Renewing meaning in relationships. Major Arcana Tarot Judgment: the meaning of the upright and inverted card

On the Arcana of the Tarot Judgment we see people rising from their graves. A man, woman and child stand with their hands outstretched to the sky. Death has been defeated, people have woken up from their stupor, their bodies and souls have been resurrected for a new life. In the sky there is an angel blowing a horn. This is Archangel Gabriel giving the signal of resurrection. This is the voice of Fate, giving a person strength and renewal, allowing him to be reborn and find his true calling. On the Angel's forge is the banner of resurrection symbolizes that the time of suffering has passed. Clear clear sky, green endless field show that great prospects open up for a person and he is provided with the support of the Higher Powers. Three people rise from rectangular coffins, as a symbol of the release of the divine (3) from the earthly (4). The attraction to material existence has been overcome. Man heard the voice of Fate and understood his true goal, his calling. Man, woman and child show that regardless of gender, age, origin, a person is able to find his true purpose, the main thing is to be able to hear the hint of Fate, which can manifest itself in anything and can change our lives for the better. 

Meaning 20 Arcana Tarot Judgment in the upright position:

Key meanings of the Arcana Tarot Judgment in the upright position: rebirth, liberation. A new stage in life. Change for the better. New direction. Back to life.

Arcana Tarot Judgment on Relationships in the upright position: liberation from difficult, painful relationships. Meeting your “soul mate”. The realization that the person next to us is our treasure.

Arcana Tarot Judgment for Work in the upright position: The work that you are doing or are just planning to do is your true calling in life. Leaving an old job, which is perceived as liberation from a burdensome burden. Creative self-realization. Change of profession. New job. Successful completion of tasks, projects, passing an exam, advanced training.

Arcana Tarot Judgment for Health in the upright position: recovery. Getting rid of bad habits and addictions.

Advice from Arcana Judgment in upright position: For a long time you have felt under pressure from circumstances or people, but now the time is coming when you are able to free yourself from a heavy burden. Whether you like it or not, changes will happen, do not resist them, because they will only be for the better!

Meaning 20 Arcana Tarot Judgment in reversed position:

Key meanings of the Arcana Tarot Judgment in an inverted position: resistance to change. Lack of purpose. You hold on to outdated ideas, relationships, views. Confusion, indecisiveness in making decisions.

Arcana Tarot Judgment for Relationships in an inverted position: Inability or unwillingness to get rid of painful relationships. Loneliness, separation from a loved one. Cooling of affections.

Arcana Tarot Judgment for Work in an inverted position: The job you are doing is not your calling. Stagnation in business.

Arcana Tarot Judgment for Health in an inverted position: deterioration of health. Bad habits and addictions are very harmful to health.

Arcana Advice: Court in reversed position: what you are going to do now is not your purpose.


Court - X X Major Arcana

In the astrological field, the Arcana of Judgment corresponds to Jupiter and Uranus in harmonious aspect to the Sun. This combination of planets symbolizes liberation.

Other names of the Arcana are Revival, Last Judgment, Eternity, Judgment Day, Supreme Court, Resurrection.

Description of the Arcana

Perhaps, it is the most difficult thing to describe this Arcanum, since different schools have adopted completely different images of one of the important symbols - people. Some schools prefer to focus on resurrection (one of the Arcanum's motivations). To enhance the effect, people are depicted rising from their coffins. This image is found, for example, in the classic Rider Waite Tarot. There are 3 people depicted here - a man, a woman and a child. They symbolize, respectively, the active, passive principle and the physical world.

In some Tarot decks there is no such strict division into the components of a person; in this case, the card depicts a large number of people rising from the grave.

In the Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, people are depicted standing on the ground and reaching out to the heavenly Angel, invitingly blowing his horn. In this Arcana there are two central plots that describe the main essence - people and an Angel. If people are a passive element, a follower, then the Angel is an active one: he is destined for the role of the herald of God. The angel is on the clouds, in his hands is a horn, with the help of which he announces the verdict of the Law of Cause and Effect.

The passivity of a person in this Arcanum is imaginary, because, despite the fact that he follows the verdict, he always has the opportunity to change the decision of the High Court, receiving through repentance and forgiveness the opportunity to be reborn again and begin his path again. Having done this, a person has every chance of getting into the XXI Arcanum - Peace, Tranquility.

The sacred meaning of the Court

In its sacred sense, the Arcanum of Judgment is direct evidence of reincarnation, both human and cosmic. To understand the issues of reincarnation, you need to understand the concept of death itself. So, death manifests itself in three forms - oblivion, sleep and physical death. These are the three stages of destroying a living being. Therefore, there are three stages of rebirth of a living being. They are exactly the opposite of the stages of death. This is remembrance, wakefulness and birth.

The XX Arcanum itself symbolizes the stage of recollection. To understand this meaning of the Arcana, you need to turn to the very understanding of memory. Human memory can be divided into three types: automatic, logical and moral. Automatic is the spontaneous appearance of images in memory. The person himself does not participate in such an occurrence. These memories come from the outside and sometimes become very intrusive.

Logical memory is images that arise in a person’s mind through logical thinking. These images are caused by the person himself, his logic and thought process. Moral memory arises at the moment when a person associates any sensory perceptions - strong emotions - with the object of memory. Moreover, these can be both positive and negative emotions.

Similar to human memory, the microcosm, there is also cosmic memory, the macrocosm. In essence, this is what in some esoteric schools is called the Akashic Chronicles. According to Hermeticists and occultists, the Akashic records include three great books of memory. The First Book of Archives or the Book of Wisdom, corresponding to human automatic memory. It contains all the facts and knowledge of all human lives. The second book is the Book of Truth. It corresponds to human logical memory. It stores all the events that are significant for each person, colored by his assessment. The third book is the Book of Life, corresponding to moral human memory. It contains a compilation of the first two books.

In fact, the Book of Life describes each stage of the Law of Cause and Effect directly for each person. All moments of forgiveness and atonement for sins necessarily change the content of the Book of Life: redeemed sins and forgiven offenses simply disappear from its wanderers.

Before the memory stage, each Spirit has the opportunity to look into one of their books from the Akashic records. The ideal memory will be the memory provided by the Book of Life. It is this memory that will help a person to be reborn at a higher level. In this case, Arcanum presupposes a new stage of life associated with changes that, in essence, revive a person in his physical world. The more a person changes internally, the brighter his insights and realizations are, the more positive the changes will be for him.

It is no coincidence that the picture of the XX Arcana shows three people: they symbolize three components of the personality - Spirit (man, with his active principle), Soul (Woman with her passive principle) and consciousness, body (child, as a derivative of two principles). The deck of the Age of Aquarius school depicts not one child, but two - a boy and a girl, as a symbol of the lack of importance of any one principle in consciousness. These components of the personality must undergo changes at the stage of recollection, i.e. reading the Akashic books in order to go through the resurrection process.

The quality of memories and repentance, their sincerity and truth are assessed by God. His messenger is the Heavenly Angel of the Last Judgment, who is depicted on the Arcana with a thunderous trumpet. In this case, the trumpet is the voice of God, which proclaims the verdict of the Last Judgment.

Each school expresses this meaning in its own way. In some decks, people are depicted rising from coffins, and sometimes you can see the image of a large number of people. In the Tarot of the Age of Aquarius there is no image of coffins.

It is worth noting that the Angel is holding a flag in his hands. As a rule, the flag is always hoisted by the winner, therefore, it is a symbol of a person’s victory over oblivion and successful resurrection, which in its essence is the main meaning of the XX Arcana. Consequently, the Arcana Court says that after going through the entire path of memories and evaluating the events of his life, a person inevitably receives the right to rebirth.

In essence, a person must pass the tests with dignity, understand the causes and consequences, be imbued with repentance and atonement in order to begin his life path again with a “clean slate”.

It is important to understand that no matter how threatening the name of the card may sound, and the presence in its image of the Messenger of the Last Judgment, the card itself should not frighten, for although the Last Judgment carries an element of punishment, it is only the quintessence of the Law of cause-and-effect relationships, which not only punishes, but also provides an opportunity to atone for one’s sin, opening up new horizons.

At its core, this Arcanum is a way out of oblivion, awakening and judgment, but only judgment over oneself. It indicates a subjective withdrawal into one’s inner world from the physical world. Detachment from everything material and turning to the spiritual.

Mythological correspondence of the Court

An indicative myth for this Arcanum is the story of Janson, who, in order to obtain his legal right to reign over Iolka, had to fulfill a condition: he would go to Eia, inhabited by the Colchians, and bring the golden fleece - the skin of a sacred white ram. For this, the hero built a ship, calling it Argo. The task was impossible, but Yanson, having passed all the tests, was able to complete it.

Some myth researchers tend to view the story of the Argonauts as a transformation of the plot about the hero’s journey to the underworld.

The meaning of direct judgment in the layout

No matter what situation the prediction is made for, no matter what situation the Court appears in, it will always portend some very serious changes. The nature of the changes can be determined with the help of the cards surrounding this Arcana in the layout. It is important to note that no matter what area of ​​human life these changes occur, they always speak of a moral, ethical and mental change in the person himself.

No changes in life under the Court are possible without a person changing internally. Moreover, it is these internal changes that entail external changes. They, in fact, open up further prospects for a person. These changes can be called a way out of oblivion, because they inevitably pass through their own internal judgment.

For example, if the Court is surrounded by the Minor Arcana of the suit of Cups, this indicates that quite recently changes have occurred in the person, provoked by a deep emotional experience. The changes themselves are due to the fact that a person’s emotionality in relationships with the people around him and the world undergoes a transformation.

The Wands surrounding the Court will tell you that changes are happening to a person in the sphere of business and social relations, and these changes were probably preceded by a reassessment of personal and business qualities, capabilities and principles of building relationships. An example of such changes could be either an increase in a person’s social status or a promotion in position.

When the XX Arcana is adjacent to the Swords, we can talk about profound changes taking place in the worldview of a person. Usually these changes are preceded by very difficult events, accompanied by pain - acute emotional experiences. They could well be associated with some kind of separation, dissolution of some kind of union or someone's death.

When the Court is surrounded by the Minor Arcana of the suit of Money, we can talk about changes in the financial sphere; as a rule, these changes are preceded by a person’s awareness of the error of his thinking in relation to material values ​​in the physical world. These changes in thinking are so important for a person that, as a bonus, he can receive a sudden arrival of large sums of money, for example, winning the lottery, which will be indicated by the proximity of the Court to the Ace of Pentacles.

In the vicinity of the major Arcana, the Judgment card is more likely to show the result of the events indicated by a certain Arcana. For example, with the Chariot (VII Arcana) or the Wheel of Fortune (X Arcana), the Court may say that by going on a trip, the person will end up experiencing very significant changes in his life. Such a trip will actually be fateful for a person.

With “heavy” Major Arcana, the Court will demonstrate a person’s way out of a difficult situation. With this ratio, we can say that a person accepted a negative situation for himself, realized it, understood the root cause of what was happening and received the opportunity through redemption to move on.

The meaning of the reversed Judgment in the reading

The reversed Court in the chart speaks of stagnation and possible delays in resolving the situation. Moreover, it should be understood that the reason for this stagnation lies solely in the person himself, while the Hanged Man (XII Arcana), which also speaks of stagnation, points more to external circumstances. As a rule, all stagnant situations during the Court arise solely because of a person’s reluctance to change anything in his life and to act actively. There is no talk here about fear of change, here we are talking exclusively about inertia.

In this case, the Minor Arcana that appear in the layout will show both the area of ​​stagnation and the degree of stagnation. For example, the Nine and Ten of Swords cards will say that a person is so inert that his physical body is already reacting painfully to the lack of activity. This often leads to illness.

Particular attention should be paid to the proximity of the “heavy cards” of the Major Arcana, since a person’s inaction and inertia, his lack of initiative can lead to severe destructive changes in his life. For example, with the Devil card (XV Arcana), the inverted Judgment will tell about a very serious degree of dependence and a person’s reluctance to free himself from it. This could be alcohol, drug or gaming addiction.

An inverted Court may indicate that a person is delaying making a decision and, if he does not listen to Arkan’s advice and does not take the initiative, then he may well miss his opportunity.

Direction of self-development

When the Judgment appears in self-development scenarios, it is very important to understand that the Arcanum indicates that human memory forces him to return to the past, tightly holds him and does not allow him to move forward. Such a return to the past is not accidental, for Arkan suggests analyzing all your memories, forgiving yourself for your mistakes, trying to forgive the people around you, and realizing sinfulness in order to open up to new stages of your life.

In this case, one of the important sacred parts of the Arcanum - memory - begins to help a person reach a qualitatively new level of his life. All this can only happen through internal transformation and awareness. Strictly speaking, through revival.

The inverted Court on self-development indicates that the events occurring in a person’s life “do not fit into his head.” He does not see the reasons for what is happening to him, he tries to look for the culprits outside himself, which confuses and draws him into the situation even more. He cannot be critical of his actions and tries to force others to take responsibility for their own events.

With Arkan in this position, there can be no talk of any self-development. In order to move on, a person must go inside himself and try to evaluate his behavior, thoughts, attitude towards the world around him, and then realize that no one other than himself is the culprit of what is happening in his life. Such a direction inward will mean a reversal of the Arcanum, and direct Judgment means ample opportunities for a person’s self-development.


In work scenarios, the XX Arcanum also indicates changes. The nature of the changes will be shown by the maps adjacent to the Court. “Heavy” cards of the Major Arcana will show an unfavorable direction of change. This could be dismissal from a job, destruction of a business, closure of a company, or a failed deal. It should be noted that with the Judgment card, even such unfavorable changes are perceived by a person not with a negative connotation, but as liberation from something painful.

This happens because both the events themselves and changes in a person’s worldview have long led him to the changes that have arisen. These are not unexpected changes, but expected changes for which a person is always internally prepared.

If positive cards of the Major Arcana appear next to the Judgment card, then this indicates favorable changes in a person’s life. He prepared the ground for these changes himself. In fact, this card will warn of the successful completion of a certain stage in a person’s life, towards which he has been moving for some time. This could be a promotion, winning a tender, concluding a profitable deal, merging some companies for further successful activities, moving a business to a higher level or going international. This combination will definitely indicate a stable financial situation that will last for some time.

The Minor Arcana that appear in the reading will show the circumstances surrounding these changes.

An inverted Judgment in work or business readings will show the absence of any prospects for change. With such a card, it is better not to start a new business, not to undertake serious financial transactions, not to change the team, not to try to reach some other level of business.

The circumstances that arose during the inverted Court for business are caused solely by the internal state of a person, his unpreparedness for change.

Sometimes, next to cards of changes, for example, the Chariot (VII Arcanum) or the Wheel of Fortune (X Arcanum), the Court will say that a person is being pushed to change by surrounding circumstances, but since a person is internally not ready for such changes, no matter how the surrounding circumstances develop circumstances, even if they outwardly look positive, a person will in any case suffer losses.

If there are “heavy” cards of the Major Arcana nearby, then the inverted Court will say that the situation has reached a critical state, and if a person does not change his attitude towards the situation, then he will have to part with his job, position or business.

Personal relationships

Direct Arcana Judgment is very favorable for any personal relationship. If this card falls on an alliance, then we can talk about deep mutual understanding, trust, and the fact that some time ago these people, under the influence of certain situations, experienced a change in their worldview. Each of the partners has gone through the stage of re-evaluating the relationship and has now practically found a “treasure” in their partner. The cards of the Minor Arcana will help you understand exactly what situation led to a rethinking of relationships.

If the Court falls on one of the partners, then this indicates that the person is currently going through a period of relationship transformation. This period may be painful, but one way or another these changes are favorable for him.

If the card falls on a lonely person, then it always promises changes in his personal life. She can talk about a new acquaintance, about the return of some old love in a new capacity, and all these changes will be favorable for the person.

If we talk about some kind of collective, then the card of direct Court will indicate that the collective is a single whole, and there is complete mutual understanding and mutual support between all members of this collective. In this capacity, the team can survive any changes.

An inverted Court on personal relationships for an alliance indicates that the relationship has turned into a swamp. At the same time, there may be no showdowns or scandals between the partners, but their mutual coexistence does not bring either joy or pleasure. This state is the threshold of decay and can last indefinitely.

If this card falls on one of the partners, then we can say that the person simply does not see the point in further maintaining the union. If this union still exists, it is only because the person has no alternative to other relationships or a new union, and he himself is not looking for it.

For a single person, an inverted Court indicates the impossibility of finding a partner to live together. The reason lies in the fact that a person chooses a certain way of life for himself and does not seek the strength to change it, even if he is not satisfied with it. The reason for a person’s loneliness lies solely in himself. All he has to do is show a little activity and he will have every chance to change this situation, i.e. he must turn over the Arcana.

Personality characteristics

X Arcan characterizes a person who strives for change and, in fact, lives by it. This person cannot tolerate a state of stagnation for long. He is ready to change himself and change everything around him. He does this with ease; if it is impossible to make global changes, then a person can be satisfied with even small rearrangements in the apartment. For him, in this case, the design is not important, for him it is important to change the location.

Such people, as a rule, are both creative and proactive, which is necessarily manifested in any type of their activity. They gush with energy and ideas. We can safely say that the people of the Court have a very high intelligence, which allows them to correctly accept not only external changes, but also to easily implement changes in their inner world.

Due to their level of intelligence, these people never engage in self-examination, but only correct deep introspection, leading them to internal transformation and continuous movement forward.

An inverted Arcana on a personality characteristic says that people very easily enter their comfort zone and do not want to leave it, even if it looks like a swamp. They are engaged in self-digging, which does not bring them positive results, but only drives them further into the swamp. They tend to withdraw into themselves, but not at all in order to look within themselves for the reasons for what is happening in their lives. And their withdrawal into themselves is accompanied by feelings of guilt and self-pity.

Such people do not like to change anything and do not accept the trend of fashion. Having once gotten used to something, such a person can wear it for a long time, even despite its shabby appearance. Such people perceive changes in life very painfully and always as injustice towards them.


Tarot cards can be very revealing when viewing a person’s health. Depending on the question itself and the depth of viewing, you can use three layouts. The first layout is performed using one card of the Major Arcana. In this case, the deck must be shuffled so that it contains both straight and inverted cards. This layout will show the overall health of the body, its energy content.

You can view a specific organ, as well as the processes occurring in it, using two cards of the Major Arcana. The first position will indicate the organ itself, and the second will indicate the processes in it. Both straight and inverted Arcana are also used here.

The most complete diagnosis of the body can be made using a layout according to the chakra system. To do this, one card is drawn for each chakra from a deck shuffled so that it contains upright and inverted cards. You need to start the alignment from the lower chakra - Muladhara. In this layout, the Arcana are read both independently and in combination with those lying on neighboring chakras in case a more detailed decoding is required. It must be said that the Arcanum on the Sahasrara does not play a role in determining the physical condition. Here, any card will show only the mental state.

General state

The Court card in viewing the general state of health will indicate that some kind of shock has occurred in the body. This can be either stress or very strong positive emotions that affect the general physical condition. In general, the Arcanum Sud shows the nervous system.

An inverted Arcana will only show a negative stress state, which has led to a sharp deterioration in overall health and disruptions in the nervous system.

Ongoing processes

In the first position in the layout, with two cards, both upright and inverted, the Court will talk about the nervous system as such.

In the second position, the direct Arcana will show that the organ described by the card in the first position is undergoing a rehabilitation process after recovery. The inverted Arcana here shows the stagnation of the disease, its chronic condition and the impossibility of getting out of it for some time.

Chakra diagnostics

Muladhara. Direct Judgment will show the impact of some kind of stress on the general condition of the body, on its energy component. It can be a burst of energy.

When the Court is inverted, this is a state of “de-energization” of the body. A person feels very strong general fatigue, which affects his physical condition. He becomes inert, quickly tired, and difficult to lift.

Svadhisthana. Direct Judgment on this chakra can indicate a strong hormonal surge that could occur as a result of overexcitability of the nervous system.

The inverted Court will speak of a lack of hormones, stagnation, insufficient functioning or cessation of functioning of the genitourinary organs. For example, an inverted Judgment may indicate early menopause in both women and men.

Manipura. Direct Court speaks of physical stress - overeating, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, stress on the body, severe physical fatigue. At the same time, nervous overload should not be ruled out.

The inverted Court indicates the stagnation of processes in the bodies related to Manipur. For example, stagnation of bile, gastric stoppage.

Anahata. The nervous system, which is characterized by Judgment, is reflected, perhaps, most of all on this chakra. Here you can see the state of the body either after great joy or after deep grief. With a direct map, we can say that the body is recovering from severe emotional stress. This manifests itself both with a straight and inverted map with heart pain, difficulty breathing, tachycardia, and irregular heart rhythms.

Vishuddha. Since Vishuddha is responsible specifically for the nervous system, a direct map will speak of disruptions in the nervous system, of sudden emotional changes that have consequences in the form of various neuroses, neuritis and nervous shocks.

An inverted card indicates suppressed thyroid function and metabolic problems.

Ajna. On this chakra, the direct Court can talk about headaches of an unpredictable nature, when there are no apparent reasons for them, for example, migraines.

An inverted Arcana will show a blood pressure disorder. This can be either hypertension or hypotension.

Sahasrara. On the Sahasrara, this Arcanum speaks exclusively about the internal psychological state of a person. In direct form, it indicates that a person undergoes processes of self-awareness and self-identification, and reassessment of his behavior. Inverted, it speaks of slowness in thought processes, internal emotional stagnation.

Layout for the situation

In the scenario of the situation, first of all, the card says that some information will quickly come to the person, which can become very useful for the further development of the situation. In any case, with such a map the situation will be subject to change. How it will change and what awaits as a result can be understood from the adjacent cards of the Major and Minor Arcana.

The Minor Arcana will show how the situation will change, and the Senior Arcana will speak directly about the result. For example, if the Minor Arcana of the suit of Cups falls next to the Court, then to resolve the situation it will be necessary to make changes in personal relationships.

When the Court is adjacent to the suit of Money, changes will be caused by the material side of life. At the everyday level, this may look like the need to pay a bribe or make an unplanned payment.

With Sword cards in combination with Judgment, a person can understand what specific problem needs to be solved. This will show the meaning of the card itself. For example, if it is the Eight of Swords, then the person will need to get rid of some restrictions.

If cards of the Wands suit predominate in the immediate environment, then the situation will be resolved with the help of the person’s business connections.

At the everyday level, most often direct Court shows a change in circumstances in a person’s life. They can concern any sphere, or they can occur at all levels simultaneously.

The inverted Court shows a stop in the development of the situation, and the Major Arcana, nearby near the Court, will describe whether changes in this situation are possible at all or whether it will remain in such a frozen state for a long time.

The Minor Arcana in this case will show the obstacles that stand in the way of resolving the situation. We must understand that, as a rule, obstacles do not come from outside, but are located within the person himself. Based on this, you need to read the Minor Arcana.

If there are picture cards (Kings and Queens) next to the Court, this will indicate that this situation involves other people who, along with the person, are responsible for the course of this situation.

Card of the day

As a card of the day, the Court foreshadows the resolution of any problem, and it does not matter at all when it began to arise: whether it is a problem of this day, or a long-standing, inveterate one. Moreover, what if a person has some kind of unsolvable problem, that this day is the most favorable.

In order for everything to go smoothly, it is important for a person to look very carefully at the surrounding circumstances, because they themselves will bring good luck into their hands. The main thing is not to miss this important moment.

It must be said that on this day you should under no circumstances remain in a passive state, give in to laziness and be inert, you can lose a lot of opportunities. If such moments arise, you should give yourself an internal kick.

The inverted Arcanum says that on this day it is worth abandoning grandiose plans, because even if the surrounding circumstances are concomitant, internal problems may arise at the most inopportune moment. This could send all plans to Tartarus.

Card of the Year

On the map of the year, the XX Arcanum promises a very busy time, associated with a lot of changes in all areas of life. This year a person may find a treasure, and it can be either a financial acquisition or a meeting with the partner of his dreams.

This year promises to bring peace to those who have suffered from intractable problems. It is imperative to wait for the situation to change, and in a good way, but in order for them to happen, you need to have a positive inner attitude and be prepared for such changes.

Business people will enjoy a pleasant promotion in position or social status, as well as an increase in their financial status. In business you will have to face the need to change something, but these changes will bring the desired success.

This year, everything important can be resurrected that previously had to be parted for some reason. Good old friends may show up and even an old love may return.

It is better to start any changes that a person has planned in his life in the year accompanied by the XX Arcanum, since in this case help will come from everywhere.

An inverted Arcana on the map of the year speaks of protracted conflicts, including internal ones. This year, insoluble problems will turn into a real swamp, from which there will be no way out. With such a card, it is better to refrain from making any changes in your life. They are inherently impossible, and if you go ahead, you can only get a lot of problems and disappointments.

Arcana Council

Arcanum Sud advises finding time and energy to carry out internal judgment in order to fully understand your true role in what is happening in life. It should be remembered that awareness alone is not enough. You need to learn to forgive yourself for your mistakes and others, to atone for your sins. You need to plunge into memories and find the reasons for all events.

Such actions will help you open up to changes in life, and all changes will be exclusively positive. The main thing is to learn to accept them, not demand more and not judge.

In essence, Arkan advises the old self to die and be reborn in a new quality. This will provide an opportunity to gain wisdom, learn to deeply understand all processes, and turn to your own Spirit. If, during an internal inspection of your Self, dark sides are revealed, then you should not be afraid and drive them into the depths, you just need to accept yourself as you are and not reproach yourself for your own imperfections. This will be forgiveness of yourself, and having already learned to forgive yourself, you can easily forgive others.

The XX Arcanum says that some milestone has ended in a person’s life, and he is facing a new interesting stage in life. If this Arcanum has fallen, it means that the person is internally ready for change, you just need to take a small step. The court says that the “finest hour” is coming when you have the power to change everything in your life, including your health. The map does not consider a person as a separate person, but as a part of the Universe, and this Universe is ready to fully come to the rescue at a crucial moment of change.

Main meaning of the card

Straight position

This Arcanum, despite its rather harsh name, does not carry the idea of ​​punishment and retribution. In this case, we are talking about transformation, the discovery of new aspects of personality or talents, the revival of a person after a difficult period, freeing him from something very boring, annoying, and constraining. Arkan points to decisive steps on our part - drastic and persistent. And also - on the effectiveness and efficiency of such steps. Of course, such phenomena are usually accompanied by painful emotions, sensations, and sometimes also fears and doubts. However, you should always remember that everything negative in this case is temporary, passing, but a satisfactory result will be stable and long-term.

Some combinations of Judgment with other Arcana in the layout are very interesting. These are the combinations of Judgment + Priestess (discovery of magical abilities), Judgment + Chariot (the long-awaited achievement of victory), Judgment + Death (a decisive step to finally let go of what has ceased to have meaning and significance, but for which, due to some That’s the reason why the person stubbornly held on until now).

Inverted position

In an inverted position, the Arcana of the Court testifies to a person’s resistance to change, to excessive caution, which only slows down progress, to health problems that prevent one from acting and going towards the goal. This is a certain destructive aspect of our aspirations, something that pulls us back or forces us, figuratively speaking, to mark time. The reason here is, in general, simple: a person underestimates difficulties or counts on the notorious “maybe”.

Always pay attention in the layout to the Arcana adjacent to the inverted Judgment, for they can add a lot to its general interpretations. For example, with the Hierophant, the inverted Judgment symbolizes another disappointment in ideals, and with the Hermit - an overestimation of one’s capabilities.

Love and relationships

Straight position

For the sphere of personal relationships, Judgment is always an acquisition. A partner, if until now the person was single, or a new level of relationship, if the union of people has already taken place (the latter situation manifests itself especially characteristically with Lovers). The court in this case speaks about the internal changes that have occurred, which entail overcoming existing obstacles and can externally manifest themselves as a feeling of clarity of the situation (for example, with the Star), insight. Arkan clearly makes it clear that certain problems have been rethought, which are now a thing of the past, because they have been worked out and lessons have been learned from them.

Inverted position

An inverted Court in relationship charts usually indicates that a person repents of something, experiences remorse, and regret. Moreover, such an assessment of the situation creates difficulties and obstacles for him in relationships with loved ones, which can result in delays or delays. In certain situations, Reversed Judgment can be interpreted as a temporary separation. The meaning of the Arcanum is further enhanced if the Hanged Man appears next to it in the scenario (then the Judgment is interpreted as deep repentance) or the Devil (stubborn reluctance to change something).


Straight position

If, when fortune telling about a career or profession, the Judgment falls, it means that we can talk about the revival of professional activity, that the routine of everyday work has been (or is about to be) left behind. A person characterized by the Court can count on serious changes in his career, on the fact that his project (business, undertaking) will finally enter a decisive phase. If the alignment is made for a new future job, then this Arcanum convincingly indicates that it will be found, that it is worth moving to this new job, because it will turn out to be much more interesting and promising than the previous one.

If everything is calm and stable in the professional sphere, then the Court is an indicator that a person will be able to get rid of some long-standing problem, a boring and long-unneeded duty, etc. Together with the Magician, the Court in the scenario should be interpreted as strengthening and improving professional qualities; with Justice - as the ability to sensibly and objectively assess complex situations; with the Sun - as the arrival of fame.

Inverted position

Inverted Court in career readings is generally interpreted as significant problems, the overcoming of which, however, will lead a person to a qualitatively new stage in his career. At the same time, you need to understand that problems can be external (delays, procrastination) or expressed in an internal feeling of regret and overly pessimistic assessments. When combined with the Emperor, the reversed Judgment should be interpreted as obstacles that the person will face in expanding his project. If the Three of Wands appears upside down next to the Judgment, then the person will receive a valuable, albeit painful, experience.

There will be events. Change is inevitable. And it will be better if you accept it. Because then you will be able to move in the right direction confidently and slowly, solving problems, overcoming difficulties and paying attention to what is significant.

The Major Arcana has always made more sense than the Minor Arcana. Although we must give them their due - without them the future, and any interpretation of the highest ranks, would not be so clear and understandable. The Tarot card Judgment (aka 20 Arcana) is a little scary with its name, but still it carries more positive meaning in its meaning - rebirth, the emergence of something new.

The direct position of the Judgment card can promise pleasant events to the fortuneteller

Basic meaning or fortune telling for one card

Almost every source offers its own version of a fortune-telling interpretation of Arcana 20. Some people think this card is positive, while others have a different opinion. Basically, the plus or minus sign should be placed on the use of decks. If you decide to take dark decks (Vampires, Shadows), then the card will not be as promising and bring changes for the better. According to the classic explanation - deliverance, change, a new path or life.

The upright position can promise the fortuneteller pleasant events, an alliance, love that will change everything for the better. People who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol and who want to quit this business will definitely stop spoiling their health. The only negative point is that the Last Judgment Tarot card indicates that a person has a chance to restore and change his life, but will he be able to take advantage of it? It’s just that the card doesn’t give you time. Either you do it or you don't, but you were given a chance.

You cannot hesitate, you must take everything into your own hands and follow the light. Having missed your chance, the punishment will not take long to arrive. Fate does not forgive such mistakes.

If the questioner is going through a difficult period in life and needs to make a choice, then leaving everything as it is will no longer work out. Everything that bothers you or worries you must be resolved. If a person does not make the right choice and step towards a bright path, fate will do everything for him. But will there be luck and success in everything later? The card says that there will be no forgiveness, and nothing can be changed.

What else can the Court card mean?

20 Arcana Tarot is able to predict not only changes in relationships or indicate choice. This may be an impetus to the fact that it’s time to direct your health and strength to achieving more important goals in life. Don’t keep everything to yourself, but help other people get out of negative emotions. It may be that the fortuneteller is facing moments due to which he will need to change his professional activities. These changes will be serious and impressive. It is impossible to say for sure that everything will go smoothly. But the fact that everything will end well and the person will get more from what happened is certain. It will change the status.

For those seeking truth, the twentieth Major Arcana speaks of gaining new knowledge, understanding what is happening and renewal. Thoughts will be clearer and more precise. It will be possible to decide which side to take and what to do in a given situation. Most likely, the decision will be difficult, but definitely the right one.

The Major Arcana speaks of gaining new knowledge

The name of the card indicates justice, which is blind and impartial. We must follow the rules. You cannot act in the name of love or honor to harm. The fortuneteller understands and realizes the importance of what is happening; he must act as a judge, whose decision cannot be appealed. There will be no second chance. Therefore, all trials, provided that a person is strong in spirit, he must withstand, and then move towards the light.

If we consider the person who is hiding under the Arcanum, then this is a person who lives by principles, based on life experience and her knowledge. She is not a fan of communicating and is often alone, as she needs a break from everything that is happening. A person is independent and does not want to give away or waste his strength on trifles.

Reversed meaning and combination with negative cards

It should be noted that the inverted meaning and combination in the layout with the Arcana, which bring negativity to fortune telling, significantly change the interpretation of the card. The essence will remain the same - the questioner is being judged. If the questions were related only to the situations in which the person found himself. The Supreme Court issued a verdict and it is disappointing. The mildest will be the condemnation of others, the heaviest - death. Not necessarily physically, but spiritually. The man has lost his face, he is no longer seen as a person. For gamblers or risk lovers, this is a definite loss.

An inverted meaning cannot carry positive emotions, but only negative aspects:

  • painful state of mind and body;
  • in case of serious illness - death;
  • unexpected expenses and losses;
  • for addicted people, the end of life’s journey is death;
  • shame and hatred of others;
  • parting.

For the Egyptians, the Judgment in an inverted position indicated only rebirth after death. A new path that you can take only after gaining certain knowledge, wisdom and strength. By becoming a shadow, you can find peace and freedom from a heavy burden.

The Last Judgment of the Tarot can be interpreted as stopping and not knowing where to go next, there are too many obstacles and barriers to solving issues and problems. The man is desperate and will remain in this state for a long time. But Arkan insists: the longer you stand in a stupor and do not take action, the longer the black streak in life will last. Only by moving forward, through strength and suffering, pain and humiliation, can you achieve your goal.

The person the card indicates is clearly cowardly and cowardly. This is an opportunist. He survives and is unable to think soberly and develop.

Court in relationships

The meaning of Tarot card 20 in a relationship is quite simple - it is the formation of mutual understanding in a couple. Provided that the Arcanum has a straight position. Finally, an understanding of what love is will come. This feeling will completely capture the couple. A woman and a man deserve this feeling. A long search will be crowned with success. Understanding and respect - that's what the card promises. A person was able to go a long way towards achieving peace and tranquility. Idyll settles in relationships. There is a feeling that the meeting and union of two hearts is the destiny of higher powers. They cannot survive without each other.

If neighboring cards are positive, this is evidence that the union is successful and prosperous. As well as possible inheritance.

With negative cards, love is black in color. As some say, “it’s bad without him, but even worse with him.” It was so destined by fate to have a couple that only causes pain, but with variable white streaks in life. For a woman, this is a hint that she needs to act, and not cry into the shoulder of her girlfriends or parents after quarrels and showdowns. The only way to solve all problems in one fell swoop is to overcome your dependence on such a person. If there are other Major Arcana (Death or the Hanged Man), the help of a specialist is needed, since the problem will not disappear by itself, and the spouses cannot solve it.

The meaning of Tarot card 20 in relationships - the formation of mutual understanding in a couple

What does health mean?

In this case, Arkan has two meanings. You should rely more on the cards that are nearby.

Positive interpretation:

  • receiving vital energy;
  • positive emotions;
  • rapid recovery after a protracted illness or surgery;
  • improvement of psychological state and mental health as well;
  • state of rest.

The above values ​​in health layouts are present only when the card is in a straight position. This can include the desire to go in for sports, which can improve mental and physical well-being, carry out cleansing procedures or visit sanatoriums. That is, you need to take care of your health. All methods and methods will bring only positive moments.

If a person feels unwell, then he may have an allergic reaction or a lack of vitamins in the body, or anemia.

The inverted meaning is one: an incurable disease with a fatal outcome.

Court and other cards

Judgment in combination with other Tarot cards will reveal more secrets and mysteries related to health, work or relationships.

When reading Tarot, it is necessary to take into account each of the combinations that appear:

  • Connecting with the suit of Cups brings positive moments in life: conflicts will be resolved, family relationships will improve, holiday and peace will come in the soul. If the 20th Arcana falls next to the 5th of Cups - regret, and with the 4th - fixation on the old and reluctance to see the new.
  • With Swords the meaning is different. With an eight, there is a clear feeling of guilt and hopelessness. With the King - court and judges (trial). C 3 - a painful condition, and not necessarily a physical one. When the soul hurts, a person cannot act or think. The presence of this suit around the Court indicates isolation. A person does not want to see new prospects; he lives with old feelings and hopes, the time of which has already passed.
  • If there are Pentacles around the Last Judgment, then this is evidence that a person has new opportunities, projects and desires. All of them will be implemented and achieved. But if there is a Five of Pentacles and the question is about health or relationships, then Arcanum promises deterioration in both cases. With the Queen, King or Ten - prosperity, improvement of material wealth, inheritance or promotion.
  • Wands also have few negative meanings. They promise help in achieving goals, the emergence of new opportunities and prospects in everything, both on the personal front and for work. It may be that a person will find his calling or discover a talent. The clear meaning is help in everything, discovery of something new, good luck and prosperity.

If in one of the scenarios the Judgment occurs, then one should not lose hope, even if this is an inverted meaning. The Arcanum makes it possible to overcome one's fears, assuring the fortuneteller that sooner or later everything will work out, and what happens at this stage only helps to decide on the choice of path.