The solution to the women's issue in the novel Oblomov. Read an essay on the topic of Female images in the novel “Oblomov” by Goncharov for free

“Oblomov” is represented by female images. It is in relation to them that the positive traits main character - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. From the content of the novel, it becomes clear that the hero deliberately avoids communication with the opposite sex so as not to burden himself with unnecessary worries. However, the author mentions that in his early youth, when people were full of sincerity and love, Oblomov also loved to chat with beauties. In his hobbies, he did not allow relationships to go far and did not give himself over to passion with all his soul.

No matter how he avoided it, it overtook him real love, which changed and transformed him. His muse was Olga Ilyinskaya, an extraordinary young lady whom Stolz introduced him to. It’s hard to call her a beauty, but her natural grace and self-confidence made themselves felt. It was not for nothing that Andrei Ivanovich chose her to meet his friend. He saw in her a quick-witted and extraordinary personality. She spoke and looked straight, without any coquetry or affectation. Her actions did not differ from her words. Stolz liked her for this and he loved to talk with her for a long time. Leaving St. Petersburg, he entrusted his friend to her and asked her to make every effort to “stir up” him, get him off the couch, and introduce him to active life. She likes this idea and is happy to get down to business.

Gradually Oblomov falls in love with her and begins to change. He develops an interest in books, newspapers, and surrounding events. He gets out of bed and exchanges his robe for normal clothes. He often goes out with Olga, visits theaters and spends a lot of time with her. Olga is proud of the results of her work and even begins to admire herself. She begins to resemble a doctor who is working to save a hopelessly ill person. Ilyinskaya often and persistently repeats to Oblomov that a goal is needed in life, and that every day it is necessary to fulfill certain responsibilities, forgetting about laziness. In her mouth, life becomes a duty, and love a duty. When Oblomov confesses his love to her, she is delighted, but not with love itself, but with the results of her experiment. Oblomov is already beginning to wonder if this is love. Over time, it becomes clear that Ilya Ilyich’s changes are only external. In his soul he remained true to his “Oblomovism”.

Another female character who appeared later in the novel and deserves attention is Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna. She is the widow of an official, left with two children. This is a simple woman for whom daily work is the meaning of life. She is characterized by irrepressible activity and constant movement. She had a great influence on the life of I. I. Oblomov positive influence. Since he became a guest in her apartment, her life has changed. She not only fell in love with Ilya Ilyich, but tried to ensure his comfort and peace as best as possible. He felt all the care and affection of this woman and gradually began to fall in love with her. She was ready to force everyone to walk on tiptoe, so as not to disturb the peace of Ilya Ilyich. For her he was special person, a real nobleman from the brain and bones.

Pshenitsyna became a reflection of simplicity and compassion in the novel “Oblomov”. Even when her guest is left completely without money, she, without hesitation, gives her last jewelry to pay off his debt. Agafya Matveevna is ready to sell her last things just to feed Oblomov. Unlike Olga Ilyinskaya, she did not try to lead him to action, but simply disinterestedly took care of his momentary desires. Silence and calm were very dear to the heart of the protagonist. He looked for them everywhere, but found them only next to Pshenitsyna.

Ekaterina BOSINA,
10th grade,
School No. 57, Moscow
(teacher -
Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Women's images in Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”

Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna

“Oblomov” always gives the reader a feeling of some kind of ambiguity; There are no conclusions in this novel. When we feel that we cannot independently answer questions that are, to one degree or another, “eternal,” we turn to literary works, hoping to find answers there. What is truly valuable? What is happiness? Who is considered “fallen”? Should a person try to get up, to escape from the “abyss” if he “falls”? And so we read the last page of “Oblomov” - and we don’t see any conclusions. But we get the right to choose one from several significant truths - at our own discretion (writers so often reserve this right for themselves!). You couldn't wish for more. Goncharov creates amazing, almost tangible images, places them in ordinary circumstances, and we ourselves try on this literary reality in our lives and take out a grain of truth from there.

Truth is relative. Truth has many faces - this is how Goncharov shows it. Here before us are two female images - Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna. If they weren’t there, we wouldn’t know that Oblomov, this apathetic “babybak,” is capable of sincere love - love really transforms him, makes him live. In Goncharov’s understanding, love is the only thing that can lead a person to happiness (that’s the truth) - but what kind of love? After all, the two women’s feelings for Oblomov are absolutely opposite in essence. How could it be otherwise: Olga Ilyinskaya - “ highest ideal”(in particular, in the mouth of Dobrolyubov), Agafya Pshenitsyna is a collegiate secretary...

Olga loves selfishly. Olga is proud - however, a young, quite beautiful and intelligent girl is exactly what she should be. The whole world is open to her, she can gain knowledge, she can enjoy life, boredom is disgusting to her. This is youth, not clouded by disappointments.

Olga, inquisitive, sincere by nature, alien to any affectation, not carried away by brilliant secular youths and empty tinsel, is interested in what Stolz tells her about the eccentric Oblomov. Innocent curiosity, but later it is mixed with secret delight. The insightful Olga cannot help but see in Oblomov his “honest, faithful heart”, “crystal, transparent soul” - how can one not extend a hand to such a person? Olga is pleased to feel like the “savior” of Oblomov, “bequeathed” to her by Stolz, the culprit of the “miraculous transformation.” She does not want to accept Oblomov as he is; she appreciates his kindness and honesty, but does not give up on the desire to guide him on the path to perfection; she loves the “future Oblomov.” Love for Olga is a duty; her heart rarely prevails over her mind. She comes to Oblomov, neglecting decency... in order to tell him: “Why are you scaring me with your indecision? “I am your goal,” you say, and you walk towards it so timidly, slowly... and you must become taller than me.”

Olga cannot understand that indecision is too deeply rooted in Oblomov, that this is how he was created... He is afraid of the very word “duty”, afraid of the unsightly, restless reality, afraid of going to the village. “Debt” is a wedding when a person is called not Ilya Ilyich, but the groom. And people, people all around, with their stupid gossip... All this is so far from love, from poetry, from the incomprehensible and beautiful. There is no place for logic or “duty” in Oblomov’s love for Olga. Oblomov is just giving in to feelings. Why does he love Olga? For the fact that she gave him hope and the meaning of existence, for her determination and for the sincerity that manifests itself in everything (in words, even in singing - let us remember how expressively she sings the aria “Casta diva”, reviving in Oblomov the feelings that he I forgot it a long time ago, hid it in the depths, under all sorts of “trash”).

However, Olga hurts Oblomov with her reproaches, the proud logic of judgments dictated by irritation (“I will feel bad, you write... But then it will be good for me if I love another: that means I will be happy!” - and so on), and that’s just prevents her from achieving her goal. After all, ridicule and reproaches, even if aimed at good, still remain ridicule and reproaches. Oblomov, as he himself says, has no self-esteem, and in such a person even the caustic remarks of his beloved cannot ignite that vague rage, which, in turn, evokes the desire to act, to change oneself. Oblomov becomes even more convinced of his own weakness. Olga shows him how ridiculous he is, and, reflected in the mirror of these merciless words, Oblomov is only tormented, going back rather than forward. And now he is sitting in front of Olga with a smile of powerlessness, his gaze says: “Yes, I am meager, pathetic, beggar... beat me, disgrace me!..” - and he refuses everything, returns to the sofa and robe, endlessly tired, looks on the snow from the window of Pshenitsyna’s house...

Agafya Matveevna is a narrow-minded, naive woman, but in her, like in Olga, there is no falsehood, no contrived coquetry. She, in essence, knows nothing about life, does not read books, the meaning of everyday vanity completely eludes her. When Oblomov asks where exactly her brother serves, she says: “In the office... Where men are registered... I keep forgetting what it’s called” - and with a simple-minded grin he justifies his ignorance. Housework chores, monotonous, meaningless, even somewhat mechanical life. And in this gray life Oblomov suddenly appears, an amazing man, a kind, honest “master”, he does not resemble either the rude godfather Tarantiev, or his late husband, who walked with “petty, businesslike agility,” or his brother with shaking, red hands, - doesn’t look like anyone else! - and “doesn’t look at everyone as if he’s asking him to saddle him and ride.” Without reasoning, without understanding myself, without thinking, selflessly fell in love with Agafya Matveevna Oblomov; For her, arranging “the peace and comfort of Ilya Ilyich” is no longer a duty, but a pleasure. She loved everything about Oblomov, even what Olga so vehemently condemned, accepted him with all his shortcomings (which she doesn’t see - that’s it, does he have any shortcomings?). Oblomov is happy with Agafya Matveevna, he no longer feels worthless, does not feel anxiety about the future; In this woman's house he finds happiness. He drinks coffee prepared by her with pleasure, watches how she sews, how deftly she manages the kitchen, looks at her round elbows (“like some countess’s”), and “he doesn’t need anything, doesn’t want to go anywhere, everything is here.” has what he needs.” Pshenitsyna takes touching care of him both on happy and unhappy days (she even pawns her things when there is not enough money). Her love is self-sacrifice. And this love gives Oblomov what he has always dreamed of. Smooth, peaceful, unhurried flow of life, contemplation, the return of the calm, bright serenity of childhood.

The active Stolz sees in all this “dirty life” and “a suffocating atmosphere of stupidity,” he says “fi” contemptuously. And Oblomov sometimes “wakes up”, looks around - bitter pity for the past, full of unfulfilled hopes, is still awake in his soul. But he calm and understands that he could not have taken a different path... Stolz and Olga came up with “wings” for him, but you can’t fly on imaginary wings... A determination appears in Oblomov that was never there in him.

“Stolz took a step back from him.

Is it you, Ilya?<…>How you fell! This woman... what is she to you...

Wife! - Oblomov said calmly.

Stolz was petrified.

And this child is my son! His name is Andrei, in memory of you!..”

Is Olga happy with Stolz? Forward, only forward along the restless road... Activity, work... While Stolz deserves her love, while he satisfies her inquisitive mind and answers her questions; but doubts are already creeping into Olga’s soul, she is faced with ambiguity for the first time, loses her former determination, and often thinks about Oblomov; cannot comprehend his strange melancholy (“Where to go?”), but it is impossible to comprehend mind this sadness!

Pshenitsyna, after the death of Oblomov, lives in constant silent grief, far from the vulgarity, vanity, lies that make up the world of his brother and sister-in-law, he lives, clearly aware that her life “shone up”, that joy would never return to her. Agafya Matveevna appreciates memories all the more - “now she knew why she lived and that she did not live in vain.”

So did Oblomov really fall? Is it possible to call a person fallen who, perhaps, did not take off, did not rise, but at least found the ground under his feet?.. Isn’t this happiness?.. It’s up to us to decide...

I will describe and reveal the main women from Goncharov’s novel Oblomov, what connects these women with each other. The women in this novel have completely different lives, complete opposites, and are united only by their experiences with the hero Oblomov.

Image of Olga Ilyinskaya

The first image of Olga Ilyinskaya is a young, beautiful, intelligent, purposeful girl. Her life is like a stormy river, all the time she is constantly moving forward. Olga lives in harmony with her heart and freedom, while being smart and self-confident. It is Olga who awakens Oblomov and makes him fall in love with her; the hero rushes to her on a date, making grandiose plans for their future together. They have a bright and close spiritual love, but it was not crowned with success. Due to Oblomov's laziness, their relationship ends. He meets another life partner, but remembers him all the time, because they always had something to talk about, she found a kindred spirit in him.

Agafya Pshenitsyna

Let's discuss a different image - Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna - completely opposite female character. Agafya is a real Russian, mature, kind woman 30 years. She is a simple person and a wise woman, the thought of neglecting or betraying someone dear to her will never occur to her, Agafya will not defend her positions, there is a man and he is a leader. For her sake, men do not perform feats, but with this woman a man always feels strong and needed. Passion and love did not flare up between Agafya and Oblomov at first sight, but he changed her and breathed soul into her and they lived in harmony.

I also want to note these two beautiful women - they are united by simplicity and naturalness, both heroines are hardworking, each only showing their own discretion.

The role of female characters

So, I can conclude that the main female characters played very important role in Goncharov's novel Oblomov. They helped reveal the hero with different sides and look at life with different eyes, and convey to the reader the experience of love that each character experienced.

Briefly Female images in Oblomov’s novel

Essay: Female images in Oblomov’s novel

Ivan Goncharov wrote wonderful work called "Oblomov". In it he revealed not only global problems spiritual and social life society, but also affected no less important topic among people there is love.

The main characters of the work are Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna. Both women were in love with the main character of the novel, Ilya Oblomov. But love and reverent attitude towards young man each of the heroines wore her own, personal character. It was this difference of feelings that greatly influenced Oblomov’s fate. These two young women are the exact opposite of each other; they have different temperaments, demeanors and inner worlds.

Olga and Agafya are positive, pleasant girls to talk to, attractive and arousing sympathy. The image of Olga Ilyinskaya appears before the reader strong in spirit, a well-read and purposeful woman. Everything is in her appearance and in the manner of behavior speaks of the desire to learn and achieve assigned tasks. Olga was not a beauty, but she attracted glances thanks to her graceful gait, slender body, smooth, measured movements, depth of soul and artistry. The girl was raised in a noble family, loved to read, and received a decent education. Olga was serious and practical, she loved to sing. Agafya is the direct opposite of the cheerful and active Olga Ilyinskaya. This young girl, with a curvaceous figure, rounded shape and fair skin, was on the contrary, meek, calm and obedient in nature. Agafya considered it her duty to take care of someone, to be devoted and faithful to her loved one. She grew up in a simple family, was less educated than Olga and considered the thirst for knowledge less important. For Agafya, the main thing is home life and housekeeping.

The main characters of Goncharov’s work “Oblomov” are the image of a native Russian woman of the nineteenth century. Calm and submissive Agafya, she never contradicts the wishes of her husband, always agrees with his opinion and behavior. It’s easy and simple with her, her company is small world, where you can relax and not think about pressing problems. Agafya, unlike Olga, is happy with her life, does not try to change the world around her, she does not strive to learn something new and unknown. Most readers may think that Pshenitsyna is stupid. But that's not true. If Olga constantly tries to change and stir up Oblomov, then Agafya, on the contrary, in every possible way preserves his measured, routine rhythm of life, which is close to her in spirit.

The image of Olga Ilyinskaya is the direct opposite of the image of Agafya. Her view of the world is similar to the European one, she strives to change the world and is constantly improving in her knowledge. Olga puts household chores and worries about her husband in the background, because knowledge comes first for her better life and great happiness in the world she created. But, despite all the desire and confrontation with women's responsibilities, at the end of the novel, Olga begins to do household chores and is completely immersed in family life. She is overcome by melancholy and sadness from the constant life with her boring husband, but she does not leave him.

These two women, although different in their background, character and life goals, actually complement each other perfectly, displaying strength feminine nature and beauty.

Option 3

Outstanding novel "Oblomov" Russian classic Goncharova I.A. deserves the attention of each of us. In the novel, the author combines many contradictory images. The heroes of his works are completely different people, from different layers societies with different moral and ethical values. Such contradictions allow the reader to analyze and accept right decisions about your life too. Since the situations that the heroes face are still relevant today.

The novel describes interesting and vibrant female characters. The image of a woman in a novel always deserves great attention, and this work is no exception. The work features two main female images, lives that are radically different from each other. However, each of the women wants to find true happiness in love.

The image of Olga Ilyinskaya occupies a special place in the novel. This is a young elegant noblewoman. Despite his young age, only 20 years old, the girl is smart and educated, she has the manners of a true lady. Despite the current circumstances, she always behaves with restraint and calm. WITH youth, the young lady is into music and has in a wonderful voice, which endears him even more to the reader. The girl is extremely inquisitive, often spends time reading books, her life does not stand still. The sophistication of the image is betrayed by her seriousness, which is confirmed by the author’s description of her portrait.

On life path young lady dating main character works - Oblomov. Their meeting occurs thanks to a mutual friend Andrei Stolts. He brings Olga Oblomov to the house, from the first minute the main character cannot take his eyes off the young and graceful girl. Her singing fascinates Oblomov, and he almost immediately confesses his love for her. The girl brings him back to life, he forgets about dull everyday life and is ready to change. However, his desire for change disappears at the first difficulties. Despite her love, the girl is not ready to put up with his shortcomings. She wants to see next to her an energetic, cheerful guy who is ready to do great things for her. She sincerely believes that for the sake of love, Oblomov is ready for change, but the necessary changes are not happening.

The main character gets tired of the life the girl lives and begins to doubt her feelings. And he decides to be the first to end this relationship, despite the fact that next to her he is unusually happy, laziness overcomes him. After some time, they meet again and feelings overwhelm them. After a while, the young lady realizes that even for the sake of love, Oblomov is not ready for change and decides to end this relationship.

Despite the fact that the girl is very strong in spirit, the break with Oblomov greatly upsets her. She finds it hard to bear the grief of losing a loved one.

After a failed relationship with Ilyinskaya, the main character becomes close to Agafya Pshenitsyna. Agafya is the complete opposite of Olga. This is a true housewife who surrounds Oblomov with care and attention. She is just like main character lives a calm and moderate life, raises children, makes the house cozy. She doesn't care Savor, not interested in music and literature. Agafya, unlike Olga, does not strive to change the established way of life of Ilya Ilyich, but, on the contrary, creates around him calm atmosphere. Soon Oblomov marries Agafya Pshenitsyna and their son Andryusha is born.

The novel compares two completely different female images, but each evokes the reader’s approval and wins over them. Makes everyone think about which way of life is preferable to him, which life values they still play main role, is it possible to combine the image of two charming ladies?

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The difference between Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna is masterfully depicted by Goncharov, starting with portrait characteristics: “She was about thirty. She was very white and plump in face, so that the blush, it seemed, could not break through her cheeks... Her eyes were grayish-simple, like the whole expression of her face; hands are white, but hard...” The author did not give this detailed description Olga’s appearance, as if wanting to emphasize that the main thing about her was not her external qualities.

In the appearance of Agafya Matveevna, the author (and therefore his hero) notes “strong, healthy breasts,” full white arms with round elbows, and a lush figure covered in a dress. “She has a simple but pleasant face,” Oblomov decided condescendingly, “she must be a kind woman!” And indeed, Agafya Matveevna was a kind, warm-hearted, decent woman, she cared so much about Ilya Ilyich that she was ready to sacrifice a lot for him. For example, I took my jewelry to the pawnshop so that the master would not need anything. To Stolz’s question about the promissory note (a fraudulent forgery of her brother and Tarantiev, which Agafya did not know about), she innocently replied that the master did not owe her anything, although she had been feeding him at her own expense for a long time.

However spiritual qualities The author does not put this heroine in first place, and the narrative is dominated by everyday and physiological details that are important for the main character. These are seductive shoulders, full arms with round elbows, which Oblomov admired “with the same pleasure with which he looked at a hot cheesecake in the morning.” This woman brought peace and tranquility into his soul, and he felt gratitude to her for the amazing atmosphere of comfort, so reminiscent of Oblomov’s familiar and sweet life.

Agafya Matveevna was a hardworking housewife, and she was ready every minute to serve the person she loved with all her heart. It is impossible to imagine her resting, and Oblomov liked her tirelessness. He was also very pleased that they did not demand anything from him, did not bother him with anything, but they cared about him tirelessly. Love and sacrifice are always nearby in the lives of ordinary Russian women, and Agafya Pshenitsyna is one of them. She is neither a noblewoman nor a peasant woman (“official”), and earns her living by renting out rooms to guests, doing a lot of work miscellaneous work for tenants and for your family. She has philistine views on relations between men and women, but when she realized that she fell in love with Oblomov, she was ready to make any sacrifice for his sake, caring for him became the meaning of her life.

In many ways, her faithful assistant Anisya, Zakhara’s wife, with whom the hostess became very friendly, is similar to Agafya Matveevna. They are both very hardworking, they treat work not as a grueling, difficult duty, but as a habitual and necessary condition life, which was the complete opposite of the views on work in Oblomovka. Anisya was “an agile woman, about forty-seven years old, with a caring smile... and tenacious, never-tiring hands.” Lazy and grumpy Zakhar, who sometimes spoke threateningly and angrily to his wife, had to admit that “Anisya is smarter than him!” And therefore, all the misunderstandings with the master were resolved by Anisya, who spoke to Oblomov in such a way, chattering nonstop, that he calmed down in bewilderment.

The author notes mutual sympathy Agafya Matveevna and Anisya. “If there are sympathies of souls, if kindred hearts sense each other from afar...”, then such an example is the friendship of these women, which also testifies to the kindness and sincerity of Agafya Matveevna. And how can she not appreciate her assistant, if with her appearance everything in the house began to sparkle with cleanliness and everything was in order! So Anisya became a “great helper” in the master’s orders, and Agafya Matveevna found “a place in her heart” for Anisya, who also realized that from now on she, together with the mistress, would participate in the entire life of the house. “The two women understood each other and became inseparable”: they shared secrets in everything that had been introduced into people’s everyday life by observant minds and centuries of experience.

As everybody simple women, Anisya is not only inquisitive, but also curious, she is interested in the life of the master, but she will not engage in gossip and is ready to defend the honor of the owner at any time if anyone dares to say too much.
When Ilya Ilyich married Agafya Matveevna, Anisya finally established her position in Pshenitsyna’s house, and “the mutual attraction of Anisya and the mistress turned into unbreakable connection, into one existence." “Agafya Matveevna grew up, Anisya spread her arms like an eagle’s wings, and life began to boil and flow like a river.” If this is what is needed for the family, then Anisya won’t even go to bed, as long as everything is decent, as the master wants. And the kitchen became “the palladium of the activities of the great housewife and her worthy assistant,” under whose watchful eye the entire house was located, where her “nimble, all-sweeping hand” was in charge.

Images of women near whom flows quiet life Oblomov, were not introduced by the author by chance. The reader sees how love has a beneficial effect on the souls of those who are able to love selflessly, who are not afraid of work, and inspired women are ready for much. Their work seems to excite them, and their eyes shine brighter. The images of Agafya Matveevna and Anisya help to see even more clearly the bright opposite against their background, the master Ilya Ilyich, and the destructive impact that laziness and lordship brought up from childhood had on Oblomov. Even Olga’s love did not inspire him to “deeds”; he suffered from the need to make efforts every day, when he had long been tired of just leaving the house. Oblomov did not want and could not work on himself, change himself and his usual way of life. And in Pshenitsyna’s house, a lot reminded him of his childhood in Oblomovka, when you can admire other people’s work, remaining in peace, while feeling care and love.

Agafya Matveevna idolizes the man who changed everything in her destiny, considers him a special, noble and pampered nobleman who bestowed his attention on her. Together with love, the soul of this simple woman blossomed; Agafya Matveevna grew spiritually, causing surprise with her transformation among those who knew her before. Now she is able to defend her right to a happy family life, and her brother and family are forced to move out, and Agafya Matveevna lives in peace and harmony with the person dearest to her. She accepted everything in him (Olga could not do this even at the request of Ilya Ilyich: “accept me as I am”).

Agafya was not irritated by Oblomov’s inactivity, drowsiness, laziness, and she recognized his quiet, calm disposition and his way of life as an ideal. This woman believed that “God put a soul into her life” when Ilya Ilyich appeared in her house. Having married him, she began to understand herself in a new way, since “now she already knew why she lived.” And even after Oblomov’s death, remaining eternally inconsolable, Agafya Matveevna understood that “rays, a quiet light from the seven years that flew by in an instant, spilled over her entire life.”

Agafya Matveevna loved her son Andryusha no less than his father, but wisely decided that Stolz and Olga would do much more to raise him than she did. And at the end of the novel, the author reports her rapprochement with Olga Ilyinskaya, but not only because of their common concern for Andryusha. It turns out that they were “connected by a common sympathy, one memory of the soul of the deceased, pure as crystal.”
So, at first, infinitely distant and different women become closer thanks to the ability to love strongly and selflessly, although fate and life have led them in different paths.

(362 words)

I.A. Oblomov in his work created a large-scale picture of the social mood of his era, portrayed a hero whom you condemn, but still sympathize with. This writer’s merit is also enormous in his skillfully drawn female images: not generalized and pale, but bright and lively. Often it is the women in his novels who possess true strength of character and spirit.

Despite the fact that Oblomov spent his entire life on the couch, he was not deprived of female attention. Friend Stolz introduced the main character to Olga Ilyinskaya. This 20-year-old girl is full of grace and harmony. She is devoid of coquetry and the desire to please the opposite sex. The heroine is talented: she sings beautifully. Everything in her appearance suggests that she is constantly thinking, she has a seething thirst to live and act. She is proud, assertive, but at the same time kind and compassionate. With such qualities, 50 years later they went to war as sisters of mercy. Missionary activities Olga expressed that she wanted to “correct” Oblomov, to reshape him in her own, active way for the sake of his own good. But the main character does not want to burn with the girl, therefore, despite their mutual affection, he breaks up with her. For Oblomov, Olga is a deity, an ideal that she will never be able to reach. The heroine, although not ideal, evokes sympathy; her persistent desire to reshape her lover is associated with her inexperience and youthful maximalism: for the sake of good goals, you can remake everything in your own way, regardless of the life truth of others.

Oblomov moves to Vyborg side, where his relationship with the owner of the house, 30-year-old Agafya Pshenitsyna, begins. For the hero, she is the personification of his native Oblomovka. And externally: plump, healthy, pleasant. And internally: just as calm, simple-minded (even dull in matters not related to the household), bashful, affectionate, homely. Agafya sees her main purpose in farming, so she devotes herself to it with passion and is always doing something, and doesn’t even think about abstract matters. The heroine fell in love with Oblomov for who he is and did not want to change him, which is why their relationship led to happy ending. He is her deity and ideal, as well as her first love (despite her late husband). Ilya Ilyich fell in love with her because Agafya is down to earth and understandable, you don’t have to reach for her, you don’t have to figure her out.

In the novel “Oblomov” two opposite types of women are drawn, not with two or three strokes, but deeply and boldly. These images are memorable and in no way inferior to men’s. This is the author’s innovation and his great creative success.

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