Maria Maksakova made peace with her mother after a major quarrel. Malakhov, who left Channel One, interviewed singer Maria Maksakova, who fled to Kyiv.

In the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live broadcast” Maria Maksakova decided to have a frank conversation with the famous presenter. The TV journalist went to visit the opera diva, who is now in Ukraine. Talking with Andrei Malakhov, the singer recalled the story of her acquaintance with Denis Voronenkov, who was shot dead in the spring in the center of Kyiv.

According to Andrei Malakhov, the opera diva called him on Friday, immediately after a program dedicated to Boris Korchevnikov was broadcast on TV. “Can you come to me in Kyiv? “I want to tell you everything about love,” the presenter conveyed the words of the famous singer. The TV journalist accepted the artist’s offer and went to the capital of Ukraine. Maria Maksakova met Andrei Malakhov with lard and vodka.

“At what second did you decide to cut your hair?” – the presenter began the dialogue with these words. “Not to be flirty, half of my hair just fell off after what happened. Apparently, my nervous system made the decision for me,” the opera diva replied, adding that she could not eat for more than two weeks. Because of such a diet, which you wouldn’t wish on your enemy, Maksakova lost a lot of weight.

Maria's first meeting with her future husband took place in the State Duma. According to the artist, Voronenkov did not show that he began to have any feelings for her. Then the performer, together with her fellow deputies, went to Japan for a festival of Russian culture. “Somehow it happened that... And he reprimanded me. He said: “Masha, your brother is in a difficult situation, he is in a pre-trial detention center, and I don’t see that you are trying to help him.” I tell him: “Listen, my brother is wrong,” Maksakova said. According to Maria, her relative was surprised at the similarity between her sister and the politician. Soon the singer became close to Voronenkov, who was trying to help her loved one.

The conversation also turned to children. The singer admitted that when her son was studying at the Suvorov School, she regularly kept in touch with him. But life made its own adjustments, and the teenager was taken from the educational institution. “I was so happy - he called me for 15-20 minutes, I knew his life in detail,” recalls the artist. The boy had a birthday on July 23, he turned 13 years old. The performer called the child to congratulate him on the holiday.

During a conversation with the presenter, Maria Maksakova also spoke about the fact that she had made peace with her mother Lyudmila. Just recently, the artist was offended by her parent because of her harsh statement about Denis Voronenkov.

“We made peace... She was lied to. I couldn't understand why she wasn't defending herself. I believed that in this way she indirectly confirmed her guilt. It turned out that she simply did not want to get involved with this category of people. She didn’t say that phrase... I’m sorry that that phrase turned out to be fatal. I was very offended by her, but she told me step by step how she spent that terrible day. She wrote to me, then I called her,” the artist shared.

In addition, the singer spoke about her daughter Lyudmila. “The story with her is even worse. When I left, or rather, ran away from their father, I realized that I had to work hard. I had a woman whom I trusted very much, Zoya Epifanova. All my life she has been by my side. (...) It so happened that Zoya and I parted ways, and Lucy followed Zoya... Lucy called me a couple of times after it happened,” the performer shared.

At the same time, Maria Maksakova has serious disagreements with the father of her senior heirs, Vladimir Tyurin. “He took advantage of my situation and actually took the children away,” says the singer. The star considers the beginning of her relationship with a man a fatal mistake. “He was an absolutely shady person and took me into his stride. He spent four months isolating me from my friends and girlfriends. And then I got pregnant, that’s all,” said the performer.

Andrei Malakhov asked the artist if she knew about the illness of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, with whom the singer had previously crossed paths at work. “Well, of course... We talked before. Periodically they sang in the same concerts. I wish Dima willpower, because he can handle it, he can do it. Of course, this is very difficult... In general, he is a holiday person,” says Maksakova.

Maria Maksakova remembers her marriage to Denis Voronenkov with a smile. Andrei Malakhov asked how the star was proposed to. “I went to India to Goa. He thought and decided to come to me. He asks: “Tell me, what will happen if I propose marriage?” I told him: “I won’t go, but I’ll run,” the artist recalled. As a result, the wedding ceremony took place on March 27, the day of the theater.

Immediately after the wedding ceremony, the artist lost twins. However, fate gave Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov another chance to become parents. The politician doted on his chosen one. “He carried me in his arms, I was such a happy woman. Yes, it’s hard to come to terms with the fact that there was happiness, and now it’s gone... But it was!” – says the performer.

“They were ready to forgive me everything in my life - beauty, talent... Everything except personal happiness. Moreover, no matter how sad and tragic our love ended, it was great mutual love. (...) As long as I am alive, I will love him. What did those who did this achieve? – said the singer.

The singer says that she would not change anything in her life except for one thing. Remembering the tragic event, Maria Maksakova could not contain her emotions.

“Only in the morning on my day would I go with him. Then I slept and stayed at home, so I didn’t go with him. I should have gone with him. They wouldn’t have killed him in my presence, they would have killed two people... Of course, I hoped that he was alive. Even very... I would get him out of any state,” the singer said.

Then the singer was offered the services of a doctor and a psychiatrist. “I said I didn’t need anything and I wouldn’t take any pills,” Maria said. Now she is doing everything possible to continue living and raising her common son with Denis.

According to Maksakova, she does not delete SMS messages from her deceased husband. In his last message, Voronenkov shared with her his emotions from the interview. “The editor-in-chief is delighted, he says that it is read in one breath,” Maria quotes her husband’s message. After the former State Duma deputy sent the message, he only had about a minute to live. Then the fatal shot was fired, taking the man's life.

After a commercial break, Andrei Malakhov announced that the broadcast was live, so the editors had the opportunity to monitor the comments of Internet users. “Dear viewers, where does so much anger come from?” – the presenter asked and urged to listen to the story of Maria Maksakova to the end. When the TV journalist was in Kyiv, the artist sang a love song to him.

According to Maria Maksakova, her husband spent about $30 million on his previous family. Apparently, disputes about the inheritance of Denis Voronenkov continue. The singer said that Julia is extremely reluctant to make concessions. “He couldn’t come to an agreement with her, she didn’t give him anything,” says the artist.

Andrei Malakhov asked the singer if she was dreaming about Denis Voronenkov. "Every night. He lives an ordinary life with me, gives his advice,” answered the opera diva.

Then the artist showed Andrei Malakhov the apartment. “Did you have any traditions with Denis?” – asked the presenter. “You know, he and I lived like in a sandbox... Like two children. We had such a close relationship that we never parted for a second. (...) I constantly missed him. He told me: “Masha, I love you more. You'll see". (...) Of course, I treasured every second, thanked God for existing,” the singer shared.

At the end of the interview with the opera diva, the presenter addressed her. Andrei Malakhov expressed the hope that Maria Maksakova will be able to find her happiness again.

“I treat you very sincerely, thank you very much. “I pray that he, as the person who loved you, will do everything to make you happy, and that there will also be that person in your life who would make you smile,” the presenter told the singer.

After the death of her husband in Kyiv, Maria Maksakova did not give interviews for a long time, but soon made an exception for the former host of the show “Let Them Talk” Andrei Malakhov. According to the star, Maksakova herself invited him to come to Kyiv and listen to her talk about life after his broadcast on “Andrey Malakhov. Live".

The girl began her interview with a story about a meeting with her husband, former State Duma deputy and member of the anti-corruption committee Denis Voronenkov.

“At first everything happened in the State Duma, we just said hello, everything was rather formal. Although he said that even then he liked me terribly, he didn’t show it, so it was impossible to guess about it,” Maksakova began her story to Malakhova.

“Then Sergei Naryshkin invited us both to a festival of Russian culture in Japan, and there at some point Denis made a remark to me - supposedly I’m not trying to help my brother.” The fact is that Maria’s brother was then accused and detained of stealing a large sum of money. The girl decided to be frank with her friend and talked about her problems with her son. At that time, the boy weighed more than his mother and had no interests. Voronenkov advised the girl to send her son to the Suvorov School, promising that his son would change there. Soon this happened.

Also, Maksakova told Malakhov about her reconciliation with her mother Lyudmila. After the death of her husband, the media distorted the words of Lyudmila Maksakova, saying that her mother was “glad about the death of her son-in-law.” Because of this, Maria stopped communicating with her mother and harbored a grudge against her. “She was lied to, it’s obvious now. (After Voronenkov’s death, the media quoted the words of Lyudmila Maksakova that she was supposedly “glad about the death of her son-in-law,” after which Maria stopped communicating with her mother - Ed.). I just couldn’t understand why she didn’t defend herself: if she was slandered, she could go to court, because this is an absolutely winning case. I thought: since she doesn’t defend herself, it means she indirectly confirms her guilt.” — the girl is indignant.

The mother was the first to decide to write to her daughter for the sake of reconciliation and told in detail the day on which the interview took place. “It turned out that she simply did not want to get involved with this category of people; she considers it above her dignity. She did not say the phrase that she was supposedly happy about Denis’s murder. I’m sorry that this phrase turned out to be fatal, and I didn’t communicate with her for almost six months, I was very offended by her. But she told me step by step how she spent that day, and I realized that she really didn’t say that. She wrote to me first, and then I called her.” Maksakova told Andrey about reconciliation with her mother.

With bitterness, Maria also spoke about that fateful day when her husband died. Denis went to a meeting and did not take his wife with him, who had not had enough sleep and was in no condition. The girl really regrets that she was not with her husband that day. My assistant called me and asked: “What’s wrong with Denis?” I replied, “Everything is fine, I guess. He left the house half an hour ago.” And then I turned on the TV, saw everything - and ran. Of course, I hoped that he was alive, because they said that one was killed and the other was wounded. If he were alive, I would get him out of any state...

Maksakova’s story became the second broadcast for Malakhov, who recently said goodbye to Channel One. The presenter left “Let Them Talk” and is now establishing a career with new interviews and programs.

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In March of this year, Maria Maksakova had to endure a tragic event: her husband, former State Duma deputy and member of the anti-corruption committee Denis Voronenkov, was killed in Kyiv. Maria did not give interviews for a long time, but the other day she decided to make an exception for Andrei Malakhov. According to Andrey, Maria herself called him after the release of the first episode of his new program “Andrey Malakhov. Live” and invited him to Kyiv to tell him “all about love.” The interview turned out to be very frank. We publish the most interesting quotes from Maria.

About the meeting with Denis Voronenkov:

At first everything happened in the State Duma, we just said hello, everything was rather formal. Although he said that even then he liked me terribly, he didn’t show it, so it was impossible to guess about it. Then Sergei Naryshkin invited us both to a festival of Russian culture in Japan, and there at some point Denis made a remark to me - supposedly I was not trying to help my brother (at that moment Maria’s brother, Maxim Maksakov, was detained on charges of embezzlement of budget funds - editor's note). We solved this problem, then I complained about my son, who weighed more than me, was not interested in anything... Denis advised me to send him to the Suvorov School, saying that after that everything would work out for him, and in the first two days. And so it happened.

On reconciliation with mother Lyudmila Maksakova:

She was lied to, it’s obvious now. (After Voronenkov’s death, the media quoted the words of Lyudmila Maksakova that she was supposedly “glad about the death of her son-in-law,” after which Maria stopped communicating with her mother - Ed.). I just couldn’t understand why she didn’t defend herself: if she was slandered, she could go to court, because this is an absolutely winning case. I thought: since she doesn’t defend herself, it means she indirectly confirms her guilt. It turned out that she simply did not want to get involved with this category of people; she considers it above her dignity. She did not say the phrase that she was supposedly happy about Denis’s murder. I’m sorry that this phrase turned out to be fatal, and I didn’t communicate with her for almost six months, I was very offended by her. But she told me step by step how she spent that day, and I realized that she really didn’t say that. She wrote to me first, and then I called her.

Lyudmila and Maria Maksakov

About the eldest son Ilya:

I think he's old enough. Judging by myself, at his age it was difficult for me to impose anything. If he wanted to meet with me, we would be happy to receive him in Kyiv. Entry into the territory of Ukraine is open for him. This is a very religious country. I really found my refuge here, I fell madly in love with the country, the people who extended their hand to me in my most difficult hour in my life, while in Russia not only was no one going to extend this hand to me, but they poured their hands on me for 4.5 months tubs of mud. Therefore, why make of us some cruel people who may not allow a child to cross the border? If Ilyusha has a desire... I will be happy if he comes! I miss him very much! But this desire must be mutual.

About her relationship with her daughter Lyudmila, with whom Maria actually does not communicate:

Here the story is even worse. When I ran away from their father, I realized that I had no one else to count on and needed to work hard. At that moment, Lucy had just been born. Next to me was a woman whom I trusted very much - Zoya Epifanova. She has been with me since I left home at 17. And I decided that since I need to travel and work a lot, I should ask Zoya to be closer to my daughter... In the end, what happened was what happened. When it was necessary to determine the whereabouts of the children... This is a manipulative scheme! Zoya and I parted ways because I couldn’t stand it anymore, and Lucy went after Zoya... She is now 9 years old. After what happened, she called me a couple of times.

About relations with former common-law husband Vladimir Tyurin:

The relationship with their father is simply terrible, he took advantage of my situation and simply took the children away. He's nothing to me! Next to him, I felt, to some extent, like an incubator in conditions that were incomprehensible to me... I don’t even understand why he is being ennobled today. They throw mud at me, and they put him in the best light?! Who does this and why? Isn't this funny? His lawyers tell everywhere what a sentimental person he is, and how he beat me half to death, was that also out of sentimentality? All my family are afraid of him. It feels like I'm the only one who isn't afraid of him. I’m not afraid of him at all, I just have extremely unpleasant feelings towards him. I don’t understand why the Investigative Committee is afraid of him, why my parents, my children are afraid of him... I don’t know why!

Maria Maksakova and Vladimir Tyurin

About the fateful day - the day of the murder of Denis Voronenkov:

That morning I was sleeping, Denis told me: “You probably didn’t get enough sleep, so don’t go to the meeting with me.” This is the only reason I didn't go there. I had to go with him, I was always there, basically guessing how this could turn out. I have always been very attentive, collected, and tried to observe the things that were happening around me. Of course, they wouldn’t have killed him in my presence. They would have killed two.

My assistant called me and asked: “What’s wrong with Denis?” I replied, “Everything is fine, I guess. He left the house half an hour ago.” And then I turned on the TV, saw everything - and ran. Of course, I hoped that he was alive, because they said that one was killed and the other was wounded. If he were alive, I would get him out of any state...

What can I change now? I can only stand on my feet and prove with my life that these scumbags did a great stupidity, perhaps the greatest. I will get back on my feet, raise my son, and honor the memory of my husband for the rest of my days. I will go to his grave, I will live in Kyiv.

On relations with Voronenkov:

I missed him all the time, and I know he felt the same way. Only he always told me that he loved me more and that I would still have a reason to be convinced of this. I had a request to him: “Denis, I would like to die in your hands.” He replied: “Mash, I can’t do this, everything will be the other way around”... I treasured every second, appreciated every moment...

Can be compared to the series “Game of Thrones”, the seventh season of which ended recently. However, the “series with Maksakova” is still ongoing. The opera diva and widow of deputy Igor Voronenkov is constantly discussed in all media and talk shows. The other day the presenter went to Kyiv, as Maria invited him to give a frank interview. Watch the episode of the talk show Andrei Malakhov. Live broadcast - Maksakova - Malakhov: For the first time about love 08/28/2017

After the broadcast with Boris Korchevnikov, Maksakova called Andrei and said the following words: “Fly to Kyiv and I will tell you all about love.” For an hour and a half, the ex-host of “Let Them Talk” traveled by plane from the Russian capital to Riga, since there are simply no direct flights to Kiev today, and now Andrei Malakhov is visiting Maria Maksakova in the Ukrainian capital! The opera diva greeted him, as expected, with lard and vodka.

Maksakova - Malakhov: For the first time about love live

Two days earlier, a frank conversation took place not only between, but also between Malakhov and Maksakova: the singer told the presenter about love, about her mother and what she had to endure during all this time. How will Masha live next after the death of her husband?

Maria answers Andrei Malakhov’s questions:

— I’ll answer right away why I lost so much weight: I simply couldn’t eat for the first 16 days. I couldn't do it at all.

— How did I meet Denis? At first we just said hello in the State Duma. Although, as he later told me, he already really liked me. He didn't show this to me. And after a while, Sergei Naryshkin invited both of us to a delegation to Japan - to a festival of Russian culture. And, as I remember, Denis unexpectedly made a remark to me: he asked why I didn’t take care of my brother Maxim, who at that time was in a pre-trial detention center. I understood that he wanted to help my brother, but perhaps this was a reason to see me.

— Later, Denis helped my son enter the Suvorov School, since he himself studied there and is the only deputy who went through such a school. He prepared my son Ilya for a very long time and I was very happy about it. On July 23, Ilya turned 13 years old. Unfortunately, life has made its own adjustments and now I can’t see him... Of course, I called him, congratulated him, we talked.

Maria Maksakova and Andrey Malakhov. Interview on “Live”

— By the way, I recently made peace with my mother! She was slandered in the media that she was allegedly happy about the murder of my husband. And I couldn’t understand why she didn’t go on television and go to court to refute this rumor. But it turned out recently that she simply doesn’t want to get involved with all this... We didn’t communicate for six months, I was very offended by her, but now everything is fine with us. She really never said that she was glad that Denis was dead.

Opera diva Maria Maksakova about Ukraine:

— I like it here, I fell in love with this country. I found my refuge here, fell in love with people who extended a helping hand to me, which was absolutely not the case in Russia. They just poured a bucket of dirt on me. And I miss my children, I really want to see them.

Andrei Malakhov:

“When Denis went to the meeting that morning, didn’t you go with him?”

- Yes, that morning I slept, although usually I always went with him. I think if they wouldn’t have killed him in my presence, they would have killed two people... Of course, I hoped that he was alive. I will honor the memory of my husband until the end of my days. I will go to his grave and will remain to live in Kyiv.

- Do I believe in love? I think everything is decided in heaven. Whether there will be the emergence of new feelings, time will tell.

Watch the episode of Andrey Malakhov online for free. Live broadcast - Maksakova - Malakhov: For the first time about love, broadcast from August 2017 (08/28/2017).

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