Make a strong sword in Minecraft. How to craft a sword in minecraft: basic recipes

A sword is very necessary in the game; it allows you to kill mobs and other players much faster than a fist. In addition, the sword is capable of destroying some blocks, such as leaves, wool or soul sand, it does this faster than a fist, but each block takes away two units of the item’s durability. At the same time, the sword can also be made from different materials. A stone sword is much stronger than a wooden one, it cuts a trolley with one blow and this does not in any way affect its strength units, but a wooden sword requires two hits for this. By killing large slugs with a sword, the player prevents them from separating. In the lower world you can meet zombies, pigmen who have golden swords, but getting one is very rare and lucky. Of course, to make a sword, you need . You can do this using the link.

Instructions on how to make a sword in Minecraft:

Remember that in order to make a sword you will need a ready-made workbench. You will make the sword at the workbench. Swords are:

  • + Wooden
  • + Stone
  • + Iron
  • + Gold
  • + Diamond

The strongest swords are diamond ones. We would not advise you to make a sword from gold, since it is a very fragile metal. To make a sword you will need a “stick” and a cube of the material from which the sword will be made, that is, a wooden cube, iron, diamond, etc. Let's look at the pictures:

Wooden sword

Stone sword

an iron sword

Golden sword

Diamond Sword

In Beta 1.8, the player can fight back with a sword by pressing the right mouse button. The sword can also be enchanted. The sword can destroy the following very quickly: bed, button, cactus, cake, cobweb (can also be destroyed with scissors and the speed is the same), glass, glass panel, ladder, lever, watermelon, mushroom, plunger and sticky plunger.

The sword is a melee weapon; as stated above, it is superior to the fist. Many gamers use this strategy: they dig a trench so that the gamer’s head is at the level of the hostile mob’s legs; they place blocks above their own head to protect the character from injury and cause maximum damage. Using this strategy, you can destroy entire hordes of mobs. This method can be used when attacking treasuries and defending territory, but it is useless when exploring areas and fighting slugs and spiders that have a lower height.

Depending on the material from which the sword is made, its strength increases. Thus, a diamond sword, with its enormous strength, is an ideal melee weapon that deals maximum damage and kills with fewer blows. And a quick kill is extremely necessary in the fight against creepers and ghasts. Although it is best to use a bow when fighting these characters.

Be sure to watch the sword crafting video:

There are hundreds of objects in Minecraft that need to be destroyed. Today we will look at how to create one of the most important tools in Minecraft, thanks to which you can survive, kill enemies, wreak havoc and destruction. We are talking about a sword, today we will talk about how to make it.

How to make a sword in Minecraft?

Making a wooden sword

To make a sword, you don’t need to go to great lengths to find materials. It can even be made from wood. This standard tool, like other basic ones, can be made from either wood or diamonds.

To create it you will need a regular one with a 3 by 3 field. In the middle at the very bottom you need to place a wooden stick, and above it two pieces of cobblestone. This is the combination for a regular stone sword.

For iron, the same formula is used, only instead of stone blocks, iron ingots are used. For this combination you will need ore, which must be smelted in a furnace. The ingots must be placed strictly on top of the stick, in the amount of 1 piece in each cell.

Gold and diamond sword

The same recipe can be used to obtain a gold and diamond sword.

Reliability of swords

The most quickly destructible the sword is golden, and the most durable- diamond. The latter also deals the highest damage. Over its entire service life, a wooden sword can kill approximately 12 zombies or skeletons, while a diamond sword can kill over 500.

With the help of a sword you can very quickly deal with monsters and destroy things and blocks. The attack is made by standard pressing the left mouse button, but you can also block attacks by holding down the right one. To fight a creeper, a diamond sword would be an ideal option, since the time before the explosion is often short and only it helps to quickly deal with the enemy.

Video - How to make a sword in Minecraft

In Minecraft, the emphasis is on physics, so for your own comfort it will be better if your arsenal is not limited to your fists. Even if you are not going to fight with other players, in the world of this game there are enough aggressive opponents who dream of taking your life. Yes, even extracting resources in this game is simpler and easier if you have the right tool in your hands. This time we will talk about the sword.

In addition to melee combat, a sword in Minecraft destroys various blocks, while losing its strength - two units per block. Because of this, many players have learned to think strategically, destroying entire armies by digging a moat and adding a roof over their heads.

Unfortunately, this tactic is not suitable against spiders and zombies; they are equal in height, so it is up to each player to come up with strategies against them.

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Now we will tell you about the types of swords, at the same time reminding you that you can fight with them using RMB, and defend yourself with LMB.


Due to the fact that swords can be made from different materials, their characteristics and types vary. There are five types, let's start with the most durable: diamond, gold, iron, stone and the last type - wood.

Their characteristics:

  • Diamond Sword It deals 3.5 hearts of damage per hit, its critical damage is six hearts, and the number of hits before complete breakdown is 1562.
  • From golden sword Damage is two hearts, critical damage is three hearts, durability is enough for thirty-three hits.
  • Damage from iron sword three hearts, critical damage - five hearts, strength enough for two hundred and fifty-one hits.
  • Damage from stone sword- 2.5 hearts, critical damage - four hearts, durability is enough for one hundred thirty-two hits.
  • Strength wooden enough for sixty hits, its damage is two hearts and three hearts is critical damage.

Crafting swords

Now let's practice crafting a sword. First, let's take a wooden one and try to craft it through the inventory. To do this, the three middle vertical inventory cells must be occupied, starting from the top, with two blocks and a stick. That's all, the sword is ready. Other swords are crafted in the same way, only the materials change.

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Type - weapon

Strength – made of wood – 60

made of stone – 132

made of iron – 251

made of gold – 33

made of diamond - 1562

Foldable - no

Where to look - do it yourself, trade with residents, drop from some mobs

Description and features

So, you decided to become a threat to mobs and defend your home, and now you have a question: how to craft a sword? Well, there is nothing complicated here, especially since there are many options for making this type of weapon from a variety of materials.

So, we stock up on either iron, wood, cobblestone, gold or diamonds (we will need two blocks for each type of weapon).

And, of course, if you want, say, a gold or iron type of weapon, you will need to first mine the ore and then smelt it in a furnace.

And, of course, we do everything in the workbench, since in Minecraft you can only craft a sword there.

Here are the basic recipes:

You need two gold bars and a stick

But the following photo shows how to craft a wooden sword:

You will need 2 blocks of wood and a stick

And this is the craft of a stone sword:

Two cobblestone blocks and a stick

And here let's look at how to craft a diamond sword:

We will need 2 diamonds and a stick

Sword creation process:

Iron sword: two ingots and a stick

In general, the sword also destroys ordinary blocks, and the speed of destruction with this weapon is much faster than with just a hand, however, for each block 2 points of strength are taken away, so this is not the best way to use the sword.

In some versions, by pressing RMB and holding the sword, you can place a block.

You can improve the quality of a sword at the enchanting table, so it makes sense to gain experience.

Comparison table of strength and damage of each type

A sword, as you understand, is a type of weapon that is designed for close combat. And you need to use this skillfully: for beginning players, you can dig trenches so that your head is at the same level as the mob’s legs. However, the difficulty lies in the fact that you need to have a block above your head. If you have the opportunity to barricade yourself like this, then protection from tall mobs is guaranteed (exception: a skeleton with a bow). But for small slugs and spiders, your position will be losing.

A sword is an excellent weapon against a creeper, but the following strategy will be effective here: strike - run away - strike again.

Sweetie with an iron sword

Well, we’ll talk about battle tactics later, but now we hope that now you know how to craft a sword in minecraft.

In any computer game, good weapons have always been the key to success. Of course, to complicate the game process itself, you can kill mobs in Minecraft with your bare hands, but such a process does not bring much pleasure, and monsters die much more slowly. Of course, someone can also talk about the aesthetic side of such an attack, because fists can be broken. It is for this reason that any suitable weapon will be an ideal tool for killing mobs.

The Minecraft game is no different from other computer adventures, and the sword will be an ideal tool for every hero. But in order to create even the worst sword, you will need some materials and knowledge of how exactly to place resources in the workbench.

Wooden sword

First of all, it must be said that for a sword of any quality you will definitely need a wooden stick, which will serve as the base. Thus, to create a wooden sword, you will need the following ingredients:
- wooden stick;
- two blocks of wooden boards.

The boards must be placed in the center line of the workshop, starting from the very top, and the stick must be placed at the bottom. After this, you will have access to a wooden sword, which is considered the weakest weapon in the game. But, be that as it may, killing monsters with the help of such a sword is much easier, and the additional possibilities of its use will certainly please the players (destruction of leaves or fur).

The golden sword is very weak and is only suitable for enchanting.
Better save your resources for diamond.

The best swords step by step

If you are interested in how to make a sword in Minecraft from other materials, then the process of making it is actually no different from that described above. The fact is that Minecraft obeys certain rules - in it, the creation of the same type of things from different materials is almost no different. So, to make a stone sword, you need to use two cobblestones and a wooden stick.

As for higher quality weapons, the process of their production is a little more complicated. So, to create an iron, gold, or diamond sword (the best in the gaming universe), you will need an ordinary wooden stick and two ingots.

Hey! For a diamond sword, ingots are not needed. Only "raw" diamonds.

To get ingots, you need to find the necessary ore, and then smelt it in a furnace. At the exit, you can get ingots, and after that, place them in the workshop in a way that is already familiar to you. And you don’t need to do anything just for diamonds. As soon as you find them, you can immediately use them and make a sword.