Egor Creed: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Yegor Creed - the incredible path to success of the country's main heartthrob

Childhood, biography of Yegor Creed

Egor Bulatkin, who is known to the general public as "Creed", was born on June 25, 1994 in Penza. Despite his very young age, Yegor has already managed to find his own audience, who appreciated his work. The young man is distinguished by his hard work and great desire; this is the only way to break into the ranks of Russian stars. In addition, the musician is also lucky. He managed to convince a famous production company that he was worthy of the audience's attention.

Already in childhood, Creed was interested in art, especially music. Interest in music developed every year. Like most of his peers, Bulatkin was interested in a new and previously unknown musical direction for Russia. hip-hop. At one time his favorite band was “50 cent”. This group not only developed their musical taste, but also helped Yegor form his own style. Creed tried to express his teenage experiences in poetry, which over time began to be set to music.

All the works of the young talent were distinguished by the special meaning and emotions that Yegor put into his compositions. Despite the fact that poetry was initially difficult for the teenager, over time it became his favorite pastime. Reading your compositions in musical rhythm is not an easy task. However, the young man’s long efforts yielded their first fruits. Over time, he became a “star” among his friends, who admired their friend’s musical skills.

In 2011, Yegor’s friends persuaded him to make a video and post it on the Internet. By that time, there was already an example of several famous performers who, thanks to YouTube, were able to break into the world and gain popularity. Egor approached the task almost professionally. I shot the video with my friends. In order to edit the text and video, I had to turn to professionals.

To the surprise of many, the video, at that time from an unknown artist, received several million views. The work of the young musician received resonance on social networks. He gained his first fans who could not resist the text about betrayal and separation. The main theme of his songs is unhappy love and female betrayal. The teenager put all his experiences into the texts.

Soon, the video was noticed in the production center "Black Star", which belongs to Timati. Egor and Timati turned out to have a lot in common. They love the same music and work in the same style. The production center decided to work on the future career of Creed, who is the youngest member of the team. At the moment, Creed still cannot boast of a bright hit, but he already has a number of fairly well-known songs that are loved by many. The production team released several videos for the young man. Famous TV presenter Victoria Bonya starred in his video.

Yegor Creed is accompanied everywhere by crowds of fans; already at such a young age he tasted his first popularity. However, the main song and the main work of the musician is still ahead.

Personal life, Yegor Creed's girlfriend

As the musician admitted at the premiere of his video clip, he has a girlfriend with whom they have a fairly strong relationship. Bulatkin’s colleagues say that Creed is very jealous, as is his companion. Young people often make scenes of jealousy for each other, but despite this, they sincerely love each other.

At the same time, hundreds of his fans do not lose hope of winning the heart of Creed. Egor began his career on the Internet, and there are still a large number of connoisseurs of his music who find the artist on pages on social networks.

Egor Creed with his parents:

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Egor Creed is a popular Russian hip-hop artist. The singer collaborates with the music label “Black Star Inc.” and regularly releases new compositions that become hits among young people.

In 2018, the artist became a participant in the TV show “The Bachelor.”

Childhood and youth

Egor Nikolaevich Bulatkin (the singer’s real name) was born on June 25, 1994 in the city of Penza. The boy grew up in a wealthy family, where he was not denied anything. His father Nikolai Bulatkin was a famous businessman; he owned the largest nut processing factory in Russia.

The rest of the family was somehow connected with music: her mother sang in her youth, older sister Pauline Michaels was a singer and actress, and even her serious businessman father played in a band. As a child, Yegor himself tried to learn to play the guitar and sing the song “Kombat”.

The boy's parents sent him to a specialized school with in-depth study of the English language. At the age of 8, Yegor began attending the chess section, where he studied for 4 years and participated in youth tournaments.

At one time, Creed was passionate about sports: he played basketball, football, tennis and even played billiards. The future artist took part in competitions organized by the International Federation of Sports, Aerobics and Fitness, where he and his team took 5th place.

As a schoolboy, Yegor became interested in the then popular genre of rap music, which largely determined his future musical biography. He was inspired by the compositions of American artist Curtis Jackson, better known as, in particular his track “Candy Shop”. Creed began writing his first texts at the age of 11 and recording them on a tape recorder.

After graduating from school, Yegor moved to Moscow, where he entered the Gnessin Academy of Music to major in producer. In connection with the development of his musical career, in 2015 the musician took an academic leave from university.


Yegor Creed's musical career began on the Internet. While still a teenager, he came up with and recorded the song “The word “love” has lost its meaning,” which he added to his page on the social network "In contact with". The composition was popular with listeners, and Creed got the idea to shoot a video clip for it. He gathered his friends, found a cameraman with decent equipment, and in 10 hours the guys recorded their first music video.

Yegor Creed in his youth

To further intrigue the audience, the guy changed the title of the song in the video to “Love on the Net.” This video began the growth of popularity of Yegor Creed and his YouTube channel.

In just a week, the composition gained more than a million views on YouTube, making Creed an Internet celebrity. He continued to shoot videos for his songs and post them on the World Wide Web.

Egor Creed - “Love on the Net”

In 2012, the rising rap star won the VKontakte Star competition in the Best Hip-Hop Project category. He managed to beat more than a thousand other competitors and receive the coveted prize. The musician was also invited to perform on the stage of Oktyabrsky in St. Petersburg with his song “Inspiration.”

In the same year, Yegor Creed recorded a video for a cover version of the song “Don’t Go Crazy” by a popular Russian artist. To everyone's surprise, his version of the composition was a great success.

When the guy was 17 years old, he was noticed by producers of the Russian label “Black Star Inc.”, founded by musician Timati. Egor was made a lucrative offer, and 3 months after the start of negotiations, the guy came to Moscow to sign a contract with a famous studio.

Already in the spring, a video for the song “Starlet”, filmed under the auspices of the Black Star Inc. studio, appeared on television screens. Yegor Creed has become a regular participant in music festivals and events. In the summer, the rapper held a party for his fans, where he shared his plans for the future.

Egor Creed - “The Most”

In April 2015, the world saw the artist’s first solo album, “Bachelor.” His composition “The Most” was recognized as the best song of the year as part of a music award on the RU TV channel. In addition to the musician’s hits already in rotation, the album includes the compositions “Is it necessary,” recorded in a duet with, “Close Your Eyes,” “Remember and Write Down,” “Jealousy,” “We Just Loved Like That” and others.

In February 2016, Yegor Creed gave a major solo concert, which attracted everyone's attention to the artist.

Also in 2016, the musician recorded the track “Where are you, where am I” in a duet with rapper Timati, and then presented a video clip for this composition. The new song was also released under the Black Star Inc. label. Since the beginning of this successful collaboration, new tracks and videos of Yegor Creed regularly appear on the official website of the studio.

Egor Creed and Timati - “Where are you, where am I”

In 2017, Yegor Creed participated in the filming of the 2nd season of the show “” on TNT. In addition, at the beginning of the year, the guy was invited to a creative evening, where he performed the song “Samba of the White Moth.”

In March 2017, the singer repeated his own concert success - Creed announced a solo concert at Crocus City Hall.

Soon the musician presented a video for the song “Shore,” and a month later he released a video for the track “I’ll Spend.”

Egor Creed - “I’ll Spend”

In the spring of the same year, Creed recorded a song and then a music video for the song “What Do They Know?”, which became the title track for the musician’s new solo album. The album of the same name appeared in March of this year. In addition to the compositions released as singles and videos, the disc included the songs “Lighters”, “Fall asleep”, which he recorded in a duet with the rapper, “Hello”, “Stop”, “Don’t deceive”, “What will mom say?” and others.

Egor Creed - "Hello"

At the beginning of July, the musician became a participant in the social music project “Live”. For him, Yegor Creed, and recorded a new joint composition “Team 2018” and starred in the music video for the song. The patriotic video is dedicated to the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia, as the performers explained to the press.

Egor Creed and Molly - “If you don’t love me”

Also in 2017, Yegor Creed recorded a new song “If you don’t love me” in a duet with singer (Molly). In June of the same year, the duet track received a video embodiment.

In July 2017, the musician announced another unexpected duet. Creed posted in "Instagram" a joint photo with, which he described as “video bloggers.” Intrigued fans were waiting for the results of the video collaboration, although some of Creed’s subscribers were unhappy, reproaching the musician for deciding to fuel his own popularity through an unpleasant scandal and therefore began collaborating with an “expert on”, as Sobolev was nicknamed on the Internet.

Personal life

There are many rumors about Yegor Creed’s personal life; he is credited with having affairs with popular Russian actresses, singers and models. In 2012, the media wrote about his affair with a famous model. The romance between the young people became known thanks to photographs that the couple posted on their pages on social networks.

The beautiful couple attracted the attention of subscribers. Egor boasts a height of 185 cm, so he looked harmonious next to the girl. Diana starred with Yegor in a photo shoot for a clothing collection. They separated in 2013.

According to the model, the main reason for the end of the relationship was Yegor’s jealousy: the girl regularly posed for lingerie collections, which incredibly angered the hip-hop artist. The musician dedicated 2 songs to her – “Flew Away” and “I Don’t Stop.”

Later, he was credited with having affairs with, the daughter of a famous actress, singers and.

Yegor did not advertise his relationship with the latter for a long time and did not comment in any way on the rumors floating in the musical environment. As the singer himself later admitted, he often talked about Nyusha in his interviews, hiding her behind the faceless “she,” and dedicated an entire album to her, where he told the whole story of their love in the lyrics. Gossip about the relationship between Yegor Creed and Nyusha would have remained unverified if not for the high-profile separation.

In February 2016, Yegor announced their breakup, and later at his solo concert he performed the song “Only” written by Nyusha, to which he added his own verse. From the stage, Creed called the singer “daddy's daughter” and in the lyrics of the song explained the reason why they broke up: the family of the already successful and popular artist did not approve of the poor and at that time unknown musician.

Nyusha herself at first did not comment on the ex-boyfriend’s act, but later told the press that Yegor had misrepresented the reason for the separation. From her point of view, the young people separated without any pressure from Nyusha’s family - the artists’ views on the future, priorities and values ​​simply did not coincide, and living together was no longer possible. In addition, Nyusha called Creed’s act unworthy of a man and forbade the use of her text in this version and with such meaning.

Egor Creed and Nyusha - “Only”

Soon after this, Creed began dating a model. The lovers tried to hide their relationship, but still posted several photos together on Instagram.

The romance did not last long, and soon Ksenia married an Egyptian oligarch. Then, as the paparazzi found out, a relationship followed with another model, whom Creed met during the filming of a video for his song “I Like.” But this relationship also ended in separation.

In 2017, when asked by journalists when the musician would get married, Yegor half-jokingly replied that he was waiting for the soloist to agree. This joke became an indirect confirmation of popular rumors about a romance between the musicians.

The guy himself, when asked who Yegor Creed is dating, declares that at the moment his heart is free. A busy schedule of touring and recording does not allow him to fully devote himself to relationships. However, the artist does not plan to give up the idea of ​​starting a family and having children.

Events and stages of life are reflected on the body of Yegor Creed. The musician has made a number of tattoos and continues to apply new images. Yegor Creed's right arm, left shoulder and chest are covered with images. Among the tattoos, a musical theme prevails: microphone and portrait, 8 notes. Other images are on a sublime theme: wings on the chest, the inscription “Save and Preserve.”

But Yegor does not explain the meaning of the tattoo in detail to the press, so fans can only guess about the exact meaning of the tattoos.

Daria Klyukina and Egor Creed

In the spring of 2018, Yegor Creed became the hero of the 6th season of the Bachelor project. As the singer himself, who became the youngest hero of the show, explained, he came there not to find a wife, but to meet a loved one. Others also applied for the place of the artist’s companion. The action took place in Spain and Dubai.

The winner of the season was. However, after the finale, the young people decided to end their communication.

Egor Creed now

In 2018, the rap star’s repertoire was replenished with the hits “The Family Said” and “A Million Scarlet Roses.” Together with Timati Creed he performed the musical composition “Gucci”, and with the performer - “Future Former”. Another original collaboration was the song “Clock,” which the rap musician sang together with.

Timati intervened in the conflict, but the fighter responded to criticism. This situation did not affect the rapper’s tour in any way; only 1 concert in Makhachkala had to be cancelled. Later, the misunderstanding was resolved with the help of the head of the Chechen Republic.

Egor Creed - “A Million Scarlet Roses” (video premiere, 2018)

In the summer, Yegor surprised fans by dying his hair white. Not all fans liked the singer’s new image, but there were fans who were delighted with the artist’s appearance. Now the rapper has returned to his usual hair color.

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Yegor Creed is a young and mega-successful singer, hip-hop performer, who has an army of fans and admirers. He attracts full houses to his concerts, and his songs always take leading positions.

As they say, much in life depends on the person himself, but the main foundation is laid in the family.

So what is it like for the famous rapper? Yegor Creed's family is very friendly, musical, and, on top of that, also rich.

Egor's dad is Nikolai Borisovich Bulatkin. Lives with his wife in Penza. He is the director of the Unitron group of companies: the largest enterprise in Russia for processing nuts and other food products.

Having started his business during the crisis of the 90s, Nikolai Borisovich is still, with incredible diligence, engaged in the development of an enterprise that is thriving.

In 2017, information appeared in the press that Nikolay Bulatkin was suspected by tax authorities of dishonesty. But the owner of the company was able to prove the opposite in court, regaining his reputation as an honest businessman.

According to the son, his father is a kind-hearted man. Bulatkin Sr. is not only an exemplary family man and a successful businessman, but also a musician. The group he created, “B - Studio,” periodically gives charity concerts in the city concert hall.

Nikolai Borisovich is the leader of the group, sings and plays the guitar. Nikolai Borisovich tries to spend as much time as possible with his family. While on a business trip in Moscow on the eve of 2018, I celebrated the New Year with my son Yegor on Red Square.

- mother of the singer. A wonderful and beautiful woman, a wonderful mother and housewife, a faithful and loving wife. She works together with her husband and holds the position of deputy director of the Unitron company. In addition, Marina Petrovna sings beautifully. Now it’s no wonder why children have such a love for music and creativity.

The handsome Creed has an equally beautiful and talented older sister - Polina Bulatkina. From childhood, the girl knew that she wanted to become an artist and singer. She graduated from a music school in her native Penza and studied in a theater group.

Having received a certificate of secondary education, she left for the capital and entered the Faculty of Journalism at MGIMO. Then Polina went to conquer the overseas show business in Los Angeles. This is where the girl lives and works. In the USA, the beauty works under the pseudonyms: Polina Faith and Polina Michaels.

Her career is rapidly growing: she acts in films, records singles and writes lyrics herself. Also acts as a producer and screenwriter. Actively participates in the promotion of independent cinema and helps organize festivals.

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She has the same busy and busy schedule as Egor. Despite this, brother and sister recorded a joint song “Distance” and shot a video for it. In general, Polina and Egor are very friendly. Creed often comes to visit her in the states. And she doesn’t forget about Russia. Periodically flies to visit family and friends.

At the moment, Yegor Creed’s family is the closest people to the famous performer. He regularly invites them to his concerts and performances. The rapper does not yet have his own family or children.

With enviable regularity, the press publishes details about Creed’s new lovers. But these are only short-term romances. According to the artist himself, he is still young to start a family, and believes that someday he will find a worthy life partner. Perhaps participating in will help the guy find love. In the meantime, the young man devotes himself entirely to the stage and creativity.

Photo of Yegor Creed's family

Egor is from Penza, born on June 25, 1994. Despite his rather young age, this young man is distinguished by his particular tenacity, hard work and, of course, incredible luck, thanks to which he has now managed to gain a large number of fans of his work throughout Russia.

Yegor Creed's school years

Egor Bulatkin, better known as KReeD (Creed), from school age felt a special reverent attitude towards music and the creative field in general. He was interested in many musical trends, but hip-hop, represented by the world famous 50 cent, helped him develop his creative abilities. His music and performance style helped Egor reveal not only the talent of a performer, but also the gift of writing quite interesting texts that touch the soul of all his listeners. Yegor's entire teenage period was inextricably linked with the creation of songs dedicated to problems in relationships between people and love experiences. The lines of the songs come from the heart, supported by the experiences and feelings of the author himself. In each new text, Yegor put his own thoughts and attitude towards life, his worldview. Yegor also made recordings of his first experiments in performing the texts he wrote.

The creative path of Egor KReeDa

Like any poet, Yegor wanted to share his emotions and feelings not only with his best friends, but with the whole world. In 2011, he finally decided to reveal his work to the world. On the advice of his best friends, he posted the now famous “Love Online” video. It is unlikely that Egor and his friends could then have imagined what would happen after the video appeared on the Internet. Millions of people who watched this video were amazed at how much emotion the young man put into every line of his text; some were able to recognize themselves and their lives in the words of the song. This video could not leave any of the listeners indifferent. After such success, it was obvious that Yegor had every chance of gaining fame in the music industry, and for this it was necessary to try himself in many musical projects. In 2012, Creed participated in the VKontakte Star competition, where his competitors were more than a thousand young talents, just like himself, striving to find their way to fame. Nevertheless, Yegor manages to cope with the experiences and difficulties on his way to winning the “Best Hip-Hop Project” nomination. Soon the production center “Black Star” drew attention to such a promising talent, and in 2012 Egor already received an offer to sign a contract with him.

Egor's concert schedule currently looks quite daunting, given the fact that he is now a very popular performer. Numerous fans, and especially female fans, want to see Yegor on the stages of their city. Unlike many arrogant young performers, Creed loves to communicate with his fans, happily signs autographs and shares positive emotions with his beloved fans.

Personal life of Yegor Creed

Egor loves to communicate with his fans on any topic, but conversations about his personal life, unfortunately, interest him little. At the moment, the young man is more passionate about discovering his creative potential than about beautiful girls. Despite the fact that his personal life is shrouded in secrets, until he has the “married” status on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and other social networks, any of his fans has a real chance of taking the still vacant place in the heart of Yegor Creed.

The future star and performer of popular songs, invariably included in the tops of various music channels and radio stations, Egor Nikolaevich Bulatkin, better known as Egor KreeD, was born on June 25, 1994 in the city of Penza. From early childhood, Yegor knew that his life would be connected with music and creativity. All my free time was devoted to writing music and lyrics dedicated to relationships between people, love experiences and self-determination in life, while simultaneously recording my tracks at an amateur level, for myself.

External changes of the future star from elementary school to the present day

His friends persuade him to take the most important and much-needed first step towards a musical career after watching Yegor’s self-directed video for his song “Love on the Net.” Having received positive feedback and support from loved ones, Creed decides to post his creation on Youtube. Unexpectedly for the aspiring performer, his first public creation was noticed and received very favorably. The ascent to the musical Olympus had begun.

A still from the video “Love on the Net”, shot by the aspiring performer himself.

Creative career and recognition

After the “Love on the Internet” video was noticed and favorably received by the Internet community, Egor decides to take further steps and takes part in the “VKontakte Star - Channel Five” competition and, having become the winner in the “best hip-hop artist” category, receives an invitation to perform a new song “Inspiration” at the main venue in St. Petersburg - the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall.

In April of the same 2012, the eminent label Black Star Inc. turned its attention to the aspiring artist after Creed performed a cover of the track “Don’t Go Crazy,” which received more than a million views on Youtube.

Still from Yegor Creed’s cover video for Timati’s track “Don’t Go Crazy”

The further development of the young singer’s career was rapid, just a couple of years, during which material was written for a new album (“Bachelor”, released in 2015), performances took place at venues of various sizes, from elite clubs to festivals on the largest stages in the country, and then the track “The Samaya” comes out, which blew up all the charts and took all the first places in them, overnight making Yegor Creed the favorite of all the girls in the country, a real idol of the younger generation.

The video for the track “The Samaya” received rotation on all music TV channels in the country and received more than 70 million views on Youtube

In the same year 14, Egor received confirmation of his national recognition and love, having received several prestigious awards and nominations, including the “Performer of the Year” award at the “Oops Choice Awards 2014”, “Breakthrough of the Year” at the “ZD awards 2014” ceremony and victory in the nomination for best video with the clip “The Most” at the Love Radio Awards 2014.

Egor with one of the many awards received in his significant year 2014

What now

Creed, in addition to successful solo tracks, was noted for several successful duets with young Russian pop stars, including the popular Hannah and. Most recently, the artist released a wonderful joint track “Where are you, where am I” with the most popular rap artist Timati, and a few days ago a cool video was presented, shot by the famous video director Pavel Khudyakov. In the mini-film (and it’s hard to call this thoughtful creation a clip), the plot revolves around a beautiful girl who values ​​expensive trinkets and a luxurious life more than true feelings. The main characters were played, naturally, by Timati and Yegor Creed, and they were accompanied by the popular fashion designer Irina Slonevskaya, who played a greedy and cold lover of generous men. You can enjoy the creations of popular artists and a cool video director.

Timati and Yegor Creed at the RU.TV awards

All we can do is wish good luck to the young star and together follow Egor’s fruitful collaboration with Black Star Inc. and look forward to the singer’s new creations.