A very active child: what to do? What to do for parents of a hyperactive child: advice from a psychologist.

Despite the fact that hyperactivity is most pronounced around the age of 3 years, the first signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be noticed already in infancy. Early diagnosis and timely treatment will prevent many problems with development, learning and adaptation in the future.

Hyperactivity of a baby in the first year of life

Hyperexcitability in infants is quite difficult to diagnose. Therefore, under no circumstances should you prescribe treatment for your child on your own.

IMPORTANT! If you have any doubts, the most reasonable solution would be to visit a specialist who can accurately diagnose. However, it is the presence of characteristic symptoms that should alert parents, being a serious reason for a visit to a neurologist.

Hyperactive child under one year old: signs

  • any sleep disorder;
  • frequent crying and screaming;
  • constant movements of the head, legs and arms. A hyperactive infant actively kicks his legs;
  • hypertonicity of the child's muscles;
  • frequent vomiting and regurgitation after feeding;
  • violent reaction to external stimuli (bright light, sharp sounds and claps).

A hyperactive baby does not like swaddling and always tries to get out of the swaddle. Such children begin to sit, stand up and walk earlier than other peers.

Causes of hyperactivity before one year of age

Hyperexcitability in a baby is often the result of:

  • various pregnancy complications. For example, toxicosis, high blood pressure, and fetal hypoxia;
  • complications during childbirth. This includes difficult births, as well as premature births. Use of forceps, stimulation, caesarean section;
  • infectious diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy or the child in the first weeks of life;
  • genetic predisposition. The risk of developing the disorder increases many times over if one or both parents were hyperactive in childhood;
  • mother's bad habits. For example, drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco products during pregnancy.

To improve the condition of hyperactive babies under one year old, as a rule, non-drug treatments are used, for example:

Hyperactive child what to do at 1-2 years old

Diagnosing hyperactivity in a child aged 1 to 2 years is somewhat easier than in children under one year old, since it is possible apply traditional diagnostics in 3 stages:

  1. Collection of information (the doctor receives data on the course of pregnancy, childbirth and illnesses suffered by the baby, and also collects and summarizes family history).
  2. Complete psychological examination of the child.
  3. Hardware examination (MRI and electroencephalographic study of the brain).

Symptoms of hyperactivity in a child aged 1 to 2 years

So, how can you tell if a child is hyperactive at one year of age? Signs at this age include:

Causes of hyperactivity in a child aged 1 to 2 years

In addition to reasons related to intrauterine development of the fetus, complications during childbirth and past illnesses, at this age babies may exhibit symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity due to an unfavorable situation in the family.

IMPORTANT! Constant scandals and quarrels can lead a child into a depressed, stressful state. If there is a lack of positive emotions, in need of love and care, the baby will try to attract the attention of the family in this way.

To parents with a child with hyperactivity you will need to find a new approach:

What to do if there is a hyperactive child growing up in your family? What should parents do if their child is so restless and impetuous that it is difficult to cope with him? What if he cannot calmly react to everything that happens and play with his peers? What if he is restless and it is not easy for him to transfer knowledge? How to choose the right strategy for raising a hyperactive child and what lies behind his restlessness? Read about the behavioral characteristics of a hyperactive child: recommendations for parents.

Hyperactivity and its signs

A hyperactive child faces many problems

In the middle of the last century, doctors considered hyperactivity as a pathological condition caused by minor disorders of brain function. Subsequently, excessive physical activity began to be perceived as an independent disease, which was called “attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity disorder” (ADHD).

“A hyperactive child faces problems with concentration, poor memory, and learning. It is difficult for his brain to process information. The child cannot maintain concentration for a long time and control all his actions. He is restless, inattentive and impulsive."

Symptoms of hyperactive behavior:

  • restlessness
  • bustle
  • anxiety
  • impulsiveness
  • emotional instability
  • tearfulness
  • non-compliance with rules and norms of behavior
  • sleep problems
  • delayed and impaired speech development
  • and others.

Symptoms of ADHD can already be noticed in a 2-3 year old child. Most often, parents are in no hurry to see a doctor, however, as soon as the child enters the first grade, he has difficulties with studying, which appear as a result of hyperactivity.

It is imperative to respond to each of the symptoms described and seek help from specialists who will give the right recommendations on how to help a child with ADHD, how to learn to calm him down, and how to adapt to society.

If signs of hyperactivity persist in a child for more than 6 months, then you need to consult a specialist - a psychologist, a neurologist.

Signs of hyperactivity include the following:

  1. Inattention, which manifests itself in:
  • frequent inability to pay attention to detail (this will cause the child to make mistakes when doing school homework and other activities)
  • difficulty maintaining attention
  • inability to listen
  • inability to adhere to requirements and instructions (for example, completing homework or other household duties in the workplace
  • Difficulty in independently organizing homework and other work
  • avoiding involvement in tasks that require prolonged mental stress
  • frequent loss of items (toys, school supplies, pencils, books, stationery)
  • easy distraction by extraneous stimuli
  • frequent forgetfulness in everyday situations.
  1. hyperactivity, which manifests itself in:
  • restless movements of the hands and feet
  • twisting and turning while sitting on a chair
  • frequently getting up from your seat in class during class or in other situations
  • frequent manifestation of aimless motor activity: running, twisting, trying to climb somewhere, and when this is unacceptable
  • inability to play or do anything calmly or quietly
  • constant movement
  • talkativeness, noisiness.
  1. Impulsivity, which manifests itself in:
  • answers to questions without listening to them fully and without especially thinking
  • difficulty waiting for your turn
  • frequent interference with others, pestering others (for example, he can calmly interfere in conversations or games).

If the described signs persist in a child for more than 6 months, then you should definitely consult a specialist - a psychologist, a neurologist.

Treatment at home and with a specialist

Only a doctor can select the appropriate course of treatment for your hyperactive child.

If you notice symptoms and signs of ADHD in your child, you should consult a neurologist. The doctor will conduct an examination and find out whether the child’s hyperactivity is caused by any serious illness.

Diagnosis of ADHD carried out in 3 stages:

  1. Collection of information. The doctor collects information about the child, finding out the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy and childbirth, the child’s medical history, and the characteristics of upbringing. The doctor asks the parents to characterize the child. Next, he gives a subjective assessment of the child’s behavior based on certain diagnostic criteria.
  2. Psychological examination. Using special techniques (tests), a specialist diagnoses the child’s attention.
  3. Hardware examination. ADHD is diagnosed using an electroencephalographic or magnetic resonance imaging test (which records electrical potentials in the brain and detects changes). The procedures are painless and safe.

The totality of the results obtained will determine the presence of ADHD and the need for special treatment.

Sometimes a child becomes so uncontrollable that parents are ready to do anything to stop the outrage and take a break from it. It is important to remember here that you cannot arbitrarily give your child sedatives: they can only be prescribed by a doctor after conducting an examination. The selection of medications that normalize sleep, relieve irritability, and reduce anxiety is selected by the doctor strictly individually for each child.

"Advice. Remember that only a doctor can choose the appropriate course of treatment for your hyperactive baby. When choosing home treatment methods, choose those that will not harm the child. As a home treatment, it is best to choose a strategy of a careful, calm, affectionate attitude towards the baby.”

How to organize the life of a hyperactive child

An attentive and caring attitude towards a hyperactive child will help to properly organize his life.

  1. Prohibit correctly. When communicating with a hyperactive child, do not use negations, the negative particle “not”, the words “no” and “cannot”. It is better to reformulate the prohibitions, for example: “Don’t walk on the lawn!” should be replaced with "Better play on the track." That is, when forbidding something to your child, immediately offer an alternative.
  2. Set your tasks clearly. Children with ADHD are characterized by poorly developed logical and abstract thinking. Therefore, tasks need to be stated clearly. When communicating with your child, use short, simple phrases, avoiding complex formulations.
  3. Maintain consistency. It is better not to give hyperactive, inattentive children several instructions at the same time, such as “change clothes and fold your clothes, wash your hands and quickly sit down to dinner.” It will be difficult for the child to immediately perceive all the information. Most likely, he will get distracted and forget to do everything he needs to do. It is better to give instructions one after another, maintaining a logical sequence.
  4. Keep track of the time. It is difficult for hyperactive children to sense time, so parents themselves must monitor how much time the child spends on a particular task.
  5. Get used to the daily routine. The daily routine is the basis of the normal life of a hyperactive child. The child must sleep enough time (at least 8-10 hours a day), eat, study (study), play, and walk at the same time. Don't forget to praise your child if he follows the rules.
  6. Be positive. Rejoice at your child’s successes, praise him, support him. The baby should feel that he is being cared for and helped to cope with difficulties. Smooth out conflicts.
  7. Be clear about the criteria for good behavior. Permissiveness is not the best parenting tactic. The child must understand what he can and cannot do; how to behave beautifully and how not.
  8. Create comfortable conditions for the child’s development. The baby should have his own place in the house where he can calmly play and study. Do not distract your child from classes. Make sure he doesn't get overtired.
  9. Create opportunities to waste excess energy. It is better for hyperactive children to have a hobby. It’s good if it’s a sport where the child can throw out excess energy. Take more walks in the fresh air.

Products containing dyes and preservatives should be excluded from the diet of a hyperactive child.

"Advice. Products containing dyes and preservatives should be excluded from the diet of a hyperactive child. It is not recommended to consume carbonated drinks, chocolate, spicy and salty foods.”

Traditional methods of behavior correction

Sometimes a doctor can prescribe not only drug treatment, but also enhance it with traditional methods, for example:

  1. Infusions of soothing herbal infusions. Infusion for tics: 2 tbsp. Brew spoons of dried blackberry leaves with a liter of boiling water and give the child half a glass to drink twice a day.
  2. Strengthening normalizing mixtures. For example: cranberries and aloe need to be ground in a meat grinder and seasoned with honey. Give a teaspoon three times a day for six months. This mixture enhances concentration and perseverance.
  3. Calming herbal baths. Some herbs (chamomile, valerian, motherwort) and essential oils (fir, neroli) have a relaxing effect. The herbs need to be brewed, and then the infusion should be poured into the bath, and a couple of drops of essential oil should be added.

“A wonderful old soothing method is a glass of warm milk with honey. It’s better to offer your child to drink it at night.”

Choose individual ways to calm a hyperactive child

While the diagnosis has not yet been carried out, parents will find useful tips on how to deal with a hyperactive child:

  1. If the child is overexcited, you need to change the situation: give him a drink of water and take him to another room.
  2. If the baby is upset, the best medicine is a hug from the parents, a gentle pat on the head: physical contact is very important for hyperactive children.
  3. An effective home treatment for hyperactive children is herbal baths before bedtime. The soothing collection for such a bath may include hop and conifer cones. Consult your doctor when choosing this home therapy method.
  4. A favorite fairy tale, a book with colorful illustrations, a massage, calm music - with the help of all this, the baby will be able to calm down and fall asleep faster.

It is not easy to recommend what exactly needs to be done with a child’s hyperactivity, because each case is individual and generated by different reasons. The main thing is to be loving and patient parents who will help the baby adapt to the world around him and cope with the difficulties he faces.

Find out which children can be called hyperactive. How to behave with them, communicate, play. Also read advice from psychologists to parents of little fidgets.

Nowadays it is not uncommon to see a very active child on the street. Such children cannot stand in one place for a long time, react little to comments and prohibitions, interrupt their elders, and speak loudly. Unfortunately, adults do not understand that this is an illness, and they should not react irritably to the energy-saving baby.

This syndrome is called hyperactivity (attention deficit). Such children require special treatment; parents must help their child get rid of this psychological illness.

Signs of a hyperactive child

  • The nervous system of an overly active baby is working to the limit. He cannot independently regulate energy consumption or concentrate his attention on something for a long time. Such symptoms are noticeable at an early age (2-3 years old)
  • It seems like your baby is not listening to you at all. He may be distracted by any noises, actions, or quickly change activities
  • Often these children experience delayed speech development and sleep disturbances.
  • They do not perceive any rules or norms. They don't like it when they are forbidden to do anything.
  • They forget where they put this or that thing. And sometimes they even lose clothes, shoes and other items.
  • They often cry and worry. They are characterized by anxiety, emotionality, restlessness, impulsiveness, and sudden mood swings.

IMPORTANT: Do not hesitate to contact a psychologist if you notice such problems in your baby. An experienced specialist will help you deal with it. Will tell parents how to act so that conflict situations do not arise.

Hyperactive children: reasons

This pathology has not yet been fully studied. Scientists are still studying what its root causes are. However, we can already say with certainty what factors negatively affect the baby’s health. ADHD syndrome occurs if:

  • parents also had this disorder in childhood, i.e. hyperactivity is hereditary
  • the expectant mother abused strong drinks and smoked
  • the baby experiences oxygen deprivation in the womb
  • The pregnant woman has severe toxicosis, anemia, risk of failure
  • there is incompatibility between the baby and the mother according to the Rh factor
  • The expectant mother has a hard job and is stressed
  • A woman in labor has a protracted, difficult labor with pathologies
  • head injuries occur in a newborn
  • The baby has a lack of vitamins and minerals as a result of poor nutrition
  • unfavorable environment, environmental pollution, electromagnetic radiation from a computer, TV

What to do with a hyperactive child at home

  • First of all, mom and dad need to be patient. Don’t try to limit your child’s movements; be prepared that your baby will run, climb on furniture, jump and still have time to answer your questions.
  • Try to praise your baby as often as possible, even if he has not fully completed the task you set. Hyperactive children respond very positively to this kind of praise.
  • Note that when a child becomes interested in something for a long time, try not to distract him. Next time, engage him in the same activity again.
  • Regularly, without distractions, conduct classes with your child for at least two minutes three times a day. Build a schedule for their implementation and observe daily lesson times. Train your baby's attention
  • Keep a close eye on your fidget, remove objects that could harm the baby
  • Play outdoor games with him, do not try to put him in a corner or sit him on a chair for an offense. Just show that your child has upset you in one way or another
  • Note that when a fidget’s activity decreases, try to read something to him or do something useful at this time

Interaction with a hyperactive child

In order to have some order, you need to accustom your baby to a clear daily routine. He must know exactly when to stay awake, when to eat and what time to go to bed. Of course, you won’t be able to do this in one or two days, but if you persistently, without shouting, with little tricks, teach your little one the established rules, then it will be much easier for both you and your child in the future morally.

The days need to be a little similar. For example, in the morning the baby woke up, washed his face, brushed his teeth, had breakfast, and the active phase began. Then after a while - a small lesson, lunch. Then a walk on the street, afternoon tea, reading a book, games, dinner in the evening, chatting with dad, who came home from work. Exactly at nine in the evening, mom spreads out the bed, turns on her favorite night light, and after the water procedures the baby lies down in the pastel. Mom is reading her favorite book.

IMPORTANT: Excessive gentleness of parents in raising fidgets is not welcome. Make sure your child does not get overtired.

Raising a hyperactive child
hyperactive child 1 year old. What to do?

At one year old it is difficult to determine which baby is simply active or hyperactive. Most often, psychotherapists make this diagnosis only at four to six years of age. And at such a young age, parents just need to surround your beloved child with attention and care. As mentioned earlier, accustom to a strict regime. Try to ensure that the baby does not have negative impressions. To do this, you need peace in the house, so that adults do not swear, there are fewer noisy companies, and all kinds of festivities.

Create a cozy environment. Play outdoor games with your baby. Try to spend less time in places where there are large crowds of people and you can get too many new emotions (for example, in supermarkets). Allow your baby to do things on her own. For example, let him learn to eat with a spoon. Even if he doesn’t do it right, don’t interfere. The main thing is that he focused his attention on this and at this time he is calm and busy with something.

Hyperactivity in preschool children

Try not to send your restless child to school at the age of six. After all, it will be very difficult for him to concentrate on lessons. Let it be like kindergarten classes at first. Just ask the teacher in advance not to tie him to one place, let him sit where he is comfortable, move, play, jump.

Although it very often happens that a child begins to be rude to teachers and does not find a common language with the children. In such cases, it is better for parents to change groups or even kindergartens. So as not to make the situation worse. Unfortunately, not all educators are able to find a certain approach to such children.

Hyperactivity in school-age children

It is especially difficult for a hyperactive child to pay attention in class. Primary school is a real challenge for a restless person. After all, before this, the baby could do almost anything, but during classes it is necessary to sit in one place and listen carefully to the teacher. Such demands are unbearable for children with ADHD. As a result, schoolchildren have problems with learning. They have difficulty reading, writing, and mathematics.

To get rid of such problems, parents must actively support their child. Be sure to consult a psychologist or pediatrician - do not ignore the problem. Let the student be prescribed medication and more. The psychologist will tell you how to properly work with your child.

To gradually cope with your child's hyperactivity, put into practice the following advice from specialist psychologists:

  • ADVICE: Do not give the student several tasks at once. Let him handle one simple job first, then move on to the next one.
  • ADVICE: Don’t set goals for your fidget for the distant future, he will forget about them anyway. For example, if you clean your room for a whole month, then your dad and I will give you a new bicycle. Better say that if you put the toys away now, I’ll let you play on the computer
  • ADVICE: For every task well completed, give your child a reward (a token). For example, if you collect twenty tokens, we will give you a puppy
  • ADVICE: If you are going to the clinic tomorrow, then today think about what you can do there while waiting in line to see the doctor
  • ADVICE: Try to teach your child to sense time. To do this, when performing any task, use an hourglass or a timer. In the future, thanks to this, the baby will not put off important things until later.

Classes with hyperactive children

Such children are impulsive and cannot fight emotions, so you need to find your own approach to them. When working with a student, adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not begrudge your child compliments for a job well done.
  • Don’t demand too much from him, but loading him too little is also not an option.
  • think over the situation in advance and carry it out so that the child can show his best side
  • ignore the bad actions of children, do not focus everyone’s attention on them

Games for hyperactive children

Basically, games for such kids are created to correct their attention.

Game - Attention

Invite your child to memorize a simple movement. Ask him to repeat after you. Then the second simple movement, let him repeat it too. Then let him repeat the first and second in turn. And so bring it to five movements. Then ask the fidget to remember movement No. 4, 2, 3, 1, 5 on its own

Game - Palms

Suitable for babies. Clap your palms in front of you. Then clap your hands with the baby, again in front of you. Then with your left hand with the baby, in front of you and with your right. And repeat this several times until it works quickly.

Game - Traffic Light

Draw three circles: red, yellow, green, cut them out. Then show it to the children one by one. Green means you can run, scream, jump, etc. Yellow - you can walk, talk in a whisper. Red - stand still, remain silent.

Game - Animal Paws

Prepare several items in advance: a glass bottle, a makeup brush, an edge, a pen. For each item, come up with the name of an animal. Ask your baby to close his eyes. Stroke the child’s hand or cheek with any of these objects and ask them to guess what kind of animal it was.

IMPORTANT: If the fidget is not ready to play games for attention and perseverance now, postpone these activities for later. There is no need to force the child to sit down.

Communication with a hyperactive child

  • As stated above, it is important that the baby has a clear routine. When a first-grader gets ready for school, parents should help him
  • Without unnecessary information and consistently remind: put down the math notebook, when he does this, then the next thing is put down the arithmetic textbook, etc. But this is at first, then you can write a memo right next to his workspace
  • Don’t say the word “You can’t.” Use it in combination with the word “It’s possible.” For example, don’t draw on the wallpaper, draw on this piece of paper. Don't throw snowballs at the girl, throw them at the tree
  • Try to switch your baby’s negative reactions to positive ones.

Hyperactive child - Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky argues that parents should receive information from doctors on how to act in a given situation, learn correctly, and treat such children. It’s great if grandparents help moms and dads in raising a restless child. After all, it wouldn’t hurt for parents to take a break from time to time either. As a rule, the disease of lack of attention and hypermobility disappears during adolescence.

Video: ten rules for raising a fidget

There is probably no other condition that causes so much controversy and doubt among doctors, parents and psychologists as hyperactivity. Some argue that the problem is far-fetched and does not actually exist, while others believe that undetected and uncorrected hyperactivity in childhood threatens a person’s career growth, social adaptation, and personal relationships in the future.

Which of them is right, what kind of hyperactive child he is, what to do if the doctor gives such a conclusion to your baby, we’ll talk in this article.

From this article you will learn:

Most parents who have ever heard about childhood hyperactivity actually have a rather vague idea of ​​what we are talking about, sometimes putting into this concept not a medical, but an everyday meaning. Therefore, first of all, let's understand the terms.

Hyperactivity, or motor disinhibition is a state of the child’s nervous system in which excitation processes in the brain occur more actively than in ordinary children. In other words, brain cells constantly generate nerve impulses that simply do not allow the baby to sit still.

Therefore, a hyperactive child is not just a very active, disobedient, capricious or inattentive bully, as many mothers are used to thinking, but a baby in whose behavior a neurologist (and only he!) saw deviations. The presence of hyperactivity in a child can be detected at any age.

Hyperactivity in infants should not be confused with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is a mental development disorder and can be identified no earlier than 3-4 years of age.

Hyperactive and active: what's the difference?

A healthy baby by nature is always full of energy, active, stubborn and even capricious. These qualities help him understand the world around him and his place in it. This is why it can be so difficult to distinguish motor disinhibition from character traits. However, there are some starting points that can encourage parents to be more attentive to their child's behavior.

Hyperactive babies - what are they?

Most often, such babies are well developed physically. They learn to sit, crawl, and walk earlier than their peers. They find it difficult to sit still and their day is spent on the move. Babies are tireless and fearless, so much so that they often fall from furniture, changing tables, and open windows.

It’s as if they don’t know how to get tired. Even when strength is running out, a hyperactive child will continue to move, accompanied by crying, hysterics, and whims. Only mommy can stop him by picking him up in time.

Such children sleep very little, which amazes their family and friends. 2-3 month old babies can stay awake for 4-5 hours at a time, while their peers divide the day between mother's breast and sleep.

They sleep very lightly, waking up from the slightest noise, and then cannot fall asleep for a long time. They easily get used to motion sickness.

An environment full of sounds, unfamiliar faces, bright lights (the arrival of guests or a trip to the clinic) leads hyperactive kids to real euphoria, forcing them to double their antics.

These kids love toys, but rarely play with them for a long time. They are easy to interest in something, but difficult to captivate. Interest in a new toy or game disappears after a few minutes.

Hyperactive children are very attached to their mother and rarely get along well with strangers. They are prone to fits of anger, throw toys, bite, and fight. In addition, kids are jealous and resolve conflict situations with tears and roaring.

How not to make a mistake?

Since speech and other means of communication are not yet well developed in babies in their first year of life, parents often worry in vain, mistaking age-related cheerfulness for hyperactivity. There are several distinctive features of an active healthy baby from a hyperactive one. Temperamental healthy children, as a rule:

  • they move a lot, but are tired, prefer to lie down or sit;
  • fall asleep well, the duration of daytime and night sleep corresponds to age;
  • sleep peacefully at night;
  • a well-developed sense of fear, remember dangerous actions and situations and try to avoid them;
  • easily distracted during moods and hysterics;
  • they begin to recognize the word “impossible” early;
  • during moods they are non-aggressive;
  • have a temperamental mom or dad.

I would especially like to dwell on the last point. Unlike others, it must be used skillfully. Very often, mothers and fathers who do not have a fiery temperament “suspect” their baby of hyperactivity. A logical connection is triggered: calm parents cannot give birth to a naughty child. The situation is aggravated by grandparents on both sides, who say in surprise: “what kind of guy is he,” “my children have always been lower than the grass, quieter than water.”

This is the wrong approach. Genetics is a complex science, and genes that did not manifest themselves in mom and dad can “play” in a child.

Therefore, I would like to once again advise all calm mothers: before turning to a neurologist for help, analyze why the baby is “bothering” you. He is unbearable, annoying with his mobility, curiosity and is completely unlike you in character, or he is really unstoppable with all your understanding of childish nature.

Who is guilty?

A child's hyperactivity always has a physical cause, that is, changes in the functioning of nerve cells in the brain. This may happen if:

  • the baby was born via caesarean section;
  • the birth was difficult, lengthy, and was accompanied by the use of obstetric forceps;
  • the child was born very premature or low birth weight;
  • there was a failure during the formation of the nervous system in the prenatal period due to the flu, colds, under the influence of unfavorable environmental factors, bad habits;
  • there is a hereditary predisposition, that is, immediate relatives suffered from hyperactivity in childhood.

Can't be cured, but we can help

If you have a hyperactive child, what can you do to help him? The most important thing is to understand that hyperactivity is not a disease, but a type of behavior that depends on the characteristics of your baby’s nervous system. That is, it cannot be cured in the broad sense of the word, but it can be taken under control in such a way that this condition successfully “grows out” and does not progress into adulthood.

Treatment of hyperactivity consists of sequential development of the following stages:

  • Psychological preparation of parents;
  • Educational approaches to the baby;
  • Daily regime.

Psychological preparation of parents

Probably the most important stage. After all, how smoothly the next ones will go depends on its success.

Parents need to firmly understand:

  • hyperactivity is NOT a DISEASE, but a personal quality of the baby;
  • the child does not deliberately misbehave and cause anxiety to them, this is simply how his nervous system works;
  • what happened is no one’s fault;
  • it is necessary to accept the child as he is - a mischievous, lively person, capricious and jealous, but passionately loving his mother and father;
  • hyperactivity in infants, with the right approach, does not have a negative impact on physical and mental development in the future;
  • the baby does not have to be similar in his behavior to the son of Maria Ivanovna or the daughter of Elena Sergeevna, no matter how good they are. He may also act completely differently than mom and dad did at his age. A small person is a big person and has the right to individuality, even through hyperactivity.

Some of these items are not easy to accomplish. But if the parents accept them, then we can assume that the child’s hyperactivity is half under control.

I would like to say a special word to moms and dads who have a “hyperactive” character. If your temperament is as hot as an Arabian stallion, then it's time to take it under the reins. Calmness, a pre-drawn up plan for the day, and the absence of surprises will help not only create a favorable environment for a hyperactive child, but will improve the overall emotional background in the family.

Educational approaches to the baby

A hyperactive child, like no other, needs the support of mom and dad. After all, his nervous system is very vulnerable and easily depleted. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the child does not get upset often. This does not mean pandering to every whim. It is simply necessary to protect your baby from negative emotions: do not leave him to cry for a long time, do not lock him in a room as a form of punishment, interrupt his roaring and hysterics as soon as they begin. It is best to distract the baby with a toy, pick it up, go out onto the balcony or go to the window.

Do not scold the child and blame him, he is still so small that he cannot justify himself and say about his love for you.

Praise, kiss and encourage your baby at any age. A baby may not understand the words, but an approving tone will be his best reward.

Find the golden mean between strictness and connivance. The baby should gradually begin to understand the word “no”.

It is necessary to protect the child from too noisy environments. For example, unfamiliar guests, crowds, public transport. This does not mean keeping him in isolation, but you should remember that the shopping center and a party with friends are not the right place for a hyperactive naughty boy. But a walk in the park, on the playground, or a family picnic is a good reason to splash out energy without harming yourself or others.

Always be ready to help your baby when something doesn’t work out for him. Hyperactive children are very sensitive to failures and immediately get upset if the goal is not achieved the first time. Achieve it together, calmly and wisely support the baby in his exploits.

Daily regime

The best way to deal with manifestations of hyperactivity in a child is daily regime. It not only balances nervous processes, but also disciplines parents.

It's best if your morning wake-up and bedtime hours are the same every day. This will allow you to train your baby’s nervous system and develop its own rhythm.

An important role in the formation of restful sleep is played by the “evening ritual”, which is repeated every day and consists of the same actions. This will teach the baby's body to prepare for sleep. It can be, for example, “bath-lullaby-sleeping at the chest-moving to the crib” or, if you are not used to bathing your child every day or a bath, on the contrary, is stimulating, then “changing into pajamas-lullaby-breastfeeding or bottle with formula - sleep in your own crib.”

You should limit outdoor games 1 hour before going to bed.

It is better to place the bed of a baby under one year old in the same room where the parents sleep. Hyperactive children often wake up at night, tormented by disturbing dreams. The affectionate voice of a mother who is nearby is often enough to calm down.

The room where the baby spends most of his time should not have a TV or radio on. Bright colors, music, and constantly changing pictures on the screen disinhibit the nervous system. If the children's room is decorated with bright pictures - stickers, posters, large toys, they should be removed. An infant still does not understand their meaning, and bright spots have a stimulating effect on the nervous system.

Chandeliers and lamps in a children's room should be made of frosted glass, which softly diffuses light and does not produce disturbing glare.

Hyperactive children must expend energy . Gymnastics, massage, and outdoor games will help with this. You should strictly monitor the duration of active games. Hyperactive children do not feel tired and cannot stop on their own. Therefore, depending on age, periods of active games must be alternated with calm ones.

Final word

Dear parents, your baby is a miracle, no matter what he is. Therefore, instead of asking the question “I have a hyperactive child, what to do now and how to live with this further,” try to calmly and wisely go through this difficult period of formation of a small personality with him.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a complex disorder characterized by excessive activity, constant distraction, and an inability to concentrate.

Children with this disease easily cross all established boundaries, and often even shock adults with their behavior. Faced with such a diagnosis, parents, first of all, want to know how the disease manifests itself, what its features are, and, most importantly, how to help children overcome the difficulties associated with it and fully socialize in society.

Symptoms of hyperactivity in a child

The first signs of hyperactivity in a baby can sometimes appear before the age of one. In this case, the following are observed symptoms:

  • Hypersensitivity to light, sound and other external stimuli;
  • Excessive excitability;
  • Violent reaction to manipulation;
  • Delayed physical development;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Delays in speech development.

But, if the above listed signs appear occasionally or not fully, they should not be classified as a pathology. After all, at this age there are many other reasons for such behavior. For example, teething.

Features of hyperactive children - how to calm them down

You can more accurately determine whether a baby is hyperactive at 2–3 years of age. At this age, the first crises may occur.

Of the typical symptoms most often observed:

  • disobedience;
  • impulsiveness;
  • difficulty getting into bed;
  • slowdowns in the development of memory and attention.

The little man becomes uncontrollable, and this is a very difficult test for parents. Communication with such children is an entire art, which is very difficult to master.

So, in order to calm a child with ADHD, it is advisable to reduce the influence of external stimuli as much as possible, offer him a glass of water or soothing tea, bathe him and give him a massage.

Hyperactive children - causes of hyperactivity in children

Hyperactive children are not at all uncommon these days. They make up about 18% of the total number of patients examined by pediatricians. Scientific debate has been going on for a long time about the causes of such a serious illness.

For the most part, doctors agree on the genetic predisposition of the disease. But others also call causes of pathology:

  • threats of abortion;
  • problems during childbirth;
  • maternal alcohol use;
  • smoking;
  • heavy metal poisoning;
  • nervous tension, stress.

Hyperactive child what to do?

If a child is hyperactive, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the manifestation of ADHD. But there is also a number of general recommendations for working with such children:

  • Set a clear algorithm of actions. Issue commands one at a time, trying to formulate it as specifically as possible.
  • Formulate prohibitions, avoiding the particle “not”. Instead of: “Don’t walk through puddles!”, It’s better to say: “Try to avoid puddles” or “Walk where it’s dry.”
  • Follow a logical sequence in tasks. Try to avoid confusion, do not jump from one task to another.
  • Keep track of the time. Set clear time limits for the little man to complete the work and make sure he adheres to them, warning him about it in advance.

If your baby is overexcited and you can’t calm him down, try using psychological recommendations V:

  • Change the environment to a calmer one;
  • Try to hug your child;
  • Help take a soothing bath;
  • Read or just leaf through a book;
  • Get a relaxing massage;
  • Turn on some light relaxing music.

In addition, modern psychologists offer the following recommendations parents hyperactive children:

  • Teach your little man to follow a daily routine;
  • Try to create the most comfortable conditions for him at home and in the team;
  • Be positive, use praise;
  • Clearly set the boundaries of what is possible and what is not;
  • Give your baby the opportunity to expend excess energy to the maximum.

Treatment of hyperactivity in a child

To help the little man, parents should know that treatment of the disease may include four components:

1. psychotherapeutic methods;
2. psychological and pedagogical adjustment;
3. use of medications;
4. non-drug therapy.

Of course, first of all, preference is given to non-drug methods. But only a doctor can determine and prescribe them. Parents, first of all, should take care of observing other important recommendations:

  • calm atmosphere;
  • good sleep;
  • quality food;
  • long walks;
  • constant physical activity;
  • gentle teaching methods.