What to do on the computer when you're bored. What to do on the Internet when you're bored

You can get bored anywhere. The main thing is not to let this feeling take over you, because in any situation you can find ways to combat boredom, and at the same time laziness and apathy.

If you are bored at the computer

Computers and other gadgets with Internet access have become an integral part of human life. We work with them, relax, have fun, and communicate. But it happens that your favorite sites and social networks are thoroughly studied, the weather forecast is known for a month in advance and the current news is re-read a hundred times over. If you are bored at the computer, catch the list useful activities, which will help you pass the time and enrich your knowledge.

  1. Education

The Internet is a colossal resource of knowledge about everything in the world. You haven’t yet figured out what the word “legitimacy” means, you’ve long wanted to know where ocelots live, and you’ve become curious about how you can make money on the stock exchange and stock market. Once you start looking for answers, you are already captivated by reading an interesting article or watching a video. And then, if the subject of study really turns out to be interesting, the process is almost unstoppable.

  1. Self-development

Look for new ways to improve your hobby, whether it's a new recipe for a mind-blowing cake or a way to beat a difficult level in a computer game. Do you have a goal, for example, to get fit and have good posture? Watch videos with simple sets of exercises for the desired muscle groups and spine or study fashionable diets. Just think about what you would like to improve in yourself - and move on to simple answers.

  1. Reading

It doesn’t matter whether it’s an art book that you never had a chance to purchase, someone’s blog about a subject or phenomenon that interests you, or just news and selections. Reading is an extremely useful activity. Just remember to step away from the computer from time to time and do eye exercises.

  1. Playlist update

Have all the modern hits completely blurred your ears? You can turn to something long forgotten, remember what you liked 5-10 years ago, find similar tracks and artists. Or maybe discover something fundamentally new. The Internet is simply teeming with a variety of music selection sites.

  1. Leisure planning

What activity can compare to the pleasure of planning a vacation? Even if it’s not a vacation, but a weekend or an upcoming holiday. Where to go, what to see, what to buy for a trip, where to find the best deals. A great way to pass the time and make your task much easier for the near future.

If you just got bored

Okay, your eyes, back and butt are already tired of the computer. I drink tea three times, eat all my sweets, leaf through a magazine, but still feel bored and have nothing to do. What to do then?

  1. What has been asking for a long time

It's already summer, and your closet shelves are still filled with sweaters and turtlenecks, and in order to find shorts you had to climb onto a chair? Easter has already passed for several months, and the windows still haven’t been washed? Are your tools still lying around in disarray after a recent renovation? Pull yourself together and take care of the household chores that should have been put in order so long ago. After all, by bringing cleanliness around us, we organize the thoughts in our heads.

  1. What I've wanted for a long time

Take some time for yourself and watch your favorite movie or TV series. Get a beauty treatment or just a relaxing massage. Go to the beach or to the pool, and at the same time to the sauna. Think about what you’ve wanted for a long time, but haven’t had the time – now is the time.

  1. Something that will make you happy

It doesn’t matter if it’s shopping, meeting old friends or racing ATVs. Maybe what will most charge you with positive emotions right now is a trip to the zoo, where, by the way, you haven’t been for several years.

  1. Something that will please your loved ones

This could be a delicious dinner prepared by you, or a trip to the theater or an exhibition together, or maybe you should visit a relative together who you haven’t seen. It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it will bring sincere joy to the whole family.

  1. Something useful for society

Even socially useful deeds can bring joy and a sense of satisfaction. Otherwise, why are subbotniks becoming more and more popular? Or maybe it will be signing a petition or helping a homeless animal shelter. What if your calling is to become a volunteer at the World Cup?

Sites that save you from boredom

Well, if all of the above does not inspire you at all, here is a selection of cool sites that will help you pass the time in an entertaining way:

Resources for have an interesting time:

Cool Mini-games for boredom:

  • http://www.igames.com.ua/FlashGame.aspx?name=chuck_norris_in_the_world_of_videogames. The favorite hero of all boys is Chuck Norris, who has become a legend on the Internet and his adventures in the world of video games.
  • http://www.freetetris.org/game.php. Loved by everyone classic tetris. Everyone played it. He still remains deservedly popular.
  • http://www.shashky.ru/games/1.html. Play game of checkers with an unpredictable opponent. What's on his mind? Which tactic should you choose? Feel the genuine excitement.
  • http://ru.battleship-game.org/ . Play the good old game sea ​​battle. This game has been loved by everyone since childhood.
  • http://www.flashplayer.ru/play_11701.php. Another unforgettable children's entertainment is playing " tic-tac-toe».
  • https://razlozhi.ru/patiences/sol. Have you forgotten how to play solitaire? Kerchief"? Honestly, sometimes it’s simply impossible to tear yourself away.
  • http://slither.io/. Game in the genre snake" It is necessary to feed the worm, overcoming all sorts of obstacles. This online game with many opponents brings truly incredible pleasure and can captivate you for more than one hour.
  • http://www.slovnonebo.com/. A hand-drawn original game where you need to collect all the treasured keys by completing tasks.

Other useful educational resources:

  • http://geacron.com/home-en/?&sid=GeaCron472516. An extremely entertaining atlas of world political geography. On this site you can take a trip into the past and track how the world map changed during different periods of history.
  • http://andeinerseite.video/. A very intriguing video clip in which you need to collect evidence and help the main character find out what happened. Spectacular, exciting, high quality. Curious? Take a look and make your own guesses.
  • https://virtualpiano.net/. Have you ever dreamed of trying yourself as a musician and playing the keyboard? Forward! Maybe this is your calling...

You can be bored in different ways. For some, it’s lying on the couch and suffering from the hopeless impossibility of choosing the right business. For others, it’s a way to find something they like. Here are ways to take the second path correctly.

TOP 10 useful and interesting activities on the Internet

1. Listen to lectures. Someone will say that this is boring and doesn’t really look like entertainment and they will be right, but only partly. There are many places on the Internet that offer the most interesting topics in the world that can interest the most notorious losers. There are especially a lot of them on YouTube.

Many famous people believed that only highly developed intellectuals are capable of boredom.

2. Study exotic games. The game is useful, entertaining and simply interesting. For example, are you familiar with the name shogi? And this is Japanese chess according to the original rules.

3. Do geocaching. Those who know this word don’t need to be told, but those who don’t know – this is a search for small ones that other users leave. Exchange of impressions, descriptions of famous places, fresh air - very useful. And on the Internet there is an exchange of opinions, photographs, stories.

4. Get busy. No, no one is calling for you to insult or drive your opponents crazy for the very fact that you can do it. Here it is more important to compare your intellect with your interlocutor, to be able to develop it in the direction you need in any conversation, to manage the feelings and emotions of your opponent. An interesting experience that can be multiplied by studying good literature, the theory and practice of negotiations and complete self-improvement.

5. Online games. If you have long been tired of Solitaire Solitaire or weak artificial intelligence in grand strategies, try comparing your combat skills with real-virtual opponents. When in front of you, for example, is a mechanized robot controlled by a real person, the development of the game takes on a completely different meaning.

6. Collecting. This hobby is familiar to many in real life. On the Internet it takes on a scale that is simply impossible to assess in one evening. From heraldry to numismatics, from philately to collecting beer caps - it's all here!

8. Music. No, not that pop music, of which there is already so much from all pages, TV, radio and every stall. You can find many rare recordings of famous bands on the Internet, which in itself is quite fascinating.

9. Photo. Photography is a whole big world in which it is easy to spend more than one free evening.

It's not difficult to relieve boredom

Among all the entertainment on the Internet, it is enough to listen to yourself, to your desires, and you will discover in the depths of your soul what you are attracted to.

According to psychologists, boredom is a kind of overflow of the buffer zone in the brain responsible for impressions.

And follow the main advice given by Schopenhauer - a stupid person wastes time, but a smart person uses it.

Sometimes there are days when you have absolutely nothing to do. It’s very cold or too hot outside, or it’s pouring rain, your friends have gone to see relatives or are simply busy with their own affairs, and you’re sitting at the computer and don’t know what to do with yourself. And how evil it is that there is complete silence on social networks... What to do if you have absolutely nothing to do?

You can, of course, sleep, or just listen to music, but sometimes this gets boring. And you want to do something new that you have never done before. What if you just need to kill time? We have prepared for you some of the most interesting links, in our opinion, about what you can do if you are bored at the computer.

Good for the mind

If you are bored at the computer, you can spend this time with benefit for your brain. Of course, no one forces you to read scientific articles, but you can still visit some interesting links.

First of all, you should read the latest news to keep abreast of events. If you are interested in some research or scientific topic, you can go in search of new information about it. But if you really have nothing to do, you don’t feel like reading at all, and you don’t want to look for interesting topics to read, even more so, look at what we offer you to develop your brain.

A lot of interesting webcams. You can watch the ocean in Australia, the savannah in Africa or Niagara Falls in real time. This is a great way to visit the most interesting places in the world without leaving home! Perhaps, while observing the wildlife of South Africa, you will decide that studying animals is your calling! And even if not, you will have a great time and you certainly won’t be bored. The main thing is not to get stuck on this site for several hours...

Take a walk around Paris...

Have you long dreamed of being in Paris? Or in some other city? A great way to find yourself in your favorite place thousands of kilometers away using the Google Maps service. To do this, enter the place where you want to visit into the search bar in the upper left corner, and then click on the little orange man in the lower right corner, and a map of streets and places where you can take a walk will open in front of you. You can walk along the coast of Brazil, visit Los Angeles or go to Disney Land. A great way to entertain yourself if you're bored at the computer, isn't it?

The game is extremely simple, but on the third attempt it forces you to strain your memory and brains... This unique Genie is able to guess the character you wished for by several questions! What to do if you're bored at the computer? Try to trick Jin and think of a character that he won't be able to recognize! We succeeded in only 9 attempts!

Well, there must be some kind of logic here... There definitely must be... no, this simply cannot be... Where is the logic here?..

Can you solve this strange magic square?

Stick for a long time...

It seems like nothing special... But you get stuck for a long time. You can come up with your own melodies by adding and removing certain sounds. Made simply and beautifully, the sound is pleasant.

For the master of doing nothing

Just sit and do nothing for your own pleasure for 2 minutes. And listen to the whisper of the waves...

The article will talk about what to do if you are bored at the computer, how to cheer yourself up and diversify your day. A computer is no longer a sign of luxury, but a necessity that is required by almost every person. In the age of modern technology, you can’t go anywhere without it; a computer can replace a friend, and with the help of the Internet it allows you to find out the latest news and events.

It would seem that you can never get bored with it, but there are times when the computer gets boring or a person simply gets tired of it, because it greatly damages vision. Therefore, by the way, it is recommended to use special glasses when using the computer. Below we will describe what you can do on the computer to overcome boredom.

Healthy entertainment as a cure for boredom

At the computer you can not only overcome boredom, but also do something useful, so to speak, combine two things in one. Useful entertainment includes the following:

Learn English. Foreign languages ​​are constantly popular, and if you know a foreign language, this will only be an advantage when going to work or traveling.

Get busy studying, if exams are just around the corner. This is a boring task, but necessary. First you need to pass the exams and only then have fun;

Listen to music To avoid getting bored, you can search the Internet for audio recordings that you like; perhaps this music will be useful to you in the future.

Games for girls

Many users play computer games to have fun and keep themselves busy for several hours. You can play on the computer itself, or via the Internet, over the network. The most popular computer games for girls are: farm andSims. These games are very addictive and help overcome boredom.

The Sims is a game that many children and adults know about. It is built on the principles of creating a family and playing for each character. For example, seven years ago this game was at the peak of popularity and addicted teenagers and schoolchildren for long hours. It seems like you created a family for so long, started playing with it, and several hours have already flown by. Probably many who read these lines are smiling, because such a situation happened to them, there are even people who devoted themselves to this game not only during the day, but at night.

It solves not only family problems. In the game you can build love relationships, work, eat, in general, everything that a person does in everyday life. Every person has hobbies and activities and can increase their experience by completing challenging tasks.

As practice shows, people create families similar to those in which they live, or which they would like to see in the future. The names, appearance, wardrobe and hobbies of the characters can be changed.

A game like “Farm” has also drawn many people into its web. Many games have been released, for example:

  • Farm-Neighbors,
  • Farm in Prostokvashino,
  • Happy Farm,
  • horse farm,
  • Trouble at the ranch.

All these games have one principle: there are several levels that need to be completed in a certain time. Depending on how successfully a person completed the task, he is awarded a reward: gold, silver or bronze.

The first levels in the game are simple, they can be called educational, and starting from the tenth level, it’s not that you can’t complete the level for gold, it’s difficult to score the minimum number of points. If you complete the levels well, you will be awarded titles and awards, which you can view in your warehouse.

Games for boys

Games such as racing, tanks and shooters are suitable for boys. There is no point in explaining games to boys, because there is nothing complicated about them. If we are talking about racing, then you need to rush forward, ahead of all your opponents, avoiding obstacles.

Tanks are built on a similar principle, only there you can also buy vehicles and complete missions. In shooting games everything is simpler, you need to take care of yourself and try to kill the enemy. These games can be addictive for guys. It would seem that now I’ll finish the last race and stop. But this phrase has to be repeated an infinite number of times...

Interesting sites as a way to kill time

Recently, the Internet has entered the life of every person. With its help you can get rid of boredom and do something useful. Below are sites where you can spend your time:

  • bomomo.com/, mrdoob.com/projects/harmony/ - programs in which you can draw, because this activity can relieve boredom. Thanks to drawing, you can show your imagination and create unusual masterpieces. Can . But the Paint program is very simple and drawing in it is unlikely to bring pleasure to anyone, so people have to do it on the Internet.
  • gamedesign.jp/flash/chatnoir/chatnoir.html - you can catch a black cat, this is a fascinating and addictive activity;
  • pop.swf - probably all people love to pop bubbles on wrapping paper and listen to their sound. With this application you can burst them all the time and have fun doing it;
  • speeddemosarchive.com/gamelist/ - play for speed;
  • telesa.tv/ - you can watch TV online;
  • stihi.ru/cgi-bin/assist.pl - on the site you can compose poems and select rhymes. More than ever, by the way, to compose an original congratulation;
  • biglongnow.com/ is an interesting site where you can slam the door. After all, very often people are nervous and want to harm someone or something. With the help of such a service, you can slam doors as much as you like, and no one will be offended by you;
  • pichacks.com/ - with the help of this service you can disfigure photographs, it can amuse a person and save him from boredom;
  • files.mail.ru - a service where you can store your files up to 25 GB;
  • multator.ru/draw/ - a very popular direction, using this link you can draw cartoons;
  • prikolzzz.ru/98.swf - you can catch flies;
  • analizfamilii.ru/pham.shtml - analyze your first and last name for free;
  • istina.rin.ru/para/lastlife.html - find out who you were in a past life;
  • blingee.com/blingee/upload_base - work with photos;

Watch video

If you suddenly become bored at the computer, then you can watch the video. If you wish, you can see what is stored on your hard drive, that is, feel nostalgic for the old days. For example, it’s worth watching some videos of your performance, a video of congratulations. If you have the skill and desire, then using standard programs you can compose a congratulation for your friend or relative. After all, it takes a lot of time and you definitely won’t get bored after five minutes. Agree, it’s great when it’s a friend’s birthday, and you prepared a gift for him in advance.

But if you couldn’t find anything interesting on your computer, then the Internet is your boredom reliever. After all, on the Internet you can watch various funny videos that can captivate a person. If you wish, you can watch a movie, program or show of an entertaining nature, which often lifts your spirits and saves you from boredom.


What to do if you're bored at the computer - 6 ideas:

Below is a list of what you can do on the computer:

If you still have nothing to do, read another article that has a lot of creative ideas.

Video about boredom and entertainment on the computer

The article discussed what to do if you are bored at the computer, how to cheer yourself up and spend your leisure time profitably.