How to draw lips easily. How to draw lips

If you decide to depict a person, then you probably have a question: “How to draw lips?” For a professional this will not be difficult. He had to draw lips of different shapes and sizes so many times that he was able to do it almost with his eyes closed. If you are just learning to embody your images on paper, then this article is for you. More specifically, how to draw lips with a pencil step by step for beginners. Similar lessons often appear on our resource. If you don't want to miss them, subscribe.

How to draw lips with a pencil

There are many techniques that allow you to depict this part of the body, both on paper and on the monitor screen. However, we still recommend starting with a simple pencil. This will allow you to hone your skills and understand the basic principles of imagery. Moreover, it is much easier to get used to than a graphics tablet.

It is also worth saying that all the lessons that you can find are only recommendations. Their task is to show the basic principles of depicting lips on paper. No one and nothing stops you from creating your own and unique style. Perhaps it will someday be used as a basis for drawing textbooks. However, before that you will have to work hard and fruitfully.

For the lesson you will need:

  • blank album sheet;
  • one or more simple pencils of different hardness;
  • eraser;
  • patience.

Geometry in nature

If you look closely, absolutely everything consists of geometric shapes. This is also true for human lips. To draw them with a pencil, we will use a triangle. Draw an isosceles triangle. The higher it turns out, the larger the size of your lips you will get. In the top corner, draw a convex line, as if you needed to depict the corner of a figure. Draw a line approximately in the middle of the triangle. The wider it is, the wider the lips; the narrower it is, the plumper it is. In this case we will draw female lips. Therefore the line will be shorter.

To draw the top outline of the lips with a pencil, draw down two lines from either end of the raised line at the top of the triangle. The ends of the contours should touch the transverse line drawn earlier. Bend the ends of the contours slightly upward. The result should be a figure that looks a little like a medieval bow.

In addition, I would like to give you some more tips regarding the image of lips:

  1. Improve yourself. Draw every day. You shouldn’t stop only at our materials. Try drawing lips over and over again until this skill is brought to automaticity. Also try to depict them from different angles.
  2. Depict dynamics. The more dynamic and lively the drawing, the more interesting it is. A static, closed mouth will attract much less attention than lips distorted with joy or anger. If you don't know how to portray a particular emotion, stand in front of a mirror and look at your reflection. By the way, this is exactly what many of the company’s illustrators did.
  3. No axioms. We have already mentioned it in the material, but we will say it again. There are no unyielding truths. There are only general recommendations. If you think that for the best effect you need to neglect this or that rule, feel free to do so.
  4. Don't be afraid of criticism. The best way to learn anything is to listen to criticism. Register on various thematic resources. Post your work in the public domain with the ability to comment.
  5. Learn from other people's mistakes. Yes, you need to post your work. But it wouldn’t hurt to study the works of other authors. Look at what mistakes they made and try not to do the same. It is always better to learn from the mistakes of others than from your own.
  6. Don't look for the right path. There is no need to waste time thinking about the correctness of the chosen path. Better try three wrong ones. But in the future you will definitely know that you shouldn’t pay attention to them.

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So, this is not a tutorial, this is just an example of how I personally draw lips. This doesn't mean you have to draw the same way. This example is for those who have wondered how I draw lips.

I drew them very quickly, but you can put more time into your drawing and work it out better. Also, it seems to me that there are problems with “light and glare” here.

If you have any questions about the process of creating these lips, feel free to ask.

And here's another thing. I assume you were once studying the lips. Personally, no, they came from my head - I think from observing people or when looking at myself in the mirror, brushing my teeth or somewhere else. Don't know.
I also know that there are other more comprehensive lessons on dA. Tons of resources for you artists.

Sometimes I sketch my lips like this. And sometimes I “shade” (shade) the basic shape of the lips while applying the base of the skin. The only lines that I consider important on the lips are: the mouth line, Cupid's bow and the lower lip line.

Choose several colors: light, medium and dark; and fill in your lips with a light to medium shade to give them a fresh color. It often happens that women have mostly dark lips because estrogen causes blood to flow more intensely to the lips XD To achieve a pleasant color, you can mix reddish (closer to orange than pink) and skin color.

Now we just start giving the lips a shape. Some lines of symmetry on a person's face are more obvious than others.

It's time to darken and you can start adding shadows and texture. On the upper lip I draw lines from bottom to top, and from the center to the edges. I draw the lower lip with circular movements, giving it some roundness. Darkening the mouth line is very important. The tips of the mouth should be darker.

Continue darkening the shadows. Repeat the motions for the texture if you need to highlight it even more. Use the eyedropper tool to pick up colors from the lips and draw lines on the upper lip. I advise you to do this at low Opacity. I usually work on the lower lip with dotted brushes, still choosing light, medium and dark shades of colors. Keep doing this until you like the result :) I usually don't get too excited about this step XD

Now add the highlights you think you need! I'll also add some shadows. I won’t choose black for them, but most likely a shade based on dark blue or dark purple.

This is how I draw lips using Photoshop CS#.

Even if the eyes are considered the mirror of the soul, lips can say no less about their owner. Therefore, in a portrait they pay as much attention as other areas of the face. There are many difficulties with drawing lips. They are most successful when done in pencil step by step.

How to draw lips with a pencil?

The main thing you should pay attention to is the tool. A novice master needs to place his hand immediately using the correct methods. And the choice of what to create with is important. It is recommended to pay attention to soft pencils marked HB, B, 2B, etc. Be sure to have a soft eraser that will remove excess lines without ruining the paper and drawing.

Simple lips of a cartoon character are quite easy to draw, since they usually do not have excessive detail and naturalness; there is no need for careful application of shadows and relief, as in a portrait. Here it is best to use a pattern of circles that turn into lips. Regardless of the angle in which they are located, the middle line is initially drawn. It is easiest to navigate by outlining the main contours.

For the lower lip, it is enough to place 2 ovals from the mentally drawn central axis, touching the horizontal line with their upper edge. For the top one, circles are drawn, also symmetrical, but there are 4 of them, and their sizes vary: medium at the center, smaller at the edges. After that, with the orientation towards them, first the lower contour of the lip is drawn, then the upper one, with a “tick”. They should touch the edges of the previously drawn ovals. Then the circles are erased almost completely, and shadows are applied to the drawing: in the corners, from the contour to the center and at the midline.

How to draw lips step by step?

  • Any drawing begins with simple outlines created with thin lines with minimal pressure. They do not always subsequently develop into real contours: sometimes they serve only as a simple guide, in particular, for symmetry and maintaining proportions. Therefore, in some cases, as details are drawn, they have to be erased. It is recommended to mark with a sharpened soft pencil: it will not leave marks on the paper in the future.
  • For drawing lips, these will be 3 horizontal lines: the middle one is the longest, the bottom and top are short and equal to each other. It is advisable to maintain the ratio 1:4:1, the distance between the lines is 0.25 cm greater than the length of the shortest ones. The more it increases, the more plump your finished lips will become. Of course, it may not be equal: for example, from top to middle is less than from middle to bottom.
  • The next step is connecting the ends of the segments. To do this, diagonals are lowered from the boundaries of the top line to the boundaries of the middle line. They need to be mirrored from the bottom line. It is also advisable to do this with thin outlines, since at the moment the sketch of the lips looks very angular and not realistic. Nature does not lay down such clear contours. And such symmetry too.
  • A new stage is the “Cupid's bow” or the upper notch along the edge. The degree of its depth is drawn by eye, since in reality there are no strict rules for it: for some people it is weakly expressed, for others it’s the opposite. It's enough just to make it even. To make this happen, you need to act step by step. Mark the middle on the top short line, lower a vertical line from it equal to the depth of the “tick”, and then draw diagonals from the bottom point to the ends of the short segment. This is also done with thin lines. Because a little later you will need to soften them: round the bottom corner and the transition to the tops.

  • The same thing happens with the lower lip: it becomes smoother and more natural by moving the side lines beyond the edge and eliminating the angles obtained by connecting the diagonals to the ends of the lower segment. You can also make your lips less full - do not draw the lines beyond the previously outlined diagonals, but mark the center on the lower segment, and then bring the side contours to it. You will get heart-shaped lips if you need a female version of the 20s. The volume of the upper lip should be slightly reduced, also moving the contours away from the intended diagonals.
  • Of the difficult moments, only the middle line remained, which looked absolutely unnatural. To smooth this out, just duplicate the contour of the upper lip. But not exactly, but with maximum stretching to the sides. The result should be a light wave, with its middle slightly extending onto the long marking. At the same stage, it is advisable to erase the existing guide lines, leaving only the main developed contours.
  • Now you can begin to apply shadows with a soft pencil, which will add volume and realism to the drawing. The central area - the junction of the upper and lower lips - receives the maximum share of darkening, gradually fading to the center of both lips. The shadows are also applied to the corners, from where they are shaded into a haze towards the center. Be sure to add them to the upper bend, but as lightly as possible.
  • And it is worth remembering that on the lower lip in most cases the central highlight is stronger than on the upper lip, where it may not be there. Additionally, it is recommended to mark folds and wrinkles - a natural relief, which is done with a hard pencil. At this stage, drawing the lips is complete.

How to draw the lips of a person with emotion?

The classic scheme for creating lips on paper was explained above, but the final drawing did not express anything. This option is good for training, but often you want to portray a smile, dissatisfaction, or other facial expressions inherent in a person. How to do it?

For example, it is necessary to depict lips parted in surprise. The starting stage will also look like horizontal outlines in the amount of 3 pieces, but now the middle long line is initially made not quite even, its middle is slightly curved upward. And almost in a mirror image she needs to make the same smooth descent downwards. Thus, the place where the teeth will subsequently appear was designated. They should not be drawn too actively: careful sketches and darkening will do.

The upper tick, side contours and swelling of the lower lip are drawn in the same way as in the previous diagram. When creating an emotion, you should pay attention to the natural relief: the folds of surprised lips are more pronounced, since the slightly open mouth narrows slightly. And the side corners are drawn smooth, with less sharpness.

If dissatisfied pursed lips are drawn, then a different overlay of shadows and highlights is added to the already known scheme. The main share of light will not be in the center of the lower lip, but along its upper edge - the zone of connection with the upper. The center line itself will lose its irregularities, becoming an ideal “thread”.

How to draw lips using an alternative method?

There is another simple scheme aimed at creating plump lips. For many, it is simpler than the one discussed earlier, especially if you need to draw the lips halfway. For this purpose, a horizontal line is drawn on paper in the form of a small arc, and short horizontal strokes are made above and below it. And at a small distance from the mentally drawn center, they need to be crossed with the same short vertical strokes. They will mark the middle of the upper and lower lips, respectively.

Careful arcs connect the central intersection points and the ends of the middle long line. And then attention is paid to the “Cupid’s bow”: from the place where the top strokes cross, small indents are made horizontally (the larger they are, the softer the “tick”), after which they are connected at the vertical axis by diagonals. This recess should not be deepened too much: it will look completely unnatural.

The same, but in a more stretched and soft form, needs to be duplicated at the middle horizontal. But since the lips are drawn half-turned in order to determine the place where the lower “tick” will be, a line is mentally drawn connecting the previously designated intersection points.

The lower lip lacks volume and realism. In addition, it is not yet clear how the light and shadow will be positioned. To do this, small ovals are drawn next to each other at the same perpendicular at the bottom point. Their sides should touch the middle long line and the bottom short stroke. Toward their center, the shading will fade away to create highlights. And the outermost oval indicates a half-turned view of the lower lip. The lateral contour of the upper one is drawn to it, after which the extra lines are removed with a soft eraser.

All that remains is to add a shadow, define the relief, and the half-turned lip drawing is ready. If desired, you should outline the nasolabial triangle. Other additions are made as needed.

The most important thing that a novice artist needs to remember is that practice makes all the difference. The more you try, the better the drawing will turn out. To make it as neat as possible, use light strokes without pressing on the pencil. Immediately strive to achieve realism, do not neglect the use of shadows and highlights, as well as the use of additional guide lines.

Already drew +20 I want to draw +20 Thank you + 280

Here I will try to help you with the difficult task of drawing lips. I think that being able to draw lips, and indeed a face in general, is very difficult in itself.
So let's get started.

The mouth and lips are a very interesting part of the face. I'll show you some points and give you a little overview of drawing lips and mouth.

How to draw lips for beginners

First, let's draw lines through the lips that describe the volume of the mouth. You see - red lines go around all the volumes of the lips. Note that the upper lip is usually darker than the lower lip because less light falls on it. Here our lower lip is convex, so more light falls on it, it is very light. Don't forget about the shadows in the corners of your mouth! The corners of the mouth are often “recessed” into the cheeks, which is why we highlight them as dark.

In this drawing I have marked the most shaded areas of the upper lip in purple. As a rule, the entire upper lip is darker than the lower lip, but the purple areas are especially dark.
In these places, the lip goes especially strongly inward, at a large angle.
This technique helps us focus on the specific curve of the lips, see illustration below

Here I have roughly divided the lips into 5 parts.
Pay attention to the small central piece - this is the so-called “Cupid's bow”.
This is a very important distinguishing feature of the lips, always mark it when you want to add personality to the drawing, people's cupid's bows can vary greatly!

Let's move on to the lower lip: in orange I marked the shaded areas, which go deeper into the cheeks and stick out less.
But still, the lower lip will be lighter than the upper lip, because its main surface faces upward and forward - towards the light.

And here I marked in green the necessary shadows that are always present near the mouth.
They represent the facial muscles surrounding the mouth. Mouth and lips are not just stuck on a flat face! They must be “fitted in”, not forgetting the total volumes.
These shadows are not too deep, but nevertheless they must certainly be present under the lower lip and in the corners of the mouth.

And here, pay attention to the light areas around the perimeter of the lips!
This is a small but important detail; a trader should never forget about it.
This is the most prominent “edge” of the lips; as a rule, it stands out quite strongly and is not colored. In these places neither beard nor mustache grows, and for dark-skinned people this edge is even more noticeable.
This edge stands out most strongly when the shadows fall, in the language of pilots - at 5 o'clock (that is, the light falls from above, slightly to the left).

How to draw beautiful girl lips

Draw the outlines of the lips as shown in the picture.

Start darkening your lips.

Darken your lips further.

Continue sketching and darkening the lips.

Use a pencil to darken.

And add darkening to the area around the mouth.

How to draw plump lips with a pencil

To draw lips, you need to imagine how they work. Let's first draw a simple sketch that looks like a seed.

The upper lip consists of three parts - a convex middle and two parts on the sides.

The lower lip is also divided into two symmetrical halves.

Let's start adding shadows

We will enhance the shadows on both parts of the upper lip, draw shadows under the lower lip, in the corners of the mouth and a hollow above the upper lip.

How to draw women's lips with a pencil step by step

Using a hard pencil (H), draw lines as shown in the figure.

Using a soft pencil (B7) we darken the line between the lips, the upper lip and draw a line under the lower lip.

Using a soft pencil (B4) draw the texture of the lips as shown in the picture.

Darken the lips with a hard pencil (H).

Using a soft pencil (B4) draw shadows above the upper lip.

Using a soft pencil (B4) draw a shadow under the lower lip.

Using a soft pencil (B9), darken the lips again around the line of the mouth, closer to the corners of the lips and at the top of the upper lip. Please note: the darkest part of the drawing is the line of the mouth. The corners of the lips, the top of the upper lip and the shadow under the lower lip are slightly lighter than the line of the mouth, but match in tone.

How to draw an emotion using lips


In order to demonstrate to you how to draw lips with a pencil, I will turn to the owner of the most beautiful lips on this planet for help. Naturally, I personally didn’t ask her about this, she doesn’t even know who I am. But I think she won't mind if I steal one of her photos.

Dear Angelina Jolie, if you are reading this, I will be shocked, don’t be offended by me!

My goal is only to show one of the many ways to draw lips step by step. And in the meantime, before the instructions, I will give you some more food for thought:

  • Lips are a device for kissing. In terms of sensitivity, they occupy the second place on the human body. Yes, second.
  • British scientists have proven that you can judge a person’s character by looking at the shape of their lips. And I also agree with this, for example: lips with a bow - a kind-hearted person, naive; or a protruding lower lip forward is a narcissist, a broken lip is a hooligan. Well, do you understand the logic?
  • Females use up to 7 kilograms of lipstick throughout their lives, and they eat half of this amount. A third are eaten by a man, the rest disappears in an unknown direction.
  • In order to draw the smile of Mona Lisa, Leonardo spent about 12 years of his already not very long life! So who will then write something like below in the comments - Hurray, I drew the lips in 2 minutes, this is easy - be afraid, Leonardo will turn over in his grave.

Pay a lot of attention to your drawings. And follow this tutorial:

How to draw lips with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch out guiding lines for the elements of the face and hair.
Step two. Let's draw the eyes, lips and teeth.
Step three. Let's add some shading on the face and lips to show the shadows, this is a portrait after all.
Step four. Let's delete the auxiliary lines and correct the contours. It should look like this:
Do you want to learn how to draw other equally fascinating parts of the human body? Try this, for example.