The more monstrous the lie, the more willingly they believe it. Goebbels' ten rules that still work today

“We are not seeking the truth, but the effect of propaganda!”

Goebbels' ten rules that still work today

70 years ago, on October 29, 1944, Joseph Goebbels celebrated his last birthday. Goebbels is perhaps the most famous “classic of propaganda” in the history of mankind, whose “creative legacy” is relevant and in demand to this day. Suffice it to say that it was Goebbels who came up with the technique that is widely used by modern advertisers. When he became editor-in-chief of the National Socialist newspaper Der Angriff (Attack) in 1927, he first placed the cryptic message “Attack with us?” on billboards. The second poster proclaimed: “We attack on the 4th of July!” Finally, the third explained that “Attack” is a new weekly publication. As history has shown, this was the most “vegetarian” innovation of the future “classic”.

“The worst enemy of propaganda is intellectualism”

Soon appointed Reichsleiter of Propaganda, Goebbels formulated fundamental professional postulates, here are the main ones:

- “guns and bayonets are nothing if you do not have the hearts of the nation”;

Capturing the masses is the only goal of propaganda;

To achieve this goal, any means are good, the main thing is that the propaganda is effective;

Accordingly, in addition to “white”, truthful information, it is necessary to use “gray”, that is, half-truths, and “black” - outright lies: “we are not seeking the truth, but the effect”;

Moreover, “the more monstrous the lie, the more willingly they believe in it” and the faster it spreads;

“Propaganda should appeal more to the senses than to the mind.”

And so that the crowd does not have any doubts, the “messages” should be primitive, without details, at the level of a monosyllabic slogan: “the worst enemy of propaganda is intellectualism”;

In other words, “propaganda should influence the feelings more than the mind,” and therefore be bright and catchy;

For the best assimilation of the message, “we are obliged to speak in a language understandable to the people,” and even in different languages ​​- one for the capital, another for the province, one for workers, another for employees;

Extol the leaders and people, constantly maintaining a high degree of ideological pathos and hysteria;

To endlessly repeat propaganda chatter: it’s hard not to succumb to its magic if an increasing number of people around you believe in it.

Researchers of Goebbels’ activities tell how skillfully he used the “Nemmersdorf incident,” when during the offensive in East Prussia in October 1944, Red Army soldiers shot 11 German civilians. Goebbels's propaganda machine unfolded an epic panorama of atrocities by Soviet soldiers who allegedly raped, then mutilated and killed more than 60 German women. The falsified “photos from the scene of the tragedy” hammered home to the citizens of the Reich: do not give up!

"One people, one Reich, one Fuhrer"

Goebbels was one of the first to understand that an idea will be absorbed by the population much better if it is personified in the images of heroes and enemies, which are not a sin to invent. This is how the “martyr, National Socialist Christ Horst Wessel” appeared. Well, thanks to the efforts of “Dr. Goebbels,” the Fuhrer, naturally, became God the Father: “It doesn’t really matter what we believe in, the main thing is that we believe. A people without religion is like a person without breath.” The “god-maker” Goebbels himself admitted: “My party is my church.”

The author of a three-volume biography of Hitler, Joachim Fest, cites a case when, during the election campaign of 1932-33, Goebbels deliberately delayed his speech so that the sun would come out from behind the clouds just at the moment of Hitler's appearance. Those elections were crowned with the triumph of the Nazis, and the religious Goebbels, amazed by church rituals as a child, along with millions of compatriots, received a new deity: “One people, one Reich, one Fuhrer.” “When the Fuhrer speaks, it acts like a divine service,” the Reich Minister thanked on the day of Hitler’s 53rd birthday.

“The German people do not need to know what the Fuhrer intends to do, they do not want to know it.”

The elections of 1933 went down in history for another circumstance: Hitler and Goebbels were almost the first to resort to modern means of transport, primarily aviation, “covering” up to three dozen cities in a week. Goebbels generally paid the closest attention to technical innovations. By 1939, thanks to the installment sales program, 70% of German families listened to the radio (in 1932 this was three times less), and “radio points” were located in enterprises and public places. At the same time, television was emerging, and Goebbels dreamed of a “miracle” when “a living Fuhrer would enter every home”: “We must be with the people every evening after a hard day and explain to them what they did not understand during the day,” he set the task Goebbels. At the same time, in his opinion, broadcasting should be limited to news, speeches, sports reports and entertainment programs: “The German people do not need to know what the Fuhrer intends to do, they do not want to know it.”

These problems were (and are) being solved by the next generations of propagandists, who, following their “teacher,” realized that television is an unsurpassed supplier of ready-made, integral, controlled images that you cannot argue with. And Goebbels managed to use TV to cover the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Need I explain that his skill turned the Olympics into a grandiose “exhibition of achievements” of Hitler’s Germany.

Lessons from the Bolsheviks

Goebbels's propaganda and organizational talents emerged in full force with the Nazis coming to power in January 1933. Having become a minister, Goebbels used another powerful resource - repressive. The role of internal and external “enemies of the people”, guilty of all problems of the state and society and subject to merciless extermination, was reserved for liberals, Jews and Bolsheviks (by the way, before meeting Hitler, Goebbels was not an anti-Semite, he treated Russians with respect, extolling Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, and recognized the Bolsheviks as his mentors; and indeed, the products of Bolshevik and Nazi propaganda have striking similarities).

A month and a half after the Nazis came to power, fires from the list of banned books began to burn throughout Germany.

Already in March 1933, fires from the list of prohibited books, including the same Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, began to burn throughout Germany. To deal with dissent forever, censorship was introduced, independent publications were closed, journalists were declared civil servants, “enemies” were expelled from editorial offices, from cinema, literature, painting, and science. Those who were lucky were saved in emigration, the rest of the “degenerates” ended up in prisons and concentration camps, such as Theodor Wolf, editor-in-chief of the liberal newspaper Berliner Tageblatt, who at one time imprudently rejected fifty articles by the then unknown Goebbels.

“During the 12 years of the existence of the Third Reich, not a single worthy work of art was created in the country, not a single talented book was written,” notes publicist Yuri Veksler living in Germany (in fairness, let’s mention the legendary documentary filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl). But how could this confuse Goebbels, whose goal was to capture the hearts of “average Germans”?

“He became the first victim of his propaganda”

The apotheosis of Goebbels’s activity is called a two-hour speech on “total war to a victorious end,” which he delivered in February 1943, after the defeat at Stalingrad (according to a historical story, upon leaving the podium, the speaker coldly said: “It would have been an hour of idiocy if I had shouted: “Throw yourself out of the window,” they would do that too). However, no efforts of Goebbels saved the Reich, the Fuhrer, himself, his wife Magda and six children from disaster.

None of Goebbels' efforts saved either himself or his wife Magda and six children.

Having believed in Hitler’s supernatural abilities, not only the masses, but also members of the “inner circle” lost the ability to critically perceive reality, isolated themselves from messages that spoke about the true state of affairs, and indulged in complacent illusions. As the German publicist and playwright Rolf Hochhuth writes, in his diaries of 1945, Goebbels claims that the Fuhrer will yet accomplish a “war-deciding feat.” “He became the first victim of his propaganda,” writes Hochhuth.

They say that in the area near the Reich Chancellery, where Soviet soldiers discovered the burned corpses of Hitler and Goebbels, they subsequently set up a children's playground.

This thesis attributed to Goebbels was actually expressed by Hitler in the book Mein Kampf. I was reminded of this ideological paradox when I listened to Poroshenko’s speech at the UN climate conference in Paris.
The Ukrainian leader began quite dashingly. “The truth spoken by Abraham Lincoln: A house divided within cannot stand. The earth is our home, at least this time it cannot be divided internally,” the head of state said. But what about Ukraine, dismembered by the Maidan, whose ideology Poroshenko represents? The President of "Independence" probably forgot that Abraham Lincoln used an excerpt from the New Testament as a slogan during the "House Divided" speech, delivered after losing the election to Stephen Douglas for the US Senate. In that anti-slavery speech, Lincoln justified the impossibility of the country’s continued existence in a state of “half slavery and half freedom.”
It’s interesting what role Pyotr Alekseevich assigned to the residents of Donbass, about whom he cynically asserted: “We will have work, but they won’t. We will have pensions, but they will not. We will have support from people - children and pensioners - but they will not. Our children will go to schools and kindergartens, and they will sit in their basements. Because they don’t know how to do anything!” And this was said about the residents of the most hard-working region of Ukraine, which has always provided the lion’s share of the country’s gross income. But did the President of Ukraine talk about people? God forbid, only the dregs of society live in Donbass! Here's what he said at the conference: “Russian-backed terrorists have flooded many mines in the area, poisoning the drinking water, soil, flora and fauna of the region. Donbass has only become a base for Russian and pro-Russian terrorists. As a result, the atmosphere is heavily polluted by exploding munitions, as well as leaks from chemical plants and other industries.”
Does anyone else really believe that the militias, according to Ukrainian propaganda, like the last idiots, fired at themselves, their wives, the elderly and their own children only to slander the valiant fighters of Ukraine? Let me remind you that Poroshenko announced to the whole world: “Hardworking and peaceful people, which are the majority of Donetsk and Lugansk residents, felt our sympathy, love and respect. The Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard and other units will never allow themselves to use force against civilians. They will never attack residential areas; Ukrainian soldiers and guardsmen will risk their own lives so as not to endanger women, children, and elderly men. This is the eternal knightly nature of the Ukrainian army.”
And these “valiant knights” darted through the cities of Donbass and the chemical plants of Gorlovka and Donetsk with Tochka-U ballistic missiles, which are certainly not in the arsenal of the militia. However, Peter Alekseevich is firmly convinced that Goebbels’s postulate is infallible, therefore he continues: “I believe that the issue of environmental protection in the circumstances of this conflict should not remain without an adequate response from the community. This issue will be, among others, the focus of our activities, our events that are carried out by the UN system, as well as the UN environmental program.” I really want to believe that the world community will “adequately react” to Poroshenko’s lies and to the truth, which the Ukrainian president is actively trying to hide under the sheep’s clothing of his fiery speech.
Having gained courage, the Ukrainian president is already pounding his chest with his fists, talking excitedly about the great mission of reviving the ecological cleanliness of Ukraine, entrusted to him, as the most democratic of all the country's leaders: “We are pursuing this goal, despite the scale of the problems that Ukraine now has in the form of the upcoming restoration of Donbass, this is the restoration of infrastructure, industrial enterprises, railways, oil pipelines, gas pipelines and water pipelines, as well as social infrastructure.” As a resident of Donetsk, I can confirm that Poroshenko does not waste words. Recently, “repair teams” have actually begun to arrive in Donbass. Only for some reason they move on tanks and armored personnel carriers, accompanied by howitzers and multiple launch rocket systems. Apparently Pyotr Alekseevich decided to take an adult approach to the issue of restoring the region.
The President of Ukraine held short meetings with the presidents of Austria, Latvia, Romania and the prime ministers of Italy, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Slovakia and Greece. Poroshenko called on the leaders of these countries to extend sanctions against Russia due to its failure to comply with the Minsk agreements. Did you think that the Ukrainian president came to the 21st Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change COP21 to talk about the environment? It’s not like that! Taking advantage of the chance when they could no longer ignore him, from a high international rostrum Pyotr Alekseevich again hurried to transfer everything from his sore head to his healthy one. Only the Ukrainian leader forgot that the OSCE representatives present in Donbass had already reported that it was the Ukrainian side that initiated the breakdown of the Minsk agreements.
Representatives of the French media were quick to give their assessment of Poroshenko’s speech.
“Despite the fact that I understand what a difficult situation Ukraine is facing, this (speech) is an epic failure,” the Faz Politic journalist wrote on Twitter.
“Poroshenko showed terrible taste by using the terrorist attacks in Paris to draw attention to Ukraine. It’s untrue and disgusting,” a journalist from France 24 expressed his emotions. “Ukrainians have suffered a terrible fate, but it’s even worse to have a president who goes to any lengths to gain the sympathy of the world,” he added.
“Poroshenko made a tactless remark, trying to use the terrorist attacks in Paris to draw attention to Ukraine,” a Mashable journalist described the actions of the Ukrainian president.

Finally, I would like to ask a question: what do you think about Goebbels’ thesis and what the President of Ukraine expressed at the UN climate conference in Paris?

Most of all, I don’t like writing about Navalny’s “creativity,” but sometimes I can’t ignore it. The last time I wrote about his “analysis” regarding the Olympics in Sochi. If you go through, you can see a very clear and detailed analysis of how Navalny takes numbers out of thin air and blatantly lies. This time, our public “figure” may have smoked something, but his information does not stand up to criticism, he came up with a whole “murder”!

We are talking about the scandalous film “The Seagull. Crime drama." In it, the authors accuse the sons and other people from the environment of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation of all mortal sins. Among others, it is said that in 2002, in order to please the economic interests of Yuri Chaika’s son Artem, the director of the Verkhne-Lena River Shipping Company, Nikolai Paleny, was killed, whose death the killers allegedly presented as a suicide. It’s normal, after 13 years, to call suicide a murder, only Navalny is capable of this. Do you know why murder and not suicide? In particular, it was indicated that the hands of the corpse were tied and this is supposedly one of the important pieces of evidence in the murder version.
13 years later, journalists found district police officer Vladimir Kashko, who was inspecting the garage in which Paleny hanged himself.

Yes, they really brought him with his hands tied. But this was done at the request of the deceased’s wife, says the district police officer. “It was the wife and the guard of the garage cooperative who found Paleny’s body, after which they called the police. When I examined the body and the scene of the incident, where, by the way, there were no signs of a struggle, I realized that I was dealing with a suicide, of which I had seen quite a lot, and I called the duty department and called the funeral service so that it would deliver the corpse for examination - FE. When the ritualist arrived and the body was removed from the noose and placed on a stretcher, the arms began to dangle and fall to the floor. Before they stiffened, the wife of the deceased asked to tie his hands; they were placed on his chest and secured with a cord so that they would not fall apart. I remember this well. After this, the body was sent to the morgue.

Other eyewitnesses also confirm that the hands were tied at the request of the wife. Mr. Navalny is probably not aware that bodies are often brought to the morgue with their arms fixed so that they do not dangle during transportation. However, “The more monstrous the lie, the more willingly they will believe it.”

Although this time, behind Navalny is businessman William Browder, who initiated the adoption in the United States of the anti-Russian “Magnitsky list”, which includes law enforcement officers, officials and politicians in order to apply American sanctions to them. The customers are American, but the methods have not changed - lies, lies and lack of facts...

A long sheet dedicated to a summons for interrogation. Like other figures from “ecology” (in fact, an organized group that sows social tension and mass psychosis everywhere), the “development director” closes his accounts on social networks from me, and is forced to quote the entire full text:

On Monday, February 3, I am going with my lawyer for questioning as a witness in the case of so-called extortion from the UMMC company, which is going to mine nickel in the Black Earth Region amid a total protest of local residents that has lasted more than 2 years. This is criminal case No. 57399, initiated by the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation against two residents of the Voronezh region under paragraphs “a” and “b”, part 3 of Art. 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - extortion as part of a group, in the presence of unidentified persons.
What am I going to talk about during interrogation?
First of all, I will tell you that the investigation should check the UMMC company itself for the presence of a possible crime and I will talk about its numerous violations - both of the law and the rights of local residents.
I will bring the investigator materials from an independent scientific assessment, where leading scientists, including professors from Moscow State University and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, confirm the fears of local residents about the dangers of the project from environmental and socio-economic points of view. Local residents, 98% of whom, according to a survey conducted with methodological support from the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, consider the project harmful. I will bring excerpts from the Constitution and environmental legislation, according to which local residents acted within the law in their protest activity, even if someone really wants to consider this extremism.
I will talk about the fact that in May 2013, Igor Zhitenev, whom I have known for about 2 years in connection with protests against nickel mining at Khopra, was severely beaten by private security guards hired by UMMC, received serious injuries, and was treated for a long time. After this, Igor noticed a constant deterioration in his mental health, headaches and deteriorating vision. I will say that Igor Zhitenev, who was arrested allegedly for extortion after a severe beating on May 13, was personally offered 200 thousand rubles by the deputy general director of UMMC Yuri Nemchinov to “hush up the matter,” about which there is a corresponding audio recording on the Internet. And yes, the investigator’s opinion is interesting, whether attempts at bribery on the part of the UMMC management can in themselves be regarded as a criminal offense.
Why does the UMMC company do this, on behalf of the adviser to the general director of UMMC Petr Yamov, filing a statement of extortion against local residents who, according to it, promised to stop the confrontation at Khoper, although the company understood perfectly well that they would not influence stopping the popular protest in any way could they?
Because, as we believe, the UMMC company is extremely interested in discrediting the broad popular movement opposing nickel mining in the Black Earth Region as a project that is inappropriate for Russia from a strategic, environmental and socio-economic point of view. But, it is clear that the company has little to do with this, because the profit goes to its Cypriot offshores, and 98% of the nickel is exported abroad.
However, today we observe that the protest continues, despite the blow that the popular movement received when the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs grossly distorted the facts (which the media repeated with extreme bias many times), stating that activists of the movements “In Defense of Khopr” and “Stop Nickel” " are extortionists. Although none of the detainees at that time belonged to any of the mentioned movements, and attempts by Deputy General Director of UMMC Yuri Nemchinov to bribe Zhitenev are considered extortion.
We also believe that the UMMC company is interested in discrediting activists for the reason that they constantly trumpet its violations. Thus, LLC Mednogorsk Copper-Sulfur Plant, owned by UMMC, conducts exploratory drilling on agricultural lands under a contract for the purpose of producing agricultural products. A fence has been erected on the territory of the Elansky mining allotment, encroaching on other people’s land, public lands, boundary strips and country roads.
Geological exploration drilling takes place near and on the territory of dangerous objects (ammonia pipeline and gas pipeline), while the security personnel hired by UMMC forcibly do not allow the guards of dangerous objects to fulfill their direct duties.
Inspection of land use based on complaints about work on the territory of hazardous facilities has not yet been carried out, despite repeated legal demands from local residents and the recognition by the Investigative Committee of the fact of non-compliance with the Land Code of the Russian Federation. Residential buildings with concrete foundations were built on the plots in violation of the Town Planning Code and the Land Code, activists constantly observe how sewage is removed from the plot to nearby fields.
Representatives of environmental public organizations and local residents trying to exercise their right to public environmental control, in accordance with Art. 68 Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” is not allowed to the facilities.
LLC "Mednogorsk Copper and Sulfur Plant" has repeatedly violated the terms of the licenses for the use of subsoil VRZH 15395 TR and VRZH 15396 TR. For several months now, the company has not provided a response to requests from local residents and regional Cossack organizations with documents justifying the legality of the work and the legitimacy of the presence of personnel and equipment at the sites. Therefore, local residents tend to believe that the company is carrying out work illegally.
And, of course, I will say that the company has repeatedly disseminated false information: about the supposed start of work on January 25, 2012, so as not to violate the license, about the start of environmental monitoring supposedly with the participation of local residents and a commission from the Cossacks on November 21, 2013. On October 29, 2013, the Kominternovsky District Court of Voronezh recognized the fact that information had been disseminated by the general director of Voronezhgeologiya LLC, contracting with UMMC OJSC, that geologists were beaten at the command of Konstantin Rubakhin, which was not true and discredited the honor and dignity of the coordinator movement "In Defense of Khopr".
I assume that the investigator will be extremely interested in where the money for the protests comes from. I will say it as it is - that the lion’s share of people who do not want either nickel mining or the UMMC company on their land chipped in with their hard-earned money to prevent this. And that the constant statements that someone there paid for them - either Norilsk Nickel or the State Department - are a lie.
Konstantin Rubakhin, I assume, will also become an object of investigative interest, because Bezmensky, in interrogation footage shown on the NTV channel, gives false testimony against the coordinator of the “In Defense of Khopr” movement, stating that Zhitenev demanded money from the company on Rubakhin’s instructions. Having worked side by side with Konstantin, I can tell you that he, of course, did not violate anything, he only gave wide publicity to violations on the part of the UMMC, which, in fact, bombarded law enforcement agencies with statements accusing Rubakhin of illegal actions: from organizing an extremist community to beatings of UMMC contractors. The prosecutor's office of the Novokhopersky district on March 25, 2013 responded to one of the statements signed by the general director of MMSC, which is part of the UMMC structure, that, quote: “The non-profit organization “In Defense of Khopr”, headed by Rubakhin, together with other public organizations and the public in accordance with the Constitution RF and Art. 68 of the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” has been exercising public control over compliance with environmental and environmental legislation in the Voronezh region since the beginning of 2012.” The response also states that the facts of calls for extremist actions on the part of Rubakhin indicated in the statement are not confirmed.
Tatiana Kargina,
Director for Development of the ECA Movement
Member of the movement “In Defense of Khopr”

If Tatyana Kargina opens her mouth during interrogation, at least on one of the topics proposed to her, then, at best, she will get off with a written undertaking not to leave the place, due to reclassification from the category of a witness to a suspect of complicity. I have already clearly and repeatedly demonstrated the level of “lawyers” of would-be environmentalists on the pages of this magazine. But, if Kargina tries to use the appearance as a platform for her frankly false, and bordering on slander and extremism, calls and stories, I will consider her work in more detail.

1) There is not the slightest reason to suspect UMMC of any fantastic violations and crimes. It has been proven many times, incl. and supervisory authorities, and various kinds of controlling departments, that nothing connected with any sins depicted in the fevered brains of “anti-nickel activists” fooled in the best traditions of Goebbels by malicious ideological saboteurs like Kargina herself, does not and cannot exist in nature. Kargina and the company, based on their own ideas about the legality and a certain right of “ecologists” to break these laws, accordingly perceive the activities of government institutions responsible for the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. Of course, none of the claims, as well as the numerous piles of waste paper written at the suggestion of the leadership of the “movement” addressed to the Investigative Committee, the Prosecutor’s Office and other organizations, were confirmed. What the “ecologists” immediately turn inside out, with cries of persecution and bribery on the part of the company carrying out the work planned under the license. I will return to the content of the fables and myths accompanying this thesis of the “witness” that wander through the pages of “anti-nickel” resources on the Internet. Separately, because in itself, lies, flavored with direct calls for violence and rebellion, are openly published, without any regard for the law. Of course, the law is not written for “noble purposes”!

2. About the so-called “materials”, the so-called “expertise”, which the leaders of the group of poorly educated and often mentally ill citizens who frantically believe in the “inevitable death of Khopr” like to talk about. Believe me, a man who has been to rallies and to that very circle in Mikhailovskaya. Not a single specialist, with the exception of a couple of people who have long since traded their conscience and reputation as a scientist, will be found there among the people who signed the ridiculous propaganda, called “expertise” for the brainless cattle. By the way, Konstantin Rubakhin, either having played too much, or out of stupidity, I more willingly believe in the latter, presented this “collected works” to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin on Seliger, where he was led by white-ribbon patrons like Ilya Ponomarev. Not a single serious objection was found in this work by all kinds of demagogues, regulars at foreign “eco-forums” of various kinds, including the unscrupulous liar Yuri Medovar, who dreams of the same thing. Further, Kargina writes that “some want to call the legal actions of residents extremism.” What, if not extremism, can be called the actions of the “anti-nickel crowd” incited by the “PR specialist” Rubakhin?
See the picture above, in which crazed and unconscious creatures, zombified in the best traditions of “working with the population” from the authors of all kinds of “color revolutions,” are laying out almost a barricade, preventing the passage of vehicles! Look below at the naive, but because of this, even more shameless and disgusting picture below:

A person who is part of a gang of adventurers who deliberately raised a wave of mass hysteria and psychosis in the region, ending in real eco-terrorism, believes that they have the right to open their mouths about extremism, having been called as a witness on suspicion of extorting millions from a victim of eco-blackmail! Arrogance, multiplied by naivety, knows no bounds!

3. Regarding the “accusation” of the UMMC representative of “attempted bribery” Zhitenev, after directed by Rubakhin "beatings"
From watching the video, it in no way follows that Zhitenev was beaten at all, and whether one of his “friends” struck him."autonomous chieftain" IN audio recordings,

which Kargina refers to but does not cite, one can easily hear how Zhitenev himself, and, judging by the voice, none other than his deputy Esin, are having a completely correct conversation, free from any signs of rally hysteria. It gets there little by little, and to Rubakhin himself. The recording ends at the point after which, logically, the discussion can continue on anything, including trading for a larger amount than 200 thousand rubles. It is characteristic that the “unemployed, sick through and through” Zhitenev boasts that he can earn that kind of money in one day! The offer of money in itself, for the information of the “lawyers” advising Kargina, is not a crime. I have already repeatedly demonstrated the stupidity and legal inconsistency of people posing as “lawyers” of eco-punks. We'll have to do the educational program again.