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. The date got its name from the expression “The Passion of Christ.” Friday prayer is considered the longest.

Good Friday 2018: What to do, history, customs and signs

Of course, on Good Friday, the first thing you should do is go to the Divine Liturgy. Candles brought home from the temple can be left in the house to burn out. According to beliefs, their light will rid your home of evil spirits and bring prosperity.

On Good Friday you cannot swear or wish harm on anyone. It is also better to refrain from hard work. All housework had to be completed on Maundy Thursday. Now cleaning should not be done until Easter.

What day is it today according to the church calendar: 2018

It is also not customary to hold feasts, have fun, or celebrate anything. For Christians, Good Friday is mourning. Don't embroider or cut today. Bread can only be broken. Refrain from alcohol and carnal pleasures.

Bread baked on Good Friday becomes a talisman against illness.

On Good Friday you should devote yourself to prayer, reflection and the Gospel.

Jesus Christ suffered on this day, so you need to adhere to strict rules of behavior. For example, liturgies are not held in churches, and priests wear a mourning cassock instead of the light one in which they usually serve.

Good Friday precedes the Easter holiday and is dedicated to the remembrance of the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ.

Friday - this is the day on which Jesus Christ was crucified. Therefore, Good Friday is dedicated to the remembrance of the trial of Jesus Christ, his crucifixion and death on the cross on Calvary, the removal of His body from the cross and burial. The Good Friday service includes three readings of the Gospel account of these events.

At Matins, the Twelve Gospels are read sequentially - twelve Gospel passages that chronologically tell about the events of Friday. At the Great (Royal) Hours, the narratives of each of the four evangelists (Matthew, John, Luke and Mark) are read separately. And at Great Vespers, one long composite gospel tells about the events of this day.

Good Friday is an exceptional day, and its exclusivity (like the exclusivity of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary) is emphasized by the fact that the liturgy is not celebrated on this day. However, if Good Friday coincides with the Annunciation, the Liturgy of John Chrysostom is served. At Vespers, a special canon “On the Crucifixion of the Lord” is sung and the shroud is brought out.

The Shroud is a cloth on which the Lord Jesus Christ is depicted in full size, lying in the tomb. After removal, the Shroud is installed on a special elevation in the center of the temple. It is customary to anoint it with incense and decorate it with flowers in memory of how the myrrh-bearing women anointed the Body of the buried Christ with incense...

Good Friday is a special day on which, according to the rules, one must abstain from eating until the Shroud is taken out, and after that one can only eat bread and drink only water. All preparations for the Easter holiday must be completed on Maundy Thursday, so that on Good Friday nothing distracts from prayers and services.

On Good Friday it is not customary to sing, walk and have fun - it is believed that a person who had fun on Good Friday will cry all year. However, despite the fact that the service on this day is permeated with sorrow, it is already preparing believers for the upcoming holiday of the Resurrection of Christ.

In the popular consciousness, Good Friday is associated with a number of signs and superstitions. It is believed, for example, that bread baked on this day will never become moldy and will heal from all diseases. Sailors considered bread baked on Good Friday to be a talisman against shipwrecks. And a hot cross bun baked on this day will protect the house from fires until next Good Friday.

It is highly undesirable to work on Good Friday. So, according to the superstition, you cannot stick iron objects into the ground, for example, shovels and rakes: this will lead to trouble. Therefore, plants planted on this day will die. Only parsley sown on Good Friday will yield a double harvest. Clothes washed by the housewife and hung out to dry on Friday will never become clean: bloody stains will appear on the linen.

After Friday service, it is customary to bring into the house twelve burning candles with which they stood in the church. Candles should be placed in the house and allowed to burn out until the end. It is believed that this will bring happiness and prosperity to the home for the next twelve months.

Of course, many signs came from paganism, and not from Christianity, and some of them even contradict Christian traditions. But to believe in omens or not is a personal choice for each person. Good Friday is another reason to pause in our busy lives and think: is this how we live?

Signs of Good Friday

A loaf of bread baked on Good Friday cures all illnesses and never goes moldy.
On Good Friday, under no circumstances should you pierce the ground with iron; whoever does this will be in trouble.
If washed clothes are hung out to dry on Good Friday, blood stains will appear on them.
If bees are transported on any day other than Good Friday, they will certainly die.
If you are thirsty on Good Friday, no drink will harm you for a whole year.
Rings blessed on Good Friday protect the wearer from all illnesses.
Easter bread saved from one Good Friday to the next prevents whooping cough.
Only parsley sown on Good Friday gives a double harvest.
If it is cloudy on Good Friday, then the bread will be covered with weeds. If it is dawn on Good Friday, then the wheat will be grainy.

What is it better to abstain from on Good Friday?

Not worth it:

1. Do cleaning and other chores around the house. You cannot sew, cook, garden, etc. The house must be cleaned on Maundy Thursday.
2.Sorting things out. Of course, you should never swear, but on Good Friday, scolding and reproaching is an especially terrible sin. The scandals that occurred on this day are the hardest to smooth over later.
3. You can't eat too much. Good Friday is the last day of Lent before Easter, and it is the strictest of all. Orthodox people who adhere to traditions do not eat anything on Good Friday, but an exception is made for the sick and weak; they simply should not consume much food. You can refrain from eating meat, fish, and milk.
4. Drink alcohol, make noise. Alcohol is generally not acceptable for a believer; drinking on Good Friday is doubly bad. Also refrain from parties and noisy entertainment on this day. It is believed that whoever laughs on this day will cry all year.
5. Take care of plants and flowers. It is believed that vegetation planted on Good Friday will quickly wither and die. It’s up to you to believe in it or not, but you should definitely refrain from dacha work. The only exception may be dill or some other greenery planted on the windowsill.

What you can and should do on Good Friday

Spend this day thinking about your life, about Jesus Christ, about what he had to endure.
- Food is best consumed after three o'clock in the afternoon, usually only water with bread.
Good Friday doesn't have to be like an ordinary day, spend it reflecting on your past and future.

On Saturday there is usually nowhere to rush, you can get a good night's sleep and watch the dream until the very end. Moreover, it is on the night from Friday to Saturday that one dreams of visions that have truly fateful significance.

General description of dreams from Friday to Saturday

Saturday is under the influence of one of the harshest Gods. It is believed that Saturn not only patronizes agriculture, but also sends tests to a person and tests his strength. Saturday visions call for living according to not human laws, but cosmic ones, that is, those according to which the entire universe exists. These dreams show us our future destiny, indicate possible obstacles or their absence.

Sometimes just a general picture is enough for interpretation. If in a dream you had a chance to run, climb over obstacles, find it difficult to rise or fall rapidly, then in the near future fate will present many difficulties. If you didn’t have to take such active actions, and the atmosphere itself was calm and bright, then for a while you will literally become Fortune’s favorite.

Sometimes Saturday dreams consist of a kaleidoscope of plots, but upon closer examination you can discern some connection between them. This is a clear indication of a chain of certain events. When deciphering such visions, it is very important to correctly assess your own emotional state during a night adventure.

If after waking up you feel a surge of strength, vigor and joy, then the future, no matter how difficult it may turn out to be, will ultimately lead to success. If you have experienced a feeling of fear, sadness or bitterness, then there is no hope for a successful course of affairs. Moreover, a period of disappointments and defeats lies ahead.

Unfortunately, this is the case when a person has practically no influence on his life. Remember, these dreams are sent by God, who intends to carry out the strictest test. Therefore, just gather your strength and bravely bear all the trials sent down. Will you be able to pass such a tough exam? Receive a generous reward.

Features of dreams for Saturday

Despite the fact that dreams of fateful significance occur on the night from Friday to Saturday, this does not mean that all of them come true with utmost accuracy. However, in the plot you can find several symbolic signs that will tell you how best to behave in reality.

Saturday dreams very often provide an overview of possible prospects for the future. But they also urge you to act carefully and thoughtfully. Any rash act can lead you to a hopeless dead end.

If you want to know the future of your loved ones, then remember exactly everything you dream about on Saturday. Any negative emotions, even in a bright and bright vision, indicate that trouble will happen to them.

Why else do you have Saturday dreams? They are full of information, signs and symbols. Saturn not only predicts the future, but also makes it possible to choose the best tactics that will help minimize possible failures and consequences from negative events. Despite the fact that Saturday is considered a day off, it sets the tone for the entire next week.

When will the vision from Friday to Saturday come true?

Saturn rarely shows empty, meaningless dreams. However, it is human nature to simply forget or even not pay attention to nighttime clues. Remember, what you dream about may happen in the very near future. Moreover, Saturday dreams have special nuances, which will be discussed below.

Saturday's dream will certainly be prophetic for those who celebrate their birth on this day. In addition, visions that occurred on Friday the 13th and during Easter week are endowed with great meaning. Moreover, in both cases, negative stories warning of tragic accidents, illnesses and other troubles more often come true. There is also a high probability that the nightmare seen on the night from Christmas Friday to Saturday will come true in full.

But in December you don’t have to worry too much about the most nightmarish visions of Saturday. Of all, only those who prophesy about family joys, friendly meetings and romantic dates come true.

There is one more nuance associated with Saturday dreams. They come true within a very short period - usually a week, maximum two. After this time, you can forget about the most terrible dream. You were probably able to correctly decipher the dream sign and do something that averted possible trouble from you.

How to interpret a dream from Saturday night

Dreams from Friday to Saturday can be both negative and favorable. The atmosphere of the vision itself gives a clue. Good luck, a joyful event and other positive things indicate a period of calm and success.

If the dream was replete with rainbow, truly magical images, then this is a clear indication of the speedy fulfillment of a cherished dream. You just need to follow the chosen path and under no circumstances make ridiculous mistakes.

If the picture was painted with dark and gloomy colors, then you will have to show patience, perseverance and increased efficiency. Black and white visions and gloomy plots warn of future difficulties and predict internal struggle. You may need to get rid of bad tendencies or oppressive relationships.

Saturn endows a person with such qualities as wisdom and the ability to apply everyday experience. Moreover, he can give a hint that will not concern you personally, but will be useful to someone you know.

If you dreamed about something related to relatives or friends, be sure to tell them your Saturday vision, even if it seems empty and useless to you personally. Chances are they will interpret it in their own way and learn something important.

What to pay attention to

A bright, emotionally positive Saturday dream, regardless of the plot, is considered a favorable sign. It means that throughout the next month you will be lucky, perhaps a minor dream will come true and positive changes will occur.

A bad omen is a vision filled with unpleasant sensations and dark colors. You will have to face difficulties and problems. But remember, heaven never demands more than a person can bear. If you endure all the troubles with dignity, you will become wiser and stronger.

It is very important to establish exactly the time period when you had your Saturday dream. The time of its execution and other vital nuances depend on this.

  1. If a vision, remembered in detail, was seen early in the morning (before 7 o’clock), then it reflects the prospects and capabilities of the dreamer.
  2. Try to give the most accurate interpretation of the Saturday vision if a male character was present in it (boy, guy, man, boss, stranger, loved one, etc.).
  3. Take a close look at the signs if the dream appeared on Saturday before 10 o’clock in the morning. It indicates mistakes and failures, as well as what you are trying to escape from. In parallel with the interpretation, it is worth delving into yourself.
  4. A dream on Saturday, seen closer to lunch and in the middle of the day, has a completely different meaning. It is the atmosphere and personal feelings that are important here. They set the mood for the next week.

The nightmare that you had on Saturday morning is rather a shapeshifter and indicates something good and good. This is an eloquent sign that the beginning of a certain event will seem unpleasant to you, but in the end it will turn out to be favorable.

Why do you have dreams on Saturday?

Like most dreams, Saturday dreams do not contain direct instructions. Basically these are signs and symbols veiled in images and characters. However, do not forget that dreams from Friday to Saturday come true very quickly, and therefore the decoding must be done in a short time.


Emotion is one of the most significant factors in the Sabbath vision. It is enough to accurately restore your own sensations and you can get a correct, albeit opaque, interpretation.

The emotional state in a dream demonstrates those traits that you carefully hide in reality, both from others and from yourself. Personal mood can be used to characterize relationships with loved ones, future failures or achievements.

Saturn encourages you to show wisdom and apply life experience in practice, limit your desires and show patience.


Dreams about love from Friday to Saturday can be called prophetic, because, as has already been said more than once, they have a fateful significance.

If you happen to see a loved one in your dreams (even if in reality you do not have a relationship), then rest assured that he will, to one degree or another, share your fate.

However, this does not mean that you will become a couple for the rest of your life. You may only be together for a certain period of time, but you will receive something very important from each other.

If you dreamed that your lover did a bad thing or cheated, then it will be better for you if you end the relationship immediately. Not only will it not make you happy, but it will also fray your nerves.

Seeing your ex-boyfriend or spouse in a dream does not mean that he is thinking about you or hoping for a resumption of the relationship. Most likely, for some reason you are still connected. Most likely, you have common children, interests, friends, etc. It is also possible that there is a higher connection, karmic.

If a real or imaginary rival appears on the night from Friday to Saturday, then this is a hint that you need to take care of your feelings and relationships. However, danger may appear from a completely different direction. Try to find an indication of this in the same dreams.


All positive dreams related to work are positive. They assure that everything will be fine and calm in the near future.

If on Saturday night you had an alarming dream, and moreover, filled with troubles and conflicts, then this is a sure sign that approximately the same thing awaits you in reality. Think, maybe you are neglecting your responsibilities or not doing your job well enough? Most often, the reasons for career failures lie precisely in personal neglect.

If on Saturday night you happened to become a student or schoolchild again, then this is an eloquent sign that it is time to think about changing your field of activity, place of work or profession in general. It's time to upgrade or get a new qualification. Devote time to reading books, educating yourself and gaining knowledge from any available sources.


If from Friday to Saturday you spent time in idle idleness, having fun and relaxing, then in reality you are too careless and frivolous. Saturn hints that you need to think more about business and work, to show sobriety and prudence.

A dream in which you were having fun, forgetting about everything in the world has approximately the same interpretation. Stop wasting your life, stop, think about your behavior, find something more serious to do.

This same dream indicates that you have strayed from the true path or have come under bad influence. After it, you should postpone your planned rest for a while; it will not bring proper satisfaction and relaxation.

Deceased people

On a day subordinate to Saturn, the appearance of the dead is not accidental. If the deceased called with him or there were other “deadly” signs in the vision, then try to protect yourself as much as possible. There is a possibility of getting into extreme situations and accidents.

Dreams about one’s own death or funeral speak about this. For at least a week, give up the risks of any plan, postpone the trip, cross the road more carefully, etc. If the deceased was cheerful and happy, then there is nothing to worry about.

Did you dream that a living person died or did you find out about someone’s death? Pay attention to the people dear to you, take care of them, or better yet, arrange a small celebration.

If in a dream you had to revive a dead person, then trouble may happen to a loved one, but you will be able to save him. Of course, this meaning is largely symbolic. Someone will simply require your help, so try not to refuse.

Other images

If from Friday to Saturday you dreamed that you fell ill with a certain illness, then in reality you can catch this particular disease.

A general deterioration in well-being indicates that you are careless about your health and your body. It's time to change your lifestyle or at least your daily routine.

And remember, when interpreting Saturday dreams, you can and even need to slightly exaggerate their meaning, especially if the interpretation is negative. This is the case when it is better to play it safe than to get bogged down in troubles and troubles!

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78 comments on “Why do you dream from Friday to Saturday”

    Hello! A month ago I separated from my husband. I let him go. But for some reason, for two days in a row, from Thursday to Friday and from Friday to Saturday, I had the same dream. He came home and was standing in the hallway. I leave the room and even in my sleep my heart skips a beat. I run up to him and begin to kiss him passionately. He hugs me and responds to my poueluy. The kiss is so passionate that I wake up every time. Tell me what this means.. thanks in advance.

    • Kisses in a dream, and passionate ones, mean separation. And the fact that he comes to the doorstep means that your divorce was the right decision. And even if the initiative was on your part🤷 to get a divorce.. But in fact. this plan was completely prepared by your husband👨‍🏫 but he hung a feeling of guilt on you: I loved and you ruined everything... But you can’t deceive dreams, they reveal the truth, both are to blame, but he is more. You can say divorce was like a dream for him and he strove for it like a fanatic from the first days after the wedding. The dream is to say stop scolding yourself and feel sorry for him, he is happy. It's time to love yourself.👸😍😘

    We broke up with the guy on his initiative. After that, I dreamed that I cheated on him, and in the dream this was the reason for the breakup. I never even thought about cheating in my life.

    I’m dreaming at night, I’m on the street, near a low-rise building / the house is not mine, I don’t live there / . they say that today they are expecting an attack on houses, I ask the man, he says that yes, last time they took off everyone’s rings, took away their money... he says that now they are washing the windows of an abandoned house, which is supposedly next to ours, so that it wasn’t clear that it was abandoned, I listened to him and saw gold rings on my hands/ actually my rings/. I wanted to go to someone for the night, but it seemed like my sister said that we weren’t going anywhere. If we leave today, and they come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, what then, spend the night with others every day? Inside, I felt fear and still regretted that I didn’t leave with my granddaughter during the day, although I didn’t see my granddaughter nearby. I remembered that I have a gun at home, but it’s safe to go home, it’s already night

    Tell me, in a dream on Saturday morning after my birthday (I didn’t drink alcohol), I was traveling on a train with my husband, I don’t remember him well, I lost my children - three boys, in the dream there was an image of Gosha the smallest and he was naked. She ran forward along the carriage in search of children. Then I saw how the carriage was unhooked and maybe my children were there. I shout to my husband to do something. I woke up with chest pain and panic.

    I dreamed that I was in a field. Everything is beautiful and blooming. But I was pregnant. And after some time I begin to give birth. I've already seen the head. It wasn’t a big shock for me, since I don’t have children of my own. I called my mother, she was away with my older sister. But my voice was failing me, I couldn’t shout loudly, I just couldn’t do it, so I tried to call her in a rude voice. But it was too late; I gave birth myself without pain. The baby is simply beautiful. I don't remember who was a boy or a girl. The child was without blood. We come running, mom takes him from me and swaddles him in a rag. But then I was shocked; my mother and sister started running around with him, throwing him into the sky and water. The next shot was that my baby was going, although I understood that I had just given birth to him not long ago. Then I woke up and my mood was great.
    And from Thursday to Friday I dreamed that I was pregnant.
    P.S. I don’t have a boyfriend

    I dreamed that I saw one girl, that she was telling fortunes with a magic ball, she looked like a gypsy or a witch. She approached her and asked her to tell fortunes. She asked what specifically was bothering me. I said that I couldn’t get pregnant (this problem really exists, it’s not working out with my husband for 1.5 years). To my question, she answered that yes, there will be a girl with black hair (my husband has black hair). I had a dream from Friday to Saturday. Before this, I dreamed a lot about an aquarium with fish, apples, pregnancy, various animals, etc. I really want a baby, I hope for a miracle and that the dream will come true.

    Hello, I had a dream from Friday to Saturday (August 18 to 19). In my dream I was pregnant and my belly was big, I started having contractions, but I didn’t feel any pain. I began to understand that labor was about to begin, a young girl and a guy appeared, not of Russian nationality, they began to prepare me for childbirth, but I didn’t want to give birth to them and a woman doctor came with two people, a man and a woman, she said that I Her patient and she took me to her hospital to give birth, Tamien was assigned to a bed, but it was not a ward, but something like a field, and not far from me there were women who had already given birth and they were talking and laughing with each other. I started giving birth, there were no doctors next to me, I stood on all fours, it was easier for me, although I didn’t feel any pain, stretching my hand down I felt the baby’s head come out a little, later I seemed to give birth, but there was no child, but a small black and white cat appeared (who lives with us in reality, I picked her up on the street and went out) and she began to caress me, purring) then a girl came up to me and asked what was wrong with me, I said that I had given birth, and there is no child, she answered “this is called an empty birth” then the picture changes and I am already walking with my husband and two other girls and a man along a path made of sand, sparks crawled across the sand, similar to the heat of coal, these small lights crawled like a snake under the sand and began pursue me, I walked away, but the girl said that there was no need to be afraid, it wouldn’t hurt, I stopped and these lights in the form of a snake crawled up my right leg, stopped at the dragging level and seemed to penetrate inside, my whole legs were numb , pelvis and back, but I could walk, the thought came to me in a dream that this light would heal me, in order for me to get pregnant, as a result, the fourth of us entered a small room, it was all in different wines, there were large flasks with wine , bottles, etc. My husband and I were offered a drink, we refused and at that moment it was all over... in general, this is a dream, it’s difficult for me to understand all this and explain to myself why I dreamed about it all) P.S. I’m married, I have no children.

    I dreamed that I was in the hospital with a baby, he is not mine and he is healthy, but they still send us somewhere. I hold him in my arms all the time, he coos at me to smile. Lately I have been dreaming about babies very often.

    I dreamed that I was in the hospital with a baby, he is not mine and he is healthy, but they still send us somewhere. I hold him in my arms all the time, he coos at me to smile. Lately I've been dreaming about babies very often. P.S. I'm divorced and I have 4 sons.

    I just had a dream from Fri to Sat that I gave birth to a girl. Very small, maybe premature, but such a sweet baby. It was as if I gave birth secretly in someone's house. Then I told the guy (there is actually a guy, we love each other, but for now he says it’s too early to get married, he wants to buy an apartment) I then told him that I gave birth, he looked at the child, was very surprised and began to run around, surprised and bewildered . Then I say I need to get a certificate, it’s like the child is unintelligible. I look at the child, holding him in my hands and say, but he is quite normal and I don’t seem to want to part with the child. In my life, my boyfriend and I had intimacy more than once. Before him, I was a virgin. Lately we have been quarreling and I was rushing him to get married over this. But then we compared and everything improved in our relationship, I agreed to wait a little

    • Your dream is a future possible real situation. You can get pregnant and be left to solve life’s problems on your own. And abandoning a child on his part is a warning that the man is not ready and has not matured enough to take responsibility for family ties. I advise you not to waste time with him and not to mistake intimacy for at face value. a young man feeds on your purity... energy on the subtle plane, and a child will be a hindrance to him. You should contact Yulia Mastyaeva on YouTube. With respect. A.Pa.

    • The girl is a miracle. In your case, most likely, some kind of dream. But a premature baby girl is a dream that is not quite ripe; apparently, you decided to make it come true too early (I think we are talking about your desire to formalize your relationship). Hence the rejection of your boyfriend. Don't rush things, your persistence can only make things worse.

  1. I had a dream from Friday to Saturday at 5 o’clock in the morning and woke up with great resentment and anxiety. In a dream, I am on some kind of holiday, and I go to look for my husband. I go into some establishment on the second floor, the restaurant on the first floor is very noisy and there are a lot of people drinking beer, it looks a lot like a bar. I enter this establishment and between the first and second floors on the stairs I am met by a brunette with long curly thick hair with a nondescript appearance, dark-skinned, but with a charming smile. She laughingly tells me that she had sex with my husband. She seems very frivolous and having fun (drunk or something). I say that my husband could not cheat on me and I tell her to show me how it was. She immediately starts showing me poses and I seem to see in reality how my husband cheated on me with this slender, thin girl. And I understand that she is not lying, that my husband can do this. Sadness overcomes me and tears begin to flow. I go up to the 2nd floor and in the corridor I see a bench, I go there and sit down to cry, and there sits a man in a dark suit and I tell him that my husband cheated on me. I tell you how much I love my husband, but he cheats on me. Then I go down to the bar and the waitress looks at me very sorry and says that my husband was here and drank beer. And the thought slips that the betrayal was drunken, and not conscious, that the betrayal was emotional. That one time there was a girl. But the fact that he changed does not give me peace of mind and I also cry, a lot of tears flow from my eyes. The waitress tells me that I can watch a video of how my husband drank and where he then went. I agree and go with her. But another older waitress stops me and says that visitors cannot watch the recordings. But he feels sorry for me and tells me to wait until they find a video with my husband, and then, waiting for this video, I wake up with anxiety. What does my dream mean from January 26 to January 27?

    • You are too worried about your husband's fidelity. Think carefully, is there any reason for jealousy and suspicion? Perhaps you are just stressing yourself out? But this can affect your mood, and then your relationship. Try to calm down, betrayal is not so clearly reflected in a dream.)))

    Please give me some advice) on the day of baptism I decided to tell my fortune, I had a dream in which I saw myself together with a guy whom I liked for a long time, and still do, but he doesn’t know about it, in fact, like me. But the fact is that I’ve been together with another guy for a year now (as far as I can see, he loves me), but after this fortune-telling I think more and more often about that guy from the dream. And today I dreamed about him again (in the dream we listened to music together on the bus) that’s where we most often see him in life, because he studies in the same city as me. Help me figure it out, should I expect that somehow this same guy will play a role in my life? After all, I don’t really want to leave my current one.

    I dream that I am visiting my ex-mother-in-law, relaxing, there are a lot of people there, they steal my phone, we start looking for the phone but can’t find it, and it’s like I have to go home, there are children there, I call home and my daughter is roaring and asking me to hurry up. come and my son also asks me to come back, but I can’t leave because I don’t know what I’m doing and I wake up

    I dreamed that my beloved told my husband: although she lives with you, she is my woman, and he took me with him. From Friday to Saturday, from 7 to 7:30 in the morning, Easter week.

    From Friday to Saturday I dreamed that I went to buy a pregnancy test with the guy I broke up with two days ago.
    The details were such that I went into the pharmacy and the saleswoman closed the door, leaving only a window, like in 24-hour pharmacies, I saw and went to him, the door opened, told me to buy a test, he bought it and then kissed me 2 times. What does it mean?

    The guy’s brother is dreaming about him, and not for the first time. In every dream, something happens, for example, I dreamed about him from Thursday to Friday, supposedly he would tell me about our boyfriend’s relationship. And then I dreamed from Friday to Saturday that I was the first to write to him on the social network “I wrote to him that I like him) he came up to me and asked me, I wrote this, then my boyfriend saw it, squeezed it and didn’t let go, and his brother said that I'll still be with him

    Help!!! I constantly and very often have dreams about my husband cheating on me. It’s like I walk into a room and see him having sex with someone I don’t know.
    Well, I'm already tired of these dreams. My husband and I are living a very good life...

    My husband saw an accident in a dream, that he was rammed by another car. The entire right side of the car is soft-boiled. The husband was not injured, although he was driving on the right (the car is right-handed). Then the body was completely replaced at a car repair shop. Sleep from Friday to Saturday

    I've been divorced since 2009. The wife left for someone else. I was very upset about the divorce. per month - 25kg. But it passed. I live very far from where we lived. However, my ex-wife periodically dreams. On the night from Friday to Saturday I dreamed all night. It’s as if I have a common life with her. I had already forgotten my face, but in my dream I understood that it was her. What's this for?

    • Despite the divorce, you have maintained a close spiritual connection. At the everyday level this does not manifest itself in any way, but in night visions, yes. Do you have children together?

    Hello. Please help me interpret the dreams that I had on the night from Friday to Saturday, from October 19 to 20. First I dreamed about snakes. It seems that the first snake was large, then it disappeared and a medium-sized snake appeared, and then also disappeared. I don’t remember both snakes clearly, I only remember that they didn’t attack me, they just crawled. Then several small snakes appeared, they also just crawled and did not attack me. Then I woke up and fell asleep again. And somewhere around 4:30 I dreamed that I was lying in bed with a guy I dated many years ago, we were lying in bed and we were having sexual intercourse. Now this man is no longer alive, he died in a car accident. Help, please, I suspect that both dreams are bad.

    • Don't panic. Snakes can symbolize two periods of life with similar events. Snakes are also associated with wisdom. But small snakes are not exactly a friendly environment. As for the deceased, perhaps you need to show some qualities characteristic of this particular person. In addition, sex in some cases provides protection in reality.

    Hello. I had a dream from Friday to Saturday that I was in some room, and I found 5 golden keys near a large suitcase, the man next to me was unknown to me. Then we opened the suitcase and this man told me that we must protect the contents of the suitcase and I start looking into the open door and see a lion in the distance running towards me, I start trying to close the door, but I can’t, then I found myself near the wall and this lion was looking at me, and he started hugging me with his paws, I start to dream to understand that I feel so calm and pleasant. Why do I have such a dream?

    • A very good dream.)) The keys are opportunities. Which ones, you must determine for yourself. It is possible that you will meet a good person, perhaps born under the sign of Leo or associated with this animal for some other reason.

    Hello! I dreamed of a little mouse behind the washing machine, in the bathroom. I don’t remember exactly, but my boyfriend was standing next to me, I seemed to call him, and then, in the morning, we had a real fight.

    For the third time in a month I dreamed that I gave birth to a child from a loved one. The first and second time a girl and the third a boy (he is actually married but does not live with his wife.) I clearly see the child, I am happy in the dream, but he doesn’t care happy and not against it, doesn’t he care at all? Thank you

    Most likely, all dreams are related to your relationship and the desire to take it to another level. But the man’s reaction is very eloquent. Most likely, he has not yet decided what exactly he wants.

    From Friday to Saturday I had a dream with a spider. A short excerpt: I’m sitting on the floor or on the bed and I see a medium-sized spider in front of me. It has bright colors (red and black). He is practically next to me, I, because... I'm quite afraid of spiders, I throw them far forward. The spider crawls up again, I throw it away again. This continues several times, I feel terrible fear that it might be poisonous and bite. I try to get up and at this moment I wake up. What does this mean?

    • Some unpleasant problem that you don’t want or are afraid to solve. You won't be able to get rid of it, so get down to business. Perhaps everything is not as scary as you think.))))

    Hello! From Friday to Saturday I had a dream that I was walking along the embankment with my former work colleague. This meeting took place with such joy and positive emotions. But later, this colleague and I continue to work together and see each other outside of working hours. What does this mean, please tell me!

    • In your dream, you most likely actually met his soul. There is an invisible connection between you, and it will exist no matter how far you are from each other. Another interpretation: some past business or hobby comes up, you decide to devote your free time to it.

    Today I had a dream about the South Pole: I’m somewhere on vacation abroad, I don’t know exactly where, it’s summer, it’s quite hot, I’m traveling as a passenger in a minibus, there are some people next to me, among them is a former colleague with my family, I can see the road well. We are driving at breakneck speed along a very dangerous section of a dirt road, more like paths, serpentine roads, but there are no rocks or mountains that usually accompany serpentine roads, the space is clearly visible, there is a lot of air, but an abyss is visible on the right, and I understand the danger of our journey, I hope for local driver experience. Then a section of the road turns out to be paved with beautiful paving slabs of two colors - beige and terracotta, I see road workers paving the road, we drive further along the tiled road, and the road is already safe. Then I climb (I see the road in great detail, as if I was climbing on foot) along rocky off-road terrain, which consists of earth interspersed with sparse grass and stones. After we finally pass this last climb, we arrive at our destination. We are going to go swimming, but we need to go somewhere. There are people around me. And then I find out that this hill, this low rise on the last off-road section was the South Pole. And in my dream I was surprised that the South Pole turned out to be just a small rise of rocky ground, a rather prosaic place in reality.

    • The coming period will be generally favorable, but it will shake your nerves. Towards the end, everything will get better, people completely unfamiliar to you will contribute to this. In the end, it turns out that you have reached some kind of peak. You will be surprised and delighted that everything worked out so quickly and successfully.

    Hello! Today, from Friday to Saturday, I had a dream - I was driving my car, there are a lot of cars in front of me, I brake, but still wipe the bumper, a truck passes across. Then there are a lot of people, someone’s funeral, and the guy from there gets into my car and hits the wall several times. I call my husband, he comes running, I tell him about the guy. He makes me understand that this is a funeral and I can’t refuse. in my thoughts - now my husband will think that the bumper is not my job. The dream is over - I was holding a small red kitten in my hand and was happy about it. (Now I’m afraid to drive). Please tell me.

    • The car symbolizes life itself, or rather a certain period of time. The funeral is the completion of some stage. Someone or something, it will not necessarily be a person, perhaps some circumstances will pretty much ruin your life, you will be seriously worried. But those around you will take it for granted. A red kitten is likely to bring profit and good luck. That is, everything will end well.

    • Well, what can we say, spoil your own reputation and stable position with an inappropriate act. If you abuse in reality, then the answer is even simpler: you are ruining your potential at the root with an addiction. So stop drinking if you need to, and behave decently.)))))

        • Sorry to interfere. Dreams are solved using symbols, usually a shapeshifter, so you shouldn’t consider what you dreamed vulgar. Even a teetotaler could have such a dream.

          As Tamara correctly noted, dreams are symbols, there is not and cannot be anything vulgar in them, and even a teetotaler can dream of such a vision.)

          Vodka is initially a negative symbol, indicating problems, inappropriate behavior or perception. And a member is a positive image, it is courage, perseverance, will, a good position.

          If two such contradictory symbols come together in one plot, then this is a hint: you are doing something wrong, and this may have unpleasant consequences.

  2. I had a dream from Friday to Saturday in December... I dreamed that I was standing in line with someone who knew my future. Either angels, or saints... They said that this year they would take my mother, and they also said that after that they would take my husband, because I messed up. What could this mean?

    • Hmmm, serious dream. There can be two interpretations. Or you actually visited some higher spheres and then everything said is true, so get ready for bad changes. Carefully monitor further events and clues in your dreams.

      Or you met dark entities who decided to ruin your life. In this case, just be vigilant and do not allow the dark ones to distract you from more important matters.

    Please help me understand the dream from Friday to Saturday. From the window of the former house, but where I supposedly live now, I see a tiger. He eats some prey. I want to call and report that there is a tiger in the area and it is dangerous to others. But I can’t find the phone, instead I find something else that’s not working. Thank you

    Hello. Sleep from Friday to Saturday. The first dream was before seven in the morning, I had a nightmare. A spirit was following me and frightening me. The second dream is a trip to the gynecologist. I went into the office, there were two women, not young but not old either, about 40-50 years old. One of them said to sit on a table with oilcloth. I sat down, she picked up a tool similar to eyebrow tweezers but larger in size, looked and said that I was not pregnant. I’m very worried about this moment, because I’m afraid of getting pregnant, and recently there was a favorable moment for this. Please tell me, can this dream be prophetic and can I not be pregnant?

    • Regarding the first dream: in the dream world you met a dark entity or your own fears. As for the second: alas, the gynecologist may dream about it before an abortion. What's especially bad is that you had to sit on a table. Take care of yourself!

    Hello! I had a dream from Friday to Saturday; Friday was my birthday. I dream that I am flying over the sea, very sunny, clear water, and below there are a lot of sharks, just hundreds. They don’t eat anyone, they just swim in the water, but there are a huge number of them. On the other hand, I see a lot of dolphins, huddled in schools and as if they were scared. Tell me, please, how to understand this? Thank you in advance!

    • In your dream, sharks symbolize everyday life, some minor dangers. But you are flying in the sky, which means you will be able to rise above everyday life, primitive human emotions, and win something. At the same time, this can only be a dream. As for dolphins, this is an unjustified risk, bad influence from outside, unreliable friends. Considering that the dream occurred on your birthday, the prediction can characterize a whole year. Don't forget this.

    Good afternoon, today, from Friday to Saturday, January 11-12, I dreamed that my husband gave me a dog, a one-year-old Doberman, a red-brown boy, only the fur is longer than it should be, very warm and pleasant to the touch. In life, I wouldn’t want a second Doberman: I already have one, but in the dream I was terribly happy about the gift, the dog also accepted me with a bang, even licked me a little, after meeting me he ran away somewhere, but my husband and I quickly found him. The dream evoked very good, kind emotions. I recently gave birth, I’m afraid that the dream is back to pregnancy, I can’t give birth yet, and I wouldn’t want to.

    • Perhaps you have already solved your dream yourself.))) But a dog can also symbolize attitude, feelings, emotions. Such a dream gift from a husband can characterize his love, tenderness, respect, devotion, etc.

    Sleep from Friday to Saturday:
    I'm at school and we have physics. But I don’t have a form, then the teacher told me to draw. This was needed for some project. I drew it beautifully. The lesson is over and everyone goes home. And I go to the store, I don’t remember what I bought. I get out and move on. I reach an unknown house and I understand that this is not my home. Then I make sudden movements. At first I didn’t understand where I was, but I looked around and recognized the village. I open the door, go in, close it and I wake up.
    What is this for?

    Hello. Today I had two dreams from Friday to Saturday. In one, a snake was chasing me and trying to attack me and bite me. I was running away from her, in the end I realized that I couldn’t run away from her, I stopped and I had something in my hands, the snake jumped on me and the bite fell on the object in my hand, I took advantage of the moment that it missed and grabbed its head to neutralize it, I don’t remember further, it seems the dream is over. What does this mean? And here is the second dream, please tell me why I have a dream from Friday to Saturday, where all the teeth fall out.
    I don’t remember with whom, let’s say we were doing something with friends, and then I got hit in the teeth by accident from some object, I don’t remember exactly, and because of this my front tooth began to loosen, I went to look in the bathroom in the mirror, he I was staggering, someone asked me something, but I couldn’t answer properly because I felt that all the teeth in my mouth were already loose and were about to fall out. As a result, they all fall out completely into my palms, I look in the mirror and see a mouth without teeth, and the teeth lying in my palms looked like they were covered in black dirt, I don’t remember thinking that there was blood there, I remember that it was as if they were dirty with something then black, I held my palms with teeth over the sink, I washed these dirty teeth and they became clean white and that was the end of the dream. Please tell me what this is for, I really need an interpretation with all the nuances of the dream 🙏

    • I think the snake in your case symbolizes a certain problem or situation. Then it's all about sleep. You will want to run away from her, but you will understand that this is impossible, so you will resolutely enter the fight. It’s not entirely clear how it will end.
      About the teeth. Perhaps some unpleasant event (a blow) will occur, after which either the current situation will worsen (a tooth becomes loose), or you will break off some relationship (everything falls out). In the last option, the relationship is not very good (dirty teeth). If there was no blood, then they are not related, but close enough. But you will do everything to correct the situation (wash your teeth) and you will succeed (they become clean).
      I suspect that both dreams are related. And the second one about teeth is a continuation of the first one about the snake.

    In short, MCH and I (name is Nikita, in real life I’ve been dating him for 8 years, but we don’t live together, he’s divorced, 2 children), we were sitting in some chic restaurant in the center of Moscow, and my acquaintances and friends were also there (they live in another city where I was born), then my mother was still sitting there, I greeted everyone. And then the martyr got up and went somewhere, either he was embarrassed or ashamed (because at the moment we are dating in secret, no one knows about our relationship), I go up to him and he’s just sitting on a bench and that’s it, then I went somewhere, I need to buy or look at something, and on the way I met a gypsy fortune teller, old, kind, and I asked her: will you tell your fortune? ?she says yes with a smile, I point my finger at Nikita, is my future husband? The fortune teller says: yes! I ask when, and she says around the fall in November. I wonder what kind of dream it is?
    We didn’t meet with MCH for 4 months, and then on Friday we met, slept together, and early on Saturday morning he left on business and after that I had this dream at about 7-8 o’clock in the morning. Is this a prophetic dream or not? That is, he is mine future husband?

    • Just wait until the fall until November and you will find out for sure.)))) I would believe the gypsy fortune teller. Just don’t rush things, don’t get too happy, and it’s better not to tell anyone your dream.

    Hello, I’m visiting my sister in another city, she gave me a blouse and jeans, I had a dream from Friday to Saturday, and in the dream I dreamed that I quickly went home to pack my things, and only at home I saw that I had forgotten my things.
    What could this mean???!

    From Friday to Saturday (February 8-9) I had a dream where I was at some kind of celebration, perhaps a wedding, I can’t say for sure. I ate a very tasty cake. A guy who seemed familiar was sitting next to me, I asked why he didn’t eat the cake, I don’t remember what he answered. And I decided to bring him a cake because I tried it myself and really liked it, I praised him so much. I went for a cake with a plate, but I didn’t find a cake exactly like mine. I walked around and thought for a long time about which cake to get for him, looked at them and finally chose. I came with a plate and gave it to him, but it seems to me that I did it with regret, because I didn’t have a cake exactly like mine.
    And that's it, I woke up. That's all I remember.

    I had a dream from Fri/Sat. The first I come into the room, the woman’s child is screaming, I take my hands, he looks normal but he’s screaming like mad, I wanted to calm him down, but I quickly became irritated and put him on top of me. The women, one mother and the other, were unhappy.
    Woke up with heavy breathing.
    I fell asleep and dreamed of a work environment, my partner called me, said that he greeted me from the boss, he said, remember those wheels. I asked what they would beat. But I didn't care.

    • A screaming child and your actions suggest a serious problem that needs to be solved. Alas, you will not cope, and you will also deserve the condemnation of others. Second dream: I think someone is dissatisfied with you, but not necessarily the boss.

    Good night! I had a dream on Saturday from 8-10 in the morning, I dreamed of my ex-husband and said sorry, I came for you, and began to caress you. What could this mean?

    • There is always a spiritual connection with exes, especially if there is still something in common, for example, children, friends, etc. Therefore, in a dream they can appear quite often and even for no apparent reason. And not only before some significant events, but also just like that. Perhaps he was thinking about you by accident or on purpose?
      Try to remember if you ever dreamed about your ex again and what happened after that. You can find a hint in this. There is another option, it may be relevant precisely because of close contact (affection): perhaps your ex has a characteristic trait that you need to demonstrate in some situation. Unfortunately, I can’t suggest anything else.

    I had a dream from Friday to Saturday, I don’t remember the full plot, the only thing that remains in my memory is that I was going up the stairs in some house and I saw an ex-man on the sofa, and his suitcases were passing me (he is an athlete), there was a feeling that is he expecting something, what could this mean? Periodically, I have dreams that we communicate by phone through calls and messages, where he talks about what is happening in his life. I don’t understand what this is all about? Help me interpret such dreams, I don’t think about a man anymore.

    • Dreaming about your ex, even if you don’t think so, means your spiritual connection. The same thing is symbolized by attempts to contact by phone. But apparently, some changes will happen in his life and now he is waiting for them.

    I had a dream that my godfather and I were sitting waiting in line to film an interview program. A young guy sat down next to him and said, come on, when they film, I’ll kiss you. I tell him that I have a husband and children. Then a woman I know comes up (she’s a teacher in real life works at the school where I studied) and says everything is fine with you now, but in five years, on March 28, you will separate. I answer her like at my eldest son’s birthday. And I immediately calculated that then he will be 14 years old, why would that be. But he the guy kissed me as an excuse when he heard that I would separate from my husband. He says if I am free, then I will be with you anyway. What could the dream mean from Friday to Saturday...

    • I think serious changes are ripe in your life. And most likely, they will happen in five years on that very day. However, it cannot be ruled out that everything will happen much earlier, March 28 is just around the corner. Don’t panic, don’t stress yourself out, otherwise you’ll only make things worse, but don’t let your guard down either.
      As for the guy... I’m not sure if this is like a new life partner. It’s just that someone is looking after you, protecting you on a subtle level. Remember this and don’t be discouraged.))

Good Friday has been the most mournful day of the year for two thousand years, because it was after its onset that Jesus Christ was sentenced to death and ascended to Golgotha ​​with a cross on his shoulders. It was on this day that Jesus received several dozen lashes and was nailed to the cross as a protest against the Christian faith. In addition, on this day Jesus died, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, exhausted by torture and thoughts of betrayal, crucified and ridiculed by a crowd of lost Jerusalemites.

However, Jesus' death was not in vain, for he was resurrected and ascended into heaven, thus showing that only a righteous existence and a godly attitude towards the world and people are rewarded with God's blessing. However, in connection with the loss experienced and as a sign of respect for the torture and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, for 2 thousand years people have been paying tribute to Jesus by praying and mourning the darkest crime in the world.

What should you not do on Good Friday?

Of course, after centuries, there was no longer any accurate evidence of what happened, and therefore people themselves made a verdict about what should be done during this time and what should not be done. Such beliefs did not arise out of nowhere; they were supported by popular superstitions and, in fact, people’s personal opinions about how to grieve for the Savior of the Christian world. In particular, on Good Friday, all entertainment events are prohibited, not only in public places, but also at home, because on this day you only need to mourn and pray to both Jesus Christ and God, in gratitude for the sacrifice made to all humanity.

Also on this day you need to observe the strictest fast, which lasts for the last week. It is advisable not only to exclude fish and vegetable oil, but also to limit the consumption of other products, leaving only bread and water.

On this day, you should exclude not only shopping or shopping with friends, but also other public places and spend the day in solitude and prayer, forgetting about worldly affairs and remembering the sins committed, which can be prayed for on this day. On Good Friday, it is not recommended to do household chores that will distract from prayer. In particular, it is forbidden to wash and clean the house, because another day is intended for this - Maundy Thursday. But it is advisable to prepare dishes with which the believer will break his fast on Saturday evening, before going to church on the eve of Easter.

And, of course, on Good Friday you should never swear or make a scandal, or curse your enemies, since the energy of this day is so great. Everything that is uttered even mentally can be fulfilled, and can also be returned a hundredfold, increased by a well-wisher.

What should you do on Good Friday?

First of all, on Good Friday you need to visit the church, where a prayer service will be held, and the Gospel narrative about the events preceding the execution of Jesus Christ will be read three times. You need to not only be present in church, but also pray for the salvation of your own soul, and, naturally, for the well-being of your loved ones, both living and deceased.

After visiting church, you can do some household chores, because not all chores are prohibited; on the contrary, on Good Friday it is recommended to plant a vegetable garden, namely parsley, since according to ancient belief, the harvest of some plants planted on the mournful day will be rich. It is also recommended to illuminate the ring on Good Friday, which will become a talisman for both the person and his home from the bad thoughts of ill-wishers and the evil eye. If there is a drinking relative in the family, it is on this day that it is possible to perform a ritual and a spell on the ashes in order to free a loved one from a harmful illness. With the help of the candle that was left after the service on Good Friday, you can not only get rid of the hex, but also find the so-called “linings” in the house.

It should be remembered that Good Friday is not a holiday, but a mournful day, which, nevertheless, it is advisable to spend not with tears and ostentatious grief, but in worries about the well-being of your loved ones, because faith is measured not by the number of prayers read, but by good deeds and love for people.