The most beautiful places in the North Caucasus. Sights of the Caucasus

Another review of the winners of the first stage of the Russia 10 competition. Today you will get acquainted with the sights of the North Caucasus Federal District. Three of the ten sites that qualified for the second round are located in Ingushetia, the smallest republic in the region and the smallest subject of the Russian Federation.

Among the attractions of the North Caucasus there is one special North Ossetian object. This is a complex of Midagrabin waterfalls headed by the Greater Zaigalan, whose height is more than 600 meters. This is the only waterfall included in the list of 80 best attractions in Russia. Even the handsome man could not continue the fight. Unfortunately, the picturesque valley of waterfalls in the second round is still only in 41st place and does not qualify for the 30 finalists. Perhaps the situation will change. In general, the ten North Caucasus is very interesting in terms of unique records. The Big Zaygalansky waterfall is considered the highest in Europe, the Naryn-Kala fortress is located in the oldest city of the country Derbent, Elbrus is the highest mountain peak in Russia and Europe, the “Heart of Chechnya” is the largest mosque in Russia, and, finally, Wikipedia says that the Kislovodsk Resort Park the second largest in Europe. Based on the results of the first stage, it is also worth noting the high voting activity in this region, so we will certainly see North Caucasian attractions in the finals of the competition and among the top ten winners.

Sights of the North Caucasus - PHOTO.

1. Mosque named after Akhmat Kadyrov “Heart of Chechnya”

Located in the center of Grozny, it is the largest mosque in Russia. The height of the minarets reaches 63 meters. The shrine is located on the territory of a huge park - an Islamic center, which also houses the Russian Islamic University. Kunta-Hadji and the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Chechen Republic. The park, illuminated by night lights, enchants with its beauty; the “Heart of Chechnya” is one of the most beautiful mosques in Europe and the world. Opened in 2008, named after the first president of the Chechen Republic, Akhmat-Hadzhi Kadyrov, the architectural prototype was the Blue Mosque in Istanbul.

2. Vovnushki

Vovnushki is a complex of defense watchtowers located on both sides of the picturesque gorge of the Guloy-khi River in the Dzheirakhsky region of modern Ingushetia. They are part of the historical, architectural and natural museum of the reserve. Vovnushki are perhaps the most exotic and striking late medieval buildings in the republic. Three four-story towers with powerful fortress walls and loophole windows fit perfectly into the surrounding landscape, and seem to be a natural continuation of the rocks. Unfortunately, the exact date of construction of the towers is not known, but it is certain that they were previously connected by a suspension bridge.

3. Midagrabin waterfalls

The most important among the Midagrabin waterfalls is Bolshoy Zaigelan; its height, according to various estimates, is approximately 750 meters. The waterfalls are fed by melted glacial water; in winter they freeze completely. Often, stones and pieces of rock fall from a height along with water, therefore, it is not recommended to get too close to the waterfalls. The Russia 10 website claims that Bolshoy Zaigelan is the highest waterfall in Europe and the fifth in the world. I don’t know about Europe, but in the global general list with a height of 750, it would be in 18th place, shifting one step.

4. Elbrus

Elbrus is the highest mountain in Russia, an extinct double-peaked stratovolcano. The western peak has a height of 5642 meters, the eastern one - 5621 meters. Both peaks are covered with a snow-white ice cap. Many peoples and countries have different names for Elbrus, and also interpret them differently. For example, the Adyghe name is Kuskhemakha, which means mountain that brings happiness. The Georgian name Yalbuz is from the Turkic yal - “storm” and buz - “ice”. The first ascent to one of the peaks was made in 1829; Elbrus is still very popular among mountain tourists and climbers today. For lovers of such sports tourism, the southern part of the slope is well prepared.

5. Naryn-Kala Fortress

The ancient pre-Arab citadel is located on a high spur of the Jalgan ridge, built in the 6th century. The complex of fortress walls, the old city and the citadel were added in 2003. On the territory of the fortress there are remains of a cross-domed church of the 5th century, the oldest Juma mosque in Russia, the ruins of an underground prison and a bathhouse system. According to one version, the Shah named the fortress in honor of his wife Naryn, which means “tender.” In another interpretation, the translation means “Solar Fortress.” From the height of the citadel, a beautiful panorama of the city and the shore of the Caspian Sea appears.

The former aul, now the urban village of Kubachi, is located in the Dagestan mountains at an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level. The village, mentioned in chronicles since the 4th century, is known as a traditional center for artistic metalworking, as well as stone and wood carving. Weapons and chain mail were made here back in the Middle Ages. Among the most famous works are a set of bladed weapons kept in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the shield of Alexander Nevsky and the two-horned helmet of Alexander the Great. In addition to unique knives and blades, local craftsmen make beautiful jewelry and engrave silverware.

7. Kislovodsk resort park

The park is a sanatorium area of ​​rare beauty, intended for treatment using dosed physical activity in the form of walking along special routes on flat and mountainous terrain (health path). The area of ​​the park is almost 1000 hectares. The total length of several health routes is about 100 kilometers. Anton Chekhov, Mikhail Lermontov, Leo Tolstoy, Alexander Pushkin, famous painters and Peredvizhniki artists walked along the Kislovodsk health paths. Work on establishing the park began in 1823, and the first route was organized in 1901. Every year, Kislovodsk Resort Park is visited by tens of thousands of people from Russia and neighboring countries.

The Ingush Erzi State Nature Reserve includes protected landscapes - the Shoan Glacier and the Assa River Canyon. And, of course, the unique historical and architectural Tower complex above the Armkhi River. The complex, built in the 17th century, includes the remains of defensive walls, several residential and military towers, the height of which reaches 30 meters. The width of the walls in the lower part reaches 6 meters; towers were built from river stone, without a foundation, directly on the rocks. The reserve was established on December 21, 2000; it is one of the youngest reserves in Russia.

This is an abandoned village in the Assinsky gorge, located on the southern slope of Mount Tsey-Loam. The former settlement is interesting for its preserved ancient dwellings. Numerous buildings were erected here over the course of six centuries, starting in the 12th century. Most of the village's towers have been dismantled, but there is one completely preserved. On its wall you can see the mysterious figure of a man with his arms and legs spread out to the sides. The rest of the dwellings of Egikal are very diverse - of different number of floors and shapes, with balconies and solar signs painted on the walls. There are also many ancient crypts and Muslim sanctuaries in the village.

Like the distant and mysterious Himalayas, the Caucasus mountains have long attracted the attention of numerous travelers, researchers and poets. They attracted people to them, enchanted them with their beauty and defiance, and concealed a great many mysteries and dangers. Yes, that's the Caucasus. The peaks of its peaks rest in icy silence, at a height inaccessible to the highest points of the famous Alps.

The Caucasus Mountains are a paradise for rock climbers!

Hotly loved by climbers for their pristine, rugged beauty, the Caucasus Mountains have long served as a place of pilgrimage for the most skilled climbers from both Russia and Europe. Many hundreds of brave daredevils were ready to risk their lives for the right to climb the treasured Caucasian peak and look around. But what is all this for? What makes people move up? The answer will most likely be: beauty. Yes, even if this familiar word sounds banal, it is still “beauty”. It was the beauty of these proud blue ridges that Lermontov reveled in his time, and Vysotsky conveyed the euphoria of being among them in his songs.

The Caucasus Mountains are the best place for active tourism!

Today, the Caucasus Mountains are one of the favorite tourist regions. Fans of active recreation storm their picturesque slopes, trying to understand and experience for themselves what it means to be in the mountains. The best way to achieve this goal is “trekking”, a hike along a certain ecological route. Taking long walks and filling their lungs with the purest mountain air, the “guests” of the Caucasus are gradually approaching their goal: to feel and get to know it.

Nature has generously rewarded this corner with wonderful views, allowing you to admire the surrounding landscape at any time of the year. Speaking about the sights of the Caucasus Mountains, many will immediately name: “Elbrus”. Of course, the highest and most famous point in Europe cannot but attract the attention of tourists and professional climbers. Elbrus rises to 5,642 meters, and from its top a truly magnificent view opens.

In addition to Elbrus, those who want to conquer new peaks are happy to climb the fabulous, lonely Kazbek (5,034 m), the magnificent slopes of which are remembered by a bunch of ancient tales and legends; inaccessible Ushba (4,690 m) will be opened only by the most experienced and prepared of climbers; the favorite mountains Fisht (2867) and Belalakaya (3861) are not so high, but the bizarre peaks also attract the human gaze and are etched in the memory forever.

However, Elbrus, Kazbek or Ushba are not only snowy peaks. In addition to climbing ridges of varying difficulty, tourists are treated to magnificent panoramas of the slopes of the Caucasus Mountains. Visitors are offered clear waterfalls and fast cold rivers, many small mountain lakes, beautiful gorges and a carpet of green grass await everyone. Luxurious alpine meadows delight the eye and amaze “guests” with the diversity of their vegetation: more than six thousand different plants grow in the Caucasus!

The unique “Valley of Roses”

Not far from Kislovodsk there is a wonderful “Valley of Roses”, reminiscent of a real sea of ​​flowers, into which delighted tourists plunge. There is also a park where visitors have the opportunity to stroll among beautifully trimmed trees and massive stone sculptures along neat alleys.

Winter in the Caucasus is no less beautiful than summer. The snow-covered slopes of the Caucasus Mountains not only evoke exclamations of admiration for their snow-white beauty, but also provide considerable opportunities for active winter recreation. Crowds of people wanting to ski or snowboard storm the slopes of Elbrus and other peaks, driven by a thirst for movement, speed and adrenaline. When making ski trips, tourists can choose for themselves: whether to stay on the route and spend the night in the lap of nature near the fire, or go to one of the many cozy hotels, where visitors are greeted with unfailing cordiality and surrounded by care.

Perhaps not everyone knows, but the Caucasus is famous for its mineral springs. Even in the time of Lermontov, people suffering from various ailments went to the Caucasus to improve their health. The city of Kislovodsk is just a place that is ideal for restoring the body. The city itself is located on an 800-meter elevation, which provides its residents with a constant supply of clean, oxygen-rich air. By absorbing large portions of oxygen, the body is cleansed and renewed. But air is not the only positive aspect of “Caucasian therapy”. Kislovodsk has long been famous for its mineral waters. Many thousands of people come to the sanatoriums of Kislovodsk precisely for the sake of “Narzan”.

Wildlife lovers and photographers may have a lucky chance to see representatives of the fauna of the Caucasus: rare Caucasian aurochs, mighty bison, wild boars, chamois, bears, roe deer and other amazing animals.

An unprecedented alternation of landscapes, mountain rivers, springs and unique vegetation easily conquer the hearts of travelers. Each Caucasian city is so individual and beautiful that you want to visit everywhere and come back here again.

Baku, Azerbaijan

An amazing, ancient city, whose culture harmoniously combines Eastern hospitality and European principles. In the center of the capital of Azerbaijan, skyscrapers rapidly reach into the sky, showing everyone the modern face of Baku. The old city is replete with narrow streets, madrassas, mosques and ancient buildings that survived the Mongol yoke with the Ottoman Empire.

The warm maritime climate of the Caspian Sea here is perfectly combined with a relaxed mood of relaxation and the eastern rule of not rushing anywhere. The pride of Baku is the Maiden Tower, and the dazzling luxury of Primorsky Boulevard. The Fortress in the Old Town also deserves attention, which glorifies the wisdom of the people who have lived here for centuries. The ancient part of the city is carefully maintained in its original condition - merchants of carpets and oriental goods hospitably invite you to visit them, and the old paving stones echo underfoot, leading to the Shirvanshahs' palace through the main gate of Baku Gosha-Gala-Gapy.

The modern beautiful city of Baku stretches up along Neftchinikov Avenue. Taking the funicular to Nagorny Park, you can see all the secluded corners and Baku Bay.

Batumi – Adjara

The gentle Black Sea washed ashore a precious pearl, the most beautiful city of Adjara - Batumi. The amazing subtropical climate is ideal for the growth of delicate magnolias, cheerful palms, noble laurels, strict cypresses and other exotics. I can’t even believe that among all this beauty the largest port in Georgia is lost, the work of which can be observed from the city embankment.

Local dolphins often flash in the coastal waters, delighting vacationers. Next to the beaches are city neighborhoods whose houses are painted in bright colors, making the panorama look like an impressionist painting. With great pleasure you can stroll around Europe, which is crowned with an elegant sculpture of Medea and the shimmering spray of singing fountains.

Derbent – ​​Dagestan

At the junction of the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian Sea, ancient Derbent nestled comfortably, considered the most ancient city in Russia. He is almost 5000 years old! At different times, the city was ruled by Sarmatians and Huns, Romans and Scythians, Khazars and Turks. Here in the old days the Great Silk Road wound its way. Just look at the Naryn-Kala fortress, the real Khan's baths, the Juma Mosque, a 70 km long mountain defensive wall and medieval cemeteries!

The North Caucasus is an amazing combination of landscapes, ancient monuments, mineral springs and plants. Those who dreamed of seeing miracles go to the Caucasus to enjoy beautiful views and natural beauty.

To explore the entire Caucasus in one trip is an unrealistic task. To make it easier for you to plan your route, we have prepared descriptions and photographs of all the most beautiful and interesting places in the region:


Attractions marked on the city map:

A natural monument, which is located at the foot of Mashuk and has long attracted numerous researchers and tourists. Previously, one could only admire the beauty of the underground lake through holes in the rock. In our time, a tunnel was built through which you can go down to a healing underground spring.

The lake water contains healing bacteria for the body, released from hydrogen sulfide springs under the lake. Local residents believe that by swimming several times in the waters of the spring, you can get rid of diseases forever.

Get there You can get here by bus traveling along the first route. The departure station is Pyatigorsk railway station. You need to go to the “Proval” stop.

Elsa's dacha

Built at the beginning of the 20th century in pseudo-Romanesque style. The building belonged to the Gukasov family, whose trade was hotel business. Thanks to the construction of this dacha, the first comfortable rooms appeared in Pyatigorsk. After the revolution, the Elsa dacha was nationalized, and one of the sanatorium buildings was located in it.

Get there You can get to the place from the Pyatigorsk railway station by trams No. 1,3,5.
Building address: st. Lermontova 15 (near the Flower Garden).

This place is located near Kislovodsk. In the valley of the Podkumok River on the mountainside there are more than one hundred and fifty burials, in which archaeologists have found a large number of household items and ancient weapons. It was believed that the catacombs could have belonged to the Romans, who explored these places. Locals call the mountain the Fortress of the Eastern Romans.

Get there You can get to the place by car, moving west from Kislovodsk for 18 kilometers.

City of dead

A historical monument located in North Ossetia near the village of Dargavs. This monument is a burial complex of more than one hundred above-ground crypts. Archaeologists dated the buildings to the 14th - 18th centuries. The crypts were intended for collective burials according to old Ossetian customs. The dead were buried in full clothing and surrounded by household items.

The city of the dead is located in a beautiful place - in the valley of the Midagrabindon River. The entire valley is surrounded by the Rabinrag Mountains, which offer amazing views from all parts of the village.

To get there to the place of collective burial, you need to take a bus that goes from the central station of Vladikavkaz and go to the suburban area of ​​Alanya. The rest of the route is done on foot.

One of the most picturesque battle sites, among which is the famous Khilak Wall. Fans of ancient myths can visit Nykhas - the place where the Nart heroes gathered.

Get there You can get to the gorge only by personal vehicle.

This place is located at the source of the Sofia River. This area is very popular among climbers and mountain tourism lovers; it is called Arkhyz. Favorable climatic conditions and proximity to the Black Sea endow the area with a wide variety of flora and fauna, which makes the area extremely beautiful.

Get there It is possible to get to the place by small-sized personal transport, moving from the center of the republic - the city of Cherkessk.

It is the highest waterfall in Europe, which was also discovered quite recently. The length of this beauty is seven hundred meters. The waterfall originates in a glacier located at an altitude of more than four kilometers. The valley in which Zeigelan was discovered is an unusually beautiful place. It is dotted with small rivers and waterfalls, which take their sources from the same glacier.

Get there This wonderful place can only be reached by off-road vehicles, along the road that starts from the village of Dzhimara (Republic of North Ossetia). You need to move 7 kilometers south.

This is a unique complex of towers built in the Middle Ages. The complex is located on the site of a former rich village of the same name, which is why the towers have been preserved. Now there are nine defensive towers left and more than twenty others intended for the residence of local residents. The height of the defensive towers reaches thirty meters, and the thickness of the walls is six meters.

To see these beautiful buildings, you should get to the village of Olgeti, which is located in the Dzheirakhsky district of the Republic of Ingushetia. This can be done by bus or personal transport.

It was located on the site of an ancient solar estuary, but in the nineteenth century local residents built a canal from the Kuban River and desalinated the reservoir. Over time, the estuary became shallow and filled with a variety of different species of fish and plants. The lotus was brought to these places by biologists, thanks to whom the flower has now spread so well throughout most of the estuary.

Regular excursions are held in the Lotus Valley, which is located on the Taman Peninsula of the Krasnodar Territory. If you are going to this beautiful place, then the best time will be during the lotus blossom period. This period occurs in the second half of July and lasts until the end of August.

One of the most mysterious places on the Black Sea coast. Thanks to numerous springs that have healing properties for the body, active mud volcanoes were formed. In total, there are about thirty places in this region where you can take therapeutic mud baths.

The most famous and beautiful volcano is Karabetova Sopka with a crater size of 1380x860 meters. In all places where therapeutic mud bathing is permitted, special pontoons have been built, thanks to which mud baths can be carried out completely safely.

The easiest way to get here is with a tour. But if you still decide get there on your own by private car, then you should stick to the road running between the villages of Termyuk and Peresyp, since all the mud volcanoes are located on this route.

Another beautiful place in the Caucasus is the Elbrus National Park. Its inspection can be combined with a trip to.

Notable cities of the North Caucasus

The Gates of the Caucasus is how the city of Stavropol has long been called. Here begins an exciting journey through the North Caucasus. The most significant places of the city: the monument of the Ciscaucasia - the Tatar settlement, the Central Park. These places have miraculously survived and continue to delight tourists after many decades.

Get to Stavropol:
By plane: daily direct flights from Moscow to Stavropol (STW) from several airlines (Aeroflot, S7, Transaero, UTair, Russia, etc.). Travel time: 2 hours.

By train: from Moscow (Paveletsky station) or from intermediate stations of the route (Michurinsk, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don). Travel time from Moscow: 1 day 11 hours.

A beautiful city located on the elevated bank of the Don. Attracts tourists due to its contrasting architectural style, which includes both Russian and Western European architectural traditions.

Getting to Rostov-on-Don:
By plane: daily direct flights from Moscow to Rostov-on-Don (ROV) from several airlines (Aeroflot, Transaero, UTair, Donavia, Ural Airlines, S7, Gazprom Avia). Travel time: 2 hours.
From other cities you will have to change trains in Moscow.
By train: from Moscow (Kursky Station), St. Petersburg, Yeisk, Novorossiysk, Murmansk, Anapa, Vladikavkaz, Lipetsk, Tula, Makhachkala, Adler, Kislovodsk, Nalchik, Stavropol or from intermediate stations of the routes. Travel time from Moscow: 1 day.

One of the oldest resort places in Russia. Guests enjoy healing mineral springs, beautiful mountain panoramas and historical monuments that still keep many secrets of the past.

Getting to Pyatigorsk:
By plane: to Mineralnye Vody airport from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Ulyanovsk, Belgorod, Simferopol, Norilsk. Then take a bus from the bus station or a commuter train.
By train: from Moscow (Kazansky railway station), St. Petersburg, Caucasus cities, etc. Travel time from Moscow: 1 day.

The famous resort, one of the most modern cities in Russia. Tourists are attracted by a large number of botanical parks, resort areas and recreation areas with clean beaches. Sochi is the embodiment of modern technologies, beautiful natural views and majestic historical monuments.

The Caucasus is one of the best places to relax in our country. Here you can simultaneously breathe in the mountain and sea air, get incredible emotions from contemplating the majestic peaks and enjoy the sun and sea on the beach.

Those who like sightseeing won't be bored either.

For those who like mountain holidays, the Elbrus region will be the best place. Elbrus having two vertices is highest point in Russia. Its height is more 5500 meters. But not only climbers love this place. Here you can go skiing, snowboarding, horseback riding tours, walks through the winter forest, and excursions are organized.

Main peaks of the Caucasus Mountains:

  • Elbrus is a double-headed peak, height more than 5642 meters.
  • Dykhtau, height 5204 meters.
  • Pushkin Peak, height 5100 meters.
  • Kazbek 5034 meters.

Fans of winter holidays in the Caucasus Mountains are also in great demand. Dombay, Arkhyz, Krasnaya Polyana. According to reviews from skiers, Caucasian slopes are not inferior to European ones in terms of safety and service. Children and beginner skiers will feel great here, because... they are separated from the flow of trained skiers. On the slopes of the mountains there are cafes, places to relax, and in some places you can even sunbathe on special sun loungers. A few tens of meters from the ski lift you can stay at a hotel for your holiday.

In the summer, the North Caucasus attracts with the opportunity to relax on its amazing beaches. Beaches on the Black Sea coast invite you to the following cities:

  • Anapa
  • Gelendzhik
  • Adler
  • Tuapse

Don't forget about Dzhugba, Gagra, Pitsunda. The resort towns of Dagestan are located on the shores of the Caspian Sea. The variety of beaches is amazing. Here you will find equipped beaches for those who love comfort and service, and wild corners of the sea coast, untouched by the influx of tourists, where you can enjoy the magnificent view of the azure sea, rocky cliffs, and simply relax in solitude. A lot of entertainment for lovers of outdoor activities is offered in these parts. Various water attractions, water parks, zoos, dolphinariums, an aquarium, boat trips and jet ski rides will not leave either children or adults indifferent.

Extreme holiday

You should not ignore this type of recreation as extreme. For example, the extreme attraction of the Adler region is Skypark. Here you can walk across a suspension bridge stretched across a deep gorge between the mountains, swing on a giant swing that is located at a height, jump from a bridge on a rope, and climb a climbing wall. In the North Caucasus, lovers of extreme sports will find entertainment for every taste.

Worth special mention organizing excursion tours around the North Caucasus. For example, a trip to the Chegem Gorge, which is located in Kabardino-Balkaria, will delight you with an unforgettable experience.

Here you can see famous Chegem waterfalls, which are good not only in summer, but also in winter. Frozen ice streams resemble giant candles.

The famous Blue Lakes are also mesmerizing with their beauty, the deepest of which is the Lower Lake.

Its approximate depth is 368 meters. There is a diving center on this lake.

The famous waterfall "Maiden's Braids" located slightly away from the road to the Terskol Peak observatory. This waterfall got its name because of its unusual shape, which resembles a girl’s loose hair. This attraction is often visited by tourists and climbers who train before climbing the main Caucasian peak - Elbrus. You can fish and catch Eisenam trout on Lake Kazenoy-Am, which is located in a mountainous area on the border of Dagestan and the Chechen Republic. This is a lake unique in its beauty, covered in many myths and legends.


In the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, the most famous landmark is Mount Kazbek. Kazbek attracts climbers from all over the world. But you don’t have to be a climber to enjoy the mountain scenery; all this is accessible to ordinary, unprepared people. In addition, in this part of the republic, excursion routes pass through the Uastirdzhi monument, the Davgas necropolis, the Mykalgabyrt sanctuary, the Dzivgis cave fortress, and the Midagrabin waterfalls.

The Republic of Dagestan also offers a rich excursion program. You can’t help but visit the Sary-Kum sand dune, the Sulak canyon, which ranks second in depth in the world, and the village of Gunib, famous for the fact that the famous Imam Shamil was captured here during the Caucasian War.


I would also like to say about Derbent - the most ancient city in Russia. This is one of the main attractions of the North Caucasus.

This city is more than 2000 years old. Lovers of antiquity will enjoy an excursion to the Naryn-Kala fortress - the main attraction of Derbent. It was built in the 6th century AD.

Very often people come to Derbent with an important mission - to rock an ancient stone cradle. Women who want to have a child come here from neighboring republics and cities. It is located in the Kirkhlyar cemetery among the sarcophagi. The special spirit of Derbent is conveyed by its mahals. The ancient quarters are very colorful. Here you can easily become a witness or participant in some Caucasian custom; according to reviews from tourists, this leaves the most favorable impressions.

You can travel through the entire Republic of Ingushetia in just a few days, but the positive emotions and energy received here will be enough for several months to come. There are medieval fortresses and towers here: Vovnushki, Tsori, Furtoug, Erzi, Targim, Egikal, Khamkhi. If you find yourself in Ingushetia at the beginning of July, you can visit a mulberry grove, which bears fruit at this time.

In the Chechen Republic, the most beautiful place is the Argun Gorge. In ancient times, caravans from Chechnya to Georgia passed through this gorge. At the intersections of the main roads there are watchtowers, which were built by the inhabitants of the gorge in order to protect against the attacks of nomads. Now the territory of the gorge is a nature reserve, in which, in addition to historical towers of the 10th-18th centuries, unique flora and fauna are concentrated, there are cave grottoes, ground burial grounds, castle complexes and family crypts, ancient sites and tombs. Excursions around the Argun Gorge take place in the crypt dwellings of the 10th-15th centuries: Khoysky, Khimoysky, Pakochsky, Maistinsky and Tsekaloysky. Excursions to the mountains of Chechnya are an exciting and unforgettable journey.

On the right bank of the Argun River there is the Guchan-Kale tower, 17 meters high. One of Tamerlane’s commanders called it “winged” for its inaccessibility and remoteness.

In addition to natural and historical attractions, the capital of the Chechen Republic, the city of Grozny, deserves special attention. The complex of high-rise buildings “Grozny City” and the “Heart of Chechnya” mosque named after Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov are located here, which became one of the leaders in the Internet voting “Russia-10”, in which Russians chose the 10 best attractions of our Motherland.

We should not forget that the North Caucasus is one of the best places for therapeutic and restorative holidays, because it was not for nothing that in the recent past these places were called the “all-Union health resort”. Those who have undergone a course of treatment in the clinics of the Caucasian Mineral Waters leave only positive reviews, because people’s health significantly improves after a complex of all procedures.


The Essentuki resort is famous for its drinking springs. The famous mineral water of the same name is known throughout the world due to its healing properties. There are several balneological clinics here, where they specialize in the treatment of gastrointestinal and metabolic disorders.

Pyatigorsk and Zheleznovodsk

Hot springs and springs attract vacationers to the sanatoriums of Zheleznovodsk, most of which specialize in the treatment of the urinary and digestive systems. Pyatigorsk hospitals are considered multidisciplinary resorts; almost all diseases are treated here. It’s not for nothing that the great Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov described this place with delight. In this city, his memory was immortalized by building a memorial on the site of his duel with Nikolai Martynov on the northwestern slope of Mount Mashuk.


Another city in the ecological resort region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is Kislovodsk. Local hospitals specialize in treating the endocrine, respiratory, genitourinary, cardiovascular, nervous and musculoskeletal systems of the body. In general, for those who want to relax with benefits for their health, Caucasian Mineral Waters is the best place.

Caucasian kitchen

In the North Caucasus, tourists will never have to worry about where to eat well. Caucasian cuisine is presented here in all its diversity. Many restaurants and small cafes, often family businesses, offer delicious dishes at any time of the day. Having visited the North Caucasus once and seen the grandeur of its mountain peaks, you want to come back here again and again.

We were in Sochi in winter. We rode on Krasnaya Polyana. I liked everything, the slopes were prepared, the service was excellent, the prices were the same as in Europe.