Why do you dream about an ex-boyfriend who wants to get back into a relationship? Ex-boyfriend in a dream wants to come back

An ex-boyfriend or ex-husband who appears in a dream symbolizes your excessive preoccupation with the past.

This is what prevents you from moving forward and developing as an individual; your ex-love doesn't want to give up your present love's place in your heart.

The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time is coming for a change of priorities, the collapse of previous ideals.

After this internal audit, things will go much better for you, in all areas of your life.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Relations with authorities and those in power

The key point in dream interpretation is the relationship between the sleeper and other participants in the dream. Usually the relative power of the sleeper over others is important for understanding other events occurring in the dream. Dreams about police, military, supernatural powers, weapons, MONEY, special knowledge are classified as dreams about power. The question is who is endowed with this power - the sleeper or other characters in the dream?

If the sleeping person, that is, you, is endowed with power, it means that feelings of competence, desire for success, competition (especially on the love front) prevail in your life at the moment, or you are filled with hopes of achieving this. People who fall under the influence of your power can symbolize an area of ​​life that is currently out of control.

It is most difficult to interpret relationships when you lead those around you without resorting to coercion. Power does not lie in simply forcing others to do what you want, but in the ability to get others to cooperate with you through subtle means of influence. You may be leading WOUNDED people, DEAD people who act as the living, or others who are afflicted with LOSS OF FEELING ABILITIES.

If you are under the control of others, please refer to the explanations provided in the article VULNERABILITY for further clarity.

Interpretation of dreams from

Do these dreams mean that you still have feelings for him and are secretly hoping for a resumption of the relationship? Or a situation where you constantly dream about your ex-boyfriend, he says

About your subconscious dissatisfaction with your current partner and the desire to change something in your relationship? Let's figure out what an ex-boyfriend dreams about and how to relate to such dreams.

Perhaps this is a sign?

Before asking yourself the question of why your ex-husband or lover dreams, answer yourself honestly: what emotions do you experience when you see this person who was once dear to you in a dream? Often the answer lies on the surface: if you constantly dream about your ex, it means that you still care about him, no matter how hard you try to hide it. Perhaps you broke up because of a stupid quarrel, but now, after some time, you regret the breakup and would like to resurrect your relationship? In reality you may feel resentment, anger or uncertainty, but in a dream your subconscious gives a sign: it’s time to act. Think, maybe it’s time to overcome your pride and finally decide to take the first step towards getting closer?

Why do you dream about an ex-boyfriend who wants to come back?

If in a dream you saw a young man with whom you had already broken up, but who could not come to terms with it, most likely this means that you will not meet him. And your own experiences. You feel not exactly guilt, but a certain incompleteness in your relationship. Perhaps you trusted this person so much that his appearance in a dream means that you are waiting for support in a difficult situation, an answer to a question that worries you.

You haven't finished the conversation...

In a dream, you vigorously sort things out with your ex-lover, talk, argue with him, reproach him, get offended... In this case, it is clear why you often dream about your ex-boyfriend - you simply did not bring your relationship to its logical conclusion.

Remember how you broke up? Have you said everything you wanted to say to each other, or are there still unspoken questions and resentments between you? If you constantly dream about your ex, know that your subconscious is trying to let go of negative emotions, but your mind doesn’t allow you to do this.

First of all, they all say that if you suddenly dreamed about your ex-boyfriend, then it’s time to think about the strength of your existing relationship. This vision may mean that there is a serious threat to your current relationship.

Hearing your husband say something but not understand anything promises you tears. Very soon a problem will happen in your life that will turn your whole life upside down. This may affect both you and your relatives.

If your spouse meets your friend in a dream, then betrayal in something new awaits you. Be alert, there is a chance that this can be prevented.

Seeing your husband completely naked indicates that indecent work awaits you. You will be in a difficult situation and will have no choice but to accept such an offer.

A dream in which a girl meets her ex-boyfriend can be a harbinger of a quarrel or discord with her real lover.

A quarrel can occur both because a girl, unaware of the seriousness of the dream, tells her boyfriend or husband about it, and because her man instinctively senses that she is thinking about someone else, even if unconsciously.

Dream Interpretation: What does the ex mean in dreams?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Former

To see people or objects in a dream that qualify as “former”, dream books say that not everything has passed without a trace.

Former lover - why did he decide to come into your dream? Interpreters give different answers to this question - some consider such dreams to be happy, foreshadowing good changes, others call for letting go of the old, and others generally think about the correctness of one’s behavior and integrity. Below you will find interpretations of dreams with an ex-lover according to Freud, Vanga, Miller, Tsvetkov and Juno.

According to Freud

If a girl sees a dream in which her ex has returned, this is most likely a harbinger of quarrels or even a major rift with her regular lover. A quarrel can happen, for example, because the girl's current partner senses that she is thinking about someone else. If you dream that you are in a loving relationship with your ex again, it means that you are missing sensual caresses. Sometimes ex-lovers dream of the beginning of a new passionate relationship or even an imminent marriage.

According to Miller

If you dreamed that your ex returned, beware of troubles caused by your own rash actions and actions. Sometimes old connections remind of themselves to warn about the illness of a husband, lover or children, a difficult trip, or financial hardships. Analyze your life, identify its weaknesses and draw appropriate conclusions.

According to Vanga

Vanga refers to everything old as something that is gone - something that is impossible and simply does not even need to be returned. If you cling to outdated relationships, even subconsciously, then you are closing the door to a new, happy life. So why do you dream that your ex has returned, according to Vanga? Mainly to suffering, melancholy, the desire to return to the old. If at the same time you see that you are again in a relationship with an ex-boyfriend or man and are happy and calm, all feelings for him have actually gone away. You will probably soon begin a new relationship that will end in marriage.

According to Juno

A dream with an old lover, in which you experience pleasant emotions, indicates your readiness to start a new relationship.

According to Tsvetkov

Tsvetkov's dream book says - the ex returned in a dream is not good. Beware of troubles, think about your actions, watch your finances and health. Tsvetkov classifies everything old as “anchors” that prevent us from enjoying today and experiencing happiness.

Tell your friends about your dream,
save so as not to lose

The article on the topic: “the dream book of an ex asks to return” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

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Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend coming back?

Dream interpretation of the former returned in a dream

Why do you dream that your ex has returned? Dream interpretation

Seeing a former lover in a dream always means experiencing some surprise in reality. If you happen to see in a dream that your ex has returned to you, this means that you will encounter major trouble in the very near future.

If the dream is pleasant for a woman, then she has probably not completely moved on from her past and is not ready for a new relationship. This state of mind must be overcome, otherwise new love will never be able to enter and brighten up the existing loneliness.

If in reality there is already a new lover, then such a dream can become a harbinger of a quarrel or disagreement in personal relationships. The reason lies in the woman and her unrealized fantasies.

Dream Interpretation Ex-boyfriend

Why do you dream about an Ex-boyfriend in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dream of a former lover, then in reality you keep warm emotions for him, you cannot leave feelings in the past, forget, let go. You cling to previous relationships and memories, preventing yourself from developing further. Remember: in order to start building something new, you must first destroy the old in this place.

On what day of the week did you have a dream about your ex? How did you dream about your ex? What actions did you dream about your ex?

On what day of the week did you have a dream about your ex?

Dream about your ex from Thursday to Friday

Meeting your ex in a dream from Thursday to Friday means that he still loves you, remembers you, dreams of returning everything. The guy suffers, suffers, regrets the breakup. Think, maybe your feelings haven’t cooled down yet? Decide how necessary the previous relationship is and take action.

I dreamed about my ex from Sunday to Monday

Did you have a dream about a former fan on the night from Sunday to Monday? All dreamed events will come true for those born on Monday. For others, the vision will serve as a pleasant reminder of previous feelings and emotions for their beloved.

Former in a dream from Friday to Saturday

Why does a former young man dream about the night from Friday to Saturday? You need to be patient, take a break, not get involved in any adventures, and refuse dubious offers. Wait until the time has come for important things.

How did you dream about your ex?

What actions did you dream about your ex?

Make peace with your ex in a dream

If in a dream you make peace with your ex, then in reality he is still dear to your heart, you have not forgotten anything and would like to meet with this person again. According to Felomena’s dream book, you will soon have to clear up the consequences of past actions, deeds, decisions, and mistakes.

I dreamed that my ex came back

Why do you dream that your ex has returned to you? The dream book gives two options for interpreting such a plot: you want this to be true in reality, or you will soon face a huge trouble, which will not be so easy to cope with.

Ex-boyfriend wants to come back in a dream

A dream about an ex wishing to return to a past relationship warns that people or events from the past will soon reappear on the threshold of your life. It’s not a fact that this will be your former love, but such a turn of events is not excluded.

Ex-boyfriend with a new girl according to the dream book

If you dreamed that your former chosen one found a new girlfriend, in reality you will calm down, make peace with the enemies of the past, forgive your offenders, continue to live without negative emotions, with a light heart, with a clean slate, forgetting the negative episodes.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband?

Dreams about ex-lovers are not uncommon, especially for the husband, since a lot is connected with this person. If such dreams began to bother you after breaking up, most likely you just haven’t let go of the situation yet and are constantly thinking about the man. If quite a lot of time has passed and you have started a new relationship, such dreams should be interpreted correctly in order to understand the cause and consequences of what you saw.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband?

The dream will tell you that in the near future you will have to face the past; this could be a meeting with your ex-husband, or gatherings with friends whom you have not seen for a long time. If you dream that your ex-partner wants to get back with you, this may be a reflection of reality, perhaps he is looking for a meeting. In a dream, you beat your ex-spouse; most likely, there are still differences between you, which is why the breakup occurred.

You dream about sex with your ex-husband, but at the same time you do not feel any pleasure; this is a kind of warning that your temper may negatively affect your relationships with people around you. If in a dream you wanted to kiss, but something got in the way, this is a sign that in real life you are hiding your feelings, which negatively affects communication with other men. The kiss did happen - expect new romantic adventures that could develop into something big.

It’s worth finding out why your ex-husband dreams of being drunk. In this case, the dream is a reflection of your frivolous behavior. The dream book recommends being careful, as you can significantly damage your reputation. If you see your ex-husband’s wedding, it means that in the near future your personal life will change dramatically, but the dream book does not rule out that the relationship with your ex may resume. Another dream like this will tell you that you will easily achieve the desired result, although it will take a lot of time.

In a dream you see your ex-husband with his new wife - this is a warning that at this stage the risk of finding yourself in an awkward situation increases. The dream book recommends not to commit rash acts and think about the consequences. The death of an ex-husband is a sign that it is worth renewing your relationship with your ex-husband, but only in a new direction, for example, you can become good friends. If you see a dream in which you are again walking down the aisle with your ex-partner, expect big troubles, scandals and failures in your personal life. The dream book recommends being patient in order to overcome all adversities. A dream in which your ex-husband plays the guitar promises a deterioration in your health.

A dream about an ex-husband may have a direct connection with a new partner. For example, the smile of an ex in night visions may symbolize the presence of an involuntary comparison of the new partner with him. The dream book recommends understanding yourself and saying goodbye to the past once and for all.

If you constantly dream about your ex-husband with whom you are arguing, this means that you should expect positive changes in your personal life in the near future. The dream book says that along the way you will meet a good person with whom you can build a long-term relationship. When you see a dream in which your ex-partner says something, but nothing is clear, in reality you should prepare, since in the near future a situation will happen that will radically change your life, and not only yours, but also that of your close relatives.

Why do I often dream about my ex-husband?

The dream may symbolize that you have a lot of unfinished business and this does not necessarily have to concern your personal life. The dream book recommends not to rush and bring all your affairs to the end. If you often dream that your ex-husband hugs you, most likely in reality you feel lonely.

Ex-boyfriend is back

Rita Vladimirskaja

Hear from your ex-boyfriend

Leo Kekish

Who knows what he wants)

KIRA Lvovna

the meeting will be with him

You will meet him and maybe everything will turn out differently

Sort the question please, otherwise such garbage is written here


There is nothing in this dream yet. But there is a positive in the form of lemon juice.

Valentin Sholokhov

Dream Interpretation ex-boyfriend has returned. See what it means if you see a dress in a dream according to the dream book absolutely free. Interpretation of the dream Dress according to dream books.

The ex will want to renew the relationship. And one more thing.. The rings means you will have a relationship soon, but I don’t know with him or not, but the relationship will be serious


mIss Krasnopolskaya

I’ve already read this question) You admit to yourself that you still have feelings for your ex. But a dream only means news of it and nothing more.

Maria Milliontova

In order to understand whether your dream is true, you must pay attention to when you had it. From Sunday to Monday I have all sorts of dreams, some may be prophetic, some may be empty. From Sunday to Monday they make wishes for sleep. From Monday to Tuesday - empty dreams. From Tuesday to Wednesday, dreams come true. From Wednesday to Thursday - empty dreams. From Thursday to Friday, dreams come true (usually within 3 years, but maybe earlier. From Friday to Saturday, empty dreams. From Saturday to Sunday, a dream can come true before lunch. Rings are a sign of tears.


I have already interpreted this dream for you! No one else here will write you a more accurate forecast!

Rita Polyakova

to meet him

Why do you dream? I constantly dream about my ex-boyfriend. I dream that I will return.

If you dream of a person, then he is thinking about you, perhaps you simply cannot forget your past relationship and want to return, subconsciously in a dream, your experiences

He's thinking about you.

Galina Shelganova

dream-shifter. You will never be together again

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend in a dream?

Dream interpretation of an ex-boyfriend in a dream. I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend

A former lover in a dream symbolizes disappointment, mistrust, and fear. Or in a new relationship you make old mistakes. Most often, it is excessive affection, a desire for total control, the belief that your loved one is a part of you. Obsessive dreams in which a former young man is present indicate an inextricable emotional connection with him. This will have a negative impact on new relationships, since part of your vital energy, in fact, goes into the past.

If the relationship has long been in the past, and the dream book’s ex-boyfriend continues to “pay visits” in dreams, then from a psychological point of view this is a symbol of preserving feelings and secret hope for renewing the relationship. Often the answer to the question of why an ex-boyfriend dreams or why an ex-boyfriend dreams lies on the surface: if the lovers broke up because of a stupid quarrel, but in the present there is regret about the breakup. However, it is possible that the girl is simply subconsciously analyzing her personal life. For example, he compares his current partner with his ex. The better the ex-boyfriend appears and the warmer and more tender the feelings towards him in a dream, the more dissatisfied the owner of the dream is with her personal life or with her current partner.

If the ex-boyfriend dreamed of being sad or sick, but before that the girl had never seen her ex-boyfriend in a dream, whom she also loved before, it means that he thinks and remembers about her, perhaps even with longing. The same can be said about former lovers and cohabitants, if in real life the woman is happy with someone else.

It also happens that you often dream of an ex-boyfriend with whom there is a stormy showdown: disputes, reproaches, scandals. This means that this relationship was not brought to its logical conclusion, so the consciousness of the sleeping woman continues a silent dialogue with her former partner, plays out various situations associated with this person, etc.

According to the dream book, an ex-boyfriend wants to come back, more often it means a desire for this to happen in reality, less often it foreshadows news from him. The way he looks and behaves will be a reflection of his true essence, and your attitude will be a projection of your actual feelings towards him. Any dream in which the ex-boyfriend returned, according to the dream book, means longing for him. Especially if the breakup happened recently and the feeling of loss haunts you. In the opposite situation, the dream foreshadows some important and unexpected news from the past.

The dream book interprets a dream in which an ex gets married as an unconscious letting go of his image. But if the dream is intrusive, you cannot forget the old feelings, although you understand their futility. The internal conflict that gives rise to this phenomenon is actually caused by low self-esteem. An unexpected dream about the wedding of an ex-boyfriend whom you forgot to even think about can be an alarming omen - something is going wrong in the current relationship, there are factors that undermine its stability.

If in a dream an ex-boyfriend appears with a new girlfriend, and you are happy about this or are indifferent, expect an interesting acquaintance in the near future. A new hobby will appear in your life. A strong feeling of jealousy means the desire to constantly compare oneself with others, suffering from inferiority.

Why dream of kissing your ex-boyfriend means failure in love. This will be caused by the desire to dominate the relationship and fill only the entire living space of the partner. This often manifests itself as a painful desire to return past feelings, to become needed again.

Making love to your ex-boyfriend in a dream is an expression of not only affection for him, but also a projection of your attitude towards love in general. Posture is of great importance. Face to face - an attitude towards an equal union. If this was not the case in the past, in a dream you work on your mistakes, rebuilding your psyche. The woman on top symbolizes the authoritarian position, which was the cause of the breakup. The man behind – on the contrary, his dominance or cruelty, the desire to obey him in everything. In this case, you either constantly choose the position of the victim, or you greatly regret that you did not give in to attempts to change you.

Looking for an ex-boyfriend in a dream represents emotional immersion in past relationships; you spend too much time on memories and analysis of your behavior. Most likely, you blame yourself for the breakup. Searching for and not finding a former loved one, calling and not getting through, calling him and not getting through to him - all this means that there are no reciprocal aspirations. You have long been forgotten, while you yourself cannot let go.

A hug from an ex-boyfriend in a dream is a symbol of either saying goodbye to him or escaping into an idealized past. In the second case, you do not know how to accept the situation as it is, and now you are experiencing a lack of warmth and acceptance from someone close to you.

When an ex-boyfriend declares his love in a dream, this actually indicates infantilism and immaturity, which interfere with building harmonious relationships in the present. Most likely, you are looking for ways to assert yourself; do not expect happiness in love in the near future.

If your ex-boyfriend asks for forgiveness in a dream, it is quite possible that he will soon remind you of himself in reality. Such a dream is the first sign of emotional letting go and liberation; you will no longer energetically feed the past.

An ex gives flowers in a dream - a sign of pleasant changes. You will start an affair, or old relationships may be rekindled.

A dream in which an ex-boyfriend died means the final severance of the emotional connection with him, preparation for a new stage in life. This is how a strong desire to forget the past manifests itself.

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Why do you dream about your ex-husband returning - interpretation of the dream from dream books

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about your ex-husband returning?

If your ex-husband returned to you in a dream and you have an intimate relationship with him, this may mean that very soon the consequences of past mistakes will come knocking on your door. Perhaps old wounds will be reopened; a conflict with a person you have long forgotten about is not excluded. On the contrary, a kiss from your ex-spouse portends a pleasant surprise.

Vanga's Dream Book

Your ex-husband has returned and in your dream you have a wonderful relationship, which means that in reality you have finally let him go. Just a nostalgic meeting with your ex is a sign that you want him back.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

I dreamed that my ex-husband returned

If your ex-husband returned in your dream, empty troubles await you, a trip that will bring nothing but disappointment, the illness of a loved one, or the bad consequences of your not very reasonable actions.

A former lover in a dream symbolizes disappointment, mistrust, and fear. Or in a new relationship you make old mistakes. Most often, it is excessive affection, a desire for total control, the belief that your loved one is a part of you. Obsessive dreams in which a former young man is present indicate an inextricable emotional connection with him. This will have a negative impact on new relationships, since part of your vital energy, in fact, goes into the past.

If the relationship has long been in the past, and the dream book’s ex-boyfriend continues to “pay visits” in dreams, then from a psychological point of view this is a symbol of preserving feelings and secret hope for renewing the relationship. Often the answer to the question of why an ex-boyfriend dreams or why an ex-boyfriend dreams lies on the surface: if the lovers broke up because of a stupid quarrel, but in the present there is regret about the breakup. However, it is possible that the girl is simply subconsciously analyzing her personal life. For example, he compares his current partner with his ex. The better the ex-boyfriend appears and the warmer and more tender the feelings towards him in a dream, the more dissatisfied the owner of the dream is with her personal life or with her current partner.

If the ex-boyfriend dreamed of being sad or sick, but before that the girl had never seen her ex-boyfriend in a dream, whom she also loved before, it means that he thinks and remembers about her, perhaps even with longing. The same can be said about former lovers and cohabitants, if in real life the woman is happy with someone else.

It also happens that you often dream of an ex-boyfriend with whom there is a stormy showdown: disputes, reproaches, scandals. This means that this relationship was not brought to its logical conclusion, so the consciousness of the sleeping woman continues a silent dialogue with her former partner, plays out various situations associated with this person, etc.

According to the dream book, an ex-boyfriend wants to come back, more often it means a desire for this to happen in reality, less often it foreshadows news from him. The way he looks and behaves will be a reflection of his true essence, and your attitude will be a projection of your actual feelings towards him. Any dream in which the ex-boyfriend returned, according to the dream book, means longing for him. Especially if the breakup happened recently and the feeling of loss haunts you. In the opposite situation, the dream foreshadows some important and unexpected news from the past.

The dream book interprets a dream in which an ex gets married as an unconscious letting go of his image. But if the dream is intrusive, you cannot forget the old feelings, although you understand their futility. The internal conflict that gives rise to this phenomenon is actually caused by low self-esteem. An unexpected dream about the wedding of an ex-boyfriend whom you forgot to even think about can be an alarming omen - something is going wrong in the current relationship, there are factors that undermine its stability.

If in a dream an ex-boyfriend appears with a new girlfriend, and you are happy about this or are indifferent, expect an interesting acquaintance in the near future. A new hobby will appear in your life. A strong feeling of jealousy means the desire to constantly compare oneself with others, suffering from inferiority.

Why dream of kissing your ex-boyfriend means failure in love. This will be caused by the desire to dominate the relationship and fill only the entire living space of the partner. This often manifests itself as a painful desire to return past feelings, to become needed again.

Making love to your ex-boyfriend in a dream is an expression of not only affection for him, but also a projection of your attitude towards love in general. Posture is of great importance. Face to face - an attitude towards an equal union. If this was not the case in the past, in a dream you work on your mistakes, rebuilding your psyche. The woman on top symbolizes the authoritarian position, which was the cause of the breakup. The man behind – on the contrary, his dominance or cruelty, the desire to obey him in everything. In this case, you either constantly choose the position of the victim, or you greatly regret that you did not give in to attempts to change you.

Looking for an ex-boyfriend in a dream represents emotional immersion in past relationships; you spend too much time on memories and analysis of your behavior. Most likely, you blame yourself for the breakup. Searching for and not finding a former loved one, calling and not getting through, calling him and not getting through to him - all this means that there are no reciprocal aspirations. You have long been forgotten, while you yourself cannot let go.

A hug from an ex-boyfriend in a dream is a symbol of either saying goodbye to him or escaping into an idealized past. In the second case, you do not know how to accept the situation as it is, and now you are experiencing a lack of warmth and acceptance from someone close to you.

When an ex-boyfriend declares his love in a dream, this actually indicates infantilism and immaturity, which interfere with building harmonious relationships in the present. Most likely, you are looking for ways to assert yourself; do not expect happiness in love in the near future.

If your ex-boyfriend asks for forgiveness in a dream, it is quite possible that he will soon remind you of himself in reality. Such a dream is the first sign of emotional letting go and liberation; you will no longer energetically feed the past.

An ex gives flowers in a dream - a sign of pleasant changes. You will start an affair, or old relationships may be rekindled.

A dream in which an ex-boyfriend died means the final severance of the emotional connection with him, preparation for a new stage in life. This is how a strong desire to forget the past manifests itself.

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The ex-boyfriend returned according to the dream book

Why do you dream that your ex-boyfriend has returned? In the dream book you can find several different meanings: from regret for a lost relationship, the desire to return a former lover to difficulties with a new chosen one. Details in a dream will prompt the correct interpretation.

Your internal connection is not interrupted

The dream plot, if the dreamer felt joy, according to the dream book, indicates: the ex-boyfriend misses her, remembers her and will soon make an attempt to renew the relationship.

Seeing in a dream how your ex-boyfriend returned to you means: your subtle psychological connection still remains. Such a dream foreshadows a quick meeting with someone who was so dear to you.

The past will remind itself again

Why do you dream: he returned, but the parting never happened? The dream book suggests: soon the past will remind the dreamer of itself. She will meet old acquaintances or find something that used to mean a lot.

A dream also promises a repetition of a certain situation from the past (with the same or another person). Think carefully about your actions, because the opportunity has arisen to act differently and get a slightly different result.

Would you like to return everything?

In a dream, making peace with an ex-boyfriend - according to the dream book, the girl still has strong feelings and would like to be together again.

Do you often see your former lover returning in your dreams? You dream of reviving this romance. We must approach this task carefully, avoid intrusiveness and persecution of the young man, so as not to alienate him even more. It’s better to flirt like at the very beginning of the relationship, when you were strangers to each other. And no proprietary claims!

What they were doing?

The interpretation of the dream depends on what we did together:

  • walked hand in hand - there is hope for reconciliation;
  • he reproached you for something - he considers you to be the culprit of the breakup;
  • they argued - parting turned out to be the right step;
  • you were running away from the guy - you want to forget him as soon as possible;
  • kissed in a dream - you often remember the best moments (no need to get hung up);
  • had sex - you really want to get your lover back.

Miller's Dream Book: feelings have not faded away

Did you dream of seeing your ex? Your heart still retains the same feelings, hopes for the resumption of this connection.

Possible troubles

Why do you dream: your ex-boyfriend is back, and you are depressed? The dream book warns: a big trouble may occur, which will be very difficult to overcome. Show perseverance, resilience, activate your ability to survive under adverse circumstances.

Such a vision in a dream means: you will have to deal with the mistakes of the past and correct their consequences. There is no need to avoid paying for past mistakes - it is better to resolve everything in a timely manner, quickly, in order to avoid complicating the situation.

If you want, you can overcome difficulties

Did you dream that your ex-boyfriend came back and asked for forgiveness? The dream book says: the sleeping woman will remember old grievances. He may have caused emotional trauma that cannot be forgotten, but we must try to do so.

Why do you dream: your old boyfriend hugs, kisses, declares his love? In reality, difficulties with the current chosen one are possible. Try to avoid comparing these two men, because with a new partner many pleasant moments are still ahead.

Will my ex-boyfriend reconnect with me?

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Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend coming back?

Dream interpretation of the former returned in a dream

Why do you dream that your ex has returned? Dream interpretation

Seeing a former lover in a dream always means experiencing some surprise in reality. If you happen to see in a dream that your ex has returned to you, this means that you will encounter major trouble in the very near future.

If the dream is pleasant for a woman, then she has probably not completely moved on from her past and is not ready for a new relationship. This state of mind must be overcome, otherwise new love will never be able to enter and brighten up the existing loneliness.

If in reality there is already a new lover, then such a dream can become a harbinger of a quarrel or disagreement in personal relationships. The reason lies in the woman and her unrealized fantasies.

Dream Interpretation Ex-boyfriend

Why do you dream about an Ex-boyfriend in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dream of a former lover, then in reality you keep warm emotions for him, you cannot leave feelings in the past, forget, let go. You cling to previous relationships and memories, preventing yourself from developing further. Remember: in order to start building something new, you must first destroy the old in this place.

On what day of the week did you have a dream about your ex? How did you dream about your ex? What actions did you dream about your ex?

On what day of the week did you have a dream about your ex?

Dream about your ex from Thursday to Friday

Meeting your ex in a dream from Thursday to Friday means that he still loves you, remembers you, dreams of returning everything. The guy suffers, suffers, regrets the breakup. Think, maybe your feelings haven’t cooled down yet? Decide how necessary the previous relationship is and take action.

I dreamed about my ex from Sunday to Monday

Did you have a dream about a former fan on the night from Sunday to Monday? All dreamed events will come true for those born on Monday. For others, the vision will serve as a pleasant reminder of previous feelings and emotions for their beloved.

Former in a dream from Friday to Saturday

Why does a former young man dream about the night from Friday to Saturday? You need to be patient, take a break, not get involved in any adventures, and refuse dubious offers. Wait until the time has come for important things.

How did you dream about your ex?

What actions did you dream about your ex?

Make peace with your ex in a dream

If in a dream you make peace with your ex, then in reality he is still dear to your heart, you have not forgotten anything and would like to meet with this person again. According to Felomena’s dream book, you will soon have to clear up the consequences of past actions, deeds, decisions, and mistakes.

I dreamed that my ex came back

Why do you dream that your ex has returned to you? The dream book gives two options for interpreting such a plot: you want this to be true in reality, or you will soon face a huge trouble, which will not be so easy to cope with.

Ex-boyfriend wants to come back in a dream

A dream about an ex wishing to return to a past relationship warns that people or events from the past will soon reappear on the threshold of your life. It’s not a fact that this will be your former love, but such a turn of events is not excluded.

Ex-boyfriend with a new girl according to the dream book

If you dreamed that your former chosen one found a new girlfriend, in reality you will calm down, make peace with the enemies of the past, forgive your offenders, continue to live without negative emotions, with a light heart, with a clean slate, forgetting the negative episodes.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband?

Dreams about ex-lovers are not uncommon, especially for the husband, since a lot is connected with this person. If such dreams began to bother you after breaking up, most likely you just haven’t let go of the situation yet and are constantly thinking about the man. If quite a lot of time has passed and you have started a new relationship, such dreams should be interpreted correctly in order to understand the cause and consequences of what you saw.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband?

The dream will tell you that in the near future you will have to face the past; this could be a meeting with your ex-husband, or gatherings with friends whom you have not seen for a long time. If you dream that your ex-partner wants to get back with you, this may be a reflection of reality, perhaps he is looking for a meeting. In a dream, you beat your ex-spouse; most likely, there are still differences between you, which is why the breakup occurred.

You dream about sex with your ex-husband, but at the same time you do not feel any pleasure; this is a kind of warning that your temper may negatively affect your relationships with people around you. If in a dream you wanted to kiss, but something got in the way, this is a sign that in real life you are hiding your feelings, which negatively affects communication with other men. The kiss did happen - expect new romantic adventures that could develop into something big.

It’s worth finding out why your ex-husband dreams of being drunk. In this case, the dream is a reflection of your frivolous behavior. The dream book recommends being careful, as you can significantly damage your reputation. If you see your ex-husband’s wedding, it means that in the near future your personal life will change dramatically, but the dream book does not rule out that the relationship with your ex may resume. Another dream like this will tell you that you will easily achieve the desired result, although it will take a lot of time.

In a dream you see your ex-husband with his new wife - this is a warning that at this stage the risk of finding yourself in an awkward situation increases. The dream book recommends not to commit rash acts and think about the consequences. The death of an ex-husband is a sign that it is worth renewing your relationship with your ex-husband, but only in a new direction, for example, you can become good friends. If you see a dream in which you are again walking down the aisle with your ex-partner, expect big troubles, scandals and failures in your personal life. The dream book recommends being patient in order to overcome all adversities. A dream in which your ex-husband plays the guitar promises a deterioration in your health.

A dream about an ex-husband may have a direct connection with a new partner. For example, the smile of an ex in night visions may symbolize the presence of an involuntary comparison of the new partner with him. The dream book recommends understanding yourself and saying goodbye to the past once and for all.

If you constantly dream about your ex-husband with whom you are arguing, this means that you should expect positive changes in your personal life in the near future. The dream book says that along the way you will meet a good person with whom you can build a long-term relationship. When you see a dream in which your ex-partner says something, but nothing is clear, in reality you should prepare, since in the near future a situation will happen that will radically change your life, and not only yours, but also that of your close relatives.

Why do I often dream about my ex-husband?

The dream may symbolize that you have a lot of unfinished business and this does not necessarily have to concern your personal life. The dream book recommends not to rush and bring all your affairs to the end. If you often dream that your ex-husband hugs you, most likely in reality you feel lonely.

Ex-boyfriend is back

Rita Vladimirskaja

Hear from your ex-boyfriend

Leo Kekish

Who knows what he wants)

KIRA Lvovna

the meeting will be with him

You will meet him and maybe everything will turn out differently

Sort the question please, otherwise such garbage is written here


There is nothing in this dream yet. But there is a positive in the form of lemon juice.

Valentin Sholokhov

Dream Interpretation ex-boyfriend has returned. See what it means if you see a dress in a dream according to the dream book absolutely free. Interpretation of the dream Dress according to dream books.

The ex will want to renew the relationship. And one more thing.. The rings means you will have a relationship soon, but I don’t know with him or not, but the relationship will be serious


mIss Krasnopolskaya

I’ve already read this question) You admit to yourself that you still have feelings for your ex. But a dream only means news of it and nothing more.

Maria Milliontova

In order to understand whether your dream is true, you must pay attention to when you had it. From Sunday to Monday I have all sorts of dreams, some may be prophetic, some may be empty. From Sunday to Monday they make wishes for sleep. From Monday to Tuesday - empty dreams. From Tuesday to Wednesday, dreams come true. From Wednesday to Thursday - empty dreams. From Thursday to Friday, dreams come true (usually within 3 years, but maybe earlier. From Friday to Saturday, empty dreams. From Saturday to Sunday, a dream can come true before lunch. Rings are a sign of tears.


I have already interpreted this dream for you! No one else here will write you a more accurate forecast!

Rita Polyakova

to meet him

Why do you dream? I constantly dream about my ex-boyfriend. I dream that I will return.

If you dream of a person, then he is thinking about you, perhaps you simply cannot forget your past relationship and want to return, subconsciously in a dream, your experiences

He's thinking about you.

Galina Shelganova

dream-shifter. You will never be together again

I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend: the essence and how to interpret it correctly

First, try to remember this dream in detail. Using the dream book of Freud, Tsvetkova and others, we will give you the answers. For example, why do you dream about a drunk ex, a wedding, or sex with a previous boyfriend?

Your ex-significant other appeared to you in a dream. This means the past still haunts you, and in everyday life you constantly look back. It is this behavior that interferes with your development as a person, self-realization and relationships with a young man in the present.

As a rule, exes are dreamed of by people who have some unresolved issues. If, at the behest of Morpheus, your ex appears in your dreams with enviable regularity, but you never dream about him, then any girl may feel uneasy.

I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend, what does this mean?

Some may see a sign in this. However, dear girls, first the author advises you to forget all grievances and clear your mind. Remember what emotions arise when someone so close to you in the past appears in your dream. The answer to this question can greatly help you understand why your ex-boyfriend with whom you broke up is dreaming. But the point is that the guy who paid a visit to your dream can still mean a lot to the lady, who subconsciously may really want to return the past.

The girl’s attempts to drive away such thoughts and forget about her feelings will not bear fruit, and the subconscious will increasingly give signs that something needs to be done. Perhaps it would be right to conquer your arrogance and take the first step towards restoring your relationship with the intrusive visitor to your dreams.

However, seeing your ex-boyfriend in a dream with another girl may not be a positive association, after which in most cases it is recommended to talk to him, but quite the opposite - you will no longer be able to be a couple. But in any case, a dream about an ex person means that you are thinking about your ex, no matter how bad or good your thoughts are.

What exactly happens to an ex-boyfriend in a dream, interpretation.

The state of your ex and the situation in which you find yourself with a negligent boyfriend can vary greatly from dream to dream, let’s highlight specific situations. Remember exactly how this person appeared and what you did.

  • Drunk ex. If your ex appears in front of you while drunk, then most likely he is now in a deep emotional crisis. Most likely, you are the subject of his worries. If you have not yet lost contact with him and are communicating, it is worth talking and providing him with friendly support;
  • Your ex became your husband. To worries and troubles. May symbolize the stagnation of your relationship with your current man;
  • A gift - a surprise from a boyfriend. You should not perceive this situation rosy, because such a dream can be regarded as a harbinger of betrayal;
  • Sex with an ex-man. A lustful night with former love indicates unfulfilled desires. The subconscious is trying to bring you closer to a person, but your current love interferes with the implementation of your plans. It may signify a quarrel with your significant other in reality;
  • The ex is a stranger. A dream in which a once close man seems completely unfamiliar to you, regardless of the extent of the change in appearance, marks changes in both your life and his. It is quite possible that he will declare himself more than once;
  • Talk to him, in real life or on the phone. Dreams of this kind almost always mean that your ex’s feelings for you have not yet cooled. Most likely, he is wondering why things didn’t work out for you and would like to talk in real life.
  • Late boyfriend. A dream about a guy from the other world can seriously frighten a girl. Such a dream really warns you of something dangerous. But a dream in which your deceased ex solves your dilemmas and pressing problems on the contrary, marks a quick victory over your enemies and rivals.
  • First love. A dream in which you see your first love symbolizes a lack of romance and attention. You need to feel the passion and attention for yourself that you once had in your youth.
  • Quarrel with ex-love. An emotional quarrel and swearing with an ex-boyfriend in a dream means that you will need to decide with whom you are ready to unite your hearts for a long time.

A dream in which your ex dies at your hands. If you happen to act in a dream as a real killer of your past boyfriend, then you shouldn’t be horrified. Such a dream provides you with great opportunities for change. In all your endeavors, constant success will follow you, so make up your mind.

The day on which you dreamed about your ex also plays a certain role in the interpretation of a dream:

  • The dream fell on Wednesday. Dreams on Wednesday often go beyond the limits and are prophetic. Be sure to remember what you did with your ex and what you felt at that moment. Even if the dream does not turn out to be prophetic, it could give you some clues that you might not have noticed.
  • The dream fell on Friday. Such dreams are like a guiding thread that helps to dot all the i’s. A guy’s visit in a dream on this day tells you: try to develop angelic patience and not get involved in various adventures.
  • You dreamed about the guy on Saturday. A dream with an ex-boyfriend in the leading role comes true in 50 percent of cases. In this dream, as a rule, you can see the main problems of your past.
  • Ex-boyfriend's appearance on Sunday. Such a dream marks an increase in new ideas, a surge of vitality and energy to achieve your goals.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend according to various dream books?

According to Sigmund Freud's dream book, a dream involving an ex-boyfriend carries the news of an upcoming quarrel and bickering with a lover. A quarrel may well occur because of your desire to tell your loved one about a dream in which your ex appears.

A man will instinctively feel, Freud convinces, that another representative of the stronger sex is deeply entrenched in your subconscious. However, an ex-boyfriend can symbolize the beginning of a new relationship, if not an imminent marriage.

The old is gone, says the Bulgarian seer Vanga. This is something that cannot be returned, or at least it is not recommended to return. The dream itself about an ex brings melancholy and a desire to re-ignite the passion of old love. Vanga adds that if the dream is idyll and you are happy together, you have completely let go of him and do not feel attracted to him.

Nostradamus wrote that after a dream about an ex-boyfriend, you need to beware of sorcerers and fortune-tellers. While Tsvetkov warns about imminent moves, troubles with real estate and children.

In general, you shouldn’t always believe dreams.

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