Aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise to burn fat

One of the best ways to lose weight is through cardio exercise to burn fat. It’s no wonder that workouts in the gym, carried out for the purpose of losing weight, begin with intense cardio and end with it.

What is cardio training

Cardio training (also known as heart training) is aerobic exercise at home, in the gym, on the street and anywhere. Even swimming without holding your breath is considered cardio training.

Cardio helps you burn a lot of fat without exercise equipment. This type of load involves dynamic exercises in which the muscles of the legs, arms, and the whole body contract.

The goal of training for the heart is to accelerate our natural “motor” to a frequency of 120–140 beats per minute, saturate the body with oxygen, and deliver all the necessary nutrients to every cell. With this rhythm, the most effective fat burning occurs.

Thus, a set of cardio exercises is a workout aimed at increasing heart rate to a certain level.

The benefits of this activity are enormous:

  • mood improves;
  • brain activity improves, headache disappears;
  • the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are trained (gradually, and not from a one-time episodic exercise);
  • blood pressure is normalized;
  • cardio requires a lot of energy and therefore causes fat to be burned;
  • Sleep is normalized and there is a calming effect on the nervous system.

You can see how aerobic exercise is beneficial for our body. We recommend using them several times a week not only for weight loss, but also for general muscle tone of the body, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Don’t forget that this is an excellent prevention of strokes, heart attacks, colds, pneumonia and many other troubles!

As already mentioned, another name for cardio is dynamic exercises. And the name it means is that you increase your heart rate through movement. You move, your muscles work, your heart speeds up.

Cardio exercises for weight loss

Since catabolism begins at a heart rate of 120–140 beats per minute, absolutely any cardio exercise is suitable for burning fat at home or in the gym. And the longer it is (at least 20 minutes), the more calories you will burn and burn excess fat faster.

Note that 140 strokes do not need to be maintained throughout the entire workout. Aerobic exercise for burning fat can last 30, 40 or more minutes. Of these, for 5–7 minutes you can drive your heart up to 140. Cruising heart rate is 120–125 beats per minute.

Aerobic exercise for burning fat gets its name because it does not force cells into anaerobic conditions. The process of generating energy from glucose occurs in the presence of oxygen, without reaching the anaerobic threshold.

If you speed up and use interval cardio, this threshold will be reached. It is believed that this type of training is more effective, but it involves many nuances.

Interval training is designed for healthy people. Anyone who suffers from varying degrees of hypertension, rhythm disturbances, cardiopulmonary insufficiency and other pathologies runs the risk of seriously harming themselves. But in such cases, classical training with a heart rate of 120–140 beats per minute is safe.


Running is both a cardio exercise for weight loss and a general health activity. At home, you can practice running in place. Believe me, it's very boring, so it's better to go outside. And if you are too lazy to do this, you can buy a simple treadmill and run at home.

Aerobic training can be done 3-5 times a week for 40-50 minutes. Jogging is better and safer than running.


If you find it difficult to run (this also happens, for example, with flat feet), . Walk outside, in parks, in the forest. You can walk on the same treadmill you bought.

Running is more effective than walking. But when you can't run, walking is better than sitting at home. Walking at a brisk pace in the evenings in places where the air is not polluted by exhaust gases is effective.

For older people, even an accelerated step is a rather heavy load. Therefore, for them, walking is the best cardio for burning fat. You can pick up sticks (even necessary) and practice. And there is something to fight off the dogs, and your hands will not remain idle!


Dynamic exercises can be performed on a bicycle. When you pedal, cycling your legs causes your heart to pump at 120–140 beats per minute. Why don't you like cardio?

Cardio training at home can be done on an exercise bike. It's even more convenient than running. There are dozens of excuses for running. But there are not so many excuses for riding a bicycle. Flat feet? This doesn't matter here. Do you find it difficult to stand or walk? You are sitting in a bicycle seat. Have you recently eaten and would like to sit without shaking? There will be no shaking on the exercise bike! That's it, it's time to pedal!

If you pedal for an hour every day, your weight will begin to decrease before your eyes. Check it out for yourself. The main thing is not to overeat, because then to see the result, you will have to pedal 10 hours a day.

Training at home is good on an exercise bike. Still, it's better to ride a bike in the fresh air. This is much more interesting: the landscapes are constantly changing, the wind blows in your face, the road may not be smooth, and there are small jumps. This is great!


In winter, running is not the most convenient activity. It's cold, there's a lot of snow. It is the snow that your feet sink into that brings more discomfort. If there are no cleared running paths nearby, you won't be able to run. Another disadvantage is the increased risk of twisting your ankle. One careless step, and the leg fell under.

Skiing is another matter: there is a ski track. It will definitely happen, because there are enough ski fans without you. Just put on your skis and go skiing! The choice of skis must be approached responsibly; this is a whole science. But our article is not about that.

For more variety in your cardio exercise, ski once a week during snowy periods, such as on Sundays. When you are confident on your skis, you can run 10 km in one workout. It will take about an hour, and there will be a lot of positive emotions. Don't forget to bring tea with sugar. You can drink it after a ski run to restore your blood glucose levels.

Ellipsoid and stepper

Working out at home will be more fun if you have some exercise equipment. You can, of course, do it while lying on the floor or sofa. You can run in place. But you probably won't like it.

Therefore, a great exercise for losing weight is doing exercises on an ellipsoid or stepper. Both options help you lose fat.

Cardio exercises at home are more convenient than outside the home. First of all, you don't have to go anywhere. Secondly, the weather will not interfere with you. The only hindrance for you is laziness. If you cannot overcome it, no one will help you.

It is enough to walk intensively on an ellipsoid for an hour 3-4 times a week. It's exactly the same on the stepper.

To burn fat at home, you need to train not on a full stomach.

Other At-Home Cardio Options

Try squatting 50 times. You will be out of breath, your legs will be numb. Why don't you do cardio at home?

Aerobic exercise at home can look like anything. The main thing is that you move. If you want, dance. The main thing is that the movements are rhythmic, cyclical and continuous. Then you will get the desired effect.

Aerobic exercises are also cardio exercises. Various rhythmic movements accompanied by music for 40-60 minutes will help you lose weight.

Cardio training at home should not be your only form of physical activity. You need to breathe fresh air. Do cardio in parks and forests at least several times a week. You can practice physical exercises in the city, but early in the morning, before the air is filled with exhaust gases and dust.

How and how much to exercise

The cardio program is simple: several times a week (3-5) do cardio for 40-60 minutes. If winter has arrived, add skiing once a week. If there is no snow, run or bike regularly.

The good thing about cycling is that you can ride for a long time. Usually a bike ride is not limited to an hour. Those who have ridden a bicycle know very well that you can ride for 3–4 hours. This actually burns calories, reducing your weight.

There is no need to create a program here; it is quite simple. So just enjoy the cardio!

Nutritional Features

No amount of cardio will save you if you don't watch your diet. The main principle of losing weight is the lack of calories. If you eat more than your body needs, you will gain weight. If you eat exactly as much as you need, your weight will not change. And only with a lack of calories will your fat reserves begin to deplete. In our case, this is exactly what we want to achieve.

Cut yourself on carbohydrates. Add more protein to your diet. Consume any remaining carbohydrates in the first half of the day. Opinions differ about fats, but fried in sunflower oil, butter, cream, and fatty meats are definitely not recommended. The exception would be fish, which must be eaten at least once a week to compensate for the body's need for certain fatty acids.

Interval training

One of the best exercises for weight loss is interval training. Almost every exercise listed can be done at a maximum pace (except for skiing, if you have an insufficient level of skiing training). Even on a bicycle you can go uphill, putting maximum effort into the pedals.

The essence of interval training is this. For example, you decide to give a bicycle load. You need to find a hill so that you can ride with a load for about a minute. If you have a mountain bike, you should use a lower gear to make the ride as hard as possible.

First, you warm up for about 10 minutes by riding around and enjoying the scenery. Then you drive up to the hill and start pressing on the pedals. Your goal is to get the most out of your bike within 30-60 seconds. Next, restore your breathing, go down the slide, and ride around this place. Repeat the lift 4-5 times. This is enough for one workout.

Cardio training is a set of exercises that increases your heart rate and increases blood circulation throughout the body (from the English cardiovascular - cardiovascular) .

You can do cardio training both in the gym on exercise machines (treadmill, bicycle, elliptical) and at home without additional equipment. We offer you a unique selection of cardio exercises and ready-made cardio workout plan at home for losing weight and burning calories.

General information about cardio training at home

For some trainees, cardio is an unloved activity, for others, on the contrary, it is a real passion and pleasure. But no matter how you feel about cardio training, it is one of the key components of fitness. Be sure to include cardio exercise in your workout plan, even if you have low endurance or you are a beginner. If you choose an adequate, feasible load, then cardio training will be accessible to everyone.

Why do you need cardio training?

Before we move on to cardio exercises at home, let's remember again: why do you need aerobic exercise:

  • Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system by training the heart muscle
  • Burn calories and improve muscle tone
  • Endurance development
  • Release of negative emotions, reduced risk of depression
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes
  • Reducing the risk of diabetes by reducing sensitivity to changes in blood sugar
  • Improving the functioning of the respiratory system
  • Increased bone density

Plus, a moderate cardio workout gives you energy throughout the day and you'll feel cheerful and full of energy. Of course, unless it is an ultra-intense activity that is performed to the limit of your capabilities. In this case, on the contrary, loss of strength and fatigue are possible.

Rules and features of home cardio training:

  • Always do cardio exercises at home while wearing running shoes. Not barefoot, not in socks, not in sneakers, and in sneakers. Training without sneakers is dangerous for joint problems and injuries.
  • To accurately measure calorie expenditure during cardio training, it is better to use a heart rate monitor (pulse monitor). Average 30-minute cardio workout high intensity burns 300-400 kcal. Medium intensity 250-350 kcal. Low intensity 200-250 kcal.
  • During cardio workouts, try to keep your heart rate between 130-150 beats per minute. These are the optimal boundaries for high-quality and safe heart training and effective calorie burning. If you don't have a heart rate monitor, you can pause for 15 seconds and take your heart rate (or in between sets).
  • If you have a problem with varicose veins, then you can use compression stockings or knee socks, which protect the veins from overload and injury. But it is better to avoid jumping.
  • It is much more effective to do cardio training in interval mode. For example, 30 seconds of intense work - 15 seconds of rest (or the popular Tabata training option: 20 sec/10 sec – more on that below) . This will help you burn more calories, reduce muscle loss, speed up the fat burning process, and allow you to get the most out of your workout in less time.
  • Cardio exercises for women and men are the same, and the approach to aerobic training has no fundamental differences. Except that men usually have higher endurance.
  • Always start your cardio workout at home with a warm-up and end with a cool-down. Check out our pre-workout warm-up and our post-workout stretch.

Well, now let's move on to the main part of our article: cardio exercises for different levels of training. Read more about How many times a week to do cardio training, read below.

Cardio exercises are presented in GIF animation, which will help you visually understand how the movements are performed. After the pictures there is a version of the lesson plan for 25-30 minutes. You can do it yourself change duration and intensity cardio training at home, reducing or increasing the number of circles.

Low-impact cardio exercises for beginners without jumping

This selection of cardio exercises at home is suitable for beginners, as well as for those who avoid jumping, for example, due to joint problems or varicose veins. Even without jumping, these cardio exercises will help you get your heart rate up and get an effective cardio workout.

Thanks to the YouTube channel for the gifs MFit!

2. Walking with shin overlapping

10. Kick forward and backward with opposite legs

25 Minute Home Cardio Workout Plan for Beginners

All exercises are listed in the table:

Round 3 (repeat in 2 rounds)
1. Walking with shin overlapping
2. Kick forward and backward
Rest 1 minuteRest 1 minuteRest 1 minute

Exercises Sprinter, Knee Pull, Side Kick And Kick forward and back

You can start doing 15 minutes a day (choosing only 2 rounds), gradually increasing the duration of your cardio workout.

Intermediate Cardio Exercises

These cardio exercises are suitable for more experienced exercisers or those who can easily tolerate cardio stress and jumping.

1. Running with shin overlapping

5. Jumping to the side

9. Jump Squats

11. Plank jumps with legs raised

12. Touching your feet in a reverse plank

Intermediate 25 Minute Home Cardio Workout Plan

All exercises are listed in the table below. Some exercises are taken from the beginner level so that you have the opportunity to take a breath and endure the lesson from beginning to end.

We repeat each exercise for 30 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds. We repeat each round in 2 circles. Rest 1 minute between circles. If you want to change your workout time, you can adjust the number of laps and exercise time.

Exercises and Kick forward and back in the first circle they are performed on one leg, in the second circle – on the other.

Advanced Cardio Exercises

If you're doing the intermediate cardio version without any problems, you can make your program even more challenging. Attention: the cardio exercises presented below are suitable only for experienced exercisers without health problems.

Advanced 30 Minute Home Cardio Workout Plan

All exercises are listed in the table below. Some exercises are taken from the intermediate level so that you have the opportunity to catch your breath and endure the lesson from beginning to end.

Round 1 (repeat in 2 circles)Round 2 (repeat in 2 circles)
5. Jumping to the side
Rest 1 minuteRest 1 minute

We repeat each exercise for 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds. We repeat each round in 2 circles. Rest 1 minute between circles. If you want to change your workout time, you can adjust the number of laps and exercise time.

Cardio training at home using the Tabata method

Tabata training is a variation of cardio training that alternates bursts of intense intervals with short rest intervals. Cardio training using the Tabata method involves the following scheme: We train for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, perform 8 sets of each exercise, 1 minute rest between exercises. 1 Tabata round lasts 4 minutes.

We offer you 2 options for Tabata training at home: for intermediate and advanced levels of training. Typically, one Tabata workout includes 8 exercises, in this case the lesson lasts ~40 minutes, but there may be other options at your discretion. For beginners, it is better not to practice Tabata training, but to choose a training plan from those proposed above.

Scheme for performing cardio training at home using the Tabata protocol:

  • Tabata training includes 8 exercises
  • Each exercise is performed 8 approaches
  • Each approach involves 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest.
  • One exercise is performed for 4 minutes
  • Rest 1-1.5 minutes between exercises
  • The total duration of a cardio workout using the Tabata protocol for 8 rounds is 40-45 minutes.

Ready-made timers for Tabata can be downloaded for mobile absolutely free of charge, look in the application market of your device (Tabata Timer). Or turn on a ready-made video with a timer and music, for example:

  • Running with shin splints
  • Jump Squats
  • Jumping in plank with legs raised
  • Reverse plank foot touch
  • Jumping to the side

Exercises and perform 4 approaches, first on one side, then on the other.

Execution scheme:

For example, first we do "Running with shin sprain" "Jump Squats"

Exercises included in the program:

Execution scheme:

  • We perform each exercise according to the following scheme: 20 seconds work and 10 seconds rest (this is one approach)
  • We perform each exercise in 8 approaches, then move on to the next exercise.
  • Between exercises rest 1-1.5 minutes
  • Total workout duration: 40-45 minutes

For example, first we do in 8 approaches according to the 20/10 sec scheme, rest for a minute and move on to “I run with high knees”, which we also repeat in 8 approaches, etc.

What else is important to know about cardio exercises at home?

How many times a week should you do cardio?

1. First situation: you want to lose weight

  • 30-45 minutes 3 times a week.
  • 15-30 minutes 4-5 times a week.

2. Second situation: you just want to keep fit or are working on muscle mass

  • If you plan to alternate strength and cardio workouts on different days, then do cardio 40-50 minutes 1 time per week.
  • If you plan to do strength training and cardio on the same day, then do cardio 20-30 minutes 2 times a week.

When to do cardio training: after or before strength training?

If you do intense strength training with heavy weights for muscle growth, then do cardio after strength training.

If you do strength training with small weights for muscle tone, then there is no fundamental importance when to perform cardio exercises. Focus on your well-being. If after cardio exercise it is difficult for you to fully train, then start your session with strength exercises. If, on the contrary, you do not have enough strength for cardio after strength training, then start your session with cardio exercises.

How else can you do cardio at home?

But if regular cardio exercises at home seem boring or simply inappropriate to you, then you can choose another type of activity to develop your cardiovascular system:

1. Exercise equipment. You can buy a treadmill for home, and then the question of choosing cardio training will disappear by itself.

2. Step aerobics. With this type of cardio such as step aerobics, you will never be bored, and the load on your knees during step aerobics is significantly lower than during jumping. More about this:

This is a type of aerobic training where, in addition to the body muscles, the cardiovascular system is involved. As a result of a certain load, glucose is oxidized with oxygen to produce energy, which ensures motor activity of the muscles. Cardio training is actually training your heart.

Fat burning occurs as a side effect of it. This type of fitness is one of the most effective in the fight against excess body weight. To achieve results, you need to practice from 20 minutes to two hours.

Many people who want to lose weight work out hard, but their weight stagnates. This happens because he does not fully understand how to properly organize his training and how to distribute the load.

The main criterion for the correct organization of the cardio training process is a certain heart rate.

The lower limit is determined by the formula:

  • (220 beats/min – age – pulse at rest) ×0.6+ pulse at rest

For maximum efficiency, you should not fall below this limit.

To calculate the upper limit, another formula is used:

  • (220 beats/min – age – pulse at rest) ×0.8+ pulse at rest

There is no need to rise above this limit either. It is necessary to measure your pulse before, during and after exercise. When practicing independently at home, you can experimentally choose the best option. Strict heart rate control is the key to proper and safe training.

There is a simpler formula:

  • For women: heart rate (max)=220-age
  • For men: heart rate (max)= 214-age

To maintain an optimal heart rate, intense tension is necessary, when the whole body works at 100%, alternated with short periods of rest so that the heart rate returns to normal.

What are the benefits of cardio?

  • Increasing the body's endurance.
  • Weight loss.
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  • Increasing resistance to diseases and strengthening immunity.

They will benefit everyone who wants to lose weight and improve their health. Female representatives use this type of fitness to create a beautiful figure. Men involved in strength sports use cardio during preparation for competitions. They help novice athletes better prepare for more serious loads.

How is the program selected?

The number of classes is from three to five times a week. For beginners, it is enough to exercise 3 times a week for 25 minutes, gradually increasing the duration and frequency. The interval between training should be no more than two days. The intensity must be increased, as endurance increases and the body begins to get used to the load. It is necessary to change types of training, alternate different exercises in order to achieve the desired result.

In the gym, an experienced instructor will select an individual program for a specific person. Exercising on your own, without having a complete understanding of the essence of cardio exercise, can harm your health.

The program includes various exercises on an exercise bike, running, walking, active games, and jumping. If you don’t have time for full-fledged gym exercises, you can train between tasks, for example, regularly walk, take the stairs instead of the elevator, ride a bicycle to work or run errands. But this applies to exercise to strengthen the cardiovascular system and health in general. If the goal is weight loss, then only full exercise will help achieve it.

How to get in shape by working out at home?

By performing special exercises, you can get rid of excess fat deposits on all parts of the body, including hips, back and arms, even at home.

  • The simplest of them is jumping rope. You need to jump at a fast pace for 1 minute, then walk slowly for 1 minute. And so - 20 minutes.
  • Run with high hip raises - 10 minutes, rest for 2 minutes and run again.
  • Run up the stairs for 10 minutes, then slowly go down and repeat again.

Treadmill cardio includes walking and running. It is better to start with walking, since if you are not used to it, you can damage your knee or ankle joints. Low-intensity cardio exercises are most suitable for this. The program consists of several stages:

  1. Preparing the body for the load (3-5 minutes) - walking at a speed of 3 km/h to accelerate the heart rate to the required level (calculate using the formula given above).
  2. Basic training (20-40 minutes) – walking at a speed of 4-7 km/h. If the pulse has reached the maximum permissible maximum (see formula above), the speed must be reduced. Then increase again.
  3. Cool down (5 minutes) – gradually reduce walking speed until it stops completely.

You can walk for about three months, then, when a stronger load is required, you can switch to running. Among other things, the treadmill is very good for burning leg fat.

Monotonous exercises may not be interesting. Interval cardio, which is more pleasant to do while listening to your favorite music, can diversify your routine and increase your performance. It differs in that the change of activities occurs without rest.

You can try the following option, where each exercise is performed for 2 minutes:

  1. Jump rope at a fast speed, taking turns on each leg.
  2. Quick jumps with both legs left and right.
  3. Jump back and forth, pushing either with your left or right foot - 12 times.
  4. Jumping rope again.
  5. Lunges forward, changing legs in a jump.
  6. Jumping with legs spread to a distance of shoulder width, arms also spread. Return to the starting position by jumping - 20 times.
  7. Jumping rope. You can notice the first results after 3 weeks if you exercise regularly 3 times a week. More often, it’s not worth it, as this will only weaken the body.

Do you always need to run and jump during cardio training?

Sometimes it is impossible to exercise at home by running and jumping, as this disturbs the neighbors below. In this case, there are options without and without jumps. They are also suitable for beginners, those who have recently suffered an injury, have various medical conditions or for the elderly.

There is an interesting video course “Weight loss for dummies”, in which instructor Gay Gasper competently and clearly explains how to perform the exercises. The main load in this course is designed to burn fat in the legs, but the arms also work well.

Cardio training using dumbbells is also done without jumping. This type of strength cardio helps strengthen muscles throughout the body.

How to organize your diet so that weight loss occurs faster?

Cardio exercise increases your metabolism and fat burning speeds up. Without proper nutrition they will not be effective. You must not eat 2 hours before class and 1.5-2 hours after. It is necessary to drink water after sports, it helps to better break down the fat that has already been deposited.

If, in addition to losing weight, the goal is to increase muscle mass, then you should add more protein foods to your diet: lean beef, chicken, cottage cheese. To achieve a good result, you will have to give up foods containing fast carbohydrates (sweets, flour, fatty foods). Slow carbohydrates, such as whole grain bread, various grains - oats, buckwheat, barley, on the contrary, are useful for weight loss.

How is cardio training done in the gym?

There are many machines for doing cardio:

  • Stepper;
  • Bicycle ergometer;
  • Ski simulator;
  • Treadmill;
  • Exercise bike.

On the simulator you can select a suitable program and practice according to it. Another way is interval load on all exercise machines in turn for 1 minute. For beginners, one lap is enough, and for advanced ones - 2-3 laps.

How does cardio exercise help get rid of belly fat?

To reduce belly fat, the best option is interval cardio. You don't even have to go to the gym for this. Intense cyclic training can be successfully carried out at home. Running helps reduce your waistline. Riding a bicycle or exercise bike effectively burns belly fat. Step aerobics is especially suitable for women. Boxing and football are more suitable for men.

How to combine it correctly with other types of physical activity?

Cardio requires a lot of energy, so it is advisable to do it in the morning, when fatigue has not yet accumulated. Although some people are more active in the afternoon. If the goal is to lose weight, then you need to do cardio before strength training to enhance the effect. If you gain muscle mass and increase body tone, then do it after strength exercises.

How to make it useful and enjoyable?

  1. You need to choose equipment and exercises that bring pleasure and joy.
  2. Practice while listening to music, it will help you maintain the right rhythm.
  3. Alternate exercises and machines to engage all muscle groups.
  4. At different paces, calories are burned better and endurance develops.
  5. Outdoor activities in nature allow you to diversify the environment. Oxygen helps you burn fat better.
  6. Comfortable clothes made from natural, high-quality materials will not distract from the process.

To achieve the best results in losing excess weight, cardio training should be alternated with strength training. Proper breathing, maintaining the required level of heart rate intensity, and a fast pace of exercise will improve your health and figure. Good endurance and a strong cardiovascular system make a person more stress-resistant, which is simply necessary for modern life.

Cardio training to burn fat and improve health

4.8 (96.67%) 12

Summer is just around the corner, which means that the beach season and light, open outfits are waiting for us again. Therefore, now is the time to get your figure in order, and... The easiest and most enjoyable way to solve this problem is aerobic exercise.

Why aerobic training?

Aerobic training, or cardio, is a type of physical activity that involves doing moderate-intensity exercise over a long period of time to increase your heart rate and breathing rate. Such training is the best way to burn subcutaneous fat.

By the way The easiest way to do aerobics is to skip the elevator ride and walk up the stairs.

There are other factors in favor of aerobic exercise. During these activities, the body is saturated with oxygen, and the metabolic process is activated. As a result of aerobic training, muscles are tightened, excess weight is lost, the cardiovascular system is strengthened, endurance and performance are improved. In addition, stress resistance increases and mood improves. Another important point: aerobic training can be performed to music, which allows you to introduce dance elements into the set of exercises.

Aerobics is suitable for both men and women, children enjoy doing it, which means this type of fitness is suitable for the whole family. Many exercises do not require special equipment, so they can be done anywhere: at home, in the park, in the yard, in the country.

When and how often should you do aerobics?

Aerobic exercises are best performed in the morning - it is at this time that metabolic processes in the body accelerate under the influence of activating hormones. In the morning, fat burning will be much more intense.

You should start training with a 10-minute warm-up, and the session itself should last at least 20–30 minutes - it is at this point that the process of burning fat starts in the body. Gradually increase your practice time. A 40-minute workout will be enough, the maximum training time is 1 hour. Remember: the more intense your movements, the more fat you burn.

At the initial stage, you can exercise 3 times a week, and then, when you get the hang of it and see the results, most likely, the desire to do aerobic exercise will become daily. Do not interfere with it in any way - train, improve your mood, gain strength and lightness!

What you need to know when preparing for aerobic training

It is important While running, you need to monitor your heart rate. Normally, it should be 60–70% of the maximum. The upper limit of the permissible value is determined by the formula: (220 – age) * 0.7).

2 hours before training, stop eating. The fact is that if you eat shortly before exercise, then during the workout the energy of the food consumed will be burned, and not the fat that you want to get rid of. And remember: the maximum effect from aerobic training will be achieved only if you monitor. Old proven principles apply here: less flour and sweets, more vegetables and fruits. It is also necessary to monitor the portion size.

Basic aerobic exercises

  • Walking on an ellipse
    An elliptical trainer combines the advantages of a treadmill, stepper and exercise bike. During the exercises, the muscles of the legs, arms, thighs, buttocks and even chest are strengthened, but the joints are not strained. In addition, in an hour of exercise you will lose 400-600 calories.
  • Walking on a stepper
    During classes, you will not only work the muscles of your legs, thighs and buttocks, but also burn calories (about 500 per hour). In addition, this type of exercise, as well as other aerobic exercise, will normalize blood pressure, relieve stress and prevent the development of heart failure.
  • Swimming
    This type of training is recommended for everyone, especially people with joint problems, as water relieves stress and relieves pain. It also strengthens the heart, develops the muscles of the arms and shoulders, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the spine.
  • Water aerobics
    Performing gymnastic exercises in water, due to which the loads are less noticeable, leads to active muscle work. These workouts help relieve nervous tension and relaxation; even pregnant women can perform them.
  • Aerobics
    Gymnastic exercises performed to music develop a sense of rhythm, strengthen different muscle groups, and improve coordination of movements.
  • Where is the best place to do aerobic exercise?

    As we have already said, you can do aerobic exercise anywhere. But if you haven’t been involved in fitness for a long time and want to get the maximum benefit from your training, it’s best to do this in a sports club - under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

    Aerobic and anaerobic exercise - what is it? What are their differences? Not everyone can answer this question, especially if you are far from sports. You can also get confused about these terms. Let's try to figure it out.

    The sport is increasingly gaining momentum in its popularity every year. Today, playing sports is fashionable. But we have to agree that such fashion has a great effect on the athlete’s appearance, health and self-esteem. Of course, if you do it right.

    There are two types of loads that have their own characteristics

    1. Aerobic (cardio) exercise is understood as a set of exercises aimed primarily at strengthening the cardiovascular system and losing weight.
    2. Anaerobic (strength) exercise is training whose goal is to develop muscles and gain muscle mass. Is this understanding correct? How should sports activities be structured to achieve the desired effect? Let's try to find out as much as possible about these types of loads.

    Aerobic exercise

    What is aerobic exercise

    Aerobic exercise is a type of exercise in which oxygen is the source of energy. They are, first of all, aimed at actively enriching the body with oxygen and strengthening all its systems. These types of loads became popular back in the 70s of the last century thanks to Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Scientists were able to find out that aerobic exercise promotes fat burning, weight loss and control over the level of subcutaneous fat. Generally speaking, this type of load is measured and long-lasting.

    • various types of aerobics;
    • a ride on the bicycle;
    • skiing;
    • exercise on a treadmill, exercise bike, elliptical and stepper;
    • ice skating and roller skating;
    • race walking;
    • running at a measured pace;
    • dancing.

    As you can see, the choice is quite wide and everyone can choose something not boring for themselves. You can even combine types of aerobic exercise to diversify your sports activities.

    Benefits of aerobic exercise:

    • increase the body's endurance;
    • significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and vascular pathologies;
    • help cleanse the body of toxins and the skin of impurities;
    • prevent the development of diabetes mellitus;
    • increase bone density, which makes them stronger;
    • reduce the risk of the occurrence and development of cancer cells;
    • help improve the emotional background, allow you to effectively deal with stress;
    • are an excellent prevention of sleep disorders;
    • help to maintain youth, vigor and good health for as long as possible.

    During aerobic exercise, calories are consumed very well, due to which fat reserves are actively burned. However, a very important place is given to the correct diet and composition of nutrition, without which the desired result cannot be achieved. To understand how to eat, you should know what processes occur in the body during aerobic exercise.

    During approximately the first 20-30 minutes, the glycogen that was obtained during the day is burned. And only after this the burning of proteins and fats begins. If the workout lasts 40-50 minutes, then the sports activity is not in vain and the fat burning process continues for another 2 hours after its end. It is precisely in this case that you need to know the peculiarities of eating behavior. If, for example, you eat a banana or drink juice during these 2 hours, you will not have the desired effect. The process of fat breakdown will simply stop.

    It should also be taken into account that Together with accumulated fat reserves, proteins are also broken down - the main building material of muscles. And this certainly cannot be allowed. An excellent solution in this case: drink only clean still water and eat protein foods. This way, the muscles will receive the nutrition they need, and at the same time, the fat burning process will continue successfully.

    There is another important nuance. Yes, aerobic training consumes a large amount of energy and, accordingly, calories. However, the body quickly gets used to the level of stress, which is why soon it will not be enough to achieve the desired effect. That is why experts advise combining aerobic exercise with anaerobic exercise. It is also undesirable that aerobic exercise lasts longer than 1 hour, since hormonal changes are already beginning to occur. This is dangerous for the condition of the heart and blood vessels, and also provokes a decrease in immunity.

    Features of anaerobic exercise

    Main The peculiarity of anaerobic “oxygen-free” loads is high intensity, short duration, maximum stress. During such exercises, the body receives virtually no oxygen, as a result of which a large amount of energy removed from the muscles is wasted. The exercises are performed at a very fast pace in short sets.

    • sprint running;
    • fast cycling;
    • power training;
    • bodybuilding and powerlifting;
    • exercises in the gym using exercise equipment.

    When working with sports equipment, it is necessary to perform several approaches under intense loads, alternating with short breaks. For example, when working out with dumbbells, you need to alternately lift the apparatus with each hand at a very fast pace (for about a minute). Then you need time to rest. The number of repetitions is directly proportional to the athlete's level of physical fitness. The main rule: exercises must be done at a fast pace, without reducing speed or stopping.. Literally 5-7 approaches - and the energy stored in the muscles is actively wasted.

    With regular and proper anaerobic training, you can achieve the following results:

    • Developing endurance, achieving high levels of strength.
    • Physiologically accelerate the process of losing weight due to the large number of kilocalories spent on performing the load. Thanks to increased metabolism, excess fat is transformed into material that is used for muscle development.
    • Muscle strengthening and growth. Gaining muscle mass is only possible if you combine anaerobic exercise with special nutrition. Girls should not be afraid that they will pump up their muscles too much. Due to low testosterone levels this is not possible. By the way, it’s a fact: the better developed the muscles are and the more mass they have, the more energy will be spent on their functioning, even outside of training.
    • The body acquires beautiful reliefs, the shapes become more attractive.
    • Strengthening the musculoskeletal system, correcting posture.
    • Boosting immunity.
    • Anaerobic training is a good prevention of diabetes.
    • General well-being improves.
    • A person who exercises regularly feels cheerful, active and strong. Self-esteem increases.
    • The risk of injury in everyday life is dramatically reduced.

    Surprisingly, the effects of anaerobic training last for another 36 hours. At this time, intense metabolic processes continue to occur in the body.

    Anaerobic glycolysis

    Anaerobic exercise is strength exercise that does not involve oxygen. Energy production occurs directly from the reserve contained in the muscles. This reserve will be enough for the load for 8-12 seconds. After this time, the body “turns on” the process of consuming oxygen, causing anaerobic exercise to become aerobic.

    In anaerobic exercise there is the concept of “anaerobic glycolysis”, on which the entire effect of such training is based.

    In order for a person to perform physical activity, the body needs energy. Its source is the ATP molecule (adenosine triphosphate). It is found in small quantities in the muscles. During anaerobic exercise in the absence of oxygen, glucose breaks down into lactic acid.

    Anaerobic threshold

    Anaerobic threshold (AnT) is one of the central concepts in those sports that involve intense emphasis on endurance.. It is also called the anaerobic threshold. It represents the threshold of intensity of a particular exercise, during which the amount of lactate (lactic acid) exceeds its neutralization in the blood.

    There are different methods for measuring it. Maybe not the most accurate, but an accessible method is to measure heart rate (heart rate) over long competitive distances. ANP can be measured much more accurately in laboratory conditions. The anaerobic threshold is decisive in choosing the degree of load, exercise, training mode, etc.

    During intense physical activity, muscles release lactic acid. The harder a muscle works, the more lactate it releases. The body tries to get rid of this product as quickly as possible. If he does not have time to utilize lactic acid, this will affect the athlete’s well-being and his performance. To prevent this from happening, you must not exceed the ANP.

    To summarize, the threshold of anaerobic metabolism is the boundary at which a balanced balance is achieved between the rate at which lactate is released and the rate at which it is utilized.

    Aerobic and anaerobic respiration

    The purpose of the respiratory system is to produce special molecules called energy stores. They play an important role when performing physical activity.

    There are two types of breathing that can be used during sports training - aerobic and anaerobic.

    Aerobic exercise uses oxygen as an important element to expend energy intensively. This gas is necessary for the oxidation of carbohydrates and lipids. The lungs are actively involved in breathing, which allows you to saturate the body with a large amount of oxygen. Aerobic breathing technique is widely used to reduce body weight and strengthen the lungs.

    In the anaerobic respiration technique, a completely different system is connected, the operation of which does not require oxygen from the outside. . The role of the oxidizing agent is assigned to the oxygen of inorganic substances (nitrates, sulfates, etc.). This type of respiration can also be called cellular. It will take more time to organize it, since cellular respiration is a slower process.

    To activate anaerobic respiration, strength training is performed quickly and in short bursts.

    Cardio load

    Cardio exercise is physical activity that increases your heart rate and heart rate. The main benefit of such a load is that it helps strengthen the heart muscle and stabilize its work.

    How does cardio work and what are its beneficial effects?

    Everything is easily explained from a physiological point of view. The general well-being of a person depends on the state of the heart. If there are any problems in the functioning of this organ, this will certainly affect the deterioration of health.

    With cardio exercise, accompanied by an increase in heart rate, the whole body improves. However, Do not overload the heart too intensely. The main guideline in such training is the individual state of health. Everyone needs a different program. Otherwise, if the body receives a load that is too high for itself, this can result in serious consequences.

    When choosing the level of cardio load, you should first of all pay attention to fitness, since the pulse during the exercise can increase either slightly or extremely. A person who regularly plays sports tolerates a gradual increase in load well. But for older people and those in poor health, it is better to give preference to light exercise.

    There are different types of cardio exercises and in many ways they overlap with aerobic exercises, that is, the same aerobic exercises:

    • Walking. This type of cardio exercise is an excellent workout for beginners in sports, as it is better to start with low-intensity walking. You can gradually increase the pace, making it very accelerated. Brisk walking can be considered walking at a speed of more than 110 steps per minute. It will be very difficult and dangerous for someone who is not athletically prepared to immediately start at such a pace. If you have some experience, you can try alternating 5 minutes of walking at an easy pace with 5 minutes of fast walking. Gradually, increasing the pace with each workout, you need to reach a brisk walk. It should look like the person is very late for somewhere.
    • Run– another very popular type of cardio exercise. Due to the fact that most muscles are loaded during running, there may be a number of restrictions for such training.. For example, if you have diseases of the joints or spine, or serious heart problems, then it is better to consult a doctor. Perhaps the doctor will give recommendations that will help you not give up running completely.
    • Dancing. Yes, they can also be safely classified as cardio exercises. The effect they achieve is the same as after a regular workout in the gym.. During dancing, the heart rate increases intensely, which is beneficial for the heart, muscles and the whole body. In addition to the fact that the body becomes slender and fit, a person who dances acquires plasticity, grace, and elegance.
    • Cycling. They help strengthen the heart, different muscle groups (especially legs), lose weight. An excellent alternative to such loads is training on an exercise bike in the gym or at home.

    Cardio exercise is a great way to improve your health and become much slimmer and fitter. However, in order to have the desired effect, you need to exercise regularly, 4-5 times a week.

    Combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise

    In their pure form, aerobic and anaerobic exercise practically does not exist. It is very difficult to separate one from the other, since an anaerobic exercise literally becomes aerobic after just 10-15 seconds of execution.

    To achieve maximum effect in losing weight, strengthening muscles and the cardiovascular system, it is better to train comprehensively - do both anaerobic and aerobic exercises (if there are no contraindications). You can combine them in different ways, but you must adhere to the basic principles.

    Several options are possible:

    • comprehensive sports activities with an emphasis on aerobic exercise;
    • complex sports activities with an emphasis on anaerobic exercises.

    In the first case, training allows you to enhance the overall health effect and get rid of extra pounds. . Strength exercises are added to aerobic exercises, which are the majority.

    There are several options for such training programs. The most common is 30-40 minutes of aerobic exercise, followed by strength exercises performed for 15-20 minutes. However, this approach is not only ineffective, but can also be dangerous for the muscles. The best option is aerobic and anaerobic training, which are performed separately from each other on different days. This allows you not to overload the muscles and achieve the desired effect.

    There is also the concept of compound training, which focuses on anaerobic exercise. Within them there are also several options:

