Tom's surname from Star Against the Forces of Evil. Star Princess and the Forces of Evil (TV series)

The new animated series from Disney “Star vs. the Forces of Evil” is liked by many (especially me, oddly enough), but not everyone. Some accuse him of being a carbon copy of Gravity Falls, others condemn the cartoon for its simple plot, cliched characters and excessive expressiveness. But first things first.

So, the animated series tells the coming-of-age story of a sorceress girl from the dimension of Mewni, who was sent to Earth so that she could learn to cast magic and at the same time not destroy her kingdom. At school, she meets Marco, a brave and smart, but shy guy who became Star's guide on Earth. The same, in turn, saturates the life of an ordinary teenager with adventures and dangers, which he so lacked. In general, that's the whole main plot. At first it seems easy and seems to be an acquired taste. You immediately notice good humor and cool chemistry between the two main characters, who from the very first episodes you already perceive as one whole they completely complement each other, understand each other perfectly, with each episode their affection grows, and in both seasons there are many episodes that prove. And now comes the main complaint about “Star vs the Forces of Evil” “Shame on you, Disney, this is a pure carbon copy of “Gravity Falls”!” Let's look at why the show's haters think this way.

Firstly, the characters. They are similar, as if Star is a copy of Mabel, and Marco is a copy of Dipper. Dipper and Marco are reasonable, calm, unsure of themselves, although they are very talented and smart. Star and Mabel are bright, sincere, energetic, and seem dumber than they are. I agree, there are similarities. But this is a classic tandem of a smart guy and a funny guy, give me a day and I’ll remember a lot of similar couples: Greg and Wirt from “On the Other Side of the Hedge”, Lana Kane and Sterling Archer from “Special Agent Archer”, Vander and Sylvia from “Greetings to planets", Anna and Elsa from "Frozen", Phineas and Ferb from the cartoon of the same name, even our "Masha and the Bear". It turns out they are all plagiarism? Or, are these well-developed characters, differing from each other in habits, biography and, oddly enough, character?

Secondly, the plot and, as I understand it, humor. Guys, it’s just funny to compare the adventure and mysterious “Gravity Falls” with the magical and bright “Star vs. the Forces of Evil.” Completely different plot, different universes, different miracles that are shown to us. By the way, speaking of simplicity, have you even watched Star? Cool villain, weird magic stuff, character reveal Here is the whole set for a successful animated series! And, humor. In one review I read about the similarity of jokes about how both “nerds” from the series made lists to meet girls. This, again, is a classic joke about their tediousness, which different types served in almost all films and TV series. What immediately comes to mind is Wirt from “The Other Side of the Hedge,” who spent most of the day chasing Sarah to pick up his confession tape. Or Debbie from Shameless, who made a calendar with the steps until she loses her virginity. These are already classic jokes about the fact that you don’t need to worry so much, but should behave naturally, because you can’t plan everything.

I think Star vs the Forces of Evil is good quality product Disney company, bright, cheerful and interesting. Again, I will repeat, but I love the relationship between the main characters Star and Marco. Their friendship seems touching and sincere, but series creator Daron Nefcy is clearly planning something more between these two, which is intriguing. However, if these characters really look alive, then some of the minor ones are still gray, faded, so I'm waiting for the development of the characters of Jenna, Jackie, Tom, King and Queen Butterfly, Hekapoo and Rhombulus. But in the second season this problem Fortunately, it has practically disappeared.

The Star universe is still developing, giving us more and more mysteries about dimensions every season, which is cool. The cartoon is crammed with various Easter eggs, so an attentive viewer will not remain dissatisfied. I still think about the problems that the author gave us. Who are Toffee and Miss Heinos really? How will Eclipsa affect the story in Season 3? Where did Glossaryck go? Why did the parents send the princess to Earth?

The voice acting deserves a special mention. I watched the first season with Disney dubbing, and Star’s voice was perfect I think Natalia Tereshkova in the best voice, even better than Eden Sher, who voices the sorceress in the original. And then the second season came out, and Larisa Brokhman appeared. I beg you, if you don’t want to spoil your viewing experience, then don’t watch the Disney version. Larisa Brokhman, maybe good actress, but the role of Star is clearly not for her. I think the best voice acting on the Internet is Soderling’s, but I prefer to watch it with subtitles. And by the way, I still don’t understand why the localizers translated the name “Star” as “Star”, but left her surname Butterfly. The title has the same problem: “Star Princess vs. the Forces of Evil,” um, excuse me? But what about the originality of Syenduk, who “christened” the cartoon as “A star will come to the forces of evil.” Of course, I understand everything, it’s funny. But this time for some reason it didn’t work. That’s it, she said indignantly, and somehow it became easier. Sorry, Dim. I also appreciated the author’s efforts to introduce more music into the cartoon in the second season - the duet of Marco and Tom, the song “Just friends”, the invitation of Patrick Stump to voice the minstrel Ruberiot and his excellent performance of the ballad.

The art in the first season was very tolerable, and even then the animated series showed its own “character” and style. I note that by the last episodes of the first season the drawing became better and better, reaching a peak (wow, as I said) in last episode. In the second season, the art is still improving, but there has been a redesign minor characters, I was especially outraged by the drawing of Oscar, because I liked him better in the initial version. But these are, of course, trifles.

So, overall, I think this series is very interesting and entertaining not only for children, but also for adults who will be able to appreciate the plot and Easter eggs scattered here and there. I think that when you watch it, you will definitely enjoy watching the fun and dangerous adventures of a princess from another dimension and her rebel friend in a red hoodie.

The animated series is worth watching if only because touching relationships between the main characters, good jokes, beautiful animation and mysteries, which will certainly not be boring to solve.

3.5 out of 5 or 7 out of 10

I haven’t watched the cartoon, but at the request of GOLDENFNaFFREDDY

Fandom: Star vs the forces of evil (For the forces of evil a star will come)
Main characters: Marco Diaz, Star Butterfly, Tom

- Marco! Forgive me, how are you? — Star, having opened the portal, looked at her friend.

“I’m fine,” the sweatshirt was torn to shreds and the pants were decorated with a scratch on the thigh. - Let's get out of here...

- What happened to you? — Star jumped onto the bed.

- Nothing, just talked to Tom. Was everything okay with you? — Marco looked at his friend with a slightly torn dress.

- I'm so lazy to go home...

- No problem! I'll take us home! - Butterfly screamed joyfully.

- Stop! — Diaz quickly perked up, but Star had already begun.

— Freaky super-extra movement! — A purple whirlwind swirled the guy and he disappeared. - Marco?

Star ran home to see if he was there. But all the rooms were empty. Marco could have been pulled into any of a thousand dimensions! Nothing was found in the spell book, so, making sure that the wand was charged, the princess went in search.

She quickly jumped from one dimension to another. I ran into the same place a couple of times because something red appeared. Knowing Diaz's luck, Butterfly decided to look at Ludo.

- Star Butterfly! What have you forgotten here? — The boss of the monsters was lounging on the pillows, eating ice cream. “It doesn’t matter, catch her!”

At first the monsters did not understand what exactly was happening. But soon they rushed at the girl, trying to drive her into a corner. It’s not in her rules to run away, so there was a fight.

Ludo had nowhere to go, so Star rolled into the portal. In subsequent measurements, Marco also did not appear. Star was already starting to worry, she sat down on a stone. Deciding to cut a hole without thinking, she threw in the scissors. Then she found herself at Tom's, with Marco standing in front of her.

Life returned to normal. Star and Marco regularly went to school and fought against evil. Only Butterfly sometimes began to go home alone. This began to bother her very much and so it was time to keep an eye on Diaz!

“Star, I have things to do today...” Marco began, but seeing his friend’s drooping form, he continued. - You see, don’t be offended.

“I understand everything, I’ll wait at home.” Hurry up, otherwise I will destroy Ludo's entire company! - And she rushed off, waving her hand.

The princess ran around the corner and, using the Mega-Fast Diving Hydrant, climbed to the roof of the house. Marco walked into the alley, looking around but not looking up, so he didn't notice Star. She watched him expectantly.

First a column of fire appeared, right in front of the guy’s face, and then a demon. Tom looked into Diaz's eyes for a minute, soon wrapping his arms around him. Marco remained indifferent, but blushed terribly. Butterfly froze on the roof, clutching the cornice.

The demon pressed Marco to himself by the waist, he tried to pull away. Tom started to get angry and Marco kissed him! Star bit her lip and made a strange sound.

— I got my dose for today. - The girl heard.

What happened next completely shocked Butterfly. Tom put his other hand on the back of Marco's head and pulled him towards him. Only one eye of the demon was open, the princess looked through her palms.

The demon was biting the boy's lip with reverse side. Star heard a groan from her friend. She didn't even notice that she fell on her back. When she rose to the edge again, the demon was no longer there. Butterfly was so confused that she forgot that maybe Marco needed to be saved.

Diaz turned around and walked towards the house, Star jumped out to meet him from around the corner, scaring him and forcing him to take a stance. The guy stared at her with a shocked look.

- I saw everything, are you okay?

Yes,” He licked his lips.

- What is going on with you and Tom? - Star narrowed her eyes, they headed towards the house.

- N-nothing! - Marco blushed.

- Marco, shoot! “She started poking him with her elbow.

- Something happened in the cave...

- Tell me!

Diaz fell on his back. It was terribly hot, but the stones were cold. He recognized the tall doors he found himself in front of. Marco decided to wait for Star where he was thrown out, although Tom could bring him back...

Everything was decided by chance; a demon in a black suit was walking towards the gate, but when he noticed the man he stopped. The fire dragged Diaz closer to the doors.

- What did you forget here? - Tom began, angry.

“I was thrown here by magic, you can help me leave!” — Marco moved away a little.

No no no! Since you decided to visit me, then let’s go... - Tom walked inside, and Marco dragged the fire after him.

- What do you want from me? Star won't come back to you, calm down. — The demon began to become covered in scarlet fire at these words.

They were in a long corridor. There were no weapons or anything else around Marco, so he didn’t know what to do. There is nowhere to retreat, and Tom is about to explode. But suddenly everything stopped - the demon assumed an absolutely calm expression on his face.

“I don’t want anything from you.” Do you want to take Star's place? It was so difficult with her... But you are similar. - Tom just spoke out loud, not concentrating on Marco. “Replace it by one day and I’ll be behind for a century.”

- Not forever, but forever. “Star should be here any minute now, so being her replacement isn’t that scary.”

The fire took the form of a chair behind the guy, and the demon knocked Marco onto it. Diaz missed the details that Tom tore his sweatshirt in a fit of anger and that Marco calmed him down with a kiss.

Diaz also tactfully remained silent about the scratch left on his thigh as an experiment. In the end, they put Marco outside the gate and told him that they would wait for him in the alley.

- Waaaah! Marco, I'm so happy for you! — Star listened with her mouth open and eyes wide.

- I’m kind of glad too...

- Why so insecure?! Tom, of course, is not such a good guy, but he’s not a bad guy either!

- Come on! Everything will be fine, I know how to calm him down! - Marco winked.

Chapter 9 - Completion 2

Sometimes a mistake leads to death. Am I dead? When I opened my eyes, a fire was burning in front of me and Marco was sitting next to it. It turns out I'm tied to a tree. It's dark and quiet all around.
“What am I doing here? Why does my head hurt so much? I think I was unconscious. Did Marco tie me up? For what? Maybe Luna was talking about this? No, she wouldn’t wait, but warn.”
- Um, Marco. He woke up - It turns out that Star is standing on the right, and Kelly, the traitor, is on the left. And they both have knives!
- Shido - Marco stood up and walked over to me. And he has my gun - How are you?
- Not good. Are you the one who tied me down?
- Yes, Shido, but it’s necessary - “Marco, what nonsense. For what? - We need to learn something from you. But in order for you not to lie, we had to neutralize you - “Will it help? What if they start to torture?
- Well, what did you want to know? - “Very interesting”
- Well, for example, we found out that you were saying goodbye to that girl that we saw last time with Tom - “That’s it, my secret is covered with a lead basin. What to do? They found out that I knew Luna. Did they also hear the dialogue?” “You said you don’t know this girl?” Shido, you lied to us. From your conversation, it’s clear that you lied to us a lot - with an angry face, Marco pointed the gun at me - Tell me - “It seems he figured out how to use it. So the moment came when I was discovered. I'll have to tell them everything, because I can't lie anymore. Probably this last minute when I'm near them"
- OK. I'll tell you everything, but then I'll leave right away. I'll go as far as possible:
When I arrived on Mewni, I settled down a little, just in these forests. Unexpectedly, I met Luna, the girl who is now with Tom. She was in trouble, or rather, she was drowning in a swamp. Of course I pulled her out alive and unharmed. It turns out that her parents, like mine, died. She was so sad that I decided to tie her to me. Well, that is, feed, drink, and put to bed. And the next day she began to help me with hunting and cooking. In general, she was like a daughter to me, and I was like a father to her. Well... Oh, by the way. Do you think everything I know about you was told to me by King River? At our first meeting, he simply would not have had time to tell all this. In fact, I was following you. Of course not in this form. I had to dress up as a resident, or a forest monster. And Lyuna also helped me with this, or rather, she selected and designed my images. By the way, who do you think made @ lock you in the photo booth? Yes, I know, a vile act. But that day I understood for sure that you should be together. I decided to get all the unnecessary ones out of the way, and one of them is Tom. Luna was very grateful to me for my concern, so she decided to help me - she turned Tom's attention to herself, just to help me. Don't kill him. Well, at the same time I moved in with Star. Heh, funny, when I had already decided to go to you, I lost the way to the castle. I had to ask your friend the toad for directions. Well, then I got trust, a closer place and tried to fulfill my goal - to bring you closer to Star. I shouldn't have interfered. And it's none of my business. This doesn't concern me. Sorry - “I shouldn’t tell them that Luna is a robot. It's just impossible to accept. But it’s true that she’s like a daughter to me. It was a purely heartfelt confession. I can't imagine how surprised they are. Or even shocked. But there is such emptiness on their faces. I just now realized that I shouldn't have interfered. Just because I want it doesn't mean I should get it. But I wanted to do what was best. Did they want this? Do I have the right? Who am I anyway?” That’s it. It seems all my efforts are in vain - You can shoot. Quite, I deserve it - It’s dark. A fire is burning that was not started by me. There is a threat from three sides, and the fourth is closed. Now I have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. The train was blocked on both sides. And you can only get out by going off the rails. But the train will not travel on the ground. This means that his driver will have to stay and die without life support, or run away and leave all the cargo he was carrying. But in in this case I am a train, and the driver is either me without everything, or my soul.

"What?" Marco unloaded the pistol and began to untie me. And Star and Kelly helped him by leaving their knives on the ground.
-You're right Shido, it's none of your business. But you wanted to help- “Marco?”
- It was wrong, but in some ways you are right- “Star?”
- You know, there’s no need to be so frank. It feels like you're going to cry. But it's so devoted- "Kelly?" I am finally free and lifted to my feet.
- And don't apologize. It’s our fault that we don’t understand each other - “Sorry Marco”
- You know, Marco and I are close, but everything has its time. And why did you take Tom away from me? I wasn’t even sure that I loved him - “What do you mean? I didn’t even lay a finger on him.”
- You shouldn’t have told everything. It’s not very pleasant to receive such news - “Well Kelly”
- Yes, I didn’t say everything. I'm also with Kelly...
- We know. Kelly herself told us while you were unconscious - “I think you knocked me out Marco.”
- OK. Em Star, where is this Pony Head?
- She also waited for you to come to your senses. I even wanted to throw a knife at you, thinking that it wouldn’t hit you...
- But I stopped her, so your head is intact- “Thanks Kelly. This hoofless creature should not be given a weapon."
- Well, she got tired and went home. I don’t know what would have happened to her if she had stayed to listen to you - “Star, you should have offered her a rag.”
- You're right. Well, it turns out now Marco and you um...
- Well... We need to talk.. And so consider that you did everything right - “It seems you’re right about that too. Thank you Star." I spread my arms to the sides saying, "Let's hug." They took the hint and all hugged me. I even feel a little embarrassed.
“Eh. I don’t know whether I was expecting this or not, but I really wanted it. Oh... There's no need to worry though. They wanted this too.” The hug ended and we sat down near the fire. Maybe drag the log here. Exactly:
- Wait - I got up and ran into the depths of the forest - I’m now - “I was in this forest. I definitely remember this smell. Oh that stump over there. Now I understand where I am. Ah, here it is.” I stopped in front of a log that lay on the stones.
“Yes, it’s in place. Nuka” I tried to lift the log and it didn’t work.
“Oh, I think I’ve weakened these days. I had to keep in shape. Still, in such a short period of time you can lose muscle. Especially if without training.” Then I simply dragged him along the ground.
After some time, I rolled this log to the fire and laid it on the ground:
- Marco, Star - sit down
- What? Why - “As always Star”
- Shido, what are you talking about? - “Marco, you’re safe with us.”
- Star, you yourself said that you and Marco need to talk. Just understand - patience is a terrible thing. Let's go Kelly - I took Kelly by the hand and we ran into the thicket of the forest. Then they stopped fifty meters from Star and Marco.
- Is it right that we left? I wanted to listen to them
- Me too. But if we listen to them, we won't hear anything
- Yes, you are right. Do you think it will work?
- What are you talking about... Ah, I understand. Well, I hope so. But you also agree that they are made for each other. They complement each other - one is cheerful and carefree, and the other is serious and can be responsible for a lot. But why didn’t they have a stage of hatred? Did you know that from hatred to love there is only one step
- Well, enough about them. By the way, if that's the case, then I hated you
- Kelly. Although, it turns out you don’t hate me now?
- I guessed it. AND?
“Yes, I love you too.” We hugged, and she tried to kiss me, but I turned my head away.
- Don’t you want to? - “Funny”
- You’ll still have time - “It’s just not romantic in such a place” - Okay, let’s go. I can no longer hear Marco or Star.
- Hm. Well, let's go - "What is this for?" We headed back to the fire, but only quietly.
We hid behind a thick tree that stood five meters from the fire. When we looked behind the tree, we saw Star kissing Marco, or Marco Star, sitting on a log.
- Wow wow, that's so fast
- That’s what I thought - “Oh, so that’s what her “Well, let’s go.”” Of course Star and Marco stopped. And with red faces they tried not to look at us.
- Don't be shy. We were waiting for this - I reached into my backpack - Maybe some stew?

&flashback⏪ ;
Today I have a date with Chris. I'm going to the bridge in a gray suit.
“Chris said our date would start there. It's strange now. It's evening after all. Are we having a date night? It seems I'm late. Oh, here she is. She is dressed somehow simply. Looks like he's going to run"
- Shido - Chris shouts to me from the bridge and waves his hand.
- Hi Chris
- Oh, I'm so worried. Um, how do you like the camaras? What? - “Yes, she’s really worried. What a question? But I have to be calm"
- Well, I’m used to it. Moreover, there are much fewer of them here than in the area
- Oh, that's not what I wanted to say. Yes, there really aren’t many of them - she grabbed my hand - Shido, do you love me? - “Wow, such a question, and so right away”
- Yes, I love you - “Well, what next?”
- And I don’t see you - “Um...” Suddenly wild laughter was heard from under the bridge and Chris’s friends crawled out from there with a smartphone in their hands.
- Wow! What a prank! There will be millions of views... Or more! - “What?”
- Yes. Happened. Listen, Shido, it doesn’t matter who you are. You've been scammed. I don’t love you and haven’t loved you, this is all for the sake of divorce and popularity on Youtube - laughs - How do you like it? - “...” I pulled out the pocket knife that is always with me and threw it at the smartphone so that it turned out to cut it in half. The knife almost hit my friend's eye. Well, okay.
“If I see you next to me again, the same thing will happen to you,” I turned to my friends. “I’ll cut you up on the spot so that every organ is filled with its own blood.” With resentment and pain in my heart, I ran home.
It gets dark and the sun drops below the horizon. The chirping of birds blends with the sound of rustling tree branches. At the same time, you can hear your feet running on the ground.
“Now I'm without a knife. How so? Chris. All for the sake of popularity? Are they sick? What will popularity give them? Would it be good if a lot of people knew you? What will they get from it? Money? Respect? And why do both at all? I will never be able to understand these... Although, this is my mistake. It was me who was in love, it was me who was crazy. Feelings? But will they really give anything? But even if it’s just like that, then it makes sense. So love is a mistake? Doesn't matter. Little matters to me now. All that remains to remember is that there is no place in this world for the weak and thirsty for a team with respect. Survival of the fittest.” Having reached the house, I ran up to Uncle Roma, who was studying some documents.
- Uncle Roma, I'm ready
- What are you talking about... Ah, I understand. But it's soon night...
- I was betrayed by someone who was essentially dear to me
- Understood. Get ready. We leave in an hour
- Thank you, Uncle Roma
- From this day on, I am Mushko for you, and you are the Cross for me.