VI International Festival-Competition of Russian Culture “Origins. Festival location

International festival-competition of national cultures and folklore

"Folk Origins"

Sochi (Dagomys).

With information support from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation


preservation and popularization of original folk culture and folk traditions, creation of a good-neighborly atmosphere in which representatives of different cultures respect each other’s customs and values, presentation of creative achievements of teams, exchange of experience, acquaintance with the culture of various peoples and nationalities of our country and neighboring countries, attraction to work with children of leading figures of art and culture from all countries; creating favorable conditions for spiritual and cultural development and creative exchange of participants; identification and support of talented youth.


  • Creating a creative atmosphere for professional communication between festival participants, exchange of experience and repertoire;
  • Organization of joint performances of choreographic, folklore and vocal groups of different directions and styles;
  • Involving producers, organizers of concerts and festivals for subsequent contacts with groups participating in the festival (organization of tours and participation in foreign festivals);
  • Improving the professional level of team leaders (conducting master classes and a round table for managers);
  • Development and strengthening of intercultural ties with countries near and far abroad, activation of cultural exchange.

Conducted with the support U management of the affairs of the President of the Russian Federation. Federal State Autonomous Institution “Health Complex “DAGOMYS”.


Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.


  • Center for Support of Creativity, Education and Culture "ART-CENTER", Russia
  • newspaper "Musical Klondike"


The festival is attended by choreographic, vocal and folklore groups of 3 or more people from different regions of Russia, near and far abroad countries, representing choreography of various styles and directions;

Teams participating are both professional and amateur (the maximum number of participants in a team is not limited);

The festival is attended by children's, youth and adult groups and individual performers of folk art: choreographic, vocal, folklore, theater, and choral genres.


Sochi, Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Federal State Autonomous Institution “Health Complex “DAGOMYS”. Krasnodar region, Sochi, Dagomys village, Leningradskaya st., 7.



  • folk stylized dance,
  • folk stage dance,
  • children's play dance,
  • dances of the peoples of the world,
  • dances of the peoples of the Caucasus,
  • dances of small nations,
  • pop dance,
  • classical dance
  • modern dance


  • folk,
  • academic,
  • choral singing,
  • 2 works are presented, one of them is a Capella,
  • The total time of two compositions is no more than 8 minutes.
  • Pop,
  • Jazz
  • 1 composition is presented in the solo category


  • Vocal and choreographic ensembles
  • Song and dance ensembles


  • Ritual - the presence of a compositionally complete fragment is assumed, lasting no more than 15 minutes. stage time


  • fashion theaters with collections on folklore themes,
  • musical theaters (theatrical performances and rituals),
  • assumes the presence of a compositionally complete fragment lasting no more than 15 minutes of stage time
  • 6 -8 years
  • 9-12 years
  • 13-15 years old
  • 16-19 years old
  • 20-25 years
  • 25 and older, no age limit.
  • Mixed group
  • Professional category: (students and teams of colleges of culture and arts, higher educational institutions)


  • Solo, duets
  • Small forms (from 3 to 5 people)
  • Ensembles (from 6 people or more)


The competition jury is formed from leading specialists and figures in the field of culture and art in Russia, as well as teachers from famous universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The composition of the jury periodically changes from competition to competition.


  • performance technique;
  • compositional structure of the number;
  • compliance of the repertoire with the age characteristics of the performers;
  • stage performance/plasticity, costume, props, performance culture;
  • selection and compliance of musical and choreographic material;
  • artistry, disclosure of artistic image.


  • GRAND PRIX (in each genre)
  • Laureate 1, 2, 3 degrees
  • Diploma 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree
  • Special prize from the competition organizers - CASH PRIZE 50,000 rubles!
  • Festival participants are awarded diplomas, cups and memorable gifts.

By decision of the jury members, in the absence of applicants, the Grand Prix may not be awarded in a particular nomination.


  • Each team and participant presents 2 numbers in one category of one age group. The duration of one number should not exceed 4 minutes. Exceeding the composition time established by the regulations entails a reduction in the overall result by 1 point, if the time is exceeded by up to 30 seconds, by 2 points if the time is exceeded by up to 1 minute.
  • Each soloist presents 1 piece, lasting no more than 4 minutes.
  • One group has the right to exhibit an ensemble form and no more than 3 soloists.
  • Participation in an additional nomination is allowed (an additional 600 rubles per person is paid). Each team has the right to exhibit no more than 8 numbers in the water genre.
  • Participants of the competition do not have the right to view the protocols of the competition program without the permission of the chairman of the jury. The jury's decision is final and cannot be discussed! Evaluation scores, according to the competition protocols, are not submitted for public discussion; managers can receive an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the jury members by postal or email within 7 working days. The results of competitive performances are published on the website within 7 working days after the end of the competition.
  • The recording of the soundtrack must be on a flash card with ideal sound quality. The media must not contain any information other than competition numbers. Files in MP3 format. Each entry must contain information: the name of the ensemble or the name of the performer, the name of the track with the exact playing time. Be sure to have a duplicate recording on the CD.
  • Participants in the competition for accommodation in the Dagomys health complex must provide certificates of health and certificates of the absence of infectious diseases.



10,950 rubles per person (for ensembles: participant, accompanying person, leader)

Included in cost:

  • Registration of application 500 rubles per person
  • accommodation from 12 to 16 March 2018 (5 days, 4 nights) at the Dagomys health complex. Triple accommodation with private facilities in the room (2+1)
  • three meals a day buffet style (on the day of arrival - lunch, dinner, subsequent days - breakfast, lunch, dinner, day of departure - breakfast)
  • participation in the competition program in one category for ensembles
  • participation in master classes (2 people from the team per master class), seminars, round tables
  • discos for participants, evening animation programs
  • visit to the heated sea water swimming pool
  • buffet for executives
  • set of information and presentation material for the festival
  • Every 21st place is free.

Hotel accommodations are reserved only after receipt of the “reservation amount” in the amount of 10% of the total invoice amount within 10 working days from the date of application.

Additional charges:

  • Organizational fee for soloists - 1500 rubles,
  • The registration fee for duets is 1200 rubles per person.
  • Double occupancy - 600 rubles per day per person
  • Single occupancy - on request
  • Early check-in before 14.00, late check-out after 12:00
  • transfer - station - place of residence - station (by prior request),
  • participation in an additional nomination of one age category (600 rubles per person).
  • additional participation in master classes for more than 2 people. from the team (500 rubles per person).

Only participation without accommodation (for local participants)

  • 3500 rubles per person, including registration of an application 300 rubles per person


Opening hours: from 8:00 to 20:00 (subject to change, check on site). Swimming pool with heated sea water. Access to the pool is included in the price! The pool has two hydromassages and six countercurrents. The water temperature is 28-30 degrees - optimal for learning to swim and training. Length 50 m, width 16 m, designed for two tracks. Minimum depth 1.7 m, maximum depth 2.2 m. Sun loungers are provided for relaxation. There are changing rooms, showers, and hair dryers. There are lifeguards on duty at the pool. The indoor pool is connected to three outdoor pools: ü the first is 0.7 m deep, 9 m in diameter, water temperature 28-30 degrees; ü a second swimming pool with the effect of a fast river, hydromassage, waterfall, aeromassage. Depth 1.35m, diameter 20m, water temperature 28-30 degrees; The provision is not a public offer. Page 6 ü third pool with an area of ​​74 m2 with a jacuzzi effect, dimensions: depth 1.30 m, length 13 m, width 6 m, with a small bowl 3 m * 6 m. Outdoor swimming pools operate subject to favorable weather conditions. To visit the pool, all vacationers, without exception, must have a swimming cap and rubber slippers.

  • The festival organizing committee takes responsibility for creating conditions for the competition. Accommodation and meals for participants, organization of transfers and excursion programs. Providing a concert venue, ensuring the work of the organizing committee, the arrival and accommodation of jury members. Providing award products to festival participants and the bonus fund.
  • The main filming of the competition is carried out by a video operator invited by the organizers and media partners of the competition.
  • Video filming of the competition program and master classes is prohibited!
  • Video and photographic materials, competition ideas, attributes and logos are the property of the organizing committee and use by others for commercial purposes is prohibited.
  • During the Festival, it is prohibited to distribute any materials without the consent of the organizing committee.
  • Photo and video materials of groups and individual performers who have applied to participate in the festival are not reviewed or returned and automatically become the property of the organizing committee
  • Any controversial issues that arise are resolved through negotiations with the Festival Directorate.


The application is considered received only after written confirmation by an employee of the organizing committee (by e-mail)

Hotel accommodations are reserved only after receipt of the “reservation amount” in the amount of 10% of the total bill within 10 working days from the date of application.

We ask you not to purchase tickets without written confirmation from the Organizing Committee (via email).

The application must be completed in block letters and contain accurate information. Data on the number of participants contained in the application are treated as final; please inform us about any possible changes in advance! It is not allowed to make changes to the performance program!

If the declared program differs from the program presented at the competition, points will be automatically deducted from the team!

Along with the application, you must send a photo of the team in good quality (required).

When submitting an application and in further work, we ask you to strictly follow the established rules and deadlines for submitting all documents.

Check your email carefully. email daily so you don't miss important information.

Important! In correspondence with the organizing committee of the competition, we kindly ask you to begin your letter with the introduction (i.e. team, city, competition), and then information with explanations



The enchanting opening and closing ceremony will put you in the mood for victory. Discos and show programs will give you a wave of bright positive emotions.


Many competition festivals have no age limit, unlike many other festivals.


The price for accommodation, meals and participation in festival-competitions of the organizing committee is much lower than at most other festivals in terms of price-quality ratio, the volume of services provided and the level of organization


An excellent professional team of the organizing committee, well-coordinated work of employees, full information support for events, sensitive and kind-hearted attitude towards participants and guests from the moment they were met at the carriage at the station until the moment they were seen off during departure.


Possibility of free accommodation, meals and participation of 1 or more leaders (with a certain quantitative composition of the delegation).


Possibility of obtaining unlimited access to photographs, video materials, live online broadcasts of competitive programs on the website.


Only a highly professional jury: honored and people's artists and cultural figures of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine.


The opportunity to obtain first-hand information, discuss competitive screenings, informal communication, finding new connections, contacts, like-minded people. Each team leader and teacher receives a package of certificates and letters of gratitude that will help them pass certification.


The participating teams have a unique opportunity to visit the most famous sights of those cities in which festivals and competitions are held, professional guides will help you get acquainted with the history and feel the flavor.


Comfortable accommodation, meals and competitive screenings are held at the best venues, equipped with professional stage coverage, sound, light, most of them are located on the same territory, which significantly increases the comfort of your stay at the festival programs.


For children and adults, trips to festivals help strengthen friendships. You are forming a real team, a real creative family!


The organizing committee of the competition has the right to close the acceptance of applications early!

The international festival-competition of Russian culture “Origins” is held in order to popularize and preserve Russian culture and the Russian language in Russia and abroad, support the creativity of children, adolescents and young people, develop public diplomacy, strengthen friendly interethnic ties and the international prestige of Russia.

The organizer of the festival is the Autonomous non-profit organization Center for Civil Initiatives “Right to Life”, which in 2017 won the competition of socially significant projects of the Presidential Grants Fund.

The VII International Festival-Competition of Russian Culture "Origins" will be held in Moscow on November 22 - 27, 2017. The festival is attended by Russians and compatriots living abroad, as well as everyone who loves Russian culture. The program includes: the grand opening of the festival and a round table “Preservation and popularization of Russian culture and the Russian language in Russia and abroad” at the State Institute of Russian Language named after. A.S. Pushkin; vocal competition at the Memorial Museum named after. A.N. Scriabin; concert for Mother's Day at the Children's Art School named after. M.A. Balakireva; excursion to the Moscow estate of Father Frost; gala concert and awards ceremony in the October Hall of the House of Unions.

Participants from more than 20 countries will come to the festival - Russia, Bulgaria, Latvia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Spain, Austria, France, Germany, Croatia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Moldova, Israel, USA, Belarus, South Ossetia, Canada and others.

The participants' repertoire includes songs in Russian about Russia, folk songs, Cossack songs, pop folklore, ethno-folk, romance, songs by Soviet authors that have become classics. The jury consists of representatives of the creative intelligentsia, organizers of music festivals from around the world. The contestants are also evaluated by a children's jury consisting of Grand Prix winners and festival laureates of past years.

Since 2011, more than 5,000 people from 26 countries have taken part in the Origins Festival. Throughout the year, festival qualifying rounds, creative trips, round tables, exhibitions, concerts are held in different countries; representatives of the festival work in several countries. Every year the final of the festival takes place in the fall in Moscow, Russia. In 2017, the festival became a member of the World Association of Festivals (WAF).

For the festival, the following words have a deep meaning: “Russia begins with Origins, which go back centuries. Every Russian person should know the language, songs, customs, and culture. We are all different, but we have one Russia!”

Detailed information by phone: +7-499-784-44-48, +7-495-961-59-34
and on the official website of the festival: /

Information for the news

  • Category:

On November 22 - 27, 2017, the VII International Festival-Competition of Russian Culture “Origins” was held in Moscow, organized by the Center for Civil Initiatives “Right to Life” with the support of the Presidential Grants Fund for the Development of Civil Society. The festival is held with the aim of popularizing and preserving Russian culture and the Russian language in Russia and abroad, supporting the creativity of children, teenagers and young people, developing public diplomacy, strengthening friendly interethnic ties and the international prestige of Russia.

Every year this large-scale event attracts full houses of fans. This year the festival was attended by more than 3,000 Muscovites. More than 100 children and teenagers from 20 countries took part in the festival, including Russians and compatriots living in Canada, Turkey, Latvia, Armenia, Moldova, Bulgaria, France, USA, Kazakhstan, Spain, Croatia, Azerbaijan, South Ossetia, Belarus , Israel, Italy, Austria, Germany, Spain. The repertoire of participants in the vocal competition includes songs in Russian about Russia, folk songs, Cossack songs, pop folklore, ethno-folk, romance, songs by Soviet authors that have become classics.

The four days of the festival were full of events that allowed participants not only to learn more about Russian culture, history and traditions, but also to make friends with each other. Every day at the concerts the festival anthem was played, which united the winners of previous years and new participants of the festival.

The Origins festival 2017 took place at several venues. State Institute of Russian Language named after. A. S. Pushkin, where on the Day of Russian Language and Russian Culture the grand opening of the festival took place, at which famous artists performed and the President of the festival, Sergeeva Ekaterina, was presented with a certificate of entry of the Origins Festival into the World Association of Festivals (WAF). The vocal competition was held at the A. N. Scriabin Memorial Museum, where Lina Arifulina, a famous Russian producer and director, was the chairman of the international jury consisting of cultural figures from 12 countries.

One of the days of the festival took place in the South-East of Moscow. The participants visited the famous Moscow estate of Father Frost, where they found themselves in a real fairy tale, met the Snow Maiden, Father Frost, and gnomes, and sent a letter with New Year's wishes to Father Frost. On the same day in the concert hall of the Children's Art School named after. M.A. Balakirev festival participants, People's and Honored Artists, cultural figures from different countries gave a big concert dedicated to Mother's Day, which was a great success in a crowded auditorium. Children from different countries sang about love for their mother and Russia, and spoke heartfelt words to the audience, among whom were residents of the Vykhino-Zhulebino and Ryazan districts, representatives of public organizations of the South-Eastern Administrative District, veterans and large families.

The festival's gala concert and awards ceremony took place in the October Hall of the House of Unions. The holiday was opened with a solemn ceremony of bringing in the flag of the Russian Federation and the flag of the city of Moscow by a special guard company of the Presidential Regiment. The Gala concert was attended by People's Artists of Russia Natalya Bannova and Lyudmila Safonova, the Fidget Theater Studio, the Slavyanochka Dom Players Ensemble and the Mnogoletiye Guslar Ensemble, Honored Artist of North and South Ossetia Amaga Gotti, a young Russian singer, representative of Russia at Junior Eurovision 2016 Sofia Fisenko, jury members - Eli Raichlin (Israel), Andrey Shevchuk (France), Nina Penner-Baranova (Germany), Clark Rubinstein (USA), Daniel Barinov (Austria), Sofia Kazakova (Latvia), special guests festival - Tatiana-Praskovya Kirilyuk (Moldova), Ekaterina Shinkareva (USA). All the winners of the vocal competition performed songs that brought them victory. The gala concert program was hosted by Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Oleshko.

This year, the winner of the festival Grand Prix was Tais Saka, 12 years old (Türkiye). First degree laureate diplomas were awarded to Elizaveta Perminova, 12 years old (Russia, Republic of Udmurtia); Valeria Kuchma, 14 years old (Latvia); Anastasia Vasilyeva, 16 years old (Belarus). The 2nd degree laureates were Yalki Saka, 10 years old (Türkiye); Timur Lezgishvili, 10 years old (Canada); Elena Lozhkareva, 16 years old (Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region). The third degree laureates were Olga Mutova, 9 years old (Russia, Khabarovsk); Anastasia Tobolicheva, 13 years old (Lugansk); Brandon Rubinstein, 12 years old (USA). A special prize and personal invitation to the “Istoki” Festival 2018 was received by Kamilla Kusova, 15 years old (Russia, Republic of North Ossetia-Alania).

As part of the festival, a round table was held “Preservation and popularization of Russian culture and the Russian language in Russia and abroad” with the participation of representatives of Rossotrudnichestvo, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, the Moscow House of Compatriots and the Council for Nationalities of the Moscow Government, national diasporas of Russia, figures culture and art, heads of delegations, compatriots living abroad. The cultural program of the festival for participants and guests was filled with historical and creative master classes, and the solemn “Initiation into Muscovites” took place on Old Arbat.

The VII International Festival-Competition of Russian Culture “Origins” revealed for its participants the diversity of Russian culture, language and traditions. The words have a deep meaning for the festival: “Russia begins with Origins, which go back centuries. Every Russian person should know the language, songs, customs, and culture. We are all different, but we have one Russia!”

On November 22 - 27, 2017, the VII International Festival-Competition of Russian Culture “Origins” was held in Moscow, which is held annually to popularize and preserve Russian culture and the Russian language in Russia and abroad, support the creativity of children, adolescents and youth, and develop public diplomacy , strengthening friendly interethnic ties and international prestige of Russia. The organizer of the festival is the Center for Civil Initiatives “Right to Life”.

The festival was attended by Russians and compatriots living abroad from Canada, Latvia, Armenia, Moldova, Bulgaria, France, USA, Kazakhstan, Spain, Croatia, Azerbaijan, South Ossetia, Belarus, Israel, Italy, Turkey, Austria, Germany, Spain and other countries.

The four days of the festival were full of events aimed at a comprehensive immersion in Russian culture, history and traditions, and introduced and made friends with festival participants from different countries. Every day at the concerts the festival anthem was played, which united laureates and Grand Prix winners of past years, as well as new festival participants.

November 23 at the State Institute of Russian Language named after. A. S. Pushkin hosted the Day of Russian Language and Russian Culture. The grand opening of the festival took place in front of a packed hall. Performances by People's Artist of the Russian Federation Natalya Bannova, Honored Artists of the Russian Federation Svetlana Bochkova and Vladimir Mikhailov, young Russian singer Sofia Fisenko, members of the international jury Nina Penner-Baranova from Germany and Alexander Prokhorov from the USA, laureates and Grand Prix winners of the festival of past years, creative teams of the Institute did not leave anyone indifferent. At the grand opening, the head of the international department of the Directorate of the International Arts Festival “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk”, Svetlana Avdeeva, presented the President of the festival, Ekaterina Sergeeva, with a certificate of entry of the “Istoki” Festival into the World Association of Festivals (WAF). After the grand opening, festival participants and students of the Institute were treated to a large interactive program - a historical master class “Journey to Ancient Rus'” from the Silver Wolf Squad, a master class on the Russian language with Professor Vladimir Annushkin, a master class on folk dolls from an Udmurt craftswoman Olga Perminova. On the same day, a round table “Preservation and popularization of Russian culture and the Russian language in Russia and abroad” was held in the hall of the Academic Council. The round table was attended by representatives of Rossotrudnichestvo, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, the Moscow House of Compatriots and the Council for Nationalities of the Moscow Government, representatives of the national diasporas of Russia, cultural and artistic figures, heads of delegations, compatriots living abroad.

On November 24, a vocal competition was held in the concert hall of the A. N. Scriabin Memorial Museum. The audience received all the performances with great love. The international professional jury consisted of representatives from 9 countries. The chairman of the jury, Lina Arifulina, is a famous Russian producer and director. Along with the adult jury, the participants were evaluated by a children's jury from 4 countries. After the competition, “Initiation into Muscovites” took place for all children on Old Arbat. This day ended for the participants and parents with an incredibly interesting and useful master class from Lina Arifulina.

On November 25, the day began with a visit to the Moscow estate of Father Frost, where Father Frost, the Snow Maiden, and gnomes were waiting for festival participants, and Father Frost’s post office was working. On the same day in the large hall of the Children's Art School named after. M.A. Balakirev participants and special guests of the festival gave a big concert dedicated to Mother’s Day, which was a great success in a crowded auditorium.

On November 26, a Gala concert was held in the October Hall of the House of Unions, which was opened by the solemn ceremony of bringing in the flag of the Russian Federation and the flag of the city of Moscow by the Special Guard Company of the Presidential Regiment. The Gala concert was attended by People's Artists of Russia Natalya Bannova and Lyudmila Safonova, the Fidget Theater Studio, the Slavyanochka Dom Players Ensemble and the Mnogoletiye Guslar Ensemble, Honored Artist of North and South Ossetia Amaga Gotti, a young Russian singer, representative of Russia at Junior Eurovision 2016 Sofia Fisenko, members of the festival jury - Eli Raichlin from Israel, Andrey Shevchuk from France, Nina Penner-Baranova from Germany, Clark Rubinstein and Ekaterina Shinkareva from the USA, Tatyana-Praskovya Kirilyuk from Moldova, Daniel Barinov from Austria, Sofia Kazakova from Latvia and others. The gala concert program was hosted by Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Oleshko. The president of the festival, Ekaterina Sergeeva, presented Sofia Fisenko with a personal certificate for the right to represent the “Istoki” Festival at the gala concert of the World Association of Festivals (WAF) as part of the “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk” - 2018. In a solemn atmosphere, the results of the vocal competition were announced. The Grand Prix winner was Tais Saka, 12 years old, Türkiye. The 1st degree laureates were Elizaveta Perminova, 12 years old, Russia (Udmurtia); Valeria Kuchma, 14 years old, Latvia; Anastasia Vasilyeva, 16 years old, Belarus. The 2nd degree laureates were Yalki Saka, 10 years old, Türkiye; Timur Lezgishvili, 10 years old, Canada; Elena Lozhkareva, 16 years old, Russia (Nizhny Novgorod region). The third degree laureates were Olga Mutova, 9 years old, Russia (Khabarovsk); Anastasia Tobolicheva, 13 years old, Lugansk; Brandon Rubinstein, 12 years old, USA. A special prize and a personal invitation as a special guest of the Origins Festival 2018 was received by Kamilla Kusova, 15 years old, Russia (Republic of North Ossetia-Alania). At the award ceremony, all participants and jury members received certificates from the festival, illustrated books by Vladimir Gilyarovsky “Moscow and Muscovites”, commemorative medals, wall clocks and calendars with festival symbols, much more, and the winners also received cups and nesting dolls, as well as many festival participants and jury members and representatives were recognized with gifts, plaques and personalized certificates. After the award ceremony, the winners of the vocal competition performed songs that brought them victory. The “Istoki” 2017 festival ended with the festival anthem performed by all participants, jury members and honored guests, who then said goodbye for a long time, exchanged contacts, souvenirs, and took photographs for a long memory.

In 2017, the Origins Festival won the Presidential Grants Foundation Competition and was implemented using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society.

The VII International Festival-Competition of Russian Culture “Origins” revealed for its participants the diversity of Russian culture, language, traditions, Russian origins in every soul. The words have a deep meaning for the festival: “Russia begins with Origins, which go back centuries. Every Russian person should know the language, songs, customs, and culture. We are all different, but we have one Russia!”

See you in 2018 at the Eighth International Festival-Competition of Russian Culture “Istoki”!