The meaning of the ending is grief from the mind.  What is the meaning of the “open” ending of the comedy A

Molchalin - “the most pitiful creature” (based on A.S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”)

The action of the comedy by A.S. Griboyedov's "Woe from Wit" takes place in the house of P.A. Famusov, a Moscow hospitable gentleman. The young man Chatsky returns to Moscow from abroad, full of the most daring, rosy hopes that during his absence changes have taken place in Moscow: morals have become purer, the landowners have become more humane, the living conditions of the serfs have improved.
And most importantly: he hopes that Sofya Famusova, the girl with whom he was in love, will love him. But bitter disappointment awaits him.
Firstly, sad as it may be, everything still in the capital: they also do not serve, but “serve”; show rare unanimity in the fight against enlightenment (“If evil is to be stopped, all the books would be taken away and burned,” says Famusov without embarrassment); everything Russian and national is also in oblivion (children in noble families are raised by French tutors and governesses, and the nobles know French and French grammar is much better than Russian; and therefore the Frenchman of Bordeaux feels in Moscow as at home). The life of serfs is also hopeless, in whom their owners do not see people who are sold, exchanged “for three greyhounds”...
And one more disappointment: Sophia loves someone else. And the saddest thing is that this man is a complete nonentity. Not a person, but a little man. Who is he?
Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin, secretary of her father, P.A. Famusov, living in their house. He is so insignificant that Chatsky cannot believe for a long time: it was to this “most pitiful creature” that the intelligent Sofia gave her heart. But then he becomes convinced of this: Molchalin falls from his horse, and Sofia almost goes crazy with anxiety. This despair and fear betrayed the heroine.
So, what is Molchalin? The hero's surname says: obsequious silence, servility to those in power is his main and only weapon, because he is not capable of anything else. Talking to people, he sentences last word flattering "s":
I'm with.
With papers - s.
With Famusov, his master, he behaves like faithful dog.
Deprived of abilities, talent, being mediocrity, Molchalin nevertheless found the only way possible for such a nonentity - to please, to flatter. Chatsky says about Molchalin:
However, he will reach the known levels -
After all, nowadays they love the dumb.
Molchalin calculated everything: having fallen in love with the owner’s daughter, Sofia, he made her fall in love with him, using modesty and apparent decency. When Chatsky asks what talent he, Molchalin, has, he replies:
Two, sir.
Moderation and accuracy.
Chatsky notes:
The most wonderful two! and are worth our all.
Molchalin has no opinion of his own, and he sincerely believes:
At my age you shouldn't dare
Have your own opinions.
Chatsky is horrified:
With such feelings, with such a soul,
We love you!..
But Molchalin did not have the intelligence to keep Sophia in his hands and the material well-being that would have been guaranteed to him if he had married her. His weakness led him to female: he drags after Sofia’s maid, Lisa, even offers her expensive gifts, to which Lisa wisely replies:
You know that I am not flattered by interests;
Better tell me why
You and the young lady are modest, but are you and the maid a rake?
Sofia witnesses a scene that exposes Molchalin. Finally the girl sees true face"beloved". The confession made by Molchalin is the vile philosophy of this insignificant secretary:
My father bequeathed to me:
Firstly, please all people without exception -
The owner, where he will live,
The boss with whom I will serve,
To his servant who cleans dresses,
Doorman, janitor, to avoid evil,
To the janitor's dog, so that it is affectionate.
Molchalin is the one literary hero, which can be given an unambiguous assessment - “the most pitiful creature”, and put on a par with the brightest example of human hypocrisy - Tartuffe by J.B. Molière.

What is the meaning of the “open” ending of A.S.’s comedy? Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"?

“Woe from Wit”... - the most brilliant Russian drama...
A. Blok “About Drama”.

“Woe from Wit” (1823) is one of the brightest and most talented comedies in Russian literature. It touches on many issues and problems in the life of Russian society. beginning of the nineteenth century.
In his work, Griboyedov captured two camps that existed in public life Russia at the beginning of the nineteenth century. On the one hand, at that time progressive, independent and educated people appeared, people advocating for the development of Russia. The representative of such people in “Woe from Wit” is Alexander Andreevich Chatsky. With all his inherent strength, this hero attacks the ignorance, inertia, and sycophancy that reign in old Moscow.
Chatsky is not alone in his struggle. From the characters’ remarks, we understand that in Russia there are like-minded people of Alexander Andreevich. This is Skalozub’s cousin, who, due to some “new rules”, “...suddenly left his service, / Started reading books in the village.” This is the nephew of Princess Tugoukhovskaya - “chemist and botanist.” These are the professors of the Pedagogical Institute, about whom Princess Tugoukhovskaya indignantly says that they “practice in schisms and lack of faith.”
These “new” people were opposed by a large camp of people with conservative, inert views, alien to science and education, living under the yoke of other people’s opinions and sidelong glances from “respected” authorities. In the comedy, these are Famusov and other representatives of “old” Moscow: Molchalin, Skalozub, Tugoukhovskys, Countess Khryumina, the Gorichi couple, Foma Fomich, Princess Marya Aleksevna and many others.
Representatives of Famusov's Moscow do not accept Chatsky. They do not understand and are afraid of this young upstart who is trying to destroy their foundations, laws and authorities. Therefore, the rumor about Alexander Andreevich’s madness, started by his beloved, Sophia, was received by everyone with gloating. By standards noble society Chatsky is the madman. He is too free in his thoughts and actions, which equates high society to madness.
How is the conflict between “old” and “new” Moscow resolved? In the finale of the comedy, the social conflict (Chatsky - Famusov’s Moscow) comes to a denouement, and is resolved love triangle(Sofia - Molchalin - Chatsky).
Sophia learns that Molchalin did not love her, but courted her unwillingly. Moreover, the girl’s father, Famusov, finds out about Sophia’s affair with his secretary. He blames everything on new trends that made his daughter too “free.” Famusov threatens to take the “lovers” with a tight rein:
Wait, I'll correct you:
Go to the hut, march, and go after the birds;
Yes, and you, my friend, I, daughter, will not leave...
You shouldn’t be in Moscow, you shouldn’t live with people;
Farther from these grips,
To the village, to my aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov,
There you will grieve...
Chatsky also becomes a witness to the exposure. He was finally convinced that it was Molchalin who was his rival in love for Sophia. Alexander Andreevich is amazed and disappointed: “Blind man! In whom I looked for the hope of all my labors! Not only did Sophia choose this one for herself insignificant person, like Molchalin. All the time that Chatsky was in Moscow, the girl led him by the nose and did not admit that she loved someone else.
Alexander Andreevich is broken. In Moscow he was declared crazy, so he must leave the city. His beloved betrayed and deceived him. In despair, Chatsky concludes:
Who was it with? Where fate has taken me!
Everyone is driving! Everyone curses! A crowd of tormentors...
You are right: he will come out of the fire unharmed,
Who will have time to spend a day with you,
Breathe the air alone
And his sanity will survive.
Get out of Moscow! I don't go here anymore.
The hero leaves. But it cannot be said that he suffered a complete defeat, and the Famusovs won. We know that Chatsky has supporters. I believe that progressive youth will work and fight for the good of their country, without retreating from the “past century.” Therefore, we can say that Chatsky suffered a temporary defeat. He appeared in Moscow too early. The old order was still too strong. But after some time, new trends will still prevail, and the “past century” will recede. I think this is inevitable: the new and young will win sooner or later anyway.
The fate of Sophia is also unclear. It seems to me that Famusov threatened her with Saratov in the heat of his feelings. He wanted everyone around him to hear how angry he was. After all, for this hero the most important thing is public opinion, the word “Princess Marya Alekseevna”. I believe that when Famusov cools down, he will forgive his daughter. Sophia will remain in Moscow and look for a profitable husband. Everyone will gossip about the incident in Famusov’s house and forget, switching to something more “fresh.”
But these are assumptions and conjectures. Griboyedov himself does not say anything about the further fate of his heroes. He leaves the ending of the play “open”.
The stories of the heroes remained unfinished. Why? Perhaps because Griboyedov wrote about his modernity. He couldn't know exactly what would happen next. The writer could only guess or express his wishes.
In addition, it seems to me that the finale was not so important for Griboedov. It was much more important for him to show the clash of heroes itself, to draw their portraits, that is, to capture the “past century” and the “present century.”
The “open” ending of the comedy “Woe from Wit” allows readers to reflect, express their assumptions, opinions about future fate heroes. This means that this work will not leave the reader indifferent. In my opinion, this is what it means the main objective any writer.

How is the conflict between “old” and “new” Moscow resolved? In the finale of the comedy, the social conflict (Chatsky - Famusov's Moscow) comes to a resolution, and the love triangle is resolved (Sofya - Molchalin - Chatsky).

Sophia learns that Molchalin did not love her, but courted her unwillingly. Moreover, the girl’s father, Famusov, finds out about Sophia’s affair with his secretary. He blames everything on new trends that made his daughter too “free.” Famusov threatens to take the “lovers” with a tight rein:

Wait, I'll correct you:

Go to the hut, march, and go after the birds;

Yes, and you, my friend, I, daughter, will not leave...

You shouldn’t be in Moscow, you shouldn’t live with people;

To the village, to my aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov,

There you will grieve...

Moreover, Chatsky also becomes a witness to the exposure. He was finally convinced that it was Molchalin who was his rival in love for Sophia. Alexander Andreevich is amazed and disappointed: “Blind man! In whom I looked for the hope of all my labors!” Not only did Sophia choose such an insignificant person as Molchalin. All the time that Chatsky was in Moscow, the girl led him by the nose and did not admit that she loved someone else.

Alexander Andreevich is broken. In Moscow he was declared crazy, so he must leave the city. His beloved betrayed and deceived him. In despair, Chatsky concludes:

Who was it with? Where fate has taken me!

Everyone is driving! Everyone curses! A crowd of tormentors...

You are right: he will come out of the fire unharmed,

Who will have time to spend a day with you,

Breathe the air alone

And his sanity will survive.

Get out of Moscow! I don't go here anymore.

The hero leaves. But it cannot be said that he suffered a complete defeat, and the Famusovs won. We know that Chatsky has supporters. I believe that progressive youth will work and fight for the good of their country, without retreating from the “past century.” Therefore, we can say that Chatsky suffered a temporary defeat. He appeared in Moscow too early. The old order was still too strong. But after some time, new trends will still prevail, and the “past century” will recede. I think this is inevitable: the new and young will win sooner or later anyway.

The fate of Sophia is also unclear. It seems to me that Famusov threatened her with Saratov in the heat of his feelings. He wanted everyone around him to hear how angry he was. After all, for this hero, the most important thing is public opinion, the word of “Princess Marya Alekseevna.” I believe that when Famusov cools down, he will forgive his daughter. Sophia will remain in Moscow and look for a profitable husband. Everyone will gossip about the incident in Famusov’s house and forget, switching to something more “fresh.”

But these are assumptions and conjectures. Griboyedov himself does not say anything about the further fate of his heroes. He leaves the ending of the play “open”.

The stories of the heroes remained unfinished. Why? Perhaps because Griboyedov wrote about his modernity. He couldn't know exactly what would happen next. The writer could only guess or express his wishes.

In addition, it seems to me that the finale was not so important for Griboedov. It was much more important for him to show the clash of heroes itself, to draw their portraits, that is, to capture the “past century” and the “present century.”

The “open” ending of the comedy “Woe from Wit” allows readers to reflect, express their assumptions and opinions about the future fate of the characters. This means that this work will not leave the reader indifferent. In my opinion, this is the main goal of any writer.

Thanks to a deliberate violation of the canons of classicism, Griboyedov creates a special play. It contains two storylines, which is not typical for comedy. It is their presence that makes the ending unique.

The originality of the comedy's ending lies in the fact that, unlike the love story, social conflict has no resolution, but is taken outside the scope of the work.

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  1. I. If the verb in the main clause has the form of the present or future tense, then in the subordinate clause any tense that is required by meaning can be used.

Suffering and pain are a sign of a great heart.

F. M. Dostoevsky

What is the meaning of the comedy ending? The figure of Chatsky determines the conflict of the comedy and both of its storylines. The play was written in those days (1816-1824), when young people like Chatsky brought new ideas and moods to society.

It is surprising that even now it is impossible to read about the suffering of Alexander Andreevich without worry. Such is the power of true art. Of course, Griboyedov, perhaps for the first time in Russian literature, managed to create a truly realistic image of a positive hero. Chatsky is close to us because he is not written as an impeccable, “iron” fighter for truth and goodness, duty and honor - we meet such heroes in the works of classicists. No, he is a man, and nothing human is alien to him. “The mind and heart are not in harmony,” says the hero about himself. The ardor of his nature, which often makes it difficult to preserve peace of mind and composure, the ability to fall in love recklessly does not give him the opportunity to see the shortcomings of his beloved, to believe in her love for another - these are such natural traits! “Ah, it’s not difficult to deceive me, I myself am glad to be deceived,” Pushkin wrote in the poem “Confession.” Yes, and Chatsky could say the same about himself. And Chatsky’s humor, his witticisms? How attractive they are.

All this gives such vitality, warmth to this image, makes us empathize with the hero.

Chatsky’s monologues and remarks, in all his actions, expressed what was most important for future Decembrists: the spirit of freedom, free life, the feeling that “he breathes more freely than anyone else.” Freedom of the individual is the motive of the times and Griboyedov’s comedy. And freedom from dilapidated ideas about love, marriage, honor, service, the meaning of life. Chatsky and his like-minded people strive for “creative, lofty and beautiful arts”, dream of “focusing a mind hungry for knowledge into science”, thirst for “sublime love, before which the world is whole... - dust and vanity.” They would like to see all people free and equal.

Chatsky’s desire is to serve the Fatherland, the cause, and not individuals. He hates everything vulgar, including slavish admiration for everything foreign, servility, and sycophancy.

And what does he see around? A lot of people who are looking only for ranks, crosses, “money to live”, not love, but profitable marriage. Their ideal is “moderation and accuracy,” their dream is “to take all the books and burn them.”

So, at the center of the comedy is the conflict between “one sane person” (Griboyedov’s assessment) and the conservative majority.

As always in dramatic work, the essence of the protagonist’s character is revealed primarily in the plot. Griboyedov, faithful to the truth of life, showed the difficult fate of a young progressive man in society.

Those around him take revenge on Chatsky for the truth, which stings his eyes, for his attempt to disrupt the usual way of life.

The girl he loves, turning away from him, hurts the hero the most by spreading gossip about his madness. Here is a paradox: the only sane person is declared insane!

" So! I have sobered up completely!” - exclaims Chatsky at the end of the play. What is this - defeat or insight? Yes, the end of this comedy is far from cheerful, but I. A. Goncharov is right when he said about the ending like this: “Chatsky is broken by the number old power, inflicting a mortal blow on her with the quality of fresh strength.”

Goncharov believes that the role of all Chatskys is “passive”, but at the same time always victorious. But they do not know about their victory, they only sow and others reap.

Topic 13. What is the meaning of the “open” ending of A.S.’s comedy? Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"?

This topic implies a very good knowledge of the artistic features of comedy, understanding it genre nature. Let's start with this. Griboyedov defined the genre of his work as a comedy and built the first act on love affair and brought to the stage classic comedy characters: the heroine (Sofya), two heroes in love with her (Molchalin and Chatsky), a servant (Liza) helping the “love duet” (Sofya-Molchalin), a deceived father (Famusova). And in the second act he himself violated the comedy canon. How? By introducing the second conflict - social, which is indicated in the scene of the conversation between Chatsky and Famusov.

We can tell graduates that the playwright initially planned to create a play in five acts, but did not follow the rules of classicism, which prescribed, if not five, then necessarily three acts of comedy. And let’s ask them the question: why is there four acts in a comedy? You can clarify the question by asking to identify “exhausted” storylines. To do this, it is necessary to trace the parallel development of two conflicts: love and social.

Having built a unique compositional plan for the play, we see that love conflict is resolved in the finale, as the love triangle breaks up: Molchalin–Sofya–Chatsky. What about social? Who emerged victorious from the clash between Chatsky and Famus society? A peculiar answer is in Goncharov’s article: “Chatsky is broken by the amount of old power, having dealt it, in turn, a fatal blow with the quality of fresh power.” Or: “Chatsky’s role is a passive one... This is the role of all Chatskys, although at the same time it is always victorious.” Thus, the social conflict was not resolved, the ending of the play is “open”. It is also important to note here that as the plot develops, the love comedy story fades into the background, and comes to the fore new hero- Chatsky. Griboyedov’s comedy turns out to be akin to “high” comedy, the originality of which Pushkin once characterized as follows: “... High comedy is not based solely on laughter, but on the development of characters... often [comedy] comes close to tragedy.” Therefore, in order to realize his plans, Griboedov has to change the very structure of the play.

Let's not forget that this is a dramatic work, which means that the author's position in it cannot be obvious; one of the ways to implement it is to resolve the conflict. Griboyedov deliberately does not give an unambiguous answer to the question - is Chatsky the winner or the loser. He, of course, shares the hero’s beliefs and often puts into his mouth what a person of the Decembrist persuasion might have said. But on the other hand, he also sees the weakness of his hero’s position: the gap between romantic dreams and reality, the pathos of his statements, which is easily “parodied” (“We’re making noise, brother, we’re making noise”). All this is a kind of “embodiment” of the author’s view of the world, the events taking place in it, a sober and objective view, often a little ironic.

In conclusion, we say that “open endings” is a peculiar feature of Russian literature: the plot is exhausted, but... the life of the heroes continues. Which? How? And here we can recall the endings of the Russian novels “Eugene Onegin”, “War and Peace”, “Crime and Punishment”.

“Woe from Wit” (1823) is one of the brightest and most talented comedies in Russian literature. It touches on many issues and problems of the life of Russian society at the beginning of the 19th century.

In his work, Griboyedov captured two camps that existed in the public life of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. On the one hand, at that time progressive, independent and educated people appeared, people advocating for the development of Russia. The representative of such people in “Woe from Wit” is Alexander Andreevich Chatsky. With all his inherent strength, this hero attacks the ignorance, inertia, and sycophancy that reign in old Moscow.

Chatsky is not alone in his struggle. From the characters’ remarks, we understand that in Russia there are like-minded people of Alexander Andreevich. This is Skalozub’s cousin, who, due to some “new rules”, “...suddenly left his service, / Started reading books in the village.” This is the nephew of Princess Tugoukhovskaya - “chemist and botanist.” These are the professors of the Pedagogical Institute, about whom Princess Tugoukhovskaya indignantly says that they “practice in schisms and lack of faith.”

These “new” people were opposed by a large camp of people with conservative, inert views, alien to science and education, living under the yoke of other people’s opinions and sidelong glances from “respected” authorities. In the comedy, these are Famusov and other representatives of “old” Moscow: Molchalin, Skalozub, Tugoukhovskys, Countess Khryumina, the Gorichi couple, Foma Fomich, Princess Marya Aleksevna and many others.

Representatives of Famusov's Moscow do not accept Chatsky. They do not understand and are afraid of this young upstart who is trying to destroy their foundations, laws and authorities. Therefore, the rumor about Alexander Andreevich’s madness, started by his beloved, Sophia, was received by everyone with gloating. By the standards of noble society, Chatsky is a madman. He is too free in his thoughts and actions, which is equated by high society to madness.

How is the conflict between “old” and “new” Moscow resolved? In the finale of the comedy, the social conflict (Chatsky - Famusov's Moscow) comes to a resolution, and the love triangle is resolved (Sofya - Molchalin - Chatsky).

Sophia learns that Molchalin did not love her, but courted her unwillingly. Moreover, the girl’s father, Famusov, finds out about Sophia’s affair with his secretary. He blames everything on new trends that made his daughter too “free.” Famusov threatens to take the “lovers” with a tight rein:

Wait, I'll correct you:

Go to the hut, march, and go after the birds;

Yes, and you, my friend, I, daughter, will not leave...

You shouldn’t be in Moscow, you shouldn’t live with people;

To the village, to my aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov,

There you will grieve...

Moreover, Chatsky also becomes a witness to the exposure. He was finally convinced that it was Molchalin who was his rival in love for Sophia. Alexander Andreevich is amazed and disappointed: “Blind man! In whom I looked for the hope of all my labors!” Not only did Sophia choose such an insignificant person as Molchalin. All the time that Chatsky was in Moscow, the girl led him by the nose and did not admit that she loved someone else.

Alexander Andreevich is broken. In Moscow he was declared crazy, so he must leave the city. His beloved betrayed and deceived him. In despair, Chatsky concludes:

Who was it with? Where fate has taken me!

Everyone is driving! Everyone curses! A crowd of tormentors...

You are right: he will come out of the fire unharmed,

Who will have time to spend a day with you,

Breathe the air alone

And his sanity will survive.

Get out of Moscow! I don't go here anymore.

The hero leaves. But it cannot be said that he suffered a complete defeat, and the Famusovs won. We know that Chatsky has supporters. I believe that progressive youth will work and fight for the good of their country, without retreating from the “past century.” Therefore, we can say that Chatsky suffered a temporary defeat. He appeared in Moscow too early. The old order was still too strong. But after some time, new trends will still prevail, and the “past century” will recede. I think this is inevitable: the new and young will win sooner or later anyway.

The fate of Sophia is also unclear. It seems to me that Famusov threatened her with Saratov in the heat of his feelings. He wanted everyone around him to hear how angry he was. After all, for this hero, the most important thing is public opinion, the word of “Princess Marya Alekseevna.” I believe that when Famusov cools down, he will forgive his daughter. Sophia will remain in Moscow and look for a profitable husband. Everyone will gossip about the incident in Famusov’s house and forget, switching to something more “fresh.”

But these are assumptions and conjectures. Griboyedov himself does not say anything about the further fate of his heroes. He leaves the ending of the play “open”.
The stories of the heroes remained unfinished. Why? Perhaps because Griboyedov wrote about his modernity. He couldn't know exactly what would happen next. The writer could only guess or express his wishes.

In addition, it seems to me that the finale was not so important for Griboedov. It was much more important for him to show the clash of heroes itself, to draw their portraits, that is, to capture the “past century” and the “present century.”

The “open” ending of the comedy “Woe from Wit” allows readers to reflect, express their assumptions and opinions about the future fate of the characters. This means that this work will not leave the reader indifferent. In my opinion, this is the main goal of any writer.

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