How much does it cost to open a tailoring shop? Home tailoring studio

Opening this type of business is not so difficult. It does not require particularly complex inspection permits. A tailoring studio is not such a simple business; it requires special skill and an adequate pricing policy in order to win the love of the client, and so that he returns again and again. Before opening a tailoring shop, you need to consider the following steps, and then decide which business option is right for you.
Who should think about how to open a tailoring studio? It should mainly be opened to sewing professionals. Or have excellent organizational skills who can find and unite specialists in this field.

What will the tailoring studio specialize in?

This is the very first and most important question to answer. The mistake of novice masters is that they can grab any orders in order to earn money, but this does not always play a positive role. Each area requires specific equipment and specific professional skills.

Not every tailor and fashion designer who specializes in sewing light women's clothing will be able to perfectly sew a coat or fur coat. What specializations can there be:
- production of special clothes and uniforms,
- engaged in sewing curtains, bed and table linen,
-covers for furniture and cars,
- fur and leather products,
- children's soft toys
— there is mass knitwear production
– individual tailoring for light and outerwear
- sewing men's suits.
-evening and theatrical costumes
- wedding dresses.
Also in the atelier there are often masters who work only with women or men.
There are many specializations, but if you plan to form a professional team, then you need to outline the main directions. Of course, in addition to sewing, repairs of products are also possible and this should not be neglected. The client’s love must be won, and high-quality repairs can encourage him to order more expensive items.

You may want to not only sew according to customer orders, but also invent something yourself, sew it and sell it. There are a lot of options, you need to choose which one is more professional.

How to open a studio: which premises to choose?

When choosing a room, you need to take into account its location. If you plan to do individual tailoring, then you need to choose a place with a lot of people, for example, near bus stops, shopping centers, markets.
The central areas will be the most convenient, because... it will be convenient for the client to get there from any area. Although in residential areas there are also people who need to sew something, and rent will be cheaper than in the center.
Having decided on the area, we choose the premises itself.
Mini repair studios can be located in shopping centers with literally 10 sq. m. For a larger studio, 60 sq. m will be enough.
The most important thing is to have good lighting: natural daylight or artificial.

What equipment is best to buy?

1. When opening, a lot of money is required at once, so some people decide to save on equipment by purchasing a household-type sewing machine from the studio. Is this bad?
Not bad, but a household machine cannot work with all types of fabrics, unlike a professional one. If the specificity of the tailoring studio is not aimed at working with dense thick fabrics, then this option is quite acceptable at the initial stage.
Also, household machines are equipped with additional decorative stitches, sometimes completely unnecessary, which over long-term use can reduce the quality of the stitches. Remember! The fewer lines, the more reliable the machine and the better the quality of the lines.
Therefore, in a professional production machine there is only one straight stitch. Experts recommend buying a professional machine right away, even if it’s not a new one.

2. The second important machine is the edge overlock machine. Here the simplest 3-4 thread is enough.

3. If you plan to sew knitwear, then there must be a separate machine for knitwear.
Nowadays, a hybrid is being produced on the market to save money, the so-called carpet machine, which contains the functions of an overlocker and a knitting machine. This option is convenient for sewing at home, it saves space, and when there is a small flow of products, there is time to reconfigure the machine from one function to another.
In the atelier, time is valuable and constant reconfiguration is not appropriate. Therefore, buy separate machines, each for its own functions.

4. Ironing table and steam generator, and if funds do not yet allow, then a good iron with steaming.

5. It is very important to have wide cutting tables.

This is perhaps the most expensive capital equipment.
But the list of necessities does not end there; you also need smaller tools such as patterns, drawing paper, tracing paper, tailor's scissors, paper scissors, needles, pins and other consumables and accessories.

Personnel team: how many employees to hire?

If you know the sewing craft, then at the initial stage, most likely you will actively sew or cut yourself, but assistants will be needed. The team must have at least:

2-3 seamstresses
- cutter - tailor
- fashion designer
— managing administrator

When choosing professionals, be prepared to pay a decent salary. Clients need quality, which depends on the well-coordinated professional work of the team.

When will the profit come?

How to open a studio so that you can immediately make a profit? Is it possible?
This business is seasonal and this should be taken into account when opening so as not to fall into the dark months.
An atelier specializing in custom tailoring should be prepared that January and February may not be profitable months when the wave of clients subsides. Therefore, we need to prepare for them in advance, collect orders for casting “extras”.
From March, clients begin to prepare for the spring-summer period and update their wardrobe for the season. In the summer, ateliers take orders for school uniforms.
In September, the second wave of seasonal tailoring begins, now they are already preparing to update their wardrobe for the autumn-winter period, and then outfits for the New Year.
December is considered the busiest and most profitable month.

The payback time is from 1-1.5 years. To manage risks, calculate the daily minimum income that will lead to the break-even point of the enterprise. From this we can build the rest of the planned indicators to obtain excess profits.

Successful home business, exclusive interview with home studio owner Svetlana Skopova

Clothes designer, fashion designer, cutter, tailor - all these professions, the names of which sound in the masculine gender, can be united by one feminine concept - “milliner”. This word may be somewhat old-fashioned, but it very accurately reflects the essence of the profession.


This is not an easy craft - making women beautiful, predicting their desires, giving advice on choosing the style of outfits. A spectacularly dressed woman never goes unnoticed. Let's talk about the mysteries of creating beautiful, stylish, exclusive women's clothing with a virtuoso of his profession, the owner of a small home atelier, and a modern milliner Svetlana Skopova.She is very popular among fashionistas of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody, who want to have in their wardrobe outfits sewn for them by the hands of the Master.

The main points of the interview with Svetlana Sokolova, the owner of her own studio

  • Type of activity: studio at home
  • Occupation before starting a business: seamstress, merchandiser
  • Date of start of business activity: 2000
  • Organizational and legal form of doing business: individual entrepreneur
  • Initial investment amount: RUB 100,000.
  • Source of initial capital: loan funds
  • Return on investment: about 6-8 months
  • Initial income: 10-12,000 rubles. per month.
  • Formula for success: “My business is my life”

Svetlana, answer as a professional and practicing milliner: “What does a beautifully dressed woman mean?”

Is it difficult to convince a woman to accept your version of a future outfit?

It happens differently. There are women who immediately and unconditionally agree with my proposal and trust the choice of style, fabric, and accessories. And there are ladies who stubbornly defend their point of view. But I don’t want the client to be disappointed, even with her decision. Then I try to demonstrate her choice as clearly as possible, often the reaction is similar to shock. Most often, eloquence and reality win, the lady capitulates, and I sew her an outfit according to my vision, relying on experience and intuition.

A beautifully dressed woman is always on top

Spectacular blue dress with an open back

Was it difficult for you to choose your craft? How did you start your business?

Probably my choice was born and grew with me. For as long as I can remember, probably since I was 5, I was constantly sewing, inventing, and dressing up my dolls. Then I started sewing for myself and my mother. But this was an amateur stage; I came to the profession later. Despite my passion for sewing, I saw it only as a pleasant pastime, a hobby. And I dreamed of becoming a lawyer, getting the profession of a lawyer.

But mothers know us better. It was she who once took me by the hand and took me to an educational institution related to sewing. It is now unknown whether the legal corps has lost a great professional in me. But it is absolutely clear that mom was right.

Tell me, what kind of education did you receive?

I have a secondary technical education. Graduated from the Voronezh Industrial Pedagogical College in 1997. By profession I am a sewing production technician and a master of industrial training.

What was the most difficult thing about starting your business? What barriers did you have to overcome?

The first barrier is to buy a good sewing machine. 10-12 years ago this was quite problematic. I wanted good equipment, but there was nowhere to buy it. There was a big shortage of high-quality sewing accessories and special fabrics. The choice of good material was also limited. I had to work with what I had and what I had.

The sewing machine is the main tool

But even with a simple sewing machine, from simple fabrics, without special devices, it was possible to sew good outfits. I have always had clients; lack of orders has never become a barrier in business.

Overlock machine

Do you want to know how to open a tailoring workshop? We invite you to familiarize yourself with.

Any business starts with starting capital. How much money did you start with and, if it’s not a secret, where did you manage to find it?

There is no secret. When I decided to get serious about business, I took out a bank loan. This was the amount of 100 thousand rubles. I spent it on purchasing equipment. But if you open such a business today, you will need O greater amount. You can count:

  • Purchasing a good, multifunctional one - 45-50 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase - 15-20 thousand.
  • Definitely needed - 18-20 thousand.
  • Large mirror - 2-5 thousand.
  • Mannequin - at least 1 piece, that's 6-7 thousand.
  • Silhouette hangers - 2 pcs. 3 thousand rubles each.

Mannequin and silhouette hangers

Various small items (threads, scissors, centimeters, pins, crayons, etc.) - 5-10 thousand.

The amount turns out to be approximately 100-120 thousand rubles. To this you need to add the costs of paperwork for opening a business and the financial reserve in order to pay electricity bills and other utilities at first. We will add the cost of renting the premises, but this is only if it is rented. If you work from home, then you can meet the amount of 150 thousand to start working.

If clients appear and there are financial income, then this money will quickly return (in about 6-8 months), and you will begin to receive profit and satisfaction.

The machine is always working

Working on an order

How much has your income increased since you started working? Were the forecasts and expectations met?

In the first months of independent work, my income did not exceed 10-12 thousand per month. This was 10 years ago. I planned to receive 5 times more. After 2-2.5 years I was already easily earning this amount. But time passes, desires and needs grow. New milestones and projected revenue amounts are emerging. Now I have set a goal for myself to reach the 100 thousandth milestone. But for now this is a distant prospect. The crisis has had a painful impact on my business.

Today, not every woman will allow herself such a luxury as individual tailoring of outfits. This pleasure is not cheap, and there is a lot of competition. Now there are almost as many women's clothing stores as grocery stores. The items they carry are cheap and accessible; you don’t need to go to fittings. And exclusiveness requires time and imagination.

If we talk about forecasts, they came true. And expectations are very ephemeral. Something comes true, it comes true, but a fresh idea, a dream, comes. And you are waiting for new realizations, incarnations. The main thing is to have the desire to make dreams come true

Workplace. Everything is at hand.

How is the price of the work you perform determined today?

The price for work consists of several components. For example:

  • order completion time,
  • complexity of the model;
  • electricity costs (a lot of it is required: this is the work of sewing machines, a steam generator, good lighting is required for sewing);
  • rent and taxes.

Each region of the country has its own price list for sewing services. I use the average statistical indicators for the CMS region. They can be viewed on the Internet. There are a lot of points, all types of work performed on sewing the model are taken into account.

If I name a specific price for sewing products, I can name the following amounts:

  • sewing a skirt will cost the customer from 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles;
  • dresses - from 3 to 5 thousand;
  • trousers - from 2 thousand;
  • evening dress - from 7 thousand rubles, this category is the highest paid, the cost of sewing a product can reach large double-digit numbers (for example, sewing not the most complex wedding dress will cost 20 thousand rubles).

Evening Dress

What form of business and taxation have you chosen?

I . Taxation system - . I resolve all my financial issues myself.

The optimal way to maintain tax accounting for small companies is. With the help of this service, any entrepreneur can independently and without any problems maintain accounting records for his enterprise.

Do you consider it an advantage that you are an individual entrepreneur? Has this impacted the payback period for business investments?
Of course it did. Since I work alone, I do not need to pay wages to employees or make contributions to the Pension Fund and Social Security Fund. I only pay as an individual entrepreneur and tax to the Federal Tax Service.

I also see the advantage that I am responsible for my own work. As they say, if you want something done well, do it yourself. I prefer to conduct the entire process of creating an outfit: from selecting and purchasing accessories, and, if necessary, fabric, to the finished product. Only in this way can I fully vouch for the quality of the product.

Completed order on a mannequin

Do you have to deal with inspection authorities? With firefighters, SES?

Since I work at home, the inspection authorities do not bother me. I myself have a vested interest in keeping my home clean and safe. Well, if suddenly they want to visit me - please. We will solve all the questions!

Of course, it’s harder to please a woman than to please inspectors! Have you ever tried to change your occupation, to do something less troublesome? After all, your job is not easy, and sometimes very thankless.

Yes, there was such a fact in my work history. I wanted to work “like everyone else” - in the morning to work, in the evening from work, 2 days off and annual leave. For a year I worked as a merchandiser in a huge supermarket. But still, this is not for me. Again I returned to sleepless nights over fulfilling urgent orders, communicating with customers, searching for the right materials, choosing styles, joys, disappointments, the pangs of creativity and happiness from success.

Of course, this is not easy and requires a certain type of character. I am an unshakable optimist, and there is also such a word: calling. Some are called upon to defend their homeland, some to teach, some to heal. And I sew!

One very famous couturier calls himself a tailor. He is proud of this and emphasizes that not a single idea of ​​the most brilliant clothing designer, not a single superbly tailored model will come to life if it is not sewn correctly. It is the tailor who ultimately creates those products that we admire when we see them in a picture or on the catwalk. The tailor makes suits and dresses that make women look amazing. I also call myself a “tailor” and am also proud of this title.

What is your business to you? What part of life does it occupy?

My business is my life. It is so filled with it that, even while doing other things, I constantly think about my work. Fortunately, my family understands this and supports me. We are happy to discuss prospects, plans for the future, and styles of outfits with my daughter. She especially likes choosing models for herself. She is almost a bride, she is 14 years old.

You have many regular customers. Who are they?

There are many customers. And it's not just individuals. I take orders for so-called extras. This is tailoring costumes for groups. Among my customers are the dance group “Helios”, the children’s choir “Kazachok”, and a theater studio. I sew costumes for city events, for example, for the 2013 meeting I designed and sewed a snake costume. It turned out to be a real masterpiece. And it’s impossible to count how many Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens have been sheathed.

But I love custom tailoring more. Here you can truly create, create outfits that you can then be proud of. It's really great to see how a woman has transformed in an outfit sewn by your hands. How stylish and harmonious she looks.

Suit for Santa Claus

Snake Costume

Children's choir in costumes from Svetlana

Costumes for dance ensemble

Dance ensemble Helios

You can only win in such costumes!

What do you mean by “style”? What should a stylish woman look like?

Style is a broad concept. I have a group on VKontakte, which is called

How to open a tailor shop: step-by-step instructions - is it worth renting a place in a shopping center and 7 main stages of organizing a tailoring business.

Capital for opening a studio: 286,000 rubles.
Business payback period: 6-8 months.

Nowadays, virtually every person tries to follow fashion and implement current trends in their wardrobe.

However, at the same time, people try to stand out, to differ from each other with accessories, hairstyles, and most importantly, clothes.

Everyone wants to have a unique and stylish thing.

But in times of currency instability and a general economic crisis, not everyone has the means to purchase famous brands.

You can, of course, try domestic brands.

But if we are talking about quality and interesting design, you will still have to pay a hefty sum.

Based on this, it follows that the relevance of such an area as the clothing business is now at its peak.

And you can safely think about open your own salon-atelier.

One of the advantages of individual tailoring is that many people have a non-standard physique.

This means that even having the financial ability to buy expensive and high-quality clothes, store customers are faced with a certain problem.

It is not a fact that a new fashionable blouse will fit or fit the way you would like.

Naturally, individual tailoring should be done by someone who has an understanding of.

And not just general knowledge and skills, but many years of experience.

This is due to the fact that in this area there are many nuances known only to a true professional.

What is needed to open a studio: the main stages of organization

The first step is to decide what exactly the studio will do.

Indeed, in addition to the fact that you can sew wardrobe items, they can also be repaired, restored or altered (hemmed, sewn up, shortened).

It is worth understanding that for an atelier that carries out individual tailoring, it is not so important to choose a narrow list of services provided.

Because the more a salon can offer, the more clients can turn to it, and, accordingly, the profit from this will also increase.

It is also worth considering the high probability of such situations: a man came to the studio to sew a jacket, and in the process he learned that here he could restore his old leather jacket, shorten his trousers, and his thinner wife could have her favorite but too big one sewn on her, dress.

Such an “assortment” is welcome and will allow you to transfer a casual visitor to the category of regular customers.

Moreover, the tips given in this article on how to open a clothing tailoring shop also cover the provision of clothing repair services.

After all, these are two almost identical questions.

There is no difference even in the staff of specialists or the set of equipment.

Everything depends only on knowledge and skills.

What services does this line of business provide to clients:

  • design and tailoring of evening dresses (dresses for prom are often in demand);
  • creating unique wedding dresses for both the groom and the bride (most often, people do not spare money for wedding ceremonies);
  • sewing copies of famous designers (also in demand, since it is still cheaper than the original);
  • repair of old items (replacement of collars, fasteners, etc.).

Once you decide which of the above services will be provided in the future, you need to indicate your choice in the studio.

Its creation is one of the main points in organizing any business.

It plays the role of a core in any endeavor, allows the entrepreneur to feel more confident and helps to identify risks and weaknesses of the business before plans are put into practice.

Step-by-step algorithm for opening a studio:

  1. Determination of the main characteristics of the enterprise (the very line of activity and types of services provided that need to be decided upon first of all).
  2. Business registration (how to properly register an enterprise).
  3. Rent and equipment for repairing and sewing clothes (what kind of premises are needed, and what tools need to be purchased).
  4. Employees (who needs to be hired and what requirements should be presented to employees).
  5. Attracting clients (business promotion events, advertising).
  6. Opening cost (combining all calculations together).
  7. Profitability of the studio (calculation of the main risks and payback of the enterprise).

How to register a company for sewing and repairing clothes?

As in many other areas, a private business can be registered and formalized in two ways, such as: individual entrepreneurship (abbreviated IP) and limited liability company (LLC).

The difference is that if you are the sole owner and founder of this business, it is worth .

This will greatly facilitate further accounting, as well as simplify taxation conditions.

But if you decide to open a studio together and there are several founders, you have no choice but to register an LLC.

You will need to select the appropriate OKVED (All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities) codes.

In this case, you need to look for “tailoring”, etc.

The last, but more difficult step for most entrepreneurs is obtaining all necessary permits from Rospotrebnadzor and similar government agencies.

According to average statistics, registration will cost about 5,000 rubles if you handle the business yourself.

By delegating matters to intermediaries, you increase the “price tag” by 2-3 times.

How to open your own studio in rented premises?

When renting space for a studio, it is very important where it will be located. According to statistics, more than 70% of the traffic depends on where you decide to open a point.

It often happens that a person in need of such services simply passed by.

Attracted by the sign, he comes in to ask if this studio provides the necessary services.

And if their price suits him, he will turn to him in the future.

And if you like the quality, you will become a regular customer.

This is especially true for women.

After all, men, as a rule, go to the atelier when they are faced with an urgent need to repair or repair clothes.

Women put aside things that need the service of the atelier, and when the opportunity arises, they take them to them.

There are two options for premises for an atelier: renting premises in a shopping center or renting premises in a residential area.

Each of the options for where to open a studio has its pros and cons.

Renting premises in a shopping center:

There are always a lot of people in shopping and entertainment centers.You cannot place advertising signs on the storefront without notifying the administration.
It is possible that the item purchased in the same center will not fit in length or width. And buyers will immediately turn to the studio for help after purchase.The studio will be forced to work according to the shopping center's schedule.
Shopping centers always have their own security.The studio will also have to pay for permission to distribute advertising leaflets.
In winter, shopping centers have heating.High rental costs.

The pros and cons of renting premises in a residential area are obvious, since they are the opposite of those shown in the table above.

Regarding the parameters and all the necessary requirements for the rented premises:

  • a bathroom is required;
  • it is necessary to conduct electricity in the studio;
  • the area must be at least 10 square meters (not taking into account the area for the restroom).

Since the studio operates only during the daytime, and the work does not create any strong noise, it can be equipped on the ground floor of a residential building.

The average rental cost will be from 45 thousand rubles in a large city.

What equipment is required to set up a clothing business?

Before you open your own studio and purchase the necessary equipment, it is worth understanding what factors influence its price.

This list includes:

  • manufacturer country;
  • functionality of studio equipment;
  • the material from which it is made, its quality indicators;
  • company (there are little-known companies that demonstrate good quality, but are much cheaper).

The minimum list of what is needed to open an atelier looks like this:

ViewQuantity, pcs.)Approximate price (RUB)
Total: RUB 111,100
Sewing machine
2 from 7 000
Steam iron (steamer)
1 5 100
Regular iron and board for it
1/1 1 000 /1 000
1 from 15 000
Dressing room
1 from 15 000
All other equipment: (furniture, lighting, etc.) 60 000

What kind of employees are needed to open a tailoring shop?

If you do your own sewing and accounting (which is recommended to save money and speed up payback, but requires the necessary knowledge), then you will only need two seamstresses.

One of them should combine tailoring and the specialization of the cutter.

PS. If, when applying for a vacancy, you immediately warn that your responsibilities include maintaining cleanliness in the workplace, you can save money on a cleaner.

The approximate salary for one experienced seamstress in an atelier is 20,000 rubles.

This includes the rate (16,000 rubles) and a percentage of income (depending on the amount of work performed).

How to open a clothing repair shop so that it makes a profit?

The key to the success of any business is clients.

In order for your studio to pay off and bring a stable profit, you need to spare no expense on its promotion.

In this business, standard promotion methods are suitable, such as:

  • promotion of the studio on social networks (it is relatively cheap, and at the same time effective);
  • external advertising (including the design of the studio premises - banners, stoppers, bright signboards);
  • printing business cards and leaflets;
  • if the studio is located in a residential area, advertising can be placed in the elevators of neighboring residential buildings.

How much money do you need to invest to open a studio?

The cost of opening a studio depends on many factors.

Let's look at the average costs of starting a company:

Regular investments

“Great opportunities come to everyone, but many don’t even know they’ve encountered them.”
William Channing

It is worth not only taking into account all the costs of opening a studio, but also calculating the expenses for each month of its activity.

Until the company begins to pay for itself, you will have to invest work and promotion from the “financial cushion”.

With the story of how a young girl decided to open her own studio and how she succeeded,

you will see in the video:

How quickly will the idea of ​​opening an atelier pay off?

In a month, subject to the successful operation of the studio, you can earn from 80,000 rubles.

Of this amount, “net income” will be approximately 30%.

Based on these data, payback may take from six months to 8 months.

If, according to estimates, the process lasts longer, then this is already an alarming sign that you have made a mistake somewhere.

Of course, there is a risk that there won't be enough customers at first.

Analyzing the question, how to open a clothing repair shop, we can come to the conclusion that not such large capital investments will be required.

Therefore, anyone can open such a business.

The main thing is to have the necessary knowledge and desire to succeed.

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As a form of ownership suitable for individual entrepreneurs. It's inexpensive to register (around $30) and bookkeeping is as simplified as possible. OKVED codes are selected from group 14- “Clothing production”, each one is described in detail, you need to choose the appropriate ones. Other documents:

  • Certificate of registration with the Pension Fund;
  • Permission from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Permission from the State Fire Supervision Authority to work in a specific premises.

List of services provided

The atelier will repair clothes and sew to order. In addition to clothing, tailoring of curtains, bed linen, and children's clothing is in good demand.. It is profitable to sew costumes for artists and dance groups. These are guaranteed large orders.

For a beginner workshop a large share of orders will be minor clothing repairs. There’s nothing wrong with that; this is how you build a client base, connections, and acquaintances.


The best location is a busy residential area. In the center, rent is expensive and unjustified for a start-up studio. Good options: near a large supermarket, market, in the basement of a high-rise building surrounded by many houses. As many potential clients as possible should live nearby. The main condition for placement is high cross-country ability.

There are no special requirements for the premises. Make sure there is good ventilation, since the workshop working with fabric and threads is subject to constant dust. To avoid problems with Rospotrebnadzor, study SanPiN 5182-90– “Sanitary rules for clothing production.”

Room area – 45 square meters: 30 sq. m. - workshop, 15 sq. m. – reception hall for issuing and receiving clothes, fittings. Rent will cost approximately $600 per month; repairs and decoration of the premises will cost about $700.


It is necessary to separately equip a clothing repair workshop and a reception hall.

Sewing equipment and tools

What is needed to set up three workplaces:

  1. Cutting sewing table– 300 $. SewTech, Sampson, StolPro;
  2. Straight stitch sewing machine(2 pcs.) – $600-700. Brother, Juki, Aurora, Velles;
  3. Industrial sewing machine for working with thick fabrics - $300-400. Juki, Aurora, Pfaff, Gemsy. Used models of good brands, such as Veritas, Singer, Pfaff, will cost less ($120-170) and will last a long time;
  4. Hemming machine– 200-230 $. Velles, Protex, Joyee;
  5. Overlock— 250-350 $. ZOJE, Juki, Janome, Textima;
  6. Ironing board and iron(steam ironing system) – $900-1000. Domena, Sofiant;
  7. Tailor's mannequins(2 pcs.) – $300. In order not to buy several mannequins of different sizes, it is better to purchase sliding ones (fully adjustable in size) from Dressform, Royal Dress forms, Siera Dressform;
  8. Tools(5 pairs of scissors, rulers, patterns, tape measures, organizers for consumables) – $100;
  9. Cash machine or forms with continuous numbering. Printing forms will cost approximately $25.

You will need to purchase materials for sewing: threads, needles, zippers, hooks, thimbles, bobbins, pins, crayons, buttons, etc. This is also a monthly expense of $60-70.


For the workshop and hall you need:

  • Three tables and three chairs for seamstresses (2 regular work tables with compartments for tools and one industrial) – $650-750. Workplaces specifically for sewing equipment are offered by the companies Comfort and StolPro;
  • Table or wall lamps for each workplace (3 pieces in total) – $70. Elvan, "Aurora";
  • A simple reception desk for the hall – $110-150. "Orizon", "Southern Trading Racks", "Fortunat", Acrilian;
  • Sofa for visitors – $130-200. “Felix”, “CD Furniture”, “Unitex”, “Cambio”;
  • Racks with shelves for things (2 pcs.) – $60. “Stolplit”, “Southern Trading Shelving”, Expro;
  • Wardrobe and hangers – $100. "Unitex", "M-service";
  • Fitting room. You can organize it yourself, but it’s easier to buy an inexpensive metal structure with curtains. Such a cabin costs about $45-60. Manufacturers: Poliver, Westcom;
  • Full length mirror – $30. Poliver.

To equip the studio from scratch you will need about 5 thousand dollars.


When opening a sewing business, you should hire three seamstresses and one receptionist-administrator. Accounting is outsourced (about $150 per month). The optimal salary for a tailor is the minimum salary plus a percentage of the completed order. It costs $2,000 a month to pay for labor.

A common problem with this type of business– execution of an order by an employee “bypassing” the studio. To avoid such situations, ensure that receipts are issued to visitors. This way you can control cash flow. In the lobby, hang a large sign for customers: “If you are not given a receipt, the order is processed free of charge.” Then no one will agree to order “cheaper, but without a receipt.”


The main thing is an attractive sign at the entrance and bright advertisements in the accommodation area. A good way to attract attention is to distribute leaflets or distributing flyers through mailboxes with a “discount on services for the bearer” promotion.

Costs and profits

To understand whether it is profitable to open a business, you should calculate the costs and profits of the studio. Capital costs – 7-7.5 thousand dollars. Monthly expenses – around 2500 $. The average bill for a start-up establishment is $10-12 (average value taking into account repairs and sewing of simple things), you can count on 10-15 visitors per day. Monthly net profit will be $700-1100. After a year and a half, with an increase in the client base, income increases several times.

Having drawn up how to open your own tailoring studio, having assessed all the risks and prospects, you can begin to implement the idea. The business owner is required to constantly monitor the company’s activities, monitor service and quality of work, because the number of clients and profits directly depend on them.

With a small investment, you can organize your own profitable production. To do this, you need to choose the right equipment for sewing clothes, including. Then feel free to open your own or mini-workshop with subsequent sales. Having earned sufficient funds, you can purchase expensive and high-quality equipment for a full-fledged garment factory.

Decide on the variety and quantity of equipment needed for sewing clothes:

  • choose the specialization of the product range, for example, focus on sewing women's suits;
  • prepare or order a production technology project, which will avoid unnecessary costs.

Cutting equipment

For a small amount of sewing or for an atelier, one cutting table is sufficient. Buy a ready-made version or order a designed version that can also be used as an ironing board. Cutting is carried out using tailor's scissors (2-3 layers) or a circular cutting knife (5-7 layers of fabric).

In large tailoring factories, vertical knives are used for rough cuts, and for more precise cuts, a stationary draw machine is used.

How does a tape cutting machine work?

sewing machines

Straight stitch machines

Connecting and finishing seams are laid on them. In industrial tailoring, single- and double-needle lockstitches are used. To set up a mini-shop for sewing clothes with 10 workplaces, 7-8 straight-stitch or universal machines are enough.

Specifications / ModelJY-A777-5-BDJK-58420C-003JANOME 7518A
Production volumesindustrialindustrialhousehold
Material typemedium, heavylight, mediumAll
Number of needles1 2 1
Stitch length, mm5 up to 44
Foot lift height, mm6/13 7/13 11
3500 4000 2500

Used when sewing sections of products with trimming and stitching knitted parts of clothing. For a mini-workshop or atelier, it makes sense to purchase one three- and four-thread overlocker.

Designed for sewing parts overlapping, end-to-end, as well as stitching with a double-thread chain stitch. Indispensable for hemming the bottom of knitwear.

Used for quilting and hemming, sewing on lace and elastic bands, joining butt stitches, creating appliqués, blind stitches and decorative stitches. With such a machine you can make buttonhole seams of various configurations, and sew clothes from knitwear.

Characteristics/Equipment TypeOverlock industrialFlat stitch machineZigzag machine
ModelPegasus M752-13H-2X4JUCK JK-500B - 02Juki LZ-2290A-SR7
Number of working threads4 5 1
Number of needles2 3 1
Stitch length, mmup to 3.81,4-4,4 5
Interneedle distance, mm2 5.6 0
Foot lift height, mm6 6.5 10
Max. sewing speed, sti/min6500 6000 5000

Hemming, loops and buttons

, for example Aurora A-600

Designed for making a blind stitch when hemming the bottom of a dress and trousers, the edge of the lining, the lower collar, hem. Allows processing of products from a wide range of materials in thickness. The machine has a sleeve platform and a folding table.

Loop equipment

Necessary for processing straight, decorative buttonholes on blouses, men's shirts, dresses, women's jackets and trousers. For example, on the SIRUBA BH-790A you can independently design 99 different buttonholes, and an automatic slot is made for the button.

With its help, various types of buttons are sewn on in large production, which significantly increases labor productivity. For example, SIRUBA PK511-U used for sewing flat buttons with 2 or 4 holes, and with an additional device - buttons on the stem.

When choosing equipment for a tailoring studio, it is advisable to give preference to universal machines, which additionally have decorative stitches, knit stitches, zigzag stitches, as well as the ability to automatically process loops.

This is how a high speed button machine works

Mechanical and electrical presses

Will be needed for installing metal fittings (buttons, rivets, eyelets) on items of clothing. It is profitable to purchase an electric 3-position press HF-EP/3, which does not require a compressor.

Wet-heat treatment equipment

Gives clothing parts and finished products a certain shape, a finished, marketable appearance. In this case, the material is moistened, heated, receives the necessary deformation, followed by drying.

Depending on the quantity and quality of products, WTO equipment can be:

  • aimed at small production using general-purpose ironing tables with electric heating or steaming of the working surface, vacuum and supercharging, with different shapes of the working surface, additional pads (Bieffe, Comel, Rotondi);
  • for high-quality mini-productions, specialized ironing tables with steam or electric heating of the work surface and irons are suitable;
  • In large-scale clothing production, specialized presses or automatic installations are used as the basis for WTO.
Characteristics/EquipmentDuplicating pressIroning table
ModelComel PL/T-900COMEL MP/A-R
Manufacturer countryItalyItaly
Sewing volumesBigAverage
Weight, kg79 100
Dimensions, cm64x100x100125x74
Working surface, cm90x40125x74
Temperature range, °Cup to 230200
Heating power, W2250 2000