How to insert Arabic numbers in Word. The easiest way to type Roman numerals on a keyboard

Hello, dear readers. Today we will return to the topic of working with Word. And today’s topic will be about how to put Roman numerals in Word. We may need them in numbering paragraphs in a document, or when writing text to write a century. Roman numerals in Word can make your document more readable.

Let me remind you that the last time I talked about how it is done. If you don't know how, be sure to read it.

Numbering in the list

The first method where Roman numerals may be needed is to create a numbered list. For example, when creating a document with several paragraphs. Let's see how it's done.

To begin with, you can highlight and write down the necessary points, if necessary. Then, on the “Home” tab, in the “Paragraph” section, select “Numbering Library” and indicate that we need to make it in Roman numerals. Look at the example.

We write in English

This is one of the easiest ways if you need to insert a Roman numeral. We can print it ourselves. And for this you need to switch to English. Usually these are the keyboard shortcuts ALT + SHIFT, rarely CTRL + SHIFT.

Now let's remember how to write Roman numerals:

  • 1, 2, 3 – I, II, III (letter I, Russian Ш)
  • 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 – IV, V, V,I VII, VII (letter V, Russian M)
  • 9, 10, 11 – IX, X, XII (letter X, Russian Ch)
  • 50, 100, 500, 1000 – L (d), C (c), D (c), M (b)

That is, the method is very simple - hold down the Shift key and type the number we need (more precisely, Latin letters).

Let Word write it itself

The third method is quite tricky, but at the same time, very convenient. And its convenience lies in the fact that we will not need to think about how to correctly dial the number in the Roman version. To do this, we will use a special formula in Word.

Let's look at this method step by step:

  1. We place the cursor in the place we need.
  2. Press the key combination CTRL + F9.
  3. In the curly braces that appear we set equal to: ( = )
  4. Next we write the number that we need to convert. I will write this year: ( =2016)
  5. Put a forward slash \
  6. We put an asterisk * and write ROMAN in English. If we type roman in small letters, then the Roman letters will also be small. Here is my example: ( =2016\*ROMAN )
  7. To apply the formula you need to press the F9 key

If you did everything correctly, then you will see the corresponding signs. Look what I got.

Inserting symbols

Well, the last method. Judge for yourself how convenient it is.

Open the “Insert” tab, find the “Symbols” section and the corresponding “Symbol” item, and in it click on the “Other Symbols” button. Now in the window that opens you need to find the symbol you need and click on the “Insert” button. And so on until you have inserted all the characters you need.

So we looked at 4 ways to write Roman numerals in Word. Which one did you find most convenient - tell us in the comments. Bye everyone.

When typing in Word, it is often necessary to use Roman numerals for the content of the text. This could be the design of a table of contents, listing, or simply inserting the required number in context. Roman numerals are especially necessary in texts that present historical events. Word has several options for inserting the required Roman numerals.

Latin and Roman numerals

Simply switching to English, type the required Roman numeral in capital letters. After all, the Latin alphabet that is used to write them coincides with it. The units displayed here are “I”, five “V”, tens “X”, hundreds “C”, thousands “M”. With this method, you need to know how to correctly write the required number.

Automatic numbering in Roman numerals

First, print all the text, which should subsequently be numbered in Roman numerals. Select it. And then hover the cursor over it and click the right mouse button. A menu will appear in which you need to select “Numbering”, and in the submenu that opens “Numbering Library” select the square with Roman numbering. The required number of numbers will be automatically set. You can do this on the first sentence, then the next line will be numbered automatically when you press “ENTER”.

Inserting Roman Numerals Through Symbols

Go to the Insert menu bar ribbon and open Symbols. In "Set" select "main Latin". Insert the desired combination of characters corresponding to the required Roman numeral. Also, if you first insert all the necessary symbols at the top of the sheet, you can later use them through “Copying” and “Pasting” in the desired place.

Keyboard shortcut for inserting Roman numerals

Apply the function key combination. In this case, it is not necessary to know how to write the Roman numeral. By pressing Ctrl+F9, curly braces will appear at the cursor location. In which you need to enter (=the desired number\*ROMAN), and press F9, the corresponding Roman numeral will automatically appear. It can subsequently be adjusted by hovering the cursor and right-clicking. In the menu that appears, select “Codes/field values” which will return to the original option. By changing the number and pressing F9 you will get the desired result. Example: (=2137\*ROMAN) corresponds to MMCXXXVII. Here you need to take into account that typing roman will result in mmcxxxvii.

Let's look at four ways to type Roman numerals in Word. Roman numerals can be written in different ways, depending on the purpose.

First way.

Roman numerals in Word list. If you need Roman numerals for numbering in a list, you can use Word's functions for creating a numbered list.

On the “Home” tab, in the “Paragraph” section, click on the “Numbering” button in Word 2013, and in Word 2007 this is the “Create a numbered list” button. Select the button with Roman numerals in the window that appears.

Second way.

How to write Roman numerals in Word. We write Roman numerals in English capital letters. Switch the keyboard to the English layout and type in large (capital) letters.

Remember, to write letters in capitals you need to:

a)Or press the “Caps Lock” key.
b)Or press and hold down the “Shift” key while typing letters.

To write the Roman numeral 1, press the letter “I” (and English) key.

Roman numeral 2 – II.
Roman numeral 3 – III.
Roman numeral 4 – IV (capital English letters I and V).
Roman numeral 5 – V.
Roman numeral 6 – VI.
Roman numeral 7 – VII.
Roman numeral 8 – VIII.
Roman numeral 9 – IX (capital English letters I and X).
Roman numeral 10 – X.
Roman numeral 50 is L.
Roman numeral 100 is C.
Roman numeral 500 is D.
Roman numeral 1000 is M.

Here is a table for writing Roman numerals.

Third way.

How to make Roman numerals in Word. Let's apply a formula that will convert Arabic numbers to Roman numbers. Place the cursor in the place where you need to write the Roman numeral. Press the key combination “Ctrl” + “F9”.

Attention! If this keyboard shortcut does not work (in Word 2013), then try pressing this keyboard shortcut - “Ctrl” + “Fn” + “F9”.

A gray box appears within curly braces. In this field we write a formula that converts Arabic numerals to Roman numerals. We will convert the number 2015.

Explanation of the formula. First we always put the “Equals” sign. We write the number that needs to be converted. We write a forward slash (slash) inclined to the left ().

It is set like this - press the dash key, without pressing additional buttons, Russian keyboard layout. We write the word “ROMAN” in English letters.

Then the number will be written in large numbers in Roman letters. If we write the word “roman” in small letters in the formula, then the Roman numeral will also be written in small numbers. Press the “F9” key (or the key combination – “Fn” + “F9”).

To adjust the formula, change the number in the formula, etc., click on this number and press the right mouse button. From the dialog box that appears, select the “Codes/field values” function.

Instead of a number, a formula appeared. Change the number 2015 to 10. Press the “F9” key again (or “Fn” + “F9”).

Fourth way.

How to insert Roman numerals in Word. Insert symbols. On the “Insert” tab, in the “Symbols” section, click on the “Symbol” button.

Then click on the “Other symbols” button. Select the desired symbol. The Symbol dialog box displays the code for that symbol. You can put this symbol as a code.

Roman numerals, despite their antiquity, are still relevant and are often used in documents. They give the text a special, attractive and memorable appearance. In this article, you will learn how to enter Roman numerals in Word.

I will tell you about three simple methods. Each of them will be useful in one situation or another.

Roman numerals in Word list

If you want to use Roman numerals in Word to number a list, then do the following:

  • Place the mouse cursor at the place where the list will begin (or select the lines that will be in the list).
  • Call up the numbered list drop-down menu by clicking on the small triangle next to the icon and select the box with Roman numerals.

Select a list with Roman numerals

Roman numerals in Word in the body of the text

In order to use Roman numerals in Word directly in text, rather than in a list, you will need to do a more complex operation. It may seem too difficult and long, but if you get used to it, you can do everything quickly. This method is the most optimal in cases where such numbers need to be used frequently.

Place the cursor where the Roman numeral should be in Word and press Ctrl+F9. You will see curly braces.

Press Ctrl+F9

Inside the curly braces, write the following expression:

Instead of the word “number”, write the desired number (in the usual Arabic manner). For example, if I want to write Roman 67, then I will write the following expression inside the brackets:

Write the expression with the required number

After that, press the F9 key and the recorded expression will turn into the specified Roman numeral.

Press F9

If suddenly a number written using this method needs to be corrected, then right-click on it and click on “Field value codes”.

Let's look at four ways how to print roman numerals inWord . Roman numerals can be written in different ways, depending on the purpose.
First way.
Roman numerals in the listWord.
If you need Roman numerals for numbering in a list, you can use Word's functions for creating a numbered list. On the “Home” tab, in the “Paragraph” section, click on the “Numbering” button in Word 2013, and in Word 2007 this is the “Create a numbered list” button. Select the button with Roman numerals in the window that appears.
For more information about creating different, multi-level lists, see the article “Creating multi-level lists in Word”.
Second way.
How to Write Roman Numerals in Word.

We write Roman numerals in English capital letters. Switch the keyboard to the English layout and type in large (capital) letters.

Remember, to write letters in capitals you need to:

A)Or press the “Caps Lock” key.

B)Or press and hold down the “Shift” key while typing letters.

To write the Roman numeral 1, press the letter “I” (and English) key.
Roman numeral 2 – II.
Roman numeral 3 – III.
Roman numeral 4 – IV (capital English letters I and V).
Roman numeral 5 – V.
Roman numeral 6 – VI.
Roman numeral 7 – VII.
Roman numeral 8 – VIII.
Roman numeral 9 – IX (capital English letters I and X).
Roman numeral 10 – X.
Roman numeral 50 is L.
Roman numeral 100 is C.
Roman numeral 500 is D.
Roman numeral 1000 is M.
Here is a table for writing Roman numerals. Third way.
How to make Roman numerals inWord.
Let's apply a formula that will convert Arabic numbers to Roman numbers.
Place the cursor in the place where you need to write the Roman numeral. Press the key combination “Ctrl” + “F9”.
If this keyboard shortcut does not work (in Word 2013), then try pressing this keyboard shortcut - “Ctrl” + “Fn” + “F9”.
A gray box appears within curly braces.
In this field we write a formula that converts Arabic numerals to Roman numerals. We will convert the number 2015.
Explanation of the formula.

First we always put the “Equals” sign.
We write the number that needs to be converted.
We write a forward slash (slash) inclined to the left (\). It is set like this - press the dash key, without pressing additional buttons, Russian keyboard layout.
We write the word “ROMAN” in English letters. Then the number will be written in large numbers in Roman letters. If we write the word “roman” in small letters in the formula, then the Roman numeral will also be written in small numbers.
Press the “F9” key (or the key combination – “Fn” + “F9”).
It turned out like this.
To adjust the formula, change the number in the formula, etc., click on this number and press the right mouse button. From the dialog box that appears, select the “Codes/field values” function.
Instead of a number, a formula appeared. Change the number 2015 to 10. Press the “F9” key again (or “Fn” + “F9”). It will turn out like this.
For other ways to use a text box, see the article "Word Text Box".
Fourth way.
How to insert Roman numerals intoWord.
Insert symbols. On the “Insert” tab, in the “Symbols” section, click on the “Symbol” button. Then click on the “Other symbols” button. Select the desired symbol. The Symbol dialog box displays the code for that symbol. You can put this symbol as a code. To learn how to work with symbols, see the article “How to put emphasis in Word.”
How to write different types of fractions in Word, see several ways in the article "