Simple drawings for a competition about Africa. Notes on drawing "African Landscapes" in the preparatory group for school

Oksana Stol

"King of beasts"(using stencil technique)

The lion is powerful, beautiful and smooth,

He loves order in everything.

Only the hairstyle let me down -

For a Leo, one comb is not enough.

T. Lavrova

Target: teach children to draw a lion, conveying the characteristic features of its appearance; continue to teach children to carefully trace the prepared templates; improve the technique of drawing with gouache paints and oil crayons.

Materials: tinted sheets A4, gouache paints, brush No. 4, template, oil crayons


1. Children trace the templates onto a pre-tinted sheet of paper.

2. Draw along the contour with oil crayons and draw all parts of the lion’s face (eyes, nose, fangs, ears)

3. Paint the upper and lower parts of the muzzle with beige gouache, paint over the fangs and pupils.

4. The lion's mane is two-tone: choose different shades and colors.

5. Draw the mustache and eyebrows of the lion.

"Turtle", "Elephant"(using pointialism technique)

Target: introduce children to an unconventional technique - “pointillism” (drawing with dots); develop color perception, improve fine motor skills of fingers and hands; develop the ability to independently choose the color scheme of paints that corresponds to a joyful mood.

Materials: tinted A4 sheets, gouache paints, turtle and elephant templates, cotton swabs, wet wipes


At the first lesson, children tint the sheets with watercolors or gouache, then trace the elephant according to the template and carefully paint it with gouache.

In the second lesson, decorate the animal with a pattern using cotton swabs


"Monkey on a Liana"(using stencil printing technique)

Target: develop a sense of composition, practice combining various techniques, and expand knowledge about the world around you. learn how to tint sheets using a shaped roller, improve the ability to work with gouache paints, consolidate the ability to print using a foam rubber stencil, develop fantasy and imagination.

Materials: sheets of white A4 paper, gouache paints, brushes of different sizes, figured roller, foam rubber stamps, sponges, monkey stencils

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations of animals from hot countries, reading an encyclopedia, learning proverbs, finger games.


Children paint over sheets of paper with watercolors or green gouache and use a figured roller to depict vines

Using a stencil and a foam sponge, we draw a monkey

We use leaf-shaped sponge signets to represent foliage.

Draw veins on the leaves and finish drawing the monkey’s face

Publications on the topic:

“We draw in an unconventional technique.” Lesson summary for the junior group “Sun, shine” MADOU d/s No. 3, st. Novoderevyankovskaya. Educator: Doroshkova Angela Nikolaevna. "Drawing in an unconventional technique" Lesson notes in the junior school.

"Autumn leaves". Drawing in an unconventional technique"Drawing in an unconventional technique" Topic: "Autumn leaves" Program content. Teach children to work using the spray technique. Cultivate neatness.

Program content: To introduce children to the phenomena of autumn nature - leaves turn yellow, change color and fall. Strengthen your knowledge of yellow.

November has arrived. A month of sudden, surprising changes. He decorated the gardens and parks royally and generously. Very soon we will forget about the colorful autumn colors.

Open lesson using non-traditional spray painting techniques in the preparatory group “Drawing a winter landscape” Compiled by: Kartashova Irina Albertovna Educator, first category Goals: to introduce children to a new unconventional drawing technique -.

As promised, I’m posting a lesson on drawing a landscape.
In this landscape I used:
1. Paper for oil painting. A3 format
2. Oil paints - white, natural sienna, burnt sienna, strontium yellow, cadmium yellow, light mars brown.
3. Palette knife No. 1012, No. 1017
4. Brush No. 4, No. 10 bristles.
5. Flaxseed oil for dilution.

So. We are painting this landscape. I removed the animals, leaving only the sky, the sun and the tree.

First, let's decide on the palette of this photo.
I chose these colors.

The first thing we need to do is outline the contours of our beautiful tree. You can use a grid to precisely position the tree on the canvas. I didn’t use a mesh and relied on my eyes.)) Next, we prime the surface of the canvas with diluted burnt sienna.

I didn't wait for the paint to dry and soaked up the excess oil with toilet paper.
Unlike the photo, I placed the sun in the center of the sheet. I used a regular glass of suitable diameter.

To prevent the light sun paint from blending into the background, I carefully wiped off the sun paint with toilet paper.

Preparing color for the sun.
I used natural sienna (just a little), cadmium yellow, and white. Mixed with a palette knife.

After that, I very carefully applied the paint with a palette knife to the sun. You can apply the paint with a brush, so the contours of the sun will be clearer. We leave the tree unpainted, otherwise we will have to wait at least 3 days for the paint to dry. And only after that draw the tree.

Looking at the photo, I mix the color for the lower part of the sky: mars brown light + cadmium yellow + white. This part of the sky is the darkest.
Next, apply in a stripe, guided by the photo. I also don’t paint over the wood.

The next strip is for the sky. I mix the remaining paint with cadmium yellow and white. The third strip already comes with the addition of strontium yellow. Try to feel the gradation of color from the sun.

Let's start with the "crown" of the sun.
To do this, I used the previous paint and mixed it with white and strontium yellow. Look at the photo as a guide when mixing colors. You will notice that the lightest piece of sky is located directly in the crown of the tree above the sun. Under the sun there is a darker sky. I applied the paint with a palette knife, you can use a brush, as you find more convenient. I did it like this.

Around the sun the sky is the brightest, but closer to the edges of the canvas the sky darkens.

I leave room for tree branches. And I proceed to the silhouette of the earth and the tree trunk. The paint is pure mars brown. I really like the texture of the palette knife strokes, so I use it to apply the paint.

We continue to paint over the silhouette of the tree and branches. Look at the photo, the crown of the tree almost completely covers the sky, only small gaps remain. I tried to add the outlines of the grass, but this should be done at the conclusion of the picture. We don’t touch the grass yet.)))

I really like to work with “wet” oil, and without fear, I paint “clearances” of the sky with light paint over the dark paint. This must be done with a palette knife, otherwise the paint will mix.

Looking at the big picture, I decided to add more crown to the tree. Also on top of the “wet” oil. Add tree branches using a brush. We are not afraid to write on top of “wet” oil, but we must do it carefully. I add a dark cloud to the right.

Now we write weed. Using a brush with a thin tip, apply brown mars in stripes. We try to make strips of different heights. Top down.

My painting is ready.

Svetlana Zavgorodnyaya

Abstract of GCD "African Landscapes".

Drawing in a preparatory school group.

Software tasks: Continue teaching children to create a background for the picture being depicted. Strengthen the ability to distinguish shades of colors and convey them in a drawing. Develop color perception in order to enrich the color scheme of the picture. Foster independence.

Material: Gouache, watercolors, animal stencils, wet wipes.

Guys, guess the riddle.

- The warmest continent

Picturesque and great

Here he lives among the savannahs

Lots of lions and monkeys.

Who will show Africa on the globe?

Remember what animals live in Africa? (Children name the animals and put illustrations of them on the board).

Remember what fairy tales we read about Africa? (“How the jerboa outwitted the lion”, “The hyena and the turtle”, “How the fox deceived the hyena”).

What is the name of the area where these animals live? (Savannah).

Guys, I invite you to look at photographs depicting the African savannah.

What do all these photographs have in common? (All depict a sunset, a lot of red, figures of animals and plants in black).

Today I suggest you draw drawings depicting a sunset and silhouettes of animals against the background of a sunset. For those who find it difficult to draw animals, I suggest using a stencil.

We will start the drawing from the background. We draw the sun in the middle of the sheet with yellow color, then apply orange, red, black strokes with arcuate movements and quickly rub it with a damp cloth, so you get sun glare, and then draw silhouettes of animals and plants.

At the end we hold an exhibition of children's works:

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