Introduction to fiction, lesson notes. Card file of GCD notes in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

Galina Orekhova
Summary of a lesson on familiarization with fiction in the senior group

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with fiction in the senior group. Author Orekhova Galina Borisovna.

Subject: Reading a fairy tale "Tops and Roots".

Software tasks:

Introduce children to a fairy tale. Learn to comprehend the idea of ​​a fairy tale, evaluate the character of the characters. Enrich children's vocabulary. Practice your ability to answer the question posed. Encourage an attempt to express your point of view in response to the question posed by the teacher. Foster a culture of speech communication: participate in the conversation, listening to children, clarifying their answers


Nursery rhyme, tops, oak, tops, cart, rye, harvest, sow, break, dig up, train, cut, folk, evil, strong, lazy.

Methods and techniques: reading a fairy tale, explanation, showing, didactic game, conversation, instruction, encouragement, surprise moment.


Flannelograph, set of pictures "Vegetables".

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

(Knock on the door and a toy magpie appears)

- Guys, we have a guest of forty. But this is no ordinary guest. And the guest who got lost and is very upset. Let us cheer up our guest. Guys, prepare your palm, place your finger on it and repeat the words and movements after me.

The magpie-crow was cooking porridge, (run finger over palm)

She fed the children.

She gave it to this one, he chopped wood. (bends fingers one by one)

I gave it to this one, he carried firewood.

I gave it to this one, he lit the stove.

She gave it to this one and he carried water.

But I didn’t give it to this one, he didn’t chop wood (they shake a finger)

I didn’t light the stove, I didn’t carry water,

Stay hungry.

– What did we tell you?

(children's answers)

That's right guys, this is a Russian folk nursery rhyme. How do you understand the word "a little nursery rhyme"?

(children's answers).

What is it for?

(children's answers)

Entertain, or as they used to say, amuse the kids. The word fun comes from the word to amuse. The Russian people composed not only nursery rhymes, but also songs and fairy tales to entertain their children. That's why they are called folk, they were invented by people. Since ancient times, people have told them to their children, who grew up and told them to their children, and so on. This is how fairy tales have survived to this day. This old fairy tales began to be printed in books and pictures were drawn for them. Today guys I I'll introduce you you and our guest with a Russian folk tale "Tops and Roots".

2. Reading a fairy tale.

In the text of the fairy tale we came across the following word "tops" what is it means? (this is what plants have above the ground).

And the word "tops" have you ever heard? The leaves of plants that cannot be eaten are called tops. “The man put the turnip on a cart and took it to the city.”. What kind of cart is this?

(children's answers)

Guys, how do you understand the expression? "reap rye"

(children’s answers and, if necessary, the teacher supplements the children’s answers)

3. Physical education minute: speech with movements "In the garden".

The man in the fairy tale had a good harvest every time. Let's go to the garden and collect the harvest.

Let's go to the garden.

Let's reap the harvest.

We'll drag carrots. (imitation of movements)

And we'll dig up some potatoes,

We'll cut a head of cabbage,

Round, juicy, very tasty, (show a circle)

Let's pick a little sorrel (imitate)

And let's go back along the path. (walk in a circle holding hands)

4 Conversation on the content of the fairy tale.

What is the name of the fairy tale?

Who composed it?

So this is...Russian (folk tale)

What did the bear look like to you? What words can you use to call a bear?

(children's answers)

Guys, let's see what the bear did in the fairy tale.

(Threatened: "Man, I'll break you". I made an agreement with the guy “and went to Dubrova”. I came to take my share. When he tried the turnip, he roared so loudly. He waited for the man to come again for the harvest and began to demand his share).

Can you add anything else about what kind of bear it is?

(angry, strong, lazy)

What can you say about the man?

What does he do in the fairy tale?

(He sows turnips. He plows and works. The turnips are dripping. He put the turnips on a cart and took them to the city to sell. The next year he sowed rye. He came to reap the rye.)

How can you describe in one word everything that the man did?

(The man worked)

Remember how the man divided the harvest for the first time?

(children's answers)

And the second time?

(children's answers)

Why do you think the man didn’t want to share honestly with the bear and outwitted him?

(children's answers).

Who came out the winner in the fairy tale?

(children's answers)

Why did a weak man defeat a strong bear?

(children's answers)

Guys, it also happens in life that mind overcomes strength. There is one like this in backgammon proverb: "Reason will defeat force". What's happened "intelligence"?

(children's answers).

Who will repeat the proverb? What is she means? And another proverb speaks: “If you don’t work hard, you won’t get bread”. How do you understand it?

(children's answers).

5 Didactic game "Tops and Roots".

In the fairy tale, the bear did not know about vegetables: who has edible tops, and who has roots, and our guest magpie doesn’t know the same. Do you guys know?

We'll check this now.

(vegetables are scattered on the flannelgraph)

You guys need to place vegetables with edible tops on the left, and edible roots on the right.

(Children find and justify their answer)

6. Summing up. Assessment of children's work.

Well done boys! You all handled the assignments very well and answered all the questions correctly. Let's remember what we did today.

(We played with our fingers. We listened to a fairy tale.)

What fairy tale did you listen to?

(We listened to a fairy tale "Tops and Roots". Played a game "Harvest". We found tops and roots)

You guys are great and our guest is very glad to meet you, but it’s time for her to return and she leaves you as a gift pictures for the fairy tale we are with today you met after class too color these pictures.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of direct educational activities for familiarization with fiction in the senior group. Reading S. Yesenin’s poem “Cheryomukha” Objectives: Show the peculiarity of the poetic text, reveal the diversity of the literary.

Summary of GCD for familiarization with fiction in the preparatory group Topic: Learning by heart the poem by Daniil Kharms “Very, very tasty pie” Program objectives: Educational: - continue to teach.

Summary of a lesson on introducing children to fiction in the senior group. Retelling of a fairy tale by V. Suteev. Summary of a lesson on introducing children to fiction in the senior group. Goals: To teach children to retell the work.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with fiction “Visiting the writer S. Ya. Marshak” Summary of a lesson on familiarization with fiction. Topic of the lesson: "Visiting the writer S. Ya. Marshak" Program content:.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with fiction. Reading the story by V. Suteev “Three Kittens” Purpose: To introduce V. Suteev’s story “Three Kittens”. Objectives: 1. To form an emotional and imaginative perception of the story. 2. Learn to answer.

Name: Summary of a lesson on familiarization with fiction in the educational field “Speech Development” in the senior group
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, speech development, Senior group

Position: teacher
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 222
Location: Ulyanovsk city

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with fiction
in the educational field "Speech development"
in the senior group

Topic: Reading the Russian folk tale “The Golden Spindle”

Target: To introduce children to Russian folk tales, to arouse children’s interest in the spinning wheel, to introduce them to its purpose, and to instill a respectful attitude towards the work of adults.

Equipment: spinning wheel, spindle, wool, knitted socks, tape recording.

Progress of the lesson

- Guys, today I invite you to this magical hut. We've been here before. What kind of hut is this? (Russian)

— Today we will take a closer look at one subject. What is this, who knows? (Spinning Wheel)

- Guys, what is a spinning wheel for? (Spin)

- Right. Many, many years ago, a spinning wheel lived in all houses and helped people. They took care of her. Some people decorated the spinning wheel with flowers and painted it with bright patterns.

This is the seat they sat on. And here is the spinning wheel itself. This spinning wheel is in the shape of a leaf, this one is in the shape of a comb...

Guys, there is one more item without which it is impossible to spin. Who knows what this item is? (Children's answers)

I really need an assistant

The mischievous spindle,

Without it I am not a worker.

Appear before us instantly. (Tape recording)

- What is this item called? (Spindle)

- Guys, in order to remember better, let’s repeat together: spindle.

-What is it made of? (made of wood)

- Wood is easy to process, this is the first reason why the spindle was made of wood. The second is that the spindle made of wood is light, so that the spinner’s hands do not get tired.

- Guys, we have a spinning wheel and a spindle. Can we spin now? (No)

- And why? (No wool)

Before I spin

You need to collect wool.

You can ask for a little

Give wool to a sheep. (Tape recording)

- Here's the wool. Who provides the wool? (Sheep)

- What else can you spin? (Pooh)

- Who gives the fluff? (Goat, rabbit)

“Now he’ll see how the threads are spun.”

Wool is inserted into a spinning wheel,

Scratch with a sparse comb,

Deftly twist the thread

A mischievous spindle. (Tape recording) (I show)

- What are they made from these threads? (Knit warm socks and clothes)

From this magic thread

Knitting warm socks

Mittens, scarves and hats,

All of them are needed in winter! (Tape recording) (Showing socks, mittens, clothes)

— Clothes knitted from wool are warm. In winter, we all wear it to avoid the cold.

- Now, guys, let's solve the riddle.

I twist around and sweat, only getting fatter. ( Answers)

“Now sit down more comfortably at the table and listen to the Russian folk tale “The Golden Spindle.”

- Who is this fairy tale about? (About Annushka)

- What trouble happened to Annushka? (Dropped the spindle into the well)

—Who did Annushka meet on her way? (Master of water, stream, birch tree, horses, Baba Yaga)

“What did the Master of the Water say?” Creek? Birch?..

— How did Annushka return home?

- How did the fairy tale end?

I read it again.

Retelling children. The retelling is assessed.


“Visiting the writer S. Ya. Marshak.”

Goals and objectives: Summarize children’s knowledge about the writer and his works. Continue to teach children to memorize poems. To develop intonation expressiveness of speech and artistic abilities of preschoolers.

Cultivate an interest in literature, a desire to get acquainted with the work of Marshak.

Equipment: books by S. Ya. Marshak, illustrations for his works, a portrait of the writer, costume attributes for reading and dramatizing poetry, schematic drawings for memorizing, origami crafts, colored pencils.

Preliminary work:

Reading to children and listening to audio recordings of works by S.Ya. Marshak. Verbal games and exercises to develop tempo, timbre, melody of speech and logical stress. Learning by heart excerpts from the poems “Mustache - Striped”, “He’s so absent-minded”, “Luggage”, “A Lesson of Politeness” and dramatizing them. Making origami “cat” crafts with children

Progress of the lesson

Today we will go to visit the writer and poet S. Ya. Marshak. Take a look at his portrait. He lived a long life - 77 years. You, your mothers, fathers and even grandparents know his books.

Now the children of our group will perform in front of you. And you look, listen and remember the names of these works.

1) The girl began to teach the kitten to say:
- Kitty, say: ball.
And he says: meow!
- Say: horse.
And he says: meow!
- Say e-lecture-three-thing.
And he says: meow-meow!
All “meow” and “meow”!
What a stupid kitten!

2) He sat down on the bed in the morning,
He began to put on his shirt.
He put his hands into the sleeves -
It turned out that these were trousers.
He went to the buffet
Buy yourself a ticket.
And then I rushed to the cashier
Buy a bottle of kvass.

3) Gave it to the lady at the station
Four green receipts
About baggage received:
Sofa, suitcase, travel bag,
Picture, basket, cardboard
And a little dog.

4) A bear about five or six years old
Taught how to behave:
- Away, bear
You can't cry
You can't be rude or arrogant.
We must bow to our acquaintances,
Hats off to them
Don't step on paws.

Now look at these illustrations. Do you recognize what fairy tales or poems they are drawn from?

Guys, you know, it turns out that Marshak studied in England at the University of London and traveled around the country a lot. During these trips, he learned various English poems and nursery rhymes and translated them into Russian for us.

Today we will learn by heart a short poem called “Conversation”

Aunt Trot and the cat
Sat by the window
Sat next to each other in the evening
Chat a little.
Trot asked: Kiss-kiss-kiss,
Can you catch rats?
“Purr,” said the cat,
After being silent for a while.

Parsing the text. Sample questions for children.

1) Name the main characters of the poem.
2) What kind of owner do you think Aunt Trot is for her cat? Describe her character.
3) How does Aunt Trot talk to the cat?
4) What intonation is heard in her voice?
5) What kind of cat do you think it is? Tell us about her.
6) What do you think the cat wanted to say with its “murr”?

Let's look at schematic drawings that will help you learn this poem.

Children recite a poem according to a scheme with the help of a teacher, and then independently.

At the end of our lesson, I propose to paint the origami “cats” that we made with you in advance. Let your cat have its own special coloring and character.


“In a fairytale yard.”

Goals and objectives: Recall with children the meaning of the word “fairy tale”. Summarize children's knowledge about familiar fairy tales. Teach children creative storytelling; connect selected objects into a single storyline, develop the ability to compose a fairy tale text. Teach children, based on a familiar fairy tale plot, to invent a new fairy tale, tell it meaningfully and emotionally, using expressive means, traditions of the beginning and end of the fairy tale. Develop speech creativity of preschoolers. Cultivate interest in literature, love of books, friendly and correct attitude towards each other.

Equipment: a set of flat figurines of fairy-tale characters, multimedia equipment (projector, screen).

Progress of the lesson

- Guys, today we will talk about fairy tales. What is a fairy tale? How do you think?

(Children's answers)

Who comes up with fairy tales?

If a fairy tale knocks on the door,
Hurry up and let her in
Because a fairy tale is a bird,
If you scare me a little, you won’t be able to find it.

I suggest you play with fairy tales.

Let's collect a bouquet of fairy tales you know and love. Name the fairy tales and look carefully at the screen.

Interactive game “Bouquet of Fairy Tales”

- Now I’ll check how well you know fairy tales.

Listen carefully and guess what kind of fairy tale it is:

Interactive game “Guess the Fairy Tale”

He left his grandfather
He left his grandmother.
Round self, ruddy side,
And it’s called... ( Kolobok)

Only the door closed behind the goat,
It’s like there’s already a hungry beast...
Each of the children knows the fairy tale:
This … ( Seven kids)

Emelya was lying on the stove,
I suffered from idleness for a long time.
And then luck started
All … ( At the behest of the pike)

He is not low, not high,
And it's not locked,
All from logs, from boards
Standing in the field... ( Teremok)

Where and when did this happen?!
The mouse broke the golden egg.
Grandfather was grieving. And the woman was sad...
Just cackled... ( Chicken Ryaba)

Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter are pulling,
The little bug is pulling
The cat and mouse are pulling tightly...
Did you guess it? This … ( turnip)

Fabulous physical exercise “Pinocchio”

Pinocchio stretched,
Bent over once, bend over twice,
He spread his arms to the sides,
Apparently I didn't find the key.
To get us the key,
We need to stand on our toes.

Guys, do you like to write fairy tales? Try it yourself now. I think you can do it.

I suggest you divide into three groups according to the color of your badges. Each group goes to their table. What fairy tale heroes came to visit you? (Chicken Ryaba, Kolobok, Three Bears). But pay attention, among the fairy-tale heroes you know, there are also new characters. Now try to compose a fairy tale in a new way, so that the plot is preserved, but the ending is changed. What would happen in your fairy tale if there were new heroes in it?

Your fairy tale should be short and complete. Remember, in a fairy tale, good always triumphs over evil.

(Work in small groups with fairy tales)

Now let's listen to your fairy tales. (Listening to fairy tales)

Guys, you are so great! You have created interesting, unusual, and different fairy tales. A little later, in your free time, you can draw pictures for your new fairy tales.

Preparatory group


“Journey through the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky.”

Goals and objectives: Summarize children’s knowledge about the writer and his works. To develop the ability to determine the content of literary works from excerpts from books and illustrations. Develop imagination and speech-creative abilities in children. Cultivate an interest in literature, a love of books and reading.

Equipment: Books by K. I. Chukovsky, a portrait of the writer, illustrations for his works, attributes of costumes for reading - dramatizations of poems, drawings based on fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky.

Preliminary work: Reading to children and listening to audio recordings of Chukovsky’s works. Excursion to the city library. Exhibition of drawings by children and parents “My friends from Chukovsky’s books.

Progress of the lesson

Educator. Today we will go on a journey. And where - guess for yourself. What poem are these lines from and who is the author?

Like ours at the gate
The miracle tree grows
Miracle, miracle, miracle, miracle
Not a leaf on it,
Not a flower on it.
And stockings and shoes,
Like apples!
Masha will go through the garden,
Masha will tear it from the tree
Shoes, boots,
New shoes.
And for Murochka these
Tiny blue
Knitted shoes,
And with pompoms,
What a tree!

Children: “Miracle Tree” by K.I. Chukovsky.

Educator: Correct. (The phone rings, the teacher picks up.) My phone rang. Who's speaking?

Children: Elephant.

Educator. Where?

Children. From a camel.

Educator. What do you need?

Children. Chocolate.

Educator. How do you know all this?

Children. From the book by K.I. Chukovsky “Telephone”

Educator. That's right, these poems were written by K.I. Chukovsky.

Look at his portrait. Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky lived a long time ago, when your grandparents were as small as you are now. He had four children: two daughters and two sons. He loved them very much, often played hide-and-seek and tag with them, swam with them, took them on boat rides, and read books to them. But one day a misfortune happened. His little son became seriously ill. The boy had a high fever, he could not sleep, he was crying. Chukovsky felt very sorry for his son, he wanted to calm him down, and he began to invent and tell him a fairy tale as he went. The boy liked the fairy tale, he stopped crying, listened attentively and finally fell asleep, and after a few days he completely recovered. After this incident, Chukovsky began to compose fairy tales. And I came up with a lot of them.

– Do you like fairy tales?

Our children have prepared a surprise for you. They will tell you excerpts from the works of Korney Chukovsky, and you try to guess the name.

1 child:

Jump and jump
Yes, chirp, chirp,
He took and pecked the Cockroach,
So the Giant is gone.
The giant got it right
And there was no mustache left from him. (“Cockroach”)

2nd child:

Oh you, my poor orphans,
The irons and pans are mine!
Go home, unwashed,
I will wash you with spring water,
I will clean you with sand,
I'll douse you with boiling water,
And you will be again
The sun is shining. (“Fedorino grief”)

4th child:

I killed the villain!
I freed you!
And now, maiden soul,
I want to marry you! ("Fly Tsokotukha")

5th child:

I'm telling you, villain
Spit out the sun quickly!
Otherwise, look - I’ll catch you,
I'll break it in half.
You, ignoramus, will know
Steal our sun! (“Stolen Sun”)

– Which characters do these fairy-tale names belong to?

Aibolit – (doctor)
Barmaley – (robber)
Fedora – (grandmother)
Karakula – (shark)
Moydodyr – (washbasin)
Totoshka, Kokoshka – (crocodiles)
Tsokotuha - (fly)

Decipher the names of fairy-tale characters. Insert vowels into the encrypted words to create the names of fairy-tale characters.


Did you guys like traveling through the fairy tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky? Why do you love these fairy tales? What do they teach you?

Now let's go to our book exhibition and look through these amazing books again.

Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group (age 5-6 years) on the topic: “A magical journey into a winter fairy tale.”

Description of work: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the senior group (5-6 years old) on the topic “A magical journey into a winter fairy tale.” This material will be useful for the teacher of the senior group. This summary is of an educational nature, aimed at expanding and understanding one’s emotional state through the literary work of the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”.

Integration of educational areas:

Cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic development
Target: Awareness of your emotional state through the literary work of the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”. Developmental
continue to develop a poetic ear: the ability to hear and highlight expressive means in a text;
develop in children the ability to holistically perceive a fairy tale in the unity of its content and artistic form;
develop aesthetic perception of pictures of nature, artistic text;
development of auditory and visual perception, attention, memory and logical thinking;
develop creative imagination, the ability to see and notice the expression of a person’s emotional state in illustrations depicting people;
develop fine motor skills of the hands.
learn to analyze feelings using artistic and visual means;
teach children to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale;
continue to teach children about emotions;
strengthening the ability to form a relative adjective;
consolidate the skill of word formation and inflection;
activation of the dictionary of signs on the topic “Winter”; expand the vocabulary on the lexical topic “Winter”;
continue to teach children the cause-and-effect relationship (solve riddles);
consolidate the ability to write a detailed sentence.
cultivate a love of nature;
to cultivate children’s persistent cognitive interest in expressing their emotional state;
create a relaxed atmosphere; positive emotional background; encourage children to perceive each other positively;
evoke in children feelings of admiration and admiration for the beauty of the winter landscape;
cultivate accuracy in working with glue and paper.
Developmental environment: Illustrations on the theme “Winter”, and winter fun; music for the lesson; pillows for each child; fairy tale "Snow Maiden"; artificial snowballs for playing; Snow Maiden doll; material for artistic creativity (corrugated paper, PVA glue, straw) for each child; various illustrations depicting the Snow Maiden.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello dear guests!
Children's answer: (children say hello)
Educator: Guys, look how many guests we have today. They came to us to see how smart, responsive, friendly you are, how smart you are, how much you already know and can do.
Educator: Children, look how beautiful it is outside the window. What time of year is it now?
The teacher and the children come to the window where there is an easel with illustrations. The teacher shows illustrations of winter landscapes.
Children's answer: Winter!
Educator: Yes, winter is in control of nature now. What signs of winter do you know?
Children's answer: Lots of snow, cold, frosty, etc.
Educator: Right. Snowy frosty days have arrived, a lot of snow has fallen, it has enveloped fields, forests, houses in a white fluffy blanket - it has become light, elegant, fabulously beautiful!
Educator: Tell us what winter fun children have, what do you like to play in winter?
Children's answer: Snowballs, sleds, skis, making snowmen.
Educator: Guys! And I know a very interesting winter, Russian folk tale about a snow girl. Do you want to know this fairy tale?
Children's answer: we want!
Entrance to a fairy tale
Educator: But from the beginning we need to get into it. To do this we need to stand in a circle.
The children, together with the teacher, go to the carpet and stand in a circle.
Educator:“Our... heart will help us on our journey. The heart has incredible power if it is kind, loving, trusting and joyful. I think each of you has such a heart.

Now place your right palm on your chest, close your eyes and quietly listen to how your warm, kind heart beats... Mentally ask your heart to give you the strength to travel through a fairy tale.”
Reading the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden"
Educator: Guys, let's quietly, so as not to frighten off the fairy tale, take each of your own pillows and sit down on the carpet wherever it is convenient for you, take a comfortable position. (Children sit on the carpet on their own pads, in a comfortable position.)
The teacher reads a fairy tale.
Educator: Yes, guys, at the end of this fairy tale we all experience feelings of light sadness. We are sorry that the Snow Maiden melted, but you and I know that every winter the Snow Maiden is reborn again, because we sculpt her from snow. What else can you make from snow?
Educator: Guess my riddle:
There is one fun thing in winter
Everyone needs accuracy and dexterity in it.
What do you call “shells”?
What are you making and throwing at your friends?
Children's answer: Snowballs!
Educator: Do you want to play in the snow?
Children's answer: Yes!
Educator: Get up, remove your pads.
children split into 2 teams and throw snowballs into baskets.
During the game, the teacher reads a poem
Educator: Love in winter
Fun snow fight!
Taking aim carefully,
Hit the enemy.
Swing your arm - throw!
A snowball is flying straight to the target!
Educator: This is what a snowdrift we have!!! Let's try to make a Snow Maiden out of it:
The teacher approaches the basket with “snowballs” and reads a magic spell (children stand nearby)
She is dressed in silver with pearls.
The magical granddaughter of a magical grandfather!
Show up!
The Snow Maiden doll appears. The teacher reads a poem and puts the Snow Maiden on the table.
Educator: I am the granddaughter of Frost and Blizzard,
I come here every year!
Snowflakes are with me - friends
A merry round dance!
Q: Children, let's remember how the Snow Maiden appeared in a fairy tale with his grandfather and woman?
Children's answer: ...
Educator: How much snow fell, what did the houses and everything around look like when the grandfather and woman went to sculpt their daughter? Let's remember how this is said in the text.
Children's answer: ...
Educator: What was the Snow Maiden's mood in winter? What was she like?
Children's answer: Joyful, friendly, cheerful, happy, affectionate, etc.
A teacher looks at book illustrations with children
Educator: Look how different Snow Maidens are. How did you understand that in this illustration the Snow Maiden is in a cheerful mood?
Children's answer: There is a smile on the face, the eyes are shining...
Educator: The beautiful maiden is sad:
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun!
The poor thing is shedding tears.
The teacher reads a poem and shows illustrations of the Snow Maiden in the spring.
What kind of Snow Maiden did she become in the spring?
Children's answer: Sad, sad.
Educator: Look how artists convey sadness, the sadness of a snow girl?
Children's answer: Bowed head, sad face, sitting, bending over.
Educator: Guys, so that the Snow Maiden doesn’t feel sad, let’s give her gifts.
Take your seats.
Children sit in their places with the prepared material.
Educator: When the Snow Maiden cries, thawed patches appear, and on thawed patches grow...
The first to get out of Zemlyce
On a thawed patch.
He is not afraid of frost
Even if it’s small?
What is this?
Children's answer: Snowdrop!
Educator: Right! You and I will make snowdrops for our Snow Maiden.
Educator: At the snow-covered hummocks,
Under a white snow cap
We found a little flower
Translucent, slightly lively.
Children, together with the teacher, make snowdrops from corrugated paper as shown by the teacher.
Educator: What wonderful snowdrops we got!
Carry them in the basket.
Educator: Now our guest has become completely cheerful!
Children bring their fakes to the teacher. The teacher puts them in a basket next to the Snow Maiden.
Educator: Guys, let's remember what emotions the Snow Maiden experienced in Winter?
Children's answer: Joy, admiration, happiness, delight, pleasure.
Educator: And in the spring, what emotions did the Snow Maiden experience?
Children's answer: Sadness, sadness, despondency...
Educator: Well guys, it’s time for us to return back to kindergarten from our trip. Close your eyes, place your right palm on your chest, listen to your heart beat... Thank him for the magical journey.
The teacher sums up the lesson while sitting on the carpet with the children
Educator: Today you proved that you have a kind, loving heart. Where did we travel today?
Children's answer: To a fairy tale!
Educator: What did you like most about our trip?
Children's answer: …..
Educator: How did you feel when you made a gift for the Snow Maiden with your own hands?
Children's answer: ….
Educator: Thank you very much!



teacher of MBDOU No. 3 Konanykhina L.I.



1.Give children an idea of ​​the personality of the writer and his books.

2. Arouse interest in the personality of the writer and his books.

3. Learn to determine the motives of his actions based on the hero’s actions.

4. To develop the ability to analyze the actions of literary heroes and evaluate them, justifying their judgments.

5.Bring the author’s intention to the children’s consciousness.


Reading the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

"Fedorino's grief."

" Telephone".


" Fly Tsokotukha"





1. Portrait of K. I. Chukovsky.

2. Exhibition of books in the book corner, color illustrations to Chukovsky’s fairy tales.

3.Bag with items:






Thermometer (toy);


(In the book corner, create an exhibition of books by K.I. Chukovsky, his portrait).

Draw the children's attention to the exhibition.

TEACHER: Guys! Now I will tell you about the famous children's writer, a great friend of children - Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

He was born in St. Petersburg on March 31, 1882, and spent his childhood in the city of Odessa.

The mother was a simple laundress, but tried to give her children an education.

He did not immediately become a children's writer. At that time, many writers wrote for children, but their books were interesting and boring.

Chukovsky became a children's poet and storyteller by accident. And so it happened. His little son fell ill. Korney Ivanovich took him on the night train. The boy was capricious, moaning, crying. In order to somehow entertain him, his father began to tell him a fairy tale: Once upon a time there was a crocodile, he walked the streets.

The boy suddenly became quiet and began to listen. The next morning, when he woke up, he asked his father to tell him yesterday’s tale again. It turned out that he remembered it all, word for word.

And the second case. This is how Korney Ivanovich himself recalls it:

“One day, while I was working in my office, I heard loud crying. It was my youngest daughter crying. She roared in three streams, violently expressing her reluctance to wash herself. I left the office, took the girl in my arms and, quite unexpectedly for myself, told her:

You must, you must wash your face in the mornings and evenings

And the unclean chimney sweeps

Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!

This is how “MOIDODYR” was born

The children understood and loved the fairy tale by Korney Chukovsky. He made animals, birds, and insects the heroes of his works. In addition to animals, things were active characters.

Remember the work of K.I. Chukovsky, where the characters are things?


Listen to how interestingly Korney Ivanovich talks about “living” things in his fairy tale “Fedorino’s Mountain.”

The sieve gallops across the fields,

And a trough in the meadows.

There's a broom behind the shovel

I walked along the street,

Ax - then, axes

So they pour down the mountain

The goat got scared

She opened her eyes

What's happened? Why?

I don't understand anything!

Korney Ivanovich wrote for small children who do not yet know how to read, and for children in primary school, and for teenagers, and for adults who also enjoy reading his wonderful poems, stories and even fairy tales.

Chukovsky loved the guys very much, he was always attentive and kind to them, but merciless towards dirty people and slobs, he laughs with his readers at such guys in a fairy tale...

Well, maybe you know which fairy tale?


Listen, I’ll read you lines from a fairy tale, who knows, help me:

"Oh you're disgusting, oh you're dirty,

Unwashed pig!

You're blacker than a chimney sweep

Admire yourself:

There's polish on your neck,

There's a blot under your nose,

You have such hands

That even the trousers ran away,

Even pants, even pants

They ran away from you."

Chukovsky also has a fairy tale in which all children and animals love the main character, who is not afraid of any difficulties in order to save animals, he is kind and sympathetic.

Can you guess which hero I'm talking about?

What is this fairy tale called?


(Children read passages from memory)

From an early age, poetry brings joy to everyone. Not only you, but also your parents, your grandparents cannot imagine their childhood without fairy tales:



"Fedorino grief"


"Fly Tsokotukha",


Chukovsky’s poems sound great, develop our speech, enrich us with new words, form a sense of humor, make us stronger and smarter.

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky was distinguished by his great work ethic, and wherever he was: on the tram, in line for bread, in the doctor’s waiting room, so as not to waste time, he composed riddles and fairy tales for children.

(Children read poems by Chukovsky).

K.I. is not among us. Chukovsky. But his books live, and will live for a long time.