Tatar accordion. Direct educational activities in the middle group on the topic “Tatar folk instruments, violin and drum


Educational:Consolidating and expanding knowledge about Russian folk musical instruments, the history of their creation, developing the ability to determine by ear the sound of Russian folk musical instruments.

To instill an interest in Mordovian and Tatar musical instruments.

To develop the ability to classify musical instruments into groups (wind, percussion, strings).

Educational: Development of musical memory, thinking, artistry, creative initiative, attention.

Educators: Cultivating emotional responsiveness to music, increasing students’ motivation. Forming a good attitude towards each other.

Progress of the lesson:

The melody “The Moon is Shining” sounds, the teacher welcomes the children and draws attention to the projector screen, where a slide with an image of an orchestra of folk instruments is shown.

Educator: Guys, look how many musicians are in one orchestra. Look carefully at the instruments and tell me, what is the name of such an orchestra?

Children: Orchestra of Russian folk instruments!

Educator: Right. Today I invite you to go to the country of Russian folk instruments. And the first city that we will visit is the city of percussion instruments. Why do you think they are called that?

Children: Because they get hit when playing.

Educator: Absolutely right. Musical instruments appeared a very long time ago. Percussion instruments are the most ancient instruments in the world. Primitive man beat out a rhythm on mammoth bones, wooden blocks, and clay jugs. Later, people stretched skin over hollow wooden and clay objects and the first drum appeared. At the same time, ratchets made of stone and wood appeared.

Now listen to the riddle songs and guess what instruments live in this city.

Performs riddle songs by N. Murycheva “Spoons”, “Ratchets”, “Bell”, “Tambourine”.

Educator: And now you and I will turn into musicians!

Children take tambourines, spoons and bells. The rhythmic exercise “Three Bears” is performed to the music of E. Zheleznova.

Educator: Well done! And we continue our journey. And the next city we will visit is the city of string instruments. Listen to what instruments live in this city.

Performs riddle songs by N. Murycheva “Gusli”, “Balalaika”.

Educator: Almost all musical instruments originated from everyday instruments and hunting devices: the ancestor of stringed instruments was the hunting bow. It is likely that one of the primitive hunters pulled the string of his bow while hunting and, releasing it, heard a sound. Among the Russian people, such instruments were the balalaika and the gusli.

Educator: Let's move on. And the city of wind instruments welcomes you!

Performs the mystery song “Pipe” by N. Murycheva.

Wind instruments also appeared a very long time ago. People blew into a sea shell, a reed pipe, and animal horns. Then they came up with pipes, horns, pipes, pity pipes.

The articulation exercise “Merry Pipe” is carried out (children stretch their closed lips forward and move them in a circle left and right) and the breathing exercise “Pipe” (children blow into empty bottles, ballpoint pen caps).

Educator: Now listen to the last riddles.

Performs riddle songs by N. Murycheva “Accordion”, “Accordion”.

Educator: Well done! You guessed it right. An accordion, or accordion, is a wind reed musical instrument. There are two keyboards on the sides of the instrument: the melody is played on the right, and accompaniment is played on the left. Inside the instrument there are metal plates - reeds. When a musician moves the bellows of the accordion apart, the reeds begin to vibrate under the influence of air - making a sound.

Physical education minute.

Educator: Among the musical instruments of the Mordovians, the most common are the mallet (shavoma-M., chavoma - E., wooden xylophone (calchtsiyamat - M, kaltseyamat-E, bells (paygonyat - M, bayaginet - E, jew's harp - M, E, violin (garze , arrow - M, kaiga - E, flutes (vyashkoma - M, veshkema - E); bagpipes (fam, ufam - M, puvama - E, trumpet (dorama, toram - M). Sometimes borrowed instruments are also mentioned, for example, accordion .

Educator: Tatar folk music is based on the flavor of oriental traditions. Today, the most famous instruments of Tatar musical folklore are: accordion-talyanka, kurai, kubyz, surnay, mandolin, dumbra, scimitar, Tatar gusli, saz, etc.

Dombra - Tatar stringed musical instrument. It is one of the most unstudied among Tatar musical instruments.

The modern dombra, like its ancient counterpart, has a wooden pear-shaped body, however, unlike its predecessor, the body is not made of hollowed wood, but glued together.

Kurai - Tatar wind musical instrument. It has several varieties, differing from each other in design and material of manufacture.

Surnay - Tatar wind musical instrument. It is considered a musical instrument of shepherds and is usually made from the horn of an animal. It has a relatively small size of 400-550 mm.

Talyanka (talyan-garmun) is a Tatar manual keyboard-pneumatic musical instrument. Along with the accordion, it is one of the most favorite musical instruments among the Tatar people.

Educator: These are the kind of funny instruments that live in this country. I suggest you find out if you remember them all well and play a musical guessing game.

A musical and didactic presentation game “Guess the Instrument” is being held. Children listen to musical fragments and guess the instruments. For each correct answer, players receive a chip. At the end of the game, the children who have collected the most chips are awarded the “Knowledgeable Musician” medal.

Educator: Our journey has come to an end. But there are still many musical countries in the world that we can visit. And I suggest you come up with and make some kind of musical instrument yourself at home. See you soon!

Aigul Batdalova
Direct educational activities in the middle group on the topic “Tatar folk instruments”

Goals: introduce Tatar folk instruments, to form an idea of ​​the structure of musical tools, systematize knowledge about geometric figures, continue to practice quantitative and ordinal counting.



Expand children's knowledge about Tatar folk instruments kubyz, accordion, mandolin and kurai;

To contribute to the formation of knowledge about the structure of musical tools;

Strengthen the ability to distinguish geometric shapes;

Strengthen counting skills within 5; knowledge of the ordinal value of numbers;


Cultivate interest in folk culture;

Promote aesthetic education;

Ensure the development of perseverance and initiative;


Develop an ear for music;

Develop creative imagination - design a silhouette "mandolin" according to the model;

Develop the ability to compare objects by color, shape and spatial arrangement.

Educator: Guys, guests have come to us, let’s say hello to them.

Children: Hello

Educator: Guys, what republic do we live in?


Educator: We were born and live in Tatarstan, therefore our small Motherland is a republic Tatarstan.

Ask us: - where are you from?

We are from the Volga, from Kazan

The Volga water gives us water

We grow grain, we graze flocks

We pump oil, load ships

In free Tatarstan

Educator: Guys, do you like to travel?

Children: Yes

Educator:Then I invite you to go on a unique journey on a boat. What type of transport is a motor ship?

Children: By water transport.

Educator: IN Tatarstan has many rivers, name which ones you know?

Children: The Zay River near Almetyevsk flows into the Kama. And Kama meets Volga.

Educator: I suggest you take an entertaining trip by boat along one of the largest rivers - the Volga to the cultural center and capital of our republic - Kazan.

Guys, do we have enough passenger seats on the ship? Count how many seats we have on the left side?

Children: five

Educator:And on the right?

Children: five

Educator: This means that our ship can board 5 passengers on the left and 5 passengers on the right.

Take your seats in accordance with your tickets - geometric shapes. You need to find the same figure on the ship so that it matches in shape and color, but differs in size.

A beep sounds. The sound of the river.

Educator: Guys, we are on an unusual journey. We will get acquainted with musical tools which he likes to play Tatar, Russian, Bashkir peoples. People of different nationalities who live in our republic. The stops are also unusual - musical.

First stop "Pinch"

Educator: Guys, listen to that interesting sound?

(kubyz sounds behind the screen)

Guys, what do you think? the instrument plays for us?

Children: Kubyz

Coming out from behind the screen of Su Anasa (water). Look what guest came to us.

Su Anasy: Do you recognize me children?

Children: No

Su Anasy: I am Su Anasy from Tatar fairy tale written by G. We tok "Su Anasy".(points to the board)

S.A.: Guys, you named it correctly tool! (showing the tool talks about it) Kubyz is one of the oldest musical tools. It is a metal or wooden arc with a tongue in the center. Performer clamps tool lips and holds it with his left hand, bringing it closer to his teeth. The tongue is pinched with the finger of the right hand and when it vibrates it makes a sound. Listen again to how it sounds. Sound instrument quiet or loud. Yes sound quiet instrument.

What geometric figure does kubyz resemble?

Children: on a triangle.

Educator: We really liked your story, the guys and I want to invite you to travel with us.

Su Anasy, how do you manage to be so beautiful and slim and maintain your health, because you live in such dampness?

S.A. I do exercises in the morning to strengthen myself.

I suggest you warm up too. Physical exercise to music.

Second stop "Keyboard" (the sound of an accordion is heard)

S.A. Guys, what do you think this is? the instrument sounds?Yes this the instrument is called an accordion. The accordion consists of a right and left half-body, each of which contains a keyboard with buttons or keys. What geometric figure does an accordion resemble?

Children: to a rectangle.

You guys are probably tired on the road. Let's play an active game "Day Night"

What do you do during the day?

Children: We play games. We do gymnastics. We sing songs, dance, sculpt, design, and practice. We go out for a walk.

When I say "Day", you can jump and play and when I tell you "Night" sit down and close your eyes with your palms. (to accordion playing)

Educator: You guys are probably a little tired on the road.

I suggest you warm up. Let's do gymnastics.

They are friends in our group of girls and boys. (fingers of both hands rhythmically join into a lock)

You and I are little friends, little fingers. (rhythmic touching of fingers of both hands)

One two three four five (alternately touching the fingers on both hands, starting with the little finger)

One two three four five. (repeat previous movements)

Third stop "String" (mandolin sounds)

S.A.: Mandolin - plucked musical string small size tool, a type of lute - a soprano lute, but with a shorter neck and fewer strings. The strings are touched mainly by the player, as well as by the fingers and a bird's feather. The mandolin uses a tremolo technique. Since the metal strings of the mandolin produce a short sound, long notes are achieved by quickly repeating the same sound.

(showing Mandolin playing)

Game “Assemble a mandolin from geometric shapes” (circles, rectangles) I suggest you children assemble a mandolin from the geometric shapes offered on the table.

Fourth stop "Brass"


S.A.: Kurai is Bashkir and Tatar wind instrument It has several varieties, differing in design and material of manufacture. Sound, timbre and dynamic capabilities depend on the design. The traditional material for production was cut and dried stems of the Ural ribwort, but modern materials are now widely used (sliced ​​veneer, metal). Is solo, ensemble and orchestral tool.

Fifth stop stop "Culture Center"

S.A.: Children, look, we are approaching Kazan. Kazan is a city of the Russian Federation, the capital of the Republic Tatarstan, a large port on the left bank of the Volga River, one of the largest cultural and sports centers in Russia.

Look how many cultural things there are in it centers: theater, puppet theater, opera, ballet, etc.

Su Anasy: Children, it's time for us to say goodbye. I will give you a gift as a gift Tatar national dish chak chak.

Educator: Thank you. Goodbye Su Anasa.

This concludes our journey.

What did you like most about our trip?

Children: very beautiful melodies. Our capital.

Educator: What general name will we give to the objects that we met on the journey?

Children: musical tools.

Educator: With what musical we got to know the instruments?

Children: Kubyz, accordion, kurai, mandolin.

Educator: How many were there in total?

Children: Four.

Educator. Yes, right. Which is an accordion.

Children: Second.

Educator: Which one is the mandolin?

Children: Third.

Educator: Well done children! It’s not in vain that we made this most exciting journey today. And now we'll go to group and drink tea with chak chak.

Lesson outline

Subject: Traditions and culture of the native land

Class: 6

Subject : Tatar folk musical instruments

Goals :

    To acquaint students with Tatar folk musical instruments, the history of their creation, and show their originality.

    Correction and developmentthinking, attention, memory, withauditory and visual perception; enrich students’ speech with the use of new words; promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

    To cultivate respect for the culture of the Tatar people and folk musical instruments.

Equipment for the lesson : multimedia equipment with projector,The lesson is accompanied by a presentation made in Power formatPoint,speakers for listening to audio files, handouts,illustrations depicting Tatar musical instruments.

Lesson type : improving knowledge, skills and abilities

Lesson type : introduction lesson

Methods : visual, comparison, juxtaposition, conversation.

During the classes.

Org. moment . Greeting from the teacher. (Slide 1)

Teacher : The bell rang

The lesson has begun. Hello.

Studying: (repeat)

Updating knowledge .

Teacher : Guys, what republic do we live in?

Studying: Tatarstan

Teacher : We were born and live inTatarstan, therefore our small Motherland is a republicTatarstan. What can you say about our republic?

Studying: answers.

Ophtolmatrening. Slide 2)

Teacher : Guys, please look at the screen and tell me what you see? (musical instruments on the slide) (Slide 3)

Studying: Musical instruments.

Vocabulary work: A musical instrument is an object with the help of which various musical sounds are produced. (Slide 4)

Teacher: Why do you think these instruments are called - Tatar folk.

Studying: They were created by the Tatar people.

Teacher: That's right, well done.You are probably already familiar with some of the tools.

Teacher : The topic of our lesson is “Tatar folk musical instruments” (Slide 5)

Studying basic material .

Teacher: Now I will give you small cards that we will fill out during our lesson. (distributing cards)

Teacher: Guys, listen to that interesting sound?

(kubyz sounds)

Teacher: What do you thinkthe instrument plays for us? (answers)

Teacher: This is KUBYZ. (Slide 6)

Vocabulary work : (Slide 7)

Kubyz (Jew's harp) – a folk self-sounding reed musical instrument. (showing picture )

Kubyz is one of the oldest musicaltools. tool

Teacher: .

Studying : The sound is low.

Teacher: Yes soundquiet instrument.

Teacher: U There are pictures of different musical instruments on your desks. Find the kubyz among them and show me (children show)

Teacher: Listen to the following musical instrument (mondalina sounds)

Teacher: What do you think this one is called?tool? (answers)

Teacher: This is MONDALINA.(Slide 8)

Vocabulary work: (Slide 9)

Mandolin is a small stringed musical instrument. (showing picture instrument on the slide and talk about it )

Mondalinatoolsmallsizes. It has strings on it. To play it, you need to touch the strings with your fingers or a bird's feather.

Teacher: Listen again to how it sounds. Soundinstrument quiet or loud. (showing Mandolin playing)

Studying : The sound is not loud.

Teacher: Yes soundthe instrument is not loud.

Teacher: On your desks there are pictures with different musical instruments. Find the mondalina among them and show me (children show)

Teacher: And now I suggest you take a short break and do a physical minute.

PHYSMINUTE. (Slide 10)

Teacher: Thank you, we continue our work. So what musical instruments did we get acquainted with? (children’s answers).

Teacher: Guys, listen and try to guess what musical instrument this is?

(sounds kurai)

Teacher: This is KURAY. (Slide 11)

Vocabulary work: (Slide 12)

Kurai is a Tatar wind musical instrument. ( showing picture instrument on the slide and talk about it )

Teacher: Listen again to how it sounds. SoundTowhich one?

Studying : The sound is gentle.

Teacher: Yes, soundthe instrument is simply magical.

Teacher: U There are pictures of different musical instruments on your desks. Find the kurai among them and show me (children show)

Teacher: Let's listen to the next musicaltool? What is this? (answers)

Teacher: This is GARMON (according to Tatar talyan garmun).(Slide 13)

Vocabulary work: (Slide 14)

Harmon - Tatar keyboard musical instrument.(showing picture instrument on the slide and talk about it )

Harmon is a Tatar keyboard musical instrument. It consists of two semi-cases - right and left, on which there are keyboards with buttons. Between the half-cases there is a chamber for the possibility of pumping air to the sound bars of the instrument.

Teacher: Listen again to how it sounds. Soundinstrument quiet or loud. (demonstration of playing the accordion)

Studying : The sound is loud, cheerful.

Teacher: Yes, soundinstrument loud, cheerful, sonorous.

Teacher: U There are pictures of different musical instruments on your desks. Find an accordion among them and show me (children show)

Teacher : So we got acquainted with the main Tatar folk musical instruments. Filled out the cards. Who will read? (student answers) (Slide 15)

Teacher : To consolidate the knowledge gained, I suggest playing mindfulness games.

Game "Find the missing picture." (Slide 16)

Game "Find the extra object." (Slide 17)

Teacher : The next game is a game of intelligence.

Game "Who is faster". (Slide 18)

We put together the puzzles and get an illustration of one musical instrument.

Lesson summary.

Teacher : What are the names of the musical instruments created by the Tatar people?

Studying: The musical instruments that the Tatar people created are called « Tatar folk musical instruments".

Teacher : Who can tell us the names of these musical instruments?

Studying: Kubyz, kurai, accordion, mondalina.

Teacher : Well done boys.

Teacher : Homework: prepare a short report about one Tatar folk musical instrument using cards. Each of you comes to the table and chooses a card with the name and description of a musical instrument.

Teacher : You have emoticons on your desks, at the end of the lesson we choose one and attach it to the board: if you liked the lesson, choose a happy emoticon, if not, then a sad one.

(Students choose an emoticon and attach them to the board using magnets)

Since the lesson is an elective class, the teacher does not evaluate student answers.

The lesson has come to an end, thank you all very much.


Harmonic - Tatar keyboard musical instrument. It consists of two semi-cases - right and left, on which there are keyboards with buttons. Between the half-cases there is a chamber for the possibility of pumping air to the sound bars of the instrument.

Kubyz (Jew's harp) – a folk self-sounding reed musical instrument. Kubyz is one of the oldest musical instruments. It is a metal or wooden arc with a tongue in the center. Performer clampstoollips and holds it with his left hand, bringing it closer to his teeth. The tongue is pinched with the finger of the right hand and it comes into a state of vibration and sound arises.

Kurai - Tatar wind musical instrument.

Kurai is a tube made of wood or metal.It has several varieties, differing from each other in design and material of manufacture.

Mandolin - small stringed musical instrument. Mondalina- plucked string musicalsmall size tool. It has strings on it. To play it, you need to touch the strings with your fingers or a bird's feather.Mandolin bodies can be oval, semi-oval, or flat. The shape of the mandolin body gives it a certain timbre.