Mental disorders, depression, stress. Stress and depression: indirect effects

Emotional overload is an integral part of the daily life of a modern person. Many problems fall upon us like an unbearable burden, requiring immediate decisions. And conflict situations throw people out of balance, giving rise to a lot of negative experiences. The consequence of this is internal psychological discomfort, which we are accustomed to calling stress or depression. However, when making such “diagnoses” for themselves, people often do not know their essence and even confuse the concepts with each other. In this article we will tell you how stress differs from depression.


Stress– the human body’s response to negative emotions and stress. Under the influence of this state, the body begins to produce adrenaline, which forces you to look for a way out of a critical situation. Stress in moderation is even beneficial for a person, because it activates thought processes and brings variety to everyday life. However, the abundance of such “irritants” often causes health problems. The fact is that at the first stage, the influence of stress mobilizes the body’s adaptive capabilities. This is followed by the stage of resistance to negative factors. If you fail to overcome the destructive power of stress, a period of exhaustion begins. This is the initial stage of depression.


Depression– a mental disorder characterized by three main features. Firstly, it is a deterioration in mood and loss of the ability to enjoy life. Secondly, a thinking disorder associated with the predominance of negative judgments. And thirdly, motor retardation. Many people experiencing prolonged depression begin to abuse alcohol and other psychotropic substances. Every tenth person who has crossed the age of forty suffers from a similar illness, and two thirds of them are women. In general, depression is currently considered the most common mental disorder in the world. Often its cause is some serious shock or negative situation. This could be the loss of a loved one, job, social position, etc.



Let us draw some conclusions from the above definitions. Stress is the body's reaction to negative emotions. Its impact provokes a surge of adrenaline, mobilization of thought processes in order to find a way out of the situation. However, if it is not possible to find a solution to the problem, a period of exhaustion of the body begins, which becomes the initial stage of depression. The latter, in turn, leads to a decline in vitality, impaired thinking and motor retardation. Thus, stress mobilizes the body, making it even beneficial for health in moderate quantities. Depression, on the contrary, drains all the “juices” from a person, making him sick and weak.

It is worth noting that stress is short-term. That is, the processes of excitation provoked by a negative situation pass quite quickly. But the period of its experience lasts three times longer than the impact itself. Typically, the average duration of mild depression is a couple of weeks. Whereas serious traumatic situations for a person plunge him into an apathetic state for several months, or even years. This is another difference between stress and depression. While the individual is often able to overcome the first state on his own, the second requires outside intervention. Sometimes close people help bring a person out of depression, supporting him in every possible way and encouraging him to be active. However, if all the steps taken by the environment turn out to be useless, you have to seek help from a specialist. Consultations with a psychotherapist along with taking medications make it possible to overcome the disease.

To summarize, what is the difference between stress and depression.

Do you feel like the ground is disappearing from under your feet? Are you no longer in control of your own life? Everything is falling out of hand, the emotional state leaves much to be desired and it is completely unclear how to live further? It is important to determine the source of the problem that has crippled your soul - are you depressed or stressed? The present symptoms will help establish a diagnosis and begin timely restoration of mental health.

Do you live like in an aquarium or on a powder keg? Depression is different from stress in the answer to this question! Of course, one answer is not enough to accurately diagnose the cause of mental discord. But it is possible to identify significant signs of disease.

The symptoms of these mental illnesses are significantly different and lead to different consequences, but both conditions require timely correction. Remember that both neglected stress and neglected depression take a person out of the game for a long time and cause rapid destruction of his life (career, family and social relationships, creative fulfillment).

Symptoms of stress - a reaction to a problem

Stress always occurs according to the “stimulus-response” principle and is an adaptive mechanism of the psyche. In small quantities, it is necessary to maintain vitality, as well as to form an adequate response to danger emanating from the environment. When stress becomes a constant attribute of human life, the body gets used to the state of tension and loses the ability to relax and renew internal reserves. Chronic stress becomes a serious problem because it provokes deep personal deformations and forms the basis for a nervous breakdown. Let's consider explicit

Increased anxiety

Every situation feels aggravated and exaggerated. Pessimistic forecasts for the outcome of any case prevail. There are manifestations of mild neurosis - constant calls to relatives with questions like: “Is everything okay?”, “Is the iron turned off?” In advanced cases, panic attacks of varying intensity are observed.

Physical and mental stress

An unpleasant feeling of constant tension arises, as if there is a tense bowstring inside that is about to burst. The muscles of the body are tense most of the time, pain appears after sleep. A typical phrase from a person experiencing chronic stress: “I wake up exhausted, as if a truck drove over me or I was beaten all night.”

Sleep disorders

Depending on the characteristics of a particular individual, either attacks of insomnia or excessive reliance on “bed rest” without a feeling of rest may be observed. Nightmarish or psychologically uncomfortable dreams are possible

Constant fatigue syndrome

Fatigue becomes a constant companion of life. The greatest difficulties arise for knowledge workers (concentration decreases, the quantity and quality of creative ideas decreases) and those whose work is impossible without constant contact with other people (sellers, journalists, sales representatives, secretaries).

Self-diagnosis of stress

To correctly diagnose the problem, it is necessary to understand that the psyche reacts equally to both external and internal stress:

  1. External stress includes objective events that can provoke psychological exhaustion - exams, job changes, problems in personal relationships, moving, social conflicts, illness of relatives.
  2. Internal stress includes an individual’s assessment of his life - an internal conflict based on: “I want/need, I can/can’t”, an age crisis, spiritual tossing.

It makes sense to carry out “restoration work” after identifying the source of the problem. If the reason is external (conflicts at work), it is enough to take a short break to recover and make the right decision (change of job, correct conflict resolution strategy).

Are you experiencing signs of stress, but are not sure whether to consult a psychologist? Conduct self-testing using questionnaires:

  1. (Well-being. Activity. Mood).

The data obtained during self-testing will help to better understand the causes of severe illness. Then you can begin to move towards regaining your mental health.

Symptoms of depression - dehydration of the soul

Depression differs from stress in the duration of its occurrence and the severity of the experience of its condition. If all people allow themselves to experience stress, calmly sharing their emotions and thoughts with others, then “depression” (especially in men) is considered a “shameful illness”, equated to venereological diseases.

Depression often develops as a result of neglected stress (acute or). Less commonly, melancholy is provoked by serious physical illnesses that cause disruptions in brain function and the production of hormones responsible for regulating emotions.

The trigger for a depressive disorder can be anything. It is important to remember that loss of control over life is always associated with cognitive impasse - a person becomes captive of negative thoughts and emotions.

The more the patient tries to solve the problem, the more he gets stuck in it. The state of depression is like falling into quicksand, since any attempt to get out on your own leads to more bogging down.

Spontaneous healing of deep depression is observed only in one case - the emergence of deep, healing love. However, in this situation, the “other half” often acts as an energy donor and fills the dried-up spring of the patient’s soul with life.

Self-diagnosis of depression

The fundamental signs of depression cannot be confused with anything, let’s look at them carefully.

Complete loss or sharp decrease in the ability to experience joy. Life becomes discolored or seen in dirty gray or black tones. Not a single thing, even the most significant and positive (from the point of view of healthy people), causes pleasant experiences. Any communication and activity becomes a burden because a person does not get pleasure from them.

Cognitive disorders

There are many problems with mental activity. In the early stages, analytical and creative abilities are not impaired, although they acquire a pronounced negative connotation.

Signs that precede deep depression:

  • impenetrable pessimism;
  • a state of constant despondency (“life is meaningless”, “nothing good awaits me in the future”);
  • sharply negative judgments on any occasion (often without any real basis).

Catastrophic decline in self-esteem

At best, the attitude of a depressed patient towards himself is full of harsh self-criticism. With an advanced disease, a person gradually begins to experience increasing self-loathing, reaching the point of hatred and the appearance of suicidal thoughts.

Suicidal mood

The world would be a better place if I weren’t in it”, “It would be easier for my family without me”, “I don’t deserve happiness”, “I’m a nonentity, incapable of anything” - such programs can drive a person to real suicide and can only be eliminated with the help of an experienced psychotherapist, psychologist or psychiatrist.

Decreased or complete lack of interest in favorite activities

Some symptoms of depression can be observed (separately) among other mental disorders, but a complete and sudden loss of interest in one’s favorite activities/hobbies is characteristic of melancholy!

“A musician who has stopped expressing his soul through music. An artist who gave up drawing. A scientist who has stopped enthusiastically discussing the subjects of his scientific research,” someone thinks that they have lost the Muse. In 90% of such cases, people experience depression and often do not realize their condition, believing that they are simply stuck in everyday life and in a bad mood.

Self-testing for depression

You can check if you have depression using a self-test. The simplest tests can reveal the real presence and degree of neglect of the disorder:

  1. Zang Scale (Self-Rating of Depression) - /
  2. Beck Scale (Major Depression Inventory) - /

Both methods are quite simple and give a clear answer to the question: “Do I have depression?”, “Should I try to cope on my own or see a psychotherapist?”

  1. Mild depression – we treat it ourselves! With mild depression, you can try to change the quality of your life, fill yourself with new impressions, increase physical activity, and develop positive thinking.
  2. Moderate depression - psychologist to help! If you have moderate depression, you should contact a psychologist and correct your condition under his guidance (personal counseling, group work). Such a condition cannot be corrected by one’s own efforts - there simply is not enough “clarity of thinking” and a reserve of mental strength.
  3. Severe depression – medical support is needed! If the tests reveal a severe depressive state, then you will need to consult a psychiatrist and prescribe medication support for the period of psychotherapy.

However, you should first contact an experienced psychotherapist, since patients with depression tend to exaggerate the severity of their condition.

Video:“Clinical picture and diagnosis of depression”

When talking about depression, we often touch on the topic of stress. When it comes to stress, people often think of depression. These states go hand in hand, replacing each other or provoking each other. How to overcome stress or stress will be discussed in this article, where we will mainly talk about conditions inherent in healthy people.

From time to time, every person falls into a depressed or stressful state. It does not refer to psychological disorders, pathologies or disorders. Every healthy person has appropriate emotional reactions that manifest themselves in response to a particular event.

It is noteworthy that stress can provoke depression, just as depression can cause stress. It should be understood that these conditions are normal and healthy if they last for a short time.

  • Losing something valuable can naturally cause depression. It is quite normal to grieve over your loss if this grief lasts no more than 2 weeks.
  • Physical activity, emotional swings, and lack of sleep can provoke a stressful state. This state is quite normal if a person calms down immediately as soon as the situation changes (problems go away, proper rest appears, emotional difficulties cease to arise, etc.).

These conditions become abnormal and dangerous if their duration exceeds more than 2 weeks and the mood does not normalize when stressful situations pass.

What are depression and stress?

It is necessary to distinguish between depression and stress, since we are talking about two different conditions. What depression and stress are will help you separate these concepts and clearly monitor them:

  • Stress is a surge of emotions that arise as a reaction to some event. This is usually an emotional response that lasts only as long as the person is exposed to the stressful stimulus.
  • Depression is a condition that can result from an outburst of negative emotions. The situation that triggered the depression has long passed. A person is immersed in the past with emotions and memories, which provokes a corresponding internal state in him.

Stress is an emotion, tension. And depression is a state, a mood. The difference is quite noticeable.

Mindfulness allows many people to note that stress and depression occur in people at different times in life, for different reasons. While one person may be deeply affected by being fired from a job, another individual may view the event as insignificant. Here we should highlight the category of people who are most prone to depression or stress:

  1. Dreamy. Today, trends are becoming fashionable when a person is forced to dream about a bright future. Having a positive outlook on your own life helps you maintain a positive attitude. On the other hand, dreams are shattered by an unpleasant reality, which shows that a person has nothing bright in the coming future. When a person dreams of something that he will never achieve or that he does not put effort into, then he can become depressed.
  2. Unprepared to face difficulties. This is to some extent combined with daydreaming. When a person takes actions towards his goal, he rarely thinks that his decisions and actions may be wrong. Difficulties often indicate that a person is taking the wrong actions that will not help him achieve what he wants. If an individual is not ready to admit his mistakes and change his actions, then he plunges into a stressful state.
  3. Expectations. Sometimes a person does not act, but simply waits. It is not he, but other people, fate, life that should bring him joy, happiness, and prosperity. As a result, a person is faced with the fact that he has nothing. Resentment towards the world around us provokes stress, and dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs provokes depression.

Stress and depression - symptoms

If we talk about two different conditions that arise or provoke each other, then we should note their differences in the symptoms in which they manifest themselves. Depression can be easily differentiated from stress by their inherent symptoms.

Depression - its symptoms:

  • Depressed, depressed mood.
  • Loss of interest in work, yourself, people, life in general.
  • Sleep disorders that manifest themselves in early awakening or prolonged sleep.
  • Anxiety.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Lack of appetite and, as a result, weight loss.
  • Prostration.
  • Irritability.
  • Binge eating.
  • Loss of attentiveness and ability to make decisions.
  • Attacks of sobbing.
  • Feelings of worthlessness and guilt.
  • Helplessness.
  • Hopelessness.
  • Decreased libido.
  • Thoughts about suicide.

Depression is often a consequence of the stress that a person faces almost every day. The need to solve problems always causes stress. Depression occurs after stress if it lasts for a long time. Stressful sensations are quite normal when they arise at the time of a specific situation and help to mobilize one’s strength.

Stress can be characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Mobilization of forces.
  • Protecting the body itself.
  • Increased activity, readiness for action.
  • Energy accumulation.
  • Excitement and tension.

If we talk about the transition of stress into depression, then it should be noted that this phenomenon occurs when a person does not solve his problem and does not use the strength and energy that has accumulated in him. If a person is passive at the moment of stress, then his problem is not solved, which makes it constantly excite him. The duration of a stressful state provokes depression.

If absolutely all people are subject to stress, then only certain categories are susceptible to depression as a result of stress - people who do not act, do not decide, and are passive. Their characteristic character traits are:

  1. Helplessness.
  2. Lack of initiative.
  3. Irresponsibility (the desire to shift it onto someone else's shoulders).
  4. Indecisiveness.
  5. Fearfulness.

In a depressed state, these sensations become aggravated, which often causes psychosomatic illnesses, the treatment of which requires a medicinal approach.

How to overcome depression and stress?

So that a person can avoid negative conditions, he is offered various techniques that help overcome depression and stress. They can be used both to eliminate both conditions, and in specific cases. First, let's learn how to eliminate stress that occurs in all people:

  • You should remain cool and calm. Remember that your reactions to situations are completely natural. You should not give in to emotions; it is better to turn your energies to solving the problem.
  • Keep your breathing calm. Calmness in the body helps to maintain calmness in the mind. Breathe deeply, freely and slowly, concentrating a little on your own movements.
  • Help yourself calm down. Various stroking and massage movements will help here. So, you can rub your earlobe, give yourself a light massage of your hand, shoulder blade, neck or other area of ​​the body. Touch should be pleasant.
  • Use a hot shower to relax.
  • The situation needs to be resolved or accepted. If it is possible to eliminate the problem, then you should direct your efforts to this. If the situation is unsolvable, then it is necessary to accept it and come to terms with its existence. Why worry about something that has already happened and cannot be changed?
  • Watch your own thoughts. You should check yourself every time negative or pessimistic thoughts arise. They definitely won't help you relax.
  • Change your attitude towards the situation. This method helps you look at the situation from the other side, help yourself get rid of negative emotions, see options for solving the problem, etc.

Music therapy is often used to relieve depression. This method is also suitable for dealing with stress. Listen to your favorite music that puts you in a positive, “fighting” or relaxing mood. There should be no pessimism, sadness or sadness in it. You need a positive attitude.

Try to communicate with positive people, watch good shows and movies, and read encouraging literature. You are already in a stressed or depressed state. To fix this, you need “artillery” that works in a positive direction and affects you positively.

Treatment of depression and stress

If we talk about specialized medical treatment of depression and stress, then it should be understood that only a doctor can prescribe medications and dosage of drugs. It is not recommended to use medications on your own, especially if they are potent drugs.

If treatment is required by a healthy person who has been temporarily overcome by emotions of stress or depression, then various recommendations will help:

  • Let the experiences pass through yourself. You should not run away from emotions or ignore them. It’s better to allow yourself to worry and grieve for a few days to get through the raging emotions. Then you can begin to leave them in the past.
  • Take vitamins C, E, B and macronutrients, especially magnesium and calcium.
  • Take sedative medications: Persen, Novo-Passit, tinctures of valerian and motherwort, Nervoflux, Passiflora extract.
  • Take medications if you experience apathy, melancholy, lethargy: Imipramine, Paroxetine, Clomipramine, Fluoxetine.
  • Treat subpsychotic symptoms with Desipramine and Pyrazidol.
  • Eliminate anxiety, unaccountable restlessness, and gloomy irritability with Ludiomil and Azafen.
  • Eliminate suicidal thoughts with Amitriptyline.

It is better if a doctor takes care of the administration and dosage of medications. He will take into account all the symptoms of the conditions and prescribe the necessary medications. On your own, it is better to resort to:

  1. Yoga.
  2. Meditations.
  3. Soothing baths with sea salt, ginger, soda, rosemary extract.
  4. Herbal medicine, when medicinal herbs are used as decoctions: angelica, chamomile, comfrey, thyme, valerian roots, hawthorn flowers, motherwort, St. John's wort, cudweed, millennium.

Bottom line

Stress is a natural state of the body when a person is engaged in solving some tasks or problems. Depression is already becoming the first bell that indicates a deviation from the norm. A person is not yet considered sick if he has depression, but in the absence of treatment measures the situation may worsen. The result can be unpleasant - the development of clinical depression, which is treated with medication and therapy together with a psychiatrist.

Stress is a normal reaction of the human body to unpleasant situations occurring around us. It is natural to experience negative emotions. You should not be afraid of them or run away. However, it is not recommended to allow your stressful state to last for a long time and turn into depression. This already speaks of negligence towards oneself.

Every person should take care of their mental state. No success is worth turning into a sick person in the process of achieving it. It will be impossible to enjoy the benefits of humanity if the ability to enjoy life and feel interest in anything is lost.

Emotional overload has become an integral part of our lives: every day, so many problems require our attention and immediate solutions that the nervous system simply cannot stand it. We are accustomed to explain the psychological discomfort that we experience under the yoke of overload as stress or depression.

Experts are worried that when we make such “diagnoses” for ourselves, we do not distinguish between these conditions at all. In fact, stress and depression may be interrelated, but they have very different symptoms and, most importantly, require different treatment approaches.

What is stress?

Stress is characterized by increased nervousness, short temper and irritability, which is often accompanied by unmotivated anxiety and difficulty concentrating. All this seriously reduces efficiency and significantly degrades quality.

life in general, therefore, a person who finds himself in a stressful situation needs mild sedatives that can restore him to lost peace of mind and at the same time allow him to lead his usual active lifestyle. It is precisely this mechanism of action that distinguishes the natural herbal preparation “Persen”. It contains extracts of peppermint, lemon balm and valerian - medicinal plants that have long proven themselves to be an effective remedy in the fight against stress. Depression is also a very common disorder of the nervous system; moreover, sometimes it develops as a result of chronic stress, but it manifests itself with completely different symptoms.

What is depression?

Depression is characterized by loss of energy, loss of appetite, associated sudden fluctuations in weight and specific sleep disturbances: a person suffering from depression usually wakes up early in the morning and then cannot fall back to sleep. To overcome chronic fatigue, depression and emotional exhaustion that are characteristic of depression, it is better to use natural remedies that can improve the functional state of the nervous system.

Among medicinal herbs, St. John's wort, which is part of the drug "Deprim", has this mechanism of action.

And we also need to remember that very often our nervous breakdowns are not to blame for any specific events, but for our attitude towards them. Therefore, experts say, it is very important to learn to separate the important from the secondary in life and not to be nervous about those circumstances that cannot be changed.

Stress and depression are not uncommon nowadays, and this is most evident in large cities. In a metropolis it is extremely difficult to find a person with a healthy nervous system. Depression, stress, neuroses and other problems are caused by a number of factors: unfavorable environment, long working hours, sedentary lifestyle.

And depression? Do they need to be treated?

How does the nervous system work?

We encounter stress every day: conflicts at work or at home, an important event (for example, an exam), even just the rudeness of a random fellow traveler on public transport. Stress itself is our body’s reaction to a sudden change in the world around us. Such a change does not have to be negative; even a positive, but very significant event for us (for example, the birth of a child) causes a whole range of stress symptoms (heartbeat and breathing become more frequent, palms sweat, etc.). The state of stress represents a super-mobilization of all the forces of our body (in ancient times, this saved the lives of our ancestors), the body prepares to fight or quickly run away, depending on the situation. That is, stress itself is a completely healthy reaction of the body; the question is how often and how strongly it manifests itself.

Depression, in fact, is an inevitable consequence of any stress. Its symptoms are the exact opposite of stress: lethargy, apathy, weakness, decreased attention and performance.

The work of our nervous system is based on two processes - excitation and inhibition. Nature has arranged everything very harmoniously, and after severe overexertion, relaxation and loss of tone should occur. In this way, the nervous system protects itself from premature wear and tear. If we imagine its work in the form of a graph, we will get a sinusoid (at the upper peak - stress, at the lower peak - depression). It turns out that depression as such cannot be called a negative phenomenon. It allows the body to relax after stress.

Now it is clear that depression and stress are like two sides of the same coin, ensuring the coordinated functioning of the human nervous system. Excitement - inhibition, stress - depression.

Everything is good in moderation

So where do the problems come from? Why is it believed that stress and depression are unhealthy conditions that need to be treated?

As always, it's a matter of moderation. The human psyche has become more complex over many millennia. And if our distant ancestor experienced symptoms of “stress-depression” only when meeting a predator or natural disasters, then the psyche of modern man is much more complex and reacts to a whole range of factors. From the death of a loved one to a petty conflict with a stranger in line, the body reacts to all these factors with stress.

That is why, or depression necessarily implies that a psychotherapist teaches a person to approach emerging problems differently. This is the key to training our body not to react to every nonsense with stress. And accordingly, do not subsequently have depressive symptoms.

In addition, not only the frequency, but also the strength and significance of stress plays a huge role. A minor irritant is one thing; our body copes with them without difficulty. Scolded in transport? He snarled back, barked... then froze for a couple of minutes, looking at one point. That's all. I have experienced symptoms of stress-depression, but there are no particular health problems.

Another thing, for example, is the death of a loved one. In such a situation, a person experiences enormous and long-lasting stress. Accordingly, the depression that follows can be deep and long-lasting, which may require treatment.

How and from whom to be treated

Depression, stress and any other psychogenic conditions (that is, arising on psychological grounds) primarily require psychotherapeutic treatment. After all, the main goal is to help a person overcome psychological difficulties that lead to illness. Treatment of such conditions can be carried out by a specialist either in a group or individual form (the doctor will decide which one is best for you).

In severe cases, medication may be required (usually antidepressants to reduce symptoms). As for stress itself, this condition is best leveled with the help of psychotherapy and relaxation methods; drug treatment for stress is practically not used.

Depression and stress can also be successfully treated with the help of auxiliary methods: acupuncture, reflexology, relaxing massage, soothing baths.

It is important to note that very often any neurotic conditions are accompanied by somatic disorders. Due to stress, pain and discomfort may occur in the heart, stomach, hormonal imbalances, etc. Therefore, in order to treat, for example, depression, you first need to undergo a full medical examination: you may need to undergo specialized treatment from a cardiologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist or neurologist.

Still, treatment is good, but prevention is better. To be effective, adopt the following methods:

  1. Learn to remain calm in a stressful situation, perceiving what is happening as an observer, from the outside. If this skill is not given to you on your own, you can learn it from a psychotherapist.
  2. Master and apply breathing practices, they will help significantly relieve anxiety in stressful situations.
  3. Muscle relaxation methods are also aimed at eliminating stress in the body.
  4. In times of stress, massage of the earlobe and antitragus helps. For greater effect, you can use any balm during massage that contains menthol (soothes).
  5. Relaxing baths help treat stress and its consequences. The effect will be even greater if you add aromatic oils with a calming effect to the bath (for example, lavender oil, mint oil, pine oils).
  6. In a situation of prolonged stress, take care of your nervous system: take herbal sedatives (they can also be added to the bath), be sure to drink special vitamins marked “anti-stress” (with prolonged stress, the body overuses the supply of necessary substances).
  7. Learn self-massage techniques, and for a relaxing effect, also add a few drops of soothing aromatic oils to the massage oil.
  8. Depending on your personal worldview, use prayer or meditation, they significantly reduce anxiety and other symptoms of stress.
  9. Stick to a stable daily routine. It is especially important to get enough sleep (at least 8 hours), eat well, and eliminate substances harmful to the nervous system (alcohol, nicotine, etc.).
  10. Be sure to have moderate physical activity. Residents of cities who have a mostly sedentary lifestyle suffer from neurotic disorders. During physical training, endorphins are released, which significantly improve your mood.
  11. Make it a rule to take care of your health and promptly treat any ailments, from a runny nose to hypertension. In the presence of somatic diseases, the nervous system is more vulnerable, and neurological disorders can also occur on this basis. Timely treatment of specialized diseases will help to avoid such consequences.

As for depression, you cannot make such a diagnosis yourself, much less treat it without the participation of a doctor.

Since depression is, in fact, already a problem, the doctor must assess the severity of these consequences and prescribe high-quality, professional treatment.

Of course, most of the tips given above will also be relevant for depression. But there is a difference regarding medicinal herbs and aromatic oils - for depression, on the contrary, not sedatives, but tone-increasing oils and herbs are used. To ensure successful and comprehensive treatment for depression, be sure to consult with your doctor before using any method.

Evgenia Astreinova for the website website