What is included in white magic. Ancient white magic spells

Of course, in love magic, not all love spells and rituals can be considered sinful, because there are many different white love spells in the world. Often, white love spells, or as they are also commonly considered, sinless love spells, belong to extraordinary and phenomenal rituals in light magic.

Such an incredible ritual today, as before, helps people unhappy in love affairs to find and find their happiness, or to return a departed husband or wife to the family, as well as to return former warm, tender feelings to family life. Many experts say that white magic is also capable of allowing a person to share his love with others and revive their sympathies and interests.

Any magician or psychic knows perfectly well that such light magic is very effective and efficient. This has been known for a long time and therefore one should not doubt white magic, because many who turned to such magic were satisfied with the result and were able to return the desired happiness and love.

Probably, many may ask different questions, such as: “What is better than white magic, if simple black love spells are more effective and accessible?”; “Black love spells, after all, are also capable of bringing back loved ones, so why do specialists try to persuade the client to use white magic?”; “What is the difference between black and white rites?”; “Why turn to white magic when black magic acts much faster and the effect occurs earlier?”

Naturally, there are still many questions that require answers, but today I want to answer these most frequently asked questions.

It should be noted that when a person decides to use black magic and wants to perform a black ritual on his own, it is necessary to understand perfectly well that during the creation of the ritual, a person releases enormous dark energy, which actually makes the ritual effective, and also brings side effects. However, the worst thing is not that a person decides to cast a black love spell, but that he is unable to cope with all the negative energy that has formed after the ritual. Often it is this energy that causes harm, both to the person who ordered the ritual, and to the people around him, the victim. The harm can be different, it all depends on the ritual chosen by the person and the method of its creation.

Experts assure that only desperate people who have lost hope and therefore do not fully understand what exactly they are doing at this point in their lives turn to black magic. Because of this, people who suffer greatly after the breakup of a love relationship try to go to extremes, like black magic, just to get their loved one back.

Every person must know: a black love spell is a gross, terrible interference in the life and destiny of another person. Such a love spell dulls, breaks the will and rudely forces the victim of the ritual to do and feel what the customer needs.

Based on this, one must conclude: black magic is satanic and forces, by forgiving the will of a person, to act as the person who ordered the ritual needs, but white magic has no side effects and acts in a more civilized, correct and honest manner. Often, white magic and its rituals have the goal of eliminating various obstacles between the client and the victim, so that both people can understand themselves and their feelings, as well as begin a mutual love relationship without any coercion or submission.

Basically, with the help of white rituals, those who order a love spell send the victim a certain love impulse, which over time will arouse interest and sympathy, which can develop into ardent feelings.

The most important thing for me is that the bewitched person will not feel forced, but will feel real pleasure from communicating with the person who ordered the love spell, because he will not be forced by an invisible dark force, and in white magic everything is done honestly and correctly in relation to people. Relationships when using white magic are built according to mutual desire - this is very important!

Of course, it may seem like this is possible, because white magic is still magic and it acts by forcing a person to do something?

This question has the following answer: white magic acts differently than black magic and it contributes to the emergence of spiritual and emotional intimacy between the customer and the victim. That is why, after some time, there will be true love between the victim and the person who ordered the love spell, which will come at will, and not under the coercion of dark forces, as in black magic.

What is especially tempting about white magic is that when performing a white love spell, the effect will last much longer than with true magic, and the relationship will be happy and full of colors, love and joy.

When using a white love spell, the customer turns to natural forces that can solve any life problem. Although mostly white magic is used when you need to bring back a loved one or bring a family member back home.

However, in white magic there are a number of rituals that are completely sinless and will help the customer solve various kinds of love problems. In this light magic there are both strong and weak rituals, everything will depend on what exactly the customer needs. Although there are many cases when magic is almost not needed for a miracle and the return of a loved one, because everything depends on the person’s desire.

In white magic there is a classification of rituals for the duration of their action. Some act for a long time, others for a short time.

Important! For the ritual to be effective, the customer must have very strong love and a great desire to be with the victim, but only with mutual desire.

When there is a desire to turn to white magic and perform a sinless love spell, in order for the ritual to be effective, you should take a photograph or personal item of your loved one and based on this little thing, perform a love spell ritual. However, if the basis of the love spell is a personal thing, then it should be charged with positive and necessary energy, which can convey what is desired to the loved one.

Due to the fact that white magic is harmless, many experts recommend it when:

A person has lived in marriage for decades and has begun to treat the relationship capriciously and indifferently to his partner and children, and often creates conflicts and minor quarrels. With the help of white magic, you can eliminate such boorish attitudes and establish the same mutual relationships based on love;

If there is unrequited love, then white magic can easily induce reciprocal tender feelings;

If something insidious happened in the family, and someone bewitched a spouse, then white magic will weaken the otherworldly influence and return the loved one back to the family.

These are all the main reasons when you should turn to this wonderful magic, because it is very simple and you can do it yourself at home without fear.

Personally, I like white magic more, because it does not force anyone to do something against their will, and does not break a person’s destiny. Therefore, if you want to honestly achieve reciprocity and reciprocal love, I recommend turning exclusively to white magic, which does not cause pain or harm.

Before you try to understand what white magic is, you still need to find out what is meant by the word “magic” in general. Aleister Crowley, the famous occultist, black magician and member of the Order of the Golden Dawn (an occult organization that existed in England in the 19th and 20th centuries), said that magic is the art of causing Change in accordance with Will. Crowley believed that any deliberate action is already magical.

The Indian teacher of Carlos Castaneda, Don Juan, avoided the words “magic” or “magician”. Instead, he preferred to use the words “knowledge” and “seer,” that is, a person of knowledge.

George Gurdjieff, a famous mystical philosopher, argued that people who call themselves magicians or sorcerers simply use laws of nature that are unknown to science or have not been sufficiently studied by it. After all, nothing supernatural happens, because it cannot exist. The use of these unknown laws gave magicians the ability to influence the world and those around them in accordance with their own will.

Gurdjieff’s student, Pyotr Demyanovich Uspensky, a Russian philosopher, esotericist and writer, divided magic into objective and subjective, and classified as objective magic all cases of real influence on events, objects and people without the help of means studied and known to science, and as subjective magic - imaginary influence . That is, hallucinations, one’s own thoughts, which a person mistakes for someone else’s messages (from God, the Devil, from space, etc.), dreams and the intentional or accidental creation of astral visions, mistaken for reality, as well as other pseudo-miracles, which in Christian literature is called “prelest.” Uspensky believed that the existence of objective magic had not been established and there was no evidence of its real existence.

It is believed that magic is divided into black and white. White magicians allegedly use their knowledge for good, black ones - in the name of evil and for selfish reasons. But according to the definition given by the Order of the Golden Dawn, white magic is the art of causing certain changes in accordance with one’s will for the sake of obtaining Knowledge and Conversations with the Guardian Angel. This is different from the common people's idea of ​​white magic, isn't it? White magic in the culture of eastern peoples is known as yoga. Yoga, that is, “connection” (from the Sanskrit “yoj” or “yuj” - connection, union) in its true form is not health-improving gymnastics at all. Union with God, that is, enlightenment, nirvana, exit from the circle of samsara (chain of rebirths) - this is precisely the goal of white magic in its true form.

Most of those who proudly call themselves “white magicians” (not counting, of course, the insane and charlatans) actually practice gray magic. Yes, it turns out there is such a thing. According to the definition of the same Golden Dawn, gray magic is a mixture of white and black. This is what members of the order called the science that allows one to cause certain changes in accordance with one’s will and for the sake of achieving both physical and non-physical benefits to others or oneself. That is, healers who use their knowledge to heal the sick still practice gray magic, but if they perform rituals to help another person, then the gray magic can become white and the magician will get closer to divine knowledge and conversation with the Guardian Angel . Likewise, gray magic can become black if the magician's actions knowingly or unknowingly cause harm to himself or others.

Anton Sandor LaVey, author of The Satanic Bible, denied the differences between black and white magic at all. He argued that only hypocrisy and self-deception force the so-called white magicians to talk about some kind of altruism and “good” goals, because not a single person on earth ever begins to study the occult sciences without seeking in one form or another to satisfy the needs of his own insatiable Ego.

Often people, hearing that this is a white witch, a white sorcerer and that they use white magic aimed at helping people, calm down. Their conclusions are based on the fact that since these magicians and sorcerers do not cause harm, but help cure diseases, improve matters in family relationships, etc., then these are good people and there will be no harm from this.

So what exactly is white magic?

As mentioned above, indeed, white magic is used for good deeds, while black magic is responsible for causing harm. It's clear. But, in essence, it remains the same magic. As you know, the church is critical of such actions, and does not approve of people involved.

The meaning of the words black and white magic should not mislead you. In both cases, these people resort to the help of lower powers. Even if you see that a healer uses icons and other church utensils, it’s all a performance. You can also go to church, pray, ask the saints for help. No third parties are needed for this.

By turning to white magic, you give your consent to be charged for it.

And it doesn’t matter that you paid money to the performer of the white magic ritual himself. This contribution is not enough for creatures of the lower plane. They will take from your life whatever they want. This will be the love of a loved one - you will become enemies over nothing. These are losses of property, money and various troubles. After all, you yourself came to them for help? And for their help you will have to pay with the coin that they themselves want to take!

And do not believe when a magician, witch, sorcerer or any other performer of magical actions tells you that we can now punish your offender, and nothing will happen to you for it. That the highest court itself will pronounce the punishment now, all you have to do is say “yes, I agree.” Remember what the Bible says: fear the wise men who bring gifts!

The very concept of white or black magic, white or black magician, is important only for these people themselves who have chosen or adopted this path. This is their “cross” and do not think that this is being done for your good.

Ordinary people should be wary of such help. Especially if you believe in God, in a higher power, why do you go for

Practical Book of White Magic. How to manage people and money Zachary

The white magician has only one control tool - himself

The manipulator has many tools - hypnosis, spells, NLP... Very often black magicians resort to Voodoo magic - they make a wax doll of a person and perform various rituals with it so that the person becomes like a zombie.

The white magician has only one tool - himself. It is the personality of the white magician that is the main tool for controlling people, and not only people. It was not for nothing that I wrote at the very beginning of the book that the goal of white magic is self-improvement. The white magician constantly works on himself. In the end, his personality becomes so bright that people themselves are drawn to him.

In this chapter, I will give you some foundational practices that will help you improve your personality enough to attract the right people. These practices are a kind of “polishing” of personality.

But the most important practice of a white magician is to make a choice in favor of good every minute of his life. This means that when the magician is faced with the question: “me or another?” – the choice should always be in favor of the other when it comes to obtaining some benefits. This practice is very complex - not because it is difficult for a person to figure out where is good and where is evil. Our heart is designed in such a way that it will always tell you what is right and what is wrong. It is only important to listen to him. It’s just that the choice between good and evil must be made constantly, literally every moment. A simple example: in a store you are standing in line at the checkout, and a disabled person with a cane stands behind you. You may not notice it (which is what most people do). But the magician will certainly let him go ahead. People don’t even think about such “nonsense”. For a magician, this is not nonsense at all, but a very serious magical practice that has a powerful effect on others. If you don’t believe it, you can see it from your own experience. Try to give up your seat on public transport to a person older than you, a woman (of any age), or a disabled person. Let a weak person pass in line, help an old man down the stairs. And then listen to the space: you will be amazed to feel how it has changed, what positive energy it has filled. Just don’t do good deliberately, for show. For example, if you give up your seat in public transport, you don’t need to look reproachfully at the young people sitting next to you, you don’t need to show off, or be servile and obsequious. Do it as if there is no one around except you and the person you are yielding to. Then not only this person, but also everyone around him will feel light and joyful.

A white magician must radiate light energy. And this is only possible if he chooses good every time. This is a very difficult path, because our ego always pushes us towards evil. The ego persistently whispers to us - get ahead, overtake, trip us up, block us, take us out from under our noses. The ego inspires us that if we give in to our neighbor in everything, we can lose our dignity in the eyes of the people around us. But that's not true. There is only one way to lose human dignity - when you strive to outdo another person in something or take the best for yourself. Then you really show yourself to be a person without dignity. Unfortunately, most people behave this way, and we think it's normal. But the norm of the majority for a magician is the greatest evil, because by acting like everyone else, he loses his magical qualities.

Nowadays the so-called “philosophy of success” is very widespread, which inspires a person that he must snatch the palm from the hands of his rivals at any cost. But the result of this philosophy is not success, but stress, illness, loneliness and emptiness. There is no doubt that a person who is used to “stepping on heads” will actually achieve success for some time. But - success is external, and the time will be very short. When it ends, someone else will happily step over it.

If you want to truly manage people, you must give up all personal success. You need to learn to give in. Imagine an Olympic champion who stops just before the finish line and allows his opponent to cross the finish line first. But this is exactly what a real white magician does. He lets others win Olympic medals, but he himself always remains on the sidelines.

As you can see, this practice is incredibly difficult. It is difficult psychologically, because it is very difficult for us to give up our own claims to a warm place. But the path of the magician is not a pleasure ride. It is full of challenges, and the most important test on this path is the renunciation of personal well-being. But it is precisely in this paradoxical way that true prosperity and true wealth are won. Although in fact, this path seems paradoxical only to us, people living in the modern cruel and cynical world. After all, wealth is sent by a Higher Power as a blessing. And only the righteous person receives the blessing, that is, the person who puts the interests of another person above his own.

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White magic or its other name is white light, this is a type of witchcraft that does not involve the call of dark forces. Basically, white magic uses various prayers, prayer services, church rituals and other rituals in one way or another connected with the Christian religion.

The principle of white magic

White magic is usually understood as asking for help, and not forcing the Universe and Higher Powers to provide the desired result. That is, the mechanics of the path of least resistance are applied here.

For example, a person asks to give him love. The Higher Powers do not force the lover to show reciprocity in return, but find the person with whom the operator will be happy.

White magic is a direct contrast to goetia (black magic), which is aimed exclusively at harm.

The same applies to restoring justice and punishing offenders. Let the path be tricky and very long, but still ill-wishers will get what they deserve if they really did something bad.

And also, if a person is in poverty, then the Forces give him a chance to find a good and well-paid job, and do not bring down on him a sudden win in the lottery or something like that.

If you ask a white light to obtain benefits for yourself in a dishonest way, then the forces of light can cruelly put the insolent person in his place for this. Among the forces that are able to respond and come to the rescue are angels, light spirits and natural elements. During rituals, various paraphernalia are used, including:

  • candles, preferably wax and church candles, or pre-blessed in church;
  • Incense and herbs are often used that can enhance the magical effect;
  • since white magic is directly intertwined with the Christian religion, in the conditions of the ritual there may be the use of various icons;
  • sometimes the ceremony should be performed in a specific place. For example, in a temple.

In addition, it is worth first of all taking into account that white magic does not recognize two-handedness. What is this? When a sorcerer applies several types of influences at once.

For example, runes and, elemental magic and sciences, etc. The forces of light categorically do not accept this, and a magician who uses other witchcraft in addition to white light will be very severely punished. Therefore, you first need to think several times about whether it is worth practicing white magic or not.

Mistakes when using white magic

Beginners who do not consider it necessary to fully familiarize themselves with the principles of white magic very often make mistakes. Some of them, unfortunately, turn out to be irreparable.

It was already noted earlier about such a phenomenon as two-handedness. This is precisely the main mistake among amateurs in Belosvet.

The next problem for the majority is the wrong attitude. If “the soul is not inclined” to perform the ritual, then it is worth postponing it. Otherwise, the result of the ceremony will be unpredictable, if it makes itself felt at all.

It is also necessary to clarify all the nuances of the procedure: what candles are required, what phase of the moon should be, lunar day, etc.

In order not to get unexpected effects, you should follow exactly what is indicated in the description of the ritual. For example, a plot should be read 9 times, which means that’s how many times it needs to be read; candles must be church wax candles and there is no need to replace them with paraffin ones because it is easier and faster.

It's all these little things that make up the results. You don’t need to add or change anything on your own to get the desired result.