The most interesting work! Unique vacancies that few people know about. Main types of human activity: description, features and interesting facts

According to the latest data, three-quarters of Japanese people spend 60% of their time in the office. Two-thirds of working Japanese deliberately refuse to take days off, and only 5% go on vacation. In this ten - something about our work.

10th place: The oldest working on this moment companies - exists since 1189. Faverham Oysters Fishery Co. grows oysters. This is an open joint stock company, you can also buy a share and become a co-owner of this company.

9th place: The largest bureau in the world. Now it no longer exists. The WTC in New York employed 65,000 people at the same time. Together with company visitors and tourists, 150,000 people visited the World Trade Center daily.

8th place: By the way, now the tallest office building is in Europe: in a building with a height of 265 meters, 65 floors, which employ a total of 4,000 people.

7th place: The largest store in the world (thank God, nothing happened to it yet), it is also located in New York, this is Macy's department store. It employs 12 thousand people, retail space occupies 200 thousand square meters. meters, and customers are offered 400 thousand different goods. Macy's annual turnover reaches one billion dollars.

6th place: The oldest exchange in the world. It is located in the Belgian city of Bruzz and was founded in the 13th century. An exchange is a place where merchants meet to make a deal. The word "exchange" comes from the Greek BIRSA, which means "bag of money". The family coat of arms of the founders of all stock exchanges, merchants Van der Brueze, depicts three purses.

5th place: The oldest employee of the company. He worked for the New Jersey Steamship Company and celebrated his centenary in 1986. But he never thought about retiring! Like 85 years ago, he came to work in his office every morning.

4th place: The oldest mental worker, professor. At the age of 107, Friedrich Wilhelm von Rauchhaupt was included as an adjunct professor in the lecture schedule of the University of Heidelberg. Mr. Rauchhapt specializes in foreign law and comparative law, in particular legal aspects related to the use of space (for example, who owns the fossils on the moon).

3rd place: The most diligent secretary in the world. He works in an Indian typewriter factory. Once Mr. AnbHavane spent a little over five days at the typewriter. During this time, he typed 800,000 letters, that is, he made about 2 keystrokes per second.

2nd place: The world's longest working day. A Belgian housewife ended up in the KRG after standing at a hot stove for 78 hours and 1 minute non-stop frying french fries. By the way, french fries were invented in Belgium, and to this day the Belgians use it more than anyone else in the world.

1st place: The most unusual profession in the world. American Todd Gordon works with a cute smile. Nobody can explain why. But advertisers have found that Gordon's smile increases the impact of any advertisement. Now for one smile in one commercial Gordon receives 4 thousand dollars.

There are many different professions in the world. Every year, some specialties disappear without a trace, while others appear on the contrary. In this article, we have prepared for you interesting facts about the work.

These will broaden your horizons and maybe serve as new ideas.

  1. In England in the 18th century, it was customary to build huts in order to attract hermits to work.
  2. Have you ever heard the term "McJob"? This word is called not a prestigious and low-paid job.
  3. The oldest worker worked in New Jersey. Even when he was 100 years old, he still continued to go to work.
  4. One Belgian woman had the longest working day. She continuously fried french fries for 78 hours!
  5. Incredibly, but about half of their lives, most people spend at work.
  6. The future President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, originally worked as a lifeguard on the Rock River. An interesting fact is that he managed to save the lives of more than 70 people.
  7. In the 80s of the 20th century there was a great need for butlers. This was due to the sharp increase in millionaires in those years.
  8. Did you know that in Antarctica there is a profession - penguin lifter? Such workers must lift penguins that have fallen on their backs. This is due to the fact that birds, looking at helicopters or planes in the sky, throw their heads back, and then fall on the snow.
  9. A resident of the United States, Todd Gordon, has a very strange profession. He works with a smile.
  10. According to statistics, about 60% of their time is spent in offices.
  11. Two-thirds of women do not want to have children and start a family because of career growth.
  12. According to women, they cope with their duties much better and better than men.
  13. 9 out of 10 restaurants in the world close in their first year of operation.
  14. British hairdressers use bovine semen as the best hair conditioner.
  15. Monday is the heaviest day of the work week.
  16. According to one university study, the performance of office workers depends on the temperature of the indoor air.
  17. British scientists say that those workers whose desk is located next to the window work best.
  18. The largest number of successful women live in Portugal.
  19. Most Russians dream of having a job in television.
  20. The most difficult and risky work is considered to be in outer space.
  21. George Washington was seriously interested in the study of caves.
  22. The richest pensioners live in Denmark.
  23. The personnel working at the Coca-Cola production have a shared secret that they are forbidden to divulge. The secret lies in the recipe for this famous drink.
  24. According to some scholars, the best time for an employee to ask for a raise is on Wednesday rather than any other day of the week.
  25. An interesting fact is that in the first year of its activity, Microsoft earned only 16,000 US dollars.
  26. In India, there is a restaurant built on the site of a cemetery. Therefore, in addition to serving customers, the waiters also bow to the dead.
  27. According to Dick's Last Resort restaurant policy, the customer must throw something at the waiter if they need napkins.
  28. The author of the NIKE logo was paid $35 by the company for his work.
  29. Every day, more than 60 people become millionaires.
  30. Tuesday is the most productive day of the week.

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In the modern world there is a huge number of different specialties, their number is so great that it is hardly possible to count them. It is noted that every year some specialties lose their relevance and simply disappear, while others, previously unknown, are formed. But the full database of vacancies in Russia, including Perm, can be found on the portal
Jobsora Perm. Believe me, with this service you will definitely be able to find the right job for you. And this article contains the most interesting points, one way or another related to working moments.

1. England (18th century) - in order to attract hermits to the working process and to interest hermits as much as possible, they initiated the construction of huts.

2. A low-paid and non-prestigious profession is referred to as “McJob”.

3. New Jersey - there was an employee who managed not only to live to be 100 years old, but also to continue to fulfill his professional duties at this age!

4. Belgium - the longest working day was recorded by a resident of this state. For 78 hours straight, a woman fried the famous french fries!

5. It has been noted that almost 50% of their own lives, the majority of citizens spend in the implementation of labor activities.

6. Ronald Reagan (America) - is known for the fact that before taking the post of President, he worked for some time as a lifeguard. He has saved 70 lives to his credit.

7. Antarctica - only there you can find such a specialty as a penguin lifter! The duties of such a person include the timely raising of animals, which, due to their curiosity, periodically find themselves on their backs.

8. Todd Gordon (USA) is the only person in the world whose profession is to work with a smile.

9. Japan - the inhabitants of this country spend 60% of the time in offices.

10. Career turns out to be a priority for 2/3 of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity - there is no question of children.

11. According to the survey, women sincerely believe that they cope with their duties many times more efficiently than their male counterparts.

12. Britain - the stylists of the local beauty salons use bull semen in their practice, considering it the best hair conditioner.

13. Monday is a hard day, as almost all the inhabitants of the planet think so.

14. A study conducted by employees of one university showed that the internal climate has a significant impact on the performance of the team.

15. According to the great scientists from Britain, those employees whose workplace is located as close as possible to the window work much more efficiently.

16. Portugal - it is here that the largest number of women who have achieved incredible success in their work is recorded.

17. Flight into space - recognized as the most difficult and dangerous work activity.

18. Coca-Cola manufacturing plant - its staff members are not entitled to disclose the secret of the preparation of the drink.

19. Many scientists, for some reason, came to the conclusion that the increase in wages for employees should be carried out only on Wednesday, and not on any other day.

20. Microsoft - at the beginning of its journey (the first year), its income was only 16,000 thousand dollars.

21. India - famous for its restaurant, built on the territory of a former cemetery. Before serving the visitor, the waiters are obliged to bow to the deceased.

22. Restaurant "Dick's Last Resort" - if a visitor needs napkins, he must throw something at the service staff.

23. Nike bought the rights to this logo from its creator for just $35.

24. It has been proven that every day about 60 people become millionaires.

If you are an ordinary person, you cannot imagine your life without work. To afford to dress normally, eat and rest, work is a must. Today we will tell you interesting facts about work.

Only workaholics live in Japan - 75% of the inhabitants of this country spend most of their time at work, sixty percent of the working citizens of the country refuse even days off, and only five percent of "lazy people" go on vacation.

The oldest company in the world has been growing oysters since 1189. To become a co-owner of this joint-stock community, it is enough to buy a share in it (or many shares, if income allows).

The largest bureau worked in New York at the World Trade Center. Now it has ceased its activities, and once more than 65 thousand people worked there at the same time. And if you take into account tourists and visitors to the company, then every day more than one hundred and fifty thousand people crossed its thresholds.

In Europe, there is an office building that rises more than 260 meters above the ground. Four thousand people found jobs on its 65 floors.

The largest of all the shops in the world rises in New York. At twenty thousand square meters You can purchase more than 400 thousand items of goods. The annual turnover of this monster is over a billion dollars.

On the exchange, merchants organize meetings to close deals. The oldest stock exchange was founded in the 13th century in the Belgian city of Bruzz.

The oldest employee of the firms is an employee of the shipping company. In 1986, he stubbornly did not want to retire and, despite the age of a century, visited his workplace in New Jersey daily.

Based on the results of research, most often they are looking for female workers abroad who need vacancies for live-in nurses, maids, waitresses, seasonal workers for picking fruits, nannies, dancers in clubs ... Much less often they hire jobs where good mental abilities are needed .

Dream secretary - Anb Havane from India. This man worked at a factory that produces conventional typewriters. Somehow, in five working days, this man managed to type eight hundred thousand letters - this means that he consistently typed at a speed of two characters per second.

The longest working day was recorded by the Guinness Book of Records - a woman from Belgium was able to fry french fries for seventy-eight hours and one minute without interruption.

To relax from work was more pleasant, laugh more:

1. Correction of creases and wrinkles on shoes

Such specialists earn about 50 thousand dollars a year. People with this profession are hired by shoe stores. Their task is to smooth out the wrinkles on the shoes using special tools and devices, using hot air. These specialists remove wrinkles from shoes that are formed after repeated fitting by buyers. After a short period of time, the shoes regain their shine and look brand new and smooth. The profession or specialty of a wrinkle smoother is similar to that of an experienced shoe shiner. There is only one difference between these professions - the use of simple household appliances. If you want to see your shoes wrinkle-free and smooth, then you can always use the services of a shoe wrinkle straightener. It's worth noting that it's not free.

2. Work - professional dormouse

There are hotels in the world that use the services of professional sleepers - these are people who test hotel beds and talk about their feelings while sleeping on a particular bed. There are not many requirements for such people: the main requirements are to speak the appropriate language of the hotel and be able to quickly fall asleep in any place and in any circumstances. Another interesting thing is that the function of professional sleepers is not only to evaluate the convenience and comfort of a sleeping place, but also to be able to identify and give recommendations to people, what type and category of people this or a hotel room is suitable for, based on the interior and everything else. Professional sleepers provide their services not only to hotels and inns, but they are also hired by doctors and scientists for their new research. Before going to bed, they connect a lot of sensors and various devices that record brain activity and heart rate. Thanks to these studies, scientists are getting new results about the functioning of the human body that occur at different times of the sleep phase.

In the world there is such a profession in the truest sense of the word. Paint companies are willing to pay good money to such professionals in exchange for the specialist spending his time watching the paint dry. These companies want and need to know how long each paint takes to dry and the impact of the application layer process, as well as clarify other processes. After observations, specialists provide the company with all the data they need. It is worth noting that specialists in this profession do not just sit and relax, watching the drying process, they use various tools in their work that help to conduct research on the drying process of various types of paints. A microscope, for example, helps them to determine the strength of a particular paint and to know the smoothness of the paint on the surface.

4. Professional live human mannequin

Mannequin man earns a lot of money, and payment occurs for each hour of work. They are paid a lot of money for the fact that they have to stand without a single movement for a sufficient amount of time. Learning this profession is not so easy and only a few people are able to master this talent. Representatives of this profession say that the most difficult thing in their work is to fight with themselves, when, for example, their nose suddenly scratched, and it is strictly forbidden to make movements. In addition, when a person is motionless for a long time, limbs and certain parts of the body begin to go numb. A living mannequin is forbidden to move for the reason that among the store visitors there may be people with a weak and unstable psyche, and the movement of a mannequin may confuse them, or even drive them crazy when they see a mannequin that has moved and scratched its nose. If you have read this excerpt from the article, then you should know that in this case you do not need to be scared and shout that the mannequin has come to life. In this case, you have just encountered a living mannequin for the first time in your life.

5. Bed heater

There is a profession of a professional bed warmer who puts on specially made sterile suits and warms the beds of hotel room clients with his body. The procedure for heating the bed should be done shortly before the guests of the hotel room go to bed, otherwise the bed will simply have time to cool down. Scientists from the Edinburgh Sleep Center have conducted research and found that it is most difficult for a person to fall asleep when the bed is cold. The ideal bed temperature during sleep should be 20-24 degrees Celsius. The tested people in such bed conditions fell asleep faster, and their sleep was deep and restful. Some London and Manchester hotels in the cold season offered their guests a free service - warming up the bed before going to bed. Practice has shown only positive feedback.

6. scent specialist

There are professional smell experts in the world and every day they have to smell the armpits of different people. These people work in large corporations that produce perfumes and cosmetics. The manufacturer must fully guarantee that the smell of the deodorant they produce leaves a pleasant smell throughout the day. If a professional smelter catches a change in smells, then he must immediately report this to the perfumers and chemists who work on this production.

In addition, there are experts who evaluate the smell that comes from the mouth. Basically, these specialists work in companies that produce chewing gum, as well as refreshing candies. A smeller must smell the breath of people who have eaten garlic or onions, smoked a cigarette or alcohol, and then chewed gum. When the chewing gum does not beat off the unpleasant odor, in this case, the smell specialist makes his comments, and the product is returned for revision.

7. Accompanying ducks

In the US, there is a hotel in Memphis where one man worked as a messenger for fifty years. The task in his work was as follows: to accompany the ducks from the cages where they live, to the fountains, where the ducks bathed and delighted the guests. It was also the man who fed them and looked after them, and in the evening accompanied the ducks back to their cages for peace and rest.

This man's name was Edward Pembroke. When the time was right, he retired, handing over his duties to other messengers who take turns and take care of all the functions. The social network Facebook has a page dedicated to these ducks.

8. Team Mascot

We have all seen entertaining puppet people who dress up as some kind of animal and entertain people during holidays, competitions, relay races and so on. They dance, wave their hands, clap, make different sounds depending on which animal costume the person is wearing.

It's easy to get into such a job and it will suit artistic and cheerful people who know how and want to entertain people. To get a job, you need to apply and convince the employer that you have a dance or music education, that you have been entertaining people since childhood, and so on. You should also note to your employer that you have good stamina, because some suits are voluminous and heavy and it is uncomfortable, cramped and hot to move in them. And during work, you need to be in this suit for several hours in a row. Working in the USA as a team mascot, you can earn up to 25 thousand US dollars.

9. Cow pedicure specialist

In the US, they fight for good milk yields and believe that in order to achieve this, the mood of the cow is very important, and only then the cow will increase the liters of milk. Therefore, elite cow farms turn on music, do pedicures and massages. A whole team of specialists is working on painting the tips of the hooves in different colors. This is not just entertainment for bored people, as it might seem.

10. Passenger pusher

This specialty has spread to Japan. It happens that at rush hour a lot of people are waiting for transport and getting on a bus or train is simply impossible if there is no outside help. To do this, physically strong people are on duty at the stations, who help people get on transport. Thanks to the passenger pusher, people in Japan are almost never late for their work.