Structure of state social protection bodies. Social protection bodies in the Russian Federation


The right of citizens of the Russian Federation to social protection is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which proclaimed that the Russian Federation is a social state, the policy of which is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people See: Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993 (from taking into account the amendments introduced by the Laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2008 N 6-FKZ, dated December 30, 2008 N 7-FKZ, dated February 5, 2014 N 2-FKZ, dated July 21, 2014 No. 11-FKZ) // Collection . Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2014. No. 15, Article 7.; The specification of this provision is contained in Article 39 of the Constitution, according to which everyone is guaranteed social security in the event of disability, for raising children and in other cases established by law.

The topic of this course work is relevant because social justice has been violated, expressed in the colossal inequality created back in the nineties, in the inability of an educated, qualified person to find use for his abilities and knowledge and, as a result, receive a decent salary. In this regard, it is necessary to develop a plan (prospects) for the development of social protection of the population.

Social protection of the population covers a wide range of measures for state and public support of the population, including measures related to social security, understood as the activities of the state to provide material support for citizens in old age, in case of disability, in connection with the birth and raising of children, medical care and treatment.

In connection with the above, the purpose of this course work is to reveal the main directions and prospects for the development of social protection of the population.

Based on the stated goal, the following tasks are formulated in the course work:

Define social protection of the population in the Russian Federation;

Consider the main directions of social protection of the population;

Consider the prospects for the development of social protection of the population.

The concept of social protection, bodies carrying out this activity

family gerontological crisis children

Before revealing the prospects for the development of social protection, it is necessary to define this concept and reveal its main directions, reveal which bodies carry out this activity.

Social protection of the population in a broad sense is a set of socio-economic measures carried out by the state and society and ensuring the provision of optimal living conditions, satisfaction of needs, maintenance of life support and active existence of the individual, various social categories and groups; a set of measures aimed against risk situations in the normal life of citizens, such as illness, unemployment, old age, death of the breadwinner; a set of measures to ensure a state-guaranteed minimum level of material support for socially vulnerable segments of the population during the period of economic transformation and the associated decline in their standard of living See: State system of social protection of the population: Textbook. Averin A.N. - M.: Publishing house RAGS, 2010. P. 25..

The main goals of social protection of the population are getting rid of absolute poverty, when the average per capita total income of a family is below the subsistence level, providing material assistance to the population in extreme conditions, facilitating the adaptation of socially vulnerable groups of the population to the conditions of a market economy.

The main requirements for the implementation of social protection of the most vulnerable segments of the population are as follows. See; I.V. Petukhova. Definition of the concept of “social protection of the population”. 2012. P. 34.:

The primary and predominant role of the state in the implementation of this protection;

Shifting the center of gravity in work from material protection to social care for people;

The need to organize social protection, primarily through assistance to the family;

Increasing the role of social and national communities, religious communities, and collectives in the organization of social protection;

Strengthening the contribution of entrepreneurs to the social protection of needy citizens, poverty eradication, job creation, etc.;

Providing various forms of social protection and developing precisely targeted assistance measures designed for a specific group of people in need;

Maximum consideration of the principle of social justice, etc.

Every citizen has the right to social protection. The Constitution imposes an obligation on the state to create all the necessary conditions for the exercise of this right. It not only proclaims the right of citizens to social protection, but also clearly defines the ways of its implementation.

Basic principles of social protection:

Social partnership - the state solves practical social problems together with interested bodies and organizations.

Economic justice is socio-economic support for those who cannot participate in economic relations for objective reasons.

Adaptability is the ability of the social protection system for self-development and self-improvement.

The priority of state principles - the state acts as a guarantor of ensuring a socially acceptable standard of living for those who cannot achieve this on their own.

Preventive measures for social protection - forecasting and preventing social risks at the regional level for their more effective elimination, in particular through a flexible combination of paid and free services.

The priority needs for social protection in the Russian Federation are:

1. Elderly citizens, especially single and living alone, including single married couples;

2. Disabled people of the Great Patriotic War and families of fallen servicemen;

3. Disabled people, including those disabled since childhood, and disabled children;

4. Disabled internationalist soldiers; citizens who suffered from the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and radioactive emissions in other places;

5. Unemployed;

6. Forced refugees and displaced persons;

7. Children are orphans; children with deviant behavior;

8. Families in which disabled children live, children are orphans;

9. Low-income families;

10. Large families;

11. Single mothers;

12. citizens infected with HIV or suffering from AIDS;

13. Persons with disabilities.

For these categories, social protection is considered as a system of permanent or long-term measures guaranteed by the state, providing conditions for overcoming a difficult life situation. These measures are aimed at creating protected categories of the population equal opportunities to participate in the life of society with other citizens. See: State system of social protection of the population: Textbook. Averin A.N. - M.: Publishing house RAGS, 2010. P. 124. They include social assistance and social support.

The following means are used for social protection of the population:

Regulatory restrictions that prevent the consequences of market mechanisms from reaching socially dangerous levels. To achieve this, the state regulates the minimum level of wages, guarantees the minimum permissible tax rates, guarantees a minimum free education and medical care;

A system of social incentives in the form of benefits, subsidies, installment plans, free or partially paid services and incentives for philanthropists.

Taking into account the results of a comprehensive analysis of the level of social and economic living conditions of population groups in need of support;

Organization of pension provision for citizens, including the creation of a non-state pension system;

Development of measures for material and everyday services for disabled and other citizens in need of social protection;

Creation of a targeted, differentiated support system on a state and charitable basis;

Organization and implementation of new forms and types of in-kind assistance, humanitarian, technical, emergency assistance.

The leading organizational and legal forms of social protection of the population are:

1. pension provision;

2. provision of social payments, subsidies, compensations and benefits to categories of the population in need of state social assistance; See: See: State system of social protection of the population: Textbook. Averin A.N. - M.: Publishing house RAGS, 2010. P.384.

3. state social insurance;

4. social services.

Bodies providing social protection

The main federal executive body pursuing state policy and management in the field of labor, employment and social protection of the population, coordinating the activities in these areas of other federal executive bodies and executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation, is the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

The management of the social insurance system is carried out with the help of specialized funds: the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund and the Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund.

At the regional level, management is carried out by the executive authorities of the subject of the federation. Thus, in Moscow, the functions of implementing state policy in the field of social protection of citizens are carried out by the capital’s Department of Social Protection of the Population.

The department, its subordinate enterprises, institutions, organizations, as well as territorial bodies of social protection of the population form a unified state system of social protection of the population, providing state support for families, elderly citizens, veterans and disabled people, persons discharged from military service, and members of their families, development social service systems, implementation of state policy in the field of pensions and labor relations.

At the local level, the department of social protection of the population most often operates under the district administration.

In order to provide assistance to the population, various social services have been created and continue to be created. The tendency to create the most economical territorial network of social services, covering all problem categories of the population with their activities, has led to the design and implementation of a modular system of services. In this system, each service consists of module departments specialized in providing social assistance to a certain category of the population. Depending on the problems of the territory served, the structure of a social service institution is formed as a set of module departments that most adequately meet local social needs.

Integrated social service centers have the widest range of modules. They can contain up to 13 compartments:

1. Organizational and methodological department;

2. Advisory department;

3. Emergency social services department;

4. Department of trade services for low-income citizens;

5. Department of psychological and pedagogical assistance to families and children;

6. Department of assistance to women who find themselves in difficult life situations;

7. Department for the prevention of neglect of children and adolescents;

8. Day care department for children and adolescents;

9. Department of rehabilitation of children and adolescents with limited physical and mental capabilities;

10. Department of social services at home for elderly citizens and disabled people;

11. Specialized department of social and medical services at home for elderly citizens and disabled people;

12. Department of day care for elderly citizens and disabled people;

13. Department of temporary residence of elderly citizens and disabled people.

The Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children contains modules aimed at working with these categories of the population, including:

Organizational and methodological department;

Advisory department;

Emergency Social Services Unit;

Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance;

Department of assistance to women who find themselves in difficult life situations;

Department for the Prevention of Child Neglect;

Day care department for minors;

Department of rehabilitation of minors with physical and mental disabilities.

This set is complemented by a citizen reception department that receives, identifies the needs of children and families living in the service area, refers them to the appropriate departments of the Center, creates a data bank on applications to the Center and an inpatient department that implements social rehabilitation programs for maladjusted children in a temporary hospital setting. The directions and forms of work in this department are similar to the activities of the day care department for children and adolescents. As a structural unit of the Center, a social shelter for children and adolescents can be organized, operating as a temporary hospital under social rehabilitation programs and accepting orphans and children without parental care.

Social service centers provide services to elderly citizens and people with disabilities and consist of the following modules:

Organizational and methodological department;

Advisory department;

Emergency social service departments;

Social service departments at home;

Specialized Department of Social and Medical Services at Home;

Day care units;

Temporary accommodation units.

Social rehabilitation centers for minors specialize in the social rehabilitation of maladjusted children, or the rehabilitation of children with physical and mental disabilities.

Social shelters for children and adolescents are temporary hospitals in which orphans and children left without parental care live until their final establishment.

Centers for psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population provide socio-psychological, socio-pedagogical and psychotherapeutic assistance to families with children. Implements measures to increase stress resistance and psychological culture, prevention of deviant forms of behavior of family members, psychological and social correction of developmental disorders in children and conflict relationships between parents and children.

Emergency psychological assistance centers by telephone differentiate their activities according to the characteristics of the population served.

Crisis centers for women are departments of a center for social assistance to families and children, specializing in providing assistance to women in crisis situations.

Social assistance centers at home are part of social service centers that specialize in home-based social, social and medical services for elderly and disabled citizens.

Social homes for single elderly people are intended for the free residence of single elderly people and married couples, provided that they maintain their independence and provide them with psychological, social and medical social assistance.

Gerontological centers carry out medical-social, social-rehabilitation, social-consultative work with elderly citizens at their place of residence.

In recent years, various changes have been taking place in the structures of centers related to the consolidation of organizations and the transition to a different system of both financing the work with clients and encouraging the work of specialists; institutions are being reassigned. However, it is worth talking about the results of these transformations a little later.

Social protection of the population is one of the most important areas of the state’s social policy, which consists in establishing and maintaining the socially necessary material and social status of all members of society. Based on the above, it is possible to identify which aspects of social life need protection and, as a result, what are the possible prospects for the development of social protection of the population, which will be discussed in the next chapter.

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Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the social protection system

1.1 Concept, principles and essence of the social protection system

1.2 Organizational and legal forms, directions and functions of social protection of the population

Chapter 2. State policy in the field of social protection of the population of the Russian Federation

2.1 State policy for organizing social protection of the population of the Russian Federation

2.2 State bodies for social protection of the population and sources of its financing

Chapter 3. Social protection of the population in the Chechen Republic

3.1 Systems of social protection and social services for citizens in the Czech Republic

3.2 Quality standards for the provision of services in the field of social protection provided to the population of the Czech Republic


List of used literature


Relevance of the topic of work It follows from the fact that the political and socio-economic processes of the 90s were accompanied not only by an increase in the scale of negative social phenomena, but also by the emergence of phenomena - mass poverty and obvious unemployment. All this means a sharp increase in the population in need of social support. As a result of these processes, the importance of state activities in the field of social protection of the population has sharply increased. In response to this “challenge,” social legislation began to be intensively improved.

One of the main tasks of the state is the social protection of the population. The current socio-economic, moral, psychological and spiritual situation in Russia is extremely contradictory and multifaceted. The number of people with incomes below the subsistence level is practically not decreasing, differentiation of the population by income is increasing, tension in the labor market is increasing, arrears in payment of wages, pensions and social benefits are growing, and tendencies of disadvantage, including social deviations, are becoming acutely evident. The current situation requires taking adequate measures, primarily in the field of developing a system of social protection of the population and ensuring social security, which can only be achieved through the implementation of a competent and effective social policy of the state.

In Russia, laws and other regulations have been adopted, both at the federal and regional levels, providing for an increase in the number of categories of the population recognized as socially vulnerable, expanding the list of social payments, benefits, compensation, and services provided to them.

A system of bodies, institutions and enterprises emerged and began to expand, spending for these purposes from budgets of all levels, extra-budgetary social funds designed to ensure the provision of social payments to the population in cash, as well as the provision of various types of social services in kind.

Social protection and decent employment are essential components of a market economy to ensure income security for all. Social protection also has an important positive impact on society as a whole by promoting social cohesion and providing a general sense of security among members of society.

Social protection of the population is one of the most important components of the state’s social policy and social and labor relations. Its subject field covers the basic conditions of human life: material support for the population and the organization of social and medical assistance to disabled members of society.

Today, social protection of the population should play not only the role of social compensation for the poor, but also serve as a certain counterbalance to the rapidly growing property inequality. An important problem is protecting the entire population from progressive impoverishment.

In the current economic and socio-political conditions, the role and importance of the social protection system has increased significantly. Often, social service bodies and institutions are the only structures that a person can turn to to hope for support and assistance in solving his life problems.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation (RF) is proclaimed a social state. Its most characteristic features are reflected in the ongoing social policy, which, according to Art. 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people.

Social policy is carried out at different levels of management: micro level, macro level, integration level, global level.

Currently, in the Russian Federation there are four main areas of social protection of the population: 1) social protection of children, childhood and adolescence; 2) social protection of the working population; 3) social protection of disabled citizens; 4) social protection of the family.

State bodies providing social protection of the population: Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation; executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; district (city) social protection authorities.

In the Chechen Republic there is an extensive structure of social service institutions, adapted to the conditions of market relations, consisting of stationary and non-stationary social protection institutions, institutions providing rehabilitation services.

The guideline for the development of the social service system of the Chechen Republic is to improve the quality of life of the population. This indicator is an integral characteristic of a person’s physical, psychological, emotional and social functioning and generally determines the effectiveness of actions in this direction.

Degree of scientific development. In an effort to take part in improving the system for protecting the rights of citizens in the context of radical changes in the social sphere, specialists in the field of philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, psychology and other sciences focused on current problems of social protection. Researchers such as V.G. Bocharova, S.I. Grigoriev, L.G. Guslyakova, N.S. Danakin, V.I. Zhukov, I.G. Zainyshev, I.A. Zimnyaya, V.A. Nikitin , P.D. Pavlenok, A.M. Panov, A.S. Sorvina, M.V. Firsov, E.I. Kholostova, E.R. Yarskaya-Smirnova and others tried to comprehend the essence of social protection.

Object of study of this work - the system of social protection of the population.

Subject of study- the role of the state, its social policy in the system of social protection of the population.

Purpose of the thesis- study of social protection of the population and analysis of state social policy in its field.

In the process of achieving the goal, the following are resolved: tasks:

· identify the concept, principles and essence of the social protection system;

· consider the organizational and legal forms, directions and functions of social protection of the population;

· study the state policy of organizing social protection of the population of the Russian Federation;

· consider government agencies for social protection of the population and sources of its financing;

· explore the system of social protection and social services for citizens of the Chechen Republic;

· determine quality standards for the provision of services in the field of social protection provided to the population of the Chechen Republic.

Structure and scope of qualification research. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, which include two paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of references. The total volume of work is 74 pages.

Chapter1 . Theoretical foundations of the social protection system

1.1 Concept, principles and essence of the social protection system

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation (RF) is proclaimed a social state. Its most characteristic features are reflected in the ongoing social policy, which, according to Art. 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people. Constitution of the Russian Federation

Social policy is carried out at different levels of management:

· the social policy of individual economic entities (firms, enterprises, organizations) is carried out at the micro level;

· at the macro level, national and regional social policy is implemented;

· the integration level involves the implementation of coordinated social policies of two or more countries;

· global level - social policy is aimed at solving global social problems. The implementation of social policy requires the allocation of appropriate economic resources and the creation of social infrastructure.

Social protection of the population of any state is part of the general policy of the state, which concerns relations between social groups, between society as a whole and its members, associated with changes in the social structure, the growth of the well-being of citizens, aimed at ensuring social, economic, political and other rights and guarantees of a person regardless of his gender, nationality, age, place of residence and other circumstances.

There are basically two models of social protection in the world:

· social democratic orientation with a high role of the state in the socialization of income and the significant importance of national social governance mechanisms;

· neoliberal - with a lesser degree of government intervention in socio-economic processes.

Depending on the approaches chosen, the following social protection systems are distinguished:

· state, based on the principle of social care of the state for socially vulnerable members of society and social charity (it provides for a differentiated approach to identifying low-income groups of the population according to the degree of need and preferential provision of social assistance to them);

· private, based on the principle of responsibility of each member of society for his own fate and the fate of his family using income earned by his own labor and entrepreneurial activities, income from property, as well as personal savings (this system is focused on distribution by labor and includes private social insurance).

As for the social protection of the population of the Russian Federation, at the present stage it is the most important and priority direction of the social policy of the Russian state, being a system of principles, methods, social guarantees legally established by the state, measures and institutions that ensure the provision of optimal living conditions, satisfaction of needs, maintenance of life support and active existence of the individual, various social categories and groups; a set of measures, actions, means of the state and society aimed against risk situations in the normal life of citizens. Panteleeva T.S., Chervyakova G.A. Economic foundations of social work: A textbook for university students - M.: Humanitarian Publishing Center “VLADOS”, 2005. Social protection of the population represents a set of measures to ensure a state-guaranteed minimum level of material support for socially vulnerable segments of the population during the period of economic transformation. Dictionary-reference book for social work / Ed. E.I. Single. - M.: Lawyer, 2000.

Characteristic of the current stage is the rapid development of methodology and techniques for social protection of the population, which is of the utmost practical and theoretical importance. It should be noted that the methodology of social protection is understood as a system of principles and methods of organizing and constructing theoretical and practical activities aimed against situations of risk in the normal life of citizens, such as illness, unemployment, old age, disability, death of the breadwinner and others, and by methodology - a set of techniques, research methods and operations for the practical and theoretical development of social protection of the population as a system. Dictionary-reference book for social work / Ed. E.I. Single. - M.: Lawyer, 2000.

The legal basis for social protection of certain categories of the population consists of the following laws of the Russian Federation - “On forced migrants”, “On employment of the population in the Russian Federation”, “On social protection of disabled people”, “On social services for elderly citizens and people with disabilities”, “On the fundamentals of labor protection in the Russian Federation”, “On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation”, etc.

Social protection of citizens is provided at the expense of the federal, regional and local budgets, specially created funds for social support of the population, and non-state funds.

The basic principles of social protection of the population are formulated in the conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO), which direct each state to provide social guarantees to the entire population under various circumstances that threaten health or material well-being. At the same time, the ILO conventions specify the main types of social protection, regulate their minimum level and the categories of the population to which they should apply. National social protection systems are formed on the basis of ILO conventions, taking into account the specifics of the economic, social and cultural development of a particular country.

The current social protection system in Russia is based on the principles:

· incentives - power structures, with the aim of socio-political resonance for certain socially significant events that have received public assessment, or to support important government actions, make decisions focused on social support for certain social groups, segments of the population, and in some cases - individuals ;

· application - social assistance is provided to a citizen in need upon a written request from the applicant or a person representing his interests;

· paternalism, which denotes state guardianship (“fatherly care”) in relation to less socially and economically protected layers and groups of the population, as well as humanity, social justice, targeting, complexity, ensuring individual rights and freedoms.

The objects of social protection are social institutions represented by specific social organizations, institutions, systems (education, healthcare, social protection, employment, labor, culture, sports and recreation complex).

The central subject of social protection is the state. A person in need of social protection is both a subject and an object of social protection.

The criteria for identifying priority objects of social protection are the size of the average monthly income per family member (in comparison with the subsistence level budget), the presence of a source of livelihood (unemployed, disabled - fully or partially), environmental and social ill-being (victims of social and interethnic conflicts, refugees and displaced persons, victims and residents of environmentally unfavorable areas), the need for assistance (pregnant women, war veterans and blockade survivors, persons after punishment in correctional labor institutions). For each category of socially vulnerable segments of the population, its own social protection program is being developed.

The specificity of social protection of the population is expressed in the fact that this is a form of distribution of material benefits not in exchange for efforts expended in the process of work, but in order to satisfy the physical, social and other needs of the elderly, the sick, the unemployed, people with minimal income, in a word - those who are unable to independently provide a decent life for themselves and their family, as well as all members of society in order to protect the health and normal reproduction of the working family.

Based on this specificity, the following signs of social protection of the population are distinguished:

· objective grounds that necessitate the use of appropriate mechanisms aimed at maintaining or ensuring a certain standard of living;

· any means of providing livelihood;

· consolidation of the rules for the provision of social protection in social, including legal norms.

The essence of social protection of the population is most clearly manifested in its functions: economic, political, demographic and social rehabilitation.

The economic function is to replace earnings (income or support) lost due to age, disability or loss of a breadwinner; partial reimbursement of additional expenses upon the occurrence of certain life circumstances; providing minimal cash or in-kind assistance to low-income citizens.

The political function helps maintain social stability in a society in which there are significant differences in the standard of living of different segments of the population.

The demographic function is designed to stimulate population reproduction, which is necessary for the normal development of the country.

The social rehabilitation function is aimed at restoring the social status of disabled citizens and other socially weak groups of the population, allowing them to feel like full members of society.

Social protection of the population is a system that includes several subsystems. It should be noted that the components of social protection of the population cannot always be clearly distinguished. In addition, there are differences in their understanding in certain countries.

“Social security is a system of providing and serving elderly and disabled citizens, as well as families with children.” Yurieva T.V. Social economics. - Publishing house "Drofa", 2003

The social security system generally includes:

· pensions;

· benefits for workers (temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, etc.);

· benefits for families with children;

· unemployment benefits, etc.

“A pension is a regular cash payment provided to citizens upon reaching a certain age, the onset of disability, in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, as well as for length of service and special services to the state. There are labor and social pensions.

Labor pensions include pensions for old age, disability, in case of loss of a breadwinner, as well as for long service.” Yurieva T.V. Social economics. - Publishing house "Drofa", 2003

The right to an old-age pension in Russia is available to men who have reached 60 years of age and with at least 25 years of work experience, and women who have reached 55 years of age with at least 20 years of work experience. Some categories of citizens are granted pensions on preferential terms. This applies to citizens working in heavy, hazardous industries, as well as mothers of many children, parents of people with disabilities since childhood.

A disability pension is established in connection with long-term or permanent actual loss of ability to work (disability). The conditions and norms of pension provision depend on the nature of the labor relationship, the causes of disability, etc. In case of disability due to a work injury or occupational disease, a pension is assigned regardless of the length of work experience. If disability is a consequence of a general illness, then a certain total length of service is taken into account when calculating the pension.

A survivor's pension is assigned to disabled family members of the deceased who were previously dependent on him (children, brothers, sisters, etc.).

A pension for long service is established for those categories of citizens who are employed in jobs leading to loss of ability to work or fitness before reaching the age that gives the right to an old-age pension (aviation workers, miners, geologists, sailors, etc.).

The social pension is assigned to non-working citizens in the absence of the right to a labor pension.

Social security also includes the payment of benefits to working citizens. These include: benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth. In the social market economy, special attention is paid to families with children. The state pays them benefits that help ensure normal living conditions for the younger generation.

Social services for the elderly and disabled are an important part of social security.

Social services for the elderly and disabled in a market economy are entrusted to both state social service centers and the non-state sector. The non-state social service sector includes public associations, including professional associations, charitable and religious organizations, whose activities are related to social services for elderly citizens and people with disabilities.

Payment of unemployment benefits is another area of ​​social security activity. The amount of unemployment benefits is calculated differently in different countries. In Russia, the amount of unemployment benefits is set as a percentage of average earnings calculated over the last 3 months at the last place of work, if the employee had paid work for at least 26 calendar weeks during the 12 months preceding the start of unemployment.

If an unemployed person has dependents, then he is paid an additional 10% of the one-time benefit for each dependent.

In the Russian Federation, the duration of the unemployment benefit payment period cannot exceed 12 calendar months in total for 18 calendar months. If the unemployed person does not obtain suitable paid work during this period, he has the right to re-receive unemployment benefits in the amount of the minimum wage.

Unemployment benefits are paid at least twice a month, provided that the unemployed re-registers within the time frame established by the employment service. Longer terms for payment of unemployment benefits may be established by regional and local government bodies, subject to their payment from the relevant budgets.

Payment of unemployment benefits may be suspended for up to three months in cases where an unemployed person is employed for temporary or part-time work without notifying the employment center or the unemployed person violates registration rules.

Social guarantees are the implementation by the state of the constitutional rights of citizens to improve the most important social goods and services. Social guarantees provided by the state to the population in the Russian Federation include:

· the right of citizens to choose a place of work and professional activity;

· minimum wage;

· minimum pension;

· one-time benefit at the birth of each child;

· monthly allowance for children of single mothers, military personnel undergoing military service, for children whose parents evade paying child support, etc.;

· ritual aid;

· minimum unemployment benefit;

· minimum scholarship amount;

· right to housing;

· the right to health protection and medical care;

· right to education.

Social assistance is care for citizens who need support and assistance due to age, health, social status, or insufficient personal income based on a means test. In Russia, social assistance is provided to pensioners, disabled people, refugees and internally displaced persons, citizens exposed to radiation as a result of nuclear power plant disasters and other accidents, etc. Social assistance is provided in the form of cash and (or) in-kind payments (free lunches, housing, clothing, services).

Social insurance is a system of material support in the event of temporary disability, old age, disability, loss of a breadwinner, as well as recreational activities (sanatoriums, rest homes, medical nutrition, pioneer camps, etc.). Social insurance considers social types of risk: loss of ability to work due to illness, old age, accident, loss of work, etc. This risk is massive, social, i.e. social character, since it is largely determined by social conditions and does not depend (depends little) on each individual person.

Unlike other types of social protection of the population, social risk is taken into account in advance. Possible financial costs associated with this risk are also distributed in advance among all participants in the organization. Insurance for each type of social risk can be voluntary or mandatory.

From the point of view of the circle of influence and scope of distribution, social insurance is divided into state, regional, municipal (local), professional (on a professional-industry basis), and international. State (universal) insurance covers significant masses of the population in the country. Municipal insurance only covers a certain part of the country. Professional insurance is organized for certain categories of workers (pilots, miners). International insurance is valid for the population of several countries.

Social insurance includes not only cash payments and compensation, but also certain treatment, rehabilitation and prevention services. As the economy socializes, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention services are constantly growing and determine the effectiveness of social insurance as a whole.

Social insurance is financed by employers and employees with possible government participation. Payments are made from special funds formed on the basis of contributions (pension funds, health insurance funds, etc.).

In modern Russia, the social insurance system as a whole has lost the main features of insurance relations and has actually become part of the state tax system. Insurance premiums in most cases are collected without taking into account the assessment of social risks.

Summarizing what has been said, it should be emphasized that most types of social protection are provided free of charge at the expense of centralized extra-budgetary social authorities or part of budget funds. At the same time, in conditions of limited financial and material resources, all types of social protection within the framework of social assistance and social support must be of a nature and provided based on need.

1.2 Organizational and legal forms, directions and functions of social protection of the population

In modern conditions, social protection is becoming the most important function of society, all its government bodies and social institutions. Private forms of social protection are also appearing - pensions, health insurance, social services. This indicates that a multi-structured organizational structure of the social protection system is emerging in our country, which uses almost all organizational and legal forms that exist in countries with market economies, although they do not function fully due to the unresolved number of theoretical and organizational problems.

The leading organizational and legal forms of social security at present are pension provision, provision of social benefits, benefits for especially needy categories of the population, state social insurance, social services.

Pension provision is a state regular cash payment (per month), a pension that is paid in accordance with the established procedure to certain categories of persons from social funds and other sources intended for these purposes. Social Policy: Textbook / Ed. ON THE. Volgina. Moscow. 2002.

Pension relations in Russia are regulated by the laws “On State Pensions”, “On Amendments to the Law of the RSFSR “On State Pensions in the RSFSR” (in the title and text of the Law the abbreviation “RSFSR” is replaced by the words “Russian Federation”), “On pension provision for persons serving in the internal affairs bodies, and their families” and others.

Pensions are paid upon reaching a certain age; onset of disability; death of the breadwinner; long-term performance of a certain professional activity - length of service.

The main types of pensions are labor and social. Labor pensions include old-age pensions (by age); disability pension; survivor's pension; long service pension.

If citizens for some reason do not have the right to a labor pension, a social pension is established for them.

Women have the right to a pension on a general basis upon reaching 55 years of age with a total work experience of at least 20 years, and men upon reaching 69 years of age with a total work experience of at least 25 years.

The payment of pensions is financed by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation through insurance contributions from employers and citizens, as well as from the federal budget of Russia.

All pensions are indexed in accordance with the established procedure in connection with the increase in the cost of living. When the minimum pension amounts are increased, all pensions increase in proportion to the increase in their minimum amounts.

The development of pension provision is carried out on the basis of the concept of reform of the Russian pension system, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The concept involves a smooth transition to a new funded principle of pension provision with the preservation of pension rights secured by the current pension system. The reform is provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 26, 1997 No. 222 “On the Program of Social Reforms in the Russian Federation.” :

· introduction of a system of individual (personalized) accounting of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

· ensuring stability of the real cost of pensions, achieving fair differentiation of pension amounts based on labor contribution, establishing a permanent mechanism for indexing pensions through the use of an individual pensioner coefficient, based on the growth of average wages in the national economy of the country;

· strengthening the financial stability of the budget of the Russian Pension Fund to ensure timely financing of pension payments.

Reforming pension provision will make it possible to turn it into an effective element of the social protection system.

Another organizational and legal form of social protection of the population is the provision of social benefits and benefits to especially needy categories of the population.

In modern conditions in the country, the number of social payments and benefits is over 1000, they are established for more than 200 categories of citizens, the number of people applying for them reaches almost 100 million people (disabled people, veterans, children, the unemployed and others). With the help of social benefits and benefits, the implementation of social guarantees of citizens is ensured, individual situations and the presence of such circumstances as poverty, orphanhood, unprotected motherhood, unemployment, long-term illness and others are more fully taken into account.

However, the current practice of paying social benefits is imperfect. It was not possible to ensure fair use of funds allocated for these purposes, to provide them in a targeted manner, and to make fuller use of the regions’ capabilities in strengthening the financial base for providing social guarantees. Therefore, these issues are currently the focus of attention of government and other bodies and social service institutions.

Compulsory state social insurance is a means of compensation for social risk and a means of social redistribution, taking into account the principle of social justice. State social insurance is a system of material support for workers in old age, established by the state and regulated by law, in the event of temporary or permanent disability of family members of workers (in the event of the loss of a breadwinner), as well as protecting the health of workers and members of their families. Yakushev L.P. Social protection: Textbook. Moscow. 1998.

State social insurance is carried out at the expense of special funds formed from mandatory contributions of employers and (in some cases) employees, as well as subsidies from the federal budget for material support of employees and members of their families.

Contributions intended for state social insurance are paid by enterprises, organizations, individual citizens using the labor of hired workers in their personal households, as well as workers from their earnings.

State social insurance provision is divided into cash payments, material benefits and services. In modern conditions, the need to reform the entire social insurance system, to make fuller use of principles tested in different countries of the world has become obvious: guaranteed assistance to the insured and the mandatory nature of conditions and norms; payment; solidarity; automation of financing based on the accumulation of insurance premiums; strictly targeted nature of the funds and their repayment; definition of the insurance space in combination with the distinction between different types of insurance, etc. Improving social insurance includes:

· exemption of state social extra-budgetary funds from payments unusual for them, separation of insurance payments from taxes;

· introduction of differentiated amounts of insurance contributions for state social insurance depending on the degree of danger, harmfulness, severity of work and the state of working conditions;

· strengthening the personal participation of citizens in the financing and management of the social insurance system;

· development of voluntary forms of social insurance at the expense of citizens and enterprise income, etc.

This will make it possible to turn social insurance into an important reliable component of the social protection system. Social services represent a wide range of socio-economic, medical-social, psychological-pedagogical, socio-legal, social and other social services and material assistance, adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Functions are relatively independent, but closely related types of activities for the social protection of a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation.

In the process of developing the social protection system, the functions change and are filled with new content due to innovative technological techniques, the complexity of the services provided and the expansion of the scope of their application, increasing the professionalism of specialists.

This reflects the process of mastering the new content of social protection activities, its increasingly clear focus on providing multilateral support to a person in need, ensuring his personal participation in solving problems and difficulties that have arisen, and improving relations between people within the framework of various systems of assistance to the population.

The social protection system is a complex of legislative acts, measures, as well as institutions that ensure the implementation of social protection measures for the population and support for socially vulnerable segments of the population. It includes, first of all, social security, which, in turn, performs a number of functions. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 26, 1997 No. 222 “On the Program of Social Reforms in the Russian Federation.”

Classification of social protection functions:

· economic functions of social protection. Its essence lies in the fact that the state uses social protection as one of the ways to distribute part of the gross domestic product, thereby having a certain impact on equalizing the personal income of citizens by providing material benefits instead of lost earnings;

· the production function is expressed in the fact that the right to many types of social protection is conditioned by work activity, and the level of protection often depends on its nature and the amount of remuneration for work;

· the social (social rehabilitation) function of social protection helps maintain the social status of citizens in the event of various social risks by providing various types of material support. With the help of the social function, the rehabilitation direction of social protection is carried out, the purpose of which is to restore the full functioning of a person;

· the political function allows the state to implement the main directions of social policy by means specific to social protection. The state of social peace in society depends on how effectively social protection fulfills its political function. Social tension in society at the present stage indicates that the state of Russian social protection does not meet the needs of the population.

· the demographic function is realized through the impact of social protection on many demographic processes - on the life expectancy of the population, stimulating the birth rate, etc.

Along with the above functions of social protection, there is also a spiritual and ideological function, which includes: ideological, moral and socio-psychological subfunctions.

Every person has the right to such a standard of living, including food, clothing, housing, medical care and necessary social services, as is necessary to maintain the health and well-being of himself and his family and the right to security in the event of unemployment, illness, disability, widowhood, old age or other case of loss of livelihood due to circumstances beyond his control.

Social protection of the population and the mechanism for its implementation are based on the relevant constitutional and legal provisions. Currently in the Russian Federation there are four main areas of social protection of the population:

1. Social protection of children, childhood and adolescence, which is focused on creating conditions for the life and development of children that allow all children, regardless of which family they were born and live in, to have the best opportunities for maintaining health, material well-being, free accessible education, preschool and school education, harmonious spiritual and moral development, realization of one’s abilities. social protection population legal

State policy in the interests of children is based on the principles of legislative provision of children's rights; state support for families in order to ensure the full upbringing of children, protection of their rights, preparation of them for a full life in society; establishing and observing state minimum social standards for the main indicators of the quality of life of children, taking into account regional differences in these indicators; responsibility of officials and citizens for violating the rights and legitimate interests of a child, causing harm to him; state support for local governments, public associations and other organizations carrying out activities to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the child.

Social protection of children and adolescents at the present stage is consistent with state policy in the field of childhood, which recognizes this period of a person’s life as the most important stage, and therefore undertakes to do everything to prepare them for a full life. Social protection of children and adolescents is characterized by multidirectionality, affecting a variety of areas of their life, but the priority area of ​​work is working with children and adolescents suffering from varying degrees of social maladjustment, which leads them to the street, drugs, prostitution, etc.

2. Social protection of the working population, designed to “provide for the creation of conditions that ensure a balance of rights, responsibilities and interests of citizens, when a person can fully realize the ability to be economically independent, without infringing on the interests of fellow citizens and participating in social assistance to those in need.” Social protection of the working population, their labor protection are based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Labor Safety in the Russian Federation”, adopted on July 17, 1999, and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as laws and other legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation .

Thus, we can conclude that social protection of the working-age population should provide mechanisms that provide citizens of the Russian Federation with protection from social risks that prevent:

· effective employment of a person;

· providing, in accordance with the legislation, additional employment guarantees to categories of the population in need of special social protection and experiencing difficulties,

· payment and receipt of wages and all types of social benefits in the amounts and terms provided for by law;

· protecting the health of workers and preventing unfavorable working conditions;

· providing and receiving material and other assistance to persons caught in crisis material and social situations;

· realization by young people of their potential in scientific, cultural and sports terms;

· equal rights of men and women in all matters of social life (primarily we are talking about complete actual equality in pay, promotion, access to education, scientific activities, culture and sports).

3. Social protection of disabled citizens, which should be aimed at humanizing all spheres of life of these people. It is unacceptable for any of them to feel like an extra person, burdening their loved ones and society. Everyone should retain the desire and opportunity to live in a family for as long as possible, actively participate in the economic, political, and cultural development of society, enjoy all its benefits and, if possible, increase them.

Social services for elderly citizens and people with disabilities are activities to meet their needs for social services. It includes a set of social services (care, catering, assistance in obtaining medical, legal, socio-psychological and natural types of assistance. “Social Encyclopedia”. Editorial team. A.P. Gorkin, G.N. Karelova, E. .D., Katulsky, etc. - M: Bolyi, Ros.

4. Social protection of the family, which should ensure effective prevention of social risks.

Social protection of the family at the present stage is the most developing area of ​​social protection, since it is in the family that all social problems characteristic of modern Russian society are reflected, and these problems are always specific, since they are directly related to the type of family.

The organization of implementation of the named areas of social protection of the population is determined by the regulatory framework of social protection of the population in the Russian Federation.

Chapter2 . State policy in the field of social protection of the population of the Russian Federation

2.1 State policy for organizing social protection of the population of the Russian Federation

Recently, due to the increase in the number of vulnerable categories of the population, the load on the social protection system has increased; this circumstance justifies the need to develop a state policy to improve the organization of the social protection system.

The organization of social protection of the population in the Russian Federation is carried out at the federal, regional and local levels.

The federal executive body of the Russian Federation in the field of social protection of the population is the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, whose activities are managed by the Government of the Russian Federation. In order to resolve issues related to social protection of the population, the central apparatus of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation includes the Department of Organization of Social Protection of the Population and the Department for Disabled People.

The Department of Organization of Social Protection of the Population ensures the activities of the Ministry in developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of social protection of the population, including social protection of families, women and children, veterans and other vulnerable groups of the population, guardianship and trusteeship of adults who are incompetent or not fully capable citizens, as well as the provision of public services in the field of social protection, including social services for elderly citizens, families, women, children and the disabled. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2010 No. 339 “On approval of the Regulations on the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.” The department has the following structure: family policy department; department for organizing social protection of families with children; department for the development of social services for the population; Department of Policy in the Sphere of Social Protection of the Population; Department of Social Guarantees and Social Support Measures for Veterans; department for interaction with regional social protection authorities and public organizations. Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia: official website [Electronic resource]. - Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, 2008 - 2011. - Access mode:

The Department for Disabled People has been operating since 2010 and ensures the activities of the Ministry in developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of social rehabilitation and integration of people with disabilities Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2010 No. 402 “On approval of the Regulations on the Department for Disabled People of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation." . This division includes: a department for the methodology of development and implementation of social protection programs for people with disabilities; department for development of the rehabilitation industry; Department for the Development of Medical and Social Expertise; Department of Policy in the Sphere of Social Protection of Disabled People; department of social guarantees for citizens affected by emergency situations; department for interaction with public associations of disabled people.

In addition to the above departments, the Ministry includes the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Health Care and Social Development, which directly and through its territorial bodies carries out control and supervision functions in the field of health care and social development.

The Ministry coordinates the activities of state extra-budgetary funds (Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund), the budgets of which are formed independently from the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation at the expense of insurance contributions.

The Ministry has advisory and coordination bodies, and All-Russian meetings are organized on topical issues of social protection of the population.

In each subject of the Russian Federation, in the field of social protection of the population, executive authorities of the subjects function, for example, the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population (Labor and Social Development), Departments of Social Development (for Labor and Social Protection of the Population), Main Directorates of Social Protection of the Population. Together with federal executive authorities, they form a unified system of executive authority in the Russian Federation on issues of social protection.

Local government bodies, in accordance with Article 20, paragraph 5 of the Federal Law “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” dated October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ, have the right to establish, at their own expense, “additional measures of social support and social assistance for certain categories of citizens” , the implementation and financing of additional social protection measures “is not the responsibility of the municipality” and “is carried out when possible.” Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation” (with subsequent amendments and additions).

Today, not all municipalities of the Russian Federation carry out additional social protection measures at their own expense. Accordingly, these municipalities do not have municipal institutions for social protection of the population, and the powers to provide measures of social support and social services are exercised at the regional level.

The Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, from 2005 to the present, has been providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort treatment for privileged categories of citizens. This function is enshrined in Article 4 of Federal Law No. 202-FZ of December 29, 2004 “On the budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for 2005,” although this type of activity was not provided for when the Fund was organized.

Article 5, paragraph 3, 4 of the federal law of December 8, 2010 No. 334-FZ « On the budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for 2011 and for the planning period of 2012 and 2013” ​​regulates the activities of the Fund in financing technical means of rehabilitation for disabled people and the cost of vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions for 2011. According to the above-mentioned legal act, in 2011, 435,673,131.3 thousand rubles are allocated for social security and social assistance from the Social Insurance Fund, in 2012 it is planned to allocate 472,808,135.6 thousand rubles for this item, in 2013 year - 519,617,412.2 thousand rubles. At the same time, the amount allocated for providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation for 2011 and for the planning period of 2012 and 2013 remains unchanged and amounts to 6,972,430.2 thousand rubles. Federal Law of December 8, 2010 No. 334-FZ « On the budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for 2011 and for the planning period of 2012 and 2013.” Against the backdrop of the trend of an annual increase in the number of disabled people, this circumstance indicates a discrepancy between the financial support of ongoing activities and the real needs of low-mobility groups of the population (disabled people). While the economic burden on the working population has increased: from 01/01/2010 the unified social tax was abolished, contributions of organizations to extra-budgetary funds increased and from 01/01/2011 amounted to 34% (the unified social tax was 26%).


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1.1 State chambers

1.2 Shelters for the poor, sick, lepers



In modern works, little attention is paid to the history of the formation and development of social protection bodies in Russia, and, as a rule, they are of an “article” nature. A prejudice may arise that social protection bodies appeared only with the establishment of this specialty. Thus, in publications there is a statement that the initial milestone in its history should be considered the end of 1990, when the President of the International Association of Social Workers visited Russia.

But we cannot agree with this, because... The history of the origin of elements of social protection goes back to ancient times. The intellectual development of civilization, one way or another, was accompanied by the development of socio-economic relations. An example of this is the codes of justice developed in Babylon, China, Greece, England and France, which can be classified as elements of social policy. They called for loving your neighbor, caring for the poor and old; in fact, a classification of people in need of support was born, i.e. social protection. The transition from a slave-owning to a feudal system certainly increased the level of social security of a huge number of people - slaves. The development of the social sphere contains enormous creative potential, capable of even changing socio-economic formations.

Thus, the origins of the formation of social protection bodies should be sought in ancient times, when the prerequisites for the development of social work were just emerging. A person cannot live outside of society, therefore he has always encountered and is faced with various manifestations of social activity; with the development of society, qualitative changes occur in social work, its structure is improved, and its significance increases. One cannot underestimate the most important historical events that significantly influenced the development of certain forms of social assistance.

The normal “viability” of the state is possible only if society is socially stable. Therefore, the problems of social protection were relevant for all periods of social development. In my opinion, the history of the development and formation of social protection bodies has a unified development pattern for many countries. However, it should be noted that the system of state social support in each country was developed taking into account historical conditions and, despite the similarity and uniformity of the tasks being solved, it has differences in approaches, methods and organizational design.

Based on the foregoing, the relevance of the course work lies in expanding ideas about the place, role and significance of the history of the formation and development of social protection bodies in Russia in the formation of the principles of humanism, patriotism and citizenship.

The goal is to study and show in a generalized, chronological form the history of the formation and development of the system of social protection bodies in Russia, the most important elements of the historical experience of social protection, which were carried out by government bodies, private individuals, and church institutions in Russia.

social protection authority

1. Formation of social protection bodies in the pre-revolutionary period

.1 State chambers

Treasury chambers were introduced into the system of local administration in accordance with the “Institutions for the management of provinces of the All-Russian Empire” of 1775, as part of an administrative reform aimed at unifying all government administration throughout the empire, which was simultaneously a direct development of the provisions of the provincial reform of Peter I. It was from this time, Russia finally becomes a unitary state, and its administration begins to build into a strict system.

According to the “Institutions”, in all matters relating to the multiplication of state revenues and the allocation of amounts, there were local Treasury Chambers. The Chamber was in charge of tax affairs, supervised the receipt of taxes, and exercised financial control. She was in charge of the sources of state revenue: state property (lands, waters, state-owned enterprises); state, palace, economic peasants; wine farming and contracts; sale of salt; was in charge of government buildings. The Treasury Chamber supervised private trade and industry, carried out accounting and statistical work on audits (censuses of the tax-paying population). The jurisdiction of the state chambers included customs and drinking business, and the audit of local accounts.

The treasury chamber was under the jurisdiction of the county treasuries, which were in charge of the reception and storage of monetary collections and issued sums of money to officials, i.e. were state cash registers. All remaining amounts were to go to the main treasury. The treasury staff had a county treasurer and four jurors - custodians of the cash treasury. The treasuries sold stamp paper, stamps, parcels, arshins, and they also issued trade and trade certificates, excise duty patents, travel documents and passports for the townspeople. At the same time, the treasury served as a “storage chamber”, accepting sums of money and other material assets from various institutions, officials and individuals.

The chairman of the treasury chamber itself was the vice-governor, the members were the director of economy, an adviser, two assessors and the provincial treasurer. This scheme of subordination was a direct implementation of the principle of one “master” in the province, which the governor was. In accordance with this principle, the central government tried to delegate most of the powers to local institutions, of course, reserving only the management of the military sphere and foreign affairs. Thus, most of the central departments were liquidated, and local organizations came under almost complete control of the governors. State chambers were no exception. However, already in the 80s of the 18th century, a new central department emerged - the State Revenue Expedition, a kind of prototype of the Ministry of Finance, which concentrated in its hands all issues of the financial sphere and directed the activities of the treasury chambers and county treasurers. This circumstance became, in fact, the cause of many conflicts between the provincial administration and local government chambers. On the other hand, the necessary measures have been taken to eliminate such disputes. They consisted not in the introduction of new rules for the relationship between the two branches of government, but in the actual replacement of the post of head of the Expedition by the Prosecutor General of the Senate. Since the governor was subordinate only to the Senate and the Empress, it was believed that such a measure completely eliminated all possible friction.

This system of subordination existed for quite a long time, although it was subject to partial restructuring on the part of the supreme power, expressed in the increasing centralization of all management, the removal of some functions from the governor and the reassignment of provincial institutions to the corresponding central departments. This trend continued and intensified even more at the beginning of the 19th century, when the collegium system had almost completely exhausted itself and needed to be replaced.

The most important step in reorganizing and streamlining government in the 19th century was the approval of the ministerial system, which influenced the entire administration of the empire.

According to the instructions of 1831, the State Chambers consisted of 6 departments: economic; treasury departments; forest; drinking fees; salt and control. In some provinces, the salt department business was conducted in the drinking department, and the forestry department in the economic department. The internal affairs of the chamber were entrusted to the office. In addition, it was through the office that the bulk of the cases in all treasuries passed. At the head of the audit, drinking collections and salt departments were advisers. The treasury and control departments were headed by the treasurer and the provincial controller, respectively. Thus, the presence of the chamber included the vice-governor as its chairman, councilors, the provincial treasurer, the provincial comptroller, and one or more assessors. The chairman was appointed and dismissed on the proposal of the Minister of Finance by imperial order. The management of the chamber was based on a collegial basis, and all major issues were resolved by general presence after discussion by a simple majority of votes. In addition to the departments at the treasury chamber, there was also an office and land surveyors. The instruction of 1831 determined the new structure of the state chambers

The treasury department included a county treasurer, a journalist, one or more accountants and a jury who received and issued money. Control over these institutions was entrusted to the provincial treasury, which essentially became the formative body of the treasury system itself.

The local government reform of 1837 (“General Order to Civil Governors”) significantly strengthened the power of governors, combining the functions of management and supervision in their person. All questions concerning his interaction with the treasury chambers and other financial and economic institutions were transferred to the department of the 4th department of the provincial government. Until 1837, the economic department in the treasury chamber was predominant. Therefore, after the reform of 1837, during which economic departments were transferred to the newly created chambers of state property, the competence of the state chambers decreased. But in 1837, the final approval of local bodies of the Ministry of Finance took place with the publication of an order to civil governors, according to which vice-governors were transferred to the provincial government, and a special chairman was appointed to the treasury chamber, who formally became the third most important person in the province. He sat on a number of provincial institutions: on the zemstvo duties committee, on the national food commission, on the provincial road commission, during the examination of the insane; he presides over the recruiting presence, etc. It turned out that, in essence, the state chambers were not so dependent on the provincial government.

They continued to be in charge of bookkeeping and reporting on the receipt and expenditure of amounts circulating in the provincial treasuries, organizing population censuses, recruitment, auctions of state property, regular receipt of taxes, etc. The treasuries subordinate to them exercised control over the receipt of arrears, received and stored state revenues, performed a number of duties related to the collection of indirect taxes, etc.

The Chamber enjoyed quite a lot of independence, since, being subordinated directly to the Ministry of Finance, it practically fell out of the jurisdiction of the governors and the entire provincial administration, which belonged to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. By his position, the chairman of the chamber was the third person in the province. He replaced the governor if the vice-governor could not assume this position.

In fact, the chairman of the treasury chamber becomes the second most important official in the province, because, unlike the vice-governor, he was subordinated more to his own department than to the governor, who could monitor his actions and bring information about violations and violations to the attention of the Minister of Finance. disorder, but in no case could he impose any penalties on the treasury chamber and its officials. Both the treasury chambers and the governors were responsible for organizing the collection of taxes and the collection of arrears, and the role of the latter was predominant. In addition, the chairman of the treasury chamber, as a rule, was higher in rank than the vice-governor. So, for example, on January 1, 1853, there were 53 chairmen of state chambers, of which 29 were actual state councilors (54.7%), state councilors - 22 (41.5%), and collegiate councilors - 1. The rank of one chairman is not indicated. Thus, if 5 vice-governors held the rank of IV class, then more than half of the chairmen of the state chambers had the same rank. 21.1% of collegiate advisers were in the position of vice-governors, and 1.9% were chairmen of state chambers. Based on this, it is quite possible to conclude that there are inconsistencies in the provincial administration itself. And if the issue of proportionate rank production has occupied the government since the 30s of the 19th century, then the relations of governors with the state chambers at the turn of the 50s-60s of the same century were regulated by the “General Order to Civil Governors” of June 3, 1837. At the same time, repeated attempts were made to supplement this regulation with various kinds of orders. Let us consider the above aspects of interaction between the provincial administration and the state chambers in a little more detail.

Issues related to the activities of the entire system of treasury chambers were ordered to be resolved independently or submitted to the Ministry of Finance for consideration. The chairman of the chamber had to seek the consent of the governor only if it was necessary to take new, urgent measures. The Treasury Chamber communicated with the governor regarding matters relating to the transition of tax-paying persons to monks, the adoption of children taken into care by merchants, and the issuance or confirmation of recruitment receipts, while this communication was of an advisory nature.

At the same time, the governor had the right to make legal demands on the leadership of the state chambers, which they had to fulfill. In addition, at the end of each year, the chairmen provided statements of resolved and unresolved cases to the governors for review. If he noticed improper execution of cases, the governor reported this to the chairman of the treasury chamber to take action. The governor had to inform the Minister of Finance about all these actions. At the same time, they were categorically forbidden not only to order an investigation, but generally to impose any penalties on the chamber and its officials.

Governors had broader powers in relation to local treasuries. During the audit process of the province, they had the right not only to inspect cash and government property in stores, but also to check documentation and, if violations were found, to impose an investigation.

In the process of collecting taxes, there is also no direct dependence of the chambers on the governors. The law did not provide for any coordination, much less control over each other. But the governor was still considered the main responsible person in this case. Twice a year, the chambers provided information on the progress of tax collection and arrears. The governor, along with this information, in his most loyal report, also expressed his opinion on the effectiveness of the chambers.

In the permanent functions of the chamber, the primacy of governors was retained only when conducting tenders and concluding contracts. All supplies and contracts worth from 5,000 rubles to 10,000 rubles were subject to approval by the governor. If this was not necessary, or the amount exceeded 10,000 rubles, the case was redirected to the ministry, depending on its specifics.

All penalties and awards to officials took place in the chamber, regardless of the governor’s consent, either through the chamber itself, or through its submissions to the Ministry of Finance. This deprived the governors of control over the personnel of the chamber and the provincial treasury.

The independence of the treasury department is explained by several reasons. Firstly, the legal status of the state chambers was formed before the famous “Nakaz” of 1837, which placed governors in the position of masters of the provinces, and therefore the text of the “Nakaz” automatically recorded the already existing provisions on their relationships. Secondly, state chambers, unlike other local institutions, performed more specific functions. Thirdly, the ruling circles recognized a more effective order in which the mutual antagonism of governors and treasury chambers and the desire to curry favor contributed to the successful collection of taxes. And, fourthly, the independence of the state chambers was facilitated by their control functions.

The abolition of serfdom in 1861 increased the volume of work of the state chambers. If previously salary sheets that recorded taxes were compiled once every three years, then since 1861 the chambers had to do this annually. In addition, due to the increasing frequency of peasants moving to other classes, the number of cases in the chambers regarding the registration and discharge of souls has also increased. The treasury chambers had to take upon themselves the supervision of the collection of redemption payments, limiting the actions of the Provincial Peasant Affairs Presences to the consideration and approval of the land redemption transactions themselves in 1864.

In 1862-1866, the chamber underwent a number of significant changes. In 1862, excise departments were formed on the basis of a department of drinking taxes separated from the chamber. Together with the liberation from control functions and the formation for this purpose of control chambers - bodies subordinate to State control, the unity of the cash register was introduced throughout the empire (1863-1865), this was expressed in the liquidation of all departmental cash registers and the transfer of their values ​​to the provincial treasury, which significantly increased his role. A division of affairs occurred between the provincial and district treasuries: the provincial treasury turned into an expenditure fund, and the district treasury into a revenue fund. All these changes not only did not narrow the competence of the chamber, but, on the contrary, significantly complicated the current paperwork.

Significant changes in the competence of the chambers required clarification of their status, which was done in 1865. A corresponding instruction was issued, which established the status of the chamber as “the highest financial institution in the province for monitoring ... the receipt of state revenues and the production of expenses and for managing the cash desks of the Ministry of Finance, as a secondary manager of loans from the Ministry of Finance and ... an accounting institution”

In May 1866, the state chambers were reorganized: their responsibilities became more complicated. In connection with this, the structure of state chambers has changed. Now they consisted of 3 departments: the treasury, the audit department and the office.

In 1878, a more significant change occurred in the structure of the state chambers. Functions were redistributed between its three departments: in the first, administrative office work for cash management was concentrated, in the second - audit office work, in the third - accounting for state revenues and expenses transferred from the treasury. But the state chambers themselves did not introduce or collect any fees, nor could they cancel the established fees.

Over the next 20 years, the structure of the treasury chambers changed again, and their functions expanded: by 1894, the treasury chambers were headed by a manager (formerly the chairman), who alone decided all matters.

The general presence under the chairmanship consisted of his assistants and heads of departments, joined in some cases by representatives from the control chamber and the military department. The increase in the state budget and cash turnover, the creation of new sources of income (state-owned railways, state-owned sales of wine) complicated bookkeeping and reporting.

An attempt was made to unite the treasury chambers with the excise departments, i.e. create general financial bodies, which led to the introduction of the position of tax inspector in the treasury chambers. He supervised the activities of non-financial institutions. Along with it, tax offices were created to establish fees from trade and industrial enterprises.

After 1863, the following functions were assigned to the provincial and district treasuries:

collection of government revenues, their storage, payments, movement of funds from one treasury to another or to a bank;

reception, storage and expenditure of special funds of government agencies (except the Synod);

issuance of certificates for the right to trade and crafts;

accounting for all expenses and income, reporting, etc.;

acceptance for temporary storage of amounts from public places, public institutions and officials.

The treasuries were subject to scheduled and surprise inspections, which were carried out by the general presence of the Treasury Chamber, the governor, and representatives of the Ministry of Finance.

In 1890, the treasury was assigned the responsibility of accepting and storing all zemstvo sums. According to the law of 1899, they were obliged to distribute incoming land taxes between the treasury and the zemstvo. In addition, since 1885, savings banks were opened at the treasuries, and the introduction in 1887-1888. banking operations (in cities where there were no offices and branches of the State Bank), as a result of which new forms of bookkeeping and reporting were introduced, complicated the activities of treasuries.

In connection with the expansion of functions, the treasury chambers and the treasury were divided: the chambers into 4, and the treasury into 7 categories, which were assigned at the discretion of the Ministry of Finance.

The state chambers were abolished after the revolution.

.2 Shelters for the poor, sick, lepers

The main form of charity for the poor, sick, and lepers in pre-revolutionary Russia was the establishment of almshouses and shelters.

In the old days, the word “charity” meant compassion for one’s neighbor, mercy. Its object is traditionally considered to be those suffering from serious illnesses, the sick, the crippled, the disabled, orphans, the elderly, the poor...

Various charitable institutions were built for those in need - hospitals, shelters, schools, colleges, almshouses. Charity was one of the main virtues of Christianity. In pre-revolutionary Russia, charity was usually not included in government programs to help the poor; it was carried out by private individuals and societies helping the needy. State aid was designated by the term “charity” (public charity). Charity was widespread in the state and public life of Russia. Even under Prince Vladimir, the poor and wretched could come to the prince’s court and receive there “all kinds of needs, drinks and food..”. This example was followed by Vladimir Monomakh, who outlined the prince’s duties towards the poor in the following words: “be fathers of orphans”; “do not leave the strong to destroy the weak”; "Don't leave the sick without help." Russian tsars and queens widely distributed alms during exits and trips, church holidays, and visits to prisons. Princely and royal charity was an example for the boyars.

The basis of charity in the pre-Petrine era were Orthodox churches and monasteries. Under the latter, almshouses were set up for the poor and elderly, and in lean years, food supplies were distributed from the monastery reserves to the hungry, and communal meals were organized for the poor. In the 18th century The scale of Russian charity has increased significantly.

In 1775, a special order for public charity appeared as part of the new provincial institutions. He was entrusted with the responsibility for education, treatment, the establishment of public schools, orphanages, shelters and almshouses for the elderly, workhouses and restraining houses. After 65 years (1840), there were already about 800 such institutions in the country. In 1860-1870. concern for public charity was transferred to zemstvos and cities. In Moscow in 1894, district trustees for the poor were established everywhere. Moscow occupied a special place in the history of Russian charity. Under Catherine, charity houses for the poor were created in Gatchina. Catherine II decreed that charity for the poor was the main thing for the Supreme Power. In each province, special Orders of public charity were created, which were supposed to deal with issues of helping the poor.

The rise and flourishing of charity in the second half of the 18th and first third of the 19th centuries. became a consequence of noble philanthropy (philanthropy). The construction of hospitals, shelters, and almshouses for the poor was a matter of honor and prestige. Rich noblemen Golitsyn D.M., Sheremetev N.P., Strekalov A.N. and others donated huge amounts of money for the establishment of various charitable institutions. The system of charity in old Russia was distinguished by a variety of forms of institutions and societies. The activities of the institutions of the Department of Institutions of Empress Maria (1796), named after the wife of Emperor Paul I, were semi-governmental, semi-public in nature. By 1900, the Department of Maria consisted of more than 500 educational and charitable institutions, where tens of thousands of people lived, studied, and were treated. . The largest institutions of Mary's Office included the council of orphanages, ladies' guardianship for the poor, the so-called Mariinsky hospitals for the poor and others. In parallel with the Office of Mary in Russia, there was a Philanthropic (from 1816 Humane) Society created in 1802 on the initiative of Alexander I, the main goal of which was to provide voluntary, comprehensive assistance to the poor.

Church charity was widespread in Russia. Only in Moscow at the beginning of the 20th century. There were 69 church trusts for the poor. Moscow parish churches maintained more than 100 small almshouses. Estate institutions were of particular importance in the system of private charity. In Moscow, at the expense of nobles, merchants, and priests, educational institutions, shelters, and almshouses were organized, where representatives of this class studied or lived. Russian public and private charity since the second half of the 19th century. existed mainly on donations from merchants. The merits of this class are especially great for the development of charitable institutions in Moscow. Representatives of famous merchant dynasties: Alekseevs, Bakhrushins, Baevs, Boevs, Lyamins, Mazurins, Morozovs, Solodovnikovs, Khludovs, etc. - built dozens of charitable institutions and establishments at their own expense, and supplied them with modern medical equipment for those times. In total, in Moscow by the beginning of the 20th century. there were 628 charitable institutions: almshouses, shelters, temporary shelters and hostels, shelters, free and cheap canteens and teahouses, houses of industry, communities of sisters of mercy, outpatient clinics, etc. The forms of assistance they provided were also very diverse: the provision of housing, overnight accommodation, free meals, the issuance of one-time or permanent cash and in-kind benefits, medical care, and payment for medicines. Charity in other cities of the Russian Empire had approximately the same structure.

In Tsarist Russia, the fight against leprosy was essentially not adequately subsidized. The state did not allocate permanent funds for it.

Some enthusiastic doctors waged a heroic fight against leprosy and made useful contributions to science, acting at their own peril and risk, without sufficient support from the state and society. The placement of lepers in special shelter homes located outside populated areas began in Russia in the 18th century. By the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, leper colonies appeared located near Astrakhan, in the Terek region (since 1897) and in the region of the Kuban Cossack army (1901-1902), leper colonies arose in Estland and Livonia, the leper colony "Steep Streams" was created ", organized in 1894 with funds from zemstvos. The medical assistance they provided was scanty and imperfect.

2. Bodies of social protection of the population during the Soviet period

2.1 People's Commissariat for Social Security

After the October coup in Russia, a new structure was created, which began to abolish existing aid agencies with the redistribution of funds and property for the needs of the state. At first it became the Ministry, and over time - the People's Commissariat for State Guardianship (NKGO). Among the liquidated institutions were charities and societies for the disabled operating in the Russian Empire. They were canceled on November 19, 1917. And by the end of January 1918, the entire previous guardianship system was destroyed.

By March 1918, the main directions of activity in the field of state social security had been formed: issuing rations to the families of front-line soldiers, providing shelter for those crippled in the war and assigning them pensions; adjusting the activities of educational institutions of state care. To solve the then acute problem of financial and material support for social events, the NKGO resorted to a wide range of measures - from the targeted redistribution of material resources, the organization of charitable lotteries to the introduction of a tax on public spectacles and entertainment.

Since April 1918, targeted state support for needy citizens began to be implemented as a means of implementing social policy. At this time, the People's Commissariat for Social Security (NKSO) was formed. This body defined a new strategy for social assistance, based on the tasks of building a socialist society of the Bolshevik model. Then a class approach began to take shape in providing different types of assistance. According to the provisions on social security for workers, only persons whose sources of existence are their own work, without the exploitation of others, have the right to receive assistance from the state. The new legislation established the main types of social security that the working population could count on: medical care, assistance and pensions (in connection with old age, disability, pregnancy, birth of children).

By mid-1918, the NKSO developed its activities in the following areas: protection of mothers and infants; work in orphanages; activities to provide assistance to minors accused of illegal activities; distribution of food rations; providing for disabled soldiers; medical care.

Activities in the field of social protection during this period, including the issuance of various types of assistance, were carried out by different departments - the Commissariat of Work (provided assistance to the unemployed), the Work Exchange, the Commissariat of Agriculture, etc., which led to the duplication of certain functions. Therefore, in 1920, the functions and powers of different departments were demarcated. The functions of the People's Commissariat include establishing general standards for pensions and assistance. All medical institutions that previously belonged to the NKSO were transferred to the People's Commissariat of Health.

The social protection strategy was significantly changed by the New Economic Policy (NEP), introduced in the early 20s of the last century. The main activities of the NKSO at that time were: providing the peasantry and people with “independent work” in the order of mandatory mutual assistance; cooperation of disabled people; workers' social insurance; state support for the families of Red Army soldiers in cities. At the same time, the NKSO bodies were entrusted with the following types of work: providing “assistance to victims of counter-revolution” (victims of Soviet employees, political amnesties, political emigrants, political refugees, as well as families of a specified group of people), combating begging and prostitution, assistance during natural disasters , guardianship and care. According to the government decree, they were provided with work, clothing, housing, medical and financial assistance, pensions were issued to them, children were sent to orphanages, etc.

One of the important areas of activity of state bodies of social protection and welfare in the 20s was the fight against child homelessness. The problem of hundreds of thousands of street children was solved by opening orphanages, labor communes, and educational colonies. The search for ways of social education continued

An important area of ​​social protection was support for the peasantry. In the mid-20s, it became the main object of activity of the NKSO, which assisted in the organization of peasant public mutual assistance (CPM). It was legalized in May 1921, and already in 1922 active work began to create peasant committees for public mutual assistance. They were entrusted with the functions of self-sufficiency and patronage of those in need.

In the 30s of the last century, the main tasks of social protection were proclaimed to be employment and training for people with disabilities; providing for the families of Red Army soldiers, providing pensions for war invalids, families whose members died in the war, and the disabled; organization of mutual aid funds on collective farms; providing assistance to the blind and deaf; assistance to cooperatives of disabled people. In 1931, a special Council for the Employment of Disabled Persons was created under the People's Commissariat of Social Security. By government decision, 2% of the total number of jobs was reserved for them at industrial enterprises.

In 1937, a new regulation was issued on the People's Commissariat for Social Security, according to which the range of tasks of the NKSO expanded. It covered state provision of work and other categories for disabled people; organization of material, everyday, cultural, medical, health, and sanatorium-resort services; management of the activities of social security institutions, the work of medical and labor examination (LTEK), training of social security workers; approval of laws for social security. During this period, the NKSO controlled the Council of Cooperation of the Disabled, the Union of Mutual Insurance and Mutual Aid Cooperation of the Disabled, the Society of the Blind, and the Society of the Deaf and Dumb.

The negative side of the social policy of the 30s is also recognized as the practice of solving social problems of some categories of people at the expense of the rights and freedoms of others, in particular, believers. Many church ministers found themselves expelled from their churches and left without a livelihood. Thus, the general state of social security in the 1930s was problematic.

With the outbreak of the Second World War, the entire life and activity of the multi-million population was directed towards military needs. The extreme situation required extraordinary measures from the NCSO. This affected both evacuation and the mobilization of labor and the distribution of material resources, including food. Industrial enterprises, qualified specialists, scientists and cultural figures were evacuated to the rear areas of the country. In total, about 25 million people were resettled to the cities and villages of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, and the Central Asian republics. With the outbreak of the 1941-1945 war, a number of decrees were issued regarding social security for the families of front-line soldiers. It regulated the procedure for paying financial assistance to the families of front-line soldiers. The decree of 1942 introduced some clarifications to this procedure. In 1943, the Soviets adopted a resolution to the People's Commissar of the USSR "On benefits for the families of military personnel who died and disappeared without a trace on the fronts of the Patriotic War."

Another set of military problems is social assistance and social rehabilitation of the wounded. Millions of streams of wounded required emergency measures not only regarding their evacuation, but also regarding rehabilitation. In the fall of 1941, relief committees were created to serve sick and wounded soldiers of the Red Army. In 1942, the State Defense Committee organized homes for disabled people of the Great Patriotic War (later transformed into labor boarding schools). In them, crippled soldiers prepared for further work, received labor specialties, and underwent retraining.

At this time, the problems of child protection and care for orphans acquired new features and dimensions. The task was to evacuate children from orphanages deeper into the country and to open new institutions. The resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On the placement of children left without parents" envisaged the creation of an additional network of orphanages, as well as the participation of citizens in the upbringing of children in the form of guardianship and patronage.

In 1949, the NKSO was renamed the Ministry of Social Security, and at the end of the 50s, a new stage in the development of social protection and the formation of its bodies in the USSR began.

2.2 Social security departments

By the end of 1918, the People's Commissariat for Social Security was a ramified systemic entity and was divided into seven departments. The presence of specialized structural units allowed the Commissariat to cover all the most significant segments of the population that needed help and protection, and to work consistently and systematically. The People's Commissariat for Social Security was divided into the following departments:

Department of Maternal and Infant Protection, which was in charge of obstetric institutions, shelters for mothers with children in the postpartum period, consultations on the care and feeding of children, etc.;

Department of Orphanages;

Department for the provision of minors accused of socially dangerous acts (Department of defective children);

Medical Department, in charge of sanatoriums and medical institutions for the general population;

Department of pensions and benefits and provision for disabled people, widows and old people, and this same department is entrusted with providing assistance to revolutionary fighters, amnestied, political and returning emigrants;

Soldering department. In charge of issuing food rations to families affected by the war;

Department of disabled soldiers, whose terms of reference included after-care, supply of prostheses, labor and professional assistance, shelters for military disabled and their pensions.

However, other commissariats continued to provide social protection to the population; a clear division of responsibilities occurred only in 1920.

2.3 Commissions for the assignment of pensions, Councils for employment

In accordance with Art. 100 of the USSR Law “On pension provision for citizens in the USSR” pensions are assigned by commissions for the assignment of pensions formed by district (city) or corresponding Councils of People's Deputies. The commission is formed with a composition determined by the Council of People's Deputies. Along with other members, the commission includes the head of the district (city) social security department.

With the authority of the commission for the assignment of pensions, pensions may be assigned on its behalf by a single member of the commission - the head of the district (city) social security department. However, in all cases, at the request of the person applying for a pension and other interested persons and organizations, the issue of assigning a pension is decided by the pension assignment commission.

The competence of commissions for the assignment of pensions formed in accordance with Art. 100 of the Law of the USSR “On pension provision for citizens in the USSR” includes: legal assessment of the content and proper execution of documents submitted to confirm work experience, and, if necessary, making decisions on conducting checks on the validity of their issuance; making, where necessary, decisions on counting or excluding certain periods of work from the calculation of length of service; establishing work experience based on witness testimony; establishing the time of care for individuals, as well as periods of residence in certain territories or stay in places of forced detention during the Great Patriotic War, to be included in the length of service.

On March 1931, the Council for the Employment of Disabled Persons was established under the People's Commissariat for Social Security of the RSFSR. Similar councils were created everywhere. There were planned indicators for the distribution of disabled people among enterprises. A new form of employment in the mid-30s was the organization of workers suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis. Special workshops were created for them at enterprises and in the cooperation of disabled people. By government decision, 2% of the total number of jobs was reserved for them at industrial enterprises.

In the 30s of the last century, the main tasks of social protection were proclaimed to be employment and training for people with disabilities; providing for the families of Red Army soldiers, providing pensions for war invalids, families whose members died in the war, and the disabled; organization of mutual aid funds on collective farms; providing assistance to the blind and deaf; assistance to cooperatives of disabled people. During this period, various cooperatives and public organizations of people with disabilities developed: societies of the blind, associations of the deaf and dumb. These public organizations were engaged in the creation of artels and cooperatives, thus solving the issues of attracting people with disabilities to work. They assisted government agencies in carrying out therapeutic measures, prosthetics, training, retraining and job placement.

Some citizens especially need assistance in finding employment: people with disabilities; persons released from institutions executing a sentence of imprisonment; minors aged 14 to 18 years; persons of pre-retirement age (two years before the age entitling them to an old-age retirement pension); refugees and internally displaced persons; citizens discharged from military service and members of their families; single and large parents raising minors and disabled children; citizens exposed to radiation as a result of radiation accidents and disasters; graduates of primary and secondary vocational education institutions looking for work for the first time.

3. Formation of social protection bodies in the 90s

3.1 Creation of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation

The main principle of a democratic society is that every person is obliged to provide for himself. But everywhere there are people who, for certain reasons, cannot take care of themselves. This can happen due to their old age, weakness caused by illness, single women, large families, disabled people who need treatment and care. Society cannot abandon them to their fate, and therefore tries to help and provide them with certain material benefits. To accomplish these tasks, special state systems have been created and operate, with their main task being to provide material and other social benefits to such citizens. Every person should not forget that someday he may also find himself in a difficult situation, the solution of which only public assistance can help.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation contains the main provisions of the institution of social assistance: Art. 7. 1. “The Russian Federation is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people”; Art. 7. 2 “In the Russian Federation, the labor and health of people are protected, a guaranteed minimum wage is established, state support is provided for the family, motherhood, paternity and childhood, the disabled and elderly citizens, a system of social services is developed, state pensions, benefits and other social guarantees are established. protection

The Constitution, having established the basic provisions of this institution, does not provide a broader explanation of the existence, activities, and development of government structures that directly deal with issues of social protection of the population of our country.

The President of the Russian Federation continued the basis for building the institution in question. So in 1996, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation) was formed. But in the structure of the Government of the Russian Federation, approved in March 1997, the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population is not listed. However, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development was created, to which the functions of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population were transferred. It's difficult to explain and even understand what's going on here. So, there probably would not have been a consensus on this institute if the Presidential Decree “On the structure of the Federal Executive Bodies”, which had not been repeatedly amended, would not have found its latest edition, where the modern name of the institute had already appeared and taken hold. So in accordance with Art. 112 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, no later than a week after appointment, submits to the President of the Russian Federation proposals on the structure of federal executive bodies) The President decided: to approve the attached structure of federal executive bodies. And in order to form this structure, create the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation on the basis of the abolished Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Federal Employment Service of Russia. The institution in question was created on a fairly large legislative basis, taking on the functions and powers of several ministries at once.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development was created on a fairly large legislative basis, taking on the functions and powers of several ministries at once. The structure of the Ministry included 11 departments: comprehensive analysis and forecasting of social development; labor conditions and safety; on public service issues; on the settlement of collective labor disputes and the development of social partnership; population and employment policy; on pension issues; for family, women and children affairs; on social issues of citizens discharged from military service and members of their families; on issues of rehabilitation and social integration of disabled people; Veterans and Senior Affairs; employment of the population.

The main federal executive body pursuing state policy and management in the field of labor, employment and social protection of the population is the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 97 No. 480, as amended and additions.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation carries out its activities in cooperation with other federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public and other associations, as well as other organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form.

In accordance with the tasks assigned to the ministry, it builds its work in various directions and carries out its functions in the following areas: solving complex problems of social development; increasing the standard of living and income of the population; salary; labor conditions and safety; social partnership in labor relations; population; employment; development of human resources; social insurance; pension provision; social protection of the population; social services for the population; public service; legislation on labor, employment and social protection of the population; international partnership.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation is headed by a minister, who is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development and the implementation of its functions.

In 2004, many social protection functions will be transferred to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

3.2 Creation of regional and local social protection bodies

The history of our state is rich in its own experience in the formation and development of all forms of public charity. The developed traditions have not lost their significance today, when the need for further improvement of both existing state charity structures and the creation of new ones that best meet modern requirements, as well as for the deployment of various forms of public and private charity, has become especially acute. These traditions, enriched by international experience in providing social services to the population, have become firmly established in our reality today: the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation coordinates and determines the development paths, an extensive network of regional (regional, territorial) departments of social protection of the population and territorial (municipal) social work, specialized and comprehensive social service institutions operate, various charitable societies and social support funds are created

The implementation of all government measures in the field of social protection of the population, starting from the 90s, was carried out by the Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry). According to the decree of the Government of the RSFSR dated December 26, 1991, the Ministry was entrusted with not only the development of a state policy strategy in the field of protecting the disabled population, motherhood and childhood, but also the organization of pension provision for citizens, material and consumer services, the organization of prosthetic and orthopedic care, and medical care. -social expertise, implementation of foreign economic activities, etc.

The social service system consisted of state, municipal and non-state assistance institutions. The main forms of activity of these services were: material assistance; home help; hospital care; provision of temporary shelter; organization of day care in social service institutions; advisory assistance; social patronage; social rehabilitation and adaptation of those in need; social help.

In 1994, the Department of Social Protection was created within the Ministry of Social Protection by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation. He was involved in developing a federal pension strategy, organizing payments, recalculating and delivering state pensions, ensuring uniform application of federal law and other issues.

In different regions and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the social protection bodies of the region and region are called differently, for example, Departments, Directorates, Sections, Committees, Ministries, but the main tasks and functions of these bodies are the same. The department, its subordinate enterprises, institutions, organizations, as well as territorial bodies of social protection of the population form a unified regional state system of social protection of the population, providing state support for families, elderly citizens, veterans and disabled people, persons discharged from military service, and members of their families, development of the social services system, implementation of state policy in the field of pensions and labor relations.

Regional social programs allow you to concentrate funds primarily on protecting the most socially vulnerable groups of the population and supporting those who cannot take care of themselves, based on the most effective methods of providing social assistance and social services, developed and tested both in this and other countries. regions, without reducing funding and increasing the amount of social assistance to especially needy categories of the population.

Over the years of its existence, social protection bodies of the population of Russian regions have gone through a difficult path of formation, reorganization and renewal. Through the labor and efforts of several generations of social workers in the regions, a wide network of social institutions has been created, a significant human resources potential has been accumulated in the industry, thanks to which a range of various social services is provided to the population. At the same time, in practice, many of the areas of social programs cannot be implemented on time due to lack of funding from budgets at various levels.

The territorial assistance system, which is associated with the development of the institute of social work - the central aspect of the modern system of social protection of the population of Russia - consists of a set of various institutions that have different forms of ownership, systems of subordination, methods of work, as well as sources of financing and legal status. At the same time, the problems that exist at the regional level are reflected in the systems of city and regional assistance to those in need. Urban social assistance structures operate within the framework of federal, regional and regional social programs, however, the uniqueness of the region, socio-cultural traditions, and specific socio-economic problems suggest the need to create original models of urban management and assistance structures.


The result of the above is the current situation of social protection; as an example, let us cite the remark of S.V. Tetersky: “To some extent, we are returning to the pre-revolutionary mechanism of charity, while at the same time preserving the elements developed during the period of Soviet power.”

In order to avoid many mistakes in the further development of the system of social protection of the population, and in particular charity, it is necessary to study and summarize both foreign and existing historical experience. The study of which shows that assistance to the poor is more effective when it is decentralized with the involvement of the general public; with the interaction of all parties involved in the process - charitable, private, public organizations, the Church and the state - both in obtaining comprehensive information about those in need of help and in coordinating assistance to them. The state must create a unified system of laws, regulations, and incentives to provide assistance to those in need through a system of benefits and incentives. And also a necessary condition is to attract the attention of the public and the media to the problems of social protection.

Thus, drawing conclusions from the course work, we can say that in the 90s the profession of a social worker was established, the origins and traditions of which were laid in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. And:

the course work provides a chronological, systematic presentation of the stages of the origin and development of social protection bodies in Russia and shows the evolution of the views and approaches of scientists to the development of social protection in the past;

This work shows the dynamics of the formation and development of social protection bodies in Russia as a practical activity aimed at supporting a person in difficult life situations in different historical periods.

Social protection services are an integral part of the social policy of the modern Russian state. Their necessity is a question that does not require discussion, their effectiveness is the problem of modern Russia. There are such shortcomings of social services in Russia as:

focusing work only on “socially disadvantaged segments of the population,” while other large groups of people are left unattended;

lack of a unified social policy;

low (rather insufficient) qualifications of social workers;

a meager range of social services.

With a scientific approach and sober monitoring of the situation, implementation of all recommendations of theorists and practitioners of social work, and stable financing in Russia, a high level of social assistance to the population can be achieved.


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At the technical level of management in social work, we will consider the activities of the social protection department using the example of the social protection department (OSZN) of the population in the Frunzensky district of the social protection department of the administration of the city of Vladivostok, Primorsky Territory.

To determine the place of the department in the department of social protection of the population of Vladivostok, consider Fig. 6.

The Department of Social Protection of the Population for the Frunzensky District of the Vladivostok City Administration is a structural unit of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Vladivostok City Administration.

Sources of financing are budgets of all levels. Financing is carried out in the manner established by the authorities that allocate funds.

The department includes the following sectors:

Family, motherhood and childhood;

For the purpose and payment of child benefits;

Accounting and control.

The main goals of the department are:

1. Work with the population to explain the procedure for implementing the benefits provided

Federal laws, conducted on the basis of the following federal laws:

a) “On Veterans” No. 535-FZ dated January 12, 1995;

b) “On burial and funeral business” No. 8-FZ dated January 12, 1996;

c) “On the rehabilitation of victims of political repression” No. 1761, dated October 18, 1991;

d) “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” No. 184-FZ dated November 24, 1995;

e) “On state social assistance” No. 178-FZ dated March 17, 1999;

f) “On state benefits for citizens with children” 05/09/1995;

g) “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster” No. 179-FZ dated November 24, 1995.

And the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On providing benefits to former prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of forced detention created by the fascists and their allies during the Second World War” No. 1235 dated 10/15/1992, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 dated 05/05/1992, “On measures for social support of large families” and other regulations;

2. Implementation in the territory of the Frunzensky district of decisions and resolutions of the regional and city administration on issues of social protection of the population;

3. Ensuring the correct and timely assignment and payments established by law of monthly benefits for children, compensation and other social payments in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Primorsky Territory;

4. Organization of work to attract extra-budgetary funds to finance the program of social assistance to the population of the region.

Functions and activities of the department.

The department in accordance with the tasks assigned to it:

1) identifies the causes and factors of social ill-being of low-income groups of the population, their needs for assistance, examines them at the place of residence, registers them and makes proposals to the department of social protection of the population to provide them with social support;

2) implements the resolutions, orders of the city administration and the city program for social support of low-income groups of the population in the district;

3) forms a database of: preferential categories of citizens, recipients of benefits, compensation payments, keeps records of them, makes payments;

4) collects documents for issuing certificates of entitlement to benefits;

5) on behalf of the management, submits data for reconciliation with organizations providing benefits in accordance with Federal laws for reimbursement of expenses from the Federal Budget and the Federal Compensation Fund;

6) manages funds within the approved limits of budget obligations;

7) maintains accounting records of funds and material assets in accordance with its own estimate of income and expenses, approved by a superior manager;

8) keeps records of persons from among the residents of the district who need to be provided with individual means of transportation, sanatorium-resort treatment, placement in boarding houses of general and specialized types, in home care and makes specific decisions on these issues;

9) prepares primary documents for registration of guardianship over adults with legal capacity in the form of patronage in accordance with the law;

10) organizes the distribution of humanitarian aid to the population of the region;

11) submit plans, statistical reports and progress reports to the department of social protection of the population within the established time frame;

12) considers proposals, applications, complaints from citizens, prepares responses to them in a timely manner;

13) draws up and issues sheets of train coupons to preferential categories of citizens;

14) organizes work with maladjusted persons; persons released from prison;

15) if appropriate conditions are provided, organizes work on the social rehabilitation of disabled people, vocational training of disabled people, assists in registering with the employment service, sends disabled children to higher and vocational educational institutions for training;

16) implements measures to prevent neglect and delinquency among minors, submits proposals to the department for organizing employment, employment, health and recreation for children registered with the department;

17) conducts receptions of citizens on issues of social protection;

18) submits to the department of social protection of the population proposals for improving working conditions, creating a network of automated workstations (AWS) and using software in the work of the entire department, providing personal computers.

Field of activity.

The department organizes its work in the following areas:

Working with veterans, disabled people and the elderly;

On issues of social assistance to family, motherhood and childhood;

For the purpose and payment of monthly benefits for children;

Organization of accounting and control.

The main forms of work of the department:

Organization of office work and documentation

Ensuring the department according to the nomenclature of cases;

Formation of an archive of documents.

The main regulatory documents used by this organization.

The department in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Laws, the Law "On General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation", the Law of the Primorsky Territory "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Primorsky Territory", "On Municipal Service in the Primorsky Territory", orders, resolutions , orders of the Head of the Administration of the city of Vladivostok, orders, orders of the head of the OSZN of the administration of the city of Vladivostok, orders of the head of the OSZN for the Frunzensky district of the city of Vladivostok, as well as Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders of the regional governor: No. 1096 of September 29, 1999. “The procedure for recording and calculating the amount of average per capita income that gives the right to receive a monthly child benefit,” No. 120 of 02/28/2002 “On approval of the Procedure for repaying accounts payable for state benefits for citizens with children,” No. 119 - Federal Law of 06/04/1997 "On enforcement proceedings"; orders and instructions of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the charter of the city of Vladivostok.

Description of work with clients.

The department carries out work in the Frunzensky district of Vladivostok on the social protection of the disabled population and low-income families with minor children, as well as other groups of the population in need of state support.

Clients are received three times a week - on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The number of clients is approximately 90 people per week, their age ranges from 14 to 60 years.

The problems faced by this organization are varied.

For example:

To receive child benefits, one-time and monthly; in case of arrears in payment of child benefits; with a lack of material means of subsistence;

Loss of a breadwinner;

Regarding the appointment of guardianship; as well as when changing place of residence due to moving to another area and transferring the place of payment of benefits.

OSZN provides services for providing vouchers to improve health in a resort area or holiday home.

When a client contacts an organization, a conversation is held with him (in the form of an interview) and an inspection report of material and living conditions and marital status is drawn up according to the following plan. The category of family is determined (complete, incomplete with many children, guardianship, with a disabled child, with a disabled parent), full name. the client and his family members; the presence of children, their age and their attendance at child care institutions; health status of family members; main sources of income (salary, pension, alimony) and additional; living conditions, size of living space.

Availability is analyzed:

Basic necessities and luxury goods;

Availability of transport, a personal plot, a summer house, a vegetable garden in the family.

Based on this, a decision is made about what the family needs and what assistance will be provided to it.

To solve customer problems it is often necessary to involve other organizations, so the department interacts:

With enterprises, organizations of all forms of ownership and public associations on issues of organizing work in the field of social policy and providing benefits provided for by Federal Laws;

With government agencies of the Pension Fund of the Primorsky Territory to exchange the necessary information;

With institutions of the state service for medical and social examination on the issues of determining disability and implementing an individual rehabilitation program for people with disabilities.

List of services provided in OSZN:

Assignment, recalculation and payment of benefits;

Receiving citizens and conducting consultations on the appointment and payment of child benefits;

Issuance of certificates to the court about arrears in payment of benefits;

Issuance of certificates to single mothers when they apply to the court or subsidy department;

Assistance is provided to families in enrolling children in schools, kindergartens, etc.; determines the status - dependent, guardian, namesake;

Prepares cases for sending to other departments and management; draws up an application to the social insurance fund, provides assistance to low-income groups of the population, makes preferential payments, provides people with disabilities with individual means of transportation and humanitarian aid, issues travel coupons for preferential categories of citizens, assists in determining disability, in the rehabilitation of disabled people, employment, health improvement, etc. .

The staff in the department works, each employee performs his duties in accordance with job descriptions. These are professionals in their field who know the rights of citizens and protect them to the best of their competence and the law.

Questions for self-control:

1. What is management?

2. Name the levels of management.

3. Give the meaning of management in social work.

4. Expand the concepts of subject, object, management in social work.

5. Who manages social work at the institutional level?

6. Give the functions of the Ministry of Health and Social Development.

7. Who organizes the provision of social guarantees and social services? Highlight the functions.

8. Briefly highlight the position on the social protection department of the Primorsky Territory administration.

9. What is the structure of the social protection department of the Primorsky Territory administration, and what functions do the departments perform?

10. Structure and functions of the social protection department for the Frunzensky district of Vladivostok.

Planning as a management function.

The essence of the planning function

Management functions are the types of activities of governing bodies and officials with the help of which they influence the managed object. The objects of management are social workers, employees of social protection services and institutions, relationships between people in the provision of social assistance. The planning function is a pre-control function along with forecasting.

Social planning- a method of social management, the essence of which is to determine and justify the goals, objectives and rates of development of social processes and to develop the main means of their implementation.

Currently, social planning has focused on the territorial level, where the objects are the city, region, and region. Social planning has the nature of social forecasts and is focused on solving specific problems that are closely related to the territory of social and economic problems - employment, social protection of the population, protection of their health, development of the sphere of socio-cultural services, ecology, etc.

Planning is making decisions in advance about what should be done and what is necessary for this, when to do it, who will do it, who will be responsible for the result obtained.

We will look at the strategic planning process. The strategic goal of social work is to most fully meet the needs of all segments of the population for social protection.

The word strategy comes from the Greek “art of the general.” Strategy- a detailed, comprehensive, comprehensive plan designed to ensure the accomplishment of the organization's mission and achievement of its goals.

It is important to remember that strategic planning alone does not guarantee success.

This confirms that all management functions are interconnected.

Strategic planning provides management with a means of creating a plan for the long term; provides a basis for decision making; helps reduce decision risk, helps clarify the most appropriate courses of action, and creates unity of common purpose within the organization.

Stages of strategic planning

1. At the first stage of planning, an essential decision is the choice of organizational goals.

The main overall purpose of the organization, i.e. clearly expressed reason for its existence, designated as its mission(responsible task, role, assignment). Goals are developed to achieve this mission.

Mission details the status of the organization and provides direction and guidance for defining goals and strategies at various organizational levels.

The mission statement should contain:

1. The task of the organization in terms of its main services, its main consumers, its main technologies - i.e. what activities does the organization engage in;

2. Factors of the external environment in relation to the organization;

3. The culture of the organization - what type of working climate exists in the organization, what kind of people are attracted to this climate.

For example, the mission of the social protection department is to meet the social needs of the population. The mission of the center for social assistance to families and children is to provide comprehensive assistance and support to families and children.

Some leaders do not attach importance to the choice of mission. This especially applies to heads of commercial organizations. They believe that the mission is to make a profit.

The mission is important to the organization, but the values ​​and goals of senior leaders also influence the organization. Researchers note that strategic behavior is influenced by values ​​(Igor Ansof). Gut and Tigiri established 6 value orientations that influence management decision-making, and that the chosen goals depend on them.