What to do when there is a dead person in the house. Folk signs about funerals and behavior in the cemetery

They say death never comes to a person unexpectedly. She always gives signs that the last hour is near. This is an opportunity to have time to prepare for the inevitable, if it is destined to happen. Over a thousand-year history, humanity has accumulated colossal experience, including in everything related to death. And if we can only guess about what is there on the other side, then we are quite capable of recognizing the signs of fate that signal impending trouble. We will briefly try to talk about the most famous signs that have come true more than once, according to eyewitness accounts.

What phenomena can happen before death?

Keep in mind that a single sign in itself does not mean anything. Several repeating signs, both obvious and those that came in a dream, should be considered.

The first, most obvious sign is when the home begins to smell like a dead person, although no one has died yet. Several people should smell the smell. Otherwise, it is a hallucination due to nervousness (for example, when one of the relatives is sick for a long time).

There is no firm opinion regarding this. Some believe that this is a dream of imminent illness, and if a tooth falls out with blood, it means the imminent death of a close relative. Some argue that such dreams arise from nervousness out of fear for the health of their own teeth. Freud's dream book on this subject states that a tooth falling out in a dream signals fear of castration as a sign of retribution for obvious or imaginary sexual sins.

There is a belief that a bluish glow can be observed around a person who is soon to pass into another world. But not when looking at it directly, but with peripheral vision. The same goes for shadows and black spots. If you notice something like this with your peripheral vision, death is somewhere nearby.

The doctor who came to the patient stumbled - probably medicine will no longer help in this case. Having asked the patient how he is feeling and receiving the answer “Terrible”, be sure of a speedy recovery. If a person answers that everything is fine, he is most likely no longer a tenant. It is a bad omen if a priest who has come to administer unction to a sick person cannot find the right place in the missal for a long time or, after leaving home, returns for a forgotten item.

Once the patient who receives communion falls asleep, he will recover; if he cannot sleep, he will soon die. If he turns toward the wall and also lies on his left side for a long time, he doesn’t have long to live. A sign of imminent death is a change in the body odor of the sick person - they say, “smells like earth.” This is also signaled by a change in the color of the pectoral cross if it is lowered into the water from which a person drank.

In order to find out whether the patient will recover or go to his ancestors, they used to resort to some fortune telling:

  1. Place fresh celandine on your head. If a person sings, he will live. I cried - no more.
  2. When fresh nettle, infused for 24 hours in the urine of a patient, turns black, the disease is incurable. If the plant remains green, such a person will certainly recover.
  3. Rub a piece of pork meat on the patient's feet and give it to the dog. The animal eats the treat - the person will recover.
  4. Light a candle next to the patient. When the flame burns evenly, there will be healing from the disease. If it sways, it’s no good.

A bad omen is black birds: rooks, crows or owls. If they appear in a populated area and take a fancy to a certain house, expect trouble.

A sure sign when a dog howls in the yard with its muzzle lowered to the ground - it is mourning its owner. If a cat constantly spins around the patient and lies on its back under the table, such a disease is incurable. A bad sign is if a cat lies across the floorboards.

A sign of the imminent death of household members is when a flower blooms that has never bloomed before. The exception is cacti, some species of which bloom once every few years. It is considered a bad sign if a tree planted by someone dries out or is broken by the wind. This means that the person himself does not have long to live.

A person who sees fire in the forest or in a cemetery must prepare to depart to another world. These are the souls of ancestors giving a sign to get ready for the journey. The same goes for a person whose clothes have been chewed by mice. A sign that soon he will change into new clothes for the last time. In general, the appearance of these rodents in a city apartment is a bad sign, just like a mouse running over a lying person.

When it flew into the house - it meant the sudden death of one of the relatives. A bird that has entered through a window should be fed and released through another window. The exception is pigeons - feed them or don’t feed them, troubles are bound to happen. A cuckoo, even if it just sits on the roof of a house, signals an imminent or dead person.

So, it did happen. A man has died, and inconsolable relatives are crying around him. Neighbors and relatives, as a rule, take charge of organizing the funeral - grief-stricken relatives are of little use now.

There are many signs you can see at funerals. But you may not see it - then everything will definitely be fine.

There is a belief that if a dead person has one eye slightly open, he is looking for a fellow traveler from among those around him. After the funeral, the bed of the deceased should be washed, otherwise death will not rest.

Based on what the weather is like on the day of the funeral, you can determine what kind of person the deceased was during his lifetime. A clear day - the deceased was definitely a good person, rainy weather - a so-so person.

Relatives are not supposed to carry the coffin, so as not to leave behind. For those who were not related by blood to the dead, nothing will happen. Men who carry the coffin should wear an embroidered one on their arm. It is generally accepted that this is how he thanks everyone for the last honor.

Everyone in the room in which someone died is covered with dark thick fabric for 40 days. It’s not even a sign, but a necessary condition. The mirror is a bridge between the material and astral planes of existence. The soul that has left the body walks among the living for 40 days, only then moves on. If the deceased sees a mirror, he can become its prisoner, and only a knowledgeable person can free the restless soul.

Items that had direct contact with the dead body should not be left after the funeral. Thus, the measure taken to make the coffin, as well as the ropes that tied the limbs of the deceased, are placed in the grave. There are many powerful rituals in magic when they are used. If a witch is present at a funeral ceremony, she will certainly want to take possession of this powerful artifact.

The water with which the deceased was washed must be poured onto the ground in a place where no one walks, so as not to accidentally step there, at least until the first rain.

Pregnant women and children under 7 years of age are strictly prohibited from attending the funeral. You can’t cry too much - the deceased, seeing how they miss him, will not want to leave and will become a ghost.

At a funeral, nothing bad should be said about the deceased.

When leaving the cemetery, you need to stand with your back to the cemetery and wipe your feet.

After the coffin is taken out of the house, the person leaving is the last to sweep and. This is done in a special way, from the door to the farthest corner of the room. The old broom and rag are thrown away, otherwise the coffin will soon be taken out again.

The comb used to comb the deceased's hair is either thrown into the river or placed in a coffin. He is considered unclean - he cannot be washed or reprimanded. You can’t throw it into a lake or pond - you definitely need running water.

There is a tradition of throwing a handful of earth on the lid of the coffin. Otherwise, the deceased will find a hole in the grave and begin to scare the living at night. If a funeral procession passes by a house in which someone is sleeping, he should certainly be awakened. It is believed that the soul of the deceased can take the sleeping person with it.

You should not cross the road in front of a funeral procession. If a person dies of an illness, take it upon yourself. Under no circumstances should you overtake the funeral procession - you will appear before God before the deceased.

The wake is an integral part of the funeral ceremony. Memories of the deceased, what kind of person he was, a glass of “For the Repose”, a joint prayer for the repose of the soul - everyone has encountered this at least once.

There is a sign: when returning from a funeral, the first thing you should do is touch the stove - then no one in the house will die for a long time. Old people say that when you come into contact with the element of Fire, of which the stove is the personification, you will burn all bad omens at the root. If there is no stove in the house, you should light a candle, but certainly bring it from the temple.

There should be a glass of water in the house for 40 days after death. It is believed that the deceased drinks from it. Therefore, the vessel should be placed where someone else will not accidentally drink the water - this is not good.

Signs that a person is about to die

Many signs about the impending death of one of the relatives or friends appear to a person in a dream. Please note that this sign should be given importance if two or more people had a similar dream in a short period of time.

As mentioned above, there is no clear opinion about lost teeth. But a dream about cleaning the house, namely sweeping the floor, is a clear signal that someone will die soon. In the popular consciousness, rubbish is associated with the souls of ancestors, no matter how strange it sounds. Therefore, you should not sweep garbage over the threshold; it is a bad omen that you will sweep away one of your relatives.

A sign of an imminent funeral in the house - when you dream of earth or fresh boards. There is no point in arguing here: the earth is for the grave, the boards are for the coffin. It is also believed that a deceased person in a house will dream of seeing a log falling out of the wall, digging the earth, chicken eggs, or a heel or sole falling off.

If a bride in white clothes kisses you in a dream, it means death has kissed you. But the death itself, which appears in night dreams, whether it is yours or someone close to you, does not carry a negative connotation and is rather symbolic: one of the stages of your life has been passed and the next one begins.

On the contrary, one’s own death in a dream is a harbinger of a long, eventful life. The people you are talking to should also not cause concern. This is a sign of future changes in your life, and not necessarily for the worse. The exception is when the deceased calls with him. You should be extremely careful over the next few days - a fatal accident is possible.

Every person on this earth has two most important events in life - birth and death. Between these two events lies life.

For one person it is long, for another it is short, but in their lives people, as a rule, drive away the thought of death, thinking that they will live forever. But then death comes, and with it the inevitable bitter worries about burying someone dear to you.

Not often, but it happens that a person thinks about his future death and prepares a coffin for himself in advance. Such a product is usually stored in attics. But here there is a small but very significant “but”: the coffin is empty, and since it is made according to a person’s standards, he begins to “pull” it into himself. And a person, as a rule, dies faster. Previously, to prevent this from happening, sawdust, shavings, and grain were poured into an empty coffin. After the death of a person, sawdust, shavings, and grain were also buried in the hole. After all, if you feed a bird with such grain, it will become sick.

When a person has died and measurements are taken from him to make a coffin, under no circumstances should the measurement be placed on the bed. It is best to take it out of the house and put it in a coffin during the funeral.

Be sure to remove all silver objects from the deceased: after all, this is precisely the metal that is used to fight “the unclean.” Therefore, the latter can “disturb” the body of the deceased.

If there is a dead person in the house, do not do laundry. This must be done after the funeral.

When the coffin is being made, relatives and friends are prohibited from participating. It is best to bury the shavings formed during the manufacture of the coffin in the ground, or, in extreme cases, throw them into water.

The bed on which a person died does not need to be thrown away, as many do. Take her and take her out to the chicken coop, let her lie there for three nights, so that, as the legend goes, the rooster will sing her song three times.

When the time comes to place the deceased in a coffin, then they sprinkle holy water on the body of the deceased and his coffin, outside and inside. You can also cover it with incense. The body is then transferred to the coffin. A whisk is placed on the forehead of the deceased. It is given in church when the deceased is brought to the funeral service. The deceased's lips should be closed, his eyes closed, his hands folded crosswise on his chest, the right one on top of the left. A Christian woman’s head is covered with a large scarf that completely covers her hair, and its ends do not need to be tied, but simply folded crosswise. You should not put a tie on a deceased Orthodox Christian. An icon or cross is placed in the left hand of the deceased; for men - the image of the savior, for women - the image of the Mother of God. Or you can do this: in the left hand - a cross, and on the chest of the deceased - a Holy image. A pillow, usually made of cotton wool, is placed under the feet and head of the deceased. The body is covered with a sheet. The coffin is placed in the middle of the room in front of the icons, turning the face of the deceased with his head towards the icons.

When you see a dead person in a coffin, do not automatically touch your body with your hands. This is due to the fact that in the place where you touched your hand, various skin growths in the form of a tumor can grow.

If there is a deceased person in the house, then when meeting your friend or relatives there, you should greet with a bow of the head, and not with your voice.

While the deceased is in the house, the floor should not be swept. If you do not follow this advice, your family members may soon get sick, or worse may happen.

During the funeral, you cannot visit the graves of relatives and friends located in the same cemetery.

The ritual must be completed to completion for one person.

Do not listen to those people who advise placing two needles crosswise on his lips to preserve the body of a deceased person from decomposition. This will not save the body of the deceased, but the needles that were on his lips will definitely disappear; they are used to cause damage.

To prevent a heavy smell from coming from the deceased, you can put a bunch of sage on his head; people call it “cornflowers.” It also serves another purpose - to ward off "evil spirits." For the same purposes, you can use willow branches, which are sacred on Palm Sunday and kept behind the images. These branches can be placed under the deceased.

A man died, his body was placed in a coffin, but the bed on which he died had not yet been taken out. Friends or strangers may come to you and ask you to lie on this bed. The argument put forward is the following: so that their back and bones do not hurt. Don't listen to them. Don't hurt yourself.

Do not put fresh flowers in the coffin of a dead person. For this purpose, use artificial ones or, as a last resort, dried ones.

A candle is lit near the coffin as a sign that the deceased has moved to the realm of light - a better afterlife.

A lamp or candle is lit in the house and burns as long as the deceased is in the house.

Instead of a candlestick, glasses are often used for candles, into which wheat is poured. Some people sprinkle this wheat on others and thereby cause damage. This wheat should also not be used for poultry or livestock feed.

Make sure that someone else's things are not placed under the deceased. If you notice this, then you need to pull them out of the coffin and burn them somewhere away.

It happens that, out of ignorance, some compassionate mothers put photographs of their children in the coffin of their grandparents. After this, the child began to get sick, and if help was not provided in time, death could occur.

You cannot give your things to dress the deceased. The deceased is buried, and the one who gave away his things begins to get sick.

A coffin with a deceased person is taken out of the house, and someone stands near the door and starts tying knots in rags. He explains this operation to people by saying that he is tying knots so that no more coffins will be taken out of this house. Although such a person has something completely different on his mind...

If a pregnant woman goes to a funeral, she will do harm to herself. A sick child may be born. Therefore, try to stay at home during this time, and you need to say goodbye to your loved one in advance - before the funeral.

When a dead person is being carried to a cemetery, do not cross his path under any circumstances, as various tumors may form on your body. If this happens, then you should take the hand of the deceased, always the right one, and move all your fingers over the tumor and read “Our Father.” This needs to be done three times, after each time spitting over your left shoulder.

When they carry a dead man in a coffin down the street, try not to look from the window of your apartment or house.

The ties that bind the hands and feet of the deceased must be untied and placed in the coffin with the deceased. Otherwise, as a rule, they are used to cause damage.

If you say goodbye to the deceased, try not to step on the towel that is placed in the cemetery near the coffin, so as not to damage yourself.

If you are afraid of a dead person, grab the dead person's legs and hold on. This can be done before he is placed in the grave.

Sometimes people can throw earth from a grave in their bosom or collar, proving that this way they can avoid the fear of the dead. Don't believe it - this is done to cause damage.

Returning from a funeral, it is imperative to dust off your shoes before entering the house, and also hold your hands over the fire of a lit candle. This is done in order to prevent damage to the home.

The funeral is over, and according to the old Christian custom, water and something from food are placed in a glass on the table to treat the soul of the deceased.

Make sure that small children or adults do not inadvertently drink from this glass or eat anything. After such a treat, both adults and children begin to get sick.

During the wake, according to tradition, a glass of vodka is poured for the deceased. Don't drink it if anyone advises you to.

There is a dead man on your street, and you urgently need to plant potatoes. Don't waste your time and effort. If you plant potatoes at a time when the deceased has not yet been buried, do not expect a good harvest.

If you come to the grave of a loved one to pull out grass, paint a fence or plant something, you start digging and dig up things that shouldn’t be there. In this case, everything you found must be taken out of the cemetery and burned. When it burns, try not to get exposed to the smoke, otherwise you may get sick yourself.

A funeral on New Year's Day is a very bad omen: in the coming year, there will be a funeral at least once a month.

Sunday's funeral predicts three more funerals throughout the week.

It is dangerous to postpone a funeral for any reason. Then one, two or three deaths in the family or immediate area will occur within a week or a month.

If the funeral is postponed until next week, it is probably unlucky, because the dead person will try his best to take someone with him.

After the funeral, do not visit any of your friends or relatives.

Viburnum is planted at the heads of the graves of young men and women.

For the first seven days from the date of death of the deceased, do not take any things out of the house.

Do not distribute the deceased’s belongings to relatives, friends or acquaintances for up to 40 days.

If one of you has lost a loved one or loved one, and you often cry for him, then it is advised to have thistle grass in your house.

When someone dies, try to have only women present.

If the patient is dying seriously, then for an easier death, remove the feather pillow from under his head. In villages, the dying person is laid on straw.

To ease the agony of death, the patient must be covered with white material, which will later be used to upholster the coffin.

When there is a dead person in the house, you cannot drink water in the neighboring houses in the morning that was in buckets or pans. It must be poured out and freshly poured in.

It is advisable that the washing of the body of the deceased occur during daylight hours - from sunrise to sunset. Water after ablution must be handled very carefully. It is necessary to dig a hole far from the yard, garden and living quarters, where people do not walk, and pour everything, to the last drop, into it and cover it with earth. The fact is that the water in which the deceased was washed causes very strong damage. Therefore, do not give this water to anyone, no matter who approaches you with such a request.

Try not to spill this water around the apartment so that those living in it do not get sick.

Pregnant women should not wash the deceased in order to avoid illness of the unborn child, as well as women who are menstruating.

As a rule, only elderly women prepare the deceased for his last journey.

The shroud must be sewn on a live thread and always with a needle from yourself, so that there are no more deaths in the house.

In Rus' in former times

In the house where the dying person lay, all the keys were removed from the keyholes and the doors and windows were opened so that the person’s soul could leave the body without interference. When a person gave his soul to God, he was necessarily washed so that he would appear before the Lord pure in soul and body.

Strict rules were followed when washing the deceased. The deceased was placed with his feet next to the stove and washed 2-3 times with warm water and soap from a new clay pot. The water with which the deceased was washed became “dead”, and it was poured somewhere far away, so that a healthy person would not step on this place, and also so that the sorcerer would not take it for himself to cause damage. The same was done with the water used to wash the dishes after the funeral and the floors after removing the deceased from the house. They also tried to get rid of other attributes of ablution as quickly as possible.

In the coffin of the deceased they place his baptismal cross, an icon, a crown on his forehead, candles and a “handwriting” - a written prayer for absolution. They give a towel (handkerchief) in their hands so that the deceased can wipe the sweat from their face during the Last Judgment. Who died on Easter - an egg in his hand.

The deceased is usually buried in white clothes, personifying the infantile purity of the Christian soul.

A sign was strictly observed: do not make the coffin larger than the deceased, otherwise there will be another deceased. In the house, as a sign of mourning, mirrors are curtained or turned “facing” the wall so that the person’s soul does not remain locked on the other side of the mirror. All clocks are also stopped as a sign that a person’s life journey has been completed. Before the funeral, friends and relatives come to say goodbye to the person, but 20 minutes before the removal of the body, only the closest relatives should remain with the deceased.

Take the dead person's dirty linen out of the house - take everyone out of the house.

In preparation for removing the body, first they take wreaths and a portrait of the deceased out of the house, then the lid of the coffin (with the narrow part forward), and finally the coffin itself (the deceased is carried out feet first). At the same time, thresholds and doorposts should not be touched so that the deceased is not tempted to return home.

“The dead man is alone out of the house,” they say as they take him out and lock him in the house for the time being. According to the old tradition, the deceased should not be carried out before noon and after sunset, so that the setting sun could “take” the deceased with it. Relatives should not carry the coffin so that the deceased does not take a blood relative with him to the grave.

After removing the coffin from the house, they must wash all the floors (previously they washed not only the floors, but the whole house with water).

The path of the funeral procession to the cemetery is covered with spruce branches, which serve as a talisman, a guarantee that the deceased will not “walk” and will not retrace his steps.

At funerals, it is customary to present those present with pies, sweets, and handkerchiefs. This is nothing more than the distribution of alms, which obliges those who accept it to pray for the deceased. In this case, those praying take on part of the sins of the deceased.

When you come home after a funeral, you need to warm your hands so as not to bring the cold of the grave into the house. After the funeral, no intoxicating drinks are allowed in the mouth for 40 days. At funerals, they drink only vodka, and those who come are always fed pancakes and kutya.

For the soul of the deceased, a glass of vodka, covered with a slice of bread, is placed on the table. It must stand for 40 days, until the person’s soul has finally left this world.

They don’t stay long at wakes. For six weeks after the funeral, there should be a glass of water on the windowsill, and a towel should hang on the corner of the house, outside the window, so that the soul can bathe and dry itself before the funeral. On the fortieth day, the soul of the deceased comes to his home for the whole day and leaves only after the so-called farewell. If they are not arranged, the deceased will suffer. Six weeks after death, “ladders” of dough are baked to help the soul climb to heaven. According to Russian tradition, in the folk month there are special days on which Orthodox Christians commemorate those who moved to another world.

We must always remember that at a funeral or with the help of funeral paraphernalia, the most severe damage is caused. Therefore, if something incomprehensible happened at a funeral or you suspect something, contact an experienced

to the master. Under no circumstances should you get rid of such damage on your own or through numerous and useless articles on the Internet.

There are incomparably more bad receptions at a funeral. No wonder - the energy of death is very heavy. She does not forgive mistakes; failure to follow the ancient rules will not lead to good. It is quite possible to target yourself or the relatives of the deceased heavy damage. That is why it is important to know folk signs about funerals.

Funeral superstitions - do's and don'ts

The set of rules and prohibitions concerns family members of the deceased. An outsider does not need to know about them. But there are also beliefs concerning all those who came to say goodbye to the deceased, neighbors and random passers-by who met the mournful procession.

Everyone who comes to the cemetery must throw a handful of earth on the coffin so that the spirit does not disturb. At a funeral you should not look back, otherwise the spirit of the deceased may follow you.

Mopping and sweeping to sweep death out of the house. As a rule, this is entrusted to family friends - relatives of the deceased are prohibited. Sweep and wash towards the threshold. The broom, rag and gloves are thrown away. Pour the water where no one goes. Bucket - wash. After that, go to the funeral.

After the cemetery you are supposed to go to the funeral or home. You can’t come to visit, you’ll bring death into this house. Upon arrival from the cemetery, warm yourself over a candle or wash your hands, this will remove the energy of death. At the entrance to the house, remove the soil from your shoes.

Observe. You can’t overdo it with alcohol, sing, or have fun. In some regions you cannot say “thank you.” The deceased is remembered only with good words.

Flowers in the cemetery

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It has been customary to place flowers on graves since ancient times. Traditionally, the deceased are given orchids, carnations, callas, tulips, chrysanthemums, asters. You can buy a bouquet of flowers that the deceased liked during his lifetime.

There are no strict restrictions regarding the color of plants. In Europe, for example, they are considered a symbol of grief, mourning and separation. The Slavs adopted discreet, formal flowers for funerals. There should not be more than three shades - variegation does not correspond to the moment of grief.

For a deceased man, pink tones in a bouquet are undesirable. If they are burying a young girl, it is better to bring white and pink flowers. Children - white and cream bouquets. The older the deceased, the darker the flowers. Plants in bouquets must be alive. It is better that the wreaths consist of fresh flowers.

How many flowers are given for a funeral? An even number, but not more than eight. Otherwise, funeral bouquets are not much different from ordinary ones. Flowers brought to the funeral are laid on the grave. They cannot be taken away. They belong to the deceased. If it is not possible to attend the funeral, send flowers by courier and a note expressing your grief.

Beliefs for neighbors of the deceased

If your neighbors are having a funeral, you will have to follow several rules, even if you are unfamiliar with them, and you are not going to attend the farewell to the deceased. It doesn't matter where you live - in an apartment building or a private one.

It is forbidden to sleep in the same room as a deceased person.

Neighbors can't sleep. The soul of the deceased can enter the body of the sleeping person. Not all the deceased take the fact of their death, separation from loved ones and their grief lightly. A deceased neighbor may not want to go to another world and take advantage of the sleeping person and live another life in his body. Therefore, it is necessary to wake up everyone who lives nearby. Especially when it comes to children - their protection from installing spirits weaker.

If there are small children in the house, place water under the cradle - it will absorb negativity. Does a child eat when the neighbor says goodbye to the deceased? Place water nearby in this case too. Do not drink it, pour it down the drain after use.

Is it possible to watch a funeral from a window?

In most countries, beliefs prohibit this. It is believed that whoever looks at a dead person or a coffin from a window will soon die from a serious illness. The spirit of the deceased does not like being peered out of the window.

The living consider such curiosity to be tactless, while the dead are much more vindictive. The spirit is capable drag a living person along with you. Even if during his lifetime he was not distinguished by an evil disposition. You will have to watch your children especially carefully. If you know that there will be a funeral, you should close the windows with curtains in advance.

What to do if a rule is broken accidentally? Quickly turn away and cross yourself three times. Mentally wish the Kingdom of Heaven to the deceased, pray for his soul. You can watch the funeral from the street. Not from behind the door, through the peephole or from the threshold. Not because of the fence or gate. If you want to express sympathy, go outside.

Participants in the funeral procession should not look out the windows. Neither into your own, nor into strangers, nor into the windows of the house where the deceased lived - it will attract death into the house. For the same reason, they do not turn back when preparing to leave for the cemetery, and do not get ahead of the coffin when walking in front of it.

If you meet a funeral on the way

Why can't you cross the path of a dead person? Signs promise serious illness to those who break the rules.

According to signs, meeting a funeral on the road is not scary. But you don’t need to look at the coffin and the deceased. As stated above, he may be offended by curiosity. If you see someone you know among the mourners, don’t say hello, now is not the time.

If the deceased does not have to cross the road, do not linger in vain. You cannot overtake him - it will lead to death. It's easier to change route. But remember You can't look back at a dead person.

Is it possible to take photographs

Before the October Revolution, it was customary to take photographs with the dead. In Indonesia, it is generally customary to dig up the corpses of relatives once every three years, take pictures with them, sit them at the table, and then bury them back.

But is it possible to photograph a funeral from the point of view of signs and the church? Psychics are sure: the photo will radiate negative energy. If stored in a home, it will harm the people living there.

Orthodox and Catholic priests have a negative attitude towards photographing the dead. The best moments of life are supposed to be immortalized. Muslims do not film funerals and do not put images of the deceased on tombstones.

If you had to attend a funeral, follow folk traditions. They form an important part of funeral etiquette, the rules of politeness towards the deceased and his relatives. There are rules for the neighbors of the deceased and even passers-by who met the funeral procession along the road.

Funerals are a sad but inevitable reality. Death has always been incomprehensible, frightening with its inevitability, the impossibility of predicting what is there, beyond its threshold? Perhaps this is why the funeral rite, perhaps more than all others, is surrounded by an aura of signs, rules, and superstitions. People tried to distance themselves from the deceased and save the lives of other family members. This childish, ingenuous faith, the desire to eliminate the frightening unknown, has remained to this day. Signs and superstitions have become almost mandatory rules for the ritual.

The first requirement is to be sure to close the mirrors where the deceased is. It is believed that the soul can go into the mirror and live there. She will scare her relatives and will not be able to leave this world.

According to another version, if a dead person is reflected in a mirror, he will “double himself” and take one of his friends or relatives.

Funeral signs suggest that you must close the eyes of the deceased. Previously, this was done using copper nickels, today they use large coins. Our ancestors believed that the open eyes of the dead man looked out among those present for the one who would die next.

When seeing off the deceased, you should definitely put a few coins, a handkerchief, and a comb with him. This set, as previously believed, will help to overcome the long path to heaven, pay for the journey, and appear before the Almighty in a decent form.

But photographs of living people cannot be placed in a coffin. Otherwise they too will be buried.

The deceased person was necessarily washed to cleanse the body. The soul cleanses itself; to do this, you need to place a glass of water on the windowsill. It will be a font for the soul.

Signs at funerals prohibit pregnant women or close relatives from washing the body of the deceased. Non-blood relatives should also carry out the coffin. Otherwise, the deceased will decide that his death is welcome. It’s better if it’s just friends or acquaintances. Their hand, as a sign of gratitude from the deceased, is tied with a new towel, sometimes with a scarf.

Where they say goodbye to the deceased, it is not recommended to wash or sweep the floor. It was believed that this way the living would die, “sweeping out” after the deceased. This must be done immediately after the Domina is taken out of the house. Turn over the table where the domino stood, and throw away the bed and the deceased.

Signs at a funeral advise what to do with the things and property of the deceased. It is not recommended to touch them until forty days, and after the soul has passed on, all things must be quickly distributed to those in need, taken to the cathedral or church.

Almost all signs at a funeral are aimed at protecting others from damage that evil people can inflict using funeral props.

Before placing the deceased in a coffin, his hands and feet are tied. Quite understandable from a modern point of view, the ritual was considered a way to prevent a dead person from getting up, walking on the ground, or frightening the living. Before closing the lid of the coffin and then lowering it into the grave, the legs and arms are untied.

These ropes can lead to death, so witches or black healers always try to steal the ropes. To prevent this from happening, a special observer is installed. Usually this is an elderly woman who is well acquainted with the rituals.

Signs and superstitions at funerals dictate how to behave during the ceremony. You cannot step on the towels where the coffin is placed, or bring any objects or flowers from the cemetery. When returning home, it is recommended to rinse your hands.

You cannot cross the road in front of a dead person: you will die very soon.

The deceased must be commemorated on the day of the funeral, on the ninth and fortieth days, on the anniversary.

Signs at funerals have evolved over centuries. They contained a healthy grain of intuitive experience. People, not knowing or not being able to find an explanation for the laws of nature, instinctively felt how to behave in difficult situations and developed a line of behavior enshrined in signs and rituals.

Basic Signs at a Funeral. Is it necessary to comply? Superstitions. Folk and church signs. What to do if you don’t listen to signs?

Signs at funerals - the experience of millennia

There is death in every person's life. Burying a person is a very unpleasant and sad procedure. Almost everyone is afraid of death, because when it comes, the unknown awaits a person. Most likely, in connection with this, the funeral is surrounded on all sides by signs, superstitions, and rules for conducting funerals. They are an integral part of the burial of the deceased.

For thousands of years, there have been a large number of rules and traditions that the relatives of the deceased must observe. Old people even say that whoever does not adhere to superstitions will face great trouble in the near future. For this reason, all the rules that we tell in our article should be strictly followed.

Superstitions before burial

Nowadays, there are a large number of organizations that deal with the burial of a deceased person and carry out all organizational issues. However, the main part is naturally placed on the shoulders of the relatives of the deceased. Relatives are obliged to take into account even the smallest nuances.

Signs They say that under no circumstances should a deceased person be left alone in the house. All the time before burial, one of his relatives must be with him at all times. There are many reasons for this. All things of the deceased contain the strongest magical power. Leaving the deceased alone in the apartment, any ill-wisher can steal the deceased’s thing and then use it to induce damage, the evil eye, or some other bad ritual.

Church signs

The clergy believe that the soul of a deceased person needs prayerful help. During the entire burial ceremony, prayers must be read near the coffin of the dead person. The relatives of the deceased must not forget about this sign.

From the point of view of the church, leaving only the deceased is a huge disrespect for a loved one. There is another sign for which reason the deceased should not be found by himself. People who go to the next world have eyelids that open slightly. If a dead man's eyes open and his gaze falls on someone, then that person will not live long.

Folk signs

    Be sure to immediately curtain all the mirrors in the house with cloth immediately after the person has died. They say that if they are not covered, the soul of the deceased will enter the mirror world and will no longer be able to get out of there. Unable to leave this world, the soul will constantly come and scare its relatives. You can remove the fabric from the mirrors after forty days, since during these days the soul can come into the birth walls.

    The chairs or bench on which the coffin was located in the house must be turned upside down. This should be done as soon as the deceased is taken to the cemetery. The sign says that otherwise the soul may return.

    Do not forget that it is strictly forbidden to place photographs of living people in the coffin of the deceased.

    Before burying the deceased, he must be washed. While washing, place a glass of water by the window. The body is washed by friends, and the soul is cleansed itself from the glass. The water from which the deceased was washed is poured out in a deserted place, and the objects that were involved in this procedure are placed in the coffin.

    It is strictly forbidden to wash and carry the coffin for pregnant girls and blood relatives. It is believed that the deceased will think that in this house they rejoice at his death. These procedures should be performed by comrades or acquaintances. They tie a scarf or towel on their arm as a sign of gratitude from the deceased.

    If the deceased's hands or feet remain warm after death, expect another death. However, to prevent this from happening, appease the deceased by placing bread and salt next to him.

    Do not try to sweep or wash the floors when there is a deceased person in the house. It is believed that if this is done, the residents of this house will also be “swept out” to the cemetery after the deceased. Wet cleaning is carried out immediately after the body of the deceased is taken for burial. Be sure to throw away all cleaning items.

    Relatives must put in the coffin for the deceased: a handkerchief, a crutch, glasses and other vital things that the person used during life. The deceased needs a handkerchief at the hour of trial to wipe away beads of sweat.

    All belongings of a deceased person should not be thrown into the trash. Collect his things and distribute them to poor people or take them to the temple. But do this only after forty days.

    The hands and feet of the deceased are tied before being placed in the coffin. This is done so that the dead person does not get up and start instilling fear in his relatives. At the cemetery, before burial, the limbs of the deceased are untied. To prevent these ropes from being stolen, relatives ask a woman or man they know well to watch them. This is due to the fact that magicians cause damage with the help of these ropes.

    Animals should not be allowed into the apartment where the deceased is located, as they will not allow the soul to pass peacefully to the next world. If a cat jumps into a dead person’s coffin, expect trouble.

    According to signs, during a funeral you should not step on the towel on which the coffin is placed. No items may be taken from the cemetery.

    When you get home, don’t forget to wash your hands well with soap.

    According to all signs, a spruce branch is placed in front of the front door of the house where the dead person lies, so that people who come to say goodbye to the deceased do not carry away death on their soles.

    You cannot spend the night in the same room - this is a very bad omen.

    The deceased should be covered with a special blanket - "cover".

    Don't even think about watching the funeral through the window. By this action you attract death to yourself. It is believed that the soul is next to the body during the funeral ceremony. She doesn't feel comfortable because of people watching from the windows. The soul can become angry and take the person looking out of the window to the next world with it.

The deceased is carried to the cemetery

    It is considered a bad omen when the day of the funeral is postponed. After all, everything has its time!

    You should not cross the road in front of the coffin of a deceased person. This is a bad omen - soon the person who crossed the road may find himself in the place of the deceased.

    If, when lowering the coffin into the grave, it turns out to be very deep, this is a bad sign; it is possible that there will soon be another death in the family.

    If in a hurry at home the coffin lid was forgotten, death is already approaching. To protect yourself and your relatives, try to prevent this from happening.

    Almost every person knows that before burial, everyone who came to say goodbye to the deceased is obliged to throw a handful of earth into the grave. This is carried out in order to close the door of the dead into our world.

    Do not try to nail down the coffin lid within the walls of the house; this action is performed only in the cemetery. Otherwise, everyone who does this will face a quick death.

    At the moment when the coffin is being taken out, you should make sure that no one dares to look out the window. Since this action can return death to the walls of the house.

    Inviting death is considered if a person turns back at the time of the funeral ceremony.

    If, at the time of digging a grave, remains from an old burial are found in the ground, this is a good sign that will entail a good afterlife for the deceased.

    To have something to buy a place in the afterlife, be sure to throw in a few coins before lowering the deceased into the grave.

Weather at the time of burial

If it rains on the day of the burial, this is a very good sign.. The soul of the deceased will not search for a place in the next world for long, and quick peace will come to the soul. Oddly enough, this is the only positive sign that can happen at a funeral.

This sad event is associated with a very large number of prohibitions, which under no circumstances are recommended to be ignored. The most important rule for pregnant women at a funeral ceremony is that she should never follow the hearse. A pregnant woman may have a miscarriage if she decides to attend the burial.

One of the important points is that everyone who comes to say goodbye to the deceased must be dressed in black clothes. Our ancestors are confident that black clothing will help protect against death.

Bad omen - the coffin fell

This is the worst thing that can happen at a funeral.. If this does happen, the old people say that they should expect death within the next ninety days. But there is one way you can try to fix everything and avoid the deadly consequences.

For everything to fall into place, the next day after the funeral, all relatives need to get together and bake pancakes. The most important thing is that everyone takes part in this process. Then the whole family goes to the cemetery. Each of those present looks for three graves with their name and at each one reads the words of the prayer “Our Father”.

After the cemetery, head to the church - give alms and distribute all the baked pancakes. Absolute silence must be maintained throughout the entire process.

Superstitions, signs and beliefs have evolved over many millennia. All signs have been verified by experience. People listened to their feelings and throughout the years acted as their hearts told them.

If you look at it, then in fact all the signs that relate to a funeral ceremony are not as terrible as people say about them. You just need to listen to these signs and do everything as recommended by mature people. If it suddenly happened that, due to your inexperience, you violated any of the superstitions, do not be upset, ask for forgiveness from the deceased person and from the Almighty Lord.

Whether or not to believe all the signs that are associated with a funeral is a personal matter for each person. The most important thing is just don’t forget that we will all end up in the next world, and there we will have to answer for all our sins.