Year of which monkey in what. Year of the Monkey horoscope

According to the eastern horoscope, the year of the Red Fire Monkey awaits us in the new year 2016. The next year is symbolized by travel, active recreation, the joys of life, and sometimes meaningless actions.

People born in the year of the Monkey are endowed with good health, moderately curious, intelligent, and love to learn and argue. They have a good sense of humor and know how to achieve their goals, thanks to their inherent stubbornness and desire to be the best. At the same time, the wards of the Fire Monkey are incredibly hardworking people who achieve heights in what interests them. Very often, representatives of this eastern sign occupy a worthy financial position in society.

The symbol of 2016 will give people peace and harmony. According to the Chinese horoscope, in the new year the Monkey will save the world from disasters, wars and natural disasters. In addition, great discoveries will be made in science and masterpieces of art will be created.

Eastern horoscope for 2016 for the Rat

In 2016, Rats will experience many positive and negative events. It is worth paying more attention to your reputation, since bad gossip is likely. And those who work tirelessly will have great luck.

Tensions may arise with family and friends, as well as with colleagues. At this time, it is better not to do anything, and the problems will disappear on their own. However, be alert to face unexpected challenges in life.

It will be possible to achieve success only in an honest way, and any other methods will only spoil your position in society, which is not so easy to return. Also avoid questionable spending of finances so as not to end up bankrupt.

This year will be favorable for romantic trips and vacations.

Eastern horoscope for 2016 for the Ox

Throughout 2016, the symbol of the New Year will test the Ox’s strength. Representatives of this sign will be busy solving problems and will even forget what a quiet life is. The year is characterized by many troubles, from small to large. Trying to hide from them will be useless, because they will find you everywhere. Although the Bulls are capable of brilliantly getting out of any current situation. The only trouble is this is a difficult year when you can’t relax.

Bulls will also have to help friends who find themselves in a difficult situation. Correctly set priorities will help you not to go crazy from such a course of life.

Eastern horoscope for 2016 for Tiger

2016 will be a mixed year for the Tigers. Happiness and luck will accompany those who intend to work actively, to work day after day. Only then will the representatives of the sign experience great success. For some, this will be a career takeoff, a successful marriage, moving, or starting their own business.

Tigers who cannot overcome their laziness will be bypassed by pleasant changes. And the laziest people will solve a lot of problems and troubles. Therefore, it is better to devote the year to hard work, especially in the fall. At this time, all ideas and plans can be implemented.

The year will be full of interesting activities and events, so the Tigers will not get bored.

Eastern horoscope for 2016 for the Rabbit (Cat)

Those born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) will once again demonstrate their inherent cunning and resourcefulness, which is why the Fire Monkey does not like representatives of the sign.

Rabbits will figure out how to improve their financial situation, so they will dive into the search for money to implement the project. However, not a single idea can be brought to completion, because the Rabbit will easily get involved in a dubious matter, for which he will have to answer with full responsibility.

Pleasant changes are expected in your personal life. Many fans will appear, among whom you will need to choose the best candidate for the role of the chosen one of your life.

The year will be busy and fussy. In case the tax police wants to visit you, it’s worth getting your documents in order.

Eastern horoscope for 2016 for the Dragon

A busy, stormy, but quite favorable year. You need to act wisely so as not to miss your luck, so you should not take on several things at the same time. Although such a desire will arise at the beginning of the year. It is better to direct all your efforts to the work that will bring guaranteed success.

Financial problems will not affect you, and therefore you will only strengthen your financial situation. You can listen to your inner voice, but don’t forget about common sense. It will come in handy when you start to act too confident. In the summer there may be some minor troubles. The situation will not be critical, so there is no reason for depression.

Autumn will be successful for getting married, changing your occupation, and moving.

Eastern horoscope for 2016 for the Snake

This year the Snakes need to be especially careful. The outcome of events can come as a surprise and bring both victory and defeat. Throughout the entire period, events will replace each other so quickly that it is pointless to worry about each of them. Moreover, they will not bring serious consequences. You can avoid problems with the right decisions. In order for them to be truly faithful, it is worth consulting with your family.

You will probably have to stop any communication with the person who often provokes you into conflict. Don’t be afraid to defend your interests, even if you want to hide. However, if you find yourself at a dead end, then it’s time to rest.

Eastern horoscope for 2016 for Horse

For the Horse, the year will bring excellent opportunities and prospects. From the very beginning, representatives of the sign will direct their efforts to the implementation of their projects. 2016 is an excellent chance to develop in the professional field and make a meteoric rise. Don't be afraid to invest in a business, but first talk to people who are more experienced in this field.

In connection with work, do not forget to devote time to your family, otherwise there may be serious conflicts.

Autumn time will make you nervous. At this time, it is better to use your brains and throw away all emotions. In the new year, you can accept any changes only if you decide so after calm deliberation.

Eastern horoscope for 2016 for Goat (Sheep)

Starting from the new year, the Goat will begin to irritate its surroundings, demonstrating meticulousness and excessive accuracy. And this is annoying, because representatives demand from others the same attitude towards life, which can cause quarrels.

Summer will be a favorable period. This is the best time to make new acquaintances that will be useful in business. The goat will enjoy communication and perform work successfully. Perhaps you will meet a person who will change your destiny.

You cannot take on new projects alone. Working together with a friendly company will bring more success. Among your colleagues there will be interesting people with whom you will form strong friendships.

Eastern horoscope for 2016 for Monkey

In the year when the Fire Monkey became the symbol of the year, representatives of this sign will often take risks, excessively and unjustifiably. It is worth behaving more calmly and peacefully in order to avoid very serious problems.

The monkey is waiting for new acquaintances, meetings, endless communication, he will go traveling around the world. But there may also be separations from loved ones, breakdowns in relationships between lovers, conflicts in the workplace, and the like.

Representatives of the sign engaged in creative activities will have the opportunity to fly up the career ladder and reach the heights of self-development. There will be no limit to ideas and fantasies.

It is important for the Monkey to value any information in order to get what he wants.

Eastern horoscope for 2016 for the Rooster

In 2016, the Rooster will be given the opportunity to show his best qualities, only to better direct his energies towards worthwhile goals. The year will be excellent for those who strive for a successful career. Management will definitely notice your efforts if you work actively, of course. However, your weakness for risk may hinder you - you may get carried away with gambling or invest money in a dubious business.

The year is not entirely favorable for personal relationships. Under the pressure of passionate impulses, some representatives of the sign can break things. Even the strongest alliances will be broken due to harsh statements and rash actions. The Rooster will find solace in entertainment, cards, and alcohol. You need to be extremely careful at the end of the year, when there is a risk of being left with nothing.

Eastern horoscope for 2016 for the Dog

On the path to new achievements, you need to carefully consider all your affairs. Since the Dog always acts honestly, the symbol of the year, the Fire Monkey, will provide him with excellent opportunities. At the beginning of the year, you can start renovating your home or updating furniture that you are pretty tired of.

Spring promises a rather stormy course of life. The dog will want to implement a long-standing idea and will begin to gather allies. And work should bring you pleasure and leave time for family. Therefore, you should not chase big money, because peace in the house is better.

Year of the Monkey: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028.

The monkey ranks ninth among 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac. The Year of the Monkey occurs every 12 years, according to the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac.

  • Lucky colors: white, blue, gold
  • Lucky numbers: 4 and 9
  • Lucky Flowers:

Were you born in the year of the Monkey?

A simple rule will help you determine the year of the Monkey: if it is a year divisible by 12 (for example, 1980), then almost certainly this is the year of the Monkey: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016. Why "almost certainly"? The thing is that it is not always possible to determine your zodiac animal just by the year of birth.

The signs of the Chinese zodiac are determined by the lunar calendar, with the onset of Chinese New Year. New Year in China begins during between January 21 and February 20, and the date of the holiday changes from year to year.

Find Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

Enter your date of birth and find out who you are by your zodiac sign

Chinese eastern calendar:

Your Zodiac:

  • Lucky numbers:
  • Lucky colors:

Let's look at a specific example. Let's take 2004:

2004 who?

In 2004, the Year of the Wood Monkey began on January 22. If you were born after January 22, then your zodiac sign is Monkey. But if you were born before January 22, then your zodiac animal is the Goat, the previous sign. Take advantage special calculator on the right to find out exactly who you are according to your Chinese zodiac sign!

Chinese New Year Dates for the Monkey:

Year of the Monkey

Dates in different years

Monkey Type

1932 February 6, 1932 – January 25, 1933 Water Monkey
1944 January 25, 1944 – February 12, 1945 Wood Monkey
1956 February 12, 1956 – January 30, 1957 Fire Monkey
1968 January 30, 1968 – February 16, 1969 Earth Monkey
1980 February 16, 1980 – February 4, 1981 Golden (Metal) Monkey
1992 February 4, 1992 – January 22, 1993 Water Monkey
2004 January 22, 2004 – February 8, 2005 Wood Monkey
2016 February 8, 2016 – January 27, 2017 Fire Monkey
2028 January 26, 2028 – February 12, 2029 Earth Monkey

What brings good luck to those born in the year of the Monkey

According to Chinese astrology, each zodiac sign has its own lucky numbers, days, colors, flowers and even cardinal directions that bring it luck. This is the similarity between the Chinese and Western horoscopes.
By the way, you know What is the difference between the Chinese and Western zodiacs ?

  • Lucky numbers: 4 and 9 and numbers containing them (for example, 49 and 99)
  • Happy Days: 14th and 28th of the Chinese lunar month (new moon to new moon)
  • Lucky colors: white, blue, gold
  • Lucky Flowers: chrysanthemum, lagerstroemia (Indian lilac)
  • Lucky directions: north, northwest, west
  • Happy months: 8th and 12th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

Brings bad luck

According to Chinese astrology, those born in the year of the Monkey are advised to avoid:

  • Unlucky colors: red, pink
  • Unlucky numbers: 2 and 7
  • Unlucky directions: south, southeast
  • Unlucky months: 7th and 11th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

People born in the year of the Monkey are attractive, smart and witty. And a natural craving for pranks, curiosity and resourcefulness add mischief to their character.

Monkey love pranks and make fun of others. They enjoy fooling around, and although they have no bad intentions, their jokes sometimes hurt the feelings of those around them.

Monkeys learn quickly and know how to find benefits under any circumstances. They have many interests and they need a companion who will be able to motivate and inspire them. While some enjoy the Monkey's eccentric nature, others are wary of their restless, cunning and inquisitive nature.

Although they are smart and inventive, Monkeys do not always know how to properly present their talents. They enjoy a challenge and usually prefer to live in big cities.


Monkeys usually have excellent health, partly due to their active lifestyle and desire to diversify their life. If they do get sick, it is usually due to nervous or cardiovascular systems.

People born in the year of the Monkey often spend a lot of time at work. In order not to waste too much effort and energy, Monkeys should remember about rest and allocate in their busy work schedule time for a break.

Since Monkeys usually spend more time outdoors, they should pay special attention to safety; the same goes for traveling or driving.

The most suitable professions for a Monkey

Monkeys always work very hard. They are able to adapt well to a wide variety of work environments.

Successful professions for the Monkey: accounting and banking, science, engineering, stock market trading, air traffic control, directing, jewelry and sales.

How to build a relationship with a Monkey?

Monkeys do not immediately decide to settle down; they are usually flighty and easily lose interest. However, once the Monkey finds the perfect companion, they devote themselves completely to him/her. Since Monkeys are friendly and sociable, it is easy to get along with them.

Year of the Monkey Compatibility with other signs

Each Chinese zodiac sign has its own characteristics. In China, special attention has traditionally been paid to the compatibility of signs. And these days many Chinese They are very sensitive to this ancient knowledge and always turn to the zodiac before starting courtship.

  • Best Compatibility: Ox or Rabbit
  • Least successful: Tiger or Pig

Famous people born in the year of the Monkey:

  • Georgy Zhukov, Konstantin Rokossovsky, Lev Landau, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Boris Akunin, Sergei Diaghilev, Andrei Tarkovsky, Faina Ranevskaya, Sergei Bondarchuk, Oleg Yankovsky, David Oistrakh, Georg Ots, Valeria, Leonid Agutin, Ilya Lagutenko, Viktor Vasnetsov, Isaac Levitan, Alexey Yagudin.
  • Pope John Paul II, Leonardo da Vinci, Scott Fitzgerald, Ian Fleming, George Lucas, Elizabeth Taylor, Tom Hanks, Herbert von Carojan, Celine Dion, Spinoza, Rene Descartes, Bertrand Russell, Harry Guddini, David Copperfield, Michael Schumacher.

Types of Monkey according to the Eastern calendar – 5 elements/elements

In the eastern zodiac, each sign is influenced by one of the 5 elements: gold (metal), wood, water, fire and earth. It is believed that differences in a person’s character are influenced by the element (element) and the sign of the animal in whose year you were born. Thus, There are 5 types of Monkey, each with its own characteristics.

For example, the year of the Earth Monkey, which will begin in 2028, occurs only once every 60 years.
Find out about other interesting Facts about the Chinese Zodiac, which you most likely have not heard of.

Monkey Type

Year of birth


Gold/Metal Monkey

Smart, resourceful and confident, but also irritable and stubborn

Water Monkey

Smart, quick-witted, love to be the center of attention, but arrogant

Wood Monkey

Always ready to help others; compassionate, self-respecting, but stubborn

Fire Monkey

Ambitious and enterprising, but irritable

Earth Monkey

Optimists, fearless, sincere and open

For the Monkey, 2019 will be a successful year, especially in terms of development and financial well-being. However, they should pay more attention to their health and try to keep themselves in shape.

2019 will be a very successful year for the Monkey; they will be able to easily achieve their goals. Throughout the year, Monkeys will have good opportunities for career growth. Be careful and work hard and success is guaranteed.

Financial well-being of the Monkey in 2019

In 2019, the Monkey will experience prosperity and success. Salaries and incomes will increase, interesting projects will appear. The costs will pay off, and the investment will bring profit.

Monkey Health in 2019

In 2019, Monkeys should devote more time to their health. If you were born in the year of the Monkey, think seriously about regular physical activity and preventive medical examinations.

Year of the Monkey Love in 2019

In love, 2019 will also be a happy year for the Monkey; they will easily achieve success in relationships. And if they wish, they can easily meet their chosen one/darling.

Year of Destiny 2028 for the Monkey

When the year of your zodiac animal arrives, in China they say it has arrived. Year of Destiny (Benmingnian). For example, in 2028 Benmingnian will occur for people born in the year of the Monkey.

The Chinese believe that this year will be special, but those people whose year has arrived may face trials or unexpected changes.
Find out, How to maintain good luck in the Year of Destiny and what is customary to give in Benmingnian and modern Chinese traditions.

We wish those born in the year of the Monkey and their families a successful 2019!

Travel into 2019 with China Highlights!

  • Best Tours to China in 2019 – Well-organized, proven tours in Russian
  • China Panda Tours – Find out where you can see a panda in China
  • Holidays in Hainan and Classical China – Beach holidays and cultural traditions of China

Each year has its own patron animal. The Year of the Horse has just been replaced by the Year of the Goat (Sheep), and everyone is already interested in the next year, 2016. According to the eastern calendar, the next year will be Fire Monkey. The ninth sign of the Chinese horoscope is characterized by the variability of character and sudden changes in mood born under it. The previous year of the monkey was 2004, and the next year after 2016 will be 2028, every twelfth year there is a cycle of changing one sign.

Characteristics of the fire monkey

Temperament and emotions are combined with cunning and deceit. Those born in the year of the monkey will go towards their goal by any means. For this animal there is no morality, no constancy, mood changes are involuntary and can alternate with sadness, unbridled joy or anger within a few minutes.

Laughter, tears, depression, rage, melancholy, it's all about her. Emotions change, but the scope of action remains constant. In any mood, for the monkey the goal is above all else. She will remember it, strive to achieve it, to achieve more than she has, and persistently carry out her plans.

Intelligence and ingenuity, charm, universal love and magical attractiveness - all this allows the monkey to go through life easily, without holding evil or nostalgia for the past in his soul. A flexible and quick mind gives you an advantage when thinking about many decisions and tasks at the same time. Makes a good impression on the opponent, can easily insist on his own and win the interlocutor to his side. Takes advantage among other signs of the opposite sex and skillfully manipulates this.

Color, element and other signs of the 2016 year of the monkey

What color is our monkey? The answer is clear: it will be the year of the fire monkey. The exact change from the year of the Goat to the year of the Monkey occurs on February 16, 2016. Each year has its own characteristics color, element, zodiac sign and month. For the Monkey, the patroness, they are as follows:

  • color - red;
  • energy - yin;
  • month - July;
  • zodiac sign - Leo;
  • element - fire.

There are only five elements, unlike animals: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water. They change differently, for example, 2004 was the year of the wooden Monkey, and 2028 will be the year of the earthen.

What awaits us in the year of the fire monkey

Each patron animal influences its own year, strengthening some spheres of influence and weakening others. The symbol of 2016 promises us a lot of positive emotions in almost all matters.

Professional activity

In your work this year you can achieve unprecedented career growth. Everything will be easy, your salary will increase, management will notice and appreciate it.

In addition to the main income, some additional source also promises material success.


Health will need to be monitored more closely than this year. There is a possibility of complications after illnesses, and the number of cases of injury will increase. Therefore, astrologers recommend taking up disease prevention now, starting to visit a fitness club or gym, doing gymnastics, and getting into running. It should be remembered that treatment is much more expensive than disease prevention.

Social sphere

In the year of the fire Monkey, communication will be fine. A sociable animal with an easy character will help people find new friends, they will be able to regain former friendships, and establish relationships with distant relatives. This year you can unexpectedly fall in love and find your destiny.


Marriages that take place in the year of such an animal as the Monkey bring a lot of joy to the newlyweds. Stronger, less discord in the family, easy relationships without jealousy, good fertility. Married couples married under the sign of this animal are characterized by noisy quarrels that suddenly begin and just as suddenly end with a stormy reconciliation. They live in marriage for a long time, divorces occur less often than in other years.


For those who this year organize a new project or decide to implement a long-planned project, new horizons will open up. It's time to dare and bring ideas to life. The Monkey is the most reliable patron of those who want to radically change something in their life. This could be the start of construction of a new home, moving, changing jobs and much more.


Pregnancy at this time proceeds better than in other years, there are fewer complications, since the baby is already striving for life in the womb and is trying with all his might to help his mother. During these years, there are fewer premature babies and fewer babies are born with pathologies, especially of a mental nature. If you want an active child with the makings of a genius, feel free to plan your pregnancy and give birth in the year of the monkey.


Children born in the year of the Monkey are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence. About 60% of geniuses were born during the years under the patronage of this animal. A sharp mind, the ability to think analytically, and instant problem solving are all signs of a talented person. But they lack perseverance; excessive mobility interferes with their studies at school. If a child learns something, he does it “on the fly”; it’s difficult for him to delve into it for a long time.

Excessive mobility both helps and hinders. Such children need discipline and constant mental stress. For them, there is only first place; the desire for primacy arises from birth.

Horoscope for those born in these years

People born during the years under the patronage of this animal are more likely to become famous, influential and famous people. Such geniuses as Leonardo da Vinci, Gaius Julius Caesar, Dickens, Dumas fils, Jack London, Byron, Gauguin. Many scientists and politicians, illusion geniuses, directors, poets: Diaghilev, Harry Truman, Fellini, Omar Sharif, Houdini, Ian Fleming, Mick Jagger, Rozhdestvensky, Igor Kio, Chekhov, Elizabeth Taylor, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, as well as Rockefeller and the Pope John Paul II.

The list goes on and it will be very long. People of different mindsets, mathematical, analytical, creative, humanities and politics, economists and philosophical geniuses, in no other year has there been such a “starfall” of extraordinary people born, achieving success and recognition.

Popularity comes to the majority in more mature years, rarely achieves a lot in his youth. As a rule, young years are spent exploring the world, intensive study, sports, hobbies and aspirations to find oneself.

There are especially many outstanding people born in the year of the Monkey, among businessmen and representatives of the creative intelligentsia.

Excellent leaders who achieve everything with their intelligence and ability to work are real workaholics, but everything comes easy to them, thanks to their exceptional intelligence and desire to achieve their goals.


Those born this year can lose everything overnight. Luck can turn away from them at any moment. You should not get carried away with alcohol and gambling, you should not get involved in dubious projects and be too trusting. It is necessary to restrain mood swings, emotional attacks and not follow the lead of all sudden desires. We also recommend reading horoscopes for 2016 for each zodiac sign.

If you limit yourself a little and restrain yourself, those born in the year of the Fire Monkey are guaranteed success.

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I bright, filled with stormy events, light and cheerful - this is what 2016 promises to be, which will pass under the sign of the Fire Monkey. The events of this year will be unpredictable and sometimes illogical, just like the hostess herself - the Red Monkey.

This animal has strong natural intuition, she is quite artistic and sweet, but sometimes her mood changes 180 degrees, and the Monkey becomes angry and hot-tempered. Just as it is impossible to predict what trick the Monkey will pull in a couple of hours, it is also impossible to accurately predict what 2016 will be like. Everything can change rapidly and unexpectedly - the calm course of life can suddenly be filled with unpredictable events, the outcome of which is sometimes impossible to predict....

For all horoscope signs, the Monkey promises changes in life, dynamics and anticipation. This year it is not recommended to make serious plans - they can easily come true, but the insidious Monkey can mix the cards at any moment.

This is a year of adventures, intuitive decisions, activity and love of life. It is these qualities that are inherent in people born in this year (1896, 1956, 2016).

The general horoscope for leap year 2016 advises all signs to take disease prevention seriously. But an incredible rise awaits many in their careers. The income of many signs will increase due to additional sources. The monkey favors change. For those who have long been planning to change something in their lives, this is the most suitable period. The year will especially favor fire signs, but most of all lions. This symbol is considered the most compatible year of the monkey. People born in July should also expect good luck.

This year is also very successful for personal relationships and the search for love. Warmer relationships will be not only among opposite sexes, but also between friends and acquaintances. Relatives will communicate more often. Those who are in a quarrel will most likely make peace if they just take a small step towards each other.

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Eastern horoscope for 2016



The Dragon










Horoscope for 2016 for astrological signs
The Fire Monkey gives Aries a great chance to change for the better. Aries loves to be in charge in everything, and in 2016 he will often make bets to prove his superiority. This is fraught with emotional decline and real depression. In the spring there will be a feeling of uncertainty about your own actions, but by summer the energy of Aries will rise to an unusually high level, which will allow you to improve relationships with others. The year is favorable both financially and career-wise. The Monkey does not advise Aries to take loans and borrow money. Lonely Aries are advised to take decisive steps in terms of personal relationships this year; marriages concluded this year will be happy...

Taurus will have a lot of worries this year, but almost all of them will bring positive results. If Taurus gets involved in work, then a great reward awaits him - no matter in what field. This year, Taurus has a chance to dramatically change their usual order of things. Just don’t refuse the help of others - you can’t cope alone. Taurus this year everything is allowed- change jobs, apartments, get married and divorced, have children - almost all undertakings will have a positive result. Dedicate the second half of the year more to your family, and the first half to your career and work....

The Fire Monkey will question Gemini's eternal hesitation and will carefully observe how this uncertain sign copes with certainty. The year when you need to make decisions quickly. There is a high probability that Gemini will be hostile to any new information this year. An excellent time for creativity and self-realization, the Monkey will provide Gemini with many situations where they can express themselves and find their way. There will be quite a few difficult days when Gemini may be overwhelmed by depression. You need to be very careful on the way- the year of the Monkey portends an increased number of accidents and injuries for Gemini.... Read more:

The Red Monkey will force Cancers to change their habit of always moving backwards. On the contrary, all the events of 2016 will push cautious Cancers to act ahead. Waiting for persistent Cancers success in everything. But at the same time, it is not material well-being that will come first, but health issues. Dedicate this year to your health improvement and prevention, it will not be superfluous at all. The year is not entirely favorable for career advancement, but changing your place of residence and buying a house will be very positive. If outwardly everything at work looks quite calm and stable, then in terms of finances you will have to work hard to strengthen your position....

a lion
All year long, the persistent Monkey will try to rip off the mask from Leo. It will make this sign become sincere and more responsive towards the people around them. The year is favorable for Leos in all respects, and for some it will be simply delightful. In the second half of the year, there will be a persistent desire to turn your whole world upside down; you just have to approach this very carefully in order to make a mess of things. If the first half of the year promises a lull in work for Leo, then the second half of the year can turn out to be very stormy. This is the time when you can safely change jobs, build a career and make long-term plans. The year promises to be successful in terms of finances, especially towards the end. Personal life will proceed calmly, but you need to be careful towards the end of summer, when emotional breakdowns may occur. Be more attentive to your partners....

For two years in a row, dramatic changes have taken place in the life of Virgo, and the Year of the Red Monkey should put an end to this process. The Monkey will force Virgo to look at herself self-critically, re-evaluate the values ​​that seemed unshakable, and take a fresh look at friends and colleagues. The Monkey gives Virgos an excellent chance to reconsider their views on the world around them, and if you don’t take this seriously, then many problems may arise in the future. A significant year for Virgos, when a global change of world view. Those who cope with this task will be rewarded in the form of a new position or addition to the family. The year is unfavorable for single Virgos, and married people need to be careful not to provoke a serious conflict....

A harmonious and calm year for representatives of this sign. Not a single cloud in the sky, much less any clouds. The year will pass so smoothly and calmly, peacefully and steadily that this external silence will make Libra think - is everything so good? Behind every smallest conflict you will see a double bottom; any decision-making will be difficult. Many Libras will have to overcome their inner fears and look at the world more simply. Great year for travel, a wonderful time to purchase real estate and invest in long-term projects. True, you should use logic in this case - there is a very high probability of getting into a bad story....

Scorpio will spend the whole year searching for an inner idyll. Representatives of this sign will be visited by a desire to reconsider all values ​​and re-establish priorities. It may seem that everyone, from the boss at work to family members, places very high demands on this sign. Take advantage of this - rise to a higher level of your development. If you decide to shift part of your work to someone else, the Monkey guarantees you failure. If you can take on increased responsibilities, luck will reward you generously....

The Year of the Goat has forced Sagittarius to strain a lot, and the Year of the Monkey will continue to keep this sign in good shape. The Monkey will generously reward especially stubborn Sagittarians who did not give up their work halfway. This year is good for achieving big goals. Sagittarius, who like to cut the truth from the shoulder, should hold their sharp tongue. Sometimes the cunning Monkey can provoke them into frank conversations and showdowns, which can end in a major quarrel and cooling of relations. Therefore, advice for Sagittarius is to think, think and think again. The Monkey can encourage Sagittarius to take extremely risky trips, so before going on a long trip, think everything over carefully....

The flighty and changeable Monkey does not like the disciplined Capricorn. Therefore, 2016 will present this sign with many difficult tasks that will have several solutions at once. Choosing the most correct and safe one from them is the task of a smart Capricorn. This experience will only make you even smarter and even stronger. Despite the difficult challenges, the year 2016 promises to be a happy year for Capricorn. This is the sign that loves to climb to the top of the mountain and overcome obstacles, so moderate difficulties do not intimidate him at all. The Monkey will bring variety to the clearly planned life of Capricorn - it will show that you can sometimes fool around on the couch, spend your planned life on completely frivolous parties and holidays, and Capricorn, outwardly afraid of such a meaningless waste of life, will secretly rejoice at the carefreeness and cheerfulness provided to him ....

This is a wonderful time of creativity and inspiration for all Aquarius. Sometimes their wild fantasies can lead to unpredictable consequences; Aquarius can be thrown from one extreme to another, but most often the creative thought of this sign will be appreciated. This is the year when the implementation of the most extravagant ideas is possible. Aquarius is the sign of a dreamer, and the Monkey is an inventive person. There is a chance to turn your dreams into action. This is especially true for people who are in one way or another connected with creativity. Your talent can blossom unusually and light up with new colors. It is not recommended for Aquarians to start a family in 2016. Great in the Year of the Monkey the likelihood of many frivolous love relationships and light flirting that does not turn into strong feelings. This is the time of searching and throwing....

Last year was full of stress for Pisces, and 2016 will bring them peace. Pisces will have an irresistible need to change something in their life, be it their place of residence, work, hobbies or usual way of life. Feel free to take advantage of the given chance - the year is a very favorable time for Pisces in terms of changes for the better. The perfect time to radically change your life. The active Monkey will direct the uncertainty and eternal tossing of Pisces in the right direction - the appearance of new friends and acquaintances is very possible this year. Also, the year is very favorable for those Pisces who decided to tie themselves with the knot of Hymen. And for those who have not yet thought about family, very serious love affairs and relationships await...

Date of publication: 06/29/2015

The monkey is a very ambiguous symbol. It provides a predisposition to success and at the same time can awaken the worst qualities of the soul, clouding it with destructive activity. In it, ingenuity and the desire for independence coexist with irresistible curiosity and sometimes with unprincipledness, and the ability to find a common language with people - with selfishness.

But don’t let the negative traits of monkey nature scare anyone. Because in general, in spite of everything, the Monkey is an attractive creature that will certainly be able to survive in the difficult realities of our complex life, because it is talented, flexible, intelligent and, moreover, has an excellent sense of humor.

Dates of birth

The Year of the Monkey will begin on February 8 (more precisely, on the night from the 7th to the 8th) 2016. It will end on January 27, 2017.

In addition to those who will be born during this period of time, people born in 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992 or 2004 should consider the Monkey as their symbol -th year.

Character traits of people born in the year of the Monkey

A person born in the year of the Monkey is, first of all, intelligent, inventive, and devoted to those he loves. He loves to study because it gives him the opportunity to learn something new, develop and gain authority and importance. And his studies and attempts to understand the world really work out well for him, since he has a good memory and has his own way of assimilating what he studies. And besides this, such a person will never fall under the influence of others, so his knowledge and understanding will belong exclusively to him and express only his opinions, emotions, impressions.

When communicating with people, Monkeys, as a rule, prevail in friendliness and sincerity. Their special way of speaking, persuading, and leading a discussion invariably brings wonderful results in the form of people's sympathy, and makes it possible to acquire more and more new admirers.

People who are patronized by Monkeys are by no means alien to the desire for material wealth. Moreover, they highly value comfort, personal convenience, and pleasant sensations. And because of this, they energetically strive to obtain these very material benefits. As a result, people born in the year of the Monkey can sometimes seem materialistic, selfish, thinking only about physical pleasures. In fact, they simply see material well-being as one of the aspects of their own success and believe that for this, others will respect them even more and consider them an example to follow.

In company, Monkeys almost always become the life of the party; they adore gifts, surprises and signs of attention. Their daily life is rich in events and sometimes adventures. And yet, they are able to find a way out of the most confusing situations.

Areas of success

The quickness, high intelligence and mass of talents of Monkeys entail a wide range of professions in which they could well find themselves. In essence, there is no sphere of activity in which these people would not be able to realize themselves to one degree or another. The most suitable fields for them are medicine, architecture, commercial activities, and diplomacy.

And besides this, Monkeys are capable of achieving success in literature. Moreover, this may not necessarily apply to writing. Monkeys can be excellent journalists, teachers of literary disciplines, proofreaders, etc.

Monkey and love

In relationships with people in general and with the opposite sex in particular, Monkeys are sometimes unpredictable; They are emotional and can start a quarrel out of the blue. Although it will seem to them that there is a reason for this and, moreover, it is weighty and principled.

In the eyes of others, the Monkey has a lot of attractions. Over time, this “bright” image naturally loses some of its charm, but in any case, it will never be boring with the Monkey, and relationships with representatives of this sign in most cases do not risk falling into the abyss of habit and banality. And if in their youth Monkeys can indulge in excess and follow their own whims and fantasies, then over the years, having had fun and being weird, they calm down and finally choose a life partner, to whom they are attached until their death. Sometimes, however, they manage to get married before the moment of their settling down comes; in this case, their relationship with their partner will have to undergo a test of “strength”, which, however - if these two are really halves of one whole - will ultimately end in prosperity and a strong union.

Monkey in the elements

Naturally, the influence of the elements of the year leaves an additional imprint on the character. So, here they are - 5 types of Monkeys...

Fire Monkey (1956 and 2016) More stubborn than others, she is energetic and knows how to insist on her own. Her range of interests is especially diverse, which, however, at times distracts her from her main goals, causing her to lose opportunities, and sometimes not receiving the benefits she was counting on. The Fire Monkey, as a rule, enjoys significant success with the opposite sex and knows how to build relationships that are interesting for their partner.

Earth Monkey (1968)- this is intelligence, curiosity, erudition. She is capable of achieving significant success in any professional field, and she is especially good at professions that are solid and require concentration, which is associated with a certain detachment and unsociability in character. However, the properties of nature do not make such Monkeys gloomy and uncommunicative, but, on the contrary, force them to be more caring and generous. And also, be more careful in financial matters, so it is the Earth Monkeys who are considered the most predisposed to banking and business.

Metal Monkey (1920 and 1980) very smart and even wise, but at the same time she is vain and self-confident. She is characterized by determination and strong will. And therefore she achieves the greatest results in individual activities; working in a team is a constraining moment for her, and it seems to her that those around her interfere with her and do not allow her to reveal herself to her full potential. Metal Monkeys are very fond of noisy parties, mass celebrations, presentations, etc.

Water Monkey (1932 and 1992) receptive, quite disciplined and secretive more than other representatives of this sign. You will never hear from her about her plans, much less her plans; she will simply silently, almost without being distracted by extraneous matters and without wasting time on trifles, go towards her goal. Water Monkeys are sensitive and have especially many people around them who sympathize with them and share their point of view.

Wooden Monkey (1944 and 2004) honest, enjoys the trust and respect of others. She tends to have progressive views; She is no stranger to the romance of travel (even risky ones). Among the disadvantages of such Monkeys is a tendency to lose heart when setbacks occur and a lack of optimism.

Compatibility of Monkeys according to the eastern horoscope

The Monkey can establish the best relationships with the Rat, Dragon and Snake. She has many common interests with the Rat and, moreover, these signs are united by curiosity and intellectuality. The Monkey and the Dragon are largely dependent on each other, but this will not be a dividing, but a cementing moment in their union. The Monkey's relationship with the Snake is a revealing example of how opposites can converge; starting with alternating passion and hatred, they will gradually inevitably come to the point that they cannot live without each other.

The Monkey and the Rabbit can have a relationship that is not 100% successful, but likely, if she does not “go too far” with her turbulent youth and does not try to shift all household concerns onto her partner’s shoulders. There is approximately a 50x50 probability of a favorable development of the relationship between her and the Dog; For the successful development of events, the Monkey needs to be less cunning, and the Dog needs not to idealize his partner.

The relationship between two Monkeys can develop interestingly, and if this union takes place, it will be filled with such a mass of impressions and such vivid emotions that it is just right to write novels about it.

It is quite possible for the Monkey and the Rooster to live their whole lives side by side, but for this, it is advisable for the Monkey not to overuse offensive jokes and disdain for the simplicity of the partner (and this is exactly how he may seem to her at times), and for the Rooster not to be too open a book for the Monkey.

Another sign that has a chance to match the Monkey with some reservations is the Pig. These signs combine very well with each other, but the relationship can be ruined by continuous competitions in wit and the Monkey’s amazing “ability” to not notice what it does not want to notice.

The Monkey has very little chance of harmony with the Goat, because the Goat will most likely seem to her a prosaic and even boring creature. The Monkey and Tiger pair are also doomed to problems; and these two are a typical example of how two opposites can chronically fail to find a common language. The Ox will try to suppress the Monkey, and this is an unacceptable tactic in dealing with it. The Horse is too serious for the Monkey and lacks that lightness and coquetry that fill relationships with a sense of novelty and romantic flair.

Monkey and Zodiac


This is a combination of energy and directness with cunning and the ability to extract personal benefits from everything. Such a person knows how to achieve his goal with double dexterity, each time choosing new tactics. But in what the Monkey-Aries is doing, she should be fascinated not only by the material side of the matter, but also by aesthetic and moral pleasure, because only then will she be able to achieve the maximum of her capabilities. And another undeniable advantage of such people is the ability, if necessary, to be both unique speakers and amazing silent people.


The Monkey-Taurus is an always enthusiastic nature, loving to have a good time, distinguished by an easy, and sometimes even frivolous, character. However, these people never completely lose their heads and do not burn bridges behind them. In addition, a distinctive feature of Taurus Monkeys is rightly considered to be charisma, which makes them hate routine and try to diversify their lives as much as possible.

Monkey Gemini

A rather complex image is created by the combination of Monkey and Gemini. Here there is a reluctance to plan something for a long time, and a desire to take everything from life at once, and a sharp mind, and restlessness. But that’s how Gemini Monkeys are... They are always in a hurry somewhere, always busy with something. And all this, as a rule, is contrary to intentions and matters that seemed urgent and mega-important just in the morning.


Monkey-Cancer is usually a bright, extraordinary personality. And why shouldn’t she demonstrate her own creativity and love herself if Lady Fortune favors her every now and then! The character of the Monkey-Cancer is easy; thanks to this disposition, these people know how to leave problems behind, look to the future with constant optimism, and even in critical situations they usually do not give in to panic. Those around them sometimes dislike them, but this does not make the life of the Cancer Monkeys noticeably difficult, since they continually plunge into the world of their own fantasies and illusions, as if building a wall between themselves and the everyday world with boring, angry people.


Monkey-Leo is distinguished by generosity, generosity, and breadth of soul. Such a person sincerely has compassion for those who are less fortunate than him or weaker than him. The combination of these signs created an amazing set of qualities in which Leo became closer to the “mortal earth”, and the Monkey acquired warmth and nobility. As a result, we have before us an energetic person, passionately gaining fresh, useful knowledge, striving for interesting communication and new perspectives.


A Monkey born under the sign of Virgo represents a deep nature, tuned to good luck, because such a person is alien to pessimism. Virgo Monkeys are light and mobile, they perfectly feel the line between carelessness and responsibility, and therefore are considered reliable and reasonable. People are drawn to them, they have many friends, like-minded people and those who want to do common business with them. When choosing a profession, Virgo-Monkeys try to settle on a type of activity that would allow them to feel free; work that requires constant accountability, control, or sitting at the workplace from call to call is clearly not to their liking.


The Libra Monkey can be considered a model of caring, conscientiousness and kindness. Although, of course, life sometimes makes its own adjustments to this seemingly ideal image. And most of all, the Monkeys themselves, born under the soft and somewhat naive sign of Libra, suffer from this. True, they hide all this from those around them in the recesses of their own souls, so that we see a dual nature that lives, as it were, two lives - public and personal, beginning when all the doors connecting it with the outside world are closed.


The Scorpio Monkey is a complex and rather dangerous nature. These people are masters of the behind-the-scenes game, and they try to see the same in those around them. They are attracted by secret knowledge associated with conspiracies, shadow governments, and grandiose intrigues. Scorpio Monkeys are great enthusiasts, but their energy is often directed in a strange direction. They have excellent intuition, which helps them to understand people well and have a good sense of their strengths and weaknesses. Also, they do not like to be alone, finding in a noisy company a way to relieve stress and engage in active intellectual activity.


The Sagittarius Monkey knows how to set clear goals and find effective means of achieving them. This is an excellent organizer who, moreover, knows how to see the main thing in every process or event and extract useful information from everything. Sagittarius Monkeys are distinguished by a strong will, an adequate attitude towards people, and a wide range of interests. And besides this, such people, as a rule, are very talented and always know how to find worthy practical application for their abilities.


Taken separately, Monkey and Capricorn are a pair of complete opposites. But together, united in one person, they create a wonderful personality, who is characterized by both creative talent and perseverance, sociability and the ability for active self-improvement. These people can choose between different types of activities; and whatever the choice falls on will become a big goal, which Monkey-Capricorn will almost certainly be able to achieve.


The Aquarius Monkey loves herself, loves to be the center of attention, loves when people speak well of her in her own presence. This is a complex nature, able to hide cruelty, cowardice, and rudeness under the guise of naivety or good nature. Such people strive to be the first in everything. They are the ones who, like no one else, achieve the title of teacher's pet at a very young age. It is they, who find themselves already in the work team, who try to suppress any manifestations of someone’s initiative or nascent talent just so that their own authority does not waver.


A representative of the sign of Pisces, born in the year of the Monkey, is a model of intelligence and curiosity. Although in everyday life, metamorphoses such as the transformation of curiosity into curiosity are not excluded, because of which a person strives to “know everything about everyone.” However, this is not scary, especially against the backdrop of the other advantages of the Monkey-Pisces - the ability to adapt to circumstances, the ability to protect one’s own living space from encroachment, selectivity in communication, and the ability to quickly make decisions.

Famous Monkeys

Versatility, flexibility and significant intellectual abilities make almost any area of ​​activity achievable for Monkeys. Among them are the outstanding military leader A.I. Denikin, the great mystifier David Copperfield, the brilliant artist Leonardo da Vinci, the amazing Elizabeth Taylor...

Some characters are also interesting, which are typical manifestations of the properties of monkey nature in different signs of the Zodiac. This is primarily Nestor Makhno (Scorpio), Grigory Rasputin (Aquarius), Georgy Zhukov (Sagittarius), and in addition, A.P. Chekhov (Capricorn), Andrei Tarkovsky (Aries), Faina Ranevskaya (Leo).