About “black archaeology”, diggers and the destruction of archaeological sites. "Black archaeologists" destroyed almost everything


It turns out that “black diggers” are also different - not only malicious destroyers of historical layers, but also simply curious citizens eager for discoveries and finds...

The thirst to get to the bottom of historical roots and make a real journey through time sometimes captures a person thirsting for adventure so much that he is ready to decide on any adventure just to fulfill his dream...

It is therefore not surprising that archaeological tourism is extremely popular all over the world. And with a regular trip you can go to amazing excavations in America and various European countries, and also to Greece, Egypt, Lebanon, India, Mongolia, Ukraine, Israel. As you understand, the geography of excavations in Russia is also very extensive. Every year, about one and a half thousand expeditions operate throughout the country on Solovki, in the Moscow and Leningrad regions, on the coasts of the Azov and Black Seas, in the Astrakhan region, in the Urals, Altai, in Tuva... And many of these expeditions may well involve volunteer helpers who are eager to spend your vacation with a shovel in your hands.

However, in addition to official excavations, as is known, completely illegal searches for historical artifacts are carried out by the so-called “black diggers.” And some tourists are curious to go on a treasure hunt with them - mainly out of curiosity. Although this is almost impossible, because law enforcement officers are hunting for the diggers. And yet, the famous Ukrainian writer and journalist Alexander Makarov managed to penetrate the secret world of “black archaeologists” and lift the veil of a forbidden topic for us...

From the notes of Alexander Makarov

It seemed that writing an article about “black archaeologists” would not be difficult. I have many acquaintances among collectors, and I know some of the archaeologists personally. However, the more time passed, the more difficult this topic seemed to be. Most antiquarians and collectors knew almost nothing about “black archaeologists.” Those who knew preferred to remain silent.

Time passed, but not an ounce of information was added. Seeing such a thing, I closely settled on one acquaintance who was definitely connected with these pirates from archeology. “Do you have any idea what you’re asking for?” – He became furious. - “I’m asking a little. I want you to introduce me to one of the “blacks”, and he would take me with him to dig for a couple of days.” - “Well, I knew it! Why don’t you then ask to introduce you to a killer so that he can take you on the case? Or maybe I’d let you shoot?” - “Well, he’s a killer, but he’s still an archaeologist.” - “Believe me, the difference is very small!” - “There’s something I don’t quite understand...” - “So I’m saying that you don’t understand...”

The history of the leaky helmet

Fortunately, beer and barbecue noticeably softened the mood of my stern acquaintance. And in the end he did help me. True, with a huge number of reservations: no cameras or voice recorders, don’t say anything unnecessary, don’t record anything. In addition, I promised to change all the names in the article, and I could only mention the names as “a certain place”...

- Maybe I should grow a beard and wear black glasses? - I asked jokingly.

- And this is not superfluous. And most importantly, don’t tell them what you’re writing.

– What should I say?

The acquaintance examined me critically. He chuckled and said:

– Tell them that you are an accountant. And I came to Crimea to lose a couple of extra pounds and that you are not afraid of physical work.

This was his little revenge for my persistence. So I became a greedy accountant, ready to work even for “black diggers”, just so as not to pay for housing. But that suited me.

The train arrived in Simferopol early in the morning. Cozy station with yellow columns. Taxi drivers offer to take you to any corner of Crimea. However, as a thrifty accountant, I go to the trolleybus and take a ticket to the city of I... Sorry, N... It takes more than three hours to get there. The meeting is scheduled for 12.00, the main thing is not to be late.

In the central square of the city I wander among the women selling Crimean wine and seafood. Sticking out of my pocket, according to old spy traditions, is a glossy magazine with a beautiful girl on the cover. The sun is hot, I want ice cream. And I was about to enjoy the coveted ice cream, but I almost choked! Some guy slapped me on the back.

– Are you from Odessa?

– I am Gena. Let's go.

Thus began my long-awaited “black expedition”. In our gang, besides Gena, there were also his wife Nadya and their nephew. In his spare time from “black archeology,” Gena worked as an accountant at a factory. Therefore, he immediately took a liking to me as a colleague. To avoid being found out, I preferred to remain silent. He only laughed when Gena made another joke about the advance report or the company’s debt. Nadya worked in the workshop at the same plant as her husband. As I understand it, this factory was often idle, so the family took up “additional business.” I must say, an original way to replenish the family budget. However, in Crimea, where archaeological treasures can be found at almost every step, such an option is quite understandable.

Real archaeologists call such treasure hunters “grave robbers”; they hate them fiercely and strive to hand them over to the relevant authorities at the first opportunity. After all, “black diggers” violate cultural layers that are so important for dating the things found. Archaeologists carefully, millimeter by millimeter, remove one layer of earth after another, scrupulously describing each shard. And they work more with a brush than with a shovel. And at night, illiterate “pirates” come, dig up everything, and a huge amount of work goes to hell. In addition, “diggers” armed with modern metal detectors sometimes have a better chance of finding something interesting than archaeologists.

However, my new acquaintances were not at all going to climb into the excavation left by archaeologists, trying to find treasure there. It turned out that Gena, having rummaged around in the local library, discovered the plan of an ancient estate. Just the other day, construction was supposed to begin there, and over the weekend, while the builders were resting, we had an excellent opportunity to study the ruins.

In fact, there were no ruins there for a long time. Thus, in some places the moss-covered remains of a foundation could be seen from the ground. Apparently, even during the revolution, free citizens plundered the estate for building materials.

Nevertheless, we set up a tent and started searching. What do you think we were looking for? You'll never guess. Treasures, treasures appear before your mind's eye... Meanwhile, we were looking for nothing more than a garbage dump a hundred years ago!

Do not be surprised. Gena understood perfectly well that everything valuable that was once here had been privatized by local residents a long time ago. And the only place where one could make a decent living could only be a landfill!

At one time, Gene already somehow had such happiness. With a sparkle in his eyes, he recalled the guards' epaulettes, the broken saber, the boxes and bottles taken from the trash bin. It turned out that the bottle that the glassblower made himself was significantly different from the factory ones. Air bubbles from the master’s lungs are clearly visible on the glass, covered with rainbow stains of tarnished colors. And, if in Crimea such a bottle costs 5 hryvnia, then in Odessa at least 20, and at an antique fair somewhere in Europe the same 20, but already euros.

The search went like this. We explored the area with probes - long sticks with pieces of stiff wire tied at the ends. Where the probe easily stuck into the ground, they dug. Of course, if the house had been preserved, they would have looked differently. Valuables are most often hidden in window sills. For treasure hunters, this point is completely obvious. Therefore, if the window sills are broken in an abandoned house, it means that “black colleagues” have already been there.

And on the walls, places of possible storage facilities can be identified by stains. If, for example, the stain is greenish in color, this often indicates the presence of copper objects: coins, dishes, vases, candlesticks, boxes, etc. If there is time, the walls are also tapped. A favorite place to store valuables is attics. Blades and trunks were usually hidden on roof beams and rafters - you couldn’t see them from below. And icons, awards, insignia and pistols were buried in the sand filling along the walls and supporting structures. In the basements they usually hide only what is difficult to drag into the attic. In basements, moisture and mold quickly kill things.

Our work was not easy. After an hour of digging, I was already covered in soap. After two, I regretted not staying at home. And the evening was still so far away!

Gena provided general supervision of the work. I checked something in the diagrams, marked the squares of the most promising search. Nadya used a probe and a metal detector to determine the places where I had to dig. And the nephew increasingly looked for an excuse to evade work, and at every opportunity he disappeared for a long time. And I kept digging and digging...

The local boys saved me. First one appeared, followed by others. They watched our work with all their eyes, discussing every discovery. Then they started snooping around everywhere, and one of them approached Gena and asked: “Are you looking for treasure, uncle?” Gena responded by spitting on the ground and ordering us to rest. We went to the river to wash and swim, and at the same time explored the old river bed with a metal detector. It was easy for us to navigate. Genkin's diagrams were quite accurate.

By evening the results were summed up. The coveted trash heap was never found, but they dug up ten cubic meters of soil by hand. If we were grave diggers, we would be paid two hundred hryvnia for such a volume of work. And so the cost of everything found was barely twenty. Moreover, we found most of the finds - mostly ordinary modern coins - along paths and paths. The exception was the helmet. She was deep in the ground. At first we thought it was a mine, but we still dug further. Nonsense, of course. But the excitement was so overwhelming that even fear could not resist it. The helmet turned out to be not only rusty, but also with a hole. But I found her! And this was my first catch...

The next day we woke up early and were dismayed to find a crowd of locals milling around our camp looking menacing. After which, after weighing all the pros and cons of our enterprise, we decided not to tempt fate and went home...

From Crimea to Odessa

This is how my first “expedition” with “black archaeologists” ended. Then I could not even imagine that this adventure would not be my last. However, later I got involved in a new adventure with the “black seeker” and then we managed to discover a rare book without beginning and end in the basement of an ordinary-looking Odessa house. But in fact, from 1904 to 1925, a scientific publishing house was located in that building "Matesis", one of whose leaders wascousin of Leon Trotsky Monya Shpenzer - father of the famous writer Vera Inber. It even seemed to us that came from the yellowed pages the elusive smell of her perfume...

In addition, we discovered a folder with old photographs in that basement, which, apparently, was hidden during the search. One of them showed a fairly clear image of some children, among whom, quite possibly, was Leon Trotsky himself. We also found several massive heavy objects there.lithographic slabs, which were then given to the Paustovsky Museum...

This is how we ended up with “black archeology” with white intentions...

The image of a “black archaeologist” that has developed in the minds of the average person is not very attractive. They are portrayed in the media as unscrupulous profit hunters, mocking ancient graves and destroying priceless cultural heritage. Sometimes, of course, this happens. However, in fact, more often their activities benefit historical science.

Let's start with the fact that their activities, as a rule, do not bring serious commercial benefits. According to the testimony of the “diggers” themselves (this is what these unofficial lovers of antiquities call themselves), one “excavation” brings each participant no more than five thousand in net profit. The remaining funds received from the sale of artifacts are used to cover the expenses of the expedition.

Of course, we are talking about average income - sometimes the profit from a sale can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, this happens extremely rarely and in most cases not in our country, but somewhere on the islands of the Caribbean.

According to the stories of domestic black archaeologists, only one out of ten excavations is capable of bringing at least some profit. The remaining nine are total losses. True, it should be noted that among the diggers there are a lot of those who collect antiquities not for sale, but to replenish their own collection or exchange for missing copies. It is clear that for them excavations are never profitable at all.

And market prices for ancient artifacts are now quite low. As Ukrainian kopari say, for 9 loraks (silver coins of the first half of the 17th century) they give only about 20 dollars. Ordinary ancient Roman denarii cost from $10 apiece, which is also quite cheap. Other items that black archaeologists most often come across are no more expensive: a fibula or plaque costs only 10 dollars, and an iron spear tip of the 10th century is bought for 1.5-2 dollars.

So, as you can see, excavations really don’t bring much profit. Therefore, it is logical to assume that in most cases, black archaeologists are driven not by a thirst for profit, but by a love of antiquities, as well as excitement and a passion for adventure. And, of course, the desire to unravel the mysteries of history.

As for the desecration of graves, to be honest, I don’t quite understand why all archaeologists (and anthropologists at the same time) are not considered desecrators. After all, digging into graves is their favorite thing. However, if an official scientific expedition opens the tomb of a king and takes his remains to a museum, for some reason this is considered in the order of things. But if black archaeologists do the same (who, as a rule, take away only valuable artifacts and bury the bones back), everyone around will immediately start screaming about the desecration of burials.

The accusation that black archaeologists are destroying cultural property also seems very unconvincing. If only because “white” archaeologists are often doing the same thing. Those who have at least once taken part in an archaeological expedition know very well that mostly “digging” is done not by highly experienced professors and associate professors, but by students and hired workers. According to my personal impressions, and not only mine, these “ordinary” armies of archaeologists manage to destroy so much in the process of work that every evening the heads of the excavations, over a traditional glass of vodka, swear and promise never to allow these “vandals” to access antiquities again.

This happens mainly because the majority of “ordinary” people are not at all interested in the results of their work - they do not at all want to carefully dig out some strange bricks, shards and other pebbles in the heat. A significant part of these workers only think about finishing their shift as quickly as possible and returning to a cool tent with a hidden bottle of chilled beer. That is why most of the work is carried out in what is called a blunder.

Unlike official archaeologists, Kopars conduct excavations more carefully, since they are interested in the results. And there is much less destruction from their activities than from an expedition in which young fools are participating, who are absolutely not interested in the preservation of cultural monuments. I don’t argue, it happens that during excavations black archaeologists destroy objects that are not of particular value to them. But this is a consequence of the fact that they are constantly being pursued by law enforcement officers and bandits.

By the way, hunters for Scythian gold most often behave like vandals. Scythian gold artifacts are highly valued - from $100 per gram and more. It is not surprising that this branch of black archeology is no less dangerous than the research of the legendary Professor Indiana Jones (also, by the way, a typical black archaeologist). Therefore, as a rule, “Scythian diggers” do not work alone with a shovel, but “quickly” demolish ancient mounds and burial grounds with an excavator. Because if you act using traditional methods, you can easily give up your freedom and even your life.

What else are the diggers accused of? The fact is that they are amateurs, since they do not provide detailed descriptions of the site and progress of the excavations. However, in our country this is simply impossible: this kind of description is irrefutable evidence that proves a crime (Article 243 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Destruction or damage to historical and cultural monuments”). The most interesting thing is that it is no longer possible to prove that archaeologists broke the law: the presence of an excavation or ancient artifacts in itself, as you understand, does not prove anything. But the discovery of an excavation plan or a detailed description is already evidence of an offense. It is not surprising that none of the diggers would even think of drawing up such documents.

As for the assertion that black archaeologists are entirely amateurs, this is a gross exaggeration. Any professor would envy their knowledge of history and archeology. Such attacks from scientists, apparently, are explained by the fact that these amateurs, in their free time from their main work, do what they love - looking for antiquities, and do not waste their energy on defending dissertations that are useless, from their point of view, writing reports and other bureaucratic procedures.

It is also possible that this is why the Kopars do not strive to fit into the official scientific community. They have no opportunity to organize their own museums, institutes and courses on black archeology, because in many countries, including Russia, their activities are considered criminal. (Do you think, for example, drug addicts would be allowed to organize an Institute for the Study of Drugs?) However, as experience shows, if the law does not prohibit black archaeologists from conducting excavations, then many of them, as a rule, create private museums in which they conduct research scientists from many countries of the world.

A good example is the story of the famous “king of treasure hunters” Melvin Fisher. This US citizen spent more than half of his life searching for the sunken ships of the famous “silver caravan” - Spanish galleons that transported the looted treasures of the Indians from the colonies to the metropolis. Over the course of half a century, he found about a dozen sunken ships, the most famous of which was the Spanish galleon Atocha, which struck the reefs in 1622. The value of the treasure discovered on the Atocha was in the hundreds of millions of dollars. It was the embodiment of a treasure hunter's dream of an ancient ship overloaded with gold and jewelry.

Fisher did not donate the treasure to US museums. He sold part of the extracted cargo, and for quite a lot of money (among the buyers were not only private collectors, but also museums from many countries around the world), and the other part is still kept in the private museum he created at the end of his life in Florida. Moreover, dozens of dissertations and scientific articles have already been written on this material. It turns out that the typical black archaeologist provided world science with a service that no one had been able to provide before him. In addition, during many years of underwater expeditions, the “king of treasure hunters” created an original method for searching and examining sunken ships. It is still used by official scientists.

Fisher, by the way, is not the only black archaeologist who created his own museum. For example, in 1982, American Barry Clifford found the ship Whydah, whose captain was the famous pirate Samuel Bellamy. True, Clifford did not find on board the gold and jewelry that numerous legends spoke about. But I found a huge arsenal of pirate weapons, which have considerable historical and collectible value.

Therefore, after the expedition, in order to recoup expenses, Clifford organized a park museum in which objects raised from the bottom recreated the atmosphere of life on a pirate ship. This “pirate corner” is visited annually not only by scientists, but also by people who are very far from science. For example, the crew of the film "Pirates of the Caribbean".

So, as you see, these black archaeologists are not so harmful. If they were not persecuted by the law and were allowed to organize their own museums and research centers, they could solve many historical mysteries. Experience shows that they are much more successful at this than official scientists.

A bronze disk with golden images of stars and celestial bodies, found in Germany, is one of the most mysterious archaeological finds of recent years. If archaeologists are right, it could be not only a decoration, but also an astronomical instrument for calculating eclipses! This disk, dating back to 1600 BC. e., has 32 cm in diameter. On it are placed golden stars, a crescent moon, the sun or full moon, as well as something like a sickle (possibly an image of a “heavenly boat”). There were 2 gold plates on both edges of the disk, but one of them did not survive: either it was knocked off with a shovel, or it was lost in antiquity. X-rays showed that two more stars were hidden under the cover. This means that the overlays were added later.

(Total 7 photos)

The characteristic “night sky” color was given to bronze intentionally, most likely with the help of rotten eggs. Small holes are made along the edge of the disk for attaching to something that has already been lost. The analysis showed that the gold was mined in Cornwall (UK).

The disk was dug up in 1999 by Henry Westphal and Mario Renner, “black archaeologists” who worked with a metal detector and shovels in the Ziegelrode forest, near the village of Nebra (Saxony-Anhalt). Under the ground, in addition to the disk, other Bronze Age objects were found in the same place, dating back to 1600 BC. e.: swords, axes, bracelets. There were no human remains nearby. The valuables were not placed next to the deceased, but were hidden until better times.

Other Bronze Age objects found next to the disc are on display at the Halle Museum.

Westphal and Renner sold all the finds to collectors for 31,000 Deutschmarks. Since then, the treasure has passed from hand to hand, each time increasing in value. When the police took over the case, the last owners of the treasure asked for 400 thousand euros for it. Of course, they cut the price - now just one disc is estimated at 12 million euros!

Harald Meller, director of the State Museum of Prehistory in Halle (Saxony-Anhalt), took part in the operation to detain the “collectors.” He immediately realized from the characteristic swords and axes from the treasure that the find was 1000 years older than Stonehenge and was of incredible value. Research has proven that the artifact is truly ancient and is not a fake.

The "black archaeologists" were also caught, but since they agreed to cooperate with the scientists, they were given a short sentence - one received 6 months in prison, the second - a year. They showed an excavation on the Mittelberg hill, not far from Nebra. Meller realized that the hill had once been a sanctuary and was surrounded by a ditch with a low rampart with a diameter of about 75 m, and near the top of the hill there was a stone embankment. Pieces of bronze were found in the ground that matched the gouges on the items from the treasure.

Ruhr University astronomer Wolfhard Schlosser suggested that the ends of the gold plates mark the points on the horizon where the sun rises and sets on the summer and winter solstices. The angle between them is 82° - exactly the same number of degrees between these points as observed from Mittelberg.

The angle formed by the linings and its astronomical significance.

Using a disk to observe the Sun

Around 1600 BC e. Mittelberg Hill was a good place for observations. It shows that on the summer solstice the sun sets behind the Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz. If you point the northern end of the plate towards the Brocken, the other end will align with the sunset point on the winter solstice. Frosts here usually end after May 1, when the sun sets behind the Kyffhäuser, another prominent peak. Knowing this, the priests could tell the peasants when to start sowing or harvesting.

Solar eclipse April 16, 1699 BC e., observed from the top of Mittelberg (computer reconstruction).

A cluster of seven golden stars - the Pleiades. Once every ten years they find themselves next to the growing month (this moment was depicted on the disk), and after 7 days a lunar eclipse occurs. The ability to predict eclipses gave the priests enormous power over the uneducated people.

Andis Kaulinj and Milton Heifetz calculated that the stars on the disk are located for a reason, but depict the position of celestial bodies during a solar eclipse on April 16, 1699 BC. e. The coincidence, of course, was not perfect, but it is also impossible to write it off as an accident.

Judging by the image of the “heavenly boat”, the disk was not just complex, but also an object of cult. This may be the oldest evidence of this kind of belief in Europe (other finds with images of the “heavenly boat” are much younger). However, it was added to the disc much later, after the overlays, and consists of gold of a different origin.

The star disc has now become one of Germany's most popular symbols and was even featured on the 10 euro coin issued in 2008

What do illegal Peruvian huaqueros diggers know about the history of ancient civilizations? Andrey Zhukov

In countries rich in archaeological layers, a black market for antiquities is formed. Local black diggers make good money by trading artifacts found in the ground. The market for historical objects is one of the five most profitable markets in the world. Over time, entire clans of such “black archaeologists” arise. In Peru they are called huaqueros (from “huaca” - sacred place). The knowledge of these people in the field of true history significantly exceeds the knowledge of many official archaeologists, who dig in limited areas and draw conclusions based on predetermined patterns. Of course, black archaeologists cause harm, because many priceless artifacts flow away in an unknown direction without even being photographed. But at the same time, they are a unique source of information about the past of human civilization. That is why it is necessary to establish contact with them. Historian and traveler Andrei Zhukov shares his impressions of communicating with the Peruvian black archaeologists Huaqueros.

Andrey Zhukov: The patriarch of Peruvian archeology, Julio Tello, called the area on the central coast of Peru an archaeological paradise in the early 20th century. A huge number of ancient artifacts have been preserved here, ranging from a thousand to three thousand years old, which are of enormous value, both scientific and artistic, so the antique black market in this territory is of enormous proportions. Naturally, the main buyers are Statesmen and Europeans, because it is in these countries that the ancient cultures of Peru are best known. That is, for example, for our citizens, of course, everyone knows and has heard about the Nazca Desert. Hardly anyone has heard of the Paracas culture with its crazy fabrics. Inca and Nazca, in general, that's all we know. In fact, the layer of cultures in this territory goes back to antiquity, the second, maybe third millennium BC, and, perhaps, tens of thousands of years, say, deeper, speaking in archaeological language. Therefore, the business of black archaeologists here has been on a grand scale for more than a century. In general, I read somewhere that the antiques market on a global scale is one of the five largest in terms of monetary turnover, naturally, after weapons, drugs, gold, oil, and diamonds. In these areas of central Peru: Ica, Nazca, Paracas, as far as I know, there are already family clans that for generations have had businesses, established connections, have their own, let’s say, plots in the desert, divided among themselves, from which they take material. During two previous trips to Peru, I met such local guys. On the first trip, naturally, they led me by the hand; the American friend with whom we went there together was already familiar with them, brought me, recommended them, showed me, the second time it was easier. And therefore, naturally, they do not reveal any of their professional secrets, however, they told many interesting things. Firstly, at home we saw that the number of artifacts that are just at home on the walls, on the window sills could easily amount to such a small local history museum. Secondly, they also explained that they now work mainly to order, that is, they come, naturally, not from the client, but from a permanent intermediary. You need ceramics, or you need fabrics from the Nazca culture, or you need gold, but there’s actually not that much gold there, and it’s not as valuable in terms of antique value as the same fabrics of Paracas or ceramics from the Nazca culture, which have much more on the antique market higher cost. That is, now they are already working to order, I asked in advance, they prepared several Ica stones, which we bought and exported without any problems, because Ica stones are recognized as a new product and do not fall under the article on the export of archaeological values, so there are no problems with this was.

And it turns out that local archaeologists, who have been doing this all their lives from generation to generation, have a completely different idea of ​​​​the ancient history of the Peruvians who lived in this territory, and their idea is completely different from those written in the books of American specialists, be they historians or archaeologists. And this living history through the eyes, so to speak, of local residents who have been involved in this issue all their lives, would be very interesting for us, as outside researchers. Supporter, in the sense of not living there in Peru, but coming from the other side of the world. And if during the planned trip it is possible to make such contacts, I think that this will also be very interesting and informative, because, I repeat once again, the local huaqueras, as they are called, know absolutely more than archaeologists visiting from, say, the States. in a few years, who will dig for several seasons at one monument, write their own book or do a dissertation, but they do not have a large-scale picture of this entire ancient heritage, which is still stored in the ground in this region. And no matter how much has been dug up there over the past hundred years, no matter how much has gone to the side, there is still much more in the ground.

Unfortunately, to my greatest regret, what goes on the antique black market does not end up in scientific circulation, because collectors, and even the huakeras themselves, will never publish these things, so from the point of view of science, archeology, history, we are losing 80-90% of archaeological material is because it is not processed scientifically, and, accordingly, the picture, the official picture of ancient history, and not only of Peru, of any other country rich in antiquities, is very flawed, precisely for this simple reason, . Because the same thing exists in our country, especially in those regions that are rich in valuable antiquities, be it the Crimea, Ukraine, the Volga region, Altai, Central Asia, all this has been going on since the mounds in the Crimea of ​​the 18th century, which were excavated by Scythian mounds. It’s the same story everywhere, here, in Peru, in Mexico, and in India, so I say it’s very sad and sad that all this information remains inaccessible to us, because it doesn’t fall into the hands of scientists.

Great luck, of course, is the opportunity to meet such people, when personal trust especially arises, and, in my experience, those whom I know are warm-hearted, educated people, by the way, they know a lot, and the opportunity, for example, even to get acquainted with some then their parts of the collection, even photographing them, also provides new and unexpected information, which I personally verified during my previous trips, that is, I saw things that I had not seen in any publication devoted to the archeology of this region.

You can purchase books by Andrei Zhukov on the Conceptual publishing house website:

Black archeology is not just about profit. Some people are so passionate about this that they even create organizations and groups of black archaeologists under mystical names like “black order” and other things, with their own websites, meetings and symbols. But the majority are still ordinary groups of black archaeologists who deliberately break the law for profit. Black archeology has long been developing around the world.

In 2011, in the Bryansk region, black diggers found a treasure of Veneti - unique products of Slavic craftsmen that date back to the 3rd century AD. These are unique products of Slavic jewelers. This find became public knowledge only because they tried to transport these valuables abroad. The FSB stopped the crime, and the finds were sent to the museum. Among them were copper jewelry, harnesses, and a total of 1,500 items. They were found, presumably, on the banks of the Desna River. Most of the ancient artifacts were decorated with red, opaque glass. Such products were made by Slavic settlers, whom historians called Veneti. A mirror made in Chinese style was also found. This may indicate contacts between the ancient Slavs and the Chinese.

Unique products of Slavic jewelers - Veneta!

World black archeology is very common in water spaces. Since most countries strive to develop tourism, most resorts allow diving. Both tourists and black archaeologists dive in search of finds. Sometimes even the very slogan of travel agencies sounds like a direct call for black archeology. For example, “Underwater diving. The best country for treasure hunters." Scientists archaeologists are not very happy with this, but everything is supported at the state level.

The world's first computer, the Antikythera Mechanism, was found off the coast of Greece. This mechanism was used to calculate the movement of celestial bodies, and dates back to 100 BC. It was found by an ordinary diver in 1900.

The world's first computer - the Antikythera Mechanism

In Ukraine in 2012, parts of a horse harness were found by a black archaeologist. He was discovered when he put this find up for sale on the Internet for $1,000. The find dates back to the 10th century AD. It is assumed that this is a Pecheneg memo. Now it has been transferred to the Lugansk Museum of Local Lore and has been on display since 2013.
Another direction of black archeology was presented by the Japanese Fujimura, who gained worldwide fame by indicating the places where to look for treasure. He was even nicknamed “The Hand of God.” Later, when he was caught burying the treasure, Fujimura admitted that he himself looked for the treasure and then buried it. Thus, he wanted to become famous throughout the world.

Parts of horse harness - Pecheneg memo!

In 1950, black archaeologists from China discovered the remains of a creature called Archioraptor. It was a link between a dinosaur and a bird. The appearance of this creature was like that of a bird with the tail of a dinosaur. This property was taken out of the country and sold to a private collector. Later they found evidence that these remains were glued together, and this is not an archioraptor, but two different animals.

Black Archeology of the World - Archioraptor

In 2011, archaeologists on the island of Peloponnese were arrested after they dug up a bronze helmet belonging to Greek warriors of the 6th century BC. They also found 6 silver coins. According to Greek law, everything excavated from before 1453 belongs to the state. Such actions are punishable by law.
As we can see, black archaeologists exist all over the world, and throughout the world there is a connection between collectors of antiquities and black diggers. Since black diggers are not engaged in good deeds, connoisseurs and collectors cannot count on their honesty. Despite this, demand is growing, and supply is trying to keep up with it.