Weight loss diet for a 50 year old woman. Proper nutrition menu for women

50 years is the age when a lot has already been achieved, children have grown up, there is a career and strong family relationships, experience and wisdom. But what about your health? Have we been able to preserve it from a young age? How to strengthen the body after 50 years in order to feel good for a long time? It is necessary to take care of proper nutrition, because we get all the nutrients from food.

Nutrition for men and women after 50 years: what is important?

With age, both in the body of a woman and in the body of a man, metabolic processes and energy consumption decrease, so it is necessary to more carefully monitor your diet and reduce the total calorie content of food.

Representatives of the fairer sex at this age experience menopause, as a result of which the production of the hormone estrogen decreases, and this can lead to weight gain and osteoporosis. In this regard, a woman’s diet after 50 years should be balanced, reduced in calories, but at the same time, the diet should contain all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals (especially calcium).

In men at this age, the body “gets tired” from the fast pace of life, the constant desire to reach new heights, lack of sleep, overload at work, and this affects the general condition and well-being.

To maintain internal strength, you need to take care of the right “fuel”; carefully monitor what you eat; if you have heartburn, you also need to. If 20-30 years ago the body was quickly recovering, now it’s time to take serious care of it.

  • Protein-rich foods.

Be sure to include legumes, lean meat, fish and other seafood in your diet. Their use helps strengthen the cardiovascular system, muscle tissue, and activates brain activity.

Give preference to lean meats; animal fats contain large amounts of “bad” cholesterol.

  • Vegetables and fruits

They are rich in vitamins and microelements, easy to digest, and low in calories. Make vegetable and fruit salads, bake and stew vegetables, prepare vegetable soups. Pay special attention to green vegetables (cabbage, herbs, green beans), they will help maintain youthful skin.

  • Green tea

Give up coffee and black tea and replace it with green tea. This drink contains special substances - catechins, which stimulate the growth of bone tissue, which is especially important in adulthood.

In addition, green tea reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, maintains the elasticity of blood vessels, promotes the breakdown of fatty tissue and weight loss.

Nutrition after 50 years: what to exclude from the diet?

Not all food products that are on store shelves are equally beneficial for the body. To avoid harm, it is better to minimize or eliminate such foods and dishes.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)

With age, the rate of metabolic processes slows down, so even the usual diet can provoke the deposition of extra pounds. Losing weight after 50 - real advice from nutritionists will help with this, you can do it in a comprehensive way: go on a special diet, go in for sports, regularly take walks in the air that are beneficial for the body. To lose weight in adulthood, you should not resort to strict diets. The most optimal and safe option for health is minus 4-5 kilos per month.

Every person wants to stay slim, regardless of age and gender. However, having crossed the fifty-year mark, proven diets no longer help so quickly. In a person after 50, the mass of adipose tissue increases, and muscle mass decreases. Life becomes familiar and stable, energy costs decrease. The basic rules for losing weight at this age are to not resort to strict diets and widely advertised medications. The safest way to lose weight is to lose 4 kilograms per month through a harmonious combination of nutrition and physical activity.

How to lose weight after 50 years for a woman

For the fair sex, the problem of weight is more pressing. The accumulation of fat leads over time to the development of many diseases: blood vessels, heart, diabetes and others. A woman experiences shortness of breath, her blood pressure increases, and her joints suffer due to excessive stress on her legs. The main task of a woman to maintain health is to lose weight after 50 years, in order to prevent a large amount of subcutaneous fat deposits. The smartest thing to lose weight is to give up trendy diets and follow the real advice of nutritionists:

  • adjust your diet;
  • lose weight slowly;
  • connect fitness;
  • walk more often in the fresh air;
  • go swimming;
  • be careful with fasting days.

Proper nutrition

Express diets are contraindicated for all women over 50 years of age. Sharp caloric restriction is always aimed at rapid weight loss, but, having gotten rid of the hated fat, a woman risks acquiring a bunch of new problems in the form of unaesthetic folds and sagging skin in the most inappropriate places. A balanced diet for a woman after 50 years of age should include a set of compounds important for the body:

  • vitamins;
  • pectins;
  • micro- and macroelements;
  • dietary fiber;
  • antioxidants;
  • probiotics;
  • phytoestrogens;
  • essential amino acids and other valuable substances.


How to lose weight at 50? To increase muscle tone, lose pounds and strengthen the body as a whole, it is advisable to perform several simple exercises every day before breakfast. Gymnastics for women after 50 years takes no more than 20 minutes. All exercises must be done very delicately, because the body is still relaxed in the morning, so it is very easy to damage the muscles. Approximate gymnastic movements:

  1. Place your hands on your waist in a standing position, tilt your head in different directions. Number of repetitions: 5 in each direction.
  2. Raise your legs one at a time from a standing position, trying to reach the opposite arms. For both hands, repeat 5 times.
  3. Sit on the mat. Place your legs straight, keep your back straight. Try to reach your toes with your fingers. Repeat the movement 5 times.
  4. Lying on your back, bend your right leg and keep your left leg straight. Try to reach your chest with your knee as you exhale. As you inhale, bring your leg back. Do 5 repetitions for each leg.

Physical activity and physical activity

A sedentary lifestyle leads to many diseases - everyone knows this. Scientists have proven that a person with a sedentary lifestyle by the age of 90 loses up to 70% of his working capacity, but with regular physical activity - no more than 30%. Moderate physical activity after 50 years improves the functioning of blood vessels, lungs, heart, normalizes hormonal levels, and restores youth. During physical activity in humans, mitochondria, the energy stations of cells, are activated. They are renewed in muscles and brain cells, which allows you to avoid real age-related diseases.

How to lose weight during menopause using folk remedies

During menopause, a woman’s body changes, so after 50 years, women often gain excess weight. Avoiding alcohol, fast food, canned and pickled foods, sweet confectionery, and industrial sauces will help you lose weight during menopause. Popular tips will help you lose weight faster:

  1. Drink with ginger. The product has fat burning properties and is able to cleanse the body. To prepare the drink, you need to chop a small piece of ginger root, add a pinch of cinnamon, a little lemon and 1 tsp. honey You can drink ginger tea every day 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  2. Herbal infusion. Mix dried linden flowers, milk thistle, cherry leaves and St. John's wort in equal proportions. Pour boiling water over the mixture, let it brew for half an hour, then drink after each meal 30 minutes later.
  3. Fresh juices. Fresh juices can be consumed in diluted or concentrated form. To lose weight faster, use celery, apples, carrots, and pineapples.

Diet for women after 50 years

The main feature of losing weight during menopause is maintaining a drinking regime. A woman should consume at least 2 liters of melt, well, spring or purified still water daily. Also, a diet after 50 years should include a harmonious balance of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. All-protein or carbohydrate diets are contraindicated at this age, since the lack of fat deprives the body of essential fat-soluble vitamins. To lose weight, you need to listen to the advice of nutritionists when creating a menu:

  1. Fractional ration. You need to eat up to 6 times a day in small portions, because in this case additional energy is expended to digest food.
  2. Don't wash down your food. It is not recommended to drink immediately after a meal. It is advisable to drink water, green tea and other drinks at least 15 minutes after meals.
  3. Plant foods are the basis of the diet. Vegetables, herbs, fruits, and berries should be on the menu every day. Ideally, for a woman over 50, plant foods account for up to 60% of the total diet.

Losing weight after 50 years - daily menu

While following a diet regimen, ladies should definitely have snacks between meals. Fermented milk products, honey, nuts, dried fruits or fresh fruits are ideal for this purpose. The weekly menu should also include various dietary supplements if the food does not contain enough minerals or vitamins (fish oil, vitamin E, C, brewer's yeast and others). Sample menu for one day:

  • breakfast: omelet with 2 chicken eggs and milk, herbal tea, a piece of dark chocolate;
  • snack: yogurt, apple;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, a slice of whole grain bread with cream cheese, avocado;
  • snack: cottage cheese with berries;
  • dinner: boiled lean meat (chicken, beef), vegetable salad;
  • before bed: a glass of kefir with a spoon of honey.

Losing weight with Margarita Koroleva

The secret to a slim body after 50 is the principle of separate nutrition, says the famous Russian nutritionist Margarita Koroleva. Her 9-day weight loss system is based on the principle - eat less, move more. The celebrity nutritionist gives real advice on how to lose weight after 50 years:

  • in the first three days of the 9-day diet, eat only rice;
  • the second three days - fish and chicken;
  • the following days – vegetables;
  • once a week you should unload on kefir;
  • It is allowed to eat unsweetened fruits during the day;
  • You can’t eat after 7 p.m.;
  • a woman’s portion should not exceed 250 grams, a man’s – 400 g;
  • Alcohol, sauces, flour, and sugar should be completely excluded from the menu.

What to drink during menopause to avoid gaining weight

Fear of being overweight forces women over 50 who want to quickly lose weight to self-prescribe medications to reduce body weight. Often these are tablets of dubious quality, which are offered in a wide range on the Asian market. As a result, the weight does not decrease, but only begins to increase, bringing with it additional health problems. Before using any weight loss medications during menopause, you should consult your doctor. Real advice from doctors is natural herbal remedies that will help you remove extra pounds:

  • Remens;
  • Climaxan;
  • Feminal;
  • Estrovel;
  • Klimadinon.

By the age of 50, men also tend to gain extra pounds. This creates not so much an aesthetic problem as it affects health. How to lose weight for a man after 50 - real recommendations from experts:

  • Healthy food;
  • perform gentle gymnastic exercises: lunges, squats, swings;
  • jog, swim or race walk for 20 minutes a day;
  • reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • sleep at least 8 hours per day;
  • relax actively;
  • regulate emotional state.


With the onset of menopause, extra pounds quickly appear, so there is a desire to know how to lose weight after 50 years for a woman. Against the background of hormonal changes, mood deteriorates, depression and fatigue appear. The habit of eating up troubles with high-calorie sweets is reflected in the figure, and there is neither time nor desire to go in for sports.

At a younger age, it is worth switching to a diet, but once you reach the 50-year mark, the situation becomes more serious. Losing weight requires a comprehensive approach, consisting of moderate physical activity and good nutrition.

Causes of excess weight at 50 years old

As you age, staying slim is much more difficult than before. In the 50-year period, the body experiences hormonal stress, and the production of estrogen almost slows down.

Thanks to the production of hormones by the ovaries, not only do menstruation occur, but the woman remains youthful - the elasticity of the skin is maintained, and the mucous membranes maintain tone.

Hormones are responsible for the breakdown of fat deposits, metabolic processes, and the absorption of beneficial vitamins at the cellular level.

During menopause, the ovaries stop producing estrogen, but the body tries to make up for the hormone deficiency by increasing the amount of lipid fat, which is deposited in folds on the abdomen and sides.

Against the background of a decrease in the breakdown of fat cells and the active growth of lipid tissue, a woman during menopause rapidly recovers.

  • There are a number of other reasons that contribute to excess weight:
  • adherence to unhealthy eating habits;
  • decrease in physical activity;
  • symptoms of a hidden disease;

the body's response to certain drugs.

Ladies get better with age, but this situation is associated with an untimely reaction to the first unpleasant symptoms that accompany the onset of 50 years of age.

If you gain weight suddenly, you should consult your doctor to rule out diseases of the internal organs.

Nutritionists recommend eating exclusively healthy foods and following a number of tips in order to gradually acquire ideal proportions. The tips are not difficult to implement, but they are not short-term in nature, but should turn into a habit.

Focus on results is the reason for successful weight loss:

This product will be a good helper in losing weight. The components of the sweets have a gentle effect on the body, have a 100% natural composition, this determines the absence of side effects.

Of course, it is especially important to combine taking pills with proper nutrition and exercise. In this case, the effectiveness will be maximum, and the result will be noticeable on your face.

How to lose weight after 50 years for a woman?

Strict restrictions should be abandoned immediately. By this age, chronic diseases have already appeared, so a person cannot withstand mono-diets, which can cause problems in the body.

They slowly switch to a balanced diet and do not begin to starve for several days or “sit” on exotic fruits.

First steps to losing weight after 50 years:

  • Assessment of well-being.
    If a woman feels maximum comfort with her weight, but when following new dietary rules she begins to lose consciousness, becomes dizzy, experiences mood swings or depression, she should abandon the idea of ​​losing weight. But this applies to a few extra pounds, which do not bring much discomfort, you just need to maintain your weight at certain levels;
  • do not carry out more than once a week. Fasting or a day only is not recommended, so as not to provoke a psychological failure. Older people will not be able to fast for a day without starting to eat everything the next day. If you want to spend a fasting day, then the best solution would be lean boiled meat or;
  • You need to lose weight at a slow pace. At a young age, you can lose up to 1 kilogram per week, but after menopause, you cannot lose more than 0.5 kilograms over the same period. A sharp weight loss will cause the skin to sag in folds, because the dermis is no longer so elastic;
  • Avoiding express diets. Such diets are short-term, they remove essential minerals and vitamins from the body, and weight loss occurs due to fluid loss. The body tolerates a deficiency of valuable elements with difficulty, which is fraught with health problems and loss of muscle mass;
  • Reconsider. To lose weight, it is enough to replace fatty meat with dietary meat, eat low-fat dairy products instead of high-calorie dairy products, give up sweet pastries, and stop frying food. Among complex carbohydrates, preference is given to durum wheat pasta, dark cereals and boiled potatoes. They eat more in the first half of the day, and in the evening they drink a herbal or fermented milk drink. After a couple of weeks on such a diet, you can weigh yourself - the result will amaze any skeptic;
  • - the key to healthy weight loss. It’s difficult without light training. Choose either yoga, which will help you find spiritual balance.

If you wish, you can go for a massage. During menopause, procedures will help break down fat cells, stabilize metabolic processes, and improve the elasticity of the skin. You should find a competent specialist who knows how to work with mature skin so as not to leave bruises and bruises after sudden movements.

With the onset of menopause, it becomes more difficult to control weight; you should abstain from a number of foods. For every housewife, the choice of vitamin products for preparing dietary dishes will be an outlet.

We form the basis of the diet:

With age, the metabolic process slows down, and the amount of hormones responsible for female beauty decreases. Therefore, you should carefully review your diet and get rid of bad eating habits in order to maintain your health for many years.


An easy exercise made up of simple exercises will help you lose weight after 50 years. You need to start on an empty stomach, a few minutes after waking up. All movements are done at a low pace so as not to accidentally tear the muscle fibers.


Exercise does not promote weight loss, but it will help eliminate morning stiffness in movements and increase the overall tone of the body. Lessons take no more than 20 minutes.

Do you want to lose excess weight?

A slim figure is the dream of many women and men. I want to be at a comfortable weight without exhausting myself with strict diets and heavy exercises.

In addition, excess weight can lead to health problems! Heart disease, shortness of breath, diabetes, arthritis and significantly reduced life expectancy!

It has the following properties:

  • Speeds up metabolism
  • Burns fat deposits
  • Reduces weight
  • Lose weight even with minimal physical activity
  • Helps reduce weight in cardiovascular diseases

Physical activity and physical activity

At any age, a sedentary lifestyle weakens the body and reduces defenses. During menopause, it is important to maintain physical activity in order to improve hormonal levels and tone blood vessels.

  • fast paced walking in nature;
  • warm-up in the morning with the window open;
  • bicycle rides;
  • dance courses.

Exercises with the hula hoop, “bicycle” and abdominal lifting help you lose weight. If it is inconvenient to run in the park in the morning, choose a time closer to the evening so that after a run you can get ready for a healthy sleep.

How to lose weight during menopause using folk remedies?

Recipes that have been tested for more than one generation will help soften the menopause.

Drinks not only improve your mood, but also promote rapid weight loss:

They begin losing weight exclusively with herbal teas; if the effect becomes noticeable, then supplement with vegetable and fruit juices. When your health allows, you can lose a few kilograms with the help of traditional medicine recipes.

Stories from our readers!
“I don’t have a lot of excess weight, only 5 kilograms. But these kilograms are located in very unpleasant places that cannot be corrected with exercise. Conventional diets also did not produce results - completely different parts of the body lost weight!

A friend advised me to speed up my metabolism and ordered these sweets. I was very pleased with the natural composition, pleasant taste and ease of use! Combined with a light diet and plenty of fluids. I recommend!"

Diet for women after 50 years

When drawing up a diet for menopause, care is taken not to make a choice in favor of only lean foods, but to develop a complete menu enriched with vitamins and minerals.


  • After waking up, you need to drink 200 ml of warm water to activate the digestive system. consist of 100 grams of porridge with a steamed egg and herbs. Those with a sweet tooth are advised to combine steamed pieces of dried fruit and nuts with their morning oatmeal.
  • They prepare soup using vegetable broth, boil fish or meat, and cut vegetables.
  • A snack will include low-fat cottage cheese, a handful of fruits, and yogurt.
  • Choose from vinaigrette, carrot-beet salad or cottage cheese with fermented baked milk.

Such nutrition, combined with jogging, will improve your overall tone and help you achieve ideal body proportions in a short time.

Tireless work on improving the body will yield results, stabilize blood pressure, and regulate metabolism.

Features of diet preparation

When preparing a diet, they try to increase the amount of food of plant origin. At least half should come from vegetable dishes, fresh herbs and fruits. During menopause, emphasis is placed on foods enriched with vitamins B, E, A, and PP.

General rules for preparing a diet:

The main meal is planned for the daytime, then the body will direct energy to process food, which will prevent the formation of fat deposits.

Prohibited Products

When actively losing weight, avoid a number of foods:

  • Drinks such as tea and coffee have a negative effect on the heart muscle;
  • bread made with yeast will appear in wrinkles on the body, so it is better to use croutons made from day-old bread;
  • confectionery products with cream - cause fat deposits, caries and diabetes;
  • salt retains fluid in the body, causing swelling;
  • fatty and fried foods lead to the formation of cholesterol plaques on blood vessels.

You should also gradually give up smoking and drinking alcohol, which disrupt metabolism. It is impossible to get a slim body without limiting harmful foods.


Each person has their own health characteristics; it is best if a nutritionist develops the menu, taking into account the presence of diseases and assessing test results. But provided you know the basic principles of proper nutrition, it is not at all difficult to develop a personal menu on your own.

For 7 days

Divide meals into 6 times, a portion of food is 250-300 grams. They focus on healthy foods and become slimmer in a week.

Sample menu for menopause in the table:

Day of the week Menu
Monday Breakfast: oatmeal with green tea.

Snack: Big apple.

Dinner: soup with vegetable broth, chopped vegetables, tea.

Afternoon snack: drink yogurt.

Dinner: vinaigrette with boiled potatoes.

Before bedtime: drink kefir, eat an apple.

Tuesday Breakfast: grated cottage cheese with chopped herbs, tea with a slice of lemon.

Snack: pear.

Dinner: bake vegetables, boil fish.

Afternoon snack: make fruit slices.

Dinner: steam omelette, eat grapefruit.

Before bedtime: low fat yogurt.

Wednesday Breakfast: They eat rice porridge with milk and apple juice.

Snack: grape.

Dinner: vegetable cream soup, chicken cutlet.

Afternoon snack: drink yogurt.

Dinner: fish meatballs, stewed potatoes.

Before bedtime: apple.

Friday Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, tea.

Snack: boiled eggs.

Dinner: baked fish, grilled vegetables.

Afternoon snack: Ryazhenka is enough.

Dinner: buckwheat, served with seafood salad.

Before bedtime: banana.

Saturday Breakfast: vegetable salad, prune compote.

Snack: orange, walnuts.

Dinner: meatball soup, a piece of cheese.

Afternoon snack: They serve tea with honey.

Dinner: grilled beef, steamed vegetables.

Before bedtime: juice from vegetables.

Sunday Breakfast: start with beetroot salad with garlic, tea with lemon.

Snack: plums

Dinner: bake potatoes and peas, boil fish.

Afternoon snack: drink apple juice.

Dinner: prepare fish soup, vegetable stew.

Before bedtime: kefir.

It’s easy to push the boundaries of age - healthy eating, moderation in food and playing feasible sports so that a woman feels full of strength and energy again.

For a month

If you want to remove fat deposits during menopause, you need to change your eating habits not for a short period. If you use the menu option for a month, then the components of the dish can be modified at will without disturbing the general diet.

Breakfast preparation:

  • grated cottage cheese with chopped fruit, a little sour cream is allowed;
  • oatmeal with low-fat milk or water, you can add honey;
  • boiled eggs, canapés with cheese;
  • sliced ​​fruit seasoned with sour cream;
  • low-fat cottage cheese casserole;
  • buckwheat with a handful of berries.

Choosing a dish for lunch:

  • buckwheat with chopped vegetables;
  • mashed potatoes, fresh vegetables;
  • vegetable cabbage rolls;
  • vegetable broth soups;
  • corn porridge, boiled chicken breast;
  • baked fish.

Snack time:

  • low-fat fermented milk drink;
  • fruit slices or juice.

Preparing dinner:

  • boiled potatoes, baked vegetables;
  • steamed fish, vegetables;
  • buckwheat with chicken cutlet;
  • tomato and cauliflower salad;
  • boiled rice with vinaigrette;
  • boiled vegetables.

You can diversify your diet by cutting vegetables or fruits, eating whole grain bread, and as a bonus, a glass of red wine once a week.

Popular diets for women after 50

If you want to get rid of excess weight during menopause, you need to evaluate the person’s general health. The menu should contain a sufficient amount of vitamin food, the proportions of fats, proteins and carbohydrates must be observed.

Abrupt changes to a diet will affect the deterioration of the heart muscle and cause weakness and fatigue.

Limit sweets and salty foods, avoid an abundance of animal foods. You should refer to the recommendations of famous doctors who have developed weight loss programs for women after reaching 50 years of age.

Margarita Koroleva

According to the author’s weight loss system, you should switch to active sports activities and reconsider your diet.

You should eat small meals five times a day, drink a lot of purified water, do not load your stomach with food before going to bed, and do not eat sweets. Instead of salt, you should use herbs or soy sauce.

Make sure your diet is balanced so that your body gets proteins, fats and carbohydrates along with food. The last meal should not be later than 7 pm; before bed, drink 200 ml of water with honey or eat a glass of kefir with a teaspoon.

Suggested menu from Koroleva:

  • have breakfast with pineapple with yogurt or buckwheat with onions;
  • dine on boiled asparagus with chicken fillet or chicken on lettuce;
  • have a snack with puree soup or a handful of prunes with dried apricots;
  • For dinner they serve seafood or boiled fish with broccoli.

The nutritionist advises not to try to quickly lose weight so as not to harm your health. We gradually give up high-calorie foods, boil meat, eat vegetables fresh, and cook them on the grill.

Elena Malysheva

Recommendations from Malysheva help all age categories of women lose weight. There is no nagging feeling of hunger, and the weight is rapidly disappearing. After turning 50, you cannot switch to diets that involve losing more than 4 kg per month.

Principles of losing weight from Malysheva:

  • the total calorie content of food per day should not exceed 1300 kcal;
  • abundant consumption of purified water - at least 2.5 liters;
  • eat at least 4 times during the day;
  • the volume of each serving of food is 250 g;
  • chew food slowly;
  • ride a bicycle or do brisk walking in the park;
  • emphasis on vegetable dishes;
  • refuse fatty, smoked and salty foods.

Adequate sleep is important, at least 8 hours a day.

Drinking (for the lazy)

The drinking diet, which allows you to lose about 10 kg in 14 days, has received a lot of reviews.

The diet was loved by ladies over 50 who were not ready to give up their eating habits. You are allowed to maintain your usual lifestyle and eat your favorite foods. 20 minutes before sitting down to eat, you need to drink 2 glasses of purified water.

You should not drink liquid during meals, or for another 2 hours after finishing your meal. The diet is not suitable for tea drinkers who cannot imagine lunch without a drink with dessert. Water fills the walls of the stomach, so there is no desire to eat enough at the table.

Losing weight with Modelform 40

A biological additive called Modelform 40 has become widespread.

Experts have developed the composition of the product so that the plant components have the maximum effect on the body. Now you can go through menopause painlessly, and at the same time lose extra pounds.


  • weight normalization;
  • reduction of fat deposits;
  • improvement of well-being;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • decreased feeling of hunger.

The positive effect is manifested not only by slimness, but also by the impact on the functioning of all organs and systems. The dietary fiber contained in the composition envelops the walls of the stomach, actively breaks down fats, and normalizes metabolic processes.

Buckwheat diet

Everyone knows the buckwheat diet, which involves steaming the grain in order to eat a portion during the day. With menopause, this approach is not correct. It is recommended to introduce a few additional foods into the diet so that the body does not experience stress. A menu like this will help you lose 3-5 kg ​​in a month.

Permitted list:

  • lean varieties of fish and meat;
  • eggs;
  • dried fruits, fruits;
  • vegetables, best of all – cabbage;
  • fermented milk drinks;
  • low-fat cottage cheese and cheese.

During the day, eat buckwheat, supplementing it with three products from the proposed list, but do not exceed a dose of 200 g. Products cannot be fried, only steamed or baked.

Protein diet

It is not recommended to adhere to a protein diet during menopause. The abundance of protein will cause exacerbation of diseases and metabolic disorders. The menu should be designed so that the amount of protein is equal to the amount of fat and carbohydrates.

Squirrels– this is a source of amino acids, the deficiency of which will cause the skin to sag, nails to peel and hair to begin to fall out. They give preference to animal proteins in order to get all the valuable elements from food.

Orientation menu:

  • have breakfast with oatmeal or a protein omelet with vegetables;
  • snack on a pear or orange;
  • have lunch with chicken broth soup;
  • a portion of cheese or cottage cheese, tea;
  • They dine on vegetables with boiled chicken or cottage cheese with a fermented milk drink.

What to drink during menopause to avoid gaining weight?

To alleviate the symptoms of menopause, medications are prescribed. You should not use hormonal drugs that cause bleeding and even greater weight gain. Weight loss is possible with the help of drugs based on plant extracts: Reduxin, Remens, Xenical, Klimadinon.

Supplement your diet with special drinks made from simple ingredients:

To improve your well-being, you can drink rosehip decoctions, which help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent their fragility.

Prevention of excess weight after 50

Many ladies believe that with the onset of menopause they will only have to wait for obesity. You can cope with excess deposits at any age, but after 50 years you need to be more careful when choosing a diet, introduce some restrictions on food, which will gradually turn into a habit.

Tips for proper weight loss during menopause:

  • Set yourself up to achieve results. With the advent of menopause, changes occur in the body, but you need to accept yourself, because this is another period of life. You should continue to take care of yourself, be interested in fashion, and not become a victim of depression. If you start to worry, you will want to eat your troubles with a cake, which will lead to fat deposits;
  • Complete nutrition, enriched with valuable components. It is a mistake to turn to mono-diets that deplete the body. When choosing low-calorie foods, creating a personal diet without smoked meats, maintaining the proportions of the figure is not at all difficult;
  • Physical activity. With age, less and less energy is spent. The woman prefers a sedentary lifestyle and tries to spend more time in front of the TV. Muscle fibers lose tone and are replaced by adipose tissue. Immediately return to activity - after waking up, do a warm-up, and in the evenings try to run or walk at a brisk pace.

When a woman reaches 50 years of age, a new stage of life begins. The children have scattered, and the grandchildren do not visit as often as they would like.

Fading comes to everyone, but only a mature lady depends on her psychological attitude and desire to maintain a toned figure for a long time. Time has freed up and you need to think that the time has come to take care of yourself - sign up for dancing or yoga, walk around the park, enjoying the air.

How to lose weight after 50? By this age, most people accumulate extra pounds due to a slowdown in metabolic processes. Excessive obesity increases the load on the cardiovascular system, worsening health and increasing the risk of disease. In addition, women after fifty begin to feel hormonal changes, which introduces additional nuances to weight loss.

It's no secret that over the years, losing weight requires more and more effort. However, they are not prohibitive, and success is guaranteed if the practitioners have proper self-discipline.

Myths that prevent you from losing weight

A very popular question is “How to lose weight after 50?”

“Starting Monday I’ll get up in the morning and start doing exercises, but for now I’ll relax in front of the TV,” most people reason. However, Monday comes, then Tuesday, and plans are postponed until next week.

Sociologists have already studied this problem sufficiently; let us present the most typical formulations from it:

  1. Household matters. Health problems. There is no energy or time for physical education.
  2. A vicious circle: work - home - car. An outlet - once a week: at the dacha or if you are invited to visit.
  3. Free time is always spent on part-time work. My head is full of this.

Agree, none of them even hint at how to lose weight after 50. On the contrary, with such attitudes you can only gain extra pounds. But excess weight worsens both performance and health...

In the meantime, we want to offer 8 steps to overcome this obstacle.

Step 1. Go through a medical examination and get permission from a doctor

Before you start planning how to lose weight after 50, it is fundamentally important to obtain a medical opinion about the absence of contraindications and suitability for physical activity.

Losing weight is a strong stress for the human body, and one must be prepared for such a test. At a minimum, you need to undergo an examination by a therapist, a dermatovenerologist, and obtain and analyze an electrocardiogram. If there are even isolated pain or other painful symptoms, you should consult a specialist doctor. In such cases, advanced diagnostics is needed.

You should also consult a doctor if you feel worse after training.

Step 2. Task: reducing body fat

Let’s specify the problem statement: how to lose weight after 50 years. Tips and recommendations for reducing body fat can be classified in two areas: in the context of nutrition, as well as physical exercise.

Once you set out to lose weight, you may not be able to complete it by the scheduled date, but you shouldn’t despair. After all, on the path to recovery, useful, healthy habits are developed that will definitely help in the future. Gradually, if not within six months, but the right steps will lead to the desired result.

For someone trying to lose weight, their ideal weight is calculated according to anthropometric indicators. Nowadays it’s not at all difficult to do this, thanks to Internet calculators. However, the most popular is the technique developed back in 1871 by Paul Brock.

For men it will look like:

0.9 x (height in cm - 100) = ideal weight

For women, the coefficient will decrease slightly:

0.85 x (height in cm - 100) = ideal weight

Depending on how much your personal weight exceeds the norm, the weight loss strategy depends on whether it is hard or soft.

Step 3: Review your diet

After 50 years, weight loss is impossible without controlling food intake. The body itself will begin to consume fat if the calorie content of the food it receives decreases. As you know, 0.5 kg of fat contains 3500 kilocalories. To lose weight, you should burn more calories than you get from food.

For those losing weight, it is critical that the reduced diet is complete, orderly and satiating. At the same time, daily portions for women and men should be different.

How can a woman lose weight after 50? Obviously, when organizing meals, you need to focus on the physiological daily norm of getting calories from food. As is known, it is differentiated depending on age and physical activity. For example, for representatives of the fair sex “over fifty” this standard is very dependent on lifestyle:

  • sedentary - 1600 kcal;
  • moderately active - 1800 kcal;
  • active - 2000 kcal.

For men, the daily calorie intake is significantly higher; it exceeds women’s levels by 12-30%, while also differing by lifestyle:

  • sedentary - 1800 kcal;
  • moderately active - 2300 kcal;
  • active - 2400-2800 kcal.

This is logical based on the average anthropometry of the two sexes. After all, it is known that a man’s skeleton is 35-40% more massive than a woman’s.

Step 4. Establish a healthy diet

Excess weight is usually caused by disordered eating. Often, overweight people ignore foods containing fiber, which are the most beneficial. They do not have excess calorie content, helping to reduce fat tissue. Fiber gives a feeling of fullness, replacing high-calorie foods.

Among protein products, preference should be given to low-fat ones: fish, eggs, poultry, dairy products. You should also eat soups once a day. It is advisable to limit smoked meats and pickles. A day you need to eat 2-3 apple-sized fruits or several handfuls of berries.

In addition, the most important point in nutrition is water consumption. With age, the need to drink decreases. However, it must be supported. 2 liters of water per day is the average norm. A lack of fluid inevitably leads to a slowdown in metabolism, which results in the deposition of salts and contamination of the body with toxins.

Anyone who wants to lose weight should be critical of the amount of fatty and starchy foods they eat, limiting their quantity. Those with a sweet tooth will have to significantly reduce the amount of sugar they consume. It is allowed to drink no more than one cup of sweet tea or coffee per day.

Losing weight starts with a balanced menu. At the same time (let's be realistic) a person adapts to it gradually. To begin with, it is enough to balance the menu one day a week. Then, once you get used to it, add another day, etc.

Thus, a nutritionist's advice on how to lose weight after 50 involves creating a healthy foundation for nutrition, which should include:

  1. A significant amount of vegetables prepared by any method other than frying. In this case, a third of their mass should be fresh. A small amount of vegetable oil is allowed. Mayonnaise is not advisable.
  2. Various porridges with little or no oil content.
  3. Mostly lean protein found in beef, chicken, fish, legumes, eggs, cottage cheese, and mushrooms.
  4. At least once a day - light and low-fat soup.
  5. You should consume 2-3 fruits per day.

The benefits of a healthy diet are more obvious when eating according to a fractional system, that is, when eating frequently (every 2-4 hours), but little by little.

However, some people think about more radical methods than a balanced diet. Are they interested in how to lose weight quickly after 50 years? But in this case, you cannot do without a diet.

Step 5: Diet as needed

90% of women have resorted to dieting at least once in their lives. On average, representatives of the fair sex follow them for more than ten years throughout their lives. The motivator for this, in most cases, is “clothes suddenly becoming small.” Also, a blurred waist forces you to limit your food intake.

Due to the many diets and the limitations of this article, we will focus on one of them, which determines the daily norm of 1500 kilocalories per day. It allows you to eat, but not get full. Representatives of the fair sex who practice it should not feel a constant need for a snack and can afford to try something delicious.

Diet menu for women

Nutrition on a diet that involves consuming 1500 kcal per day involves increasing the number of meals to 5, with 2 of them being main meals and three being snacks. Consider the structure of meals:

  • Breakfast. The total calorie content should be approximately 500 calories. The food is predominantly carbohydrate, but rich in fiber: 100 grams of buckwheat or rice porridge with raisins and nuts, washed down with 150 ml of kefir or yogurt.
  • Second breakfast - 200 calories, which contains 1-2 pieces of fruit and a handful of nuts. You can wash it down with unsweetened green tea or juice if you ate nuts.
  • Dinner. Total calorie content - 400. It includes:
    • Baked, boiled, steamed meat (beef, white chicken) or fish (hake, pollock, cod).
    • Vegetable side dish or vegetable soup in light broth without potatoes.
  • Afternoon snack. Total calories - 200:
    • Vegetables fruits.
    • Whole grain bread with cheese.
    • Tea or juice.
  • Dinner. Total calories - 200:
    • Cottage cheese, boiled eggs or a piece of meat.
    • Tea or juice.

To summarize what has been said above, let us point out a typical mistake: having started counting calories, the fair sex thinks that they understand how to lose weight after 50 years for a woman. The advice of those who have gone this route, however, testifies to the unacceptability of food not included in the diet. And this is fundamentally important, even if its calorie content falls within the one and a half thousand mark.

Even a harmless couple of sandwiches can create an imbalance. After all, once in the stomach, in addition to 700 calories, they leave a feeling of unsatisfaction, and also “reward” the body with poorly digestible fats. Much healthier - a piece of meat, cottage cheese, fish; the proteins contained in them will add energy to the muscles. Therefore, instead of a couple of sandwiches, it is better to drink a glass of full-fat kefir.

Step 6. Aerobic exercise

The most energy-consuming, and therefore effective for weight loss, are running, swimming, and cycling. These exercises are called aerobic because they involve all muscle groups and consume a lot of oxygen. An average half-hour aerobic workout creates a 500-calorie deficit in the body, while an hour-long aerobic workout creates a 1,000-calorie deficit. With a longer duration, its effectiveness decreases.

On how to quickly lose weight after 50, you can find many recommendations: absurd and not so. What is unacceptable for most older men is to immediately sign up for a gym membership. Take your time! This can only be done with a trained cardiovascular system.

Step 7. Special exercises

Many people, when asking how to lose weight after 50, mean the impact on their problem areas. If you ask them to clarify what they mean, you will hear wishes about reducing the volume of the abdomen, legs, hips, and buttocks. Note that there are special exercises for each of these zones.

Slimming belly

The abdomen is the most problematic area for most men and women. However, some people who are losing weight make the mistake of creating a workout schedule that exclusively includes exercises for the abdominal muscles. This should not be done under any circumstances. They are effective only in combination with the impact on other problem areas. Otherwise, the abs will become stronger, and their massive muscles will distort the silhouette of the waist.

The following exercises are suitable for losing belly fat:

  • "Twisting" Starting position: lie on the mat, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. On inhalation, the head reaches towards the knees, on exhalation, the transition to the starting position.
  • "Reverse twist" The starting position is the same. As you inhale, your head rises, but your knees move towards it.
  • "Lifting the torso." Starting position: lying on the mat, legs crossed behind the head. As you inhale, the body rises, hands touching the toes.
  • "Leg Raise" Starting position: lie on the mat, arms spread out to the sides and up. As you inhale, your legs rise and touch your toes to the floor behind your head.

Slimming legs

In order for the skin of the legs to gain elasticity and their volume to lose extra centimeters, the following exercises may be useful:

  • Leg forward lunges (front of buttocks and thighs).
  • Lying down, spread your legs to the sides (inner thighs).
  • Lying down, the legs alternately rise up (the front of the thighs).
  • Lying down, legs raised up. The feet move like pedaling a bicycle (front and inner thighs).
  • Lying down, legs raised up. Cross movements, like scissors (front and inner thighs).
  • Standing, fixing the position of the body with your hand. Longitudinal variables
  • Standing, fixing the position of the body with your hand. Transverse variables

Exercises that help you lose weight on your thighs include:

  • "Triangle pose" from yoga.
  • Squats with feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointed.
  • Lying on your side. The upper leg is raised and fixed. Swing the lower leg with a small amplitude.
  • Standing on all fours, alternately swing your legs back.
  • Sitting on the edge of the table, raise your legs, bending your knees. Hold an object (for example, a book) between your knees for one minute.
  • Kneel on the mat. Alternately sit on the floor to the left and right of your feet.
  • Lying down, pull your knee up and fix it with your hands at the top point.

Step 8. Include strength exercises in your workout

In addition to cardio exercises, you need to increase muscle strength. Thanks to them, calorie burning is significantly intensified. At the same time, dumbbells and expanders are preferred for exercisers. For men who are in excellent physical shape, amateur bodybuilding is suitable for gentle stress on the joints. For women in good health, yoga is ideal, training muscles not to compress, but to stretch, while leaving a graceful silhouette.

When solving the difficult question of how to lose weight after 50 for a woman, using strength exercises, you should not only pay attention to the state of her health, but also take into account restrictions on the intensity of physical activity and the weight of sports equipment.

Women's joints are narrower, and their muscles have less mass and greater flexibility. Therefore, before working with weights, a woman should strengthen her ligaments with stretching and Pilates exercises.

Feel free to simplify the exercises

How to lose weight after 50 years? The answer would be incomplete without mentioning the importance of common sense. In particular, you should not force physical activity, as this can lead to injuries and deterioration of health.

If an untrained body adapts to the training process for a long time, it is advisable to apply some restrictions on physical activity at the introductory stage:

  • brisk walking or jogging instead of fast walking and jumping;
  • leg swings are performed with an amplitude convenient for a person, but slowly;
  • pauses should be taken between exercises;
  • when exercising with weights, super series are not performed;
  • After physical activity you should rest.

Having adapted to lighter cyclic loads, you can then move on to standard ones.


A person who asks the question “How to lose weight after 50?” has a chance of success in realizing his plans. To do this, you should improve your health and get a doctor’s recommendation to do physical exercise. Then he will have to organize a healthy diet for himself, eating foods rich in fiber, increasing the proportion of vegetables and fruits in his food. Self-discipline and calculation are important: physical activity should remove more calories from the body than they come from food. Only under such conditions does the body use subcutaneous fat in energy exchange.

It should be recognized that women are especially successful in this difficult task. Their persistence, multiplied by the desire to become even more attractive, sometimes works real miracles. A balanced diet and moderate exercise bring them not only beauty, but also good health.

After turning 50, a woman’s hormonal background changes so much that it significantly affects her appearance and health. At this age, a strict diet is not advisable. So learn how to eat healthy to lose weight.

How to lose weight quickly and correctly after 50 years

The main feature of age over 50 for women is a slowdown in metabolism associated with menopause.

Due to the fact that metabolic processes now occur very slowly, women gain weight faster. As a result, they not only feel discomfort due to changes in appearance, but also experience health problems.

Excess weight puts stress on the heart, joints, can cause swelling, increases blood pressure, sugar and has other negative consequences.

At the same time, due to the fact that metabolic processes have begun to proceed more slowly, getting rid of extra pounds is becoming increasingly difficult.

If earlier the question of how to lose weight quickly was not an urgent one, then after 50 you can lose no more than a kilogram in a week without compromising your health.

Strict diets at this age are contraindicated: they will only cause disruption in the functioning of the body and deterioration of health.

Now the main approach to weight control is proper nutrition for weight loss. Review your diet, balancing it in protein, fat and carbohydrates.

A healthy diet should include:

  • 30–35% carbohydrates (preferably those that take a long time to digest, such as porridge);
  • 15–20% proteins (give preference to plant-based ones);
  • 15–20% fats, and vegetable fats should not exceed 30 g per day.

The daily menu should contain a sufficient amount of vegetables, herbs and fruits (at least 50–60% of the diet), with a third of them fresh.

Avoid fried, smoked and salted foods: they have a negative effect on the liver and pancreas, and pickles increase thirst, which puts a strain on the kidneys.

If there are no contraindications, then:

  • drink 2.5 liters of water per day;
  • after 19:00 do not eat;
  • eat in small, fractional portions 5–6 times a day, 150–200 g, but not more than 300 g;
  • Include meat in your diet no more than 2-3 times a week.

And the most important thing in how to lose weight is to provide yourself with sufficient physical activity (walking, jogging, swimming).

Proper nutrition for weight loss: weekly menu for women

Remember that you must constantly adhere to a healthy lifestyle and adjust your menu.

Now this will no longer work: a short-term strict restriction in food intake - and the effect is obvious.

After 50, every kilogram goes away with a fight. At the same time, it is important not to harm your health.

Learn forever how to eat right to lose weight:

  • Eat healthy. Eliminate sweet and starchy foods from your diet, replacing them with fruits and cereals.
  • If you can’t set limits right away, then significantly reduce the portions of treats (no more than 2 tablespoons per day) and eat them before lunch.

Adjust your daily diet, taking as a basis the proposed weekly menu, which per day consists of breakfast, first snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, second snack (1-2 hours before bedtime).


  1. Oatmeal, tea.
  2. Apple.
  3. Vegetable soup and salad.
  4. Tea with casserole.
  5. Greek salad, pasta.
  6. Yogurt or kefir (optional).


  1. Cottage cheese, juice.
  2. Pear.
  3. Steamed fish and grilled vegetables.
  4. Fruit salad.
  5. Omelet, orange.
  6. Apple.


  1. Milk rice porridge, green tea.
  2. Mango.
  3. Steamed chicken cutlets, pureed cabbage soup.
  4. Curdled milk.
  5. Zucchini pancakes, vegetable salad.
  6. Chamomile tea.


  1. Oatmeal porridge with berries, coffee with milk.
  2. Syrniki.
  3. Chicken breast, cucumber salad.
  4. Tomato juice.
  5. Baked potatoes with herbs and fish balls.
  6. Apple.


  1. Cottage cheese with herbs and sour cream, mojito.
  2. Plums.
  3. Mackerel and grilled vegetables.
  4. Egg.
  5. Seafood salad, buckwheat porridge.
  6. Vegetable juice.


  1. Cottage cheese casserole with raisins, compote.
  2. Tea with honey.
  3. Chicken noodle soup.
  4. Sea kale salad.
  5. Grilled veal, steamed vegetables.
  6. Yogurt.


  1. Boiled beet salad with garlic.
  2. Apple juice.
  3. Cheese and nuts.
  4. Steamed hake and stewed vegetables.
  5. Kefir.

Proper nutrition and physical activity will help you get in shape and improve your health.

Every woman who has reached the age of 50 needs to more carefully control her diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. This is the only way to stay healthy and look young.