Bianchi owl summary and conclusion. Literary reading by V.V. Bianchi "The Owl"

Topic: "V. Bianchi "Owl"

Lesson type: learning new material.

Target: acquaintance with the educational fairy tale “The Owl” by V. Bianchi.



1) introduce students to the work and pages of the life of V. Bianchi;

2) give an idea of ​​the new literary genre “educational fairy tale”, consolidate knowledge about the features of fairy tales;

3) continue work to improve reading skills, develop students’ speech, enrich their vocabulary, and broaden their horizons;


4) consolidate bibliographic knowledge;

5) develop the ability to analyze text, search for necessary information in the text, find and formulate the main idea;

6) develop thinking, memory, logic (the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions);

7) develop the ability to work with a diagram and use a dictionary;


8) developing interest in reading;

9) fostering a caring attitude towards nature, developing the ability to evaluate people’s actions.


  • exhibition of books by V. Bianchi;
  • presentation ( Application );
  • cards for building a “Chain of Interconnection” (illustrations depicting an owl, cow, mouse, clover);
  • cards for vocabulary work and with a deformed plan;
  • audio recording "The Cry of an Owl" (Music file ).

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. Creating a psychological environment.

The bell rang and stopped. He gathered us all for the lesson.
Everyone at the desk stood up straight, smiled, straightened up,
We sat down quietly at our table and started talking.

ΙΙ. Checking homework.

What section are we studying?

What work did you learn about in the last lesson?

What do you remember about V.V. Bianchi from the last lesson?

- Retelling of V. Bianchi’s story “The Musician” based on the questions in the textbook (p. 145, task 6)

Completing task 7 on p. 145

Who is a musician? Have you looked in the encyclopedia?

Musician - an artist who plays a musical instrument. And also in general a person involved in such a game.

ΙΙΙ. Updating knowledge.

What unites all the works of V.V. Bianchi? Bianchi writes about nature, studies it, reveals its secrets to readers. You need to read his fairy tales and stories just as you peer into nature in order to see the unusual in the ordinary. In nature, everything is interconnected, no one has the right to disturb this balance.

This relationship between nature and man was shown in his next work by V.V. Bianchi.

You will find out what this work is called by guessing the riddle.

  • He flies all night, catches mice,
  • and when it becomes light, he flies into the hollow to sleep. (Picture on the board)

What do you know about this bird?

(Student message).

Owl - nocturnal bird of prey. Lives more often in mixed and coniferous forests. Hunts at night, mainly on mouse-like rodents. Nests in abandoned nests of other birds, such as crows. In autumn, owls fly to the west, and northern visitors take their place.

ΙV. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

So, what work will you read today? Who is author?

  • The topic of our lesson is “V.V. Bianchi “Owl”. What work lies ahead of us?

U. Using supporting words, set the goal of the lesson.

On the desk:

Let's find out......

Let's learn...

V. Preparation for perception of new material.

1. Semantic forecasting.

What do you think this piece is about?

Let's check our assumptions.

VΙ. Initial acquaintance with the text.

1) Reading the text by the teacher and students.

Did you like this piece? In what mood did you listen to him?

2) Vocabulary work.

How can you replace words and expressions? (Work in pairs with cards)

Leaks away

runs away.


clover intended for livestock feed.


pollen, tiny yellow grains.


hide, hide.


a lot of space.

No matter how bad things turn out

as if there was no trouble.

Tea whitening

add milk to tea.


nutritious drink for livestock.


Exercise for the eyes (Slide 4)

VΙΙ. Introduction to the new literary genre “educational fairy tale”. Statement of a problematic question.

What genre is the work you read? Show with signal circles. (On children's desks there are signal circles of literary genres). (Slide 5)

On the desk:

Why did you decide so?

What type of fairy tale would you classify this fairy tale as?(Tale about animals.)

You know that there are folk tales. What kind of fairy tale is this?(Literary, author's.)

Yes, it's a fairy tale. And V. Bianchi called his stories “fairy tales - non-fairy tales.” Why do you think?(It contains the fabulous and the non-fairytale.)

Conclusion: That's right, non-fairy tales are born as an answer to children's “why?” Hence the titles of the works: “Why does a magpie have such a tail?”, “Whose legs are these?” You can see some of them at the exhibition.

All these books are from our library. During recess, look at them, leaf through them, and, if you want to read them, borrow them from the library.

VΙΙΙ. Consolidating content mastery fairy tales.

Find the answers from the text of the fairy tale.

- Why was the owl angry with the old man? Phrase “You hide from the sun, avoid people”– Is it a fairy tale or is it true in nature?(This is how it is in nature: an owl hunts at night.)

- What happened when the owl stopped flying to the meadow?

- What did the mice do?(“Mice roam the meadow, look for bumblebees’ nests, dig the ground, catch bumblebees.”)

Can this proposal be called fabulous?(No.)

What do we learn about nature from this sentence?

- Who do mice hunt?(On bumblebees.) How? (They are looking for their nests.) Where are bumblebees' nests?(In the ground.)

- Why do the meadows need bumblebees?And what educational things do we learn from the phrase “What good are they: no honey, no wax, just blisters”?(That bumblebees do not make honey like bees, and they do not have wax.)What benefits do they bring?(The pollen is transferred from flower to flower.)

- What happened to the clover in the meadow?

What else will you and I learn that is useful and educational? What does a cow need to make her milk fatty and tasty?(Nutritional clover.)What technique is Bianchi using here?(Comparison – herbs with porridge).

- What did the old man have to do?

- Did the owl forgive the old man?(Yes, she feels bad too without his mice.)

What phrase is repeated throughout the tale?(“Ho-ho-ho, Old Man!”)

Why do you think the Owl speaks this way?(Sounds like the cry of an owl.)

Listening to the audio recording “The Cry of an Owl” (Music file ).

Physical education minute "Owl".

It's dark in the forest
Everyone has been sleeping for a long time. (Children pretend to be sleeping.)
All the birds are sleeping...
One owl doesn't sleep
He flies and screams. (
Children wave their arms.)
Big head. (
Draw a large circle with your hands.)
Sits on a branch, (Sit down.)
Turns his head
(Turn your head right and left.)
Looks in all directions
Yes, suddenly it will fly. (
Stand up, wave your arms, run in place.)

ΙX. Work on understanding the meaning of what you read.

1. Constructing a “Chain of Relationship” and explaining the meaning of each link in this chain.

Name the main characters. (Pictures depicting heroes are placed on the board)

What is the connection between milk tea and an owl? (Students' responses are listened to.) At first glance, none. But this is only at first glance. Through a fairy tale, V. Bianchi showed how everything in nature is interconnected. The future of our planet, and therefore of all humanity, depends on a careful attitude towards nature. Let's try to restore this chain.Work on cards in pairs. Slide check. (Slide No. 6)

2. Independent work withmutual verification. Restoring a deformed plan.

(Cards with a deformed plan.)

  • The owl got angry.
  • The cow has little milk.
  • Bumblebees are walking in other people's meadows.
  • The Owl forgave the Old Man and flew to the meadow to catch mice.
  • Mice are prowling the meadow, looking for bumblebee nests.
  • Old Man went to bow to Owl.

Peer review. (Slide No. 8)

X. Homework.

Choose your homework (Slide 8):

  1. Prepare a retelling of the fairy tale on behalf of the grandfather or the owl of your choice according to the plan.

2. Reading by roles

XΙ. Reflection.

Complete the sentences (Slide 9):

  • “Today I found out...”
  • "It was interesting …."
  • “He gave me a lesson for life...

XΙΙ. Summarizing.

What piece were you working on?

What genre? What does V. Bianchi’s work teach us?

How can you, children, help nature?

Sources used:

  1. Klimanova L. F., Goretsky V. G., Golovanova M. V. Native speech. Textbook for 2nd grade of primary school in two parts. Part 1. M.: Education, 2012.
  2. Kutyavina S.V., Gostimskaya E.S., Baykova M.I. Lesson developments in literary reading: 2nd grade. M.: VAKO, 2015.

The poetry of nature became the basis of artistry in the fairy tales of Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi. The freedom of fiction was combined in his fairy tales with the truth about the incredibly bizarre world of forests, fields, rivers and lakes. The fairy tale “The Owl” tells how the lives of birds, insects, animals and man himself are closely connected. The Owl stopped flying on the field: the Old Man offended her - and many mice divorced, bumblebees left the field, there was no one to pollinate the clover, there was no good food and the Cow began to milk less and less. And now the Old Man has nothing to whiten his tea with.

Each bird has its own nose, well adapted for its life. And it’s difficult to decide whose nose is better (“Whose nose is better?”).

Every fairy tale is a new page from a multi-page writer’s encyclopedia, which covers all the months of the year, all the subsequent changes in nature.

Everything in this world is known to the smallest detail by the writer. Everything amazes with its intricacy. However, true to the properties of the fairy tale as an art, Bianchi not only brings knowledge to his readers. He always remains an artist. Hence the cheerful play of intonations, apt expressions and, in general, the whole structure of “artistic speech” - the speech of a narrator - poet and artist. So it is said about the Owl that she is a “widow”, that “from the hollow her eyes are lup-lup, her knives are tup-too. This game with words is like in jokes, like in children's games. The little fairy tale “The Fox and the Mouse” became more attractive because of one unusual word in the last phrase: “little one.” The Fox said that he would lie in wait for the Mouse in the hole.

And the Mouse answers: I have a bedroom, I also have a storage room - I can sit out. But the Fox does not back down - he says that he will dig a hole. Then the Mouse said: “And I’m a stranger to you - and so I was!” Everything in Bianchi’s fairy tales encourages love for the world of living nature - high, ennobling love, the one without which there is no real person.

Russian writers have always willingly turned to the development of themes, motifs and images of fairy-tale folklore of other peoples and nationalities. In our time, the passage of fairy tales from people to people is one of the powerful and fruitful sources of mutual enrichment of the cultures of the fraternal peoples of the multinational Soviet Union. Outstanding success came to the Far Eastern writer Dmitry Dmitrievich Nagishkin when he decided to recreate in fairy tales the folklore legends and myths of the Nanai, Ulchi, Nivkhs, Orochs and other small peoples of the Amur region and Primorye. Nagishkin found here everything that is attractive to genuine artistic creativity - deep vitality, romantic heroism, daring fiction and the uniqueness of such a view of the world, which united the ancient traditions of myth and realism.

The hero of the writer's fairy tale, the brave man Azmun, in order to save his people from starvation, descended to the bottom of the sea. He went down and saw: old Tayrnadz, the lord of the sea, lying on his bunk, sleeping, forgot about the Nivkhs - he stopped sending them fish. The young man woke up Tayrnadz: “I am Azmun, a man of the Nivkh people,” the hero called himself. “Father, help the Nivkhs - send the Nivkhs fish.” Father, the Nivkhs are dying of hunger.” This is the speech of a man who remembers his duty. And Tayrnadz felt ashamed. In the interpretation of the fabulous feat, Nagishkin’s style as the author of the novel about the Komsomol hero Vitaly Bonivur (“The Heart of Bonivur”) is palpable. In the story of the young man Azmun, the feat in the name of the happiness and well-being of the people is recreated in full accordance with the heroic pathos of Nivkh legends. In the folklore of the peoples of the Far East, the writer found something close to his heart.


  • Fairy tales of Russian writers / Introduction, article, compilation, and commentary. V. P. Anikina; Il. and designed A. Arkhipova.- M.: Det. lit., 1982.- 687 p.
  • Annotation: The book includes fairy tales by Russian writers of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Kirillova Tamara
Summary of joint activities of the teacher with children “Reading the literary fairy tale by V. Bianchi “The Owl” in the preparatory group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 3, Dankov


joint activities of the teacher and children:

« Reading a literary fairy tale B. Bianchi« Owl»

V preparatory group of children with mental retardation


teacher: Kirillova T. N.


1. Introduce children to literary fairy tale B. Bianchi« Owl» .

2. Expand and clarify children’s ideas about nature.

3. Continue to explain to children that everything is in nature interconnected: Animals are connected to each other and to plants in a food chain.

Equipment: presentation.

Vocabulary work: empty tea, expanse, blisters, pollen, milk getting thinner and thinner.

Progress of joint activities.

1. Opening remarks teacher.

Today we have an introduction to literary fairy tale B. Bianchi« Owl» . We again find ourselves in the meadow and observe what events are happening there. The author reminds us that in nature everything interconnected: Animals are connected to each other and to plants in a food chain. Remember, for example, this chain nutrition: cabbage – slugs – toad.

You know, if a person exterminates some animals, this can disrupt the food chain and cause great harm to nature and the person himself. In our fairy tale man did not exterminate the animal, it is alive and well, the man only seriously offended the owl, and we will find out what came of it.

2. Reading a literary fairy tale« Owl» .

The Old Man is sitting, drinking tea. He doesn't drink empty - he whitens it with milk. flies by Owl.

“Great,” says my friend!

And the Old Man to her:

You, Owl, - desperate head, erect ears, hooked nose. You hide from the sun, avoid people - what a friend I am to you!

Got angry Owl.

Okay, he says, he’s old! I won’t fly into your meadow at night to catch mice—catch it yourself.

And the Old Man:

Look, what did you want to scare me with? Leak away while you're still alive.

Flew away Owl, climbed into the oak tree, doesn’t fly anywhere from the hollow.

Night has come. In the old man's meadow, mice whistle in their holes - echo:

Look, godfather, is he flying? Owl - desperate head, ears sticking out, nose hooked?

Mouse Mouse in response:

Can't see the Owl, can't hear the Owl. Today we have freedom in the meadow, now we have freedom in the meadow.

The mice jumped out of their holes, the mice ran across the meadow.

A Owl from the hollow:

Ho-ho-ho, Old Man! Look, no matter how bad it is it turned out: The mice, they say, went hunting.

“Let them go,” says the Old Man, “Tea, mice are not wolves, they won’t kill heifers.”

Mice roam the meadow, look for bumblebee nests, dig the ground, catch bumblebees.

A Owl from the hollow:

it turned out: all your bumblebees have flown away.

“Let them fly,” says the Old Man. “What’s wrong with them?” no use: no honey, no wax, just blisters.

There is a foraging clover in the meadow, hanging with its head to the ground, and the bumblebees are buzzing, flying away from the meadow, not looking at the clover, and not carrying pollen from flower to flower.

A Owl from the hollow:

Ho-ho-ho, Old Man! Look, it doesn't get any worse it turned out: You wouldn’t have to carry pollen from flower to flower yourself.

And the wind will blow it away,” says the Old Man, while he scratches the back of his head.

The wind is blowing through the meadow, pollen is falling to the ground. If pollen does not fall from flower to flower, clover will not be born in the meadow; The Old Man doesn't like it.

A Owl from the hollow:

Ho-ho-ho, Old Man! Your cow moos and asks for clover - grass, listen, without clover, it’s like porridge without butter.

The Old Man is silent, says nothing.

The Clover Cow was healthy, the Cow began to grow thin, and began to lose milk; The swill is licking, and the milk is getting thinner and thinner.

A Owl from the hollow:

Ho-ho-ho, Old Man! I said you: You will come to me to bow.

The old man scolds, but things don’t go well. Owl sitting in an oak tree, does not catch mice. Mice are prowling the meadow, looking for bumblebee nests. Bumblebees walk in other people's meadows, but don't even look at the old people's meadow. Clover will not be born in the meadow. A cow without clover grows thin. The cow has little milk. So the Old Man had nothing to whiten his tea with.

The Old Man had nothing to whiten his tea with, so the Old Man went to Owl bow:

You, Sovushka - a widow, got me out of trouble help out: I, an old man, have nothing to whiten tea with.

A Owl from the hollow with eyes loop-loop, knives tup-tap.

That's it, says the old man. Being together is not burdensome, but apart at least throw it away. Do you think it’s easy for me without your mice?

Forgave Old Man's Owl, crawled out of the hollow, flew into the meadow to scare the mice.

Owl flew off to catch mice.

The mice hid in their holes in fear.

The bumblebees buzzed over the meadow and began to fly from flower to flower.

The red clover began to swell in the meadow.

The cow went to the meadow to chew clover.

The cow has a lot of milk.

The Old Man began to whiten the tea with milk, whiten the tea - praise the Owl, invite him to visit him, respect him.

3. Physical education minute « Owl» .

It’s dark in the forest, (Children fold their palms under their bowed heads - "sleeping", eyes closed)

Everyone has been sleeping for a long time,

All the birds are sleeping

One the owl doesn't sleep,

He flies and screams.

Owl- owl, (Arms bent at elbows at chest level - « owl» sitting on a branch)

Big head,

Sits on a branch

Turns his head (Turns head left and right)

Looks in all directions

Yes, suddenly - how it flies. (Arms to the sides - flapping their wings)

4. Conversation based on content fairy tales.

What kind of tea does the Old Man drink? (Answers children: not empty - whitened with milk).

Why Owl angry with the Old Man? (Answers children: The old man spoke impolitely to the Owl).

What I promised not to do Owl? (Answers children: I won’t fly into your meadow at night and catch mice).

Was the Old Man afraid of the Owl's promise not to fly to the meadow? (Answers children: no, he wasn’t scared, he didn’t know how it was helping him Owl).

For whom was there freedom on the very first night without the Owl? (Answers children: for mice, they ran to the meadow).

How did the Old Man respond to the Owl's warning that the mice were out hunting? (Answers children: let them go).

What is happening in the meadow at this time? (Answers children: mice look for bumblebee nests, dig the ground, catch bumblebees).

What did you warn about again? Old Man's Owl? (Answers children: all the bumblebees flew away).

Did the Old Man think about what benefits bumblebees bring to the meadow? (Answers children: he believes that bumblebees only cause blisters).

What is happening in the meadow at this time? (Answers children: clover hangs with its head to the ground, and bumblebees do not carry pollen from flower to flower).

What happens if pollen does not move from flower to flower? (Answers children: clover will not be born in the meadow).

What happens to a cow without clover? (Answers children: the cow is losing weight, giving less milk, the milk is getting thinner and thinner, the Old Man has nothing to whiten his tea with).

Do you think the Old Man did the right thing when he went to bow to the Owl? (Answers children: Right).

What did she answer Owl for Old Man? (Answers children: it was also not easy for her without mice).

Tell me what happened in the meadow when The Owl forgave the Old Man? (Answers children: Owl flew off to catch mice. Bumblebees buzzed over the meadow. Clover is pouring. The cow has a lot of milk. The old man whitens tea with milk.)

What was disrupted in nature when Owl stopped flying at night to hunt mice? (Answers children: food chain disrupted).

5. Didactic game "Make a food chain".

1). Wolf, oak, boar.

2). Pine, woodpecker, bark beetle.

3). Wood mouse, acorn, owl.

6. Didactic game “Tell me how they are connected”

1). Hazel, voles, weasels.

2). Rye, mice, snakes, eagle.

Literary fairy tale B. Bianchi told us about, what will happen in the meadow if no one flies there owl, because animals are connected to each other and to plants in the food chain.

When walking in the forest, park, or in a meadow, remember that if you disrupt the food chain, you will harm nature and people.

Literary reading lesson

in 2nd "B" grade

on the topic “V. Bianchi "Owl" »

Lesson type: learning new material


    continue to get acquainted with the work of V. V. Bianchi;

    develop expressive and fluent reading skills;

    enrich vocabulary;

    develop the ability to analyze the actions of heroes.

Planned results.


realize b the role of language and speech in the lives of people;

emotionally "reside" text, express your emotions;

    Meta-subject (UUD, working with text

- listen And understand speech of others;

use listening techniques:


Expressive reading,
using intonations that correspond to the meaning of the text.

An oral essay of a narrative nature with elements of reasoning.

    Activities of students.

Be able to:

perform creative work (writing fairy tales);

determine its theme and main idea


    exhibition of books by V. Bianchi;

    presentation ( );

    cards for building a “Chain of Interconnection” (illustrations depicting an owl, cow, mouse, clover);

    cards with a deformed plan;

    audio recording "The Cry of an Owl" ( ).

Forms of lesson organization:




    individual work;

    work in pairs.

Item connection: literary reading - the world around us

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. Creating a psychological environment.

- Smile at each other. I look at your faces and see that the classroom has become brighter. This is probably because kind, sympathetic people have gathered here. After all, kindness is the sun that warms a person’s soul.

2. Speech warm-up.

- Today I propose to start our lesson with a tongue twister.

- Read it. Try to remember.

The bear lies in dense shadow.

Don't pull his paw.

Read the tongue twister out loud calmly.

    Close your eyes and repeat it.

    Say the tongue twister without sound.

    Game "Radio" (from quiet to loud).

    Say a tongue twister

quickly paired with each other.

5. Game "Who will catch up with the teacher."

- Why were we working with the tongue twister now?

3.Updating students' knowledge.

Checking homework.

-Which work did you become familiar with in the past? lesson?

Find in the text and read about who made a ringing, gentle sound in the forest...

Read it. What did the old man do with the bear?

What is the main idea of ​​this story?

CONCLUSION: We must love and protect nature. Nature and man are one inextricably linked whole.

4. Formation by students of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

This relationship was shown in his work by V. V. Bianchi.

sound (owl cry)

Who did you hear? (Optionally, you can use a riddle).

Those who sleep during the day do not fly.

And at night he chases mice across the field.

U. Formulate the topic of our lesson.

On the board: Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi. "Owl".

U. Using supporting words, set the goal of the lesson.

On the desk:

Get acquainted with the work…….

Study correctly...


4. Preparatory work.

-. What do you know about the owl?

. Owls are nocturnal: they sleep during the day and hunt at night.

Who are they hunting?(For mice, frogs, voles, insects.)

- What helps them hunt?

a) Acute hearing.
b) Soft, thick plumage (they fly silently).
c) Claws (grab prey, hold it).
d) Beak.

- What benefits do owls bring?

Signs about an owl.

    If there are a lot of owls, the harvest will be good.

    The owl screams at night before the rain and cold.

    The owl screams at the thaw.

    An owl in a hollow - against the wind, in a dry forest - against rain.

    The owl screams - to the cold.

"Do you know?"

(Slide No. 5) Speech by a prepared student.

For a long time, the owl has been considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Among the ancient Greeks, it was the sacred bird of the goddess of wisdom, Athena.

In many areas of Russia, the owl was treated cordially. In fairy tales she was called the “widow owl,” a blond, intelligent little head.

In J. Rowling's Harry Potter books, owls are used as a means of communication between wizards (owl mail). Owls are also called people who are used to getting up late.

5. Preparation for the perception of new material. . Reading a fairy tale by V.V. Bianchi "Owl".

Reading words (writing on the board):

    from-cha-yan-naya – desperate;

    ho-ro-nish-sya - you are buried (hiding, hiding);

    hundred-ro-nish-sya - keep away;

    got angry - got angry;

    pere-re-kli-ka-yut-sya - echo;

    they look in - they look in;

    old - old man - old man.

What words do you not understand?

(Slide No. 6) “Vocabulary work”

How can you replace words and expressions?

Leaks away

runs away.


clover intended for livestock feed.


pollen, tiny yellow grains.


hide, hide.


a lot of space.

No matter how bad things turn out

as if there was no trouble.

Tea whitening

add milk to tea.


nutritious drink for livestock.

6. Initial acquaintance with the text.

Reading the text by the teacher.

Did you like this piece? In what mood did you listen to him?

Name the main characters.

Guys, why was the text called “Owl”?

Is it possible to give it another name? Which?

Exercise for the eyes.

U. Name the heroes of the fairy tale.

As the heroes are named, their figures are placed on the board.

2. Reading and discussion.

U. Let's read this fairy tale again and observe the events taking place.

U. How does a fairy tale begin? Reading a passage.

U. What happened? (The owl flew away). Why? As the story progresses, hero figures are removed from the board or added.

Reading passage


Reading passage


Reading passage


Reading a passage.


U. How has the old man’s life changed?


W. What did the old man’s well-being depend on? (From the common efforts of the fairy tale heroes).

U. In nature, everything is interconnected. The loss of at least one “instrument” leads to a disruption of harmony in the well-coordinated “orchestra” of living organisms.

. Physical education minute “Owl”.

It's dark in the forest
Everyone has been sleeping for a long time. (Children pretend to be sleeping.)
All the birds are sleeping...
One owl doesn't sleep
He flies and screams. (Children wave their arms.)
Big head. (Make a big circle with your hands.)
Sits on a branch, (Sit down.)
Turns his head, (Make head turns to the right, left.)
Looks in all directions
Yes, suddenly it will fly. (Stand up, wave your arms, run in place.)

Consolidating new material

1.Expressive reading

Reading the work by students in parts.

Planning. (Work in pairs)

Tea without milk.


Quarrel with an owl.

Determine the order of the parts.

2.Tea without milk.

3. Reconciliation.

1. Quarrel with an owl.

What was the main conclusion made by the owl and the old man? Read it.

What have you read? What genre does this statement belong to? (Folk wisdom, folklore, proverb).

How do you understand it?

2.Work on mastering the meaning of what you read

What is the connection between the owl and the old man's tea? Let's draw a chain of relationships. (work in pairs)


owl mice bumblebees clover cow milk tea


U. What “discovery” did you make for yourself today?

On the board: Together is not burdensome, but apart at least throw it.

You need to have the courage to correct your mistakes.

You need to be able to forgive.

U. Do you think these “discoveries” will be useful to you in life?


    Dramatize any dialogue from a fairy tale.

Sources used:

    Klimanova L. F., Goretsky V. G., Golovanova M. V. Native speech. Textbook for 2nd grade of primary school in two parts. Part 1. M.: Education, 2010.

    Kutyavina S.V., Gostimskaya E.S., Baykova M.I. Lesson developments in literary reading: 2nd grade. M.: VAKO, 2007

    Encyclopedia “I explore the world. Animals"

Internet resources:

    Biography of V.V. Bianchi: 00873501225988269902/

Everything in this world is known to the smallest detail by the writer. Everything amazes with its intricacy. However, true to the properties of the fairy tale as an art, Bianchi not only brings knowledge to his readers. He always remains an artist. Hence the cheerful play of intonations, apt expressions and, in general, the whole structure of “artistic speech” - the speech of a narrator - poet and artist. So it is said about the Owl that she is a “widow”, that “from the hollow her eyes are lup-lup, her knives are tup-too. This game with words is like in jokes, like in children's games. The little fairy tale “The Fox and the Mouse” became more attractive because of one unusual word in the last phrase: “little one.” The Fox said that he would lie in wait for the Mouse in the hole. And the Mouse answers: I have a bedroom, I also have a storage room - I can sit out. But the Fox does not back down - he says that he will dig a hole. Then the Mouse said: “And I’m a stranger to you - and so I was!” Everything in Bianchi’s fairy tales encourages love for the world of living nature - high, ennobling love, the one without which there is no real person.

Russian writers have always willingly turned to the development of themes, motifs and images of fairy-tale folklore of other peoples and nationalities. In our time, the passage of fairy tales from people to people is one of the powerful and fruitful sources of mutual enrichment of the cultures of the fraternal peoples of the multinational Soviet Union. Outstanding success came to the Far Eastern writer Dmitry Dmitrievich Nagishkin when he decided to recreate in fairy tales the folklore legends and myths of the Nanai, Ulchi, Nivkhs, Orochs and other small peoples of the Amur region and Primorye. Nagishkin found here everything that is attractive to genuine artistic creativity - deep vitality, romantic heroism, daring fiction and the uniqueness of such a view of the world, which united the ancient traditions of myth and realism.

The hero of the writer's fairy tale, the brave man Azmun, in order to save his people from starvation, descended to the bottom of the sea. He went down and saw: old Tayrnadz, the lord of the sea, lying on his bunk, sleeping, forgot about the Nivkhs - he stopped sending them fish. The young man woke up Tayrnadz: “I am Azmun, a man of the Nivkh people,” the hero called himself. “Father, help the Nivkhs - send the Nivkhs fish.” Father, the Nivkhs are dying of hunger.” This is the speech of a man who remembers his duty. And Tayrnadz felt ashamed. In the interpretation of the fabulous feat, Nagishkin’s style as the author of the novel about the Komsomol hero Vitaly Bonivur (“The Heart of Bonivur”) is palpable. In the story of the young man Azmun, the feat in the name of the happiness and well-being of the people is recreated in full accordance with the heroic pathos of Nivkh legends. In the folklore of the peoples of the Far East, the writer found something close to his heart.