Which courses to take? What courses should I take? Making the right choice

Good day, friends! As they say, the best investment is an investment in your development. Some spend years to obtain higher education. Others already have several. And that's great! After all, knowledge is never superfluous. Another question is that you need to earn money right now, and a diploma, as a rule, is issued only after 5 years. Therefore, today I would like to talk about quick methods of self-education. Namely, what courses to complete in order for a woman to earn good money.

From this article you will learn:

Of course, some things are also suitable for a man. But for some reason, it is women who most often attend various classes. Probably due to his natural curiosity.
The educational services market is developing rapidly. Announcements of recruitment for all kinds of courses, trainings, master classes are pouring out of every iron. Such diversity has its advantages and disadvantages.

  • you can choose what you really like and are interested in;
  • choose a training program in accordance with your financial capabilities;
  • Plan your own study time.
  • services are not always provided with high quality;
  • It's easy to fall for scammers.

Courses for women that men choose (or simply - men's choice)

When making this or that decision, including regarding education, we often consult with people close to us - relatives, friends. And every woman, on an intuitive level, listens most to the opinion of men - be it her father, husband, boyfriend or just a friend.

According to statistics, 5 percent of men support their women if they are going to knitting or sewing courses, as well as other hobbies that can be useful in everyday life; another 7 percent prefer that their women do something more serious and responsible - accounting or budgeting; 12% choose manicure, makeup or design courses for their ladies. But the overwhelming majority - 76% - do not hesitate to vote for pastry courses!

And it’s not for nothing that they say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. How good - the whole family is fed, and besides, you can make good money from this sweet hobby. It is much more pleasant to eat a cake made to order by a home pastry chef than one bought in a store.

This case is undoubtedly interesting and exciting. But many are afraid to start: “What if it doesn’t work out? It’s a pity for the money, effort, and time!”

In this case, I recommend trying it first. free master classes, which are by no means uncommon lately. In just a couple of hours live, you will learn how to prepare simple and popular cakes, decorate them, and also learn how and how much you can earn from selling them. Well, what are you ready to try? Then quickly register for the next one Master Class.

Beauty industry

It is believed that the beauty industry is an ideal place for girls to work. So let's see who you can quickly learn from in this area.

  1. Manicure/pedicure specialist.
  2. Hairdresser.
  3. Visagiste.
  4. Stylist.
  5. Correction and extension of eyelashes and eyebrows.

I also work in the beauty industry, and I can say that this work is very pleasant. The most feminine thing you can eat. In addition, training for these specialties is not very expensive and quite fast. For example, you can learn to become an eyebrow artist in just one lesson and it will cost about 3 thousand rubles. You can master the secrets of manicure in a couple of weeks and 10 thousand rubles. To become a stylist, you will have to spend a lot more time and money, but courses can be taken online.

The prospect of quickly getting a job after such courses is very good, since beauty salons and hairdressers are opening on every corner. In addition, you can work from home and even combine it with your main job.

Men, don't pass by. Do you know how nice it is to come to a beauty salon and give yourself into the hands of a male hairdresser? Many women choose masters solely based on gender.

Design courses

There may be several directions here. Most Popular - interior design and landscape design. The direction is actively developing and is unlikely to ever exhaust itself. Specialists are always in demand. Good courses will not be cheap, and training can last several months. However, the fruits will not keep you waiting.

It should be remembered that the work of a designer is painstaking. You must be able to find a common language with the customer and take into account his requirements. Be prepared for the fact that the project will have to be redone more than once. Therefore, patience and humility are the best companions of a successful designer. Well, and of course, imagination, taste and spatial thinking will not be superfluous.


This area of ​​applied art can safely be called the most ancient. No, it has nothing to do with the “oldest profession”. But working with plants and flowers, arranging bouquets and compositions is what young ladies have loved to do at all times. An activity for refined natures, not deprived of taste.

Florist's crusts will be useful to you not only for arranging bouquets. Very often they order the decoration of halls with flowers for wedding ceremonies, banquets, anniversaries, wreaths on the head for photo shoots, New Year's compositions for interior decoration. Therefore, there is no end to the work. And the only thing that can stop you is an allergy to pollen.

Pastry courses

The most delicious, satisfying and harmful for the figure, but, nevertheless, almost the most popular among women. Food is a basic human need. It would be a sin not to try to make money on this. They enjoy incredible success in preparing and decorating cakes. Their prices vary greatly.

Live master classes cost an average of 5,000 rubles per lesson. If you want to save money, give preference to online lessons. There are plenty of them on the Internet. Why go far? You can find them in . There are good discounts for all my readers.


A profitable business for those who know how to hold a camera in their hands. Even if you don’t know how, they will teach you. A good photographer will help you not only learn the basics of composition and setting shooting parameters, but also select a professional camera. In addition, he will teach you how to process photographs and create real masterpieces from them. The main thing in this matter is a keen eye, practice and a little luck. Sometimes the most inept photographers manage to seize the moment and earn good money by selling an interesting photo.

Tourism manager

At one time I completed such courses. They didn't last long. At the end I received the crusts. True, I didn’t work in this direction, but I managed to relax with my family a couple of times at a good price.

In principle, I received a good knowledge base and could easily work in a travel agency or even open my own business. After all, people go on vacation every year. Selecting interesting tours and making your vacation enjoyable is a very noble endeavor. And besides, it is not dusty. But I have enough.


Nowadays, individually tailored items, knitted baskets and hats, decoupage-style products, all kinds of handmade accessories and much more are back in fashion. You can also make good money on this. Surely every girl knows how to do something with her hands. We were taught this back in school during labor lessons. If everything has long been forgotten, then you can refresh your knowledge and enroll in some school of needlework.

Cutting and sewing courses are among the most expensive. Usually they cost about 20-40 thousand rubles. In addition, you will need a sewing machine, and this is not a cheap pleasure.

Knitting courses will cost much less. And the tool is inexpensive - knitting needles and hooks can be bought at any store for about 100-200 rubles. I already wrote in one of my articles.

The main thing in needlework is that it brings you pleasure. Then your hobby can turn into income easily and naturally.

Handmade items sell well on other social networks. You can also accept orders there to put this business on stream.

Distance learning

Currently, the distance learning market is well developed, because we are always in a hurry to get somewhere, we have a thousand urgent matters - work, the gym, children's sections. Online learning provides a great opportunity to save time.

They started with foreign languages. The bet was placed on English. And for good reason. After all, most of our compatriots dreamed of leaving for permanent residence in America. Subsequently, the migration zone expanded, and the variety of language courses increased accordingly.

Over 25 years of activity, the ESHKO school has built an excellent reputation and trained more than 2 million students from Russia and other countries of the world. And now it is rightfully a leader in the educational services market.

Today, ESHKO offers its students more than 80 courses in various fields:

  • foreign languages,
  • art and design,
  • beauty and health,
  • psychology,
  • computer courses,
  • business management,
  • finance and accounting,
  • marketing, advertising and PR.

You can find the full list on the website https://www.escc.ru/.

Of course, before you take on something, decide whether you really need it? You shouldn’t take a wool felting course just because there’s a good discount on it now. Think about whether you will be doing this when the courses are over, whether this is really interesting to you.

If your goal is to increase your income, then evaluate the prospects. Study the prices for such services and calculate how much you can earn.

Don't forget about competitors who never sleep. Therefore, analyze the market for similar services.

Before paying for the courses, carefully study the terms, find out what investments you will have to make in addition to the main fee, read the contract, discuss the details.


A good accountant is worth his weight in gold. I often meet people who have chosen this job as their main job. And someone works remotely and receives additional income. Although I myself don’t really like working with numbers and find accounting tedious. But if you are a mathematician at heart and love monotonous work, then I am sure that you can easily find yourself a good place to work with the prospect of development and career growth.

Courses for beginners, which include theoretical foundations of accounting, practical training and training in working in the 1C program, will cost you 10-12 thousand rubles. Advanced training courses for people with experience are cheaper. Classes take from a couple of weeks to a month.

Estimate file

The job is quite serious. Requires a thorough approach and a base of engineering knowledge. Therefore, such courses are not suitable for everyone. Estimators are often required for both permanent and remote work in companies that are engaged in the construction and repair of buildings, structures, utility networks, etc.

This is painstaking work that does not tolerate mistakes.

Good courses, which will not only teach you how to use costing programs for a computer, but also give you a theoretical basis, cost from 30,000 rubles. But the very first salary will more than recoup your investment.

Internet promotion

This direction is rapidly developing and gaining momentum. Due to the development of social networks and Internet communications, more and more people are trying to open online stores and distribute goods through pages on Instagram and VK.

The competition in this market is simply enormous. Therefore, for the successful operation of a business, many hire qualified promotion specialists, or, as they are also called, SMM.

You can get really good practical knowledge that will be useful when promoting public pages on social networks, launching advertising campaigns, promotions and increasing sales.

Personally, I regularly listen to webinars from Instagram gurus and other SMM specialists to keep up to date with the latest tricks and try them out for myself.

Depending on the focus and duration of the course, the price varies from 5 to 30 thousand rubles. As a rule, you can recoup even the highest cost of training in the first month of work, for example, as an administrator of an Instagram account or Telegram channel.

Free courses at the labor exchange

An excellent option for those who have been laid off and are looking for work. Don’t be lazy to register with the employment center. I’m sure you will definitely be offered to take some courses, be it advanced training or something completely new to you. The main thing is that these courses are held absolutely free.

As you can see, there are a lot of opportunities for self-development. The main thing is to make a choice and firmly follow it. Motivate yourself, set goals and achieve them. No one but yourself can give you a magic kick. Remember that your destiny is in your hands.

It's never too late to improve your knowledge. And don’t think that there are easy professions. Each case has its own nuances. And if someone shares their experience with you, the efficiency of your work will certainly increase, which means your earnings will increase.

My motto in life is there is no limit to perfection! This means we need to study, study and study again!

I wish you all success in learning and mega upgrades! Don't forget to share the link with your friends on social networks and subscribe to my blog updates! See you again!

It often happens that the earnings at your main job are not enough to meet all your needs.

The financial crisis encourages both men and women to look for an additional source of income, however, problems may arise when searching for income due to the lack of necessary knowledge.

In order to acquire theoretical and practical skills in a certain type of activity, you should complete specialized courses, some of which can significantly increase your level of income. A correctly chosen specialization will allow you to earn more than at your main job.

How to choose the right profession for part-time work

Some specialties are so in demand among men and women that upon completion of the courses you may encounter enormous competition in the market for offers of similar services.

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The first step is to decide what knowledge or skill you want to acquire. There are several main areas that offer courses:
1. Obtaining a new specialty;
2. Improving existing qualifications;
3. Housekeeping;
4. Handicrafts and hobbies;
5. Personal development.

In fact, all courses are divided into 2 large categories: the first promotes success in work and society, and the second reveals talents and abilities.

Courses for business success

This category includes everything that helps a person either get a new job or move up the career ladder in an existing position. For office workers, this could be training in successful sales, telephone conversations, business etiquette, office management, secretariat, and marketing. For managers – management and governance.

The economic direction offers courses for accountants, specialists in the field of warehouse accounting and everything that...

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Every citizen who has received unemployed status is given the opportunity not only to receive government support in the form of social benefits, but also to undergo retraining courses. The ninth and twelfth articles of the Law “On Employment” stipulate what courses can be completed from the employment center.

The legislative framework

The activities of the labor exchange are regulated by:

International documents regarding employment, ratified by the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure; Labor Code; Federal Employment Law; Other regulations providing for the procedure for providing state support to certain categories of people.

How the exchange can help

The Center for Employment Keeps records of people searching for work, promotes their employment, and also pays benefits to persons who have received unemployed status. Such payments are accrued for a certain period, and their size depends on the average salary at the previous place of work, and...

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Education received within the walls of a university or technical school is quickly losing its relevance. There is a demand for new professions in the labor market. In such conditions, the strong half of humanity has to change their specialization from time to time in order to ensure a decent income. What courses should you take in 2017 to earn a lot?

Choice #1: An unfading IT star

In the age of information technology, the labor market is experiencing a serious need for IT specialists. The world needs programmers, designers, layout designers, and professionals in the field of website promotion.

Conclusion: Courses for learning basic programming languages ​​can be completed in 3-4 months, but training in design, SEO or layout can take only 1-2 months. All that remains is to get a job in a decent company or try to realize yourself in the field of freelancing. The average salaries of specialists in this field are now 30,000 – 50,000 thousand rubles. V...

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The rhythm of modern life is so fast that it is difficult to keep up with it. Once prestigious professions are becoming a thing of the past, and new ones are appearing with enviable regularity.

The number of courses for women that are offered to choose from is simply huge. For example, you can go to study for the following:

Economics, logistics and office work; technical specialties; Internet technologies; needlework; creative directions.

The choice of specialty primarily depends on personal preferences. Work that brings joy and income is doubly pleasant.

Courses for women for every taste

What profession will be relevant not only today, but also in the future? What courses should I take? This question is asked by both school graduates, mothers on maternity leave and older women who have decided to radically change their lives.

Let's consider the options.


No matter how much they say that...

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Many readers of the site complain that they are unable to take the first step towards wealth - they are unable to start saving any amount each month. They live from paycheck to paycheck, and saving even 1,000 rubles is problematic for them.

To save money you need to either reduce expenses or increase income, and ideally do everything possible in both directions. Read the article "31 Ways to Save Money This Month" to learn how you can significantly reduce your expenses. And in this article we will look at ways to earn extra money that can increase your monthly income.

Try to get a part-time job at your main job. Ask to combine your job responsibilities with those of a cleaner, watchman, security guard or secretary. During their student years, many of my friends worked as sales managers and cleaned their own office three times a week. This way you can earn at least 2000 - 3000 rubles per month.

If you are strong...

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Girls, on one site today there were heated discussions about “What I will never do during the next renovation.” The topic turned out to be so relevant and interesting that I decided to raise it here. Let's share our mistakes and successes in repairing and furnishing our nests. I'll start with myself.

When you've been pregnant for a long time, the whole world seems like a fairy tale, and you're at least a fairy in it. Such a round fairy. The eyes are sparkling, the smile is mysterious, the gait... I’ll leave out the gait. And you wait. And you think, while eating your second ice cream on a park bench, WOW! A little more and then...

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I'm talking about them again)) my girlfriends are probably tired of them already))

I passed the career guidance test - I am an “artistic person”, all creative professions are suitable, as well as working with people, organizational activities.

Who can you really do after taking a course and then start working right away? just not nails and not hair... I don’t like this thing.

I’m also learning English at home, I’m thinking of taking English courses... but where to work after them?? but in general, what my heart is most passionate about is singing, dancing... but damn, I’m so shy in terms of performances... this ruins my most important dreams(

Is it possible, without dancing professionally (of course, I took Latin classes before, but I’m far from a pro at it), to take courses and teach?? maybe someone...

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Your earnings should not be limited to your salary. There is no better way to learn how to make money than using recommendations from people who have tested everything from their own experience.

Walking dogs

This is a great option for those who love animals. If you have some free time, you can walk your neighbor's dogs for a small fee. By walking several animals, you will get quite a good amount per month.

Sale of discarded items

If there is a hostel nearby, you can easily go to it on the day of eviction and collect discarded furniture and other things. By selling them, you can earn an impressive amount. Many students prefer not to waste time on this and simply leave their things - take advantage of this!

Reselling items

If you bought something on sale, you can try to resell it online for a little more. Sometimes people sell quite valuable things at extremely low prices...

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Not everyone has enough basic income to meet their consumer needs, or someone has a lot of free time that they want to spend usefully, so there is a need to find an additional activity that will generate income. Let's look at where you can find additional income in Moscow for men and women.

Work in free time

First of all, you need to think about how much time you can devote to your busy schedule in your free time. For example, if you work 5 days a week, then most likely you can work in the evenings or on weekends. Accordingly, you need to find a part-time job with a flexible work schedule. If you work on a shift schedule, then you can easily get a second job with a similar schedule. For example, you work every other day, then you can arrange it according to the schedule: two days - work, two - rest.

It is worth noting that if you are looking for a second job...

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In the beauty industry, be prepared that at first you will have to work for pennies, but there is a place for a novice master, after the basic courses I sent my resume, and not just anywhere, as long as they accepted it, but only my area and where I liked the conditions as described , a week later they offered me a job, but warned me that the work for the first months would only be on promotions, which was just beneficial for me, because I took it as an opportunity to practice, to get better at it, after a couple of months I already felt much more confident and clients began to return, because I have a responsible approach to work, albeit for a long time, but with high quality. The only way to learn to do well is to do). Now the salary is increasing gradually, regular clients have appeared, ng will soon, so I look into the future with optimism, I’m not afraid of losing my job, because I understand that I won’t be lost with such skills, I can definitely earn money for bread, and, if desired, for butter)

You will go to a massage therapist...

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Many managers of large enterprises and small organizations are interested in having highly qualified estimators. The profession of an estimator requires training, practical skills and abilities.

Universities train professionals with a wide profile and without practical skills. The institutes require a long training, they train so-called “white collar workers”, who then languish in poverty as managers and secretaries.

And the economy needs workers who are able to satisfy real, pressing needs. Estimators are needed everywhere and always; demand greatly exceeds supply, hence high salaries and ease of employment.

How to choose the best surveyor courses? What courses do I need to complete?
How to choose training courses for estimators.

Sign up for estimator courses and the results will not take long to arrive; the profession will bring good income and respect in society. Economists and lawyers are not needed by anyone anywhere; there are many vacancies on the labor market...

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There are people who love to study. And it doesn’t matter what. They like the process of learning something new for themselves, and they do not want to dwell only on the knowledge they received at school and college. There are many educational courses for such people. But even here, not everything is so smooth, because thoughts immediately appear about what courses to take, but first you need to decide what the goal is in taking the courses. After all, who has the goal of receiving additional training instead of a second higher education, and this has its positive aspects:

The courses are less expensive from a financial point of view. In a short period of time, you can get all the skills you need, as they say: consolidate theory in practice.

It is for business owners that this method of obtaining retraining in the shortest possible time is considered the most profitable and suitable.

How to choose courses

First, you need to decide in which area you lack knowledge. This applies to...

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What courses to take to make good money?

Everyone has some aspirations, goals, dreams in life. Their implementation, of course, requires certain financial investments. And the salary is fully detailed: payment for utilities, food, travel, purchase of clothes, shoes, and the like. The question arises: what courses do you need to complete to start earning good money?

Where to begin

First of all, decide on your goal - do you want to advance in the field where you are currently working, or are you hoping to master a new specialty? In any case, you need to study the labor market, find out which specialties are in demand in the city or town where you live (unless, of course, you are planning to move). After all, excellent professions are in demand in different regions, it all depends on the leading industry, infrastructure development, and even on the size of the population. It is always easier to find a job in a metropolis, and the choice of vacancies...

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Calligraphy school

Lessons in beautiful writing for the patient and attentive

Photo: courtesy of Silver Set

Evgeny Dobrovinsky, academician of the Academy of Graphic Design and founder of a respected calligraphy school, is launching an intensive training course for those who like to write letters in small handwriting and those with a “chicken paw”. In class, he will tell you how a person who prefers a keyboard to a pencil can benefit from the art of beautiful and clear writing. But in addition to theoretical classes, there will also be practice - only four lessons of three hours each. There is only one requirement for applicants, it couldn’t be simpler - to prepare ten questions about calligraphy, handwriting and writing.

Where is the Project “Silver Set” Address Protopopovsky lane, 9, building 1 Cost 4800 rub. Website www.serebronabora.com When March 2–4

Kidsout babysitting school


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Hello! Perhaps, if you want a profession to be “for the soul,” but without a university education, it will become profitable for you only after long and hard work. All hobbies can be brought to a profitable level with the help of blogs and the use of social media. networks. Areas of activity: handicrafts and gift making, food preparation, services. My friends, for example, founded a service for delivering products with recipes, which is developing very positively.
And here, for example, you can get acquainted with the story of how a woman found her calling in the field of crafts and decorative arts yasoon.ru/#/post/75 (this is a social project about professions that I...

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Quote from Isaikin's message What to do to make money: Real ways to make money

Note by A. Milyukov:
Of course, this article was written not for those who still have small pearls, but for those who are really experiencing financial difficulties and one way or another want to increase their income. Please do not pay attention to the numbers and prices - since they are differentiated for different regions, their order in this case is purely arbitrary.

I would be glad if any of the examples below are suitable for people interested in improving their financial situation - and maybe the article will lead readers to some ideas of their own - in a word, it will be very nice if the article turns out to be useful to someone useful.

It doesn’t matter if after your first acquaintance with the mass of ways to make money presented in this chapter, you feel a little confused. Believe me, it's not even bad. Sections that are clearly unsuitable for you will be rejected by you, but you will remain...

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Extra income ideas

There are different categories of the population who would like to have a part-time job. These are women and men, youth and pensioners, housewives and workers. Everyone is interested in having the opportunity to have more free funds. Today, more than ever, ways to earn extra money are available to everyone. The world does not stand still, and new activities regularly appear that can be successfully used for your benefit.

In the table you can familiarize yourself with the different types of earnings in your free time. We divided them by categories of potential employees, as well as working conditions.

And creative agencies are closing. Office plankton end up on the street in flocks. Scooter prices have skyrocketed, and smoothie blood levels have dropped. All you can hear on Facebook is: “They’ve laid off! Fired! There is no work!

But this is not true. We intend to prove to you the opposite: there is work, there is. A real man's work with his hands. This is always in demand - both in good times and in times of crisis. And this is not an unfounded statement. Meet ten men who know how to make money in any conditions. And take an example from them. Or at least just exclaim: “Wow, well done!”


Where to study

I studied for several months in professional retraining courses. In general, I graduated from the Institute of Culture and Arts. He worked at, was even a store director and a business coach. Some people like to work in an office, others don't. No to me.

Where to get clients

I work at DEZ. Each of the electricians either has their own client base or foremen with whom you constantly collaborate. The client base develops on its own: a good specialist is always needed.

Starter set

The DEZs don’t give out anything. However, you don’t need a large amount of tools to work in the EPD, because the work mainly involves operating equipment. The tool will literally cost two thousand rubles if you know what you need.

How in general?

The working day starts at 9 am. Officially. But this does not mean that you must be there by nine. You can safely drink coffee without fear of being late. The most important thing is that there are no complaints. Personally, I work in shifts, two after two. I don’t like being tied down, I like relative freedom, and here I feel like I’m on a horse. Here you can see the end result. The light bulb does not light up - you changed the light bulb, it lights up. Immediate satisfaction from your own work.


You can have from 70 to 100 thousand rubles per month. The question is where do you live, how do you work. In any case, there is always work and you can always earn a piece of bread. I still remember very clearly the crisis of 2008, when in my place in the office I was not paid my wages for four months.

Andrey, 45 years old, Moscow

Where to study

There are courses in Moscow called the School of Russian Masters. Training lasts two months, there are full-time and correspondence courses. It costs something around 30 thousand rubles. Then they can hire you as an assistant - a second person, a third person on the team. Courses do not provide practical knowledge. You know the theory, but how to do it in practice... But the community of stove makers does not abandon its people in trouble. You can choose anyone from the list - call, ask. Gradually you learn from your mistakes, from your bumps.

Starter set

The more you plunge into the profession, the more tools you need. But at first you can get by with a grinder, a trowel, nothing else is needed.

How in general?

I have been laying stoves since 2010. There are professions where people earn money. There are professions that people do for the soul. And in this work you can combine both. All my clients constantly call, congratulate me on all the holidays, invite me to visit: “If you’re passing by, stop by for tea.”
There is also negativity. Now there are a lot of migrant workers everywhere, they do everything. Starting with the construction of fences and digging wells and ending with the construction of houses and the construction of stoves. When you arrive at the site and find out that you are already the third stove-maker, that the person has been burned twice... But if you know your job, after 5-6 days this negativity disappears and normal relationships appear.


At least 100 thousand rubles per month. More than the average salary in Moscow.

Where to study

I have a secondary specialized education, I studied after school. You can get a job as an apprentice to a master - usually not very qualified workers go.

Starter set

A basic set of carpenter's tools will cost about 30 thousand rubles.

How in general?

Overall I like the work. I enjoy it. Again, variety: you can make both furniture and stairs, especially if you work for yourself. So I just started building a workshop on my site. The only thing that is unpleasant is injuries. Well, yes, two days ago I drilled my hand. I’m already used to having a drop of blood with every order, this is standard. When I make furniture, it’s either a deep splinter or something else.


If you work for hire, on average you can earn 40–50 thousand rubles. And if you do it yourself, like me, then you can easily receive from 30 to 100 thousand rubles a month, depending on orders. You choose when to rest and when to work. I actually have a higher education in economics. But what's the point? Then I will receive the same 30 thousand rubles, but working all month. And as a carpenter, if I put my mind to it, I can earn it in three days.

Where to study

You don’t have to study at all, since nurses are often required without special education. A few years ago, I found myself in Moscow without a job or a place to live, and at first it so happened that I agreed to babysit for a friend’s grandfather, and then I realized that, in principle, I was satisfied with such a life. I work under private agreements, but there are also agencies that will train you, if necessary, and prepare documents. If you have a medical education, you can do injections, IVs, bandages - you will earn more, although sometimes the difference is very small.

Starter set

Everything you need, including rubber gloves, is provided by the relatives of the person under your care. All you need is physical strength. And more. Sometimes patients are very fat, and they have to be lifted, turned over, and some of them have to be carried to the bathroom, say. And if a person has, then you need to be able to hold him, fix him, if necessary... Also important is the absence of physical disgust and what I would call good-natured indifference: if you worry too much about the patient, it’s harder for you, but being angry with him, getting irritated is the last thing .

How in general?

Fine. Of course, you are tied to a place; it’s not always possible to even go to the store if there is no replacement. But I am a loner in life, I like to read, watch movies, play games, surf the Internet - and I have enough time for all this. I now have a paralyzed patient who is quite elderly and sleeps most of the time. You wash him, change him, feed him, give him pills, read something out loud to him, go about your business - and the day has passed.


I have my own room in the apartment, a travel card, Internet, full meals and 30 thousand a month for personal expenses. In principle, there is nothing to spend on; I convert almost everything into foreign currency and save it for the future.

Where to study

I studied at the company, there were three-month courses. And there he immediately got a job. In general, there are now many courses for crane operators, taught by any licensed institution. I don't want to study. There are also requirements for candidates, mainly medical ones. Still, we are dealing with different factors: chemical compounds, elevated temperature. You go through a complete medical examination. If you are healthy in all respects, you are given permission to study.

Starter set

The cost of the courses is free. And during your training you are also paid some kind of salary.

How in general?

This is an interesting job. Mechanisms and hardware are something that any man is interested in. You definitely need to know the basics of repairing equipment. Shift work: there is a morning shift, there is an evening shift. Morning - from 6:30 to 14:00, evening - from 14:00 to 22:00. The actual workload is about half a shift, 4–5 hours.
At first, when you are studying, you work in tandem with a slinger who walks under a crane. It shows you the commands you need to understand. Of course, there is still stress, since it is dangerous: the cable can break at any moment. But you get used to it over time.


Salary averages 40–50 thousand rubles. This is a very good salary for our region. My wife works in a kindergarten for 10 thousand. The average salary in our city is 30 thousand rubles. So I'm not complaining.

Where to study

I joined the organization when I knew nothing, and they trained me. They saw the enthusiasm and hired me. The main thing is to have a desire to learn. Started working in 2005, the work was related to glazing. Now I have been working in greenhouses for several years now.

How in general?

If I didn't like my job, I would look for something more interesting. I think a person should always strive for the best. The number of orders depends on the season. In the spring the snow melts - everyone goes to the gardens and starts ordering greenhouses. But, in principle, there is also a demand for greenhouses in winter: they are cheaper out of season. If you work on glazing in different directions, you can keep yourself busy all year round. The working day can start very early - sometimes you have to wake up, for example, at four in the morning. Working hours are not standardized. I adhere to the following principle: “If a person does not find time to rest, he will find time for treatment.” Weekends are a must with family, family comes first. In general, I have time to rest.


The average wage for an assembly worker, if we take our region, is about 40 thousand rubles. This is quite enough for our places. You can earn more during the season. There are a lot of wrong things going on in our region when it comes to work. They don't pay people's wages. At my old place of work, in a different specialty, they still owe me money. Now I feel much calmer financially.

Where to study

I have been in the profession for more than five years. I didn’t finish the course, I learned along the way. I consulted with the guys and, so to speak, coached myself.

Starter set

A basic set of tools for a plumber costs at least 40–50 thousand rubles. You also need power tools: a hammer drill, an angle grinder.

How in general?

In general, I like the job: I am my own boss. At least I haven't found anything better yet. My working day starts at six in the morning, because I live in the Moscow region and work in Moscow - it takes a lot of time to get to the site. But it all depends on the order - if anything happens, I can do it later. The main negative in the work: misunderstanding with the customer. Fortunately, this doesn't happen often.


Our work is piecework, month to month. On average - from 70 thousand rubles per month.

Where to study

I studied for three months at the St. Petersburg company “Master Groom”. To sit on the tail of a specialist - there is no such thing now. A huge number of courses, seminars. Within a year you become a normal groomer. Training is not everything, experience is needed.

Where to get clients

Our company has a VKontakte page, and I have a VKontakte page. For example, people with dogs are walking: “Where did you get such a beautiful haircut?” - “Over there.” - “Okay, give me your phone number.” Word of mouth works steadily.

Starter set

Desire and understanding that this is a physically and psychologically difficult profession, but the job needs to be done. From the very beginning you need good tools: scissors, hair clippers, cosmetics. And then, if you understand how it works, you can move on to simpler cosmetics. Training costs about 45 thousand rubles, three months. Tools - at least 70 thousand, or even about a hundred.

How in general?

Grooming is the complete care of an animal. And trimming nails and intimate areas, not only the body, and cleaning ears, and removing stones from teeth. For the last six years - that's how long I've been a groomer - I've been going to work with pleasure. Negative things also happen: they don’t take care of the animals, they don’t give them extra scratches, they don’t wash them, and then they want it to be beautiful. And this is when the wool has already started! I don’t remember any attacks. After all, they first get acquainted with the animals, before they cut their hair. For example, I let you smell my glasses. If the dog is really nervous, I will ask the owners to put it on the table themselves.


On average, about 80 thousand rubles per month. There is more work during the season. The season is spring, when the dogs “undress”. If it's hot in the summer, they also bring dogs.

Blacksmith Starter Set

My friend and I invested 100 thousand each, for a total of 200 thousand rubles. This was sufficient capital to purchase means of production, including the main machine. Then, gradually, gradually, more equipment was purchased. But that was six years ago. It might be more expensive now.

How in general?

The main problem is personnel selection. I advertised: “Come, an opportunity to learn artistic forging, blacksmithing.” 20–25 people applied, in the end there were four left. I called professionals, posted photos of the equipment, the workshop - not a single call.
We work with ferrous metal. Most people prefer to buy stamped roses, but they have no soul, no movement, no growth - lifeless roses. Naturally, they are inexpensive, about 1,500 rubles. And what a master does with his own hands, of course, is a completely different level of work and costs completely different money. And so you tell a person the amount of 5-7 thousand for one rose, and he says: “Well, I’ll go and buy it for one and a half thousand.” Most often they order railings, fences, canopies and, of course, gates. Our off-season is January, February, there are no orders. And from March and early April, stirring begins. I usually try to get orders before the New Year so that I don’t sit without work in the off-season.

Where to study

When I was 14 years old, I was given my first hive. Thus began a hobby that became a profession. My path is rather unusual. But there are a lot of courses, training on them takes about a month. It is necessary to study. Otherwise, through ignorance, the whole thing can be ruined.

Starter set

It all starts with amateur beekeeping - 50 thousand rubles should be enough. This is about 10–20 hives in the countryside, preferably in the forest.

How in general?

Bees make honey only in summer. It also happens that May honey happens, but this is if spring is early. In the summer you work with the bees themselves, and in the winter you do more carpentry work: repairing hives, preparing for the next season. I love my job and wouldn't trade it for anything. One of the negative aspects is the import of low-quality southern bees. Or when the fields are poisoned. But bee diseases are a common thing, we know how to deal with them.


From two hundred hives you can get about 3 million rubles a year, about 250 thousand a month. Beginners, of course, receive less, but those with 500 bee colonies receive much more. And the income, by the way, comes not only from honey, but also from the sale of propolis and royal jelly.

Modern professions for girls and men are not very different from each other in the modern world: it is no longer customary to divide work based on gender. However, prestigious women's professions may have unique requirements for candidates: there are functions that are easier for a woman to perform. Work for girls can be intellectual or applied (for example, hairdresser).

What professions are there for girls?

Many lucrative professions have unique requirements, but they can provide stable career growth and high salaries. The following list of areas and specialties is suitable as an interesting job for women:

  1. Makeup. Working as a makeup artist may only require completion of special courses, but for a successful career, knowledge of foreign languages ​​(to become familiar with new trends) and constant professional development will be useful.
  2. Consulting, accounting. For inexperienced people, the job of a secretary is suitable, which is a classic example of a female profession. Those who have completed higher education can work as economists, lawyers, and tourism managers.
  3. Journalism. This field of activity is suitable for young girls with good communication skills. It is a popular destination in many universities in the country.
  4. Technical specialties. Work may involve heavy physical labor, which is unusual for women in professions, or may require great perseverance, the ability to work with your hands, and concentrate. This may include vacancies for seamstresses and machine operators. A high position will not be offered here, but permanent employment is guaranteed.

Highly paid

Specialties with high pay also have high requirements for applicants. Such work can be associated with a large number of stressful situations and difficult working conditions. Highly paid professions for girls include:

  • IT specialist;
  • senior manager of a store, outlet;
  • legal consultant;
  • service quality auditor;
  • specialist doctor;
  • logistics expert;
  • cosmetologist


Open career opportunities are not available at all jobs. Such vacancies are characterized by great competition, high requirements, and have many directions for climbing the career ladder. The following specialties are considered promising:

  • pharmacist;
  • restaurant sous chef;
  • photographer;
  • choreographer;
  • machine operator, production line.


Many specialties for girls are often prestigious. There may be a tough selection process for such vacancies, it is difficult to get into them, but the result is worth it. The list of professions for girls looking for a well-paid, interesting, prestigious job is wide:

  • lawyer;
  • economist;
  • medical representative;
  • interior designer;
  • clothes designer;
  • TV or radio presenter;
  • stewardess;
  • fitness instructor;
  • nutritionist.


Many courses for girls will help you get into the most fashionable professions. Their key feature is low requirements for education, but increased requirements for communication skills with clients. Interesting professions for women and fashion trends may require obtaining a complete higher education. Among them:

  • dancer;
  • singer;
  • HR manager;
  • art consultant;
  • artist;
  • stylist;
  • brand manager.

In demand

There are specializations that are just for women or best suited to their psychology. There is not much competition for these vacancies. Professions in demand for women have a narrow focus and specific working conditions. For example:

  • nurse;
  • waitress;
  • secretary;
  • conductor;
  • carrier company dispatcher;
  • contact center operator;
  • teacher, educator.


Good jobs for women are often very popular. And girls, when faced with choosing a profession, are guided by whether it is widespread and fashionable. Many popular professions and good jobs for women require the ability to find a common language with a client and attract his attention. The list of current professions will provide a wide choice of areas of activity:

  • actress;
  • journalist;
  • psychologist;
  • fashion designer;
  • florist;
  • advertising manager

Professions of the future for girls

In the future, the list of popular professions for women may change. This means that working as an accountant will become unprofitable, and the position of manager in any field will no longer be in such demand. Changes occur due to the inevitability of technological progress, the loss of relevance of many specialties that will be replaced by computer programs. Based on this, we can make a list of types of employment that will be relevant in the near future:

  • nurse;
  • alternative energy expert;
  • breeder;
  • urbanist;
  • expert in the field of resolving religious contradictions.

The best professions for girls

Due to certain psychological characteristics and predispositions, women and men have different specializations. The best fields of activity for ladies are considered to be everything related to creativity, and some branches of technical specialties that do not involve heavy physical labor. This category includes humanitarian and creative fields of activity, office work with papers, and all types of consulting that require direct communication with clients.


Specializations closely related to creativity are better suited for girls due to their greater predisposition to emotional empathy and the ability to correctly convey their own emotions. Among these professions, there are many promising areas for women who have good taste in the field of modeling and art. The fair sex will not remain indifferent to acting. The following creative specializations can be excellent choices for women:

  • actress;
  • singer;
  • fashion designer;
  • artist;
  • Art Director;
  • interior designer.


The field of activity of many girls is closely related to the production of equipment, work in a factory, setting up equipment responsible for the stable stamping of similar parts. This may include the work of a production operator, a system administrator at a large enterprise, a team leader, or a researcher:

  • tower crane operator;
  • machine operator;
  • research institute employee;
  • assistant driver;
  • architect;
  • IT specialist.


Working with documentation, management, operating with laws, translating texts or direct speech, conducting legal consultations requires appropriate knowledge, higher education in the humanities and takes a lot of effort and time. However, a significant part of professions closely related to legal services are occupied by girls. This work requires concentration and may have a strict work schedule, but in return it offers prospects for career growth up to regional managers, directors of an enterprise, a company, or a corporation. It can be:

  • advocate;
  • notary;
  • legal consultant;
  • simultaneous translation specialist.

Working specialties for women

Women workers are not that uncommon. The list of specializations related to physical labor, but suitable for the fair sex, does not have a large selection. Such areas of employment will offer work immediately after graduating from school or completing specialized courses, graduating from technical schools, or colleges with a shortened program. The standard working day in this area is 12 hours with a 2/2 schedule with rare exceptions. Working girls can be useful in the following areas of activity:

  • cook;
  • seamstress;
  • hairdresser;
  • housemaid;
  • driver on public transport;
  • foreman

Office professions

The office field of activity is considered one of the most suitable for women, as it provides a convenient work schedule, decent wages, great opportunities for career growth, and communication with colleagues who, for the most part, share each other’s interests. This work may not be enjoyable, but it also does not require special skills (entry-level positions are taught on the spot). For more serious work you need special education:

  • secretary;
  • accountant;
  • financial director;
  • HR manager;
  • marketing specialist.

The fair sex's predisposition to communicate when working with people and their desire for self-expression make them excellent workers in the fields of marketing, art, consulting, simultaneous translation, and journalism. The following areas of employment are considered the most interesting:

  1. Journalism. Processing and collecting information, providing it to a wide audience, communicating with interesting people - all this makes this specialization ideal for girls who crave communication and strive for self-development.
  2. Psychology. The vast majority of women have obvious empathy, compassion, and sympathy. Such qualities are inherent in a good psychologist, who is able to put himself in the shoes of another person in order to understand his emotions, help him overcome difficulties, and cope with problems that have piled up.
  3. Stylist, cosmetologist, nutritionist. The ability to take care of oneself and feel beauty is developed much better in girls than in men, so you can complete hairdressing courses. Ladies are excellent stylists, beauty salon workers, fashion designers, and interior designers.

What profession should a girl choose?

The choice of specialization depends on many subjective factors inherent in any person. For women, the key features when choosing a direction of activity are:

  1. Age. In this case, the law has a great influence: it is more difficult for minors to find work even with official permission from their parents. Very young girls are reluctantly hired because they have no work experience. Up to a certain age (up to 22-25 years) it is worth considering the position of a waitress, conductor, or secretary.
  2. Character, way of thinking. Not all representatives of the fair sex are bright empaths. This means that working within a large team can be a burden for them. The positions of seamstress, operator engineer, and IT specialist are suitable for reserved girls. More open - professions of actress, singer, TV or radio presenter, stylist, tourism manager.
  3. Work experience, education. It will not be difficult for a person with extensive experience to change one position to another: employers are always ready to hire a person who is well versed in his work. A person without experience is another matter. Right after school, without experience or education, a girl can get a job as a model, maid, waitress, secretary, or nurse.

After 11th grade

Complete secondary education will allow you to continue your studies in as many educational institutions as possible and choose the most interesting future specialty:

  • Medical universities. Moscow State Medical University (MSMU) named after. THEM. Sechenov, Russian National Medical Research University (RNMU) named after. N.I. Pirogova – nurse, doctor, pharmacist.
  • Technical universities. Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI), Russian Chemical Technology University (RKhTU) named after. DI. Mendeleev, Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute (MADI) – machine operator, machinist, chemical technologist, design engineer.
  • Humanities, law universities. Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU), Moscow Independent Ecological and Political Science University (MNEPU) - legal consultant, lawyer, accountant, economist.