10 wheel of fortune tarot meaning. X

The “Wheel of Fortune” is a symbol of chance and luck, the fickleness of life - a light stripe gives way to a dark one and vice versa. Background Arcana Universe– an indicator of the countless number and variety of life situations. Outer red side The Wheel of Fortune, which personifies the material side of life, goes deeper into the center and is alternately painted in all the colors of the rainbow. Seven colors symbolizes the seven chakras, the seven spiritual stages of human development. Purple center color, shows the need for everyone to strive for their own spirit, the true Self. The center is the most stable point of the wheel, just as the spirit of a person is his unshakable support in life.

On top of the wheel white sphinx, with the sword of justice raised up. The Sphinx is the keeper of the universal unknowable secrets that are beyond human understanding. Raised sword means that the Sphinx will not allow any mortal to rise above the wheel or control it. For each person, the Wheel of Fortune rotates at a speed that is determined by his karma and earthly affairs. When a person does good deeds (improving his karma), the wheel brings him good luck.

Represents luck Anubis- a fighter against evil, sitting on the wheel on the right. In the hand of Anubis is the “key of life”- Ankh (or rod of Mercury). This key combines the cross, a symbol of life, and the circle, a symbol of eternity, and together they mean eternal life. And, nevertheless, the ankh is something incomparably more than just a symbol of life, since it is associated with the transformation of ordinary life processes. Its form can be seen as a combination of male and female symbols, as a union of the earthly and the heavenly. Anubis subtly senses the presence of evil in the souls of people. His goal is to help people expel evil from their thoughts and feelings. Anubis knows well that if the hearts of people are filled with light, then the darkness will melt and the era of order and justice will come again.

Opposite Anubis on the wheel is Typhon- a symbol of cosmic disharmony, comparable only to earthly chaos. Typhon is interpreted as a certain force of darkness, as darkness itself, opposing the bright day, the forces of light. By committing evil or going against one’s own self, a person risks “burning” in the flames erupted from Typhon’s mouth.

Anubis and Typhon symbolize the white and black stripes of life. Whichever side the Wheel of Fortune turns towards you, try to live in harmony with yourself and with the world, strive for your spirit, i.e. to the most stable point - the center of the wheel.

Meaning 10 Arcana Tarot Wheel of Fortune in upright position:

Key meanings of the Tarot Arcana Wheel of Fortune in the upright position: the beginning of a new cycle in life. Good changes, good luck, happiness. Luck, favorable circumstances. The fulfillment of a cherished desire.

Arcana Tarot Wheel of Fortune on Relationships in the upright position: change for the better, reconciliation, agreement with a partner. A new happy acquaintance, or rekindled love and passion in an existing union.

Arcana Tarot Wheel of Fortune for Work in the upright position: progress. A new prestigious position that requires great dedication from you. Success. Improving yourself and everything that surrounds you. A good start. Unexpected promotion.

Arcana Tarot Wheel of Fortune for Health in the upright position: the patient's health will suddenly improve. The opportunity to improve your physical condition by adhering to a healthy lifestyle and with the help of a positive attitude.

Advice from the Arcana Wheel of Fortune in the upright position: you're in luck now! Therefore, do not refuse unexpected offers and help. Be prepared for active actions and the fact that you will have to spend time and energy on the “happy chance” that comes your way.

Meaning 10 Arcana Tarot Wheel of Fortune in reversed position:

Key meanings of the Tarot Arcana Wheel of Fortune in an inverted position: continued expectation of change for the better. The forces of Fate will not support the plan. Bad luck, difficulties in achieving the goal. The card shows a person who relies too much on a lucky break and wants to get everything at once, without effort.

Arcana Tarot Wheel of Fortune for Relationships in an inverted position: unreliable partnership. A short-lived alliance. A marriage without love, or love will quickly pass.

Arcana Tarot Wheel of Fortune for Work in an inverted position: profit without joy. Unreliable business partner. The precariousness of the situation. Additional purchases are possible. Bad luck, problems. Difficult situation, stagnation.

Arcana Tarot Wheel of Fortune for Health in an inverted position: health may deteriorate due to neglect of doctor's recommendations. Complications are possible if you just sit and hope for a lucky break.

Advice from the Arcana Wheel of Fortune in an inverted position: The Wheel of Fortune continues to turn and the difficult period will end. Remember, when Fortune turns you upside down, strive for the center of the wheel, for the only fixed point - your own self. Turn inside yourself, all the problems are there.


Wheel of Fortune - X Major Arcana

Astrologically, the Wheel of Fortune is influenced by the planet Saturn. This influence is due to the planet’s belonging to cyclicity and infinity of time. The second aspect of the planet that influences the X Arcanum is mentoring, which indicates that the Wheel of Fortune belongs to karmic processes, not only of the individual, but also of the Universe itself.

Description of the Arcana

In the center of the Arcana there is a wheel with eight spokes emerging from its center. The driving forces of the wheel are Anubis and Typhon. We can say that these are symbols of good and evil that influence the course of life, the movement of fate, and karmic developments. Typhon follows the downward movement of the wheel, and Anubis accompanies the ascent of the wheel. But each of these forces makes the movement itself continuous.

Above the top point of the Wheel of Fate sits the proud Sphinx, who holds a sword in her hands - an instrument of retribution. He always applies it with reason and when, having reached the highest point, a person is not ready to accept the experience gained with dignity. How often a person is controlled by pride, which can destroy his personal achievements in imaginary laurels! It is this pride that makes the Sphinx resort to the sword of retribution.

Rider Waite gave special meaning to other animal images, placing them around the ring. They denote human qualities, and these qualities are positive and uplifting as the wheel moves upward. When moving downward, the antipodes of these qualities appear.

In the Age of Aquarius deck, the Wheel of Fortune is depicted, perhaps, in the most atypical way. The Arcana lacks the main symbolism - controlling force and animal qualities. But the sacred meaning of the Arcanum is respected. The wheel itself is presented here in the form of a continuously rotating ball, whose texture resembles snake skin.

This is a direct indication that the entire material world is contained within this ball. In the Arcana there are two jesters who rise and fall as the ball turns. This suggests that man is not subject to the laws of the Universe, according to which the Wheel of Fate rotates. The very laws of the Universe are symbolized on the Arcana by the mountain from which the ball rolls.

The symbolism of animals is contained in the jesters. Here instincts are presented in the form of human qualities that jesters are endowed with by nature. Upward movement reveals positive qualities, downward movement reveals their antipodes.

There are decks in which the Wheel of Fortune is depicted floating on an endless ocean. The water here symbolizes the unmanifested world that surrounds the outside of the wheel. The secrets of the Universe are hidden in its depths. They are hidden from the material world located inside the wheel.

Among other names of the Arcana you can find the Wheel of Fate, the Wheel of Happiness, and the Lord of the Forces of Life.

The sacred meaning of the Wheel of Fortune

The sacredness of the Wheel of Fortune is due to the many images and symbols depicted on the Arcana. The most important symbol, which became the basis for the name of the Arcana, is the Wheel. Its superficial meaning is the infinity of movement. Any point on the wheel makes cyclic revolutions, changing the top to the bottom position. No one can stop this wheel, for it rotates according to the will of God.

The deep meaning of the Wheel is that it divides everything that exists into two worlds - internal and external. The border of these two worlds is the rim of the Wheel. This symbol is not accidental; it leads us to the Universal Wheel, which also has another form - a snake biting its own tail. This is also a sign of continuity and cyclicality of events.

Everything that is inside this Universal Wheel is material; in fact, this is the manifested material world. The movement of the wheel creates a centrifugal force, meaning the desire of all things to the center, where, according to the Buddha, there is a place of peace that determines the “exit” from the material world. In the Arcana, it is proposed to make this exit along one of the spokes of the Wheel of Fortune. Moreover, in this case the person chooses the direction independently.

Different schools have different interpretations, and, consequently, the images of this Arcanum in decks are different. However, they all talk about the transformation of a person, his spiritual component, in the process of incarnation, depending on the direction of movement of the Wheel.

The downward movement shows the awakening of base animal instincts in a person, and the upward movement gives an understanding of the unification of animal instincts with human consciousness. This is, in essence, the union of Consciousness and Spirit. Animal instincts here have the character of spiritual instincts that the Spirit brings with itself into incarnation. When combined with Consciousness, they give a certain doom to karmic processes, which can only be resolved by rising to wisdom.

The importance of this Arcanum is that a person, having fallen down, does not turn into an animal, but, having risen, he retains the experience of the material world, without suppressing animal instincts, and turns them into experience.

It should be remembered that the law of cause and effect is the law of retribution. The executor of this reward in the Arcana is the Sphinx, who zealously ensures that the person who has risen upward, having actually passed the tests, is not seduced by his chosenness, for it is a manifestation of pride. As soon as the Sphinx sees these manifestations, he sends the person down.

The Sphinx in the Arcana is a harmonious combination of the animal and human principles. He has the head of a man, the paws of a lion, the wings of an eagle and the tail of a bull. All these images collected together tell the story of the most important animal instincts that were bestowed in the process of Creation.

The eagle symbolizes inspiration, including its source. Its antipode at the bottom point of the Wheel is aggression and lightning-fast attack. Leo is morality with its antipode - ferocity. The Ox means the possibility of productive concentration, which forces a person to embody ideas; the antipode is concentration on one thing - a fixed idea, when everything that at first glance seems unimportant disappears from sight. Man is impartiality or calculating intelligence, its antipode at the bottom point of the wheel is indifference.

Mythological correspondence to the Wheel of Fortune

In mythology, this Arcana corresponds to the Goddess of Luck or Fate. So, in Greek mythology it will be Fortuna, and in Roman mythology it will be the goddess Tyche. In Slavic mythology, the Wheel of Fortune corresponds to the goddess Makosh with her assistants Dolya and Nedolya. Also in Scandinavian mythology, the Wheel of Fortune is depicted by the Norns, who weave the threads of Fate that create karma.

The appeal to goddesses as female prototypes of the Higher Powers is due to the fact that entry into the material world is possible only through the feminine principle. Woman is the gate through which the immaterial enters the material.

Another indicative myth can be the legend about Oedipus, or rather about the vicissitudes of his fate. Fate generously gifted him with a rich throne and power. Oedipus accepted her gift, but instead of giving himself completely to this gift, he decided to get to the bottom of the truth. He was interested in the path along which Fate led him.

In his search for the truth, he learned what Fate carefully hid from him in order to lead him to the pinnacle of success. But this truth turned out to be very painful. Terrible secrets were revealed to him: he became the murderer of his father, and the woman he took as his wife was his own mother.

Resisting Fate, Oedipus lost her gift, and did it independently and consciously. He gouged out his eyes, left the throne, renounced power and decided to become a vagabond. Thus, Fate prepared for him a comfortable existence and enormous power over people, and resistance made him unhappy.

The meaning of the direct Arcana in the layout

The Wheel of Fortune shows a situation that is not subject to external human actions. She gives instructions to submit to circumstances and wait for the next position of the wheel. Any resistance to the will of Fate may interfere with its plans, which are difficult to predict.

If a card appears at a moment of uplift in life, it indicates that you need to be very attentive to your surroundings, the ideas that come to you, and your own behavior. You need to pay very close attention to the signs that come. If there are any negative manifestations, then this is a sign that the wheel is entering a new phase, the decline phase.

If a person is not in the best period of his life, then this is an indication that it is necessary to rethink his behavior here and now, not to commit rash physical actions, but to reconsider his attitude towards the spiritual component of life. Only after this can the wheel enter the lifting phase.

The wheel can indicate a rapid change of circumstances if it appears in the scenario for a short time or a certain situation occurring at the moment. If the alignment is made for a long time, then this Arcanum denotes gradual changes, the results of which will become visible only at the end of the year.

It should be remembered that the Wheel of Fortune denotes cyclicality. You should not despair of bad events, just as you should not “rest on the laurels” of good ones.

You cannot control this wheel, but you can adapt to it, finding within yourself a correspondence with the four manifestations of the Arcanum symbols. At the same time, there is a wise saying that man is the master of his own destiny. This saying does not call for resisting fate, but only indicates the need to more closely monitor its signs.

The meaning of the inverted Arcana in the layout

The inverted Wheel of Fortune indicates that for a person the wheel of fate has stopped rotating, stopping at its lowest point. This state has become habitual and stable.

The person stubbornly refuses to understand the problems that caused the current situations. He does not look for a way out within himself, but relies on outside help. Thus, all the actions that a person takes and the advice that he heeds are the punishing sword of the Sphinx, for the Sphinx requires inner awareness and the acceptance of conscious responsibility.

This position of a person can be compared to a squirrel in a wheel, when the wheel does not stop running, but the squirrel continues to be in its lower position. The reversed Wheel of Fortune shows a complete lack of change. This position of a person is very well reflected in the X Arcana of the Loginov deck. He is depicted there as a rabbit spinning inside a wheel.

It is possible to get out of this state only when a person finds the strength to move to the center of the wheel, where movement is suspended, which means the flow of negative events will be slowed down. This shift, in essence, is the acquisition of a state of peace, a state of leaving the situation and observing it from the outside.

This position will help to consider in more detail the entire environment influencing the event, make a pragmatic analysis and take effective measures, which are nothing more than a symbolic movement along the spokes of the Wheel of Fortune from the center to the desired point.

If a person does this in the near future, then the cycle of the wheel will change quite quickly, but if he is careless about his inherent concentration, then changes will not happen soon.

Direction of self-development

The Wheel of Fortune teaches a person two important points: do not delude yourself, do not calm down at the top and do not lose heart at the lowest point. The most important thing in these cases is acceptance of the situation.

At the top of the wheel, a person must learn to accept achievements with dignity, without slipping into the arms of pride, and always remember the likelihood of decline. It is the awareness of a possible decline and internal readiness for it that keeps a person at the top of the wheel. They resist pride and prevent a person from resting on his laurels of victory.

At the lowest point, a person must accept the necessity for himself of the existing state of affairs, and perceive it not from a position of inevitability, but from a position of givenness. When a person understands that any situation can turn out for good, he begins to look for internal levers, the reasons for the occurrence of such a situation. This search moves a person to the center of the wheel, when he finds peace, which makes it possible to get out of the situation.

The impetus for getting out of the situation can be the awareness of one of the four qualities inherent in the symbolism of the Arcana - eagle, lion, bull and man. A person must connect the found quality that will help him get out of the situation with spirituality, giving it strength and significance.

Having walked along one of the spirals of the wheel, a person ends up on its rim and again begins to move towards the Sphinx. The circle closes, and only the Sphinx can determine whether a person needs to repeat such a situation or whether he has fully learned a lesson from it.

Since the Wheel of Fortune is Eternity, manifested in the cyclical nature of incarnations, a person in his self-development must take care of spirituality, which will become the source of his subsequent karmic lesson, affecting the level of the incarnating Spirit. In addition, spirituality is a path to mutual understanding with the Sphinx, an appeal to his wisdom.

An inverted card in a self-development lesson suggests that you need to stop and stop taking any actions. This is where self-awareness comes to the fore. In this position, the Wheel of Fortune says that the person is not ready to accept what is happening to him, as a result of which the person is always at the bottom point of the wheel and has a feeling of a vicious circle.

His fixation leads to aggravation of the situation, the only way out is the same as with the direct Arcana - collect his thoughts, concentrate on his qualities, find internal levers to change the situation. But everything is aggravated by the fact that a person is dominated by his four antipodes, which prevent him from leaving a stable low point.


The Wheel of Fortune indicates that events will move in a sine wave: a certain rise will be followed by a decline. But this is the case if you look at work over a long period of time. If the viewing is for a short time or for now, then the Wheel of Fortune will show the routine of the work that the person is doing. Or the need to do routine work at the moment.

In the matter of the financial component of a contract, enterprise, business, the Wheel of Fortune will show the receipt of profit for a certain time. This does not mean the profitability of the enterprise as a whole, but the fact that for some time it will generate income, but after a while a decline will certainly begin. Consequently, the card gives a direct indication that after some time there will be a need for additional efforts, financial investments or attracting new people and new methods of promoting the business. If this is not done, the company will suffer losses.

Oddly enough, the Wheel of Fortune suggests that all means will be good to maintain the achieved goal. This means that you need to consider not only one aspect of making a profit, but try to use all possible forces and methods. At this moment, liberation occurs from the influence of the Wheel of Fortune, from its changeability. The human condition moves to the next Arcana – Strength.

If a person is not able to add anything to the already chosen methods, he just needs to take a time out and simply wait out the period of forced decline: it will be followed by another rise.

In an inverted position, the Wheel of Fortune still remains a wheel, but in this case the card shows the moment of the decline point or that its limit has already been reached. This can be understood by the situation. If unfavorable conditions last for a long time, this will mean that the situation itself has almost reached a critical point.

If the Wheel of Fortune appears upside down, there is nothing a person can do. He should just wait for fate to turn and not strive for independent changes. In this case, there is no need to change work, even despite the visible stagnation. This could set a new wheel in motion that will lead him into even bigger trouble. It should be remembered that the Wheel of Fortune in business is never personal; it entails some part of the people who can aggravate the situation.

It is best to consolidate the situation and move to the center of the Wheel of Fortune so that the critical point is not so noticeable. In this case, the person becomes an observer. The wheel itself will take the person to the top point.

Personal relationships

In terms of relationships, the Wheel of Fortune shows that there are periods of both understanding between people and periods of different opinions. The Wheel of Fortune always speaks of the presence of feelings, but these are not feelings of intense love, which are described by the Arcanum of Lovers, but deeper feelings - affection, friendship. These are feelings that can only exist in union.

But the Wheel of Fortune also points to the difference in characters who have the ability to get along with each other. The reason for their long union with opposite character traits lies in the fact that at some point they moved to the center of the Wheel and this allows them to maintain the status quo of feelings acquired at the beginning of the relationship and which served as the impetus for the creation of the union.

In such a union, it is not love and carnal pleasures that prevail, but friendship and mutual respect. They are the basis of the strength of such an alliance. Contrary to public opinion, which is trying to separate people who are inherently different, they themselves do not want to break off such relationships. They are completely satisfied with this state of affairs. We can say that an unspoken agreement was concluded between them on mutual non-interference.

If we are talking about a lonely person, the Wheel of Fortune says that the person is on the verge of a new acquaintance, which will become fateful for him. Here the person is on the rim of the wheel. This meeting will bring him an explosion of emotions and feelings and will become very bright and important.

The reversed Wheel of Fortune for people in an alliance indicates that it is impossible to maintain the status quo at the moment. There is, of course, an unspoken agreement, but it is rather forced and greatly affects emotionally the person for whom the arrangement is being made.

There is no talk of mutual respect here; here, grievances and mutual accusations, unwillingness to come to terms with opposing opinions, and rejection of differences in character come to the fore.

For a lonely person, the inverted Wheel of Fortune promises a continuation of the period of loneliness, but this does not depend either on the person himself, or on his personal qualities, or on his behavior. Perhaps fate is preparing some kind of gift in the future, so the most correct thing in this situation is to be patient and wait for changes from above.

Active actions in this case may be perceived by conduct as unwillingness to accept a gift of fate. If a person does not listen to the advice of the Arcanum, then he jumps out from under the influence of the Wheel of Fortune and moves back to the IX Arcanum, becoming a hermit.

Personality characteristics

Under the influence of the Wheel of Fortune, a person’s character becomes changeable. Very often this person is in a good mood, leads an active lifestyle, loves noisy companies and an abundance of friends. But he is very strongly influenced by situations that can plunge him into despondency and even depression.

This is a person with an unstable psyche that changes according to circumstances. This person is not able to withstand the blows of fate. It is very often said about such people that all his qualities manifest themselves 50/50: in some moments he may be sincere, in others he may not. He can keep something back without lying.

Upon closer acquaintance with such a person, a “second bottom” is very often discovered, that place into which a person never lets anyone in, regardless of the closeness of the relationship. His behavior is dictated precisely by this deep secret. Because of this, it is very difficult for others to understand a person, since actions are committed under the influence of what is hidden from analysis.

Quite often, a person under the sign of the Wheel of Fortune is called the darling of fate. He may be lucky in life even when he does not make the slightest effort. But such luck is not always appreciated, because no energy was spent on it. The ease of obtaining some benefits can sooner or later give way to a period of failure, so it is very important for a spoiled person to learn to thank fate and pay tribute to the participation of events in his life.

In rare cases, a person is at the center of the Wheel of Fortune. The behavior of such a person never changes. It is always smooth, calm, and friendly. He will never impose his opinion, will not interfere in other people's affairs and relationships, but at the same time, he always happily gives advice or provides help only when he is asked for it.

The inverted position of the Wheel of Fortune does not speak about the character of a person as a whole, but only makes it clear that now is a period when a person is in a serious condition, depressed, which also affects his behavior. He is withdrawn, irritable, and blames someone for his problems. He becomes intolerable because he is quite capable of meanness towards another person.

This is good because a person is not really such, but only reflects the circumstances of his life. When circumstances change, a person’s attitude towards himself and others completely changes.

The main thing is that a person finds the strength to accept the help of others even when he is guided by mistrust. They will help bring him out of his streak of failures, returning him to a normal state in which he can choose his attitude towards fate: go with its flow or shift to the center of the Wheel of Fortune in order to turn to inner wisdom and correctly set priorities.


Health layouts are considered in accordance with the question asked and can have three options:

  • a single card of the Major Arcana will indicate the general condition;
  • understanding the processes occurring in the body will give a layout involving 2 cards of the Major Arcana;
  • the alignment of the Major Arcana by chakra will help to conduct a complete diagnosis and see a holistic picture of a person’s health.

General state

When looking at your overall health, you need to take into account that this Arcana denotes 50/50. This is what human health represents. It cannot be said that he is sick, but it cannot be said that the person is healthy. He has chronic diseases that can worsen at any moment. The Wheel of Fortune itself suggests that you need to prepare for this if the disease is known.

If the disease is in the acute stage, then the direct Wheel of Fortune will show that the process is moving towards recovery and relief will soon come.

In an inverted position, the Wheel of Fortune indicates that a person is on the verge of illness, even if he does not feel any symptoms. If a person is already sick, then the Wheel of Fortune paints a far from optimistic picture of the disease. It says that the disease will last a long time and will be quite difficult.

Ongoing processes

Layout of 2 cards with the participation of the Wheel of Fortune shows processes in the body associated with water. In this, the Wheel of Fortune is similar to the XIV and XVII Arcana. If the XIV Arcanum (Moderation) characterizes the blood, the XVII Arcanum (Star) characterizes the urinary system, then the X Arcanum shows the state of the lymph, its movement throughout the body.

Both upright and inverted in the first position, the Wheel of Fortune shows lymph as such.

In the second position, the Wheel of Fortune in an upright position shows the normal functioning of the lymph nodes and lymph ducts. He talks about the absence of inflammatory processes in the body.

An inverted map shows an enlargement of the lymph nodes, therefore, inflammatory processes in the organs. The organ itself will show the card in the first position.

Chakra diagnostics

The Wheel of Fortune falling on one of the chakras will give a picture of the state of the organs related to this chakra. Both the direct and inverted position of the Arcana are important here.

Muladhara. The direct Wheel of Fortune shows healthy processes in the lower part of the body, the absence of inflammatory processes. A reversed card will show inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes. The reason for this must be sought in other cards on the chakra system: a negative card on one of the chakras.

Svadhisthana. The Direct Arcana shows the healthy functioning of organs, all processes proceed according to the rhythms of the body, for example, a clear schedule of a woman’s critical days. An inverted card indicates an increase in the functions of the genital organs, which may result in a malfunction in their functioning and inflammatory processes.

Manipura. The Wheel of Fortune in an upright position will show the normal functioning of the pathways and connections between internal organs. An inverted card will show a violation of any connections, all kinds of reflux, for example, when the flow of fluid is disrupted and it gives a reverse outflow, which can result in intoxication of the body.

Anahata. The direct Arcana speaks of normal processes in the stomach. This signifies proper digestion. When inverted, this may indicate stagnation in the stomach, the onset of inflammatory processes, and conditions conducive to them. If there are some “heavy” Arcana on neighboring chakras, then the Wheel of Fortune indicates a breakdown in the connections between them. For example, “The Tower” on Vishuddha will tell you about the disruption of the esophagus-stomach connection. This may be due to mechanical injury.

Vishuddha. Direct X Arcana will tell you about the normal functioning of the lymphatic system in the throat area and the absence of inflammatory processes in the organs of Vishuddha. The inverted Wheel of Fortune will show an increase in the submandibular and parotid lymph nodes, which indicates the danger of inflammatory processes in the throat or ears.

Ajna. The Wheel of Fortune on this chakra indicates the condition of the maxillary sinuses. An upright position indicates the absence of inflammatory processes, while an inverted position can warn of sinusitis. Also, the Wheel of Fortune indicates problems with the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Sahasrara. For the physical condition, the Wheel of Fortune on this chakra is not very indicative, but here you can see a person’s attitude towards his own illness. If the upright Wheel of Fortune speaks of a person’s desire for recovery and faith in the end of the illness, then the inverted one will indicate that the person has given up, “gave up on himself.”

Layout for the situation

When the Wheel of Fortune appears in a situation, you should understand that changes are coming ahead, which are completely impossible to influence. This looks like luck, success, advancement, important development, rise, opening up the opportunity to realize one’s plans, climbing the career ladder. An unexpected and successful turn of events awaits a person.

What exactly will happen, in what area the changes will take place, will be shown by the location of the Minor Arcana nearby. If the Minor Arcana are negative, this will indicate that the meaning of the events taking place was misunderstood or there was an incorrect reaction to them. In most cases, when doubt cards appear nearby, the Wheel of Fortune will become a “heavy” card. She says that a person perceives the upcoming changes negatively, but he just needs to accept it as fate and wait for the outcome of events.

At the household level

At the everyday level, this Arcanum most often speaks of fateful luck. It is possible to win the lottery, meet the right person who can influence the course of events, have a successful and significant trip in life that can answer many questions.

Very often, with adjacent positive cards in the layout, the Wheel of Fortune indicates a serious purchase. You can assume the purchase of a car, since the Wheel of Fortune is a card of movement.

The Wheel of Fortune can portend a long trip, both business and personal. The nature of the trip will help to decipher the Arcana lying nearby in the layout. It could even be a move if real estate cards come up nearby. This is a change of place of residence and even a country if the adjacent card is the XXI Arcanum.

The reversed Wheel of Fortune also shows a change in the situation, but says that the circumstances of these changes are quite difficult. It is not possible to influence them in any way. Most likely, everything leads to a worsening of the situation. In some cases, if the XVI Arcanum is nearby, accidents on the road can be expected, and if there is also the Ace of Swords or Ten of Swords nearby, then it is better not to go on such a road at all.

Very often, an inverted Wheel speaks of a time delay: events that a person expects are postponed for reasons beyond his control. In this case, a person needs to understand that this event may be the worst option for him. Thus, fate protects him, choosing the lesser of two evils. For example, a postponed trip, on which a person goes, making every effort and forcibly overcoming obstacles, may turn out to be fatal for him. Fate itself knows when to provide a person with this or that event; you just need to trust it.

At the everyday level, this is failure, unfortunate circumstances, bad luck, stagnation in business, a feeling of falling out of the rhythm of life. A person may resist change without realizing that it will lead to a better result. This is a state of loss of meaning, both locally and globally. Possibly disappointing.

The Wheel of Fortune suggests that a person does not always have to resign himself to his helplessness in the face of the vicissitudes of fate. He can take the course of events into his own hands, but this must be done based on his inner awareness. Being in a state of rest, a person begins to more clearly and in detail evaluate the signs that fate gives. He does not contradict her, does not try to change her, but only reads her clues more carefully.

Such an attitude towards everything that happens will help you get out of the situation with the fate offered with the least losses and with a good life lesson, because sometimes many situations are given precisely for such lessons. This is the reward with which the Sphinx helps to walk the path of life.

Card of the day

If the Wheel of Fortune falls on the card of the day, then we can say that some important event is about to happen today, regardless of the person’s plans. There is no need to take any action to avoid missing this event. It will overtake itself and will happen on its own as it should happen.

The Wheel of Fortune does not advise resisting what is happening on this day. This could be a day of good fortune that will mark the beginning of something new and significant in life. Sometimes fate gives gifts without expecting them.

Unexpected trips may take place on this day; they also should not be resisted. They will be successful and fruitful.

The inverted Wheel of Fortune on the map of the day indicates that failure may occur on this day. You should not schedule important events, purchases, or serious meetings for this day. You shouldn’t make fateful decisions either. This will most likely lead to disappointment due to a different result than expected. In some cases, this can even change the situation for the worse. For example, lead to a breakdown on the road, loss of money, or a quarrel between partners.

Card of the Year

It is advisable to look at the year card on a person’s birthday, unless a special annual layout is being made.

The Wheel of Fortune on the map of the year predicts a very favorable year overall, although the upcoming changes may be alarming. In other words, the year will pass under the banner of good luck, and sometimes fate will even forcibly push towards them.

A person only needs to carefully watch the signs so that at the end of the year he does not feel regret about missed opportunities. Sometimes events will unfold unpredictably, which can be a painful moment for a person who is accustomed to planning everything to the smallest detail and strictly following his plans. Such people will have to learn to go with the flow and follow the direction of fate.

A reversed card does not bode well during the year. A person will constantly feel a state of helplessness, all his actions will bring either undesirable results or will be completely ineffective. At such a time, a person says that luck has completely turned away from him.

One should not become despondent this year and under no circumstances should one negatively perceive the predictions of the inverted Wheel of Fortune. This Arcanum not only warns, but also gives very effective advice: find a state of peace, think over all the reasons and break out of the circle of failures.

A person who does not listen to the practical advice of the Wheel of Fortune dooms himself to a bad year, which will still be followed by an upturn. You can wait for it, resigning yourself to your fate, or you can resist the movement of the wheel, moving to its center - to the point of rest.

Time characteristics of the Wheel of Fortune

If the Wheel of Fortune appears in general layouts, then you need to look at what position the Arcanum is in. If he fell into the position of the past, then now the fruits of the situation that happened a year ago are being reaped.

If in the position of the future, then the situation caused by the Wheel of Fortune will happen a year after the fortune-telling. In the present position, the Wheel of Fortune indicates that the person is already in a situation, and it will last for a year.

Arcana Council

Arkan advises in any situation to find an opportunity to move to the center of the Wheel of Fortune. This means that you need to gather your courage and try to get out of the situation, having a chance to observe it from the side. This can only be done when a person completely trusts the situation and stops resisting external circumstances. He must come to the practical implementation of the phrase “This is how it should be!”

This state will calm the nervous system and help you concentrate on solving the problem and see the prospects for its outcome. This makes it possible to act, which means to get out of the state of the fickle Wheel of Fortune and move to the XI Arcanum, gaining strength.


Saturn as the lord of time and mentor.

Straight position:

THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE symbolizes eternal change, constant formation and destruction, the impermanence of both happiness and adversity. The card is considered a symbol of progress, and it is not given for nothing. To win, you need conscious desire, daring and fearlessness. The card may mean an unexpected smile of fate, but we must remember that the rotation of the wheel implies the cycle of things and events.

Reverse position:

An inverted card indicates that your life POSITION is realized, you can start working, changes will come later. It can also mean incongruous actions in unexpected situations, resistance to changes that must happen anyway.

Wheel of Fortune (upright position)

General value:

Luck on this card can be questionable, so it is better to perceive it as a surprise, an unusual situation. Game map.


1. Gambling business. Adventures. An accident that promises big profits. Unexpected meeting (call). A case with unforeseen consequences. It may mean a confusing situation with an unforeseen outcome.

2. The condition is not stable. Sometimes it hurts, but it is not life-threatening. Problem areas: blood clots, intestines, vision (but real problems only occur in an inverted position).

3. Meeting, acquaintance - how it will develop is not known. Meetings occasionally, from time to time.

4. A leader who leads without knowing the ultimate goal. Adventurer, fatalist, gambler. Independent in his opinions, aspirations and actions. Curiosity. The ability to get into ridiculous situations.

5. Rely on luck. Pay attention to signs and coincidences. (a situation where something leads you)

6. "Yes". But behind the situation lies some kind of mystery, some kind of “but”.

Wheel of Fortune (reversed position)

General value:

Ordinary life, there will be no surprises. Uniform processes, stagnation, respite.


1. It speaks of the absence of opportunities for expansion, but also of the absence of losses.

The job search is taking longer. If you already have a job, long-term permanent work in one place. Long-term development of one topic.

2. The norm for a given person. Nothing new. Stable state (both good and bad).

3. Everything is the same. Look at other cards: they will remain as they are, or if there is no relationship, then there won’t be one.

4. A person acting on his own and based on circumstances.

5. Advice: maintain the current situation (do what you are doing)

6. Summary of the situation: the question of an unexpected event or prospect - no. The question of continuing something - yes.

General value:

Depending on how we relate to fate, the Wheel of Fate - Fortune will appear either as a symbol of our dependence and helplessness in front of it, or as a life lesson that stimulates growth and maturation. At the event level, it indeed often corresponds to situations where we cannot do anything yet. We are at the descent of the Wheel, that is, our plans cannot come true: we will be hindered by traffic jams, weather, intractability of the object or other insurmountable circumstances. The Wheel of Time shows that the time has not yet come for us to take on this matter. Then the cards in other positions can tell you what needs to be done at the moment in order to get to the other side of the Wheel, corresponding to rise, success, and other unexpected turns of fate.


Here the Wheel also symbolizes dependence, often associated with the monotony and routine of the work that we have to do. However, this is where the card encourages us to see an important positive meaning. The more this yoke presses on us, the closer we are to the idea that it’s time to take fate into our own hands. Thus, the Wheel of Fate can be considered a harbinger of great changes, which, moreover, cannot be avoided. And the more readily we accept this fate, the sooner we will find ourselves on the other, rising side of the Wheel. If neighboring cards show that we are already on the rise, it means that we move forward boldly and success, promotion or other victories are guaranteed. If it turns its falling side towards us, then this is advice to think about the situation, find out its root cause (“look at the root”), so that behind the apparent defeat and even dismissal from work we see the “hand of fate” leading us to a new path.


Here the Wheel of Fate is a call to learn to recognize the need, to understand that the Wheel of Time requires us to constantly grow and develop. Without realizing this law, which, at first glance, does not necessarily concern us, we run the risk of quickly resting on our laurels. This is where the Wheel of Fate comes into play, confronting us with situations from which we must learn another lesson.

Personal relationships:

Most often it is the preservation of the status quo, and we cannot do anything about it. If there is loneliness, it means that for now we have no chance of finding (or returning) a partner; if there is a “problematic” union that does not satisfy us, then nothing can be changed here either. However, even in this case, we must understand and thoroughly learn the lesson that this situation gives us, after which changes for the better will become possible for us.

In a love relationship

The Wheel of Fortune, itself symbolizing the phases and cycles of life, will indicate that the relationship is ripe for the transition to the next stage, while in an inverted state the card may indicate that the time of rapprochement has been missed.

The Wheel of Fortune usually promises material luck, a favorable combination of circumstances, the appearance of new acquaintances, and broadening one’s horizons through a partner. It is possible that luck will be changeable and that you will need to seize your chance, and not stretch out the relationship over time. In a negative scenario or in an inverted position, the Wheel of Fortune can indicate that new relationships are a cyclical repetition of old ones, especially if the mistakes made were not realized and the corresponding lessons were not learned. In particular, this will be indicated by the presence of a Court card nearby. In addition, in a bad position, the card can warn of a person’s fickleness and unreliability, a craving for gambling, fickle interests, as well as a tendency to expect good luck instead of making personal efforts. However, the Wheel of Fortune is a successful indicator that requires mobility in life position, as well as timely actions. Next to the Lovers card, the Wheel of Fortune card can promise a profitable marriage, while the proximity of the Arcana World will indicate a good family with whom you will have to intermarry, or move to another country. The appearance of the Wheel of Fortune next to the Devil may indicate both a tendency to make money through criminal means and a tendency to squander money from the family budget.

X. Wheel of Fortune in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - unpredictable changes; changes that are met with an open heart, although they do not guarantee anything.

With the “Magician” card - changes that force you to take action.

With the “High Priestess” card there is a whirlpool of events that pulls you along.

With the “Empress” card - it’s time for something or someone to be born; the deadline is approaching.

With the “Emperor” card - changes bringing a new order; changes in business or family.

With the “Hierophant” card, changes will affect the family or worldview.

With the “Lovers” card - changes in the sphere of relationships.

With the Chariot card - changes that bring chaos; navigation.

With the “Strength” card - changes that are difficult to accept.

With the “Hermit” card - retirement; changes leading to loneliness or poverty.

With the “Justice” card - changes related to legislation.

With the Hanged Man card - changes that bring crisis.

With the “Death” card - increased change.

With the “Moderation” card, time will put everything in its place.

With the “Devil” card - a drop in status; plans go to hell.

With the Tower card, it’s time to pay.

With the “Star” card there is hope for saving changes.

With the Moon card - uncertain plans.

With the Sun card - changes that promise fame and success.

With the “Judgment” card - Fortune has turned to face you.

With the “Peace” card - changes that bring reward; retribution.


With the Ace of Wands card there is light at the end of the tunnel.

With the “Two of Wands” card - change of place of residence.

With the Three of Wands card, the situation improves.

With the Four of Wands card - housewarming; change of office; changes in the house.

With the Five of Wands card - a change of mood.

With the Six of Wands card - change in status; promotion.

With the Seven of Wands card - desperate attempts to maintain what has been achieved.

With the Eight of Wands card - unexpected news.

With the Nine of Wands card - a warning.

With the Ten of Wands card - a blow of fate.

With the “Page of Wands” card - an interesting proposal.

With the “Knight of Wands” card, events will spin even stronger.

With the Queen of Wands card, time will bring optimism.

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The 10th lasso (“Fate”) is the wheel of Fortune, something like a skating rink used to roll out asphalt. Accordingly, there is such a concept as Tao, which is also called God’s providence or the Lord’s Providence. The Lord's conduct is connected with the fact that the entire System develops and grows in a certain direction. A person may or may not coincide with Tao, but he will still be in the System. This is an army principle. The wheel of fortune is about redistribution.

The cycle of fate
The 10th Arcana itself and its energies represent a summary. The Wheel of Fortune carries us along with it. If you comply with the Law and fit into the development of the System, then your task will be changed.
If you have reached a certain level, the Wheel of Fortune takes you to the next level, where your life goals change. If you fail to cope with the task, they throw you back: “Go and work for another 10 years.” It is precisely because the 10th lasso exists that suicides are useless. Let's say you have some task ahead of you and you must complete it. You panicked, couldn’t cope and decided to commit suicide. You will have to return to the previous level: you fly through the 16th, 14th and 11th lasso, get into the 10th lasso and the Wheel of Fortune catches you: “The task is not completed, go back.”
Back means in the same situation. Imagine, for example, a problem book for the 6th grade of a parochial school. Until you solve the example from this problem book, you will not move to the next class.
Throughout your life you encounter certain problems and develop certain qualities. If you haven’t solved the problem, haven’t developed quality, go back and stay for a second year. Therefore, all suicides are simply wasting time. They will be brought back and forced to solve problems that you have not solved. And vice versa, those who solve all the problems ahead of schedule are given candy. Accordingly, if you cope with the task ahead of schedule, you can spend more time on the subtle planes, you can rise to some higher level.
Existence in the physical world is hard labor compared to being on the subtle planes.
The problem of the rough (lower) Astral is that while there, a person cannot fully turn on and remains there in an unconscious, comfortable state. If he passes above the 9th lasso, then he feels very good there, as evidenced by church chronicles. If you take any person out of the physical body and then try to drive him back, he begins to resist. He is comfortable there, he likes to be without a physical body. I repeat, compared to being on the subtle planes, physical life is hard labor, a kind of binding to a corpse. It is as if a core is chained to your leg, and you are forced to live with this core. If you complete all assigned tasks normally, then you can stay on the subtle planes longer, and this is the greatest reward.

Changing life goals
The role of life purpose
So, in the 10th lasso the task changes. Having completed one task, you get another. And contact with the Wheel of Fortune means contact with the fact that your task is changed. It follows that you are lucky or unlucky in life. It's all about where you're going. You will be lucky if you move in the same direction as the Wheel of Fortune - Providence. And if you are heading in the opposite direction, then the Wheel of Fortune will always interfere. This happens because you are moving backwards and the wheel is moving forward. In this case, the wheel is not lucky for you.
So the question of luck has to do with where you are going. If happy coincidences happen to you all the time: as soon as you leave the house, a tram approaches you and takes you safely where you need to go, this means that you are in the Law. If, leaving the house, you pinch your finger, the door to the subway slams in your face and you wait for a bus at the bus stop for 2 hours, you are not in the Law, you are doing something wrong. You're still lucky to get there, but you're just going to the wrong place.
There are people who experienced clinical death and came back. Such people experience a change in the Law. Clinical death can be a substitute for real death. The man lived to the end of the current stage of the journey, experienced clinical death and could have died, but in the 10th lasso they changed his task and said: “Just live a little longer.” And some people, after clinical death, completely leave the physical plane. Clinical death turns into normal death. From this point of view, the 10th lasso is important, since the task changes in it.

Working with objects of the 10th Arcana
The card depicts a wheel, a sphinx, a dog, a snake and four magical animals...

Wheel- this is energy. It constantly, like a millstone, throws cocoons over itself. The Sphinx is consciousness. You can also call it a hierarchy, since we are talking about high-level consciousness.

Four magical animals along the edges they create a feeling of N-dimensionality of space, reminiscent of a powerful luminous swastika. All this happens in at least four-dimensional space, in which time is the direction.
The wheel rotates clockwise. The map shows a wheel spinning counterclockwise. Why? Yes, because when they draw a map, it is impossible to keep track of everything. Both the wheel and the swastika always spin clockwise. The dog is on the left...
Did you have a feeling of an unusual space? This state can be called timelessness, because you are at some point in space. Accordingly, in order to move in time, you need to be included in the time flow and have some kind of energy potential. When you are motionless at some point, time does not pass. It is as if you are standing on a time scale, disconnected from it.
In order for time to move for you, you need to start moving yourself. Moreover, you can start doing it faster and slower. Try to enter the 10th lasso again and feel that there is no time there.

Interesting fact
In America in the 60s and 70s, a group of researchers led by Paul Neumann, a famous mathematician, worked. They were engaged in what later degenerated into stealth technology. The Philadelphia experiment continued, they created an electromagnetic bubble. Inside this electromagnetic bubble, people found themselves in timelessness. Since there was no time in this bubble, they could stay there as long as they wanted and this did not in any way affect their stay in physical space. While they were there, time did not move here. Because of this, researchers had problems with further synchronization with time. Parallel lines of existence arose: a person performs work for a long time, being in this electromagnetic bubble, and at the same time is present here. Because his stay there has no time here...
What is the Sphinx? In order to understand this, let’s imagine a natural hell with many sinners and devils of different ranks, performing different functions. Who, besides sinners, lives in hell?
The devils in hell are the service staff. They come in different categories: small devils are designed for various stoker jobs, and there are also large-scale devils. These are all creatures that evaluate us (we can also call them a piece of equipment). This is part of the consciousness of the System, which is watching over us. In the System there is something similar to sensors that read information from each individual who gets there. It is based on the readings of these sensors that everything happens. The system has a computer-like intelligence that compares what is with what should be and makes an assessment. In this case, a comparison is made. The Sphinx personifies this consciousness. Devils are just some minds. When you come into contact with them, you see that they look very interesting and resemble glowing purple cocoons. These are the so-called super beings, they look like either angels or demons, but all are supernatural. This is part of a large computer, which is the System.
The Sphinx is not one creature, but an apparatus for comparison.
Consider cocoons that are ground by a wheel. Pay attention to the luminosity.
Some of the cocoons are brighter, some are darker. Dark cocoons are poor students, bright ones are those who more or less cope with their tasks. The closer the shade of the glow is to purple, the higher the spiritual level...

Possibilities of the 10th Arcana
What does the ability to carry out this lasso in the Taoist circle give? This makes it possible to save a person's life. There are people who have reached the finish line. One stage of their life has ended, and another has not yet begun. If you direct the energy of the 10th Arcana to them, you will give them a new task. Work in pairs: one partner spins the Taoist circle, and the other observes. Then switch places.
You need to get a person out of depression through the 10th lasso. For example, it is known that during wars people do not get colds. During stress, the body mobilizes. If the ceiling falls on your head, then, despite your depression, you will jump up and run. One day, Porfiry Ivanov was brought to a paralyzed old woman who had been lying without getting up for 10 years.
Porfiry Ivanov walked around, thought, then threw her crutches out the window and said: “Well, I went to set the house on fire.” The grandmother jumped up, ran around, screamed - she was cured instantly. Here is an example of how to get out of depression. Well, other examples can be given on this topic: a person was given a strong kick, and as a result he forgot that he was generally sick, dying, etc. These are all the energies of the 10th lasso.

© B.M. Monosov, www.avvadon.org
See Gotimna.

Aleister Crowley Tarot of Thoth. Arcana X Wheel of Fortune.

The talisman of this Arcana has the shape of a Wheel. This talisman gives good luck.

Description of the meaning of Arcana
This Arcana contains the energy of communication between parallel worlds. The multivariate development of the World appears before us in the form of a field of probability of events. Each person chooses options for the events of his life by making a choice. All people of each world are connected to each other. By making your choice, you determine the fate of other people. Thus, each choice narrows the field of probabilities, forming the Probability Tree of a given world. For each of the worlds, this tree of probabilities is a personal history of this World. Moving through time, we slide along the tree of probabilities, flipping through probabilistic forks. This movement, taking into account the time scale, is called the wheel of fortune. When making our choices, we can be selfish, selfish, altruistic, or think about the fate of the whole world. Only people who think at the level of world processes are able to go beyond the limits of error reserved for mortals in their choice. Only Mages can change the probability tree of the World. In any situation there is a gap that, with the right choice, can change fate. The energy of the 10th Arcana makes it possible to change the fate of not only one person, but also the world line as a whole.

Description of the Angel Arcana
The angel of the 10th Arcana is the Sphinx. This superhuman being with multidimensional consciousness controls the probabilistic forks of this world. It is where the world can change and tests people, determining a person's motivation system. The Sphinx opens passages to various worlds for those who pass the test. The Sphinx holds scales and a sword. Libra is a symbol of testing - Riddles of the Sphinx. The sword is a symbol of retribution. The huge Sphinx symbolizes the Consciousness of the System.

Action of Arcanum on the Body
The Tenth Arcana creates gaps in the structures and physiology of the body in such a way that there is always the opportunity to achieve change. Using probabilities, the Magician, conducting the energies of the 10th Arcana, can choose the necessary state of the body and organs. With this energy you can change any diagnosis. The greater the uncertainty in diagnosing an organism's condition, the more changes can be made.

The effect of the Arcanum on the Situation
The energy of the 10th Arcana can radically transform any situation. By transforming the situation, the Magician can influence the probabilistic picture of the state of individual elements of the system. Influencing the selection of key figures. A magician who conducts the energy of the 10th Arcana can change the state of the entire System. The higher the uncertainty in determining the state of the system, the easier it is to change the state of the entire system by changing the probabilities of choosing a time trajectory.

Arcana Ritual
Ritual 10 of the Arcana includes communication between the Magician and the Sphinx. The magician forms his intention and comes into contact with the Consciousness of the Sphinx. While testing the Magician, the Sphinx opens for him entrances to various probability corridors.

Siddha Arcana
The Siddha of the tenth Arcanum is the ability of the Magician to change reality. The magician can change both future and past events. The magician can change the state of organisms over a wide range. In cases of using Siddhi 10 Arcana, various objects may disappear or appear.

Using the energy of this Arcana
The energies of this Arcana are used to change the line of Fate. This energy is used to open transitions to parallel worlds.


TEN - primary self-consciousness of the spirit; man, religion.

A comment. Ten completes the third level of manifestation of the spirit, symbolizing the emergence of its self-awareness. On Earth, the ten is represented by a person, or more precisely, a religious person. At this level, the Highest Principle is presented in consciousness in the most general form, and its structure and principles of interaction with dense forms are mainly transcendental and accessible not so much to the systematizing mind, but in the form of a general vague sensation or tiny sparkles of insight. The ten gives a sharp increase in the focusing of the vertical channel of the seven, which is ensured by the fact that it is now directed not only from above, but also from below, from the object; speaking another language, a person is able to consciously cooperate with God. Thus, the high manifestation of the ten is a monk, novice, holy person (in a cell or in the world), the low is a person who feels the command of God and consciously opposes himself to it.
10 = 5 x 2 - what distinguishes a person from an animal is not the rational mind or self-awareness per se, but the religious mind and religious consciousness, that is, the ability to see life on a more subtle plane and somehow cooperate with it. Two fives symbolize two life planes (thin and dense), connected together. Not only is God necessary for man and cares for him, but man is also needed by God—in this boldness the revelation of the ten is revealed. However, the top ten is still partly closed and limited by its concentration on the elements of spirituality that it actually has - the first manifestations of the spirit are not yet clear, they are not self-confident, the vertical channel is weak, often breaks, despite all the efforts from above and below. The high plan has not yet manifested itself clearly, hence the doubts and instability of faith. These are the first sprouts of spirituality, they are easy to suppress from the inside and outside, and the top ten, often trying to preserve them through strict protection and design, actually destroys them, turning into a nine - this is how religion, losing the charismatic (vertical) channel, acquires empty ritualism, which nevertheless pretends to be to a spiritual monopoly.
10=9+1 - in the ten the internal contradictions of the nine come out, and the gap between the spirit and the flesh becomes obvious, as a result of which great internal harmonization and purification occurs - so a person, formally a believer, suddenly realizes his total internal atheism and at the same time discovers a subtle a trickle of living faith, almost incapable of anything else, but real. Of course, nothing remains here from the external harmony of the nine, which sometimes leads the ten to extremes such as extreme asceticism.
10=7+3 - harmonizing, the spiritual channel receives formalization in religious self-consciousness, but at the same time significantly loses its direct strength, although it sharply increases the level of vibrations.
10=4+3+2+1 - man is a spiritualized polarized harmonized material form.
Now try to interpret the formula yourself: 10=1+2+3+4 - ?
Ten is religious, unsure of itself, subject to religious doubts and searches, and in this regard is capable of creativity, but, of course, not in the same way as seven and five. He easily slips into nine - a profane form of religiosity and is terribly afraid of eleven - the transition to the next level and questions transcendental for humanity.

© Absalom Underwater

Birth number 10

You are a bundle of energy! Ten times the potential of a birth number 1, you have the intelligence, strength and creativity to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. You, an unsurpassed leader, have no sense of fear - you will not back down before anyone or anything. One way or another, you will turn any loss into a win. You always look at the root of the problem and know how to “figure out” a course of action that produces results. You get real pleasure from taking on extraordinary, or at least extremely difficult, situations and solving them to your advantage. You are highly valued for your business acumen and leadership abilities, but be careful not to abuse your power and become a tyrant among like-minded people or in your family. It may not be obvious, but you are extremely concerned about the well-being of your loved ones.


Number 10 – Decade

The esoteric meaning of the number ten is that it, continuing the line outlined by the number nine, symbolizes the idea of ​​absolute perfection and numerical completeness, returning to the source of all single-digit numbers - one. Cornelius Agrippa said about this:
“The number ten is called a universal and complete number, meaning the complete path of life, because from this number they count repetitions, and it contains all numbers or explains them with its own, multiplying them. Therefore, it is considered the number of different energies... There is no number higher than it and “every tenth has something divine.” In this divine aspect just named, the number ten signifies heaven, supreme wholeness, absolute completeness, a return to unity on a new level.

In its natural aspect, the ten symbolizes manifested nature, matter fulfilling the heavenly will and the supreme law. In its human aspect, the number ten symbolizes what can be called God-manhood, realizing the principle of the Kingdom of God on earth, or more precisely, the God-man, Heavenly Man or Adam-Kadmon.
The graphic image of the ten will also be a circle (circle plus its center), a snake crawling along a pillar (movement plus rest, design plus form), as well as the Tree of Sephiroth.
Acting as a number of absolute completeness and total completeness, ten represents a synthesis of being and non-being. According to Debarolle, “the sign of ten is composed of one, meaning being, and zero, expressing non-existence: it, therefore, contains spirit and matter; it is the highest point of the mind of humanity, which calculates everything by it.”

Kabbalistic TAROT

Many occult philosophers (Cornelius Agrippa, Saint Martin, Eliphas Levi) believed that the ten, with its perfection, is capable of correcting other imperfect, incomplete, separated numbers. Saint Martin wrote:
“A number united in a decade never represents an image of dismemberment and formlessness. Even 2 and 5, dividing a decade, are bad only when they are solitary. When united in a ten, they lose their bad and formless character.”

Blavatsky gives a similar description of the number 10:
"Ten or Decade brings all these units back to unity and ends the Pythagorean table. Therefore this figure - one in zero - was a symbol of the Divinity of the Universe and Man. This is the secret meaning of the "powerful grip of the lion's paw of the tribe of Judah" ("the grip of the Master Mason") between the two hands, the joined fingers give the number ten."


Manly Hall also emphasizes the final and unifying aspect of the number 10:
"The decade, 10, according to the Pythagoreans, is the greatest number, not only because it is tetractys (10 points), but also because it embraces all arithmetic and harmonic proportions. Pythagoras says that 10 is the nature of the number, because all nations come to it, and when they come to it, they return to the monad. The decade was called both heaven and world, because the first includes the second, being a universal number, the decade was applied by the Pythagoreans to those things that are characterized by age, strength, faith, necessity, the power of memory.
She was also called tireless because, like God, she is not subject to fatigue. The Pythagoreans divided the celestial bodies into ten orders. They also argued that the decade perfects all numbers and embraces in its nature even and odd, movable and immobile, good and evil. They associated her power with the following deities: Atlas, because he carries numbers on his shoulders, Urania, Mnemosyne, the Sun, the planets and the One God."

The number 10, composed of the sum of the first four numbers of the natural series (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10), absorbs the entire universe and represents the four-faced unity of being in the Ideal Aspect, a Mystical Square inscribed in a circle. H. E. Kerlot gives the ten the following characteristics:
"Ten in the decimal system symbolizes a return to one. In the tetractys (the Pythagorean triangle, where the points in four descending rows - four, three, two, one - add up to ten) it refers to four. It also symbolizes spiritual achievement, as well as its unity functions as an even (or ambivalent) number or as the beginning of a new, complex series of numbers. According to some theories, ten symbolizes the integrity of the universe (on two levels: metaphysical and material), since it leads everything to unity. numbers as perfection: this tradition, originating in the ancient East and through the Pythagorean school leading to St. Jerome."
The ten is depicted not only as a motionless static symbol of the Tree of Sephiroth, but also as a completely mobile figure of “dener”. In a certain sense it is a rotating circle.

Rene Guenon believes that the best graphic symbol of the ten will be a circle divided into four equal parts by means of a cross formed by two rectangular diameters.
If the quartinier can be geometrically depicted in the static aspect as a square, then in the dynamic aspect it is depicted as a movable cross rotating around its center. Such a dener, that is, a complete numerical cycle, is the famous “squaring of the circle,” which is essentially a division of the circle into four parts, symbolizing the union of spirit and matter.

Squaring the Circle. Pythagorean sign for solving unsolvable problems.


The tenth house governs very specific manifestations of a person’s spirituality and lack of spirituality, but one must be able to see and understand this. If the eighth house governs existential choices in borderline, extreme situations, then the tenth house is everyday, ordinary choices, but it is they who ultimately determine the evolutionary development of a person; it is here that he is given free will to the maximum extent, which he can use creatively, for good or evil, or he can give it to someone else, which, of course, will make his head hurt less, but he will have to watch the colors of the world through TV, and good, if it turns out to be colored.
In the tenth house, the Absolute acts through manifested structures, and a person has to change or set specific goals and objectives for himself as a direct reaction to these actions. The lower octave of the tenth house includes the administrative and, in general, any rigid hierarchical system in which each link is controlled by a higher one and is in no way dependent on the outside world. The ideal of such a system is complete regulation of behavior and, accordingly, the absence of freedom of choice in any part of it, which corresponds to an absolutely rigid and crystallized egregor, which, however, is not viable. In any situation at home, there are two characteristic elements: firstly, the pressure of the outside world, forcing a person to react: set himself a new specific goal or task, and, secondly, the moment of choosing this goal from several possible ones. If at least one of these elements is missing, then the tenth house is not included: if there is no external pressure, it could be, for example, a creative choice (fifth house), if there is no choice (at least subconscious), then it may be the twelfth or eleventh house (forced impersonal service or forced group work).
Thus, the tenth house is characterized by two feelings: on the one hand, free will and the need for choice, and on the other, activation and strengthening of external restrictions that require a change in behavior and direction of thinking; at the same time, there are feelings of increased pressure from the outside world and responsibility for one’s choice, which a person often represses into the subconscious or projects outside.

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