Unified State Examination Russian language. Bank of arguments

We are preparing arguments for the final essay 2018.

A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”

In the novel “Eugene Onegin,” Pushkin raises the problem of revenge and generosity using the example of the actions of the main character. Evgeny Onegin decided to take revenge on his friend Lensky, who persuaded him to come to the ball in honor of Tatyana’s birth. Onegin did not like the gatherings of his village neighbors and gave in to his friend’s persuasion only because Lensky assured that there would be only his own. Onegin decided to take revenge on his comrade through the frivolous Olga. Lensky, in love, was furious when he saw his bride dancing with Onegin. He challenged a recent friend to a duel. Here Onegin could have shown generosity: talked to Lensky, explained the reason for his behavior, but the fear of being the subject of ridicule did not allow him to do this. Onegin accepted the challenge and killed his friend.

A.S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky”

In the work “Dubrovsky” A.S. Pushkin thinks about the problem of revenge and generosity using the example of two families: the Troyekurovs and the Dubrovskys. The conflict between the fathers began because of a stupid joke by one of Troekurov’s hounds and ended with Dubrovsky’s estate being taken away in retaliation for his pride. Dubrovsky's son decided to take revenge on his rich neighbor after his father's death. Having lost his home, Vladimir, together with his people, becomes a robber and robber. Only love for Masha Troekurova made him give up revenge. He generously disappears from his native place, leaving everything as it is.

M.Yu. Lermontov “Song about the merchant Kalashnikov”

In “Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov,” M.Yu. Lermontov spoke about the cruel morals of the times of Ivan the Terrible, when the power of the Tsar’s guardsmen was limitless, so the outrages of the Tsar’s servants were common. The merchant Kalashnikov in Lermontov's work decided to take revenge on Kiribeevich for the insult inflicted on his wife. This revenge is justified, since it is closely related to the manifestation of generosity, which is based on the desire to protect one’s family from shame and reproach. Only the tsar does not show the same generosity, and Kalashnikov’s execution becomes revenge for the merchant’s victory in a fair battle with the guardsman Kiribeevich. The people consider Kalashnikov their hero.

N.V. Gogol “Terrible Revenge”

Gogol's story deals with the nature of human revenge - the plot of the entire work is connected with this phenomenon. The sorcerer - the last descendant of Peter, who killed his brother and nephew, was born terribly ugly, it always seemed to him that they were laughing at him, in revenge he killed people, and he has many atrocities on his conscience. Peter killed two people, and his descendant killed countless others. Evil grows and multiplies. Peter himself suffers underground, grows along with the evil that his descendant does, and experiences terrible suffering. Ivan, who took such terrible revenge on his brother, also suffers, as he is forced to observe the consequences of his punishment. But it all started with the envy of brother towards brother: if Petro had not killed Ivan, nothing would have happened. Everyone would live and enjoy life, the sorcerer would be born a normal person and would not call the dead from their graves, causing them terrible suffering. But there was no generosity in the souls of the brothers, which alone is capable of forgiving others and rejoicing in their happiness and success.

V.A. Zakrutkin “Mother of Man”

The story “Mother of Man” by V.A. Zakrutkin can be called a hymn to the generosity of a Russian woman. This work tells the story of a woman from whom the war took away her most precious thing - her beloved people: her husband and son. The atrocities of the fascists are so inhumane that Maria, seeing the German, grabbed a pitchfork and was ready to kill the enemy in order to avenge all the evil that the fascists inflicted on her. But the word “Mom” stopped her. The generosity of this woman is so boundless that she finds the strength to treat this warrior like a mother.

The essay requirements for the Unified State Exam have changed several times in recent years, but one thing has remained unchanged - the need to prove the correctness of your judgments. And for this you need to choose the right arguments.

The problem of repentance will interest us first of all. In this article we will present several options for arguments selected from the school reading list. From it you can choose those that are best suited for your work.

What are arguments for?

When writing an essay for part C, you need to express your opinion regarding the given topic. But your thesis needs evidence. That is, it is necessary not only to express your position, but also to confirm it.

Very often the problem of repentance comes up in exams; it is quite easy to find arguments for it if the student is well acquainted with the school literature curriculum. However, not everyone manages to immediately remember the desired work, so it is better to select several arguments in advance on the most common topics.

What are the arguments?

In order to fully reveal the problem of repentance, arguments must be selected based on the basic requirements of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. According to them, all evidence is divided into three types:

  • Personal experience, that is, facts taken from your life. They do not have to be reliable, since no one will check whether this actually happened.
  • Information that the student received from the school curriculum. For example, from geography, history, etc. lessons.
  • Literary arguments that will interest us in the first place. This is the reading experience that the examinee must acquire during training.

Arguments from literature

So, we are interested in the problem of repentance. Arguments from literature will be necessary if you want to get a high score for your essay. At the same time, when selecting arguments, you need to give priority attention to those works that are included in the school curriculum or are considered classics. You should not take texts from little-known authors or popular literature (fantasy, detective stories, etc.), as they may be unfamiliar to the inspectors. Therefore, you need to refresh your memory in advance of the main works that were studied during your school years. Usually in one novel or story you can find examples on almost all topics found in the Unified State Exam. The best option would be to immediately select several works that are familiar to you. So, let's look at the classics that raise the issue of repentance.

"The Captain's Daughter" (Pushkin)

The problem of repentance is very common in Russian literature. Therefore, it is quite easy to select arguments. Let's start with our most famous writer A.S. Pushkin and his novel “The Captain's Daughter”.

At the center of the work is the love of the protagonist Peter Grinev. This feeling is broad and comprehensive, like life. What interests us about this feeling is that it was thanks to him that the hero realized the evil that he had caused to his loved ones, realized his mistakes and was able to repent. Thanks to the fact that Grinev reconsidered his views on life and attitude towards others, he was able to change the future for himself and his beloved.

Thanks to repentance, his best qualities appeared in Peter - generosity, honesty, selflessness, courage, etc. We can say that it changed him and made him a different person.

"Sotnik" (Bykov)

Now let's talk about Bykov's work, which presents a completely different side of the problem of repentance. Arguments from the literature can be different, and you need to choose them depending on your statement, so it’s worth stocking up on a variety of examples.

Thus, the theme of repentance in “The Sotnik” is not at all similar to Pushkin’s. First of all, because the characters themselves are different. Partisan Rybak is captured and in order to survive, he needs to hand over a comrade to the Germans. And he commits this act. But years pass, and the thought of betrayal does not leave him. Repentance overtakes him too late, this feeling can no longer correct anything. Moreover, it does not allow the Fisherman to live in peace.

In this work, repentance did not become an opportunity for the hero to get out of the vicious circle and get rid of suffering. Bykov did not consider Rybak worthy of forgiveness. On the other hand, a person must answer for such crimes throughout his life, since he betrayed not only his friend, but also himself and his loved ones.

“Dark Alleys” (Bunin)

The problem of repentance may appear in a different light. Arguments for an essay on the Unified State Exam should be varied, so let’s take Bunin’s story “Dark Alleys” as an example. In this work, the hero did not have enough strength to admit his mistakes and repent, but retribution overtook him. Once in his youth, Nikolai seduced and abandoned a girl who sincerely loved him. Time passed, but she could not forget her first love, so she refused the advances of other men and preferred solitude. But Nikolai did not find happiness either. Life severely punished him for his crime. The hero's wife constantly cheats on him, and his son has become a real scoundrel. However, all this does not lead him to thoughts of repentance. Here repentance appears before the reader as an act that requires incredible spiritual effort and courage, which not everyone can find within themselves. It is for indecision and lack of will that Nikolai pays.

As an argument, the example from “Dark Alleys” is suitable only for those who in their thesis addressed the problem of retribution and retribution for those who did not repent of their atrocities. Only then will mentioning this work be appropriate.

"Boris Godunov" (Pushkin)

Now let's talk about the problem of delayed repentance. The arguments for this topic will be slightly different, since we will only be interested in one aspect of repentance. So, this problem is perfectly revealed in Pushkin’s tragedy “Boris Godunov”. This example is not only literary, but also partly historical, since the writer turns to the description of epoch-making events that took place in our country.

In "Boris Godunov" the problem of late repentance is very clearly presented. Arguments for written work on this topic must be selected taking into account Pushkin’s tragedy. In the center of the work is the story of Godunov, who ascended the royal throne. However, he had to pay a terrible price for power - to kill the baby, the real heir, Tsarevich Dmitry. Several years have passed, and now the time has come to repent. The hero is no longer able to correct what he has done; he can only suffer and suffer. His conscience haunts him; Godunov begins to see bloody boys everywhere. Those close to the king understand that he is weakening and going crazy. The boyars decide to overthrow the illegal ruler and kill him. Thus, Godunov dies for the same reason as Dmitry. This is the hero’s retribution for a bloody crime, repentance for which overtook him only after several years.

The problem of human repentance. Arguments from Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”

The theme of repentance became the basis for another great work, which gained considerable popularity and love among readers.

The main character commits a crime to prove his inhuman theory about inferior and superior people. Raskolnikov commits murder and begins to suffer, but tries in every possible way to drown out the voice of his conscience. He doesn't want to admit he's wrong. Repentance becomes a turning point in the life and fate of Raskolnikov. It opens the way for him to faith and true values, makes him reconsider his views and realize what is truly precious in this world.

Throughout the entire novel, Dostoevsky led his hero precisely to repentance and recognition of his guilt. This feeling made Raskolnikov's best character traits emerge and made him much more attractive. Although the hero still suffered punishment for his crime, and it turned out to be very severe.

The problem of repentance: arguments from life

Now let's talk about another type of argument. It is very easy to find such examples. Even if nothing like this has ever happened in your life, you can come up with it. However, such arguments are rated lower than literary ones. So, for a good book example you will get 2 points, but for a real example - only one.

Arguments based on personal experience are based on observations of one’s life, the lives of parents, relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Must be remembered

There are several general requirements for any essay, including those that reveal the problem of guilt and remorse. Arguments must necessarily confirm the thesis you have expressed and in no case contradict it. The following points must also be taken into account:

  • Reviewers take into account and evaluate only the first two arguments, so there is no point in giving more examples. It is better to pay attention not to quantity, but to quality.
  • Remember that literary arguments are scored higher, so try to include at least one such example.
  • Do not forget about examples taken from folklore or folk tales. Similar arguments are also taken into account, but are assessed with only one point.
  • Remember that all arguments are worth 3 points. Therefore, it is best to follow the following scheme: one example from folklore or personal experience, the second from literature.

Now a few words about how to correctly write a literary argument:

  • Be sure to include the author's last name and initials and the full title of the work.
  • It is not enough to name the writer and the title; you need to describe the main characters, their words, actions, thoughts, but only those that are related to the topic of the essay and your thesis.
  • The approximate amount of text per argument is one or two sentences. But these numbers ultimately depend on the specific topic.
  • Start giving examples only after you have expressed your position.

Summing up

Thus, the problem of repentance is widely represented in literature. Therefore, choosing arguments for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language will not be difficult. The main thing is that all your examples confirm the thesis and look concise and harmonious. Often, the main problem of examinees is not the choice of work, but its description. Expressing an idea in a few sentences is not always easy. In order to avoid such a problem, you need to practice in advance. Take a sheet of paper and try to concisely and clearly describe your opinions, without going beyond the stated volumes.

The main thing is not to lose confidence and prepare as best as possible, then it will not be difficult to get it.

The author reminds us that in a fit of passion, when emotions are overwhelming, the only thing you want to do is take revenge on the offender. Make him feel the same way so that he realizes his mistake. But V.A. Soloukhin believes that there is no need to take revenge on a person who has offended someone. Artificially inciting an already forgotten grievance can deprive a person of joy and become a heavy burden. I agree with the author, but not on everything. Grievances come in different sizes. You can close your eyes to something insignificant. But it also happens that a very strong resentment does not give peace and nothing can pacify it except revenge.

Suffice it to recall the work of M.Yu. Lermontov "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov." Alena Dmitrievna's husband took revenge on Kiribeevich for disgracing his wife.

Thus, he also defended the honor of his family. Although this whole story ended in tears, revenge was necessary. My position can be confirmed by N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”. The father took revenge on his son by killing him for betraying not only his Motherland, but also his family.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that revenge, of course, is not a positive way to solve a problem, but sometimes it is difficult to do without it.

Effective preparation for the Unified State Exam (all subjects) -


What a wonderful childhood memory there can be! How much has already been written about this by the classics of Russian literature! But it’s a strange thing: each new generation of writers again turns to the memories of childhood and finds in them only their innermost... “Happy, happy time of childhood...” These words of L. Tolstoy can also be attributed to these memories

A person lives for himself only in childhood. Only in childhood is he happy with his happiness and full, having filled his own tummy. Only in childhood is he infinitely sincere and infinitely free. Only in childhood everyone is brilliant and everyone is beautiful, everyone is natural, like nature, and, like nature, devoid of anxiety. Everything is only in childhood, and that’s why we are so drawn to it when we grow old, even if it was tough, like a soldier’s overcoat.


A sensational statement was made by the famous Russian businessman and one of the richest people on the planet, Vladimir Potanin. The head of the Interros holding decided that after his death, his entire fortune, estimated at billions of dollars, would be donated to charitable purposes, mainly to support educational projects.


The book by the English writer E. Porter “Pollyanna” prompted me to think like this. The heroine's father taught her to find the positive sides in everything. He showed her that even in an unpleasant situation, you can find a reason for joy. For example, when a poor girl was given crutches by a charitable society instead of a doll, she was consoled by the fact that she did not need these crutches. Since then, Pollyanna has been involved in an exciting game: she began to look for joy in all life’s trials, even those when “there seems to be nothing to be happy about.”


It is my deep conviction that writers should always be at the top of their game and should remain dedicated to their work until the end of their lives. Overcoming unbearable pain, N. A. Nekrasov and M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin did not let go of the pen from their ossified hands. Everything that the poet lived with sounded with amazing power in his dying poems. In the poem “Sowers” ​​Nekrasov calls: Sow the reasonable, the good, the eternal! Sow!

The writer's sincerity is his only pass into the reader's soul.

It seems to me that the Writer is the Creator.

He creates a world that did not exist before, and populates it with people born not of a woman, but of himself. He controls events in this world he created, he knits stories from events, he makes the sun shine when he wants it, and sends rain and bad weather of his own free will. He has enormous, divine power in the worlds he has woven from his own insomnia, and that means he must be fair, like the highest judge. And justice is the victory of good.


Loneliness is a terrible punishment for a person at any age, especially when the “autumn of life” begins. In this regard, I recalled lines full of bitterness from the famous story by K. Paustovsky “Telegram” Through the mouth of Katerina Ivanovna, the author says: “God forbid you live to such a lonely old age!”

For 15 years, Rabizon Crusoe lived alone on a desert island. Why hasn't he forgotten how to speak? Why did he survive? Defeated loneliness?! Crusoe was helped by communication.

In the story “Gooseberry,” Chekhov writes that behind the door of every happy person there should be a man with a hammer and with his knocking, remind of those who are unhappy, destitute, and in need of help. It seems to me that the writer himself was such a “man with a hammer.” True, he did not stand behind the door, but he himself took care of those in need, trying to remake and change the lives of each of us for the better.

No matter how the world around us changes, no matter what cataclysms shake our society, there will always be people whom Dahl called the righteous. This is Matryona from the story “Matryona’s Dvor”.

Respected by all, Halima Akhmatovna, over the years of work in the juvenile affairs inspectorate, has helped many teenagers find their place in life. Where with a kind word and a gentle look, where with sternness and her impeccable behavior, she instilled hope in them, made them believe in their strength. Such people, with their being, hold at the proper height a certain spiritual bar, towards which we all strive and strive.

Language culture

I believe that everything must be done to preserve the immortal gift of nature. Firstly, the Government of the Russian Federation must ensure that speaking Russian competently becomes prestigious and profitable. Secondly, introduce censorship on domestic television so that it stops broadcasting incivility. Thirdly, veto publications that destroy the great Russian language. Fourthly, in the family, in kindergarten and at school, cultivate attention and respect for the word.

Words by K. D. Ushinsky: Language is the most living, most abundant and lasting connection that connects the obsolete, living and future generations of the people into one great, historical living whole.

In conclusion, I turn to my peers: “Speak Russian, please!”


Leonardo do Vinci said that a good painter must paint two main things: a person and representations of his soul. I think both masters coped with this task brilliantly, putting all their experience and all their wisdom into the portraits “Syntactical Madonna” and “La Gioconda”. In these masterpieces, it is not the handwriting or the stroke of the brush that speaks, but the hearts of great artists. They are immortal, just like literary heroes are immortal: radiant Beatrice, radiant Juliet and luminous Tatyana Larina...


It is gratifying that in the history of Russia there are people who are remembered not for the wealth they acquired, but for the wealth they spent. This is Savva Mamontov, Tretyakov, Shchukin. They did not live according to the principle of “who will outdo whom,” they were not bursting with complacency. They invested all their fortune in art. “My idea... is to make money so that what is acquired from society would also be returned to society (the people) in some useful institutions...” wrote P. Tretyakov. Isn’t this an example worthy of imitation for those who live “for show”, for rulers who are “pompous of themselves”?!

One of the leading themes in O. de Balzac’s story “Gobsek” is the power of money over people. Having millions, without a family or children, Gobsek leads an ascetic lifestyle. The old moneylender needs money not as a means of acquisition, but as a way to exercise power over others


The host of the TV show “Let Them Talk”, A. Malakhov, pays a lot of attention to the problem of parents’ responsibility for their children. So, in one of the programs he voiced the story of the tragic death of a two-year-old baby. The girl froze to death due to the fault of her parents, who were drunkards; for the same reason, another family’s son hanged himself. Is it possible to call them parents after this?!

The problem of responsibility is also reflected in Russian literature: in A. Platonov’s story “Doubting Makar”, in M. Bulgakov’s stories “Heart of a Dog” and “Fatal Eggs”. A sense of responsibility for the monster created as a result of an operation on a stray dog ​​forces Professor Preobrazhensky to do everything to return Sharik to his previous state.

A very responsible person, the real owner of the forest, was the elder Minnikhanov, the father of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. To commemorate his services, a monument was erected to him (the only one in Russia!) and a song was composed.

“You are always responsible for everyone...” - reminds us from the distant past and A. de Sainte-Exupery in the story - fairy tale “The Little Prince”. Don't forget this truth!


A person’s first and last name has always aroused genuine interest among writers and journalists. This is evidenced by the telling names of Fonvizin, Griboyedov, the story “The Overcoat” by Gogol, the wonderful books by the author of this fragment “A Word about Words”, “You and Your Name”. The heroine Astafieva (Agafya), having named her baby Agafya, believes that the old name preserves the memory of her grandmother, whom the whole district bowed at her feet for her intelligence and kindness. And in the story “Mr. from San Francisco” by Bunin, neither the name nor the surname of the main character is mentioned, his inner world is not depicted. According to Bunin, someone who does not have an inner world cannot exist in the external, real world. Why does he need a first and last name then?


Saving trolleybus passengers from icy water, Shavarsh Karipetyan risked his life. But the famous athlete was not thinking about personal well-being; for him, what was more important was not “130 medals won, but 20 lives saved.” Bocharov’s article in Ogonyok magazine is about this. Sergei, the hero of V. Titov’s story “In Spite of All Deaths,” also risked his life to save his fellow workers... I believe that the selfless act of both Shavarsh and Sergei is the norm of behavior of people with a high sense of patriotism, based on love for their loved ones, for to your home, to your country, this is a feat.

Letter, alphabet

Journalists Kaznacheev, Kostomarov, and translator N. Gal also reflect on the problem of the future of writing in their journalistic articles. If the former is concerned that in the near future it would be necessary to state a fait accompli with the words of Tatyana Beck: “Goodbye, alphabet,” then the latter share the position of the author of this text.


Yes, today time pressure is becoming universal. Journalistic articles by K. Paustovsky, V. Soloukhin, Zharikov and Kruzhelnitsky, in many media, give advice on how to save time. It seems to me that they all boil down to one thing - only rational use of time will allow a person to become the “master” of his day.

Little One, F. Abramov’s favorite heroine, is just one of those rare people who have learned to overcome time. It can travel from one era to another...

Chekhov’s entire play “The Cherry Orchard” is filled with an understanding of the inexorably passing time, starting with Lopakhin’s first words “what time is it?”


“You can talk endlessly about mothers!” wrote M. Gorky, who lost his parental affection early.

Katerina Ivanovna, the heroine of Paustovsky’s story “Telegram,” experienced a difficult emotional drama. She was still waiting for Nastya, her little blood. She was afraid that she would die without caressing her, without stroking her brown hair of “charming beauty.” She did not wait for her daughter. Only a dull tear rolling down from under her closed eyelids testified to her inconsolable grief. Will Nastya be able to live with a clear conscience after this? Don't know. Probably not. After all, it was she who had to sit at her mother’s bedside, she had to accompany her on her last journey!


Recently I read the sketches of the honored doctor Airapetov “Health, emotions, beauty”, where there is an interesting fact. A certain Kachalkin slept for 22 years without waking up. The famous smart Pavlov, when the city became quiet, approached the patient and whispered: “Get up!” So what do you think? Kachalkin is up! It turns out that he could not withstand strong stimuli; any noise caused the activity of inhibitory structures. Pavlov solved this mystery.

Historical memory

He who has no memory has no life (V. Rasputin). In recent years, Kazan has also changed its appearance, turning into a modern metropolis. But will the monuments of the past be preserved in the city? Unfortunately, the facts show that this is not always the case. A striking example of careful attitude to architecture of the early 20th century. Is the city of Troitsk. In the city center there is a perfect juxtaposition of old one-story merchant houses and modern high-rise buildings where offices and supermarkets are located.

A wonderful monument to long-suffering, persistent women who endured all the hardships of war is F. Abramov’s novel “Brothers and Sisters.” V. Zakrutkin’s wonderful story “Mother of Man” sounds like a hymn to maternal love that conquered death. Having lost all the farmers, including those closest to her, her husband and son, Maria was left alone on the “incinerated, mangled, war-torn land.” Nothing: neither death, nor fire, nor wounds could stop life on this earth. The heroine not only survived herself, but also took under her protection the children under the siege, whom she found in a distant field, and moreover, she gave life to a new little person - her son. Only in the finale, when a ray of hope appeared that the children and animals were in good hands, did Maria allow herself to relax...


It is this that becomes one of the reasons for the dissolution of marriages, moreover, terrible tragedies that are often shown in the television programs “Let Them Talk” and “Federal Judge.” Several years ago, shocking news spread throughout the village: our neighbor, accusing his wife of

treason, stabbed her eleven times and hid her corpse in the basement for three days. Our family also suffers from this “constantly gnawing suspicion.” The father, an honest and hardworking man, an excellent carpenter, begins to get nervous if the mother is a little late at work. He will never learn to “control himself,” although he knows very well that his mother is faithful to him.

We are convinced that jealousy is one of the human vices that destroys life when we read A.S. Pushkin’s poem “The Gypsies.” Jealous and angry, Aleko, in a fit of anger, stabs a knife first into his opponent, then into Zemfira...


About the inhumanity of war and the story of Leo Tolstoy “Sevastopol in May (55)”, in which there is an amazing scene. A truce has been declared. Soldiers of the warring sides strive for each other. Meanwhile, a 10-year-old child, seeing a headless corpse, runs in horror...Can’t the soldiers hug like brothers? No, innocent blood is being shed again. As we can see, both Tolstoy and ____ paint the war as madness that makes one doubt the intelligence of people.


The problem of attitude towards one's native land attracted the attention of V. Belov. The author writes about his childhood, about life in his home, where everything is familiar and familiar, where “the trail wagged its tail,” along which he walked many, many times, where the birch trees whisper in a special way, where the warmth of the earth is felt everywhere. Every word of the author is imbued with love, but pain is also felt in them, because flowering villages are replaced by multi-story boxes, and the whisper of grass drowns out the roar of a jet plane. The problem is that accepting these metamorphoses is so difficult! So he asks

Today people have a consumer attitude towards the environment. As a result, valuable tree species, rare breeds of birds and animals, including Ussuri tigers, disappear from the face of the earth, the air is polluted, lakes and rivers dry up. Seeing how enormous damage was being done to the Earth, writers could not remain indifferent. The relationship between man and nature became the object of reflection by S. Zalygin, V. Rasputin, V. Astafiev, V. Belov. M. Alekseev, laureate of the State Prize, also became a writer and defender of nature.


Famous literary heroes teach you to live according to conscience. This is Pyotr Grinev, sacredly fulfilling his father’s behest. This is Andrei Bolkonsky, walking a kind of path of honor. Honor is also a sacred concept for the heroes of M. Bulgakov’s novel “The White Guard”. No matter how difficult it may be, they do not give up their moral positions, although they pay a high price for the opportunity to remain noble people in a world that has gone crazy.

Kazan resident Asgat Galimzyanov, who all his life transferred and continues to transfer most of his family’s income to orphanages, for which during his lifetime a monument was erected to him on one of the streets of the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. I believe that it is on such people that the world rests, because for them the concept of honor is the main quality of the human soul.

Knowledge, limitation

A person, expanding the circle of his knowledge, thereby increases the world of the unknown. No wonder the great Socrates said: “Now I know that I know nothing, and many do not know it!”

Betrayal, friendship

It seems to me that an excellent confirmation of the contradictory nature of human actions is V. Bykov’s story “Sotnikov” Sotnikov and Rybak are sent on an important mission. Despite the obvious danger, Rybak does not abandon his partner and helps him walk. And once captured, he begins to think only about surviving. Rybak preferred life to a worthy death at the cost of betrayal.

Let friendship, one of the most important values ​​in a person’s life, not end in betrayal!


Talent is like a weapon, say, like an ax or a knife, or you can create, build a house, carve beautiful products or kill. Let's take Shakespeare for example. He was not afraid to depict the dark sides of human nature, but at the same time he never mixed up good and evil; reading his works always leaves bright feelings, the belief that good always triumphs over evil. He never mistakes the highest for the lowest. And in general, real talent will never sing evil.

We haven't run out of talent either. Elina, a first-year student at KSMU, won the Republican Olympiad in Chemistry “The Future of Medicine.” Since 2008, she has received a special award from the Russian Standard Charitable Foundation. She also won an award from Tatfontbank as part of the republican campaign “100 Talented Village Children.”

Believe in yourself

We recently listened to a tape with a speech by the famous businessman Prishchepa. When his wife, who was caring for her child, announced her desire to go to Hungary for a business seminar, a major scandal broke out in the family... She came from Hungary transformed. The wife's first success inspired her skeptic husband and instilled in him self-confidence. Having conquered fear and gone through fire, the Prishchepa couple today have achieved the diamond level and are sharing their work experience. Elena, who once couldn’t make a toast at the table, has turned into a business lady.

Life tests

HIV-infected Svetlana Izambayeva, having learned about her illness, did not whine or throw hysterics. The courageous girl tried to set herself up for recovery and a full life! Today, as the leader of the “Mood” group, Svetlana provides assistance to women who find themselves in difficult situations from which it is difficult to get out on their own.

Recently, my brother, the person closest to me, became seriously ill. The disease turned him into a completely different person. He learned to love himself! The disease taught him to live, rest, and not run headlong past life. She reminded him of the existence of a rich world of shades, color, taste, relationships, nature and feelings. She taught me to enjoy life here and now. The disease turned him to face itself. He understood a simple truth: how can you have compassion for another without learning to have compassion for yourself?


An example of the highest polemical skill is the correspondence between Tsar Grozny and Prince Kurbsky. There was a 40-year dispute between Bohr and Einstein.

My mother is a wise person. She personally came up with the rule of three “y”s: convince, give in, leave. In any controversial case, try to convince your opponent that you are right. If you can’t convince, give in, what if he’s right. If you don’t want to give in, leave, further communication with him will not bring pleasure.


Many writers “survived” in society only thanks to their books and became great personalities. For example, I. Bunin, M. Gorky. The latter, based on his own life, wrote: “Love a book, it will make your life easier, teach you to respect people and yourself, it inspires your mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for man.” There are still people who love to read today. For example, our school graduate Azat loved books since childhood and devoted a lot of time to them. The result of such activity did not take long to wait: he entered Kazan State University and continues to study well. I try to follow his example and read books in my free time, especially entertaining ones.

Revenge, forgiveness

Insulted human dignity and cruelty can cause a response - revenge. What is revenge? This is the deliberate infliction of evil in order to repay an insult or insult. But not everything is so simple, because revenge is the most complex and contradictory phenomenon in the life of society.

However, it is worth noting that the problem of revenge is not only associated with military events, and exists not only in the world of adults. Revenge or non-revenge is a choice that each of us may face. In this regard, I remember Soloukhin’s story “The Avenger”. In the soul of the hero-narrator there is a struggle between the desire for revenge and the reluctance to beat a trusting friend. As a result, he manages to break the vicious circle, and his soul becomes easy.

So, take revenge or refuse revenge. I think that a defeated, resigned enemy should be forgiven, remembering that “to dry one tear is more valor than to shed a whole sea of ​​blood.”

The weak never forgive. Forgiveness is the property of the strong (M. Gandhi, Indian politician)

Writer. Writer's happiness

No two human worlds are absolutely identical. Each person experiences love, hatred, envy in his own way and interprets these concepts differently. The same story applies to the concept of happiness. Yes, writers, sharing their life experiences, sufferings and hopes, teach readers to live, warn against mistakes, instill hope in them... Isn’t this the happiness of a writer?! I think so. And we, readers, by assimilating grains of a happy soul, receive energy to fight for our own happiness. A. Green, dying of hunger, writes the extravaganza “Scarlet Sails,” which still affirms devotion to a dream and a person’s ability to create miracles with his own hands. The talented actor P. Luspekayev, using two prosthetics, creates the most charming image of the merry fellow Vereshchagin, dashingly overcoming all the obstacles in his path. These are examples of how dedication to life makes people happy despite all the challenges.


The computer is one of the most significant achievements of human thought. Its influence on the development of scientific and technological progress is difficult to assess. Computers are indispensable in banking, education, and law enforcement. And these are not all areas of application of computers. There are many sites in the World Book; anyone can post their information in it. But I think any information should take into account the mentality, the nationally determined system of values. Perhaps, on the website of political figures, the author saw a famous person in an uncomfortable position? Or a popular artist performing in a sauna? Or a brutal crime? The question remains open. But I am sure that the Internet helps to understand the world. I myself often use it for educational purposes: when preparing for the Unified State Exam, when conducting research work.

Will virtual life become the future social norm? I think no, it won't. The fact is that Russian people treat everything new with suspicion and wariness. That's how it was when photography appeared. They thought that photography would replace painting. One of the heroes of the feature film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” speaks from the 60s of the last century about the future, in which there will be one continuous television. As we see, the forecasts did not come true. Photographs and paintings, television and books exist in parallel. I think only a few will live in several virtual worlds. I am sure that the majority, using Internet resources wisely, will not leave the real world for the sake of the ghostly world.

A television

I am sure that television will never supplant the book, just as photography did not supplant the creations of great artists in its time. They will exist in parallel, mutually complementing each other.

The role of books in personality development is unique. I love watching the intellectual show "Wise Men and Wits." The presenter Vyazemsky and the participants of the game evoke involuntary admiration from me. How much literature needs to be “shoveled” in order to quickly and accurately answer the questions posed! But the winner enters MGIMO without exams! “We owe everything good.. to books” and the participants of the game “What? Where? When?" - the spiritual elite of the country. This is my answer to those frivolous people who consider it unnecessary to read a book when you can watch a film adaptation.

The science

And among us there are people who have devoted their lives to research and study in various fields of science. For example, our fellow countryman Nizamov Gimai collects archival materials about the history of the villages of Kukmor, their citizens, studies the life and traditions of the people who lived in this area. His work inspires my respect and admiration. And at school there is an astronomy club, where students can use a telescope to observe the stars, look at the moon, and study the trajectory of satellites. In a word, if desired, the conditions have been created to begin your “small” research.


I think that any thinking person has at least once thought about who should be considered a truly intelligent person. If you turn to the dictionary, you can read that an intellectual is a person who has a higher or secondary specialized education and works in the field of mental labor. However, D.S. Likhachev fundamentally disagrees with this definition. He believes that a truly intelligent person can be called a person who subtly feels another and behaves in such a way that everyone around him feels comfortable.

Whatever the situation I find myself in, I will try to behave intelligently! Intelligently in Likhachev’s understanding: without showing rudeness, gloating, or envy, appreciating the other person’s true worth. This is what the text teaches.


The Stepanov Family Museum building was specially built. In front of him is a square. In the Eternal Flame Square, next to the bust of Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Stepanov.

We go to the museum with flowers. To the museum of her family, Valentina Mikhailovna, what is she feeling now?

This is probably the only museum on earth like this family, nine sons of which gave their lives for us. Here, surrounded by the Stepanovs, you cannot fake it. This would mean deceiving them, betraying the meaning of their life and death, it would mean that you live with other, hidden feelings, but then why come here?

The youth

The future of any society depends on youth. It depends on whether the younger generation learns to solve their problems independently, and whether they learn to act as a full-fledged subject of political relations. This socially significant problem is often raised in the media, including in this article. Today's Russian youth are pragmatic. At least a quarter of young people put forward career aspirations and acquiring wealth as their life credo. I think that those who succumbed to “prizes”, promotions, and career advancements will not be able to be a reliable support for one or another political party. They cannot be counted on in elections, in which each party tries to gain as many votes as possible.

Language knowledge

After reading Bitov’s thoughts, I realized that knowledge of languages ​​enriches a person’s spiritual world, broadens his horizons and increases his cultural level. It is impossible to fully understand another people, their culture, way of life, traditions, without knowing their language. In general, knowledge of languages ​​was valued at all times and in all states, even in Ancient Egypt. Interpreters occupied a privileged position, ensured mutual understanding between different peoples and contributed to the development of trade. And in the 18th – 19th centuries, the study of foreign languages ​​became a privilege of the noble class. Knowledge of languages ​​will always be in demand, especially in our time, when you can freely cross state borders. Knowledge of other languages ​​will help you successfully conduct your professional activities

To take revenge or not to take revenge? V. Zakrutkin is thinking about this question.
The problem considered by the author is relevant because it concerns each of us, because we have all ever encountered this low human feeling, the feeling of revenge. The author reveals the problem using the example of a case from the life of a Russian peasant woman Maria and a young German soldier. The girl shows mercy to the wounded soldier and leaves him alive, which testifies to her good character and ability to compassion. The author sympathizes with his heroes. His sympathies are clearly on the side of the main character.
V. Zakrutkin believes that you should not mindlessly and recklessly take revenge on a person just because he belongs to any social group. After all, he may turn out to be completely uninvolved in the bad deeds that his comrades commit.
I agree with the author’s position and also believe that revenge is not always appropriate and an individual approach is necessary when deciding the question: “To take revenge or not to take revenge?”
In the epic novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Russian soldiers warm and feed Rambal and Morel, and they, hugging them, sing a song. And it seems that the stars are happily whispering to each other. Perhaps they admire the nobility of the Russian soldiers, who chose compassion for the defeated enemy instead of revenge.
This is also the position of the writer Grossman in the work “Life and Fate”. Yes, war brings death. But even during a war, a person can overcome the desire to take revenge on a former enemy who is unarmed and suffering.
Thus, revenge or refusal to take revenge is a choice that each of us may face. You should not give in to momentary emotions, but try to think through all the consequences and make an informed decision.

The text on which the essay is written:

(1) Clutching a pitchfork in her hand, Maria threw back the manhole cover and pulled back. (2) On the earthen floor of the cellar, leaning against a low tub, sat a living German soldier. (3) At some elusive moment, Maria noticed that the German was afraid of her, and realized that he was unarmed.

(4) Hatred and hot, blind anger overwhelmed Maria, squeezed her heart, and rushed to her throat with nausea. (5) A scarlet fog obscured her eyes, and in this thin fog she saw a silent crowd of farmers, and Ivan swinging on a poplar branch, and Feni’s bare feet hanging on the poplar, and a black noose on Vasyatka’s childish neck, and them, the fascist executioners, dressed in gray uniforms with black ribbon on the sleeves. (6) Now here, in her, Mary’s, cellar, lay one of them, a half-crushed, unfinished bastard, dressed in the same gray uniform, with the same black ribbon on the sleeve, on which the same alien, incomprehensible, hooked letters were silver...

(7) Here is the last step. (8) Maria stopped. (9) She took another step forward, the German boy moved.

(10) Maria raised her pitchfork high, turned away slightly so as not to see the terrible thing she had to do, and at that moment she heard a quiet, strangled cry that seemed like thunder to her:

Mother! Ma-a-ma!..

(11) A weak cry, like many hot knives, dug into Maria’s chest, pierced her heart, and the short word “mother” made her shudder with unbearable pain. (12) Maria dropped the pitchfork, her legs gave way. (13) She fell to her knees and, before losing consciousness, she saw very close the boy’s light blue eyes, wet with tears...

(14) She woke up from the touch of the wounded man’s wet hands. (15) Choking with sobs, he stroked her palm and said something in his own language, which Maria did not know. (16) But from the expression of his face, from the movement of his fingers, she understood that the German was talking about himself: that he did not kill anyone, that his mother was the same as Maria, a peasant woman, and his father had recently died near the city of Smolensk, that He himself, having barely finished school, was mobilized and sent to the front, but he had never been in a single battle, he only brought food to the soldiers.

(17) Maria cried silently. (18) The death of her husband and son, the hijacking of farmers and the death of the farm, martyrdom days and nights in the corn field - everything that she experienced in her severe loneliness broke her, and she wanted to cry out her grief, tell about it to a living person, the first one who who she had met in the last few days. (19) And although this man was dressed in the gray, hated uniform of the enemy, he was seriously wounded, moreover, he turned out to be just a boy and - apparently - could not be a killer. (20) And Maria was horrified that just a few minutes ago, holding a sharp pitchfork in her hands and blindly obeying the feeling of anger and revenge that gripped her, she could kill him herself. (21) After all, only the holy word “mother”, that prayer that this unfortunate boy put into his quiet, choking cry, saved him.

(22) With a careful touch of her fingers, Maria unbuttoned the German’s bloody shirt, tore it slightly, exposing her narrow chest. (23) There was only one wound on her back, and Maria realized that the second fragment of the bomb did not come out, but lodged somewhere in her chest.

(24) She squatted down next to the German and, supporting his hot back of his head with her hand, gave him milk. (25) Without letting go of her hand, the wounded man sobbed.

(26) And Mary understood, she could not help but understand, that she was the last person whom the German doomed to death sees in his life, that in these bitter and solemn hours of his farewell to life, in her, in Mary, lies everything that else connects him with people - mother, father, sky, sun, native German land, trees, flowers, the whole huge and beautiful world, which is slowly leaving the consciousness of the dying man. (27) And his thin, dirty hands stretched out to her, and his fading gaze full of prayer and despair - Maria understood this too - express the hope that she is able to defend his passing life, to drive away death...
(According to V. Zakrutkin)