The actor's nose went to his wife's friend. Actor Alexander Nosik left his wife for a new lover Alexander Nosik left his family

The information was later confirmed by the owner: “Anton Nosik died in Moscow tonight. The biggest help now is not to bother his family. The time and place of the funeral will be announced."

As Nosik’s wife told RT, “he suffered a sudden cardiac arrest, nothing more is known. This happened with friends at their dacha. Now he is in the Mytishchi morgue.” According to preliminary data, death occurred around two o'clock in the morning. Nose was relaxing at his friends’ dacha in the village of Pirogovo.

When the doctors arrived, all they had to do was confirm Nosik’s death.

His colleague, journalist and blogger compared Nosik to Pushkin. “Without Spout, our Internet would be completely different. If Pushkin had lived to old age, one could ask the question, would Russian literature be orphaned without him? Of course, he has already retired from visible affairs, but it is still impossible to overestimate his role in the emergence of the Russian Internet that we have now. All the media that now exist on the Russian Internet were all invented by Nosik. They all proceed from what was invented by Nosik in 1997,” Kononenko said on the air of “Moscow Speaks”.

Anton Nosik was born into the family of a writer and philologist. Graduated from the Dental University. In 1990, he emigrated to Israel, where he took up journalism: he wrote a column in the Russian language.

In 1997, Nosik returned to Russia. Together with the Effective Policy Foundation, he began launching the Gazeta.Ru websites (launched in 1999) and (the same year), of which he was editor-in-chief until 2004. Until 2012, Nosik worked for the SUP company, which also owned LiveJournal, and also established the charitable foundation. In 2014, he launched the Shaggy Cheese marketing agency.

In 2015, because of an article on his blog with the title “Erase Syria from the face of the earth,” he became accused in a case of extremism.

Nosik was accused of extremism under Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for expressing his position regarding the events in Syria on the air of the “Minority Opinion” program. “I believe that if the name of Syria disappears from the map, then no one will feel bad, but on the contrary. Yes, it would be nice to wipe such a country off the face of the earth, just as they once erased Nazi Germany, which is no longer on the map,” Nosik said then.

The article found signs of “incitement of hostility towards Syrians, identified on a national-territorial basis.” The prosecution believes that in this way the blogger deliberately incited hatred towards the Syrians. Nosik himself later made excuses that his attitude towards Syria and towards the Syrians are two different things.

“Just because I said I approve of the bombing in Syria, it does not follow that I call for hating the Syrians,”

- Anton Nosik later told the media.

Already at the trial, where the prosecution demanded that he be given two years in prison, Nosik partially admitted his guilt. “Yes, of course, I went too far, but the “Minority Report” program was created for this, so that people would come and go too far with their opinions,” Nosik said.

At the sentencing, Nosik tried his best not to show excitement and even tried to joke about the huge bag of things he brought with him. “This is my number one readiness, if the court decides to imprison me, I am ready,” Nosik told reporters. He was wearing a warm jacket, from under which a black T-shirt with a portrait of the poet was visible. “He (Brodsky - Gazeta.Ru) also served time for what he wrote,” said Nosik.

The court found him guilty and fined him 500 thousand rubles, later the amount was reduced to 300 thousand rubles. In January 2017, Nosik’s complaint against the verdict was accepted for proceedings.

45-year-old actor Alexander Nosik broke up with his wife. The star of the series “The Return of Mukhtar” announced this after the publication of compromising photos of him, in which he appeared with ex-member of the group “Tutsi” Anastasia Krainova, L!FE reports.

“Yes, I’m with Nastya now. My wife and I broke up a couple of weeks ago. Sorry, but I don’t want to comment on my new relationship anymore, much less show it to everyone. As you know, happiness loves silence!” Nosik said about the divorce with his wife and about a new romance with Krainova.

| L!FE

Such revelations about Alexander Nosik’s personal life were brought to light by journalists who “caught” Nosik in one of the Moscow restaurants during dinner with a new passion. The footage clearly shows that the relationship between the actor and the singer is romantic, since Alexander and Anastasia did not hide their tender feelings for each other.

Despite the fact that Nosik confirmed his divorce from his wife and his affair with Krainova, the ex-Tutsi participant herself refused to comment on her relationship with the married actor.

It should be added that in the world of Russian cinema, Alexander Nosik is listed in the category of womanizer due to the numerous novels to his credit. The actor was in a civil marriage with his chosen ones three times, but never decided to get married.

Nosik’s last wife was a woman named Olga who had nothing to do with cinema. They met in 2012. At the moment, it is unknown whether Nosik married his chosen one, or whether their marriage was civil.

The wife of actor Alexander Nosik, Olga, commented on the news about his affair with the former lead singer of the group “Tutsi” Anastasia Krainova. According to Olga, she does not even think about separating from her husband.

“The press has a very distorted idea of ​​our relationship. We are not going to get a divorce, we just temporarily separated to, so to speak, “exhale.” Moreover, I am friends with Nastya and I can say that he did not leave for her. He generally knows “What did he say? He couldn’t say that. I can swear to you that these were not his words,” quotes her.


The actor’s wife claims that she and her husband only temporarily decided to live separately. “We are adequate, normal people, we continue to work together, we’ll just live separately for a while,” she added.

Let us remind you that earlier photographs appeared on the Internet in which Alexander Nosik and Anastasia Krainova were captured at a table in a cafe. The lovers were sitting in an embrace, talking, the actor was showing something to the girl on the phone screen.

Later, Nosik admitted that he had separated from his wife. “Yes, I’m with Nastya now. My wife and I broke up a couple of weeks ago. Sorry, but I don’t want to comment on my new relationship anymore, much less show it to everyone,” he said.

Krainova herself comments on the situation in an extremely ambiguous manner. “Yes, Alexander and I are now trying to be together more often. We like to go to the cinema, to cozy restaurants. We have a lot to talk about - he is very smart and educated. Sometimes we discuss a topic for hours, we can argue...” – she said in an interview.

The media reported that actor Alexander Nosik filed for divorce from his wife Olga. According to the former spouses, the separation was peaceful, without quarrels or scandals. The site called the artist’s representative and asked to comment on the information.

“Yesterday, Alexander and Olga filed for divorce. And without scandals, tears and snot, as is usually customary. As they said in one famous film: “Without noise and dust.” Many mistakenly believe that Sasha cheated on Olga with Anastasia Krainova, but this It’s not true. He and Nastya started dating a month after Alexander separated from his wife. By the way, they also broke up with Krainova, so Sasha’s heart is officially single,” said Nosik’s representative.


In March 2017, the actor made his first public appearance with Star Factory graduate Anastasia Krainova. The couple was spotted in one of the Moscow restaurants and did not hide their feelings. It is worth noting that after publishing compromising photographs on the Internet, the then-married artist admitted that he actually had a new romance. Nosik assured that he started a new relationship after he separated from his wife Olga.

It is known that the performer of the role of the Snake in the film “Special Forces” paid for the video of Anastasia Krainova. According to some media reports, the video cost Alexander about a million rubles. The ex-soloist of “Tootsie” herself does not see anything shameful in the fact that her lover helped her.

Let us remind you that Alexander was born into the family of the famous actor Valery Nosik and actress Maria Sternikova. The mother was categorically against her son becoming an actor, but allowed him to occasionally participate in productions of the Maly Theater. Nosik began acting in small roles in the TV series “Maroseyka, 12”, “Kamenskaya”, “Turkish March”. But it was the film “Special Forces” that made the actor famous. After filming this film, he was often offered to take part in action films.

The wife of actor Alexander Nosik, Olga, commented on the news about his affair with the former lead singer of the group “Tutsi” Anastasia Krainova. According to Olga, she does not even think about separating from her husband.

"The press has a very distorted view of our relationship. We are not going to get a divorce, we just separated temporarily to, so to speak, “exhale.” Moreover, I am friends with Nastya and I can say that he did not leave for her. Does he even know he said that? He couldn't say that. I can swear to you that these are not his words"

The actor’s wife claims that she and her husband only temporarily decided to live separately.

"We are adequate, normal people, we also continue to work together, we’ll just live separately for a while", she added.

Let us remind you that earlier photographs appeared on the Internet in which Alexander Nosik and Anastasia Krainova were captured at a table in a cafe. The lovers were sitting in an embrace, talking, the actor was showing something to the girl on the phone screen.

Later, Nosik admitted that he had separated from his wife.

"Yes, I'm with Nastya now. My wife and I separated a couple of weeks ago. Sorry, but I don’t want to comment on my new relationship anymore, much less show it to everyone", he said.

Krainova herself comments on the situation in an extremely ambiguous manner.

"Yes, Alexander and I are now trying to be together more often. We like to go to the movies and cozy restaurants. We have a lot to talk about - he is very smart and educated. It happens that we discuss a topic for hours, and we can even argue..." - she said in one of the interviews.