"The Image of Spring in Art and Literature." Extended day group lesson

Purpose of the lesson: Spiritual, moral and artistic

education of the student.

Objectives of the lesson: 1. Expanding horizons, developing the student’s general culture

2. Familiarization with the universal human values ​​of the world


3. Fostering love for native culture.



"The Image of Spring in Art and Literature."

Purpose of the lesson: Spiritual, moral and artistic

Education of a student.

Objectives of the lesson: 1. Expanding horizons, developing the student’s general culture

2. Familiarization with the universal human values ​​of the world


3. Fostering love for native culture.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment. Greetings

2. The image of Spring in art and literature.

The teacher includes an excerpt from Vivaldi’s work “The Seasons. Spring". The children listen carefully.

Teacher: Guys, we started our lesson with music. And this is no coincidence! Tell me, what feelings did you experience while listening to this music?

Students : She is joyful, alive. We felt very good.

Teacher : Indeed, the music is life-affirming and energetic. It was written by the Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi. And I’ll tell you a secret: it’s dedicated to one of the seasons. Which one?

Students: Flying?

Teacher : Now I will read you the beginning of F.I. Tyutchev’s poem and you will definitely guess.

The snow is still white in the fields, and the waters...

Pupils: This is spring.

Teacher : Well, of course, guys. This is in spring . The topic of our lesson is “The Image of Spring in Art and Literature". Since ancient times, people have compared spring with something bright and new; it was a symbol of the rebirth of life. It was no coincidence that I started the lesson with a piece of music. Many composers dedicated their works to the seasons. Our great Russian composer created a cycle of 12 pieces for piano “The Seasons”. Anyone guess what his name is?

Student: This is Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

Teacher: Surely. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky loved Russia and its amazing nature very much, and he also loved and appreciated Russian poetry. In his collection “The Seasons”, he preceded each play dedicated to a specific month with an epigraph, i.e. an excerpt from a poem by some Russian poet. For example, before the play “March. Song of the Lark" contains an epigraph from a poem by Apollon Nikolaevich Maykov:

“The field is rippling with flowers...

Light waves are pouring in the sky...

Spring larks singing

The blue abysses are full.

Before the play “April. Snowdrop" Tchaikovsky also staged Maykov's poem:

"Blue, clean

Snowdrop flower!

And next to it is a drafty one,

The last snowball..."

But the play “May. White Eyes" is preceded by an excerpt from a poem by Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet:

“What a night! Everything is so blissful!

Thank you, dear midnight land!

From the kingdom of ice, from the kingdom of blizzards and snow

How fresh and clean your May flies out!”

And now, guys, we will listen to these three plays by P.I. Tchaikovsky, dedicated to Spring.(The teacher turns on the tape recorder.)

Teacher: I ask you to read me poems by Russian poets about Spring. Surely you know them. (Students read poems by A.S. Pushkin, A.A. Fet, I.S. Nikitin)

A.S. Pushkin:

"Driven by the spring rays

There is already snow from the surrounding mountains

Escaped through muddy streams

Nature's gentle smile

Through a dream he greets the morning of the year.”


“More spring fragrant bliss

The ravines are still full of snow,

Even before dawn the cart rattles

On the frozen path."

But the news of rebirth is alive

Already there are in the passing cranes,

And, following them with my eyes.

The beauty of the steppe is standing

With a bluish blush on her cheeks.

I.S. Nikitin:

“Admire it. Spring is coming.

Cranes fly in a caravan.

The day is drowning in bright gold,

And the streams rustle through the ravines...

Soon you will have guests,

Look how many nests they will build!

What sounds, what songs will flow

Day after day, from dawn to dusk!

Teacher: Well done boys. Continuing the “feathered” theme of spring, I will read you the amazing poems of Nikolai Zabolotsky:

“Give me a corner, starling,

Place me in an old birdhouse.

I pledge my soul to you

For your blue snowdrops.

And spring whistles and mutters.

Poplars are flooded knee-deep.

The maples are waking up from their sleep,

So that the leaves flutter like butterflies.”

Not only poets, composers, but also artists depicted spring on their canvases. Which painting and which Russian artist about spring is associated with rooks?

Pupil: This is a painting by Alexey Kondratyevich Savrasov “The Rooks have Arrived”

Teacher: Well done. I want to show you this picture.(Shows the reproduction to the children)

Here's another picture. This is the painting “April” by Savrasov’s student Isaac Ilyich Levitan. What do these paintings have in common in your opinion?

Student : It's the beginning of spring. There is still snow. And spring can only just be felt. It is invisibly present in nature. It's just a mood.

Teacher . You are right and you perfectly conveyed the character of these paintings. But in world painting there are paintings where artists convey the image of spring in human form. As a rule, spring is a beautiful young women with flowers. This tradition comes from the image of the Greek goddess of fertility Demeter. And in the play “The Snow Maiden” by A.N. Ostrovsky Vesna is a young woman, the mother of the Snow Maiden.

Now I will show you three paintings by different artists who depicted spring in human form. This is a painting by A.G. Venetsianov “On arable land. Spring”, Sandro “Botticelli “Spring”, Giuseppe Arcimboldo “Spring”. What can you say about these paintings? (The teacher shows reproductions)

Pupil : Arcimboldo's painting is very strange. Some creature is decorated with flowers!

Teacher: Arcimboldo is an amazing artist. He worked in the 16th century. He was a great dreamer and a one-of-a-kind portrait painter. He “composed” people’s faces from vegetables, fruits, and flowers. This is the portrait of spring. Flowers are the main thing in the composition. Their diversity is breathtaking. What can we say about other paintings?

Student: Venetsianov has Spring in a Russian costume, and Botticelli has a dress made of flowers.

Teacher. You are right. Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov depicted Spring in the image of a beautiful Russian woman in a kokoshnik and sundress, and Botticelli depicted a young woman of the Renaissance. No matter how different these pictures are, they have a lot in common. AND,
First of all, it is admiration for the beauty of nature and the beauty of man. And now guys, I will give you sheets of paper. And you yourself will try to depict spring on paper. (
The teacher gives the children sheets of paper and they draw.)

Scenario Musical and poetic living room "Hear the music of spring" Good afternoon. We are with you at the photo exhibition of Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya - photographer, translator, journalist. Rozhdestvenskaya came up with her first photo project – “Private Collection” – thirteen years ago. Since then, she has had many projects, more than a hundred exhibitions in Russia and other countries. Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya is the daughter of the famous Russian poet Robert Rozhdestvensky. If you tell someone today that poets - Rozhdestvensky, Voznesensky, Yevtushenko - in the second half of the twentieth century were no less, and even more popular than pop singers, they may not believe us. But that’s exactly what happened. This generation performed in stadiums! In 2014, Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky would have turned 82 years old. R. Rozhdestvensky I love life godlessly! At least I know in advance That sooner or later My turn will come... I want them not to believe it having learned, my friends. I want for a moment The nightingales are hoarse! To get angry, Spring was coming around the world...

You can already feel spring in everything: in the cool breeze, in the bright rays of the sun, in the chirping of birds, even in the smiles and mood of the people around you. Spring is the awakening of new feelings, inspiration, poetry, lyrics... Our concert, which we called “Hear the Music of Spring,” will be imbued with this atmosphere. Let music and poetry warm your hearts with the warmth of spring and give you moments of familiarization with beauty.

After February comes March...

And although the snow does not decrease,

Spring is getting ready to start -

So at noon the sun warms up!

The air became richer,

The days of March breathe newness.

As if from scratch

Life begins in spring.

1. V. Korovitsyn “Good mood” Trees in the foggy dusk They sleep peacefully, watching their dreams. Late snowflakes are flying, Spinning in the last winter dance...

2. A. Previn “In the spirit of the blues”

Spring sends greetings with a smile Awakened nature. Everything after winter storms and troubles I sighed in freedom. 3. E. Gradeski “Jazz piece”

She is still so weightless... She is barely audible in the noise of the big city... But soon, very soon many will be able to hear her... In the touch of a light breeze, in the rustle of leaves, in the song of birds... And then we will hear the music of Spring and we will see her dance in the sun's rays... Reflected in the windows of houses...

Forty birds from across the sea will bring spring on their wings,

They will report it and scatter it across the snowy blind copses.

And the timid snowdrop in the forest will respond to the birds,

And from the timid wind the curtain will swing in the window...

From the lilac corydalis, from the sensitive forest violet,

From the lingering fogs and haze of green winter crops -

Blows with fragile love, unbearable in spring,

Perhaps only on the wings and portable.

4. Yu. Mayevsky “Waltz from the Past” What kind of music do I hear outside the window? Everything melted away, which was a winter dream... And the sound of icicles dripped loudly like a spring waterfall, It sounded, laughed, everything was around What kind of music can you hear on the street? It's spring singing again! Bird trills whistled and the drops began to ring... The whole street is full of bright music. 5. V. Fomenko “Spring drops” We are all looking forward to the awakening of nature so that we can again find wings for new dreams... I want the warm sun and flowers, flowers, flowers as soon as possible! Spring sang the jazz of love Sublimely, in a major scale. Flowers bloomed with happiness Great origami. 6. K. Jacobs-Bond “I Love You Tender”

Spring illuminates everything around with its sweet and warm smile, and we never cease to be amazed at its ability to subjugate all living things, involving us in a joyful and magical cycle of colors.

The sun is shining brightly,

Smiling hot-hot!

And cheerful freckles -

Mischievous laughter

Super jazz dancing on the cheeks!

7. I. Boyko “Let’s Play Boogie-Woogie” Magical music of spring...
Where does it come from, how is it born?
Fills magically into our dreams
At that hour when winter meets spring.

Enchanting music of spring...
Having heard it, one believes in the prophecies.
And we look to the moon for an answer,
That in the sky froze from loneliness.

How beautiful spring blue snow is at dusk!

Steel clouds turn red around the edges...

You, time, don’t rush, stop your running.

A piano can be heard from the far window...

8. R. Loveland “The Secret Garden”
A woman should have a lunar character.

And so that spring will always shine through it... – wrote the poet Igor Severyanin.
Night. Milonga. Tango. Couples.
Sight. Embrace. Steps.
Soft light. Wine. Glasses.

Earrings. Dresses. Heels.
Laughter. Lipstick stroke scarlet.
Sparkle in the eyes. Doubts go away.
Look again - and again in the hall

Tango, music and night.

9. J. M. Rodriguez tango “Cumparsita”

Harmony, beauty... how we sometimes lack it. The modern rhythm of life carries us away in the rapid flow of days that turn into years and months! And rarely can we stop to enjoy a beautiful sunny day or enchanting music.

10. R. Clayderman “Love”

Spring is definitely a time of change, and change must be good. After all, it is in the spring that we begin a new life.

In spring, everything is possible and even a little more...

Are you ready to step beyond the horizon?

Overcome gravity?

Having opened your shiny umbrella to your dreams,

To comprehend the wondrous moment of flight?

Horizontal plus vertical equals a cross.

The lines of the universe are incomprehensible.

I'm walking up the starry bridge,

To touch the hidden knowledge.

11. E. Artemyev Music from the film. “One among strangers, a stranger among one’s own”
There was a foggy moon
And there were tender birch trees...
Oh March-April, what tears!

What names in a dream!
Fog of spring, fog of passions,
Secret threats to reason...
Oh March-April, what tears -

Woke up, like children!..
Like a crust, a crispy trail
And there were tender birch trees...
The dawn frosts are chewing...

What are you crying about? What happened to you?

12. A. Rybnikov music for the film “That Same Munchausen”

Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya is the daughter of the famous Russian poet Robert Rozhdestvensky.

Spring and love – how many similarities these words have. But the meaning of life is love. All music, literature and painting—life itself—is about this.
They say: "In the beginning
there was a word."
And I declare again:

it all starts with love!
It all starts with love:
and inspiration, and work,
eyes of flowers, eyes of a child -

everything starts with love.
It all starts with love.
With love! I know that for sure.
Everything, even hatred -
dear and eternal

it all starts with love!
sister of love.
dream and fear, wine and gunpowder.
eyes of flowers, eyes of a child -

Tragedy, melancholy and feat -
And the whisper will make you sway.
And you will straighten up. And you will begin.

It all starts with love!

13 “Medley to film music by A. Petrov”

Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya is the daughter of the famous Russian poet Robert Rozhdestvensky.

Spring monologue

...Everything spring: hints and actions,

and thoughtless steps along the pavement.

Everything spring: boulevards and colds,

the wind smelling of yesterday's grass.

...Everything is in a hurry, shying away, gurgling.

It's catching up. Left behind...

Something will happen. Something will definitely happen.

Something important needs to happen.

We wish you that something important and certainly good happens to you this spring. See you again!

Lecture-concert "Spring" (from the series "Seasons in Art")

The lights go out. A slide demonstration is performed to the music of the 1st part of A. Vivaldi’s violin concerto “Spring”. (3 min. 30 sec.). The light comes on.

Good evening, dear friends, young musicians, dear adults, our guests! In summer and autumn, winter and spring, our nature is beautiful, diverse and unique. At all times, it has served as an inexhaustible source of inspiration for writers and poets, artists and composers... And today our meeting in the series “Seasons in Art” is dedicated to a wonderful time - spring. In the last days of this time of year, we will listen to music, poetry and romances dedicated to spring.
According to tradition, we began our meeting with a violin concert by the 18th century Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi. You have just heard fragments from his concert “Spring”. Images of spring nature aroused the imagination of many artists. And now you have seen reproductions of paintings by Russian artists of the 19th century: Shishkin, Vasiliev, Repin, Aivazovsky... And I think that you, of course, immediately recognized the painting by landscape painter Alexei Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”.

People greet spring with the arrival of rooks. People say:
Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard.
And one more thing: If you see a rook, welcome spring.

? Tell me, guys, from what month does spring begin?
Correctly, spring begins in March. Perhaps that is why the first day of this month, March 1, was called novichok in ancient Rus'.
? Do you guys know that on March 1, or rather Martus, in the old days they celebrated the New Year in some countries?
Yes, yes, don't be surprised. Initially, in Rus', March was the New Year's month. Maybe because March is the keeper of the eternal miracle of nature's renewal. This is the time when nature wakes up after a long winter hibernation, when everything around awakens and renews itself. And in some countries they still celebrate the New Year in March. In Muslim countries, you know, this holiday is called Novruz.
It was on the March New Year that the ancient custom of jumping over a fire appeared. It was over such a fire that the Snow Maiden jumped from the well-known spring fairy tale. The Russian composer Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov reproduced this custom in his opera - a spring fairy tale, which is called “The Snow Maiden”. The Snow Maiden has melted - and there is no more winter.
Usually spring is not in a hurry to come to us. And in March she is still struggling with cold weather and blizzards. And so that spring would come quickly, there used to be a custom to invite spring to Rus'.
“Spring, red spring! Come spring with joy!” - so it was sung in ancient songs. And not so long ago, Ukrainian and Belarusian children called for the arrival of spring - they called spring, and sang songs called vesnyankas. And in our time, songs about spring are generally called stone flies.
No. 1. Listen too "Vesnyanka" in Ukrainian performed by our teachers.

In the old days, people believed that birds brought spring on their wings. And we were really looking forward to the day of March 22, when, according to signs, spring arrives along with the birds. On this day, also called “Magpies,” grandmothers baked buns in the shape of lark birds from dough. And the kids ran out into the snowdrifts with these baked birds and shouted:
Larks, larks,
Come and visit us!
Bring us spring - red!
I'm tired of winter, I've eaten all the bread!
Nowadays this ritual can very rarely be found in villages and it has simply become child’s play. However, on the “magpies”, i.e. On March 22, you can actually hear the skylark singing. The lark murmurs, shimmers, drills into the heights of the sky. Just try to find this little soloist - you will never see him. For its solar hymns, the lark, this small bird, is considered in Rus' a symbol of the Motherland. People say: the lark blessed spring.
Many poems are dedicated to this bird. Russian composer M.I. Glinka created a famous romance based on the poems of Kukolnik. This romance is called “Lark”. The piece by the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky from the piano cycle “The Seasons”, already familiar to all of you, bears the same name, and it is dedicated to the month of March. And the piece from another cycle, also known to you, from Tchaikovsky’s “Children’s Album,” is called “The Lark’s Song”
№2.Tchaikovsky, "Children's Album", "Song of the Lark".

The month of March has many poetic names:
March-Zimobor - takes away winter
Newbie March - nature is renewing itself all around
March thawed patch - in honor of the fact that the first thawed patches appear.

? And one more name, come on guys, guess why March is called drip?
That's right, the sun warms up, the icicles melt and the drops begin. People say: February is strong with snowstorms, and March is strong with drops.
Our domestic composers V. Beletsky and N. Rozanova created a cycle of pieces for balalaika and piano dedicated to spring. Each play in this cycle is a kind of picture of spring nature. Here you can hear the rustling of ice on the river, the chirping of a sparrow, and the ringing of spring drops... Each piece in the cycle is preceded by a small preface that will tell you what mood is conveyed in the song - picture.
No. 3. Listen to the play "Lullaby", in which composers Beletsky and Rozanova convey the ringing of spring drops.
№4. "Spring"- this is the name of another play - a picture from the cycle of V. Beletsky and N. Rozanova. Let's listen to her.
No. 5. In the old days, people observed that 20 days after the arrival of rooks, ice drift began. Listen to another picture play, which is called - "Ice drift".

? Guys! What is the name of the first spring flower, it is the first to appear from under the snow?
Yes, it's a snowdrop.
In Moldova, during the first ten days of March, they celebrate a wonderful holiday - a holiday of spring and art. And the origin of this holiday has its own legend. Listen to her:
An evil spirit wanted to kidnap the spring beauty. But the brave knight entered into a fight with him. And he won! In the place where the blood of the daredevil was shed, a snowdrop blossomed.
Blue pure snowdrop - flower.
And next to it is the last draft of snow.

P.I. Tchaikovsky took these poetic lines of Maykov as an epigraph to a play from the “Seasons” cycle, called “Snowdrop”.
No. 6. Listen to it arranged for flute and piano. So, Tchaikovsky, "The Seasons", "Snowdrop".
The ancient Romans called the second month of spring with the word “Aprilis”, which meant “to open” - since in this month the buds bloom on some trees. April is also called “pollen” - due to the beginning of flowering of plants. April is called “beautiful” in Belarus for the first bright colors of spring.
Due to its changeable nature - after all, in April the weather is still unstable - warmth alternates with cold - April received many popular nicknames - it is both “capricious” and “deceiver”, “rogue”, “cunning”. And April 1st is traditionally a day of jokes and all sorts of practical jokes. In April, everywhere you look there is water. And hence the new names for this month - Aquarius, Snowman, month of living water. People say: April is glorious with water. The picture of the spring flood was conveyed in his poem “Spring Waters” by F.I. Tyutchev. And the composer S.V. Rachmaninov created a famous romance based on these poems. Remember?
And the waters are already noisy in the spring
They run and shine and shout
Spring is coming, spring is coming!
No. 7. Many romances and songs are dedicated to the spring season. The warm April breath, the murmuring of spring streams and the spring mood are conveyed in the song "Spring", the authors of which are the composer Dubrovin and the poet Suslov. It will be performed by a vocal trio.
“All springs are warmed by the breath,
Everything around loves and sings...” wrote Alexei Tolstoy.
Yes, in April everything around sings - streams sing, the voices of birds are heard, frogs hold concerts in reservoirs. And at the end of the month you can hear the cuckoo counting down the years...
Spring is the time of love, and it seems that the soul also sings a spring song. Our souls are joyful, and nature itself gives us a good mood.
No. 8. Listen "Spring Song" by the German composer Felix Mendelssohn, performed on the horn.

“Spring rejoices in my soul,” is sung in the famous romance by the Tatar composer Rustem Yakhin. We all know well what spring nature is like here in Tatarstan. But in Armenia, spring is warmer than here and comes a little earlier. There are many mountains in Armenia. From the tops of these seething mountains, water flows in a stream and floods into the plains. And everything around comes to life and breathes freshness.
No. 9. Listen to the work of the Armenian composer Komitas. It's called "Spring". Performed by an instrumental trio.

The last month of spring - May - is a favorite among all nations. In Rus', he has long personified the Victorious Knight, bringing joy.
In May, nature rejoices, affirming the strength of her life, her greatness, eternity and beauty. The earth puts on its best attire and this is reflected in the ancient name of the month - grass, herbal. He is pollen, surprising us with his magical colors. “First leaves”, “Apple trees in blossom” - these and many other names of musical works indicate that the theme of May colors, spring watercolors, is extremely popular among composers.
No. 10. And now you have to hear improvisation on the theme of spring watercolors.

Indeed, the colors of May are bright and even the nights in spring become shorter, as if beautiful nature, wanting to show its blooming beauty even longer, shortens the May nights. And in St. Petersburg, May nights are called white, because this month in the city on the Neva it is almost as light as during the day. White nights have become a source of inspiration for many Russian poets. Among them are Polonsky, Apukhtin, Vyazemsky, Gumilyov and many others. White nights are reflected in the cycle “The Seasons” by Tchaikovsky. The play dedicated to the month of May is called “White Nights”.
What a night! What bliss there is in everything!
Thank you, dear midnight land.
From the kingdom of ice, from the kingdom of blizzards and snow
How fresh and clean your May leaves!
No. 11. Listen "White Nights" from the cycle “Seasons” by P.I. Tchaikovsky

People call May, the time of foliage and flowering, “green noise.” Nekrasov has wonderful poems dedicated to this time:
There's a green noise going on
Green noise, spring noise.
Russian composer S.V. Rachmaninov created a cantata based on this poem called “Spring”. For young listeners, I will remind you that a cantata is a large work for solo singers and a choir accompanied by musical instruments. In the cantata “Spring” the choir sings a hymn to spring, and the orchestra conveys the spring hubbub, the chirping of birds, the noise of pine forests, and white birch trees.
Yes, the spring forest is beautiful! And the beautiful birch tree dresses in a green outfit very quickly - in just one night! And the delicate green lights of the leaves look like moths landing on the branches.
In the old days, at this time, girls in festive dresses went into the forest. While singing, they bent the branches of young birch trees to the ground, tied their tops, then released them, and a green birch arch was obtained. They sang songs and danced in circles under the birch arches.
Birch - this white-barked beauty with green earrings - is everyone's favorite. And how many songs are dedicated to her! “There was a birch tree in the field, “Oh, you birch tree,” “By our birch tree,” and many others.
No. 12. Now the ensemble of teachers from the folk instruments department will perform an ancient Russian waltz "Berezka"

And what a delight it is in the gardens in May! The cherries are adorned with a milky hue, the apple tree is fragrant with white and pink, and the bird cherry blossoms with its fragrant branches. Lilacs and rowan trees are hurrying after her...
“Once a year the gardens bloom,” the song says. And the name of this time is the month of May - a fertile time of lush herbs, blooming gardens and long-awaited warmth. And to conclude our evening, listen
No. 13. work by composer Polonsky “Blossoming May”.

May is the crown of spring. And summer is just around the corner. And although in nature the transition from spring to summer is hardly noticeable, all the same, each of us is waiting - can’t wait for the onset of summer - the time of school holidays, vacations and travel. No wonder people say: May is a holiday, and June is happiness.
While waiting for this truly happy time of year, we ask you not to forget that in the series of meetings dedicated to the seasons in art, we will have another one dedicated to summer. Follow the announcements and...
See you!

The music is “The Seasons” by A. Vivaldi.

Students enter to the music and prepare for the lesson.

I. Org. moment

II. Teacher's opening remarks.

During the classes

1. Reading excerpts from poems

The love of the earth and the beauty of the year,
Spring is fragrant to us!..

No wonder winter is angry,
Her time has passed -
Spring is knocking on the window
And he drives out of the yard:

The earth still looks sad,
And the air already breathes in spring,
And the dead stalk in the field sways,
And the oil tree moves its branches:

Guys, tell me, what are we talking about?

Children's answers.

Teacher:Today we have an unusual lesson, we will conduct it together with the music teacher.

And why we decided to do this, you will tell us a little later, when you read the epigraph to our lesson.

What is an epigraph?

Children's answers.

"Poetry and music are a union! For our souls the union is doubly sacred."
William Shakespeare.

Teacher: How do you understand this statement?

Children's answers: The connection between music and poetry fully reveals and complements some image.

Teacher: Let's remember, who else helps us create this or that image?

Children's answers: Artists also help us.

III. Getting to know new material.

Teacher: The topic of our lesson is “The image of spring in art”

Teacher: The purpose of our lesson: to determine in what language each type of art reveals the image of spring.

Remember what poetic works you know about spring? Name their authors?

Today we will return to the work of F.I. Tyutchev.

Teacher: What interesting moments of his life do you remember?

Children's answers: Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev was born into an old noble family. He spent his youth in Moscow. He showed an early ability to learn and received a good education at home. In 1819 he entered the literature department of Moscow University, which he graduated in 1821. Soon he entered the service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and in 1822 he went to Munich, where he lived and worked for 22 years. All this time he has been translating poems by many European poets, and also writing his own, publishing them in the Sovremennik magazine. In 1844 Tyutchev returned to his homeland. At the end of the 40s, a new rise in his lyrical creativity began: a collection of the poet’s poems was published.

Teacher: Surprising but true. The man whose work received the highest praise from his contemporaries: Pushkin, Nekrasov, Turgenev Fet, did not consider himself a poet. According to him, he did not write, but recorded poetry, or rather described everything that surrounded him, worried, upset, and delighted him. He wrote it down: And then he returned to the text again and again and honed every word, every phrase, achieving beauty, accuracy, miracle.

And one of these miracles is the poem

"Spring Waters"

The snow is still white in the fields,
And in the spring the waters are noisy -
They run and wake up the sleepy shore,
They run and shine and say -

They say all over:
"Spring is coming, spring is coming!
We are messengers of young spring,
She sent us ahead."

Spring is coming, spring is coming!
And quiet, warm May days
Ruddy, bright round dance
The crowd cheerfully follows her!

Teacher: Let's close our eyes and listen carefully to his poem.

Did you like this poem? What feelings and mood does it evoke?

Children's answers.

What spring does the poet write about? (about early)

What words did you suggest? (snow is still white in the fields)

Vocabulary work.

There are words in the poem that you may not understand. Let's talk about them.

Breg - shore

Messenger - a person sent somewhere with urgent news

Analysis of the poem.

(Goal: to improve the skill of working with poetic text and reading skills.)

Teacher: Now let's analyze the poem.

1 quatrain (read)

What did the poet Tyutchev call the shore? (sleepy)

Why is it said about spring streams that they sparkle and shout? (they sparkle - the water is reflected in the rays of the sun; they say - they run, talk, make noise)

What other actions do streams perform? (run, wake up)

What do all these words have in common? (Verbs)

Tyutchev uses verbs in his poem to revive nature and show the imminent arrival of spring.

2 quatrains (read)

Read what the spring streams say. (Spring is coming! Spring is coming!)

What do they call themselves? (we are the messengers of young spring)

Tyutchev endowed the streams with human speech. But what do they really say? (murmur, ring, as if talking)

What is this technique called in the literature? (personification)

Personification is an image when objects, natural phenomena, plants and animals are endowed with human qualities - the gift of speech, the ability to think and feel.

3 quatrains (read)

What does the poet exclaim about in quatrain 3? Why does Tyutchev use these repetitions in his poem? (show the imminent arrival of spring)

Teacher: And so guys, we are once again convinced that F.I. Tyutchev is an unsurpassed master of landscape and artistic expression, using the means of artistic expression, he showed the spirituality, versatility, diversity, and brightness of spring nature.

Now we have looked at the literary landscape, but landscapes can also be picturesque.

Who created picturesque landscapes?

Children's answers.

Student:Isaac Ilyich Levitan (1860-1900) was one of the founders of landscape painting at the end of the 19th century. The artist's fate was not easy. Coming from a poor Jewish family, he learned humiliation and poverty from an early age. Art became recognized by I. I. Levitan literally from childhood. Already at the age of 13, he entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture and studied with V.G. Perova, A.K. Savrasova, V.D. Polenova. Levitan admired Savrasov's ability to see the poetry and beauty of Russian nature. Polenov had a great influence on the young artist in the field of color, which was especially evident in the pure, ringing colors, in the living, direct feeling of nature.

One of the greatest masterpieces of Russian spring poetry is the famous painting by I. I. Levitan "Spring. Big Water"

Student: The painting depicts the moment of flood, when “big water” covered the coastal areas, flooding everything around. The water is quiet and still, it reflects the bare branches of trees and the high sky with light clouds. The color of the picture is formed from subtle shades of blue, yellow and green. The blue color scheme predominates, with which the yellowness of the shore and tree trunks is combined, enlivened by the thick green spruce patch, as well as shades of green in the neighboring oak tree and the barns in the distance. The most diverse color is blue: water and sky are full of shades from dark blue to almost white. The sonorous, blue sky, white birches and trees flowing upward, huts floating in the distance, a fragile boat, merge in it into such a melodic, pure, transparent whole that, peering into this enchanted space, you seem to dissolve in the blue lagoon of a sunny spring day.

Student:“Spring is Big Water” is very harmonious and attractive; it is one of Levitan’s most lyrical paintings. The landscape is painted in pure, light colors, giving it the transparency and fragility characteristic of Russian spring nature. The picture is filled with spring quiet joy and tranquility, it is full of optimism from the spring resurrection of nature.

We can see moments of the spring awakening of nature in the paintings of our other artists.

"Rooks are the first harbingers of spring."

Teacher:How did they celebrate spring in Rus' before?

Children's answers.

Teacher.And on these days, children ran in flocks around the village with birds made from dough. They scattered some of them in the field so that the land would produce a rich harvest. Others were put on long poles and swung so that the birds appeared to be flying. At the same time, they sang chant songs.

The call songs were called "Vesnyanka". Now we are going to listen to one of these songs.

(music sounds)

Teacher: By what means does the artist reveal the image of spring?

(colors, lines, brushes)

Teacher: Every time of year is interesting. The spring awakening of nature is magnificent, everyone’s favorite sunny summer, the colorful autumn is charming, nature’s sleep is beautiful in winter.. After a long, almost six-month Russian winter, spring is quietly creeping up.

Tell me the first flowers that appear in spring? (snowdrops)

And that’s why they are called that and what they symbolize, they will tell us about this now.

Student: “When Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, it was snowing heavily and Eve was cold. Then, wanting to warm her with his attention, several snowflakes turned into flowers. Seeing this, Eve cheered up, and hope immediately came to life. Since then, snowdrops have become a symbol hope and love"

Student: And I know another legend about us. “Once a snowdrop violated the law of the eternal kingdom of winter and made its way towards the sun. The good sorceress Spring wanted to warm it. But an evil wind flew in and threw a thorny bush at her. Scarlet blood splashed and stained the white petals. The flower came to life and has been ever since a symbol of the triumph of good over evil. And to this day, Moldovans traditionally give white and red snowdrops to women on March 1st as a symbol of happiness and love.”

Teacher: What beautiful legends they told us! Yes, the snowdrop is the first spring flower, so delicate and beautiful that it inspired the creation of a musical work by a Russian composer

Teacher: P.I. Tchaikovsky, when he lived in the Moscow region, and could enjoy this miracle of nature in the forests near Moscow. He wrote a whole cycle, which he dedicated to all seasons. He called his cycle “The Seasons”, where he dedicated an entire work to each month of the year. Each play has a title and a poetic epigraph.

Teacher: Tchaikovsky chose lines from the 19th century poet as the epigraph to the musical play "Snowdrop". A. N. Maykova:

Blue, pure snowdrop flower,
And next to the through one is the last snowball.
Last tears about the grief of the past.
And the first dreams of a different kind of happiness.

(Listening to music by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons" Snowdrop)

Teacher: What is the nature of the work?

What picture did you imagine while listening to the work?

Tchaikovsky's musical play "Snowdrop" is filled with a bright lyrical feeling. The composer conveys an excitingly joyful, reverent mood, directed towards the sun, hopes, happiness, and the rapture of blossoming nature. The arrival of spring always caused extraordinary inspiration and uplifting of spirit in the composer, as evidenced by his memories:

Teacher:"...What a magic our spring is with its suddenness, its luxurious power! How I love it when streams of melting snow flow through the streets and something life-giving and invigorating is felt in the air! With what love you greet the green grass! How you rejoice at the arrival of rooks and them larks and other overseas flying guests!

To what extent do the moods of a poem, painting, or piece of music resonate?

Children's answers. Moods of joy, as nature awakens.

Teacher: And when else does such a state of awakening occur?

(In the morning).

Teacher: What is morning? (appearance of the sun in the sky)

I suggest you get some rest. Now I will play a recording of the melody of the work “Mornings”, and you will try to depict the appearance of the sun. Be careful. To the melody you will have to raise your hands up. As the sun rises. And at the climax, the sun will have to wake up and rise to the sky. This is all you will show.

Teacher : Well done, you did well.

  • What was the mood in the work? (singing, calm, melodious, melodic)
  • What was the tempo of the piece? (moderate, slow, calm).
  • What instruments were the soloists in the orchestra?
  • (violin, flute).
  • What intonations are heard in the flute theme? (Birdsong)
  • Did the composer manage to convey the spring awakening of nature in music? (Yes)

Teacher: And with what? (tempo, character, instrument)

Teacher:This work was written by the Norwegian composer E. Grieg, and it is called “Morning”.

Children's answers: Why do you think the melody of “Morning” reflects spring images?

Teacher: In spring and in the morning, all nature around wakes up.

Well done! Alexander Ermolov’s song “April” also helps to see the beauty of nature.

Teacher:(performance of the song).

Teacher: Let's draw a conclusion from today's lesson

All types of art excite people's hearts and awaken the best feelings in them.

  • At the beginning of the lesson, we set ourselves a goal - to determine in what language each type of art reveals the image of spring. Let's answer these questions:
  • How does painting reveal the image of spring? (draws an image with line and paints)
  • Like music? (sound)

Teacher: How is literature? (in a word)

And in conclusion I would like to wish:

Look closely at the clouds
Listen to the birds
Look closely at the springs
nothing will happen again.

Moment by moment,
step by step
Be amazed.
Everything will be like this or not
In one moment.

IV. Today, when you go home, look at the revived nature through the eyes of Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Tyutchev, Savrasov...

Presenter 1 : Good afternoon, dear guests!
Presenter 2: It is very nice to see your smiling faces in this room.
Presenter 1 : It’s spring now. We associate it with such words as love, charm, life, beauty.
Presenter 2 : And it is not surprising that it was at this time that we decided to hold our Miss Spring 2013 competition.
Presenter 1 : The participants in our competition are like spring flowers: just as beautiful, tender, and sensual.
Presenter 2: Their beauty captivates us. And who doesn't love beauty? Beauty will save the world!
Presenter 1 : And so, meet our contestants.

1. Here comes the number one.

The sparkle of her beautiful eyes

Directs straight to the heart

And makes you fall in love. _______________________________

2.Number two – madam, what do you need?

And the whole audience is happy with her.

Let's clap her hands

She looks good. __________________________________

3. Here he comes on stage,

Knowing exactly your worth, -

Number three, business

And the girl is like this!_______________________________________________

4.Here is number four

Smiles more and more

And he laughs and laughs

Miss also wants to be first! ______________________________

Presenter 2 : So, all the participants are on stage. Look at these beautiful creatures, how unusually pleasant it is to look at our lovely girls and young women. And they look that way for a reason. Firstly, the time of year is spring, the month is March, the date is 6, and soon 8, and the holiday is International Women's Day. Let me congratulate all the representatives of the fair sex present on this wonderful day. Secondly, today we invite everyone to plunge into the 19th century and attend the ball.

The ball is a real find

For young dandies and ladies;

The beauty is waiting for him with delight,

It is a holiday for gloomy fathers.

So that my daughter dresses like a doll,

An experienced mother is busy,

And so that she doesn’t stay too long,

Taking her to dance. (F.Kony)

And thirdly, you and I have to choose only one participant, who, based on the results, will be awarded the title “Miss Spring 2013”. And the skill of our competitors will be assessed by a competent jury consisting of:


Presenter 1 . So we begin our Spring Ball. In the 19th century, it was customary to open the ball with a pair dance “Polonaise”. But we will deviate a little from tradition and the first competition of our program is called -"Business card", because In any business card we find all the necessary information about its owner. And in order for us to get to know our contestants better, and for them to get to know each other, they will now exchange business cards, i.e. tell us about themselves and their interests.

We invite participant No. 1 ________________________________

We invite participant No. 2 ________________________________

We invite participant No. 3 ________________________________

We invite participant number 4 ________________________________

While the jury evaluates the performances, a little history about the balls of the 19th century

A ball is a solemn event, which, like a rite, has its own ceremony and rules of conduct, which makes it so majestic and luxurious. Therefore, to maintain sophistication and delight, it is necessary to follow the rules of ballroom etiquette.

The balls were held according to a certain traditional program clearly approved in the noble society. Since the dances set the tone for the ball, they were the core of the evening's program. In the 19th century, it was customary to open the ball with a Polish dance or polonaise; this dance replaced the minuet; the second dance at the ball was the waltz. The culmination of the ball was the mazurka, and the cotillion concluded the balls.

The second competition of our program is called -"Polonaise". Participants move one after another in a circle to the music, and the jury evaluates the rhythm, plasticity, and danceability of each participant using a five-point system.

A little more history. Dancing was learned from early childhood - from 5-6 years old. Dance training was reminiscent of an athlete's training, which at the right moment gave the dancers dexterity, confidence, familiarity in movements, and ease. The dancers' legs, regardless of their excitement, “did their job.” Dancing gave the nobleman's manners majesty, grace, and elegance. It was, as they say, “in the blood” and was brought up from childhood.

The jury's word.

At the balls they played brass music, danced minuet, country dances, Russian amusing dances, Polish and English dances. Thousands of candles burned in the halls. The stairs were covered with expensive carpets, tropical plants were crowded in tubs, and fragrant water flowed from specially constructed fountains. Dinner was served with pineapples, exotic peaches, grapes, fresh strawberries, huge fish and expensive wines from all over the world.

Presenter 1 The next competition is called"Refined taste".

Now I will say the names of various products, and you take turns answering which product I named. For each correct answer - 1 point. Artichoke (vegetable); Cheddar (cheese); Carp (fish); Pistachios (nuts); Persimmon (fruit); Eggplant (vegetable); Beans (vegetable); Lingonberry (berry); Gobies (fish, mushrooms); Boiled pork (meat); Grapes (berry); Kvass (drink); Mullet (fish); Kohlrabi (vegetable); Cinnamon (spice); Kumis (drink); Parsley (vegetable); Watermelon (berry); Radish (vegetable); Strawberry (berry); Mead (drink). (21)

The jury evaluates the performances.

Balls were such an important part of noble life that all other leisure time was subordinated to preparation for them. In the houses of the nobility, the sound of the clavichord, singing and dance lessons did not stop for a minute. Music and dancing were part of noble education. And we invite our young charming creatures to show off by reading by heart.

The next competition is called"Poetic".

While the jury evaluates the performances, the Noble Ball was a school of communication for people. At such celebrations, the social debuts of young people and girls who were just beginning to appear in the world most often took place. At the ball, people fell in love and chose the bride and groom.

So we invite our boys to admit their sympathy for girls. (They read Onegin’s declaration of love for Tatyana.) Extra points for the lovely lady.

No, I see you every minute

Follow you everywhere

A smile of the mouth, a movement of the eyes

To catch with loving eyes,

Listen to you for a long time, understand

Your soul is all your perfection,

To freeze in agony before you,

To turn pale and fade away... what bliss!

While the gentlemen are getting ready, I would like to draw your attention to other charming creatures. Hair parade.

Fan performance. Extra points for the participant.

The next competition is called"Secret correspondence."Write beautifully on a piece of paper the beginning of Tatyana’s letter to Onegin.

I am writing to you - what more?

What more can I say?

Now I know it's in your will

Punish me with contempt.

But you, to my unfortunate fate

Keeping at least a drop of pity,

You won't leave me.

In the meantime, our contestants are working, let's play... During the ball, in special rooms they smoked, played cards, chess and checkers. In the 19th century, the ball became a way of life, combining a club, a fashion salon, a marriage office and a game. And they loved to play... forfeits.

Competition with fans

Leading And we continue to test our contestants. The next competition is called " Find a match ." Now you will be given pieces of paper on which the names and surnames of famous people are written down. You will need to unite romantic couples.

The names of the characters who are mixed up are written in advance on the pieces of paper.

Pushkin - N. Goncharova, Anthony - Cleopatra,

Rostropovich - Vishnevskaya; Varum - Agutin, Koroleva - TARZAN

Ivan - Marya, Ruslan - Lyudmila, Pygmalion - Galatea,

Napoleon - Josephine, Petrarch - Laura, Cinderella - Prince Charming.

Master - Margarita; John Lennon - Yoko Ono, S. Yesenin - A. Duncan

Leading In the meantime, our girls are working, I suggest you determine the winner of the Audience Award.

The jury retires to sum up the results.

A ball is a very special event in the life of a person of the last century. As Yuri Mikhailovich Lotman, a great expert on Russian history, noted: “Here the private life of a nobleman was realized: he was neither a private person in private life, nor a servant in public service - he was a nobleman in a noble society, a man of his class among his ." The ball season lasted from Christmas until the last day of Maslenitsa; the rest of the time, balls were held on special occasions. And our ball is coming to an end, the jury says...

Leading Our holiday has come to an end. We ask all contestants to go to the center of the hall. So, dear jury, we ask you to speak out and decide the fate of the contestants.
Summarizing. Graduations.

The dew sparkles, the clouds melt,

A new day usually comes

And the universe glows while

The light of a woman is splashed throughout the universe.

Ah, women, and beauty, and celebration,

And the heroines of youthful dreams!

From birth in the daughters of beautiful spring

Hope, Faith and Love!

determine the prizes: 1. “Miss Spring”, 2. “Miss……..”, 3. “Miss……”, 4. “Miss……..”, 5. “Miss…….