Fortune telling for the near future Capricorn. General characteristics of Capricorn

Practical Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, is characterized by discipline, ambition and rationality. Owners of this sign are the most determined and purposeful representatives of the horoscope. Capricorns often have an unshakable belief in their own power and strength, extreme stability, endurance and the ability to work hard.

Saturn, the fateful planet of challenges and restrictions, is the patron of Capricorn. Saturn is sometimes associated with bad luck; however, without the obstacles sent by Saturn, we would never have developed as a person, such a property makes this planet the motivating heavenly link, thanks to which we become strong and resilient, Saturn teaches us to develop patience, strengthens our power and self-awareness.

Capricorn is the third sign of the earth element; he cannot live his whole life on inspiration given by heaven alone; he vitally needs love and a person whom he can rely on in difficult times. Capricorns are practical and realistic in their hopes, for this reason, stability and consistency are very important to Capricorns.

Capricorn rules the tenth house of the horoscope and is the sector associated with career, social status and personal aspirations. In addition, this house describes ambitions, goals and achievements in life, reputation and reflection of the opinion of the individual within the social circle.

Capricorn is a cardinal sign of the zodiac, which means that he does not wait for mercy from nature, does not expect help from others, takes the necessary measures immediately, using all his qualities of pragmatism, efficiency and diligence.

Capricorn has many positive qualities, he works patiently to achieve high goals chosen in life's path. His calm, diplomatic and pragmatic approach is remarkable. On top of that, he feels responsible for what he does, perhaps this is what makes him such a trustworthy and loyal person.

However, Capricorns also have their weaknesses. Sometimes, they can become very pessimistic, and skeptical about the difficulties encountered, and fall into depression. When things don't work, they may not always be flexible enough to make a quick change in plans. Capricorns are also known for being overly petty and autocratic in relationships, as well as being cold and uncaring at times.

Personal horoscope
An astrological horoscope often helps us to clearly understand internal contradictions, possible difficulties and future events awaiting us on the path of life. However, general horoscopes that describe a whole group of people according to a specific zodiac sign are rarely able to give us accurate advice; only personal horoscopes compiled according to the data of a specific person are capable of this. Use one of the following astrological forecasts:

His motto is “I USE”

Cardinal sign, ruler of the sign- Saturn. Element - earth.
Lucky days- Tuesday, Saturday.
Bad days- Monday Thursday.
Season- autumn.
Good places- ruins, mountains, rocks, stones, ponds, cemeteries.
Numbers- 3, 5, 7, 8 (and all numbers divisible by 8), 14.
Color spectrum- dark green, ash gray, blue, pale yellow, dark brown.
Stones- garnet, ruby, white onyx, lunar, lapis lazuli.
Metal- lead.
Flowers- black poppies, white carnations, ivy.
Symbols- goat, ladder, tower clock.
Mascot- devil.
Lucky numbers in the lottery- 7, 12, 17 and their combinations 71217...

Capricorn Temperament: Melancholy, purposeful.

Capricorn character: Reserved, cold, practical, focused, diligent, with a strong will and great internal energy. In case of defeat - pessimism, melancholy, distrust, tendency to loneliness. Capricorn should develop a more optimistic outlook on life.

Capricorn professions: Miner, realtor, financier, farmer, cemetery plot dealer, digger, builder, building contractor, labor efficiency specialist, watchmaker, clergyman, monk. System programmer, administration of any kind, general management. Chief, manager, dentist, incl. prosthetist. Orthopedist and traumatologist. Production organizer, designer, engineer, designer. Capricorn is successful in modeling, architecture, and construction.
Science and higher education: Social and environmental sciences, exact sciences, political economy, education, pedagogy, geology, mineralogy.
Production activities: Production of building materials, forestry and woodworking industries. Utilities, agriculture. Work in the government apparatus, party and trade union activities. Finance, accounting, consumer services, mining and manufacturing, agriculture, footwear, leather and textile industries. Capricorns can be successful fashion designers and designers, tailors, involved in state insurance and pensions, they can be masons and laborers.
Medicine: Capricorn is related to therapy and outpatient medicine (polyclinics). They can work well in government medical education and dentistry.
Sport: Mountain tourism, mountaineering.
Art: Poetry, architecture, stage activities.

Capricorn's work: Capricorn's diligence bears fruit. He is capable of hard work, knowing that success means material security. He believes in himself, is realistic, cautious, always finds solutions, even for difficult problems, and knows how to deftly cope with disasters. Capricorn is careful and methodical in his work, often becoming a slave driver. Suitable for leadership positions, does not stay long with subordinates, tries to give the impression of meekness, but knows how to grab the bull by the horns. Capricorn climbs the ladder of success, guided by ambition and the desire for reliability, and will never voluntarily retreat. Capricorn loves and saves money, afraid of becoming dependent in old age.

Capricorn Career: Capricorn is career-oriented, often to the detriment of his personal life. Shows an all-consuming interest in work, has the opportunity to achieve a solid position. Organizational and diplomatic talent. Success for Capricorn comes not because of luck and a happy accident, but only as a result of hard work. Success is usually achieved after 40 years. A large percentage of Capricorns live to a ripe old age, occupying good positions in recent years. Capricorn is not content with today. He feels as if a great future awaits him, he wants to accomplish something special, call some property his own, take care of it, take on responsibilities in a profession, in politics or in the intellectual field. Capricorn has excellent intuition, which he shows in the struggle for his independence and economic security. Capricorns achieve great success in politics.

Capricorn Business: Capricorn is the master of his destiny. He is very knowledgeable in practical matters, not so much because he has studied a course of science, but has gained caution and prudence in books and conversations, which helps him to usefully apply what he has read, heard and memorized. Capricorn steadily goes to the top, despite the obstacles.

Capricorn Health: Capricorn usually has a more developed spirit than a body; He eats little and sleeps little. Closed, difficult to get along with people, creates problems for himself. Over time, this leads to rheumatism, arthritis, gout, etc. Hardening of the joints, early salt deposition, osteochondrosis, salt metabolism disorders, stone diseases, and weakness when walking are often observed. He may complain of a bunch of ailments, although he lives a long time (Capricorns are long-livers). Shown are walks in the forest, preferably in a pine forest, and work in the country. Young Capricorns benefit from tourism, mountaineering, and speleology. Magnesium and calcium are shown. Herbs include cypress. For Capricorn, the best preventive remedy for many diseases is a good mood and laughter.

Capricorn Partners: Good compatibility with and signs. Poor compatibility with signs and . This, although correct, is too general a statement. The true compatibility of two people (and not just zodiac signs) must be assessed specifically, knowing the dates of birth of the partners.


The last winter month will be wonderful, interesting, rich and bright for people born under the sign of Capricorn. Despite the fact that winter still reigns outside, those born under this constellation will feel as if it is already being replaced by a breath of spring. Successful completions, inexhaustible creative energy, enthusiasm and spiritual harmony - this is what the Tarot forecast for February 2018 says for Capricorns.

Love (Sun)

One of the best cards in the deck appeared as a Tarot prediction for the month of February 2018 for Capricorns in love. Warmth and harmony in personal life, complete mutual understanding, joyful joint plans, love declarations, romance, brightness of feelings, and for some representatives of this sign this Arcanum can even become a hint of an imminent addition to the family or a wedding celebration. In a word, everything is magical and wonderful.

Lonely Capricorns should not be upset - the bright sun will shine above your head. If you are kind to others and realize your creative ideas, the Universe will definitely send you as a reward a gift that you have been waiting for a long time.

Finance (9 of Wands)

In finance, the Tarot horoscope for February 2018 is preparing pleasant surprises for Capricorns. The project on which you have been working for a long time and the work that has taken all your strength is finally coming to an end - very soon you will receive a material reward for your labors. You did a great job, so the reward will be appropriate. Also this month it is possible to receive an unscheduled bonus, lottery winnings, and repayment of debt from old debtors. In a word, financial affairs will definitely go uphill.

Health (Wheel of Fortune)

According to the Tarot layout for February 2018, Capricorns will have absolutely no control over their health throughout the month. Someone may do their best to avoid hypothermia, dress warmly, take medications that strengthen the immune system, but end up with the flu or a cold. And someone, on the contrary, walking in an open jacket, sitting by an open window and getting their feet wet, will not even get a slight runny nose. There's nothing you can do about it - that's fate!

In the Tarot horoscope for February 2018, Capricorns received this amazing card as advice, talking about harmony, fertility, sensuality, boundless love, unity with nature. This is exactly what the representatives of this zodiac constellation need to let into their lives. Love all the people around you and the world as a whole, be generous, kind, open, don’t be afraid to show your feelings, devote more time to walks, nature, communication with animals - and then your soul will be filled with magical harmony, light, clarity.