How to lose weight in your thighs: an integrated approach to achieving your goal. Exercises and diet for fast weight loss in thighs and legs


Take a close look at your figure. You should not try to bring her to the model standard - perhaps your body has completely different proportions. However, any thighs can be made more toned and beautiful by getting rid of excess fat and tightening the muscles.

Develop a proper nutrition program. Eliminate “fast” carbohydrates from the menu - high-calorie baked goods, chocolate bars, caramel. It is worth giving up semi-finished breaded foods, fatty meats, sausages and fried foods. The basis of the diet should be raw and boiled vegetables, lean meat and fish, complex carbohydrates - cereals and whole grain bread. Eat small meals 4 times a day - this will help maintain a feeling of fullness and prevent you from overeating.

Increase your activity. Walking on rough terrain, cycling, and jumping rope will help you quickly and strengthen your muscles. Walk for at least an hour, and at a fairly fast pace. Master self-massage techniques and rub firming and moisturizing creams into your skin twice a day. They will help tighten the skin, and massage will improve blood circulation and speed up the fat burning process.

Do some gymnastics. To make your thighs look perfect, you need to strengthen all the muscles - the front, back and inner thighs. If the former work more or less actively, then the muscles of the inner and posterior surfaces must be loaded as much as possible during training.

Start the exercises with one set and gradually increase it to three. Perform the exercises at a fast pace, doing each exercise 10-20 times. Start with simpler tasks and gradually move on to exercises with weights - barbells, dumbbells. Squats will help develop the muscles of the front surface of the thigh, bending over with weights will help the rear ones, and swinging the legs with different amplitudes will help the internal ones.

Start the complex with a warm-up. Dance at a fast pace for five minutes. Then stand at the support with your left side, and with your right foot, describe semicircles, keeping your toes extended. Do 20 repetitions, then do the exercise with the other leg. Get into the starting position, holding onto a support with your right hand - for example, the back of a chair. Raise your left leg, bending your knee at a right angle and keeping your foot parallel to the floor. Helping with your left hand, describe a semicircle with your thigh, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. Do the same exercise for your right leg.

Lying on your right side, lean on your arm bent at the elbow, stretch your legs straight. Raise your left leg without pointing your toes. Don't fall on your back or bend your knees. Do 20 quick swings, first with one leg and then with the other. This exercise perfectly strengthens the inner thigh. After a month, you can make the workout more difficult by performing swings in heavy shoes.

Lie on your back, bend your knees, feet resting on the floor. Alternately tilt your legs left and right, keeping your knees together. You should feel tension in your thighs. When bending over, your knees should touch the floor. Do not lift your lower back and do not turn on your side - only your legs should work. This exercise stretches the muscles of the lateral thigh.

Squats with weights will help you form a beautiful back line. Pick up a barbell or a pair of dumbbells. Spread your legs slightly, keeping your feet parallel. Do deep squats while moving as fast as possible. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times. Then stand on a small platform with your heels hanging off it. Perform a deep bench press, repeating the exercise 12 times.

In summer, many young girls like to wear miniskirts, but they are embarrassed by their own figure. In such an outfit, it seems that she should look perfect, and for this she needs to lose weight in her legs and hips. Well, if there is such a problem, then you need to start dealing with it as early as possible and do it constantly. After all, you want to restore slimness to your legs and make your figure graceful? This is quite possible, but everything needs to be solved in a complex manner. You need to start by drawing up a diet to remove a few extra centimeters on your hips, include fitness classes and do not forget about special outfits that visually shape your figure.

How to lose weight in legs and thighs with nutrition

When thinking about how to lose weight in the legs or thighs, we understand that any diet will simply help to reduce body weight, and is not aimed specifically at some area of ​​the body. Therefore, when raising the issue of removing several extra pounds from our body, we strive to solve two problems:

  • Fight cellulite;
  • Strengthening body muscles.

It is clear that this cannot be done without physical exercise, since we pay special attention to a certain area of ​​the body. When concentrating on losing weight on your thighs and legs, you need to choose a diet that allows you to tolerate physical activity well.

Strict mono-diets are not suitable here, although they allow you to quickly lose weight. A protein diet is good because it allows you to not only replenish protein consumption in the body, build muscles, but also not feel hungry.

In order to achieve the desired effect. Namely, to lose weight in the legs and hips, you need a long-term diet and constant fitness classes. Lack of carbohydrates in a high-protein diet will cause an energy deficit that will prevent you from exercising sufficiently. Therefore, in order to lose weight in the hips and legs, it is better to choose a diet of protein-carbon alternation, the so-called BUTCH diet.

This is a reasonable, balanced diet that will allow the body to receive a sufficient amount of slow carbohydrates, which are nutritious plankton for the brain and nervous system.

You will only have to completely give up the following products:

  • baking;
  • sweets;
  • fast food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • semi-finished products.

Particular attention is paid to the salt consumed, as it retains water in the body and this even visually enlarges the thighs and legs.

The BEACH diet involves alternating carbohydrate, low-carbohydrate and protein days, which are repeated in a circle.

On a carbohydrate day, it is recommended to eat porridge, high-starch vegetables, fruits, and whole grain bread. On the next low-carb day, you need to combine carbohydrates with beams, but this is best done in the afternoon. And you also need to start your morning with cereals and fruits. On a protein day you need to eat lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, dairy products, cottage cheese.

It is necessary to drink enough water per day, especially since you will be playing sports. This should be 1.5-2 liters of water, not counting tea, coffee and other liquid foods.

How to lose weight in your legs and thighs with exercise

If you want to lose weight in your legs and thighs, then you can’t do without physical exercise; it is of paramount importance. However, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can pump up your hips and legs, but this will not make them look thin, although they will become more beautiful, “more athletic.”

Diet will help burn fat, and the right exercise will help you achieve slimness. You don't have to work out in the gym, you can do it at home. The main thing is to think about how to quickly lose weight in your legs and thighs. And to do this, do not forget to do exercises for them at least 15-25 minutes a day. Cardio training is considered a good method: running, jumping, squats, cycling. They are recommended to be used three times a week.

The exercise system should be designed so that different types of muscles are loaded. You can visit a fitness room and hire an individual instructor who will offer a competent and thoughtful system of exercises. Most of them can be done at home, but some require a machine. It’s good to include breathing exercises in your fitness exercises using the “full inhale through the nose and full exhale through the mouth” system.

How to lose weight in legs and thighs - additional tricks

In order not to constantly think about how to lose weight in your legs and hips, while this has not yet happened, wear clothes that will visually create the effect of slimness.

There is nothing in short supply right now and it can be used, including shapewear. It will help you make your figure more toned, your buttocks and legs will look a couple of centimeters thinner. This will support you psychologically while you have not yet lost weight in the right places. At the same time, it is better to do without such underwear and you will have an incentive to lose weight faster and look the same as without underwear.

Watch the video how to quickly and effectively lose weight in your legs and thighs at home

A proper diet and a set of physical exercises will help you get rid of excess weight in the thighs and buttocks. To do this, you need to clearly set a goal and strictly follow the training recommendations. It is a properly designed program that will help make your legs slim and beautiful.

In her dreams, every girl wants to have beautiful and graceful legs, but excess weight, swelling, cellulite and voluminous thigh area are the main reasons that prevent her from looking beautiful. How to lose weight in your legs at home?

To do this you need:

  • persistently do physical activity for at least one hour a day (jogging, jumping rope, etc.);
  • limit the amount of salty foods (cheeses, sausages and processed foods) in your diet. They help retain moisture in the body; they should be replaced with lactic acid products and steamed fish;
  • It is quite correct that it is considered to include in the diet foods high in potassium (baked potatoes, dried apricots);
  • the use of diuretics that will help lose extra pounds in the legs and get rid of excess fluid in the body;
  • When visiting a sauna or bathhouse, it is also possible to lose weight in your legs. Before the steam room, you need to apply a mixture of honey and salt to the skin of your feet. You should steam for no more than 15-20 minutes, preferably with a broom, then take a shower and, if possible, rest;
  • cleansing the body for slender legs. It is considered very useful to sit on tea or kefir for several days a month, as well as do an enema with herbal decoctions. To do this, take 10 tablespoons of pharmaceutical chamomile, mint, sage and yarrow, pour boiling water over it, keeping it on the fire for about 5 minutes;
  • wear anti-cellulite underwear that burns fat deposits, breeches or shorts. The texture of their fiber creates a massage effect in problem areas, accelerating the metabolic process and improving muscle tone, making the legs more graceful and toned;
  • Spa treatments and wraps will help you get rid of extra centimeters in the thigh area. Several recipes for wrapping: in 3 tablespoons of honey, add cinnamon and orange oil 10 drops each, mix ½ honey and 2 parts milk.

Diet for losing weight in legs at home

The main goal of changing your diet is to reduce body fat and fight cellulite. To make your legs look slimmer, you need to give up snacks and processed foods. Most diets for legs include seafood, not very fatty meats, and fiber. By creating a caloric deficit, you can force your body to spend accumulated resources and your body weight will begin to shift from a point.

Sample menu for weight loss:

First menu of the day:

  • You should start the morning with 100 grams of an omelet, 200 grams of vegetable salad or meat and a slice of rye bread, you can also drink green tea with lemon;
  • For lunch you can eat a low-calorie soup, for example, rassolnik with bread;
  • The evening diet consists of steamed beef or fish. As a side dish, baked vegetables and a cup of green tea are suitable.

Since the diet is saturated with the necessary microelements, the feeling of hunger will not arise. In 10–14 days, up to 5 centimeters will disappear from the femoral area.

Second menu:

  • Breakfast – 200 grams of yoghurt, any fruit, coffee without sugar;
  • For lunch you can eat steamed fish, chicken;
  • Evening diet includes one fruit and stewed vegetables.

This type of diet must be combined with physical training. The duration of the diet is about 7 days. In a week you can lose from 5 kilograms or up to 4 centimeters in volume.

Nutrition during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is the most important period in the life of any woman, but at this time hormonal changes occur in the body, an increase in appetite, which is inevitably deposited in layers of fat not only on the hips, but throughout the body as a whole.

Since physical activity is contraindicated during this period, with the exception of light gymnastics, the main emphasis in the fight against extra pounds is on proper nutrition.

The following diet will help you lose weight in your legs during pregnancy:

  • Drink fruit and vegetable juices in the morning, before meals; carrot and lemon juices are considered the most beneficial;
  • Take honey with sour juices at night and before meals;
  • Include whole foods in your diet: fruits with peel, bran - an excellent source of not only carbohydrates and proteins, but also vitamins, microelements and mineral salts;
  • If possible, exclude meat from the diet - the source of protein, both plant and animal origin, during pregnancy should be eggs, seafood, cottage cheese, poultry, dairy products, mushrooms, bran, etc. It is recommended to eat lean meat, no more than 1-2 times a week;
  • It is necessary to minimize the use of table salt - this leads to an increase in fluid consumption. Excess fluid during pregnancy is very dangerous and can lead to swelling, both internal and external.

Exercises for losing weight in the legs and thighs

It is known that a balanced diet and a set of physical activities improve the metabolic process, burning fat. Training can be done both in the gym and at home for 30 minutes.

The most optimal ones here are considered:

  • squats;
  • jumping;
  • a ride on the bicycle.

Using progressive squats, you can make your buttocks stronger and improve their shape. The simplest version of squats is to put your hands in front of you, “press” on your heels, and lower your buttocks. Squats with a barbell/dumbbells are considered more complicated options.

The area of ​​the leg that is quite difficult to lose weight is the inner thighs. To use it, you need to perform slow squats with your knees turned out to the sides.

Jumping and running with a skipping rope - pumps up the muscles in the legs quite well. The maximum number of jumps, initially, is 60-70 times, but their number gradually increases. Running in the park or on a “path”, as well as cycling, will significantly improve the shape of your legs and give them maximum slimness along the entire length.

How to lose weight in a week - exercises for beginners?

How to lose weight in legs and thighs in a week at home? The effectiveness of the exercises depends on the fullness of the legs.

In this case, we conditionally divide the leg into:

  • buttocks;
  • hips;
  • riding breeches;
  • inner thigh;
  • caviar.

It is possible to remove fat from the buttocks only with regular exercise. They are considered to be quite effective for this purpose. squats. We place our feet shoulder-width apart, stretch our arms in front of us and squat about 50 times. Every day you should increase the number of squats. When their number is at least 300, the legs will acquire a slender shape and their back part will tighten.

It takes a lot of effort to lose weight on the inside of your legs. Effective exercises are considered to be swing your legs. They can be performed even by a woman during pregnancy. You need to stand near the wall so that you have support at hand and, leaning on it, pull up your leg. And so on at least 25 times.

If you need to tighten the inner thighs, it is better to do horizontal strokes. Lying on your side on the floor, sharply raise your leg up and then lower it smoothly down. Repeat at least 30 times. It will help to reduce the volume of the hips and tighten the thighs jump rope, which should become heavier over time to be most effective.

Breeches appear from the love of sweets. You can remove it using an exercise: placing a book or other small object in front of you, stand on one of your legs and jump over the placed object, alternating your legs. Duration 1 – 2 minutes. To lose weight in the calves, use the exercise “ reaching for the sun" Its meaning: you need to stand on your toes and, with all your strength, reach out to the sky with your hands.

A balanced diet and regular exercise can make your body more toned in a week.

How to squat correctly?

Squats help girls not only effectively and quickly lose excess weight in problematic areas, such as the buttocks, thighs and abdomen, but also improve their health. During squats, the abdominal, lower leg and thigh muscles work, and if you combine them with dumbbells, the arm muscles also work.

Today, squats are considered the most effective exercises for losing weight, so it’s worth knowing how to squat correctly.

How to squat to lose weight in your legs:

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, posture straight;
  • In a standing position, your hands are on your waist, at the end of the exercise - extended forward;
  • Push your hips back slightly and begin to squat, slowly bending your knees. at the same time, the back remains straight, the shoulders do not rise - they remain motionless;
  • The knees should not go beyond the line of the toes, the body weight should be transferred to the heels;
  • Do not finish the exercises slightly, pausing at the end for 2-3 seconds;
  • Squat as you inhale, stand up as you exhale.

For 100 squats per minute, you can burn 45-90 Kcal, and when squatting with dumbbells, this result increases 4-6 times. How many times should you squat a day to get lean and slender legs? From 20 times a day, while gradually increasing the number of repetitions.

How to lose weight in your legs in 1 day?

You can lose weight in your legs in 1 day using two methods: diet and sports. To do this, you need to “strain your body well” with physical activity and go on a strict diet. The most effective is kefir-apple.

As the name suggests, its components are sour apples and kefir (low-fat or no more than 1% fat). You can eat apples and kefir without restrictions. The result will not keep you waiting, the next day the weight will decrease by 300, 500 grams.

Losing weight in a very short period of time?

You can lose weight in your calves in a short time at home with the help of physical activities aimed at stretching:

  • In a standing position, we do lunges, stepping on the right foot with our left foot. The foot of the right leg should be pressed close to the floor. In this case, the left leg slowly bends at the knee, and the body leans forward. Bending the leg and returning it to its original position takes about 30 minutes, repeating 10 times for each leg;
  • For the exercise you will need a chair, it is important that it is stable, since you will need to climb onto it. We “step” onto the stool one by one. With this type of exercise, both the calf muscles and the inner thighs work quite actively. Repeat 20 times;
  • For the exercise you will need a small elevation; a thick book will do just fine. Its surface should be non-slip. You need to stand with your toes on a hill, while your heels should remain suspended. Then lower your heels slowly until they touch the floor. Repeat for 20 lifts. A very effective exercise, but only if performed systematically;
  • We take a stable chair and rest our palms on it, rise on our toes, and linger at the maximum point of lifting for 4-5 seconds. You should lower yourself slowly, stretching your muscles.

If you plan to lose weight only in your calves, there is no point in going on a diet; your whole body will lose weight. The right solution would be a balanced diet:

  • For breakfast, every morning, you need to eat carbohydrates, the source of which is porridge;
  • At lunch, you should saturate your body with proteins, prepare dishes from seafood, fish and meat. Prepare stewed vegetables as a side dish;
  • There is no need to refuse dinner. Eating should not be before 6 pm, but three hours before bedtime. That is, if sleep occurs at 23:00, you can have dinner only at 20:00. To avoid stress on the body, you can have vegetables or cottage cheese for dinner.

How to lose weight in your legs on an exercise bike?

The exercise bike is very popular among people who want to lose weight and maintain good physical shape. Physical exercise on an exercise bike leads to getting rid of excess body weight, as it burns a huge amount of calories. With intense training, the leg muscles are better supplied with oxygen and, as a result, quickly acquire a slender shape.

It must be remembered that weight loss is possible at a heart rate of 130 to 150 per minute. Also gradually, the pace of training should be increased, at the same speed; you should not practice constantly. Setting yourself new and new goals each time will allow you to quickly strengthen your legs and say goodbye to extra centimeters.

Training program:

  • 10 minutes warm-up - pedal in a mode that is comfortable for you;
  • increase the pace to medium, also increasing the load to medium; - 10 minutes;
  • then we accelerate as much as possible, leaving the same load - 5 minutes;
  • reduce the pace to medium - 10 minutes;
  • We finish the workout at a calm pace in easy mode - 5 minutes.

Wrap for slimming legs and thighs

How to lose weight in your legs without building muscles? There is a way, and it is actively used both in beauty salons and at home.

Wrapping will help you lose weight in your legs without pumping up your muscles:

  1. Mustard will help get rid of 4-5 centimeters. Mustard powder is mixed with hot water. This consistency is applied to problem areas for 40-50 minutes. Thanks to this wrap, you can speed up cell metabolism, increase blood flow and remove stagnant fluid.
  2. Coffee wrap. You should prepare a porridge mixture of natural coffee, hot water and use it for wrapping.
  3. Turn this procedure into relax s, you can use dark chocolate melted in a water bath. Five chocolate treatments will remove 3-4 centimeters, while the skin will acquire a delightful aroma.
  4. Blue clay wrap y. To do this, you need to prepare a mushy mixture based on blue clay and apply it to the problem area for 30-40 minutes. As a result of these procedures, minus 5 centimeters in the hips.
  5. Honey wrap- a very popular wrap. 3 tablespoons of honey, melted in a bath with essential oils. This procedure will allow you to get rid of 3-4 extra centimeters. Its effect should be enhanced with the help of cling film and warm clothing. Take a two-day break between procedures, the course lasting 10-15 days.

Women often ask what to do to lose weight on their legs and thighs. Such areas of the body are problem areas of the body that often require significant correction. How to lose weight in legs and thighs? For excellent results and a slim body, you will have to put in a lot of effort. Any trainer will tell you that women who combine proper nutrition and exercises to slim their legs and thighs can effectively lose weight.

Ways to lose weight in legs and thighs

If you strive for ideal body proportions, you will have to change not only your usual menu. Let's try to figure out how to effectively reduce the size of your legs, hips, and shins. To get what you want, you need to learn how to combine a healthy diet with physical exercise. Creating slender, beautiful legs and thighs at home or in the gym is a reality.

Through diet

How to quickly lose weight in your legs and thighs with diet? It is undesirable to injure the body by sudden weight loss, so it is recommended to plan the daily diet so that problem areas on the legs and hips gradually “melt away”. According to statistics, extra pounds are often deposited in the buttocks and legs. The diet will help get rid of unnecessary “load”.

List of prohibited products:

  • potatoes, eggs, fried meat;
  • flour;
  • smoked meats;
  • sweets;
  • alcoholic, carbonated drinks, energy drinks, tea, coffee;
  • chips, crackers, fast food, similar harmful products.

Nutritionists advise creating a daily menu, which should include various vegetables, fruits, and protein-enriched foods. (thighs, buttocks, legs) occurs through the consumption of dietary meats, fermented milk products with minimal fat content. You need to drink two liters of fluid in one day. This way the body gets rid of toxins much faster, which makes the weight loss process more active.

Advice from nutritionists:

  1. For lunch you are allowed to eat a small amount of fat.
  2. It is advisable to eat foods with carbohydrates for breakfast (they are absorbed faster, almost without being deposited in problem areas).
  3. Proteins are processed well in the evening or at night, when the body is resting.
  4. Snacks are allowed: for example, fruits, a light vegetable salad.

With exercises

In addition to diet, experts advise doing daily exercises to lose weight on your legs and thighs at home. There are many varieties of such charging. Let's get acquainted with the main set of physical activities that promote weight loss in the thighs, legs, and buttocks:

  1. We do squats.
  2. Standing on all fours, we swing our legs back up.
  3. We lie down on the floor face up and do a “bicycle”.
  4. Lying on your side, bend one arm. Raise/lower your leg up. We turn over and repeat the exercise.
  5. We perform the “scissors” exercise.

Why don't your legs and thighs lose weight?

It is impossible to lose weight in your legs and thighs in a week. This will take more time. Often the main obstacle is an incorrectly chosen diet and physical activity. The body gradually gets rid of ballast in the form of fat, so it will take at least several weeks to lose weight on your thighs and legs. When the diet is not chosen correctly, body changes occur in two scenarios: either sudden weight loss with obvious stretch marks on the skin, or very slow weight loss.

For a successful, “healthy” fight against excess weight on the thighs, you need to radically change your daily diet: remove everything harmful from the refrigerator, eat in small portions, and consume foods rich in vitamins. In addition to this, it is worth choosing the right system of physical individual exercises that will make your legs perfect.

Video: how to quickly lose weight in your legs and thighs

What to do to make your legs and thighs lose weight dramatically - women and girls are interested. You will have to make efforts for a long-lasting weight loss effect. The videos below contain information on how to effectively fight excess fat. Reducing the volume of the legs and buttocks is possible by maintaining physical fitness using exercise machines in the gym or sets of special exercises.

On the simulators

Set of exercises

Nowadays, not all women are satisfied with the size of their figure. Most people dream about a thin waist and think about how to lose weight in their hips and buttocks quickly. To bring their dream closer, women are ready to do a lot - spend a lot of time in the gym, torment themselves with starvation diets, and the like. But after some time, laziness sets in, the desire to eat something forbidden and tasty sets in, and all the sacrifices are in vain. And physical exercises become boring over time, they are done less and less often, and then they stop completely. We, of course, begin to scold ourselves for our lack of determination, complete lack of will, and weakness of character. The consequence of this is depression, which they usually simply try to eat with something tasty - cakes or chocolate. So how to lose weight in your thighs and buttocks in a week?

But don’t be discouraged, everything can be fixed. There is another way to solve this problem; you can achieve the desired result without torturing yourself with hunger and physical activity.

Someday, any woman begins to think about whether morning exercises are effective or not. Many people perceive the need to exercise in the morning as stress, especially those who go to bed in the morning and, naturally, get up with great difficulty. In such cases, professional nutritionists advise postponing exercise sessions to another time that is more convenient for you. Exercises can be done after lunch or in the evening. To keep your figure in good shape, it is enough to do a simple set of exercises, and its implementation will be much more effective in the second part of the day.

The first thing you should do after waking up is drink water. Just one glass is enough to energize your body. Then throughout the day it is recommended to drink water every 2-3 hours. This will give your body the opportunity to rid itself of toxins, improve the functioning of the digestive tract and remove excess water. You will be very surprised when, after a fairly short time, you notice the result. You will see that deposits will begin to disappear from problem areas of your body. When having breakfast, do not eat sandwiches, because their composition is mainly carbohydrates and cholesterol, and they negatively affect your body shape. It is much healthier to have breakfast with muesli or porridge, as well as a glass of orange juice. Instead of juice, it is good to drink green tea. This breakfast is not only healthy, it will give you energy and improve your digestion. The whole day after this you will feel just great.

If you often wear high-heeled shoes, you should definitely take into account that such shoes cause some harm to women's health. First of all, blood circulation in the legs is impaired, and in addition, due to wearing high heels, cellulite occurs. It is best to use removable shoes. When you need to go up the stairs, do not use the elevator, rather walk.

Always remember the benefits of a contrast shower. In this case, it is preferable to use massage washcloths. Massage your buttocks and thighs with them until the skin turns a little red. For a stronger effect, use various anti-cellulite lotions and creams. If you perform these procedures regularly, you will soon be able to see the orange peel disappear.

Do you want to know how to lose weight in your legs in a week? If you don't like extra wrinkles on your thighs, use an anti-cellulite day cream. Apply the cream to your stomach, buttocks and thighs and do a few easy exercises. Repeat each exercise 10-12 times, and over time you need to increase the load. All exercises should take 15-20 minutes.

Exercise No. 1.

You need to kneel down, keep your hands on your belt. The back should be straight. Slowly lower your pelvis to the floor, then lift it up. First do it one way, then the other. In this case, the legs from the knees to the toes should not come off the floor under any circumstances. Keep your posture straight.

Exercise No. 2.

Lie down on your side. Bend your leg at the bottom at the knee, the upper leg should be straight. Raise it up from the floor 50-60 degrees, then lower it. When raising your leg, inhale, when lowering, exhale.

These two exercises are great for strengthening your outer thigh muscles and helping you lose weight in your thighs and buttocks. To strengthen the inner thigh muscles, you need to do the following exercises.

Exercise No. 3.

Lunge forward with one leg. With a bent leg, the knee is located above the toe, and the feet are parallel to each other. Place your palms on the knee of this leg. Do some spring squats. Then switch legs and do those movements.

The exercises below will strengthen your gluteal muscles.

Exercise No. 4.

Get on your knees and place your elbows at the width of your shoulders, but you should not bend your lower back, you should keep your back straight. Straighten one leg, while keeping it parallel to the floor. Swing your straight leg up, and when lowering it down, bend it at the knee again. When swinging, inhale, when lowering the leg, exhale.

Exercise No. 5.

Lie down on your back. Legs bent at the knees, placed shoulder-width apart. In this case, the arms lie along the body. Inhale and lift your pelvis, and lower it as you exhale. The head is pressed to the floor.

If you do all these simple exercises regularly, they will certainly make you slimmer. Your figure will be graceful and attractive. If, in addition to this, you engage in a diet, it will speed up and improve your achievement of positive results. Now you know how to lose weight in your legs in a week. And from now on, you will always be satisfied with yourself and be in a good mood.

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